►NActions | Contains various actions |
CAdvanceTime | Advance time one substep |
CChangeSlabSize | Adjust the slab size based on previous executions of Events::ChangeSlabSize |
CCleanHistory | Clean time stepper history after a substep |
CGoto | Jumps to a Label |
CLabel | Labels a location in the action list that can be jumped to using Goto |
CMutateApply | Apply the function Mutator::apply to the DataBox |
►CRandomizeVariables | Optionally add random noise to the initial guess |
►CRandomParameters | |
CAmplitude | |
CSeed | |
CRandomParametersOptionTag | |
CRandomParametersTag | |
CRecordTimeStepperData | Records the variables and their time derivatives in the time stepper history |
CRunEventsOnFailure | Invokes all events specified in Tags::EventsRunAtCleanup |
CSetData | Mutate the DataBox tags in TagsList according to the data |
CTakeLtsStep | Record time stepper data, adjust the step size, and take a step. Usually this is done as part of the evolution::dg::Actions::ComputeTimeDerivative action. This is for executables that do not use that |
CUpdateConservatives | Compute the conservative variables from the primitive variables |
CUpdateMessageQueue | Add data to a LinkedMessageQueue |
CUpdatePrimitives | Compute the primitive variables from the conservative variables |
CUpdateU | Perform variable updates for one substep |
►NActionTesting | Structures used for mocking the parallel components framework in order to test actions |
CGlobalCoreId | Wraps a size_t representing the global core number |
CInitializeDataBox< tmpl::list< SimpleTags... >, ComputeTagsList > | |
CLocalCoreId | Wraps a size_t representing the local core number. This is so the user can write things like emplace_array_component(NodeId{3},LocalCoreId{2},...) instead of emplace_array_component(3,2,...) |
CMockArrayChare | A mock class for the CMake-generated Parallel::Algorithms::Array |
CMockDistributedObject | MockDistributedObject mocks the DistributedObject class. It should not be considered as part of the user interface |
CMockGroupChare | A mock class for the CMake-generated Parallel::Algorithms::Group |
CMockNodeGroupChare | A mock class for the CMake-generated Parallel::Algorithms::NodeGroup |
►CMockRuntimeSystem | A class that mocks the infrastructure needed to run actions. It simulates message passing using the inbox infrastructure and handles most of the arguments to the apply method. This mocks the Charm++ runtime system as well as the layer built on top of it as part of SpECTRE |
CInboxesTag | |
CMockDistributedObjectsTag | |
CMockSingletonChare | A mock class for the CMake-generated Parallel::Algorithms::Singleton |
CNodeId | Wraps a size_t representing the node number. This is so the user can write things like emplace_array_component(NodeId{3},...) instead of emplace_array_component(3,...) |
►Nader | Namespace containing functions and classes for ADER |
Ncerk | Namespace containing functions and classes for ADER-CERK |
Ncg | Namespace containing functions and classes for ADER-CG |
Ndg | Namespace containing functions and classes for ADER-DG |
►Nah | Contains utilities for working with apparent horizons |
►Ncallbacks | Callbacks used by the apparent horizon finder |
CObserveCenters | Writes the center of an apparent horizon to disk in both the Frame template parameter frame and Frame::Inertial frame. Intended to be used in the post_horizon_find_callbacks list of an InterpolationTargetTag |
►NTags | Tags for the apparent horizon finder |
CFastFlow | |
CObserveCenters | Simple tag for whether to write the centers of the horizons to disk. Currently this tag is not creatable by options |
CObserveCentersBase | Base tag for whether or not to write the centers of the horizons to disk. Most likely to be used in the ObserveCenters post horizon find callback |
CComputeExcisionBoundaryVolumeQuantities | Given the generalized harmonic variables in the volume, computes the quantities that will be interpolated onto an excision boundary |
CComputeHorizonVolumeQuantities | Given the generalized harmonic variables in the volume, computes the quantities that will be interpolated onto an apparent horizon |
Nalg | Utility functions wrapping STL algorithms and additional algorithms |
►Namr | Items for adaptive mesh refinement |
►NActions | Actions for adaptive mesh refinement |
CAdjustDomain | Adjusts the domain given the refinement criteria |
CCollectDataFromChildren | Collects data from child elements to send to their parent element during adaptive mesh refinement |
CCreateChild | Creates a new element in an ArrayAlgorithm whose id is child_id |
CCreateParent | Creates a new element in an ArrayAlgorithm whose id is parent_id |
CEvaluateRefinementCriteria | Evaluates the refinement criteria in order to set the amr::Info of an Element and sends this information to the neighbors of the Element |
CInitializeChild | Initializes the data of a newly created child element from the data of its parent element |
CInitializeParent | Initializes the data of a newly created parent element from the data of its children elements |
CRunAmrDiagnostics | Use the AMR diagnostics gathered from all of the Elements |
CSendAmrDiagnostics | Send AMR diagnostics about Elements to amr::Component |
CSendDataToChildren | Sends data from the parent element to its children elements during adaptive mesh refinement |
CUpdateAmrDecision | Given the AMR decision of a neighboring Element, potentially update the AMR decision of the target Element |
►NCriteria | Criteria for deciding how a mesh should be adapted |
►NOptionTags | Option tags for AMR criteria |
CCriteria | Options for AMR criteria |
►NTags | Tags for adaptive mesh refinement criteria |
CCriteria | The set of adaptive mesh refinement criteria |
►CConstraints | Refine the grid towards the target constraint violation |
CAbsoluteTarget | |
CCoarseningFactor | |
CConstraintsToMonitor | |
►CDriveToTarget | Refine the grid towards the target number of grid points and refinement levels in each dimension and then oscillate about the target |
COscillationAtTarget | The AMR flags chosen when the target number of grid points and refinement levels are reached |
CTargetNumberOfGridPoints | The target number of grid point in each dimension |
CTargetRefinementLevels | The target refinement level in each dimension |
CIncreaseResolution | Uniformly increases the number of grid points by one |
►CLoehner | H-refine the grid based on a smoothness indicator |
CAbsoluteTolerance | |
CCoarseningFactor | |
CRelativeTolerance | |
CVariablesToMonitor | |
►CPersson | H-refine the grid based on power in the highest modes |
CAbsoluteTolerance | |
CCoarseningFactor | |
CExponent | |
CNumHighestModes | |
CVariablesToMonitor | |
►CRandom | Randomly refine (or coarsen) an Element in each dimension |
CProbabilityWeights | |
►CTruncationError | Refine the grid towards the target truncation error |
CAbsoluteTargetTruncationError | |
CRelativeTargetTruncationError | |
CVariablesToMonitor | |
►NEvents | Events for adaptive mesh refinement |
CObserveAmrCriteria | Observe the desired decisions of AMR criteria |
CRefineMesh | Performs p-refinement on the domain |
►NInitialization | Mutators used for initialization of adaptive mesh refinement |
CDomain | Initialize items related to the structure of a Domain |
CInitialize | Initialize items related to adaptive mesh refinement |
►NOptionTags | Option tags for AMR polocies |
CAmrGroup | |
CPolicies | Options for AMR policies |
►Nprojectors | AMR projectors |
CCopyFromCreatorOrLeaveAsIs | For h-refinement copy the items from the parent/child, while for p-refinement leave the items unchanged |
CDefaultInitialize | Value initialize the items corresponding to Tags |
CProjectTensors | Update the Tensors corresponding to TensorTags after an AMR change |
CProjectVariables | Update the Variables corresponding to VariablesTags after an AMR change |
►Nprotocols | AMR protocols |
►CAmrMetavariables | Compile-time information for AMR projectors |
Ctest | |
►CProjector | A DataBox mutator used in AMR actions |
Ctest | |
►NTags | Tags for adaptive mesh refinement |
CInfo | Amr::Info for an Element |
CNeighborInfo | Amr::Info for the neighbors of an Element |
CPolicies | The policies for adaptive mesh refinement |
CComponent | A singleton parallel component to manage adaptive mesh refinement |
CCriterion | Base class for something that determines how an adaptive mesh should be changed |
CInfo | Information about an element that is communicated by AMR actions |
►CLimits | The limits on refinement level and resolution for AMR |
CErrorBeyondLimits | Whether the code should error if EnforcePolicies has to prevent refinement from going beyond the given limits |
CNumGridPoints | Inclusive bounds on the number of grid points per dimension |
CRefinementLevel | Inclusive bounds on the refinement level |
►CPolicies | A set of runtime policies controlling adaptive mesh refinement |
CEnforceTwoToOneBalanceInNormalDirection | Whether or not to enforce 2:1 balance in the direction normal to element faces |
CIsotropy | The isotropy of AMR |
CLimits | The limits on refinement level and resolution for AMR |
►Nblaze | Code for interoperating and extending Blaze |
CAddTrait< ComplexModalVector, ComplexModalVector > | |
CAddTrait< ModalVector, ModalVector > | |
CDivTrait< ComplexModalVector, double > | |
CDivTrait< ModalVector, double > | |
CIntegerPow | |
CMapTrait< ComplexDataVector, blaze::Abs > | |
CMapTrait< ComplexDataVector, blaze::Imag > | |
CMapTrait< ComplexDataVector, blaze::Real > | |
CMapTrait< ComplexDataVector, DataVector, Operator > | |
CMapTrait< ComplexDiagonalModalOperator, blaze::Imag > | |
CMapTrait< ComplexDiagonalModalOperator, blaze::Real > | |
CMapTrait< ComplexDiagonalModalOperator, ComplexDiagonalModalOperator, Operator > | |
CMapTrait< ComplexDiagonalModalOperator, Operator > | |
CMapTrait< ComplexModalVector, blaze::Imag > | |
CMapTrait< ComplexModalVector, blaze::Real > | |
CMapTrait< ComplexModalVector, ComplexModalVector, Operator > | |
CMapTrait< ComplexModalVector, Operator > | |
CMapTrait< DataVector, blaze::Imag > | |
CMapTrait< DataVector, blaze::Real > | |
CMapTrait< DataVector, ComplexDataVector, Operator > | |
CMapTrait< DiagonalModalOperator, blaze::Imag > | |
CMapTrait< DiagonalModalOperator, blaze::Real > | |
CMapTrait< DiagonalModalOperator, DiagonalModalOperator, Operator > | |
CMapTrait< DiagonalModalOperator, Operator > | |
CMapTrait< ModalVector, blaze::Imag > | |
CMapTrait< ModalVector, blaze::Real > | |
CMapTrait< ModalVector, ModalVector, Operator > | |
CMapTrait< ModalVector, Operator > | |
CMultTrait< ComplexDiagonalModalOperator, ModalVector > | |
CMultTrait< ModalVector, ComplexDiagonalModalOperator > | |
CStepFunction | |
CSubTrait< ComplexModalVector, ComplexModalVector > | |
CSubTrait< ModalVector, ModalVector > | |
CTransposeFlag< ComplexModalVector > | |
CTransposeFlag< ModalVector > | |
►NBnsInitialData | Items related to solving for irrotational Binary Neutron Star initial data |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for binary neutron star initial data |
CStarSurface | |
►NTags | Items related to solving for irrotational bns initial data |
CDerivLogLapseTimesDensityOverSpecificEnthalpy | The derivative |
CDerivSpatialRotationalKillingVector | |
CEulerEnthalpyConstant | |
CRotationalShift | The shift plus a spatial vector |
CRotationalShiftStress | The stress-energy corresponding to the rotation shift |
CSpatialRotationalKillingVector | |
CVelocityPotential | The velocity potential for the fluid flow , i.e. the curl-free part of the fluid is given by |
CFirstOrderSystem | The Irrotational Bns equations From Baumgarte and Shapiro Chapter 15 formulated as a set of coupled first-order PDEs |
CFluxes | Compute the fluxes for the curved-space Irrotatational BNS equations on a spatial metric |
CSources | Add the sources for the curved-space Irrotatioanl BNS equation on a spatial metric |
►Nboost | |
►Nnumeric | |
►Nodeint | |
Calgebra_dispatcher< ComplexDataVector > | |
Calgebra_dispatcher< ComplexModalVector > | |
Calgebra_dispatcher< DataVector > | |
Calgebra_dispatcher< ModalVector > | |
Cis_resizeable_sfinae< VectorType, typename boost::enable_if_c< is_derived_of_vector_impl_v< VectorType > >::type > | |
Cresize_impl_sfinae< VectorType1, VectorType2, typename boost::enable_if_c< is_derived_of_vector_impl_v< VectorType1 > and is_derived_of_vector_impl_v< VectorType2 > >::type > | |
Cvector_space_norm_inf< boost::math::quaternion< double > > | |
►Nbrigand | |
►Nlazy | |
Clist_contains | Check if a typelist contains an item |
Cadd_unique_vertex | |
Cadd_unique_vertex< State, edge< Source, Destination, Weight > > | |
Cbranch_if | |
Cbranch_if< false > | |
Cbranch_if< true > | |
Ccompute_adjacency_list | |
Ccompute_adjacency_list< VertexSeq< Vertices... >, F, Es... > | |
Cconditional | |
Cconditional< false > | |
Cconditional< true > | |
Cdigraph | |
Cdigraph< List< edges... > > | |
Cedge | |
Cfactorial | |
Cfactorial< uint64_t< 1 > > | |
Cget_destination | |
Cget_destination< edge< Source, Destination, Weight > > | |
Cget_source | |
Cget_source< edge< Source, Destination, Weight > > | |
Cget_weight | |
Cget_weight< edge< Source, Destination, Weight > > | |
Chas_destination | |
Chas_source | |
Chas_source_and_destination | |
Chas_source_and_destination< E< S, D, W >, S, D > | |
Cingoing_edges_impl | |
Cingoing_edges_impl< digraph< edgeList > > | |
Coutgoing_edges_impl | |
Coutgoing_edges_impl< digraph< edgeList > > | |
Cpower | |
►NBurgers | Items related to evolving the Burgers equation |
►NAnalyticData | Holds classes implementing analytic data for Burgers equation |
CSinusoid | Analytic data (with an "exact" solution known) that is periodic over the interval |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for the Burgers system |
CBoundaryCondition | The base class off of which all boundary conditions must inherit |
CDemandOutgoingCharSpeeds | A boundary condition that only verifies that all characteristic speeds are directed out of the domain; no boundary data is altered by this boundary condition |
►CDirichlet | |
CU | |
►CDirichletAnalytic | Sets Dirichlet boundary conditions using the analytic solution or analytic data |
CAnalyticPrescription | What analytic solution/data to prescribe |
►NBoundaryCorrections | Boundary corrections/numerical fluxes |
CBoundaryCorrection | The base class used to create boundary corrections from input files and store them in the global cache |
CHll | An HLL (Harten-Lax-van Leer) Riemann solver |
CRusanov | A Rusanov/local Lax-Friedrichs Riemann solver |
►Nfd | Finite difference functionality for Burgers system |
►NOptionTags | |
CReconstructor | Holds the subcell reconstructor in the input file |
►NTags | |
CReconstructor | Tag for the reconstructor |
CBoundaryConditionGhostData | Computes finite difference ghost data for external boundary conditions |
CMonotonisedCentral | Monotonised central reconstruction. See fd::reconstruction::monotonised_central() for details |
CReconstructor | The base class from which all reconstruction schemes must inherit |
►NSolutions | Holds classes implementing a solution to the Burgers equation |
►CBump | A solution resembling a bump |
CCenter | |
CHalfWidth | |
CHeight | |
►CLinear | A solution that is linear in space at all times |
CShockTime | |
►CStep | A propagating shock between two constant states |
CInitialPosition | |
CLeftValue | |
CRightValue | |
►Nsubcell | Code required by the DG-subcell/FD hybrid solver for Burgers system |
CGhostVariables | Returns , the variables needed for reconstruction |
CNeighborPackagedData | On elements using DG, reconstructs the interface data from a neighboring element doing subcell |
CSetInitialRdmpData | Sets the initial RDMP data |
CTciOnDgGrid | The troubled-cell indicator run on the DG grid to check if the solution is admissible |
CTciOnFdGrid | Troubled-cell indicator applied to the finite difference subcell solution to check if the corresponding DG solution is admissible |
CTimeDerivative | Compute the time derivative on the subcell grid using FD reconstruction |
►NTags | Tags for the Burgers system |
CCharacteristicSpeeds | The characteristic speeds |
CCharacteristicSpeedsCompute | Computes the characteristic speeds |
CComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
CU | |
CFluxes | The flux of is |
CSystem | |
CTimeDerivativeTerms | Computes the time derivative terms needed for the Burgers system, which are just the fluxes |
►NCce | The set of utilities for performing Cauchy characteristic evolution and Cauchy characteristic matching |
►NActions | The set of actions for use in the CCE evolution system |
CBoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution | Obtains the CCE boundary data at the specified time , and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData |
CBoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent > | Calculates the analytic boundary data at the specified time , and sends the resulting Bondi-Sachs boundary data to the EvolutionComponent |
CBoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< GhWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent > | Submits a request for CCE boundary data at the specified time to the Cce::InterfaceManagers::GhInterfaceManager , and sends the data to the EvolutionComponent (template argument) if it is ready |
CBoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< H5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent > | Obtains the CCE boundary data at the specified time , and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData |
CBoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent > | Obtains the Klein-Gordon CCE boundary data at the specified time , and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData |
CCalculateIntegrandInputsForTag | Prepare the input quantities in the DataBox for the evaluation of the hypersurface integral used to compute BondiTag |
CCalculatePsi0AndDerivAtInnerBoundary | Calculate and its radial derivative at the inner boundary of the CCE grid |
CCalculateScriInputs | Calculates the Bondi quantities that are required for any of the CalculateScriPlusValue mutators |
CExitIfEndTimeReached | Terminates if the current Tags::TimeStepId has time value later or equal to Tags::EndTime |
CFilterSwshVolumeQuantity | Filters the spherical volume data stored in BondiTag according to the filter parameters in the Parallel::GlobalCache |
CInitializeCharacteristicEvolutionScri | Initializes the CharacteristicEvolution component with contents needed to perform the interpolation at scri+ |
CInitializeCharacteristicEvolutionTime | Initializes the contents of the CharacteristicEvolution component for performing the time evolution of the system, which is the singleton that handles the main evolution system for CCE computations |
CInitializeCharacteristicEvolutionVariables | Initializes the main data storage for the CharacteristicEvolution component, which is the singleton that handles the main evolution system for CCE computations |
CInitializeFirstHypersurface | Given initial boundary data for and , computes the initial hypersurface quantities and gauge values |
CInitializeKleinGordonFirstHypersurface | Given initial boundary data for the Klein-Gordon variable , computes its initial hypersurface data |
CInitializeKleinGordonVariables | Initialize the data storage for the scalar field in the KleinGordonCharacteristicExtract component, which is the singleton that handles the main evolution system for Klein-Gordon CCE computations |
CInitializeWorldtubeBoundary | Generic action for initializing various worldtube boundary components |
CInitializeWorldtubeBoundary< AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > > | Initializes an AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary |
CInitializeWorldtubeBoundary< GhWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > > | Initializes a GhWorldtubeBoundary |
CInitializeWorldtubeBoundary< H5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > > | Initializes a H5WorldtubeBoundary |
CInitializeWorldtubeBoundary< KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > > | Initializes a KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary |
CInsertInterpolationScriData | Places the data from the current hypersurface necessary to compute Tag in the ScriPlusInterpolationManager associated with the Tag |
CPrecomputeGlobalCceDependencies | Perform all of the computations for dependencies of the hypersurface equations that do not themselves depend on any hypersurface integrations |
CPrecomputeKleinGordonSourceVariables | Compute the set of inputs to ComputeKleinGordonSource |
CReceiveGhWorldtubeData | Stores the boundary data from the GH evolution in the Cce::InterfaceManagers::GhInterfaceManager , and sends to the EvolutionComponent (template argument) if the data fulfills a prior request |
CReceiveWorldtubeData | Takes the boundary data needed to perform the CCE linear solves as arguments and puts them in the DataBox, updating the Cce::Tags::BoundaryTime accordingly |
CRequestBoundaryData | Requests boundary data be sent from WorldtubeBoundaryComponent to EvolutionComponent (template parameters) |
CRequestNextBoundaryData | Requests boundary data be sent from WorldtubeBoundaryComponent to EvolutionComponent |
CScriObserveInterpolated | Checks the interpolation managers and if they are ready, performs the interpolation and sends the data to file |
CSendGhVarsToCce | Interpolates and sends points to the CceWorldtubeTarget |
CSendToEvolution | Computes Bondi boundary data from GH evolution variables and sends the result to the EvolutionComponent (template argument) |
CUpdateGauge | Updates all of the gauge quantities associated with the additional regularity-preserving gauge transformation on the boundaries for a new set of Cauchy and partially flat Bondi-like coordinates |
CWriteScriBondiQuantities | Write a single row of data into an h5::Cce subfile within an H5 file |
►NEvents | Events for CCE |
►CObserveFields | Event to observe fields/variables in a characteristic evolution |
CVariablesToObserve | |
►CObserveTimeStep | Observe the size of the time steps on the characteristic evolution |
CPrintTimeToTerminal | |
CSubfileName | The name of the subfile inside the HDF5 file |
►NFrame | |
CRadialNull | The frame for the spherical metric in which the radial coordinate is an affine parameter along outward-pointing null geodesics |
►NInitializationTags | Initialization tags for CCE |
CScriInterpolationOrder | |
CScriOutputDensity | |
►NInitializeJ | Contains utilities and DataBox mutators for generating data for on the initial CCE hypersurface |
►CConformalFactor | Generate initial data that has a conformal factor chosen to compensate for the boundary value of so that the initial time coordinate is approximately inertial at |
CAngularCoordinateTolerance | |
CConformalFactorIterationHeuristic | |
CInputModes | |
CInputModesFromFile | |
CMaxIterations | |
COptimizeL0Mode | |
CRequireConvergence | |
CUseBetaIntegralEstimate | |
CUseInputModes | |
CGaugeAdjustInitialJ | Apply a radius-independent angular gauge transformation to a volume , for use with initial data generation |
CInitializeJ< false > | Abstract base class for an initial hypersurface data generator for Cce, when the partially flat Bondi-like coordinates are not evolved |
CInitializeJ< true > | Abstract base class for an initial hypersurface data generator for Cce, when the partially flat Bondi-like coordinates are evolved |
CInverseCubic< false > | Initialize on the first hypersurface from provided boundary values of , , and |
CInverseCubic< true > | Initialize on the first hypersurface from provided boundary values of , , and |
►CNoIncomingRadiation | Initialize on the first hypersurface by constraining |
CAngularCoordinateTolerance | |
CMaxIterations | |
CRequireConvergence | |
►CZeroNonSmooth | Initialize on the first hypersurface to be vanishing, finding the appropriate angular coordinates to be continuous with the provided worldtube boundary data |
CAngularCoordinateTolerance | |
CMaxIterations | |
CRequireConvergence | |
►NInterfaceManagers | Code for interfacing between the characteristic and Cachy systems |
CGhInterfaceManager | Abstract base class for storage and retrieval of generalized harmonic quantities communicated from a Cauchy simulation to the Cce system |
►CGhLocalTimeStepping | Implementation of a GhInterfaceManager that provides data according to interpolation between provided GH data |
CBoundaryInterpolator | |
CGhLockstep | Simple implementation of a GhInterfaceManager that only provides boundary data on matching TimeStepId s |
►NOptionTags | Option tags for CCE |
CAnalyticSolution | |
CBondiSachsOutputFilePrefix | |
CBoundaryDataFilename | |
CCce | Option group |
CCceEvolutionPrefix | A prefix for common tags (e.g. from Time/Tags.hpp) that are specific to CCE, so should be in the Cce::Evolution group |
CEndTime | |
CEvolution | Option group for evolution-related quantities in the CCE system |
CExtractionRadius | |
CFiltering | Option group |
CFilterLMax | |
CGhInterfaceManager | |
CH5Interpolator | |
CH5LookaheadTimes | |
CInitializeJ | |
CKleinGordonBoundaryDataFilename | |
CLMax | |
CNumberOfRadialPoints | |
CObservationLMax | |
CRadialFilterAlpha | |
CRadialFilterHalfPower | |
CScriInterpolationOrder | |
CScriOutputDensity | |
CStandaloneExtractionRadius | |
CStartTime | |
►NReceiveTags | Tags used by CCE for communication |
CBoundaryData | A receive tag for the data sent to the CCE evolution component from the CCE boundary component |
►NSolutions | Analytic solutions for CCE worldtube data and corresponding waveform News |
►NTestHelpers | |
CSphericalSolutionWrapper | |
►CBouncingBlackHole | Analytic solution representing a coordinate oscillation about a stationary Schwarzschild black hole |
CAmplitude | |
CExtractionRadius | |
CMass | |
CPeriod | |
►CGaugeWave | Computes the analytic data for a gauge wave solution described in [11] |
CAmplitude | |
CDuration | |
CExtractionRadius | |
CFrequency | |
CMass | |
CPeakTime | |
►CLinearizedBondiSachs | Computes the analytic data for a Linearized solution to the Bondi-Sachs equations described in [11] |
CExtractionRadius | |
CFrequency | |
CInitialModes | |
►CRobinsonTrautman | An analytic solution representing a specialization of the radiative Robinson-Trautman solution described in [55] |
CExtractionRadius | |
CInitialModes | |
CLMax | |
CStartTime | |
CTolerance | |
►CRotatingSchwarzschild | Computes the analytic data for the rotating Schwarzschild solution described in [11], section VI.C |
CExtractionRadius | |
CFrequency | |
CMass | |
CSphericalMetricData | Abstract base class for analytic worldtube data most easily derived in spherical coordinate form |
►CTeukolskyWave | Computes the analytic data for a Teukolsky wave solution described in [11] |
CAmplitude | |
CDuration | |
CExtractionRadius | |
►CWorldtubeData | Abstract base class for analytic worldtube data for verifying the CCE system |
CIntermediateCache | |
CIntermediateCacheTag | |
►NTags | Tags for Cauchy Characteristic Extraction routines |
CAnalyticBoundaryDataManager | A tag that constructs a AnalyticBoundaryDataManager from options |
CAnalyticInitializeJ | |
CBondiBeta | Bondi parameter |
CBondiJ | Bondi parameter |
CBondiJbar | Bondi parameter |
CBondiJCauchyView | Bondi parameter in the Cauchy frame |
CBondiK | Bondi parameter |
CBondiQ | Bondi parameter |
CBondiQbar | Bondi parameter |
CBondiR | The Bondi radius is of the worldtube |
CBondiU | Bondi parameter |
CBondiUAtScri | The surface quantity of Bondi evaluated at the null spacetime boundary |
CBondiUbar | Bondi parameter |
CBondiW | Bondi parameter |
CBoundaryValue | A prefix tag representing the boundary data for a quantity on the extraction surface |
CCauchyAngularCoords | |
CCauchyCartesianCoords | |
CCauchyGaugeC | The spin-weight 2 angular Jacobian factor in the Cauchy coordinates, similar to Eq. (31a) of [145], but without hat |
CCauchyGaugeD | The spin-weight 0 angular Jacobian factor in the Cauchy coordinates, similar to Eq. (31b) of [145], but without hat |
CCauchyGaugeOmega | The conformal factor in the Cauchy coordinates, similar to Eq. (32) of [145], but without hat |
CCceEvolutionPrefix | Tag for duplicating functionality of another tag, but allows creation from options in the Cce::Evolution option group |
CComplexInertialRetardedTime | Complex storage form for the asymptotically inertial retarded time, for taking spin-weighted derivatives |
CDlambda | The derivative with respect to , where is an affine parameter along , see Eq. (19a) of [145] |
CDr | The derivative with respect to Bondi |
CDu | The derivative with respect to Bondi retarded time |
CDuR | A tag for the first time derivative of the worldtube parameter , where is Bondi radius of the worldtube |
CDuRDividedByR | The value , where is Bondi radius of the worldtube |
CDy | The derivative with respect to the numerical coordinate , where is Bondi radius of the worldtube |
CEndTime | |
CEndTimeFromFile | Represents the final time of a bounded CCE evolution, determined either from option specification or from the file |
CEthEthbarRDividedByR | The value , where is Bondi radius of the worldtube |
CEthEthRDividedByR | The value , where is Bondi radius of the worldtube |
CEthInertialRetardedTime | Represents , which is a useful quantity for asymptotic coordinate transformations |
CEthRDividedByR | The value , where is Bondi radius of the worldtube |
CEvolutionGaugeBoundaryValue | A prefix tag representing the gauge-transformed boundary data for a quantity on the extraction surface |
CExp2Beta | The value |
CExtractionRadius | |
CExtractionRadiusFromH5 | |
CExtractionRadiusSimple | |
CFilePrefix | |
CFilterLMax | |
CGhInterfaceManager | |
CH5WorldtubeBoundaryDataManager | A tag that constructs a MetricWorldtubeDataManager or BondiWorldtubeDataManager from options |
CInertialRetardedTime | The asymptotically inertial retarded time in terms of the evolution time variable |
CInitializeJ | Tag for first-hypersurface initialization procedure specified by input options |
CInitializeJBase | Base tag for first-hypersurface initialization procedure |
CIntegrand | A prefix tag representing a quantity that will appear on the right-hand side of an explicitly regular differential equation |
CInterpolationManager | |
CJbarQMinus2EthBeta | The value |
CKleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundaryDataManager | A tag that constructs a KleinGordonWorldtubeDataManager from options |
CKleinGordonPsi | |
CKleinGordonSource | A prefix tag representing Klein-Gordon sources in Cce hypersurface equations |
CLinearFactor | A prefix tag representing a linear factor that acts on Tag . To determine the spin weight, It is assumed that the linear factor plays the role of in an equation of the form, |
CLinearFactorForConjugate | A prefix tag representing a linear factor that acts on Tag . To determine the spin weight, it is assumed that the linear factor plays the role of in an equation of the form, |
CLMax | |
CNews | |
CNoEndTime | Represents the final time of a CCE evolution that should just proceed until it receives no more boundary data and becomes quiescent |
CNumberOfRadialPoints | |
CObservationLMax | |
COneMinusY | Coordinate value , which will be cached and sent to the implementing functions |
COutputNoninertialNews | Represents whether the news should be provided at noninertial times |
CPartiallyFlatAngularCoords | The angular coordinates for the partially flat Bondi-like coordinates |
CPartiallyFlatCartesianCoords | The partially flat Bondi-like coordinates |
CPartiallyFlatGaugeC | The spin-weight 2 angular Jacobian factor in the partially flat Bondi-like coordinates, see Eq. (31a) of [145] |
CPartiallyFlatGaugeD | The spin-weight 0 angular Jacobian factor in the partially flat Bondi-like coordinates, see Eq. (31b) of [145] |
CPartiallyFlatGaugeOmega | The conformal factor in the partially flat Bondi-like coordinates, associated with an angular transformation, see Eq. (32) of [145] |
CPoleOfIntegrand | A prefix tag representing the coefficient of a pole part of the right-hand side of a singular differential equation |
CPsi0 | The Weyl scalar |
CPsi0Compute | Compute tag for in the volume |
CPsi0Match | The Weyl scalar for matching (in the Cauchy frame) |
CPsi1 | The Weyl scalar |
CPsi2 | The Weyl scalar |
CPsi3 | The Weyl scalar |
CPsi4 | The Weyl scalar |
CRadialFilterAlpha | |
CRadialFilterHalfPower | |
CRegularIntegrand | A prefix tag representing the regular part of the right-hand side of a regular differential equation |
CScriPlus | A prefix tag representing the value at |
CScriPlusFactor | A prefix tag representing an additional correction factor necessary to compute the quantity at |
CSelfStartGhInterfaceManager | During self-start, we must be in lockstep with the GH system (if running concurrently), because the step size is unchangable during self-start |
CSpecifiedEndTime | Represents the final time of a bounded CCE evolution that must be supplied in the input file (for e.g. analytic tests) |
CSpecifiedStartTime | Represents the start time of a bounded CCE evolution that must be supplied in the input file (for e.g. analytic tests) |
CStartTime | |
CStartTimeFromFile | Represents the start time of a bounded CCE evolution, determined either from option specification or from the file |
CStrain | The gravitational wave strain |
CTimeIntegral | A prefix tag representing the time integral of the value it prefixes |
►NTestHelpers | |
CAngularCollocationsFor | |
CCalculateSeparatedTag | |
CCalculateSeparatedTag< Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative< Tag, DerivKind > > | |
CCalculateSeparatedTag< Tags::BondiJbar > | |
CCalculateSeparatedTag< Tags::BondiQbar > | |
CCalculateSeparatedTag< Tags::BondiUbar > | |
CCalculateSeparatedTag< Tags::Dy< Tag > > | |
CCalculateSeparatedTag<::Tags::Multiplies< LhsTag, RhsTag > > | |
CCopyDataBoxTags | |
CRadialPolyCoefficientsFor | |
CWorldtubeModeRecorder | |
CAnalyticBoundaryDataManager | A boundary data manager that constructs the desired boundary data into the Variables from the data provided by the analytic solution |
CAnalyticWorldtubeBoundary | Component that supplies CCE worldtube boundary data sourced from an analytic solution |
CApplySwshJacobianInplace | Performs a mutation to a spin-weighted spherical harmonic derivative value from the numerical coordinate (the spin-weighted derivative at fixed ) to the Bondi coordinates (the spin-weighted derivative at fixed ), inplace to the requested tag |
CApplySwshJacobianInplace< Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative< ArgumentTag, Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Eth > > | Specialization for the spin-weighted derivative |
CApplySwshJacobianInplace< Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative< ArgumentTag, Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Ethbar > > | Specialization for the spin-weighted derivative |
CApplySwshJacobianInplace< Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative< ArgumentTag, Spectral::Swsh::Tags::EthbarEth > > | Specialization for the spin-weighted derivative |
CApplySwshJacobianInplace< Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative< ArgumentTag, Spectral::Swsh::Tags::EthbarEthbar > > | Specialization for the spin-weighted derivative |
CApplySwshJacobianInplace< Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative< ArgumentTag, Spectral::Swsh::Tags::EthEth > > | Specialization for the spin-weighted derivative |
CApplySwshJacobianInplace< Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative< ArgumentTag, Spectral::Swsh::Tags::EthEthbar > > | Specialization for the spin-weighted derivative |
CBondiWorldtubeDataManager | Manages the bondi cached buffer dataset associated with a CCE worldtube and interpolates to requested time points to provide worldtube boundary data to the main evolution routines |
CBondiWorldtubeH5BufferUpdater | A WorldtubeBufferUpdater specialized to CCE input worldtube H5 files that have metric data stored in Bondi-Sachs format in either either modal or nodal form |
CCalculateScriPlusValue | |
CCalculateScriPlusValue< Tags::EthInertialRetardedTime > | Determines the angular derivative of the asymptotic inertial time, useful for asymptotic coordinate transformations |
CCalculateScriPlusValue< Tags::News > | Compute the Bondi news from the evolution quantities |
CCalculateScriPlusValue< Tags::ScriPlus< Tags::KleinGordonPsi > > | Computes the leading part of the scalar field near |
CCalculateScriPlusValue< Tags::ScriPlus< Tags::Psi0 > > | Computes the leading part of near |
CCalculateScriPlusValue< Tags::ScriPlus< Tags::Psi1 > > | Computes the leading part of near |
CCalculateScriPlusValue< Tags::ScriPlus< Tags::Psi2 > > | Computes the leading part of near |
CCalculateScriPlusValue< Tags::ScriPlus< Tags::Psi3 > > | Computes the leading part of near |
CCalculateScriPlusValue< Tags::ScriPlus< Tags::Strain > > | Computes the leading part of the strain near |
CCalculateScriPlusValue< Tags::TimeIntegral< Tags::ScriPlus< Tags::Psi4 > > > | Compute the contribution to the leading that corresponds to a total time derivative |
CCalculateScriPlusValue<::Tags::dt< Tags::InertialRetardedTime > > | Assign the time derivative of the asymptotically inertial time coordinate |
CCceEvolutionLabelTag | |
CCharacteristicEvolution | The component for handling the CCE evolution and waveform output |
CComputeBondiIntegrand | Computes one of the inputs for the integration of one of the Characteristic hypersurface equations |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::Integrand< Tags::BondiBeta > > | Computes the integrand (right-hand side) of the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the Bondi quantity |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::Integrand< Tags::BondiU > > | Computes the integrand (right-hand side) of the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the Bondi quantity |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::LinearFactor< Tags::BondiH > > | Computes the linear factor which multiplies in the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the Bondi quantity |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::LinearFactorForConjugate< Tags::BondiH > > | Computes the linear factor which multiplies in the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the Bondi quantity |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::PoleOfIntegrand< Tags::BondiH > > | Computes the pole part of the integrand (right-hand side) of the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the Bondi quantity |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::PoleOfIntegrand< Tags::BondiQ > > | Computes the pole part of the integrand (right-hand side) of the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the Bondi quantity |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::PoleOfIntegrand< Tags::BondiW > > | Computes the pole part of the integrand (right-hand side) of the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the Bondi quantity |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::PoleOfIntegrand< Tags::KleinGordonPi > > | Computes the pole part of the integrand (right-hand side) of the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the scalar quantity |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::RegularIntegrand< Tags::BondiH > > | Computes the pole part of the integrand (right-hand side) of the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the Bondi quantity |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::RegularIntegrand< Tags::BondiQ > > | Computes the regular part of the integrand (right-hand side) of the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the Bondi quantity |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::RegularIntegrand< Tags::BondiW > > | Computes the regular part of the integrand (right-hand side) of the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the Bondi quantity |
CComputeBondiIntegrand< Tags::RegularIntegrand< Tags::KleinGordonPi > > | Computes the regular part of the integrand (right-hand side) of the equation which determines the radial (y) dependence of the scalar quantity |
CComputeKleinGordonSource | Computes Tags::KleinGordonSource<Tag> for the tags evolved by Klein-Gordon Cce |
CComputeKleinGordonSource< Tags::BondiBeta > | Computes the Klein-Gordon source of the Bondi |
CComputeKleinGordonSource< Tags::BondiH > | Computes the Klein-Gordon source of the Bondi |
CComputeKleinGordonSource< Tags::BondiQ > | Computes the Klein-Gordon source of the Bondi |
CComputeKleinGordonSource< Tags::BondiU > | Computes the Klein-Gordon source of the Bondi |
CComputeKleinGordonSource< Tags::BondiW > | Computes the Klein-Gordon source of the Bondi |
CGaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue | Computes the gauge-transformed Tags::EvolutionGaugeBoundaryValue<Tag> for any of the boundary tags needed in the evolution |
CGaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue< Tags::BondiBeta > | Computes the evolution gauge quantity on the worldtube |
CGaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue< Tags::BondiH > | Computes the evolution gauge quantity on the worldtube |
CGaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue< Tags::BondiJ > | Computes the evolution gauge quantity on the worldtube |
CGaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue< Tags::BondiQ > | Computes the evolution gauge quantity on the worldtube |
CGaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue< Tags::BondiR > | Computes the evolution gauge Bondi on the worldtube from Cauchy gauge quantities |
CGaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue< Tags::BondiU > | Computes the evolution gauge quantity on the worldtube |
CGaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue< Tags::BondiW > | Computes the evolution gauge quantity on the worldtube |
CGaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue< Tags::Dr< Tags::BondiJ > > | Computes the evolution gauge quantity on the worldtube |
CGaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue< Tags::DuRDividedByR > | Computes the evolution gauge on the worldtube |
CGaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue< Tags::KleinGordonPi > | Computes the evolution gauge quantity for the scalar field on the worldtube |
CGaugeUpdateAngularFromCartesian | Update the angular coordinates stored in AngularTag via trigonometric operations applied to the Cartesian coordinates stored in CartesianTag |
CGaugeUpdateInertialTimeDerivatives | Update the inertial gauge cartesian coordinate derivative |
CGaugeUpdateInterpolator | Update the interpolator stored in Spectral::Swsh::Tags::SwshInterpolator<AngularCoordinates> |
CGaugeUpdateJacobianFromCoordinates | From the angular coordinates AngularCoordinateTag and the Cartesian coordinates CartesianCoordinateTag , determine the spin-weighted Jacobian factors GaugeFactorSpin2 and GaugeFactorSpin0 |
CGaugeUpdateOmega | Update the quantity and for updated spin-weighted Jacobian quantities and |
CGaugeUpdateTimeDerivatives | Update the Cauchy gauge cartesian coordinate derivative , as well as remaining gauge quantities , , and to maintain asymptotically inertial angular coordinates |
CGhWorldtubeBoundary | Component that supplies CCE worldtube boundary data sourced from a running GH system |
CH5WorldtubeBoundary | Component that supplies CCE worldtube boundary data |
CInitializeGauge | Initialize to default values (identity transform) all of the angular gauge quantities for the boundary gauge transforms |
CInitializeScriPlusValue | Initialize the value Tag for the first hypersurface |
CInitializeScriPlusValue< Tags::InertialRetardedTime > | Initialize the inertial retarded time to the value provided in the mutator arguments |
CInnerBoundaryWeyl | Compute the Weyl scalar and its radial derivative on the inner boundary of CCE domain. The quantities are in the Cauchy coordinates |
CKleinGordonCharacteristicEvolution | The component for handling the CCE evolution for the Klein-Gordon system coupled with General Relativity |
CKleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary | Component that supplies scalar-tensor worldtube boundary data |
CKleinGordonSystem | Performing Cauchy characteristic evolution and Cauchy characteristic matching for Einstein-Klein-Gordon system |
CKleinGordonWorldtubeDataManager | |
CKleinGordonWorldtubeH5BufferUpdater | A WorldtubeBufferUpdater specialized to the Klein-Gordon input worldtube H5 file produced by the SpEC format. We assume the scalar field is real-valued |
CMetricWorldtubeDataManager | Manages the cached buffer data associated with a CCE worldtube and interpolates to requested time points to provide worldtube boundary data to the main evolution routines |
►CMetricWorldtubeH5BufferUpdater | A WorldtubeBufferUpdater specialized to CCE input worldtube H5 files that have cartesian metric components stored in either modal or nodal form |
►CAdmOptions | Options needed when reading in the extrinsic curvature and auxiliary shift (BSSN) or the trace of the conformal christoffel (Z4c) from a non-GH evolution code |
CAdvective | |
CLapse | |
►CShift | |
CFirstOrderDriverFactor | |
CSecondOrderDriverEta | |
Cmock_gh_worldtube_boundary | |
Cmock_h5_worldtube_boundary | |
Cmock_klein_gordon_h5_worldtube_boundary | |
Cpre_swsh_derivative_tags_to_compute_for | A typelist for the set of tags computed by the set of template specializations of ComputePreSwshDerivatives |
CPrecomputeCceDependencies | A set of procedures for computing the set of inputs to the CCE integrand computations that can be computed before any of the intermediate integrands are evaluated |
CPrecomputeCceDependencies< BoundaryPrefix, Tags::BondiK > | Computes |
CPrecomputeCceDependencies< BoundaryPrefix, Tags::BondiR > | Computes a volume version of Bondi radius of the worldtube from its boundary value (by repeating it over the radial dimension) |
CPrecomputeCceDependencies< BoundaryPrefix, Tags::DuRDividedByR > | Computes from its boundary value (by repeating it over the radial dimension) |
CPrecomputeCceDependencies< BoundaryPrefix, Tags::EthEthbarRDividedByR > | Computes by differentiating and repeating the boundary value of |
CPrecomputeCceDependencies< BoundaryPrefix, Tags::EthEthRDividedByR > | Computes by differentiating and repeating the boundary value of |
CPrecomputeCceDependencies< BoundaryPrefix, Tags::EthRDividedByR > | Computes by differentiating and repeating the boundary value of |
CPrecomputeCceDependencies< BoundaryPrefix, Tags::OneMinusY > | Computes for the CCE system |
CPreSwshDerivatives | A set of procedures for computing the set of inputs to the CCE integrand computations that are to be performed prior to the spin-weighted spherical harmonic differentiation (and for the first step in the series of integrations, after the PrecomputeCceDependencies ) |
CPreSwshDerivatives< Tags::BondiJbar > | Compute |
CPreSwshDerivatives< Tags::BondiQbar > | |
CPreSwshDerivatives< Tags::BondiUbar > | Compute |
CPreSwshDerivatives< Tags::ComplexInertialRetardedTime > | Copies the values of the inertial retarded time into a spin-weighted container so that spin-weighted derivatives can be taken |
CPreSwshDerivatives< Tags::Du< Tags::BondiJ > > | Compute from and the Jacobian factors |
CPreSwshDerivatives< Tags::Dy< Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative< Tag, DerivKind > > > | Compute the derivative with respect to the numerical radial coordinate of a quantity which is a spin-weighted spherical harmonic derivative |
CPreSwshDerivatives< Tags::Dy< Tag > > | Compute the derivative of the quantity represented by Tag with respect to the numerical radial coordinate |
CPreSwshDerivatives< Tags::Dy< Tags::BondiBeta > > | Computes the first derivative with respect to of Tags::BondiBeta |
CPreSwshDerivatives< Tags::Dy< Tags::BondiU > > | Computes the first derivative with respect to of Tags::BondiU |
CPreSwshDerivatives< Tags::Exp2Beta > | Compute |
CPreSwshDerivatives< Tags::JbarQMinus2EthBeta > | Compute |
CPreSwshDerivatives<::Tags::Multiplies< Lhs, Rhs > > | Compute the product of Lhs and Rhs |
CPreSwshDerivatives<::Tags::Multiplies< Lhs, Tags::BondiJbar > > | Compute the product of and the quantity represented by Rhs |
CPreSwshDerivatives<::Tags::Multiplies< Tags::BondiJbar, Rhs > > | Compute the product of and the quantity represented by Rhs |
CPreSwshDerivatives<::Tags::Multiplies< Tags::BondiUbar, Rhs > > | Compute the product of and the quantity represented by Rhs |
CRadialIntegrateBondi | Computational structs for evaluating the hypersurface integrals during CCE evolution. These are compatible with use in db::mutate_apply |
CRadialIntegrateBondi< BoundaryPrefix, Tags::BondiH > | |
CRadialIntegrateBondi< BoundaryPrefix, Tags::BondiQ > | |
CRadialIntegrateBondi< BoundaryPrefix, Tags::BondiW > | |
CScriPlusInterpolationManager | Stores necessary data and interpolates on to new time points at scri+ |
CScriPlusInterpolationManager< VectorTypeToInterpolate, ::Tags::Multiplies< MultipliesLhs, MultipliesRhs > > | Stores necessary data and interpolates on to new time points at scri+, multiplying two results together before supplying the result |
CScriPlusInterpolationManager< VectorTypeToInterpolate, Tags::Du< Tag > > | Stores necessary data and interpolates on to new time points at scri+, differentiating before supplying the result |
Csecond_swsh_derivative_tags_to_compute_for | A typelist for the set of tags computed by multiple spin-weighted differentiation using utilities from the Swsh namespace |
Csingle_swsh_derivative_tags_to_compute_for | A typelist for the set of tags computed by single spin-weighted differentiation using utilities from the Swsh namespace |
CSystem | |
CTransformBondiJToCauchyCoords | Transform Tags::BondiJ from the partially flat coordinates to the Cauchy coordinates |
CVolumeWeyl< Tags::Psi0 > | Compute the Weyl scalar in the volume according to a standard set of Newman-Penrose vectors |
CVolumeWeyl< Tags::Psi0Match > | Compute the Weyl scalar in the volume for the purpose of CCM, the quantity is in the Cauchy coordinates |
CWorldtubeBufferUpdater | Abstract base class for utilities that are able to perform the buffer updating procedure needed by the WorldtubeDataManager or by the PreprocessCceWorldtube executable |
CWorldtubeComponentBase | Generic base class for components that supply CCE worldtube boundary data. See class specializations for specific worldtube boundary components |
CWorldtubeDataManager | Abstract base class for managers of CCE worldtube data that is provided in large time-series chunks, especially the type provided by input h5 files. BoundaryTags is a tmpl::list of tags on the worldtube boundary |
CWorldtubeModeRecorder | Class that standardizes the output of our worldtube data into the Bondi modal format that the CharacteristicExtract executable can read in |
►NCcz4 | Items related to evolving the first-order CCZ4 system |
►NOptionTags | Input option tags for the CCZ4 evolution system |
CGroup | |
►NTags | Tags for the CCZ4 formulation of Einstein equations |
CATilde | The trace-free part of the extrinsic curvature |
CATildeMinusOneThirdConformalMetricTimesTraceATilde | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CChristoffelSecondKind | The spatial christoffel symbols of the second kind |
CConformalChristoffelSecondKind | The conformal spatial christoffel symbols of the second kind |
CConformalFactor | The conformal factor that rescales the spatial metric |
CConformalFactorSquared | The square of the conformal factor that rescales the spatial metric |
CConformalMetricTimesFieldB | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CConformalMetricTimesTraceATilde | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CContractedConformalChristoffelSecondKind | The contraction of the conformal spatial Christoffel symbols of the second kind |
CContractedFieldB | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CDerivConformalChristoffelSecondKind | The spatial derivative of the conformal spatial christoffel symbols of the second kind |
CDerivContractedConformalChristoffelSecondKind | The spatial derivative of the contraction of the conformal spatial Christoffel symbols of the second kind |
CDivergenceLapse | The divergence of the lapse |
CFieldA | Auxiliary variable which is analytically the spatial derivative of the natural log of the lapse |
CFieldB | Auxiliary variable which is analytically the spatial derivative of the shift |
CFieldD | Auxiliary variable which is analytically half the spatial derivative of the conformal spatial metric |
CFieldDUp | Identity which is analytically negative one half the spatial derivative of the inverse conformal spatial metric |
CFieldDUpTimesATilde | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CFieldP | Auxiliary variable which is analytically the spatial derivative of the natural log of the conformal factor |
CGammaHat | The CCZ4 evolved variable |
CGammaHatMinusContractedConformalChristoffel | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CGradGradLapse | The gradient of the gradient of the lapse |
CGradSpatialZ4Constraint | The gradient of the spatial part of the Z4 constraint |
CInverseConformalMetricTimesDerivATilde | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CInverseTauTimesConformalMetric | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CKMinus2ThetaC | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CKMinusK0Minus2ThetaC | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CLapseTimesATilde | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CLapseTimesDerivATilde | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CLapseTimesFieldA | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CLapseTimesRicciScalarPlus2DivergenceZ4Constraint | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CLapseTimesSlicingCondition | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CLogConformalFactor | The natural log of the conformal factor |
CLogLapse | The natural log of the lapse |
CRicci | The spatial Ricci tensor |
CRicciScalarPlusDivergenceZ4Constraint | The sum of the Ricci scalar and twice the divergence of the upper spatial Z4 constraint |
CShiftTimesDerivGammaHat | The CCZ4 temporary expression |
CSpatialZ4Constraint | The spatial part of the Z4 constraint |
CSpatialZ4ConstraintUp | The spatial part of the upper Z4 constraint |
CTraceATilde | The trace of the trace-free part of the extrinsic curvature |
CTimeDerivative | Compute the RHS of the first order CCZ4 formulation of Einstein's equations [64] |
►Ncontrol_system | Control systems and related functionality |
►NActions | All Actions related to the control system |
CInitialize | Initialize items related to the control system |
CInitializeMeasurements | Set up the element component for control-system measurements |
CLimitTimeStep | Limit the step size in a GTS evolution to prevent deadlocks from control system measurements |
CPrintCurrentMeasurement | Simple action that will print the control_system::Tags::CurrentNumberOfMeasurements for whatever control system it is run on |
►NControlErrors | All control errors that will be used in control systems |
CExpansion | Control error in the 3D CubicScale coordinate map |
CGridCenters | Tracks the grid-frame object centers |
CRotation | Control error in the 3D Rotation coordinate map |
CShape | Control error in the Shape coordinate map |
►CSize | Control error in the for the component of the domain::CoordinateMaps::TimeDependent::Shape map |
►CDeltaRDriftOutwardOptions | |
CMaxAllowedRadialDistance | |
COutwardDriftTimescale | |
COutwardDriftVelocity | |
CInitialState | |
CMaxNumTimesForZeroCrossingPredictor | |
CSmoothAvgTimescaleFraction | |
CSmootherTuner | |
CSkew | Control error in the for the domain::CoordinateMaps::TimeDependent::Skew map |
CTranslation | Control error in the 3D Translation coordinate map |
►Nmeasurements | Utilities for doing measurements needed by the control system |
►NTags | Tags used for control system measurements |
CNeutronStarCenter | DataBox tag for location of neutron star center (or more accurately, center of mass of the matter in the x>0 (label A) or x<0 (label B) region, in grid coordinates) |
►CBothHorizons | A control_system::protocols::Measurement that relies on two apparent horizons |
CFindHorizon | A control_system::protocols::Submeasurement that starts the interpolation to the interpolation target in order to find the apparent horizon given by the template parameter Horizon |
►CBothNSCenters | Measurement providing the location of the center of mass of the matter in the and regions (assumed to correspond to the center of mass of the two neutron stars in a BNS merger) |
CFindTwoCenters | |
►CCharSpeed | A control_system::protocols::Measurement that relies on one apparent horizon, the template parameter Object , and one excision surface |
CExcision | A control_system::protocols::Submeasurement that does an interpolation to the excision boundary for this Object from the elements |
CHorizon | A control_system::protocols::Submeasurement that starts the interpolation to the interpolation target in order to find the apparent horizon |
CPostReductionSendBNSStarCentersToControlSystem | Simple action called after reduction of the center of mass data |
►CSingleHorizon | A control_system::protocols::Measurement that relies on only one apparent horizon; the template parameter Horizon |
CSubmeasurement | A control_system::protocols::Submeasurement that starts the interpolation to the interpolation target in order to find the apparent horizon |
►Nmetafunctions | Metafunctions associated with the control systems |
Ccontrol_systems_with_measurement | Given a list of control systems, extract those using a given measurement |
Cevent_from_submeasurement | |
Cmeasurement | Extract the measurement alias from a control system struct |
Cmeasurements | Given a list of control systems, obtain a list of distinct control system measurement structs used by them |
Csubmeasurements | Given a measurement, obtain a list of its submeasurements (i.e., Measurement::submeasurements ) |
►NOptionTags | All option tags related to the control system |
CControlSystemGroup | Options group for all control system options |
CControlSystemInputs | Option tag for each individual control system. The name of this option is the name of the ControlSystem struct it is templated on. This way all control systems will have a unique name |
CMeasurementsPerUpdate | Option tag that determines how many measurements will occur per control system update |
CVerbosity | Verbosity tag for printing diagnostics about the control system algorithm. This does not control when data is written to disk |
CWriteDataToDisk | Option tag on whether to write data to disk |
►Nprotocols | Protocols for control systems |
►CControlError | Definition of a control error |
Ctest | |
►CControlSystem | Definition of a control system |
►Ctest | |
Ccheck_process_measurement_argument_tags | |
►CMeasurement | Definition of a measurement for the control systems |
Ctest | |
►CSubmeasurement | Definition of a portion of a measurement for the control systems |
Ctest | |
►NQueueTags | All tags that will be used in the LinkedMessageQueue's within control systems |
CCenter | Holds the centers of each horizon from measurements as DataVectors |
CExcisionSurface | Holds a full strahlkorper from measurements for the excision surface |
CHorizon | Holds a full strahlkorper from measurements that represents a horizon |
CInverseSpatialMetricOnExcisionSurface | Holds the inverse spatial metric on the ExcisionSurface |
CLapseOnExcisionSurface | Holds the lapse on the ExcisionSurface |
CShiftyQuantity | Holds a quantity that's similar to the shift, but isn't the shift, on the ExcisionSurface |
CSizeExcisionQuantities | A queue tag that holds a TaggedTuple of all quantities needed for the excision measurement of size control |
CSizeHorizonQuantities | A queue tag that holds a TaggedTuple of all quantities needed for the horizon measurement of size control |
CSpatialMetricOnExcisionSurface | Holds the spatial metric on the ExcisionSurface |
►Nsize | Classes and functions used in implementation of size control |
►NStates | |
CAhSpeed | |
CDeltaR | |
CDeltaRDriftOutward | |
CInitial | |
CControlErrorArgs | Packages some of the inputs to the State::control_error, so that State::control_error doesn't need a large number of arguments |
CCrossingTimeInfo | Holds information about crossing times, as computed by ZeroCrossingPredictors |
CErrorDiagnostics | A simple struct to hold diagnostic information about computing the size control error |
CInfo | Holds information that is saved between calls of SizeControl |
Cis_size | |
Cis_size< Systems::Size< Label, DerivOrder > > | |
CState | Represents a 'state' of the size control system |
CStateHistory | A struct for holding a history of control errors for each state in the control_system::Systems::Size control system |
CStateUpdateArgs | Packages some of the inputs to the State::update, so that State::update doesn't need a large number of arguments |
►NSystems | All control systems |
►CExpansion | Controls the 3D CubicScale map |
CMeasurementQueue | |
Cprocess_measurement | |
►CGridCenters | Tracks the centers of two neutron stars |
CMeasurementQueue | |
Cprocess_measurement | |
►CRotation | Controls the 3D Rotation map |
CMeasurementQueue | |
Cprocess_measurement | |
►CShape | Controls the Shape map |
CMeasurementQueue | |
Cprocess_measurement | |
►CSize | Controls the component of the Shape map |
CMeasurementQueue | |
Cprocess_measurement | |
►CSkew | Controls the 3D Skew map |
CMeasurementQueue | |
Cprocess_measurement | |
►CTranslation | Controls the 3D Translation map |
CMeasurementQueue | |
Cprocess_measurement | |
►NTags | All DataBox tags related to the control system |
CAverager | DataBox tag for the averager |
CControlError | DataBox tag for the control error |
CController | DataBox tag for the controller |
CCurrentNumberOfMeasurements | DataBox tag that keeps track of which measurement we are on |
CFunctionsOfTimeInitialize | The FunctionsOfTime initialized from a DomainCreator, initial time, and control system OptionHolders |
CFutureMeasurements | Measurement times for a set of control systems sharing a measurement |
►CIsActiveMap | Tag that holds a map between control system name and whether that control system is active. Can be used in the GlobalCache |
Csystem | |
CMeasurementsPerUpdate | Tag that determines how many measurements will occur per control system update. This will usually be stored in the global cache |
CMeasurementTimescales | The measurement timescales associated with domain::Tags::FunctionsOfTime |
CObserveCenters | DataBox tag for writing the centers of the horizons to disk |
CSystemToCombinedNames | Tag meant to be stored in the GlobalCache that stores a map between names of control systems and the "combined" name that that control system is part of |
CTimescaleTuner | DataBox tag for the timescale tuner |
CUpdateAggregators | Map between "combined" names and the control_system::UpdateAggregator s that go with each |
CVerbosity | DataBox tag that holds the verbosity used to print info about the control system algorithm |
CWriteDataToDisk | DataBox tag for writing control system data to disk |
►NTestHelpers | |
CControlError | |
CExampleControlError | [Measurement] |
►CExampleControlSystem | [ControlError] |
CExampleSubmeasurementQueueTag | |
CMeasurementQueue | |
Cprocess_measurement | |
CExampleMeasurement | [Submeasurement] |
CExampleSubmeasurement | [Submeasurement] |
CFakeCreator | |
CMeasurement | |
CMeasurementResultTag | |
CMeasurementResultTime | |
CMockControlComponent | |
CMockElementComponent | |
►CMockMetavars | |
Cfactory_creation | |
CMockObserverWriter | |
CSomeControlSystemUpdater | |
CSomeEvent | |
CSomeOtherTagOnElement | |
CSomeOtherTagOnElementCompute | |
CSomeTagOnElement | |
CSubmeasurement | |
►CSystem | |
Cprocess_measurement | |
CSystemHelper | Helper struct for testing basic control systems |
CTestEvent | |
CAggregateUpdate | Simple action that updates the appropriate UpdateAggregator for the templated ControlSystem |
CBNSEvent | An Event that computes the center of mass for and where is the in the Frame::Grid |
CFutureMeasurements | Class for computing the upcoming measurement times for a control system measurement |
►COptionHolder | Holds all options for a single control system |
CAverager | |
CControlError | |
CController | |
CTimescaleTuner | |
CRunCallbacks | Apply the process_measurement struct of each of the ControlSystems to the result of the Submeasurement |
CTrigger | Trigger for control system measurements |
CUpdateAggregator | A class for collecting and storing information related to updating functions of time and measurement timescales |
CUpdateControlSystem | Functor for updating control systems when they are ready |
CUpdateMultipleFunctionsOfTime | Updates several FunctionOfTimes in the global cache at once. Intended to be used in Parallel::mutate |
CUpdateSingleFunctionOfTime | Updates a FunctionOfTime in the global cache. Intended to be used in Parallel::mutate |
►NConvergence | Items related to checking the convergence of numerical algorithms |
►NOptionTags | Option tags related to the convergence of iterative algorithms |
CCriteria | |
CIterations | |
►NTags | Tags related to the convergence of iterative algorithms |
CCriteria | Convergence::Criteria that determine the iterative algorithm has converged |
CHasConverged | Holds a Convergence::HasConverged flag that signals the iterative algorithm has converged, along with the reason for convergence |
CIterationId | Identifies a step in an iterative algorithm |
CIterations | A fixed number of iterations to run the iterative algorithm |
►CCriteria | Criteria that determine an iterative algorithm has converged |
CAbsoluteResidual | |
CMaxIterations | |
CRelativeResidual | |
CHasConverged | Signals convergence or termination of the algorithm |
►Ncpp20 | C++ STL code present in C++20 |
Carray | A std::array implementation with partial C++20 support |
Cremove_cvref | |
Ncpp2b | C++ STL code present in C++2b |
►NCurvedScalarWave | Items related to evolving a scalar wave on a curved background |
►NActions | Actions for the curved scalar wave system |
CCalculateGrVars | Action that initializes or updates items related to the spacetime background of the CurvedScalarWave system |
►NAnalyticData | Holds classes implementing analytic data for the CurvedScalarWave system |
►CPureSphericalHarmonic | Analytic initial data for a pure spherical harmonic in three dimensions |
CMode | |
CRadius | |
CWidth | |
►CZerothOrderPuncture | Analytic initial data for a scalar point charge in Kerr-Schild coordinates. This assumes the charge is initially on a geodesic orbit |
CParticleCharge | |
CParticlePosition | |
CParticleVelocity | |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for the curved scalar wave system |
►CAnalyticConstant | A BoundaryCondition that imposes the scalar to be constant at the outer boundary |
CAmplitude | |
CBoundaryCondition | The base class off of which all boundary conditions must inherit |
CConstraintPreservingSphericalRadiation | Implements constraint-preserving boundary conditions with a second order Bayliss-Turkel radiation boundary condition |
CDemandOutgoingCharSpeeds | A BoundaryCondition that only verifies that all characteristic speeds are directed out of the domain; no boundary data is altered by this boundary condition |
CWorldtube | Sets boundary conditions for the elements abutting the worldtube using a combination of constraint-preserving boundary conditions and the local solution evolved inside the worldtube |
►NBoundaryCorrections | Boundary corrections/numerical fluxes |
CBoundaryCorrection | The base class used to make boundary corrections factory createable so they can be specified in the input file |
CUpwindPenalty | Computes the upwind multipenalty boundary correction for scalar wave in curved spacetime |
►NInitialization | Utilities for initializing the curved scalar wave system |
CInitializeConstraintDampingGammas | Mutator meant to be used with Initialization::Actions::AddSimpleTags to initialize the constraint damping parameters of the CurvedScalarWave system |
CInitializeEvolvedVariables | Analytic initial data for scalar waves in curved spacetime |
►NOptionTags | Option tags for the curved scalar wave system |
CBackgroundSpacetime | |
CBackgroundSpacetimeGroup | |
►NTags | Tags for the curved scalar wave system |
CBackgroundSpacetime | The background spacetime on which the scalar wave propagates |
CCharacteristicFields | |
CCharacteristicSpeeds | |
CComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed | Computes the largest magnitude of the characteristic speeds |
CConstraintGamma1 | |
CConstraintGamma2 | |
CEvolvedFieldsFromCharacteristicFields | |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
COneIndexConstraint | Tag for the one-index constraint of the scalar wave system in curved spacetime |
COneIndexConstraintCompute | Compute item to get the one-index constraint for the scalar-wave evolution system |
CPhi | Auxiliary variable which is analytically the spatial derivative of the scalar field |
CPi | The conjugate momentum of the scalar field |
CPsi | The scalar field |
CPsiSquared | The square of the scalar field |
CPsiSquaredCompute | Compute tag that calculates the square of the scalar field |
CTwoIndexConstraint | Tag for the two-index constraint of the scalar wave system in curved spacetime |
CTwoIndexConstraintCompute | Compute item to get the two-index constraint for the scalar-wave evolution system |
CVMinus | |
CVPlus | |
CVPsi | Tags corresponding to the characteristic fields of the scalar-wave system in curved spacetime |
CVZero | |
►NWorldtube | The set of utilities for performing CurvedScalarWave evolution with a worldtube excision scheme |
►NActions | Actions for the worldtube-curved scalar wave system |
CChangeSlabSize | Waits for the data from all neighboring elements and changes the slab size if a change in the global time step is detected |
CIteratePunctureField | Computes an updated iteration of the puncture field given the current acceleration of the charge sent by the worldtube singleton |
CObserveWorldtubeSolution | When Tags::ObserveCoefficientsTrigger is triggered, write the coefficients of the Taylor expansion of the regular field as well as the current particle's position, velocity and acceleration to file. A brief summary is printed to stdout |
CReceiveElementData | Adds up the spherical harmonic projections from the different elements abutting the worldtube |
CReceiveWorldtubeData | Checks if the regular field has been received from the worldtube and computes the retarded field for boundary conditions |
CSendAccelerationTerms | Sends the acceleration terms to worldtube neighbors |
CSendToElements | Sends the regular field coefficients to each element abutting the worldtube |
CSendToWorldtube | Projects the regular field and its time derivative onto real spherical harmonics and sends the result to the worldtube |
CUpdateFunctionsOfTime | Updates the functions of time according to the motion of the worldtube |
►NInitialization | Initialization mutators and actions for the worldtube-curved scalar wave system |
CInitializeConstraintDampingGammas | Initializes the constraint damping parameters and |
CInitializeCurrentIteration | Sets the initial value of `CurrentIteration to 0 |
CInitializeElementFacesGridCoordinates | Initializes a map of the grid coordinates centered on the worldtube of all faces that abut the worldtube with corresponding ElementIds |
CInitializeEvolvedVariables | Initializes the time stepper and evolved variables used by the worldtube system. Also sets Tags::CurrentIteration to 0 |
►NOptionTags | Option tags for the worldtube |
CCharge | The value of the scalar charge in units of the black hole mass M |
CExcisionSphere | Name of the excision sphere designated to act as a worldtube |
CExpansionOrder | The internal expansion order of the worldtube solution |
CObserveCoefficientsTrigger | Triggers at which to write the coefficients of the worldtube's internal Taylor series to file |
►CRadiusOptions | Options for the excision sphere radii which are adjusted according to smooth_broken_power_law . If IsWorldtube is true, these options control the worldtube growth around the scalar charge. Else, they control the growth of the excision sphere within the central black hole |
CAmplitude | |
CExponent | |
CTransitionRadius | |
CTransitionWidth | |
►CSelfForceOptions | Options for the scalar self-force. Select None for a purely geodesic evolution |
CIterations | |
CMass | |
CTurnOnInterval | |
CTurnOnTime | |
CVerbosity | The verbosity of the worldtube executable |
CWorldtube | Options for the worldtube |
►NTags | Tags related to the worldtube |
CAccelerationTerms | |
CBackgroundQuantities | A tuple of Tensors evaluated at the charge depending only the background and the particle's position and velocity. These values are effectively cached between different iterations of the worldtube scheme |
CBackgroundQuantitiesCompute | |
CBlackHoleRadiusParameters | The parameters controlling the growth of the black holes excision sphere, see smooth_broken_power_law. The parameters here are, in order, the amplitude, the transition radius, the transition width and the exponent |
CCharge | The value of the scalar charge |
CConstraintGamma1Compute | Sets Gamma1 to zero throughout the domain. The equations are given in Initialization::InitializeConstraintDampingGammas |
CConstraintGamma2Compute | Sets Gamma2 to a Gaussian that falls off to a constant value centered on the position of the particle. This was found to be necessary for a stable evolution. The equations are given in Initialization::InitializeConstraintDampingGammas |
CCurrentIteration | The current number of iterations that has been applied to the acceleration of the particle |
CdtPsi0 | Holds the time derivative of Psi0 which is used as a reduction variable |
CElementFacesGridCoordinates | A map that holds the grid coordinates centered on the worldtube of all element faces abutting the worldtube with the corresponding ElementIds |
CEvolvedParticlePositionVelocityCompute | The position and velocity of the scalar charge particle orbiting a central black hole given in inertial coordinates. This compute tag is meant to be used by the worldtube singleton which evolves the position and velocity according to an ODE along with the DG evolution |
CEvolvedPosition | The position of the scalar charge evolved by the worldtube singleton. This tag is meant to be used by the worldtube singleton to evolve the orbit |
CEvolvedVelocity | The velocity of the scalar charge evolved by the worldtube singleton. This tag is meant to be used by the worldtube singleton to evolve the orbit |
CExcisionSphere | The excision sphere corresponding to the worldtube |
CExpansionOrder | The internal expansion order of the worldtube solution |
CExpirationTime | The current expiration time of the functions of time which are controlled by the worldtube singleton |
CFaceCoordinates | An optional that holds the coordinates of an element face abutting the worldtube excision sphere. If the element does not abut the worldtube, this holds std::nullopt. This tag should be in the databox of element chares. The available frames are Grid and Inertial. The Centered template tag can be turned on to center the coordinates around the position of the scalar charge |
CFaceCoordinatesCompute | |
CFaceQuantities | The value of the scalar field and its time derivative on element faces forming the worldtube boundary, as well as the Euclidean area element of the face |
CFaceQuantitiesCompute | |
CGeodesicAcceleration | Computes the coordinate geodesic acceleration of the particle in the inertial frame in Kerr-Schild coordinates |
CGeodesicAccelerationCompute | |
CInitialPositionAndVelocity | The initial position and velocity of the scalar charge in inertial coordinates |
CIteratedPunctureField | Holds the current iteration of the puncture field computed with the current iteration of the acceleration which includes the scalar self-force. It is computed in Actions::IteratePunctureField |
CMass | The mass of the scalar charge. Only has a value if the scalar self force is applied |
CMaxIterations | The maximum number of iterations that will be applied to the acceleration of the particle |
CObserveCoefficientsTrigger | Triggers at which to write the coefficients of the worldtube's internal Taylor series to file |
CParticlePositionVelocity | The position and velocity of the scalar charge particle orbiting a central black hole given in inertial coordinates. This compute tag is meant to be used by the elements |
CParticlePositionVelocityCompute | |
CPsi0 | Holds the constant coefficient of the regular field inside the worldtube |
CPsiWorldtube | The scalar field inside the worldtube |
CPunctureField | |
CPunctureFieldCompute | |
CRegularFieldInbox | Inbox of the element chares that contains the coefficients of a Taylor Series of the regular field as well as its time derivative. The elements may evaluate the coefficients at their inertial coordinates |
CSelfForceInbox | Inbox of the element chares that contains the current iteration of the acceleration of the particle |
CSelfForceTurnOnInterval | The interval over which the self-force is smoothly turned on |
CSelfForceTurnOnTime | The time at which the self-force is smoothly turned on |
CSphericalHarmonicsInbox | Inbox of the worldtube singleton chare which receives quantities projected onto spherical harmonics |
CTimeDilationFactor | The coordinate time dilation factor of the scalar charge, i.e. the 0th component of its 4-velocity |
CVerbosity | The verbosity of the worldtube executable |
CWorldtubeRadius | The current worldtube radius held by the singleton |
CWorldtubeRadiusParameters | The parameters controlling the growth of the worldtube excision sphere, see smooth_broken_power_law. The parameters here are, in order, the amplitude, the transition radius, the transition width and the exponent |
CWorldtubeSolution | The solution inside the worldtube, evaluated at the face coordinates of an abutting element. This tag is used to provide boundary conditions to the element in CurvedScalarWave::BoundaryConditions::Worldtube |
CIterateAccelerationTerms | Computes the next iteration of the acceleration due to scalar self force from the current iteration of the regular field, as well as the quantities required to compute the acceleration terms of the puncture field |
CRegistration | |
CUpdateAcceleration | Computes the final acceleration of the particle at this time step |
►CWorldtubeSingleton | The singleton component that represents the worldtube |
Cworldtube_system | |
CCharacteristicFieldsCompute | |
CCharacteristicSpeedsCompute | |
CEvolvedFieldsFromCharacteristicFieldsCompute | |
CSystem | |
CTimeDerivative | Compute the time derivative of the evolved variables of the first-order scalar wave system on a curved background |
Ncylindrical_endcap_helpers | Functions used in more than one cylindrical_endcap map |
►Ndb | Namespace for DataBox related things |
►Nprotocols | Protocols for the DataBox |
►CMutator | A DataBox mutator |
Ctest | |
►NTestHelpers | |
CExampleMutator | |
CExampleSimpleTag0 | |
CExampleSimpleTag1 | |
CExampleSimpleTag2 | |
COptionTag | |
CAccess | A class for retrieving items from a DataBox without needing to know all the tags in the box |
CBaseTag | Mark a (usually) empty struct as a base tag by inheriting from this |
CComputeTag | Mark a struct as a compute tag by inheriting from this |
CDataBox< tmpl::list< Tags... > > | A DataBox stores objects that can be retrieved by using Tags |
Cis_base_tag | Check if Tag is a base DataBox tag |
Cis_compute_tag | Check if Tag derives off of db::ComputeTag |
Cis_immutable_item_tag | Check if Tag is a DataBox tag for an immutable item, i.e. a ComputeTag or ReferenceTag |
Cis_mutable_item_tag | Check if Tag is a DataBox tag for a mutable item, i.e. a SimpleTag |
Cis_non_base_tag | Check if Tag is not a base tag |
Cis_reference_tag | Check if Tag derives off of db::ReferenceTag |
Cis_simple_tag | Check if Tag is a simple tag |
Cis_tag | Check if Tag is a DataBox tag, i.e. a BaseTag, SimpleTag, ComputeTag, or ReferenceTag |
CPrefixTag | Mark a struct as a prefix tag by inheriting from this |
CReferenceTag | Mark a struct as a reference tag by inheriting from this |
CSimpleTag | Mark a struct as a simple tag by inheriting from this |
CSubitems | Struct that can be specialized to allow DataBox items to have subitems. Specializations must define: |
CSubitems< domain::Tags::Interface< DirectionsTag, VariablesTag >, Requires< tt::is_a_v< Variables, typename VariablesTag::type > > > | |
CSubitems< domain::Tags::InterfaceCompute< DirectionsTag, VariablesTag >, Requires< tt::is_a_v< Variables, typename VariablesTag::type > > > | |
CSubitems< domain::Tags::Slice< DirectionsTag, VariablesTag >, Requires< tt::is_a_v< Variables, typename VariablesTag::type > > > | |
CSubitems< LinearSolver::Schwarz::Tags::Overlaps< VariablesTag, Dim, OptionsGroup >, Requires< tt::is_a_v< Variables, typename VariablesTag::type > > > | |
►Ndeadlock | Namespace for actions related to debugging deadlocks in communication |
CPrintElementInfo | Simple action that will print a variety of information on evolution DG elements |
CPrintFunctionsOfTime | Simple action that will print the domain::Tags::FunctionsOfTime and control_system::Tags::MeasurementTimescales (if it exists) time bounds for each node of a simulation |
CPrintInterpolationTarget | Simple action to print deadlock info on an interpolation target |
CPrintInterpolator | Simple action to print information from the Interpolator |
►NDenseTriggers | Contains denser triggers |
►CFilter | Filter activations of a dense trigger using a non-dense trigger |
CFilterOption | |
CTriggerOption | |
COr | Trigger when any of a collection of DenseTriggers triggers |
CTimes | Trigger at specified times |
►Ndg | Functionality related to discontinuous Galerkin schemes |
►NActions | |
CFilter< FilterType, tmpl::list< TagsToFilter... > > | Applies a filter to the specified tags |
►NEvents | |
►CObserveConstantsPerElement | Base class for Observers that write data that is constant within an Element |
CCoordinatesFloatingPointType | The floating point type/precision with which to write the coordinates to disk |
CFloatingPointType | The floating point type/precision with which to write the data to disk |
CSubfileName | The name of the subfile inside the HDF5 file |
►CObserveFields< VolumeDim, tmpl::list< Tensors... >, tmpl::list< NonTensorComputeTags... >, ArraySectionIdTag > | Observe volume tensor fields |
CBlocksToObserve | A list of block or group names on which to observe |
CCoordinatesFloatingPointType | The floating point type/precision with which to write the coordinates to disk |
CFloatingPointTypes | The floating point type/precision with which to write the data to disk |
CInterpolateToMesh | |
CSubfileName | The name of the subfile inside the HDF5 file |
CVariablesToObserve | |
CObserveTimeStepVolume | Observe the time step in the volume |
►NOptionTags | |
CDiscontinuousGalerkinGroup | Group holding options for controlling the DG discretization |
CFormulation | |
►NTags | |
CFormulation | The DG formulation to use |
CSimpleBoundaryData | Distinguishes between field data, which can be projected to a mortar, and extra data, which will not be projected |
CSimpleMortarData | Storage of boundary data on two sides of a mortar |
►NDistributedLinearSolverAlgorithmTestHelpers | Functionality to test parallel linear solvers on multiple elements |
►NOptionTags | |
CExpectedResult | |
CLinearOperator | |
CSource | |
CCollectOperatorAction | |
CComputeOperatorAction | |
CExpectedResult | |
CInitializeElement | |
CLinearOperator | |
CScalarFieldTag | |
CSource | |
CTestResult | |
►Ndo_implicit_step_helpers | |
►CNonautonomousSector | |
Cinitial_guess | |
►CSolveAttempt | |
Csource | |
CNonautonomousSystem | |
►CSector | |
Cinitial_guess | |
►CSolveAttempt | |
Csource | |
CSystem | |
CVar1 | |
CVar2 | |
►Ndomain | Holds entities related to the computational domain |
►NActions | |
CCheckFunctionsOfTimeAreReady | Check that functions of time are up-to-date |
►NBoundaryConditions | Domain support for applying boundary conditions |
CBoundaryCondition | Base class from which all system-specific base classes must inherit |
CMarkAsNone | |
CMarkAsPeriodic | Mark a boundary condition as being periodic |
CNone | None boundary conditions |
CPeriodic | Periodic boundary conditions |
►NCoordinateMaps | Contains all coordinate maps |
►NFocallyLiftedInnerMaps | Contains FocallyLiftedInnerMaps |
CEndcap | A FocallyLiftedInnerMap that maps a 3D unit right cylinder to a volume that connects portions of two spherical surfaces |
CFlatEndcap | A FocallyLiftedInnerMap that maps a 3D unit right cylinder to a volume that connects a portion of a plane and a spherical surface |
CFlatSide | A FocallyLiftedInnerMap that maps a 3D unit right cylinder to a volume that connects a 2D annulus to a spherical surface |
CSide | A FocallyLiftedInnerMap that maps a 3D unit right cylindrical shell to a volume that connects portions of two spherical surfaces |
NFocallyLiftedMapHelpers | Holds helper functions for use with domain::CoordinateMaps::FocallyLiftedMap |
►NShapeMapTransitionFunctions | |
CShapeMapTransitionFunction | Abstract base class for the transition function used by the domain::CoordinateMaps::TimeDependent::Shape map |
CSphereTransition | A transition function that falls off as |
CWedge | A transition function with that falls off linearly from an inner surface of a wedge to an outer surface of a wedge. Meant to be used in domain::CoordinateMaps::Wedge blocks |
►NTags | Tags for the coordinate maps |
CCoordinateMap | The coordinate map from source to target coordinates |
►NTimeDependent | Contains the time-dependent coordinate maps |
CCubicScale | Maps the radius as where is the radius of the source coordinates |
CProductOf2Maps | Product of two codimension=0 CoordinateMaps, where one or both must be time-dependent |
CProductOf3Maps | Product of three one-dimensional CoordinateMaps |
CRotation | Time-dependent spatial rotation in two or three dimensions |
CRotScaleTrans | RotScaleTrans map which applies a combination of rotation, expansion, and translation based on which maps are supplied |
CShape | Distorts a distribution of points radially according to a spherical harmonic expansion while preserving angles |
CSkew | Time dependent coordinate map that keeps the and coordinates unchanged, but will distort (or skew) the coordinate based on functions of time and radial distance to the origin |
CSphericalCompression | Time-dependent compression of a finite 3D spherical volume |
CTranslation | Translation map defined by where takes on different forms based on which constructor is used |
CAffine | Affine map from |
CBulgedCube | Three dimensional map from the cube to a bulged cube. The cube is shaped such that the surface is compatible with the inner surface of Wedge<3>. The shape of the object can be chosen to be cubical, if the sphericity is set to 0, or to a sphere, if the sphericity is set to 1. The sphericity can be set to any number between 0 and 1 for a bulged cube |
CComposition | A composition of coordinate maps at runtime |
CCylindricalEndcap | Map from 3D unit right cylinder to a volume that connects portions of two spherical surfaces |
CCylindricalFlatEndcap | Map from 3D unit right cylinder to a volume that connects a portion of a circle to a portion of a spherical surface |
CCylindricalFlatSide | Map from 3D unit right cylindrical shell to a volume that connects a portion of an annulus to a portion of a spherical surface |
CCylindricalSide | Map from a 3D unit right cylindrical shell to a volume that connects portions of two spherical surfaces |
CDiscreteRotation | A CoordinateMap that swaps/negates the coordinate axes |
CDistributionAndSingularityPosition | A Distribution and the corresponding singularity position |
CEquatorialCompression | Redistributes gridpoints on the sphere |
CEquiangular | Non-linear map from |
CFocallyLiftedMap | Map from to the volume contained between a 2D surface and the surface of a 2-sphere |
CFrustum | A reorientable map from the cube to a frustum |
CIdentity | Identity map from |
CInterval | Maps in the 1D interval to in the interval according to a domain::CoordinateMaps::Distribution |
CKerrHorizonConforming | Distorts cartesian coordinates such that a coordinate sphere is mapped to an ellipsoid of constant Kerr-Schild radius |
CProductOf2Maps | Product of two codimension=0 CoordinateMaps |
CProductOf3Maps | Product of three one-dimensional CoordinateMaps |
CRotation< 2 > | Spatial rotation in two dimensions |
CRotation< 3 > | Spatial rotation in three dimensions using Euler angles |
CSpecialMobius | Redistributes gridpoints within the unit sphere |
CSphericalToCartesianPfaffian | Pfaffian transformation from spherical to Cartesian coordinates |
CUniformCylindricalEndcap | Map from 3D unit right cylinder to a volume that connects portions of two spherical surfaces |
CUniformCylindricalFlatEndcap | Map from 3D unit right cylinder to a 3D volume that connects a portion of a spherical surface with a disk |
CUniformCylindricalSide | Map from 3D unit right cylindrical shell to a volume that connects portions of two spherical surfaces |
CWedge | Map from a square or cube to a wedge |
►Ncreators | Defines classes that create Domains |
►Nbco | Namespace used to hold things used in both the BinaryCompactObject and CylindricalBinaryCompactObject domain creators |
►CTimeDependentMapOptions | This holds all options related to the time dependent maps of the binary compact object domains |
CInitialTime | The initial time of the functions of time |
►Nsphere | |
►CTimeDependentMapOptions | This holds all options related to the time dependent maps of the domain::creators::Sphere domain creator |
CInitialTime | The initial time of the functions of time |
CTransitionRotScaleTrans | |
►Ntime_dependence | Classes and functions for adding time dependence to a domain |
►CCubicScale | A linear or cubic radial scaling time dependence |
CAcceleration | The acceleration of the expansion factors |
CInitialExpansion | The initial values of the expansion factors |
CInitialTime | The initial time of the functions of time |
COuterBoundary | The outer boundary or pivot point of the domain::CoordinateMaps::TimeDependent::CubicScale map |
CUseLinearScaling | Whether to use linear scaling or cubic scaling |
CVelocity | The velocity of the expansion factors |
CNone | Make the mesh time independent so that it isn't moving |
►CRotationAboutZAxis | A spatially uniform rotation about the axis: |
CInitialAngle | |
CInitialAngularAcceleration | |
CInitialAngularVelocity | The -, -, and -velocity |
CInitialTime | The initial time of the function of time |
►CScalingAndZRotation | Cubic scaling, followed by uniform rotation about the axis: |
CAcceleration | The acceleration of the expansion factors |
CAngularVelocity | The -, -, and -velocity |
CInitialExpansion | The initial values of the expansion factors |
CInitialTime | The initial time of the function of time |
COuterBoundary | The outer boundary or pivot point of the domain::CoordinateMaps::TimeDependent::CubicScale map |
CUseLinearScaling | Whether to use linear scaling or cubic scaling |
CVelocity | The velocity of the expansion factors |
►CShape | A Shape whose inner surface conforms to a surface of constant Boyer-Lindquist radius, in Kerr-Schild coordinates as given by domain::CoordinateMaps::TimeDependent::Shape |
CCenter | Center for the Shape map |
CInitialTime | The initial time of the function of time |
CInnerRadius | The inner radius of the Shape map, the radius at which to begin applying the map |
CLMax | The max angular resolution l of the Shape |
CMass | The mass of the Kerr black hole |
COuterRadius | The outer radius of the Shape map, beyond which it is no longer applied |
CSpin | The dimensionless spin of the Kerr black hole |
►CSphericalCompression | A spherical compression about some center, as given by domain::CoordinateMaps::TimeDependent::SphericalCompression<false> |
CCenter | Center for the SphericalCompression map |
CInitialAcceleration | Initial radial acceleration for the function of time for the spherical compression |
CInitialTime | The initial time of the function of time |
CInitialValue | Initial value for function of time for the spherical compression |
CInitialVelocity | Initial radial velocity for the function of time for the spherical compression |
CMaxRadius | Maximum radius for the SphericalCompression map |
CMinRadius | Minimum radius for the SphericalCompression map |
CTimeDependence | The abstract base class off of which specific classes for adding time dependence into a domain creator must inherit off of |
►CUniformTranslation | A uniform translation in the and direction |
CInitialTime | The initial time of the functions of time |
CVelocity | The -, -, and -velocity |
►Ntime_dependent_options | |
►CExpansionMapOptions | Class that holds hard coded expansion map options from the input file |
CAsymptoticVelocityOuterBoundary | |
CDecayTimescale | |
CDecayTimescaleOuterBoundary | |
CInitialValues | |
CInitialValuesOuterBoundary | |
►CFromVolumeFile | Read in FunctionOfTime coefficients from an H5 file and volume subfile |
CH5Filename | |
CSubfileName | |
►CFromVolumeFileShapeSize | Specialized version of FromVolumeFile for the shape map |
CLMax | |
►CKerrSchildFromBoyerLindquist | Mass and spin necessary for calculating the coefficients of a Kerr horizon of certain Boyer-Lindquist radius for the shape map of the Sphere domain creator |
CMass | The mass of the Kerr black hole |
CSpin | The dimensionless spin of the Kerr black hole |
►CRotationMapOptions | Class that holds hard coded rotation map options from the input file |
CDecayTimescale | |
CInitialAngularVelocity | |
CInitialQuaternions | |
►CShapeMapOptions | Class to be used as an option for initializing shape map coefficients |
CInitialValues | |
CLMax | |
CSizeInitialValues | |
►CSkewMapOptions | Class that holds hard coded skew map options from the input file |
CInitialValues | |
CSpherical | Label for shape map options |
►CTranslationMapOptions | Class that holds hard coded translation map options from the input file |
CInitialValues | |
►CYlmsFromFile | |
CCheckFrame | |
CH5Filename | |
CMatchTime | |
CMatchTimeEpsilon | |
CSetL1CoefsToZero | |
CSubfileNames | |
►CYlmsFromSpEC | |
CDatFilename | |
CMatchTime | |
CMatchTimeEpsilon | |
CSetL1CoefsToZero | |
►CAlignedLattice | Create a Domain consisting of multiple aligned Blocks arrayed in a lattice |
CBlockBounds | |
CBlocksToExclude | |
CInitialGridPoints | |
CInitialLevels | |
CIsPeriodicIn | |
CRefinedGridPoints | |
CRefinedLevels | |
►CBinaryCompactObject | A general domain for two compact objects |
►CCartesianCubeAtXCoord | |
CXCoord | |
CCenterOfMassOffset | |
CCubeScale | |
CEnvelope | |
CEnvelopeRadius | |
►CExcision | Options for an excision region in the domain |
CBoundaryCondition | |
CInitialGridPoints | |
CInitialRefinement | |
►CObject | Options for one of the two objects in the binary domain |
CExciseInterior | |
CInnerRadius | |
CInterior | |
COuterRadius | |
CUseLogarithmicMap | |
CXCoord | |
CObjectA | |
CObjectB | |
COpeningAngle | |
COuterBoundaryCondition | |
COuterRadius | |
COuterShell | |
CRadialDistributionEnvelope | |
CRadialDistributionOuterShell | |
CRadialPartitioningOuterShell | |
CTimeDependentMaps | |
CUseEquiangularMap | |
►CCylinder | Create a 3D Domain in the shape of a cylinder where the cross-section is a square surrounded by four two-dimensional wedges (see Wedge ) |
CBoundaryConditions | |
CDistributionInZ | |
CInitialGridPoints | |
CInitialRefinement | |
CInnerRadius | |
CIsPeriodicInZ | |
CLowerZBound | |
CLowerZBoundaryCondition | |
CMantleBoundaryCondition | |
COuterRadius | |
CPartitioningInZ | |
CRadialDistribution | |
CRadialPartitioning | |
CUpperZBound | |
CUpperZBoundaryCondition | |
CUseEquiangularMap | |
►CCylindricalBinaryCompactObject | A general domain for two compact objects based on cylinders |
CBoundaryConditions | |
CCenterA | |
CCenterB | |
CIncludeInnerSphereA | |
CIncludeInnerSphereB | |
CIncludeOuterSphere | |
CInitialGridPoints | |
CInitialRefinement | |
CInnerBoundaryCondition | |
COuterBoundaryCondition | |
COuterRadius | |
CRadiusA | |
CRadiusB | |
CTimeDependentMaps | |
CUseEquiangularMap | |
►CDisk | Create a 2D Domain in the shape of a disk from a square surrounded by four wedges |
CBoundaryCondition | |
CInitialGridPoints | |
CInitialRefinement | |
CInnerRadius | |
COuterRadius | |
CUseEquiangularMap | |
►CFrustalCloak | Create a 3D cubical domain with two equal-sized abutting excised cubes in the center. This is done by combining ten frusta |
CBoundaryCondition | |
CInitialGridPoints | |
CInitialRefinement | |
CLengthInnerCube | |
CLengthOuterCube | |
COriginPreimage | |
CProjectionFactor | |
CUseEquiangularMap | |
►CRectilinear | Create a domain consisting of a single Block in Dim dimensions |
CBoundaryConditions | |
CDistribution | |
CInitialGridPoints | |
CInitialRefinement | |
CIsPeriodicIn | |
CLowerBound | |
►CLowerUpperBoundaryCondition | |
CLowerBC | |
CUpperBC | |
CTimeDependence | |
CUpperBound | |
►CRefinementRegion | |
CLowerCornerIndex | |
CRefinement | |
CUpperCornerIndex | |
►CRotatedBricks | Create a 3D Domain consisting of eight rotated Blocks |
CBoundaryCondition | |
CInitialGridPoints | |
CInitialRefinement | |
CIsPeriodicIn | |
CLowerBound | |
CMidpoint | |
CUpperBound | |
►CRotatedIntervals | Create a 1D Domain consisting of two rotated Blocks. The left block has its logical -axis aligned with the grid x-axis. The right block has its logical -axis opposite to the grid x-axis. This is useful for testing code that deals with unaligned blocks |
CBoundaryConditions | |
CInitialGridPoints | |
CInitialRefinement | |
CIsPeriodicIn | |
CLowerBound | |
CLowerBoundaryCondition | |
CMidpoint | |
CTimeDependence | |
CUpperBound | |
CUpperBoundaryCondition | |
►CRotatedRectangles | Create a 2D Domain consisting of four rotated Blocks |
CBoundaryCondition | |
CInitialGridPoints | |
CInitialRefinement | |
CIsPeriodicIn | |
CLowerBound | |
CMidpoint | |
CUpperBound | |
►CSphere | A 3D cubed sphere |
CEquatorialCompression | |
►CEquatorialCompressionOptions | Options for the EquatorialCompression map |
CAspectRatio | |
CIndexPolarAxis | |
CInitialGridPoints | |
CInitialRefinement | |
CInnerRadius | |
CInterior | |
COuterBoundaryCondition | |
COuterRadius | |
CRadialDistribution | |
CRadialPartitioning | |
CTimeDependentMaps | |
CUseEquiangularMap | |
CWhichWedges | |
►NFunctionsOfTime | Contains functions of time to support the dual frame system |
►NFunctionOfTimeHelpers | |
►CThreadsafeList | A list of time intervals that allows safe access to existing elements even during modification |
CIntervalInfo | |
Citerator | |
►NOptionTags | |
CCubicFunctionOfTimeOverride | Groups options for reading in FunctionOfTime data from SpEC |
CFunctionOfTimeFile | Path to an H5 file containing SpEC FunctionOfTime data |
CFunctionOfTimeNameMap | Pairs of strings mapping SpEC FunctionOfTime names to SpECTRE names |
CFixedSpeedCubic | Sets and derivatives using cubic rational functions, such that the first derivative approaches a constant and the second derivative approaches zero |
CFunctionOfTime | Base class for FunctionsOfTime |
CIntegratedFunctionOfTime | A function that is integrated manually |
CPiecewisePolynomial | A function that has a piecewise-constant MaxDeriv th derivative |
CQuaternionFunctionOfTime | A FunctionOfTime that stores quaternions for the rotation map |
CSettleToConstant | Given an initial function of time, transitions the map to a constant-in-time value |
CSettleToConstantQuaternion | Given an initial function of time that is a unit quaternion, transitions to a constant-in-time unit quaternion |
NInitialization | |
►NOptionTags | |
CDomainCreator | The input file tag for the DomainCreator to use |
►CElementDistribution | |
CRoundRobin | |
CRadiallyCompressedCoordinates | |
►NTags | Tags for the domain |
CBoundaryCoordinates | Computes the coordinates in the frame Frame on the faces defined by Direction . Intended to be prefixed by a Tags::InterfaceCompute to define the directions on which to compute the coordinates |
CBoundaryDirectionsExterior | The set of directions which correspond to external boundaries. To be used to represent data which exists on the exterior side of the external boundary faces |
CBoundaryDirectionsExteriorCompute | |
CBoundaryDirectionsInterior | The set of directions which correspond to external boundaries. Used for representing data on the interior side of the external boundary faces |
CBoundaryDirectionsInteriorCompute | |
CCharSpeedCompute | Compute the characteristic speeds on the moving mesh given the characteristic speeds if the mesh were stationary |
CCoordinates | The coordinates in a given frame |
CCoordinatesMeshVelocityAndJacobians | The Inertial coordinates, the inverse Jacobian from the Grid to the Inertial frame, the Jacobian from the Grid to the Inertial frame, and the Inertial mesh velocity |
CCoordinatesMeshVelocityAndJacobiansCompute | Computes the Inertial coordinates, the inverse Jacobian from the Grid to the Inertial frame, the Jacobian from the Grid to the Inertial frame, and the Inertial mesh velocity |
CDetInvJacobian | The determinant of the inverse Jacobian from the source frame to the target frame |
CDetInvJacobianCompute | Computes the determinant of the inverse Jacobian |
CDetJacobian | The determinant of the Jacobian from the source frame to the target frame |
CDetSurfaceJacobian | The determinant of the induced Jacobian on a surface |
CDetTimesInvJacobian | The inverse Jacobian times the determinant of the Jacobian |
CDirection | Direction to an interface |
CDivMeshVelocity | The divergence of the mesh velocity |
CDomain | The Domain |
CElement | The Element associated with the DataBox |
CElementDistribution | Tag that holds method for how to distribute the elements on the given resources |
CElementMap | The coordinate map from the ElementLogical frame to the TargetFrame |
CElementToInertialInverseJacobian | Computes the Logical to Inertial inverse Jacobian from CoordinatesVelocityAndJacobians |
CExternalBoundaryConditions | |
CFaceNormalVector | The normalized face normal vector, i.e. the FaceNormal raised with the spatial metric |
CFaces | The Tag on element faces |
CFlatLogicalMetric | The flat metric in element-logical coordinates |
CFlatLogicalMetricCompute | Compute the flat metric in element-logical coordinates from the inverse Jacobian |
CFunctionsOfTime | Tag to retrieve the FunctionsOfTime from the GlobalCache |
CFunctionsOfTimeInitialize | The FunctionsOfTime initialized from a DomainCreator |
CGridToInertialInverseJacobian | Computes the Grid to Inertial inverse Jacobian from CoordinatesVelocityAndJacobians . If the mesh is not moving, requesting this tag will throw an error because the Jacobian is just the identity |
CInertialFromGridCoordinatesCompute | Computes the Inertial coordinates from CoordinatesVelocityAndJacobians |
CInertialMeshVelocityCompute | Computes the Inertial mesh velocity from CoordinatesVelocityAndJacobians |
CInitialExtents | The number of grid points per dimension for all elements in each block of the initial computational domain |
CInitialRefinementLevels | The initial refinement level per dimension for all elements in each block of the initial computational domain |
CInterface | Tag which is either a SimpleTag for quantities on an interface, base tag to a compute item which acts on tags on an interface, or base tag to a compute item which slices a tag from the volume to an interface |
CInterfaceCompute | Compute tag for representing items computed on a set of interfaces. Can be retrieved using Tags::Interface<DirectionsTag, Tag> |
CInterfaceCompute< Tags::BoundaryDirectionsExterior< VolumeDim >, UnnormalizedFaceNormalCompute< VolumeDim, Frame > > | Specialisation of UnnormalizedFaceNormal for the external boundaries which inverts the normals. Since ExternalBoundariesDirections are meant to represent ghost elements, the normals should correspond to the normals in said element, which are inverted with respect to the current element |
CInterfaceCompute< Tags::BoundaryDirectionsExterior< VolumeDim >, UnnormalizedFaceNormalMovingMeshCompute< VolumeDim > > | |
CInterfaceMesh | Computes the VolumeDim-1 dimensional mesh on an interface from the volume mesh. Tags::InterfaceCompute<Dirs, InterfaceMesh<VolumeDim>> is retrievable as Tags::Interface<Dirs, Mesh<VolumeDim>> from the DataBox |
CInternalDirections | The set of directions to neighboring Elements |
CInternalDirectionsCompute | |
CInverseJacobian | The inverse Jacobian from the source frame to the target frame |
CInverseJacobianCompute | Computes the inverse Jacobian of the map held by MapTag at the coordinates held by SourceCoordsTag . The coordinates must be in the source frame of the map |
CJacobian | The Jacobian from the source frame to the target frame |
CJacobianCompute | Computes the Jacobian of the map from the InverseJacobian<Dim, SourceFrame, TargetFrame> tag |
CJacobianDiagnostic | A diagnostic comparing the analytic and numerical Jacobians for a map. See domain::jacobian_diagnostic for details |
CJacobianDiagnosticCompute | Computes the Jacobian diagnostic, which compares the analytic Jacobian (provided by some coordinate map) to a numerical Jacobian computed using numerical partial derivatives. The coordinates must be in the target frame of the map. See domain::jacobian_diagnostic for details of the calculation |
CLogicalCoordinates | The logical coordinates in the Element |
CMappedCoordinates | The coordinates in the target frame of MapTag . The SourceCoordsTag 's frame must be the source frame of MapTag |
CMesh | The computational grid of the Element in the DataBox |
CMeshVelocity | The mesh velocity |
CMinimumGridSpacing | The minimum coordinate distance between grid points |
CMinimumGridSpacingCompute | |
CNeighborMesh | Holds the mesh of each neighboring element |
CObjectCenter | The grid frame center of the given object |
CRadiallyCompressedCoordinates | Coordinates suitable for visualizing large radii by compressing them logarithmically or inversely |
CRadiallyCompressedCoordinatesCompute | |
CRadiallyCompressedCoordinatesOptions | Options for radially compressed coordinates, or std::nullopt if none were specified in the input file |
CSizeOfElement | The inertial-coordinate size of an element along each of its logical directions |
CSizeOfElementCompute | |
CSlice | Compute tag for representing a compute item that slices data from the volume to a set of interfaces |
CUnnormalizedFaceNormal | The unnormalized face normal one form |
CUnnormalizedFaceNormalCompute | |
CUnnormalizedFaceNormalMovingMeshCompute | |
CVariablesBoundaryData | Base tag for boundary data needed for updating the variables |
CBlockId | Index a block of the computational domain |
CBlockZCurveProcDistribution | Distribution strategy for assigning elements to CPUs using a Morton ('Z-order') space-filling curve to determine placement within each block, where Element s are distributed across CPUs |
CCheckFunctionsOfTimeAreReadyPostprocessor | Dense-output postprocessor to check that functions of time are up-to-date |
CCoordinateMap | A coordinate map or composition of coordinate maps |
CCoordinateMapBase | Abstract base class for CoordinateMap |
CExpandOverBlocks | Produce a std::vector<T> over all blocks of the domain |
Cmake_faces_tag | Wrap Tag in domain::Tags::Faces , unless Tag is in the VolumeTags list |
Cobject_list | Similar to a tmpl::list but for ObjectLabel s |
►CRadiallyCompressedCoordinatesOptions | Options for radially compressed coordinates |
CCompression | |
CInnerRadius | |
COuterRadius | |
►NElasticity | Items related to solving elasticity problems |
►NActions | Actions related to solving Elasticity systems |
CInitializeConstitutiveRelation | Initialize the constitutive relation describing properties of the elastic material |
►NBoundaryConditions | |
►CLaserBeam | A laser beam with Gaussian profile normally incident to the surface |
CBeamWidth | |
CZero | Impose zero Dirichlet ("fixed") or Neumann ("free") boundary conditions |
►NConstitutiveRelations | Constitutive (stress-strain) relations that characterize the elastic properties of a material |
CConstitutiveRelation | Base class for constitutive (stress-strain) relations that characterize the elastic properties of a material |
►CCubicCrystal | A cubic crystalline material |
CC_11 | |
CC_12 | |
CC_44 | |
►CIsotropicHomogeneous | An isotropic and homogeneous material |
CBulkModulus | |
CShearModulus | |
►NOptionTags | |
CConstitutiveRelation | |
CConstitutiveRelationPerBlock | |
►NSolutions | |
►CBentBeam | A state of pure bending of an elastic beam in 2D |
CBendingMoment | |
CHeight | |
CLength | |
CMaterial | |
►CHalfSpaceMirror | The solution for a half-space mirror deformed by a laser beam |
CAbsoluteTolerance | |
CBeamWidth | |
CIntegrationIntervals | |
CMaterial | |
CRelativeTolerance | |
CZero | The trivial solution of the Elasticity equations. Useful as initial guess |
►NTags | |
CConstitutiveRelation | The elastic material's constitutive relation |
CConstitutiveRelationPerBlock | A constitutive relation in every block of the domain |
CConstitutiveRelationPerBlockBase | A constitutive relation in every block of the domain |
CConstitutiveRelationReference | References the constitutive relation for the element's block, which is stored in the global cache |
CDisplacement | The material displacement field |
CMaterialBlockGroups | Stores the names of the block groups that split the domain into layers with different material properties. Useful to observe quantities in each layer |
CMaterialLayerName | The name of the material layer (name of a block group with some material) |
CMinusStress | Minus the Stress , i.e. . This tag can be used for the flux in a first-order formulation of the elasticity system |
CPotentialEnergyDensity | The energy density stored in the deformation of the elastic material |
CPotentialEnergyDensityCompute | Computes the energy density stored in the deformation of the elastic material |
CStrain | The symmetric strain , describing the deformation of the elastic material |
CStrainCompute | The symmetric strain in the elastic material |
CStress | The symmetric stress, i.e. , describing pressure within the elastic material |
CStressCompute | |
CFirstOrderSystem | The linear elasticity equation formulated as a set of coupled first-order PDEs |
CFluxes | Compute the fluxes for the Elasticity equation on a flat metric in Cartesian coordinates |
►Nelliptic | Items related to composing nonlinear elliptic solver executables |
►NActions | |
CInitializeBackgroundFields | Initialize the variable-independent background fields for an elliptic solve |
CInitializeFields | Initialize the dynamic fields of the elliptic system, i.e. those we solve for |
CInitializeFixedSources | Initialize the "fixed sources" of the elliptic equations, i.e. their variable-independent source term |
CInitializeOptionalAnalyticSolution | Place the analytic solution of the system fields in the DataBox |
CRunEventsAndTriggers | Run the events and triggers |
►Namr | |
►NActions | Actions to control the elliptic AMR algorithm |
CIncrementIterationId | Increment the AMR iteration ID and determine convergence |
CInitialize | Initializes items for the elliptic AMR algorithm projector |
CStopAmr | Stop the algorithm if it has converged |
►Nanalytic_data | Items related to pointwise analytic data for elliptic solves, such as initial guesses, analytic solutions, and background quantities in elliptic PDEs |
CAnalyticSolution | Subclasses represent analytic solutions of elliptic systems |
CBackground | Subclasses supply variable-independent background data for an elliptic solve |
CInitialGuess | Subclasses represent an initial guess for an elliptic solve |
CNumericData | Load numeric data from volume data files |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for elliptic systems |
►CAnalyticSolution< System, Dim, tmpl::list< FieldTags... >, tmpl::list< FluxTags... > > | Impose the analytic solution on the boundary. Works only if an analytic solution exists |
CSolution | |
CBoundaryCondition | Base class for boundary conditions for elliptic systems |
►Ndg | Functionality related to discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of elliptic equations |
►NActions | Actions related to elliptic discontinuous Galerkin schemes |
CDgOperator | Apply the DG operator to the PrimalFieldsTag and write the result to the OperatorAppliedToFieldsTag |
CImposeInhomogeneousBoundaryConditionsOnSource | For linear systems, impose inhomogeneous boundary conditions as contributions to the fixed sources (i.e. the RHS of the equations) |
CInitializeDomain | Initialize items related to the basic structure of the element |
►NOptionTags | Option tags related to elliptic discontinuous Galerkin schemes |
CDiscontinuousGalerkin | |
CDiscretization | |
CFormulation | |
CMassive | |
CPenaltyParameter | |
CQuadrature | |
►Nsubdomain_operator | Items related to the restriction of the DG operator to an element-centered subdomain |
►NActions | Actions related to the DG subdomain operator |
CInitializeSubdomain | Initialize the geometry for the DG subdomain operator |
►NTags | |
CExtrudingExtent | The number of points an element-centered subdomain extends into the neighbor, i.e. the "extruding" overlap extents. This tag is used in conjunction with LinearSolver::Schwarz::Tags::Overlaps to describe the extruding extent into each neighbor |
CNeighborMortars | Data on the neighbor's side of a mortar. Used to store data for elements that do not overlap with the element-centered subdomain, but play a role in the DG operator nonetheless |
CSubdomainOperator | The elliptic DG operator on an element-centered subdomain |
►NTags | DataBox tags related to elliptic discontinuous Galerkin schemes |
CFormulation | The DG formulation to use (strong or weak) |
CMassive | Whether or not to multiply the DG operator with the mass matrix. Massive DG operators can be easier to solve because they are symmetric, or at least closer to symmetry |
CMortarData | Holds elliptic::dg::MortarData , i.e. boundary data on both sides of a mortar |
CPenaltyFactor | The penalty factor in internal penalty fluxes |
CPenaltyParameter | The prefactor to the penalty term of the numerical flux |
CQuadrature | The quadrature method used for the elliptic DG discretization |
CInitializeBackground | Initialize background quantities for the elliptic DG operator, possibly including the metric necessary for normalizing face normals |
CInitializeFacesAndMortars | Initialize the geometry on faces and mortars for the elliptic DG operator |
CInitializeGeometry | Initialize the background-independent geometry for the elliptic DG operator |
CMortarData | Boundary data on both sides of a mortar |
CProjectGeometry | |
►NOptionTags | Option tags for nonlinear elliptic solver executables |
CBackground | |
CBoundaryConditionType | |
CGmresGroup | |
CInitialGuess | |
CLinearSolverGroup | |
CMultigridGroup | |
CNewtonRaphsonGroup | |
CNonlinearSolverGroup | |
CSchwarzSmootherGroup | |
►Nprotocols | Protocols related to elliptic systems |
►CFirstOrderSystem | A system of elliptic equations in first-order "flux" formulation |
Ctest | |
►Nsubdomain_preconditioners | Linear solvers that approximately invert the elliptic::dg::subdomain_operator::SubdomainOperator to make the Schwarz subdomain solver converge faster |
►NRegistrars | |
CMinusLaplacian | |
►CMinusLaplacian | Approximate the subdomain operator with a flat-space Laplacian for every tensor component separately |
CBoundaryConditions | |
CSolverOptionTag | |
►NTags | |
CBackground | The variable-independent part of the elliptic equations, e.g. the fixed-sources in a Poisson equation , the matter-density in a TOV-solve or the conformal metric in an XCTS solve |
CBoundaryConditionType | The elliptic::BoundaryConditionType to impose on the variable represented by Tag , e.g. Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions |
CBoundaryConditionTypes | The elliptic::BoundaryConditionType to impose on the variables represented by Tags , e.g. Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions |
CBoundaryFieldsCompute | The FieldsTag on external boundaries |
CBoundaryFluxesCompute | The Tags::NormalDotFlux<FieldsTag> on external boundaries |
CInitialGuess | The initial guess for the elliptic solve |
►NTriggers | Triggers for elliptic executables |
►CEveryNIterations | Trigger every N iterations of the solver identifid by the Label , after a given offset |
CN | |
COffset | |
CHasConverged | Trigger when the solver identified by the Label has converged |
CDefaultElementsAllocator | A Parallel::protocols::ArrayElementsAllocator that creates array elements to cover the initial computational domain |
CDgElementArray | The parallel component responsible for managing the DG elements that compose the computational domain |
►CSolver | A complete nonlinear elliptic solver stack. Use to compose an executable |
CRandomizeInitialGuess | |
►NEqualWithinRoundoffImpls | Specializations of EqualWithinRoundoffImpl for custom types, to add support for the equal_within_roundoff function |
CEqualWithinRoundoffImpl | Specialize this class to add support for the equal_within_roundoff function |
CEqualWithinRoundoffImpl< Lhs, Rhs, Requires< tt::is_iterable_v< Lhs > and not tt::is_maplike_v< Lhs > and tt::is_iterable_v< Rhs > and not tt::is_maplike_v< Rhs > > > | |
CEqualWithinRoundoffImpl< Variables< LhsTagList >, Variables< RhsTagList > > | |
►NEquationsOfState | Contains all equations of state, including base class |
►CBarotropic2D | A 2D equation of state representing a barotropic fluid |
CUnderlyingEos | |
►CBarotropic3D | A 3D equation of state representing a barotropic fluid |
CUnderlyingEos | |
►CDarkEnergyFluid | Equation of state for a dark energy fluid |
CParameterW | |
►CEnthalpy | An equation of state given by parametrized enthalpy |
CCosCoefficients | |
CMaximumDensity | |
CMinimumDensity | |
CPolynomialCoefficients | |
CReferenceDensity | |
CSinCoefficients | |
CStitchedLowDensityEoS | |
CTransitionDeltaEpsilon | |
CTrigScaling | |
CEquationOfState | Base class for equations of state depending on whether or not the system is relativistic, and the number of independent thermodynamic variables (ThermodynamicDim ) needed to determine the pressure |
CEquationOfState< IsRelativistic, 1 > | Base class for equations of state which need one thermodynamic variable in order to determine the pressure |
CEquationOfState< IsRelativistic, 2 > | Base class for equations of state which need two independent thermodynamic variables in order to determine the pressure |
CEquationOfState< IsRelativistic, 3 > | Base class for equations of state which need three independent thermodynamic variables in order to determine the pressure |
►CEquilibrium3D | A 3D equation of state representing a fluid in compositional equalibrium |
CUnderlyingEos | |
Cget_eos_base_impl | |
Cget_eos_base_impl< EquationsOfState::EquationOfState< IsRelativistic, ThermodynamicDim > > | |
►CHybridEos | Hybrid equation of state combining a barotropic EOS for cold (zero-temperature) part with a simple thermal part |
CColdEos | |
CThermalAdiabaticIndex | |
►CIdealFluid | Equation of state for an ideal fluid |
CAdiabaticIndex | |
►CPiecewisePolytropicFluid | Equation of state for a piecewise polytropic fluid |
CPiecewisePolytropicTransitionDensity | The density demarcating the high and low density descriptions of the fluid |
CPolytropicConstantLow | The constant scaling the low density material |
CPolytropicExponentHigh | The exponent , scaling the high density material |
CPolytropicExponentLow | The exponent , scaling the low density material |
►CPolytropicFluid | Equation of state for a polytropic fluid |
CPolytropicConstant | |
CPolytropicExponent | |
►CSpectral | A spectral equation of state |
CCoefficients | |
CReferenceDensity | |
CReferencePressure | |
CUpperDensity | |
►CTabulated3D | Nuclear matter equation of state in tabulated form |
CTableFilename | |
CTableSubFilename | |
►NEvents | |
►NTags | |
CObserverCoordinates | The coordinates used for observation |
CObserverCoordinatesCompute | Sets the ObserverCoordinates to domain::Tags::Coordinates |
CObserverDetInvJacobian | The determinant of the inverse Jacobian used for observation |
CObserverDetInvJacobianCompute | Sets the ObserverDetInvJacobian to domain::Tags::DetInvJacobian |
CObserverInverseJacobian | The inverse Jacobian used for observation |
CObserverInverseJacobianCompute | Sets the ObserverInverseJacobian to domain::Tags::InverseJacobian |
CObserverJacobian | The Jacobian used for observation |
CObserverJacobianCompute | Sets the ObserverJacobian to domain::Tags::Jacobian |
CObserverMesh | The mesh for the observation computational grid. For hybrid methods like DG-FD the observer mesh changes throughout the evolution |
CObserverMeshCompute | Sets the ObserverMesh to domain::Tags::Mesh |
CObserverMeshVelocity | The mesh velocity used for observations |
CObserverMeshVelocityCompute | Sets the ObserverMeshVelocty to domain::Tags::MeshVelocty |
►CChangeSlabSize | Trigger a slab size change |
CDelayChange | |
CStepChoosers | |
CCompletion | Sets the termination flag for the code to exit |
►CErrorIfDataTooBig | ERROR if tensors get too big |
CThreshold | |
CVariablesToCheck | |
►CMonitorMemory | Event run on the DgElementArray that will monitor the memory usage of parallel components in megabytes |
CComponentsToMonitor | |
►CObserveAdaptiveSteppingDiagnostics | Observe diagnostics about adaptive time-stepping |
CSubfileName | The name of the subfile inside the HDF5 file |
CObserveAdmIntegrals | Observe ADM integrals after the XCTS solve |
CObserveAtExtremum | Find the extremum of a Scalar<DataVector> over all elements, as well as the value of other functions at the location of that extremum |
►CObserveAtExtremum< tmpl::list< ObservableTensorTags... >, tmpl::list< NonTensorComputeTags... >, ArraySectionIdTag > | |
CSubfileName | The name of the subfile inside the HDF5 file |
CTensorsToObserve | The scalar to extremize, and other tensors to observe at extremum |
►CObserveDataBox | Event that will collect the size in MBs used by each DataBox item on each parallel component |
CWriteTagNamesToFile | |
CObserveNorms | Compute norms of tensors in the DataBox and write them to disk |
►CObserveNorms< tmpl::list< ObservableTensorTags... >, tmpl::list< NonTensorComputeTags... >, ArraySectionIdTag, OptionName > | |
CSubfileName | The name of the subfile inside the HDF5 file |
CTensorsToObserve | The tensor to observe and how to do the reduction |
►CObserveTimeStep | Observe the size of the time steps |
CObservePerCore | |
CPrintTimeToTerminal | |
CSubfileName | The name of the subfile inside the HDF5 file |
►Nevolution | Functionality for evolving hyperbolic partial differential equations |
►NActions | |
CInitializeRunEventsAndDenseTriggers | |
CProjectRunEventsAndDenseTriggers | Initialize/update items related to events and dense triggers after an AMR change |
CRunEventsAndDenseTriggers | Run the events and dense triggers |
CRunEventsAndTriggers | Run the events and triggers |
►Ndg | Functionality for evolving hyperbolic partial differential equations using the discontinuous Galerkin method |
►NActions | Actions for using the discontinuous Galerkin to evolve hyperbolic partial differential equations |
CApplyBoundaryCorrectionsToTimeDerivative | Computes the boundary corrections for global time-stepping and adds them to the time derivative |
CApplyLtsBoundaryCorrections | Computes the boundary corrections for local time-stepping and adds them to the variables |
CComputeTimeDerivative | Computes the time derivative for a DG time step |
►NInitialization | Functionality for initializing the discontinuous Galerkin to evolve hyperbolic partial differential equations |
CDomain | Initialize items related to the basic structure of the element |
CMortars | Initialize mortars between elements for exchanging boundary correction terms |
CProjectDomain | Initialize/update items related to coordinate maps after an AMR change |
CProjectMortars | Initialize/update items related to mortars after an AMR change |
►NOptionTags | |
CQuadrature | The quadrature points to use |
►Nsubcell | Implementation of a generic finite volume/conservative finite difference subcell limiter |
►NActions | Actions for the DG-subcell hybrid solver |
►NLabels | Labels used to navigate the action list when using a DG-subcell scheme |
CBeginDg | Label marking the start of the unlimited DG solver |
CBeginSubcell | Label marking the start of the subcell solver |
CBeginSubcellAfterDgRollback | Label marking the part of the subcell solver that the unlimited DG solver jumps to after rolling back the unlimited DG step because it was inadmissible |
CEndOfSolvers | Label marking the end of the step_actions , i.e. the end of both the unlimited DG solver and the subcell solver |
CComputeAndSendTciOnInitialGrid | Apply the TCI on the FD grid to the initial data and send the TCI decision to neighboring elements |
CReceiveDataForReconstruction | Receive the subcell data from our neighbor, and accumulate the data from the relaxed discrete maximum principle troubled-cell indicator |
CSelectNumericalMethod | Goes to Labels::BeginDg or Labels::BeginSubcell depending on whether the active grid is Dg or Subcell |
CSendDataForReconstruction | Sets the local data from the relaxed discrete maximum principle troubled-cell indicator and sends ghost zone data to neighboring elements |
CSetAndCommunicateInitialRdmpData | Sets the RDMP data from the initial data and sends it to neighboring elements |
CSetInitialGridFromTciData | Using the local and neighboring TCI decisions, switches the element to DG if the DG solution was determined to be admissible |
CSetSubcellGrid | Initialize the subcell grid, including the size of the evolved Variables and, if present, primitive Variables |
CTciAndRollback | Run the troubled-cell indicator on the candidate solution and perform the time step rollback if needed |
CTciAndSwitchToDg | Run the troubled-cell indicator on the subcell solution to see if it is safe to switch back to DG |
►Nfd | Code specific to a conservative finite difference subcell limiter |
►NActions | Actions specific to using a finite-difference subcell method |
CTakeTimeStep | Take a finite-difference time step on the subcell grid |
►NTags | Tags for the DG-subcell finite difference solver |
CDetInverseJacobianLogicalToGrid | The determinant of the inverse Jacobian from the element logical frame to the grid frame at the cell centers |
CDetInverseJacobianLogicalToGridCompute | Compute item for the determinant of the inverse jacobian matrix from logical to grid coordinates |
CDetInverseJacobianLogicalToInertial | The determinant of the inverse Jacobian from the element logical frame to the inertial frame at the cell centers |
CDetInverseJacobianLogicalToInertialCompute | Compute item for the determinant of the inverse jacobian matrix from logical to inertial coordinates |
CInverseJacobianLogicalToGrid | The inverse Jacobian from the element logical frame to the grid frame at the cell centers |
CInverseJacobianLogicalToGridCompute | Compute item for the inverse jacobian matrix from logical to grid coordinates |
CInverseJacobianLogicalToInertial | The inverse Jacobian from the element logical frame to the inertial frame at the cell centers |
CInverseJacobianLogicalToInertialCompute | Compute item for the inverse jacobian matrix from logical to inertial coordinates |
CCellCenteredFlux | Mutator that wraps the system's FluxMutator to correctly set the cell-centered fluxes on the subcell grid |
Nfv | Code specific to a finite volume subcell limiter |
►NOptionTags | Option tags for the DG-subcell solver |
CActiveGrid | |
CSubcellOptions | System-agnostic options for DG-subcell |
CSubcellSolverGroup | Group holding options for controlling the subcell solver discretization |
►NTags | Tags for the DG-subcell solver |
CActiveGrid | The grid currently used for the DG-subcell evolution on the element |
CCellCenteredFlux | Holds the cell-centered fluxes on the subcell mesh |
CCoordinates | The coordinates in a given frame |
CDataForRdmpTci | The data for the RDMP troubled-cell indicator |
CDidRollback | Tag indicating whether we are retrying a step after a rollback of a failed DG step |
CGhostDataForReconstruction | The ghost data used for reconstructing the solution on the interfaces between elements |
CInactive | Mark a tag as holding data for the inactive grid |
CInertialCoordinatesCompute | The inertial coordinates on the subcell grid |
CInitialTciData | Inbox tag for communicating the RDMP and TCI status/decision during initialization |
CInterpolatorsFromDgToNeighborFd | An intrp::Irregular from our DG grid to our neighbors' FD grid |
CInterpolatorsFromFdToNeighborFd | An intrp::Irregular from our FD grid to our neighbors' FD grid |
CInterpolatorsFromNeighborDgToFd | An intrp::Irregular from our neighbors' DG grid to our FD grid |
CLogicalCoordinatesCompute | The element logical coordinates on the subcell grid |
CMesh | The mesh on the subcells |
CMeshCompute | |
CMeshForGhostData | Holds the volume Mesh used by each neighbor for communicating subcell ghost data |
CMethodOrder | The order of the numerical method used |
CMethodOrderCompute | |
CNeighborTciDecisions | The TCI decision of neighboring elements |
CObserverCoordinatesCompute | "Computes" the active coordinates by setting the DataVector s to point into the coordinates of either the DG or subcell grid |
CObserverInverseJacobianCompute | Computes the active inverse Jacobian |
CObserverJacobianAndDetInvJacobianCompute | Computes the active Jacobian and determinant of the inverse Jacobian |
CObserverMeshCompute | Computes the active mesh, which is the DG mesh if ActiveGrid is Dg and the subcell mesh if ActiveGrid is Subcell |
CObserverMeshVelocityCompute | Computes the mesh velocity on the active grid |
COnSubcellFaces | Mark a tag as the being on the subcell faces |
COnSubcells | Mark a tag as the being on the subcell grid |
CReconstructionOrder | The reconstruction order |
CReconstructor | Base tag for reconstructors |
CStepsSinceTciCall | Keeps track of the number of steps since the TCI was called on the FD grid. This is not used on the DG grid |
CSubcellOptions | System-agnostic options for DG-subcell |
CTciCallsSinceRollback | Keeps track of the number of times the TCI was called after a rollback |
CTciDecision | Stores the status of the troubled cell indicator in the element as an int |
CTciGridHistory | A record of which grid the TCI requested we use |
CTciStatus | Stores the status of the troubled cell indicator in the element (TciDecision) as a Scalar<DataVector> so it can be observed |
CTciStatusCompute | Compute tag to get a TciStatus from a TciDecision |
CBackgroundGrVars | Allocate or assign background general relativity quantities on cell-centered and face-centered FD grid points, for evolution systems run on a curved spacetime without solving Einstein equations (e.g. ValenciaDivclean, ForceFree), |
CGhostData | |
CInitialTciData | Used to communicate the RDMP and TCI status/decision during initialization |
CRdmpTciData | Holds data needed for the relaxed discrete maximum principle troubled-cell indicator |
CSetInterpolators | Sets the intrp::IrregularInterpolant s for interpolating to ghost zone data at block boundaries |
►CSubcellOptions | Holds the system-agnostic subcell parameters, such as numbers controlling when to switch between DG and subcell |
CAlwaysUseSubcells | If true, then we always use the subcell method, not DG |
CFdToDgTci | |
CFiniteDifferenceDerivativeOrder | The order of the FD derivative used |
CMinimumClearTcis | The number of time steps/TCI calls that the TCI needs to have decided switching to DG is fine before we actually do the switch |
CMinTciCallsAfterRollback | The number of time steps/TCI calls after a switch from DG to FD before we allow switching back to DG |
CNumberOfStepsBetweenTciCalls | The number of time steps taken between calls to the TCI to check if we can go back to the DG grid. A value of 1 means every time step, while 2 means every other time step |
COnlyDgBlocksAndGroups | A list of block names on which to never do subcell |
CPerssonExponent | The exponent passed to the Persson troubled-cell indicator |
CPerssonNumHighestModes | The number of highest modes the Persson troubled-cell indicator monitors |
CPerssonTci | |
CRdmpDelta0 | The parameter in the relaxed discrete maximum principle troubled-cell indicator |
CRdmpEpsilon | The parameter in the relaxed discrete maximum principle troubled-cell indicator |
CRdmpTci | |
CSubcellToDgReconstructionMethod | Method to use for reconstructing the DG solution from the subcell solution |
CTroubledCellIndicator | Parameters related to the troubled cell indicator (TCI) that determines when to switch between DG and FD |
CUseHalo | Use a width-one halo of FD elements around any troubled element |
►NTags | Tags used for DG evolution scheme |
CBoundaryCorrectionAndGhostCellsInbox | The inbox tag for boundary correction communication and DG-subcell ghost zone cells |
CBoundaryData | Simple tag used to store inbox data in the DataBox |
CBoundaryMessageFromInbox | The BoundaryMessage received from the inbox |
CBoundaryMessageInbox | The inbox tag for boundary correction communication and DG-subcell ghost zone cells using a BoundaryMessage object |
CMagnitudeOfNormal | The magnitude of the unnormalized normal covector to the interface |
CMortarData | Data on mortars, indexed by (Direction, ElementId) pairs |
CMortarDataHistory | History of the data on mortars, indexed by (Direction, ElementId) pairs, and used by the linear multistep local time stepping code |
CMortarMesh | Mesh on the mortars, indexed by (Direction, ElementId) pairs |
CMortarNextTemporalId | The next temporal id at which to receive data on the specified mortar |
CMortarSize | Size of a mortar, relative to the element face. That is, the part of the face that it covers |
CNormalCovector | The normal covector to the interface |
CNormalCovectorAndMagnitude | The normal covector and its magnitude for all internal faces of an element |
CQuadrature | The quadrature points to use initially |
CApplyBoundaryCorrections | Apply corrections from boundary communication |
CAtomicInboxBoundaryData | Holds the data in the different directions for the nodegroup DgElementArray implementation |
CBackgroundGrVars | Allocate or assign background general relativity quantities needed for evolution systems run on a curved spacetime without solving Einstein equations (e.g. ValenciaDivclean, ForceFree) |
CBoundaryData | The data communicated between neighber elements |
CBoundaryMessage | [Charm++ Message] (https://charm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/charm%2B%2B/manual.html#messages) intended to be used in receive_data calls on the elements to send boundary data from one element on one node, to a different element on a (potentially) different node |
Cis_atomic_inbox_boundary_data | std::true if T is a AtomicInboxBoundaryData |
CMortarData | Data on the mortar used to compute the boundary correction for the DG scheme |
CMortarDataHolder | Data on each side of the mortar used to compute the boundary correction for the DG scheme using global time stepping |
CTimeDerivativeDecisions | Runtime control over time derivative work done |
Cusing_subcell | If Metavars has a SubcellOptions member struct and SubcellOptions::subcell_enabled is true then inherits from std::true_type , otherwise inherits from std::false_type |
►Ndomain | |
►NTags | |
CDivMeshVelocityCompute | The divergence of the frame velocity |
►Ninitial_data | Namespace for things related to initial data used for evolution systems |
►NOptionTags | Option tags for initial data of evolution system |
CInitialData | Class holding options for initial data of evolution system |
►NTags | Tags for initial data of evolution system |
CInitialData | The global cache tag for the initial data type |
CInitialData | The abstract base class for initial data of evolution systems. All analytic solutions and analytic data must virtually inherit from this class |
CNumericData | Load numeric data from volume data files |
►NInitialization | |
►NActions | |
CSetVariables | Sets variables needed for evolution of hyperbolic systems |
►NOptionTags | |
CBoundaryCorrection | The boundary correction used for coupling the local PDE system solution to solutions from neighboring elements or applying boundary conditions |
CGroup | Groups option tags related to the time evolution, e.g. time step and time stepper |
CSystemGroup | Groups option tags related to the evolution system |
►Nprotocols | Protocols related to evolution systems |
►CNumericInitialData | Indicates the ConformingType represents the choice to start an evolution with numeric initial data |
Ctest | |
NRingdown | Functionality for evolving a ringdown following a compact-binary merger |
►NTags | |
CAnalyticSolutionsCompute | Computes the analytic solution and adds Tags::Analytic of the std::optional<Tensor> s to the DataBox |
CBoundaryCorrection | The boundary correction used for coupling together neighboring cells or applying boundary conditions |
CNumericInitialData | Use in place of an analytic solution or analytic data to start an evolution with numeric initial data loaded from a data file |
CPassVariables | Used to make a time derivative mutator as requesting the time derivatives and temporaries in a Variables |
►Nfd | Functions and classes for finite difference methods |
Nreconstruction | Variable and flux vector splitting reconstruction schemes for finite difference methods |
Nfile_system | A light-weight file system library based on POSIX |
►NFilters | |
►NTags | |
CFilter | The global cache tag for the filter |
►CExponential | A cached exponential filter |
CAlpha | The value of exp(-alpha) is what the highest modal coefficient is rescaled by |
CBlocksToFilter | |
CEnable | Turn the filter off |
CHalfPower | Half of the exponent in the exponential |
NFirstOrderEllipticSolutionsTestHelpers | |
►NForceFree | Items related to evolving the GRFFE system with divergence cleaning |
►NAnalyticData | Holds classes implementing analytic data for the GRFFE system |
CFfeBreakdown | A test problem designed to show that the system initially satisfying the force-free conditions may violate those in a later time |
►CMagnetosphericWald | The magnetospheric Wald problem proposed in [114] |
CSpin | |
►CRotatingDipole | The magnetosphere of an isolated rotating star with dipolar initial magnetic field in the flat spacetime. This is a toy model of a pulsar magnetosphere |
CAngularVelocity | |
CDelta | |
CTiltAngle | |
CVarpi0 | |
CVectorPotentialAmplitude | |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for the GRFFE system |
CBoundaryCondition | The base class of which all boundary conditions must inherit |
CDemandOutgoingCharSpeeds | A boundary condition that only verifies that all characteristic speeds are directed out of the domain; no boundary data is altered by this boundary condition |
►CDirichletAnalytic | Sets Dirichlet boundary conditions using the analytic solution or analytic data |
CAnalyticPrescription | What analytic solution/data to prescribe |
►NBoundaryCorrections | Boundary corrections/numerical fluxes for the GRFFE sytem |
CBoundaryCorrection | The base class used to create boundary corrections from input files and store them in the global cache |
CRusanov | A Rusanov/local Lax-Friedrichs Riemann solver |
►Nfd | Finite difference functionality for ForceFree evolution system |
►NOptionTags | |
CReconstructor | Holds the subcell reconstructor in the input file |
►NTags | |
CReconstructor | Tag for the reconstructor |
►CAdaptiveOrder | Adaptive order FD reconstruction. See fd::reconstruction::positivity_preserving_adaptive_order() for details. Note that in the ForceFree evolution system no variable needs to be kept positive |
CAlpha5 | |
CAlpha7 | |
CAlpha9 | |
CLowOrderReconstructor | |
CMonotonisedCentral | Monotonised central reconstruction. See fd::reconstruction::monotonised_central() for details |
CReconstructor | The base class from which all reconstruction schemes must inherit |
►CWcns5z | Fifth order weighted nonlinear compact scheme reconstruction using the Z oscillation indicator. See fd::reconstruction::wcns5z() for details |
CEpsilon | |
CFallbackReconstructor | |
CMaxNumberOfExtrema | |
CNonlinearWeightExponent | |
NImex | Code related to IMEX time integration of ForceFree evolution system |
►NOptionTags | |
CConstraintDampingGroup | Groups option tags related to the divergence cleaning of the GRFFE system |
CForceFreeCurrentGroup | Groups option tags related to the electric current of the GRFFE system |
CForceFreeGroup | Groups option tags related to the GRFFE evolution system |
CKappaPhi | The constraint damping parameter for divergence cleaning of magnetic fields |
CKappaPsi | The constraint damping parameter for divergence cleaning of electric fields |
CParallelConductivity | The damping parameter in the electric current density to impose force-free conditions. Physically, this parameter is the conductivity parallel to magnetic field lines |
►NSolutions | Holds classes implementing a solution to the GRFFE system |
►CAlfvenWave | Alfven wave propagating along direction in flat spacetime with the wave speed |
CWaveSpeed | The wave speed |
►CExactWald | An exact electrovacuum force-free solution of Maxwell's equations in the Schwarzschild spacetime by Wald [204] |
CMagneticFieldAmplitude | |
CFastWave | An electromagnetic wave propagating into direction in flat spacetime |
►Nsubcell | Code required by the DG-FD hybrid solver |
►NOptionTags | |
CTciOptions | |
►NTags | |
CTciOptions | |
CGhostVariables | Returns , , , , and for FD reconstruction |
CNeighborPackagedData | On elements using DG, reconstructs the interface data from a neighboring element doing subcell |
CSetInitialRdmpData | Sets the initial RDMP data |
CTciOnDgGrid | The troubled-cell indicator run on the DG grid to check if the solution is admissible |
CTciOnFdGrid | The troubled-cell indicator run on the FD grid to check if the corresponding DG solution is admissible |
►CTciOptions | |
CTildeQCutoff | The cutoff of the absolute value of the generalized charge density in an element to apply the Persson TCI |
►NTags | Tags for the GRFFE system with divergence cleaning |
CChargeDensity | The electric charge density where is the normal to hypersurface and is the 4-current |
CChargeDensityCompute | Compute item for electric charge density from TildeQ |
CComputeTildeJ | Computes the densitized electric current density |
CElectricCurrentDensity | The spatial electric current density |
CElectricCurrentDensityCompute | Compute item for electric current density from TildeJ |
CElectricDivergenceCleaningField | The divergence cleaning scalar field coupled to the electric field |
CElectricField | The electric field |
CElectricFieldCompute | Compute item for electric field from TildeE |
CKappaPhi | The constraint damping parameter for divergence cleaning of magnetic fields |
CKappaPsi | The constraint damping parameter for divergence cleaning of electric fields |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeed | The largest characteristic speed |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeedCompute | Compute the largest characteristic speed of the GRFFE system with divergence cleaning |
CMagneticDivergenceCleaningField | The divergence cleaning scalar field coupled to the magnetic field |
CMagneticField | The magnetic field |
CMagneticFieldCompute | Compute item for magnetic field from TildeB |
CNsInteriorMask | An optional scalar variable used for masking the interior of neutron star(s) when running neutron star magnetosphere simulations |
CParallelConductivity | The damping parameter in the electric current density to impose force-free conditions. Physically, this parameter is the conductivity parallel to magnetic field lines |
CTildeB | The densitized magnetic field |
CTildeE | The densitized electric field |
CTildeJ | The densitized electric current density |
CTildePhi | The densitized divergence cleaning field associated with the magnetic field |
CTildePsi | The densitized divergence cleaning field associated with the electric field |
CTildeQ | The densitized electric charge density |
CComputeDriftTildeJ | Computes the non-stiff part of the generalized electric current density |
CComputeParallelTildeJ | Computes the stiff part of the generalized electric current density |
CFluxes | Compute the fluxes of the GRFFE system with divergence cleaning |
CMaskNeutronStarInterior | Assign the masking scalar variable (see Tags::NsInteriorMask) at the initialization phase in NS magnetosphere simulations |
CSources | Compute the source terms for the GRFFE system with divergence cleaning |
CSystem | General relativistic force-free electrodynamics (GRFFE) system with divergence cleaning |
►CTimeDerivativeTerms | Compute the time derivative of the conserved variables for the GRFFE equations with divergence cleaning |
CLapseTimesElectricFieldOneForm | |
CLapseTimesMagneticFieldOneForm | |
CTildeJDrift | |
Nformaline | Functions for retrieving system and source tree information |
►NFrame | Indicates the Frame that a TensorIndexType is in |
CBlockLogical | |
CDistorted | |
CElementLogical | |
CFluid | |
CFrameIsPhysical | Marks a Frame as being "physical" in the sense that it is meaningful to evaluate an analytic solution in that frame |
CGrid | |
CInertial | |
CNoFrame | Represents an index that is not in a known frame, e.g. some internal intermediate frame that is irrelevant to the interface |
CSpherical | Represents a spherical-coordinate frame that is associated with a Cartesian frame, e.g. associated with the Inertial frame, as used on an apparent horizon or a wave-extraction surface |
►Nfuncl | Higher order function objects similar to std::plus , etc |
CAbs | Functional for computing abs on an object |
CAcos | Functional for computing acos on an object |
CAcosh | Functional for computing acosh on an object |
CAnd | Functional for computing and of two objects |
CAsin | Functional for computing asin on an object |
CAsinh | Functional for computing asinh on an object |
CAssertEqual | Functional that asserts that the function object C applied to the first and second arguments are equal and returns the function object C applied to the first argument |
CAtan | Functional for computing atan on an object |
CAtan2 | Functional for computing atan2 from two objects |
CAtanh | Functional for computing atanh on an object |
CCbrt | Functional for computing cbrt on an object |
CConj | Functional for computing conj on an object |
CCos | Functional for computing cos on an object |
CCosh | Functional for computing cosh on an object |
CDivAssign | Functional for computing /= of two objects |
CDivides | Functional for computing / of two objects |
CElementWise | Function that applies C to every element of the operands. This function is currently only tested for std::vector operands. Operands other than the first may be a single value, which is applied element-wise to the vector. If needed, this function can be generalized further |
CErf | Functional for computing erf on an object |
CExp | Functional for computing exp on an object |
CExp2 | Functional for computing exp2 on an object |
CFabs | Functional for computing fabs on an object |
CGetArgument | Functional to retrieve the ArgumentIndex th argument |
CHypot | Functional for computing hypot from two objects |
CIdentity | The identity higher order function object |
CImag | Functional for computing imag on an object |
CInvCbrt | Functional for computing invcbrt on an object |
CInvSqrt | Functional for computing invsqrt on an object |
CLiteral | |
CLog | Functional for computing log on an object |
CLog10 | Functional for computing log10 on an object |
CLog2 | Functional for computing log2 on an object |
CMax | Functional for computing max from two objects |
CMerge | Function that merges two containers using the merge method of the first container. Can be used to collect data in a std::map in a reduction |
CMin | Functional for computing min from two objects |
CMinus | Functional for computing - of two objects |
CMinusAssign | Functional for computing -= of two objects |
CMultAssign | Functional for computing *= of two objects |
CMultiplies | Functional for computing * of two objects |
CNegate | Functional for computing - on an object |
COr | Functional for computing or of two objects |
CPlus | Functional for computing + of two objects |
CPlusAssign | Functional for computing += of two objects |
CPow | Functional for computing pow from two objects |
CReal | Functional for computing real on an object |
CSin | Functional for computing sin on an object |
CSinh | Functional for computing sinh on an object |
CSqrt | Functional for computing sqrt on an object |
CSquare | Function for squaring a quantity |
CStepFunction | Functional for computing step_function on an object |
CTan | Functional for computing tan on an object |
CTanh | Functional for computing tanh on an object |
CUnaryPow | Function for computing an integer power, forwards to template pow<N>() |
►Ngh | Items related to evolving the first-order generalized harmonic system |
►NActions | |
CInitializeGhAnd3Plus1Variables | |
CReceiveNumericInitialData | Receive numeric initial data loaded by gh::Actions::SetInitialData |
CSetInitialData | Dispatch loading numeric initial data from files or set analytic initial data |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for the generalized harmonic system |
NBjorhus | Detailed implementation of Bjorhus-type boundary corrections |
CBoundaryCondition | The base class off of which all boundary conditions must inherit |
►CConstraintPreservingBjorhus | Sets constraint preserving boundary conditions using the Bjorhus method |
CTypeOptionTag | |
CDemandOutgoingCharSpeeds | A BoundaryCondition that only verifies that all characteristic speeds are directed out of the domain; no boundary data is altered by this boundary condition |
►CDirichletAnalytic | Sets Dirichlet boundary conditions using the analytic solution or analytic data |
CAnalyticPrescription | What analytic solution/data to prescribe |
CDirichletMinkowski | Sets Dirichlet boundary conditions to a Minkowski spacetime |
►NBoundaryCorrections | Boundary corrections/numerical fluxes |
CBoundaryCorrection | The base class used to make boundary corrections factory createable so they can be specified in the input file |
CUpwindPenalty | Computes the generalized harmonic upwind multipenalty boundary correction |
►NConstraintDamping | Holds classes implementing DampingFunction (functions ) |
►NOptionTags | |
CDampingFunctionGamma0 | |
CDampingFunctionGamma1 | |
CDampingFunctionGamma2 | |
►NTags | |
CConstraintGamma0 | Constraint dammping parameter for the generalized harmonic system (cf. [127]) |
CConstraintGamma0Compute | Computes the constraint damping parameter from the coordinates and a DampingFunction |
CConstraintGamma1 | Constraint dammping parameter for the generalized harmonic system (cf. [127]) |
CConstraintGamma1Compute | Computes the constraint damping parameter from the coordinates and a DampingFunction |
CConstraintGamma2 | Constraint dammping parameter for the generalized harmonic system (cf. [127]) |
CConstraintGamma2Compute | Computes the constraint damping parameter from the coordinates and a DampingFunction |
CDampingFunctionGamma0 | A DampingFunction to compute the constraint damping parameter |
CDampingFunctionGamma1 | A DampingFunction to compute the constraint damping parameter |
CDampingFunctionGamma2 | A DampingFunction to compute the constraint damping parameter |
►CConstant | A constant function: |
CValue | |
CDampingFunction | Base class defining interface for constraint damping functions |
►CGaussianPlusConstant | A Gaussian plus a constant: |
CAmplitude | |
CCenter | |
CConstant | |
CWidth | |
►CTimeDependentTripleGaussian | A sum of three Gaussians plus a constant, where the Gaussian widths are scaled by a domain::FunctionsOfTime::FunctionOfTime |
CAmplitude | |
CCenter | |
CConstant | |
CGaussian | |
CWidth | |
►Ngauges | Gauge conditions for generalized harmonic evolution systems |
►NOptionTags | |
CDhGaugeParameters | |
CGaugeCondition | |
►NTags | |
CDhGaugeParameters | Input option tags for the generalized harmonic evolution system |
CGaugeAndDerivativeCompute | Gauge condition and its spacetime derivative |
CGaugeCondition | The gauge condition to impose |
►CAnalyticChristoffel | Imposes the analytic gauge condition, from an analytic solution or analytic data |
CAnalyticPrescription | What analytic solution/data to prescribe |
►CDampedHarmonic | Impose damped harmonic gauge |
CAmplitudes | The amplitudes for the L1, L2, and S terms, respectively, for the damped harmonic gauge |
CExponents | The exponents for the L1, L2, and S terms, respectively, for the damped harmonic gauge |
CSpatialDecayWidth | The width of the Gaussian for the spatial decay of the damped harmonic gauge |
CDhGaugeParameters | A struct holding the parameters for initializing damped harmonic gauge |
CGaugeCondition | Base class for GH gauge conditions |
CHarmonic | Imposes the harmonic gauge condition, |
CSetPiAndPhiFromConstraints | Set from the gauge source function (or 1-index constraint) and from the 3-index constraint |
CSetPiAndPhiFromConstraintsCacheMutator | GlobalCache mutator to set the value of the gh::Tags::SetPiAndPhiFromConstraints tag |
►NOptionTags | Input option tags for the generalized harmonic evolution system |
CGroup | |
►NScalarTensor | |
NAnalyticData | ScalarTensor solutions wrapped for GH |
►NSolutions | |
CWrappedGr | A wrapper for general-relativity analytic solutions that loads the analytic solution and then adds a function that returns any combination of the generalized-harmonic evolution variables, specifically gr::Tags::SpacetimeMetric , gh::Tags::Pi , and gh::Tags::Phi |
►NTags | Tags for the generalized harmonic formulation of Einstein equations |
CCharacteristicFields | |
CCharacteristicSpeeds | |
CComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed | Computes the largest magnitude of the characteristic speeds |
CConstraintEnergy | Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. |
CConstraintEnergyCompute | Compute item to get combined energy in all constraints for the generalized harmonic evolution system |
CDerivLapseCompute | Compute item to get spatial derivatives of lapse from the generalized harmonic variables and spacetime unit normal one-form |
CDerivShiftCompute | Compute item to get spatial derivatives of the shift vector from generalized harmonic and geometric variables |
CDerivSpatialMetricCompute | Compute item to get spatial derivatives of the spatial metric from the generalized harmonic spatial derivative variable |
CEvolvedFieldsFromCharacteristicFields | |
CExtrinsicCurvatureCompute | Compute item to get extrinsic curvature from generalized harmonic variables and the spacetime normal vector |
CFConstraint | Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. |
CFConstraintCompute | Compute item to get the F-constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system |
CFourIndexConstraint | Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. |
CFourIndexConstraintCompute | Compute item to get the four-index constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system |
CGamma1Gamma2 | constraint damping product |
CGamma1Plus1 | |
CGaugeConstraint | Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations |
CGaugeConstraintCompute | Compute item to get the gauge constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system |
CGaugeH | Gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system |
CGaugeHImplicitFrom3p1QuantitiesCompute | Compute item to get the implicit gauge source function from 3 + 1 quantities |
CHalfPhiTwoNormals | |
CHalfPiTwoNormals | |
CInitialGaugeH | Initial value of the gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
CMeshVelocityDotThreeIndexConstraint | |
CNormalDotOneIndexConstraint | |
CPhi | Auxiliary variable which is analytically the spatial derivative of the spacetime metric |
CPhiCompute | Compute item for the auxiliary variable used by the generalized harmonic formulation of Einstein's equations |
CPhiFirstIndexUp | |
CPhiOneNormal | |
CPhiThirdIndexUp | |
CPi | Conjugate momentum to the spacetime metric |
CPiCompute | Compute item the conjugate momentum of the spacetime metric |
CPiOneNormal | |
CPiSecondIndexUp | |
CSecondTimeDerivOfSpacetimeMetricCompute | Compute item to get second time derivative of the spacetime metric from generalized harmonic and geometric variables |
CSetPiAndPhiFromConstraints | DataBox tag for holding whether or not to set GH variables and from constraints |
CShiftDotThreeIndexConstraint | |
CSpacetimeChristoffelFirstKindThirdIndexUp | |
CSpacetimeDerivGaugeH | Spacetime derivatives of the gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system |
CSpacetimeDerivGaugeHCompute | Compute item to get spacetime derivative of the gauge source function from its spatial and time derivatives |
CSpacetimeDerivInitialGaugeH | Initial spacetime derivatives of the gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system |
CThreeIndexConstraint | Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. |
CThreeIndexConstraintCompute | Compute item to get the three-index constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system |
CTimeDerivLapseCompute | Compute item to get time derivative of lapse ( ) from the generalized harmonic variables, lapse, shift and the spacetime unit normal 1-form |
CTimeDerivShiftCompute | Compute item to get time derivative of the shift vector from the generalized harmonic and geometric variables |
CTimeDerivSpatialMetricCompute | Compute item to get time derivative of the spatial metric from generalized harmonic and geometric variables |
CTraceExtrinsicCurvatureCompute | Compute item to get the trace of extrinsic curvature from generalized harmonic variables and the spacetime normal vector |
CTwoIndexConstraint | Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. |
CTwoIndexConstraintCompute | Compute item to get the two-index constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system |
CVMinus | |
CVPlus | |
CVSpacetimeMetric | Tags corresponding to the characteristic fields of the generalized harmonic system |
CVZero | |
CCharacteristicFieldsCompute | |
CCharacteristicSpeedsCompute | |
CCharacteristicSpeedsOnStrahlkorper | |
CCharacteristicSpeedsOnStrahlkorperCompute | |
CComputeNormalDotFluxes | Set the normal dot the flux to zero since the generalized harmonic system has no fluxes and they're currently still needed for the evolution scheme |
CEvolvedFieldsFromCharacteristicFieldsCompute | |
►CNumericInitialData | Numeric initial data loaded from volume data files |
CAdmVars | |
CGhVars | |
CVariables | |
CVarName | Name of a variable in the volume data file |
CSystem | |
CTimeDerivative | Compute the RHS of the Generalized Harmonic formulation of Einstein's equations |
►Ngr | Holds functions related to general relativity |
►NAnalyticData | Classes which implement analytic data for general relativity |
►CBrillLindquist | Brill Lindquist data [31] corresponding to two black holes momentarily at rest |
CCenterA | |
CCenterB | |
CIntermediateComputer | Computes the intermediates and quantities that we do not want to recompute across the solution's implementation |
CIntermediateVars | Computes and returns spacetime quantities of interest |
Cinternal_tags | Tags defined for intermediates specific to BrillLindquist data |
CMassA | |
CMassB | |
►CSpecInitialData | Vacuum initial data generated by SpEC |
CDataDirectory | |
►NSolutions | Classes which implement analytic solutions to Einstein's equations |
►CGaugePlaneWave | Gauge plane wave in flat spacetime |
CIntermediateVars | |
CProfile | |
CWaveVector | |
►CGaugeWave | Gauge wave in flat spacetime |
CAmplitude | |
CWavelength | |
►CHarmonicSchwarzschild | Schwarzschild black hole in Cartesian coordinates with harmonic gauge |
CCenter | |
CIntermediateComputer | Computes the intermediates and quantities that we do not want to recompute across the solution's implementation |
CIntermediateVars | Computes and returns spacetime quantities of interest |
Cinternal_tags | Tags defined for intermediates specific to the harmonic Schwarzschild solution |
CMass | |
►CKerrSchild | Kerr black hole in Kerr-Schild coordinates |
CCenter | |
CIntermediateComputer | |
CIntermediateVars | |
Cinternal_tags | |
CMass | |
CSpin | |
CVelocity | |
CMinkowski | The Minkowski solution for flat space in Dim spatial dimensions |
►CSphericalKerrSchild | Kerr black hole in Spherical Kerr-Schild coordinates |
CCenter | |
CIntermediateComputer | |
CIntermediateVars | |
Cinternal_tags | |
CMass | |
CSpin | |
►Nsurfaces | |
►NTags | Holds tags and ComputeItems associated with a ylm::Strahlkorper that also need a metric |
CArea | Tag representing the surface area of a Strahlkorper |
CAreaCompute | Computes the surface area of a Strahlkorer, given an AreaElement and a Strahlkorper |
CAreaElement | Computes the area element on a Strahlkorper. Useful for integrals |
CAreaElementCompute | |
CChristodoulouMass | The Christodoulou mass, which is a function of the dimensionful spin angular momentum and the irreducible mass of a Strahlkorper |
CChristodoulouMassCompute | Computes the Christodoulou mass from the dimensionful spin angular momentum and the irreducible mass of a Strahlkorper |
CDimensionfulSpinMagnitude | The approximate-Killing-Vector quasilocal spin magnitude of a Strahlkorper (see Sec. 2.2 of [26] and references therein) |
CDimensionfulSpinMagnitudeCompute | Computes the approximate-Killing-Vector quasilocal spin magnitude of a Strahlkorper |
CDimensionfulSpinVector | The dimensionful spin angular momentum vector |
CDimensionfulSpinVectorCompute | Computes the dimensionful spin angular momentum vector |
CDimensionlessSpinMagnitude | The dimensionless spin magnitude of a Strahlkorper |
CDimensionlessSpinMagnitudeCompute | Computes the dimensionless spin magnitude from the dimensionful spin magnitude and the christodoulou mass of a black hole |
CDimensionlessSpinVector | The dimensionless spin angular momentum vector |
CDimensionlessSpinVectorCompute | Computes the dimensionless spin angular momentum vector |
CExtrinsicCurvatureCompute | |
CInverseSpatialMetricCompute | These ComputeItems are different from those used in GeneralizedHarmonic evolution because these live only on the intrp::Actions::ApparentHorizon DataBox, not in the volume DataBox. And these ComputeItems can do fewer allocations than the volume ones, because (for example) Lapse, SpaceTimeNormalVector, etc. can be inlined instead of being allocated as a separate ComputeItem |
CIrreducibleMass | The Irreducible (areal) mass of an apparent horizon |
CIrreducibleMassCompute | Computes the Irreducible mass of an apparent horizon from its area |
CSpatialChristoffelSecondKindCompute | |
CSpinFunction | The spin function is proportional to the imaginary part of the Strahlkorper’s complex scalar curvature |
CSpinFunctionCompute | Calculates the spin function which is proportional to the imaginary part of the Strahlkorper’s complex scalar curvature |
CSurfaceIntegral | Computes the integral of a scalar over a Strahlkorper |
CSurfaceIntegralCompute | |
►NTags | |
CConformal | The quantity Tag scaled by a conformal factor to the given Power |
CDerivativesOfSpacetimeMetric | Spacetime derivatives of the spacetime metric |
CDerivativesOfSpacetimeMetricCompute | Compute item to get spacetime derivative of spacetime metric from spatial metric, lapse, shift, and their space and time derivatives |
CDerivDetSpatialMetric | Derivative of the determinant of the spatial metric |
CDerivInverseSpatialMetric | Spatial derivative of the inverse of the spatial metric |
CDetAndInverseSpatialMetric | |
CDetAndInverseSpatialMetricCompute | Compute item for spatial metric determinant and inverse in terms of the spatial metric |
CDetSpatialMetric | Determinant of the spatial metric |
CEnergyDensity | The energy density , where denotes the normal to the spatial hypersurface |
CExtrinsicCurvature | |
CHamiltonianConstraint | The ADM Hamiltonian constraint (see e.g. Eq. (2.132) in [14]) |
CInverseSpacetimeMetric | |
CInverseSpacetimeMetricCompute | Compute item for inverse spacetime metric in terms of the lapse , shift , and inverse spatial metric |
CInverseSpatialMetric | Inverse of the spatial metric |
CLapse | |
CLapseCompute | Compute item for lapse from the spacetime metric and the shift |
CMomentumConstraint | The ADM momentum constraint , where denotes the covariant derivative associated with the spatial metric (see e.g. Eq. (2.133) in [14]) |
CMomentumDensity | The spatial momentum density , where denotes the normal to the spatial hypersurface |
CPsi4Real | Computes the real part of |
CPsi4RealCompute | Computes the real part of the Newman Penrose quantity using |
CShift | |
CShiftCompute | Compute item for shift from the spacetime metric and the inverse spatial metric |
CShiftyQuantity | Holds a quantity that's similar to the shift, but isn't the shift |
CSpacetimeChristoffelFirstKind | |
CSpacetimeChristoffelFirstKindCompute | Compute item for spacetime Christoffel symbols of the first kind computed from the first derivative of the spacetime metric |
CSpacetimeChristoffelSecondKind | |
CSpacetimeChristoffelSecondKindCompute | Compute item for spacetime Christoffel symbols of the second kind computed from the Christoffel symbols of the first kind and the inverse spacetime metric |
CSpacetimeMetric | |
CSpacetimeMetricCompute | Compute item for spacetime metric from the lapse , shift , and spatial metric |
CSpacetimeNormalOneForm | |
CSpacetimeNormalOneFormCompute | Compute item for spacetime normal oneform from the lapse |
CSpacetimeNormalVector | |
CSpacetimeNormalVectorCompute | Compute item for spacetime normal vector from the lapse and the shift |
CSpatialChristoffelFirstKind | |
CSpatialChristoffelFirstKindCompute | Compute item for spatial Christoffel symbols of the first kind computed from the first derivative of the spatial metric |
CSpatialChristoffelSecondKind | |
CSpatialChristoffelSecondKindCompute | Compute item for spatial Christoffel symbols of the second kind computed from the Christoffel symbols of the first kind and the inverse spatial metric |
CSpatialChristoffelSecondKindContracted | Contraction of the first two indices of the spatial Christoffel symbols: . Useful for covariant divergences |
CSpatialMetric | |
CSpatialMetricCompute | Compute item for spatial metric from the spacetime metric |
CSpatialRicci | Computes the spatial Ricci tensor from the spatial Christoffel symbol of the second kind and its derivative |
CSpatialRicciCompute | Compute item for spatial Ricci tensor computed from SpatialChristoffelSecondKind and its spatial derivatives |
CSpatialRicciScalar | Simple tag for the spatial Ricci scalar |
CSpatialRicciScalarCompute | Computes the spatial Ricci scalar using the spatial Ricci tensor and the inverse spatial metric |
CSqrtDetSpatialMetric | |
CSqrtDetSpatialMetricCompute | Compute item to get the square root of the determinant of the spatial metric via gr::Tags::DetAndInverseSpatialMetric |
CStressTrace | The trace of the spatial stress-energy tensor |
CTraceExtrinsicCurvature | |
CTraceSpacetimeChristoffelFirstKind | |
CTraceSpacetimeChristoffelFirstKindCompute | Compute item for the trace of the spacetime Christoffel symbols of the first kind computed from the Christoffel symbols of the first kind and the inverse spacetime metric |
CTraceSpacetimeChristoffelSecondKind | Trace of the spacetime Christoffel symbols of the second kind , where are Christoffel symbols of the second kind and is the inverse spacetime metric |
CTraceSpatialChristoffelFirstKind | Trace of the spatial Christoffel symbols of the first kind , where are Christoffel symbols of the first kind and is the inverse spatial metric |
CTraceSpatialChristoffelFirstKindCompute | Compute item for the trace of the spatial Christoffel symbols of the first kind computed from the Christoffel symbols of the first kind and the inverse spatial metric |
CTraceSpatialChristoffelSecondKind | |
CTraceSpatialChristoffelSecondKindCompute | Compute item for the trace of the spatial Christoffel symbols of the second kind computed from the Christoffel symbols of the second kind and the inverse spatial metric |
CWeylElectric | Computes the electric part of the Weyl tensor in vacuum as: where is the spatial Ricci tensor, is the extrinsic curvature, and is the trace of |
CWeylElectricCompute | Compute item for the electric part of the weyl tensor in vacuum Computed from the SpatialRicci, ExtrinsicCurvature, and InverseSpatialMetric |
CWeylElectricScalar | Computes the scalar from the electric part of the Weyl tensor and the inverse spatial metric , i.e. |
CWeylElectricScalarCompute | Can be retrieved using gr::Tags::WeylElectricScalar |
CWeylMagnetic | The magnetic part of the Weyl tensor in vacuum |
CWeylMagneticCompute | Compute item for the magnetic part of the weyl tensor in vacuum Computed from the ExtrinsicCurvature and SpatialMetric |
CWeylMagneticScalar | The square of the magnetic part of the Weyl tensor |
CWeylMagneticScalarCompute | Can be retrieved using gr::Tags::WeylMagneticScalar Computes magnetic part of the Weyl tensor |
CWeylTypeD1 | Computes a quantity measuring how far from type D spacetime is, using measure D1 [Eq. (8)] of [20] |
CWeylTypeD1Compute | Compute item for WeylTypeD1 Computed from WeylElectric, SpatialMetric, and InverseSpatialMetric |
CWeylTypeD1Scalar | Computes the scalar (Eq. (8) of [20]) from and the inverse spatial metric , i.e. |
CWeylTypeD1ScalarCompute | Can be retrieved using gr::Tags::WeylTypeD1Scalar |
CAnalyticDataBase | Base struct for properties common to all GR analytic data classes |
CAnalyticSolution | Base struct for properties common to all GR analytic solutions |
CKerrSchildCoords | Contains helper functions for transforming tensors in Kerr spacetime to Kerr-Schild coordinates |
►Ngrmhd | Items related to general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) |
►NAnalyticData | Holds classes implementing analytic data for the GrMhd system |
►NInitialMagneticFields | Things related to the initial (seed) magnetic field that can be superposed on GRMHD initial data |
CInitialMagneticField | The abstract base class for initial magnetic field configurations |
►CPoloidal | Poloidal magnetic field for GRMHD initial data |
CCenter | |
CCutoffPressure | |
CMaxDistanceFromCenter | |
CPressureExponent | |
CVectorPotentialAmplitude | |
►CToroidal | Toroidal magnetic field for GRMHD initial data |
CCenter | |
CCutoffPressure | |
CMaxDistanceFromCenter | |
CPressureExponent | |
CVectorPotentialAmplitude | |
►CBlastWave | Analytic initial data for a cylindrical or spherical blast wave |
CAdiabaticIndex | The adiabatic index of the ideal fluid |
CGeometryOption | The geometry of the blast wave, i.e. Cylindrical or Spherical |
CInnerDensity | Density at radii less than InnerRadius |
CInnerPressure | Pressure at radii less than InnerRadius |
CInnerRadius | Inside InnerRadius, density is InnerDensity |
CMagneticField | The x,y,z components of the uniform magnetic field threading the matter |
COuterDensity | Density at radii greater than OuterRadius |
COuterPressure | Pressure at radii greater than OuterRadius |
COuterRadius | Outside OuterRadius, density is OuterDensity |
►CBondiHoyleAccretion | Analytic initial data for axially symmetric Bondi-Hoyle accretion |
CBhDimlessSpin | The dimensionless black hole spin, |
CBhMass | The mass of the black hole, |
CFlowSpeed | The magnitude of the spatial velocity far from the black hole |
CMagFieldStrength | The strength of the magnetic field |
CPolytropicConstant | The polytropic constant of the fluid |
CPolytropicExponent | The polytropic exponent of the fluid |
CRestMassDensity | The rest mass density of the fluid far from the black hole |
►CCcsnCollapse | Evolve a stellar collapse (progenitor) profile through collapse |
CAdiabaticIndex | Adiabatic index of the system at readin |
CCentralAngularVelocity | Central angular velocity artificially assigned at readin |
CDifferentialRotationParameter | Differential rotation parameter for artificially assigned rotation profile |
CMaxDensityRatioForLinearInterpolation | Maximum density ratio for linear interpolation |
CPolytropicConstant | The polytropic constant of the fluid |
CProgenitorFilename | The massive star progenitor data file |
►CFukaInitialData | Hydro initial data generated by FUKA |
CElectronFraction | |
CInfoFilename | |
►CKhInstability | Analytic initial data for a Kelvin-Helmholtz instability simulation |
CAdiabaticIndex | The adiabatic index of the fluid |
CBackgroundDensity | The mass density outside of the strip |
CBackgroundVelocity | The velocity along outside of the strip |
CMagneticField | The uniform magnetic field |
CPerturbAmplitude | The amplitude of the perturbation |
CPerturbWidth | The characteristic length for the width of the perturbation |
CPressure | The initial (constant) pressure of the fluid |
CStripBimedianHeight | The vertical coordinate of the horizontal bimedian of the strip |
CStripDensity | The mass density in the strip |
CStripThickness | The thickness of the strip |
CStripVelocity | The velocity along in the strip |
►CMagneticFieldLoop | Analytic initial data for an advecting magnetic field loop |
CAdiabaticIndex | The adiabatic index for the ideal fluid |
CAdvectionVelocity | The fluid velocity |
CInnerRadius | The inner radius of the magnetic loop |
CMagFieldStrength | The strength of the magnetic field |
COuterRadius | The outer radius of the magnetic loop |
CPressure | The pressure throughout the fluid |
CRestMassDensity | The rest mass density throughout the fluid |
►CMagneticRotor | Analytic initial data for a magnetic rotor |
CAdiabaticIndex | The adiabatic index of the ideal fluid |
CAngularVelocity | Angular velocity inside the rotor |
CBackgroundDensity | Density outside the rotor |
CMagneticField | The x,y,z components of the uniform magnetic field threading the matter |
CPressure | Uniform pressure inside and outside the rotor |
CRotorDensity | Density inside the rotor |
CRotorRadius | Radius of the rotor |
►CMagnetizedFmDisk | Magnetized fluid disk orbiting a Kerr black hole |
CBFieldNormGridRes | Grid resolution used in magnetic field normalization |
CInversePlasmaBeta | The maximum-magnetic-pressure-to-maximum-fluid-pressure ratio |
CThresholdDensity | The rest mass density (in units of the maximum rest mass density in the disk) below which the matter in the disk is initially unmagetized |
►CMagnetizedTovStar | Magnetized TOV star initial data, where metric terms only account for the hydrodynamics not the magnetic fields |
CMagneticFields | |
COrszagTangVortex | Analytic initial data for the relativistic Orszag-Tang vortex |
►CPolarMagnetizedFmDisk | Magnetized fluid disk orbiting a Kerr black hole in the Kerr-Schild Cartesian coordinates, but in a toroidal mesh defined from a torus map (see grmhd::AnalyticData::SphericalTorus) |
CDiskParameters | |
CTorusParameters | |
►CRiemannProblem | Initial conditions for relativistic MHD Riemann problems |
CAdiabaticIndex | |
CLapse | |
CLeftMagneticField | |
CLeftPressure | |
CLeftRestMassDensity | |
CLeftSpatialVelocity | |
CRightMagneticField | |
CRightPressure | |
CRightRestMassDensity | |
CRightSpatialVelocity | |
CShiftX | |
►CSlabJet | Analytic initial data for a slab jet |
CAdiabaticIndex | |
CAmbientDensity | |
CAmbientElectronFraction | |
CAmbientPressure | |
CInletRadius | |
CJetDensity | |
CJetElectronFraction | |
CJetPressure | |
CJetVelocity | |
CMagneticField | |
►CSpecInitialData | Hydro initial data generated by SpEC |
CAtmosphereDensity | |
CDataDirectory | |
CDensityCutoff | |
CElectronFraction | |
►CSphericalTorus | Torus made by removing two polar cones from a spherical shell |
CCompressionLevel | |
CFractionOfTorus | |
CMinPolarAngle | |
CRadialRange | |
►NGhValenciaDivClean | Namespace associated with utilities for the combined Generalized Harmonic and Valencia formulation of ideal GRMHD with divergence cleaning systems |
►NActions | |
CReceiveNumericInitialData | Receive numeric initial data loaded by grmhd::GhValenciaDivClean::Actions::SetInitialData |
CSetInitialData | Dispatch loading numeric initial data from files |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for the combined Generalized Harmonic and Valencia GRMHD systems |
CBoundaryCondition | The base class for Generalized Harmonic and Valencia combined boundary conditions; all boundary conditions for this system must inherit from this base class |
CConstraintPreservingFreeOutflow | Sets constraint-preserving boundary conditions on the spacetime variables and hydro free outflow on the GRMHD variables |
►CDirichletAnalytic | Sets Dirichlet boundary conditions using the analytic solution or analytic data |
CAnalyticPrescription | What analytic solution/data to prescribe |
►CDirichletFreeOutflow | Sets Dirichlet boundary conditions using the analytic solution or analytic data on the spacetime variables and hydro free outflow on the GRMHD variables |
CAnalyticPrescription | What analytic solution/data to prescribe |
►NBoundaryCorrections | Boundary corrections/numerical fluxes |
CBoundaryCorrection | The base class used to make boundary corrections factory createable so they can be specified in the input file |
►CProductOfCorrections | Apply a boundary condition to the combined Generalized Harmonic (GH) and Valencia GRMHD system using boundary corrections defined separately for the GH and Valencia systems |
CGhCorrection | |
CValenciaCorrection | |
►Nfd | Finite difference functionality for the coupled Generalized Harmonic and ValenciaDivClean equations |
►NOptionTags | Option tags for finite difference solver |
CFilterOptions | Option tag for the filter/dissipation options |
CReconstructor | Option tag for the reconstructor |
►NTags | Tags for finite difference solver |
CFilterOptions | Tag for filter/dissipation options |
CReconstructor | Tag for the reconstructor |
CBoundaryConditionGhostData | Computes finite difference ghost data for external boundary conditions |
►CFilterOptions | Filtering/dissipation options |
CSpacetimeDissipation | Kreiss-Oliger dissipation applied to metric variables |
►CMonotonisedCentralPrim | Monotonised central reconstruction on the GRMHD primitive variables (see fd::reconstruction::monotonised_central() for details) and unlimited 3rd order (degree 2 polynomial) reconstruction on the metric variables |
CAtmosphereTreatment | |
►CPositivityPreservingAdaptiveOrderPrim | Positivity-preserving adaptive order reconstruction. See fd::reconstruction::positivity_preserving_adaptive_order() for details. The rest mass density, electron fraction, and the pressure are kept positive. Use unlimited 5th order (degree 4 polynomial) reconstruction on the metric variables |
CAlpha5 | |
CAlpha7 | |
CAlpha9 | |
CAtmosphereTreatment | |
CLowOrderReconstructor | |
CReconstructor | The base class from which all reconstruction schemes must inherit |
►CWcns5zPrim | Fifth order weighted nonlinear compact scheme reconstruction using the Z oscillation indicator. See fd::reconstruction::wcns5z() for details |
CAtmosphereTreatment | |
CEpsilon | |
CFallbackReconstructor | |
CMaxNumberOfExtrema | |
CNonlinearWeightExponent | |
►Nsubcell | Code required by the DG-subcell/FD hybrid solver |
CFixConservativesAndComputePrims | Fix the conservative variables and compute the primitive variables |
CNeighborPackagedData | On elements using DG, reconstructs the interface data from a neighboring element doing subcell |
CPrimitiveGhostVariables | Computes the rest mass density , electron fraction , pressure , Lorentz factor times the spatial velocity , magnetic field , the divergence cleaning field , and the generalized harmonic evolved variables , and on the subcells so they can be used for reconstruction |
CPrimsAfterRollback | Mutator that resizes the primitive variables to the subcell mesh and computes the primitives, but only if evolution::dg::subcell::Tags::DidRollback is true |
CResizeAndComputePrims | If the grid is switched from subcell to DG, then this mutator resizes the primitive variables to the DG grid and computes the primitive variables on the DG grid |
CTciOnDgGrid | The troubled-cell indicator run on the DG grid to check if the solution is admissible |
CTciOnFdGrid | The troubled-cell indicator run on the FD grid to check if the corresponding DG solution is admissible |
CTimeDerivative | Compute the time derivative on the subcell grid using FD reconstruction |
►NTags | Tags for the combined system of the Generalized Harmonic formulation for the Einstein field equations and the Valencia GRMHD formulation |
CComovingMagneticField | The comoving magnetic field |
CComovingMagneticFieldOneForm | The down-index comoving magnetic field |
CComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed | Computes the largest magnitude of the characteristic speeds |
CFConstraintCompute | Compute item to get the F-constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system with an MHD stress-energy source |
CFourVelocity | The fluid four-velocity |
CFourVelocityOneForm | The down-index four-velocity |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
CStressEnergy | Represents the stress-energy tensor of the matter in the MHD sector of the GRMHD system |
CTraceReversedStressEnergy | Represents the trace reversed stress-energy tensor of the matter in the MHD sector of the GRMHD system |
►CNumericInitialData | Numeric initial data loaded from volume data files |
CGhVariables | |
CHydroVariables | |
CSetPiAndPhiFromConstraints | Set from the gauge source function |
CSystem | |
CTimeDerivativeTerms | Compute the RHS terms and flux values for both the Generalized Harmonic formulation of Einstein's equations and the Valencia formulation of the GRMHD equations with divergence cleaning |
►NSolutions | Holds classes implementing a solution to the GrMhd system |
►CAlfvenWave | Circularly polarized Alfvén wave solution in Minkowski spacetime travelling along a background magnetic field |
CAdiabaticIndex | The adiabatic index for the ideal fluid |
CBackgroundMagneticField | The background static magnetic field vector |
CElectronFraction | The constant electron fraction throughout the fluid |
CPressure | The constant pressure throughout the fluid |
CRestMassDensity | The constant rest mass density throughout the fluid |
CWaveMagneticField | The sinusoidal magnetic field vector associated with the Alfvén wave, perpendicular to the background magnetic field vector |
CWaveNumber | The wave number of the profile |
►CBondiMichel | Bondi-Michel accretion [137] with superposed magnetic field in Schwarzschild spacetime in Cartesian Kerr-Schild coordinates |
CIntermediateVars | |
CMagFieldStrength | The strength of the radial magnetic field |
CMass | The mass of the black hole |
CPolytropicExponent | The polytropic exponent for the polytropic fluid |
CSonicDensity | The rest mass density of the fluid at the sonic radius |
CSonicRadius | The radius at which the fluid becomes supersonic |
►CKomissarovShock | A one-dimensional shock solution for an ideal fluid in Minkowski spacetime |
CAdiabaticIndex | |
CLeftElectronFraction | |
CLeftMagneticField | |
CLeftPressure | |
CLeftRestMassDensity | |
CLeftSpatialVelocity | |
CRightElectronFraction | |
CRightMagneticField | |
CRightPressure | |
CRightRestMassDensity | |
CRightSpatialVelocity | |
CShockSpeed | |
CSmoothFlow | Periodic GrMhd solution in Minkowski spacetime |
►NValenciaDivClean | Items related to the Valencia formulation of ideal GRMHD with divergence cleaning coupled with electron fraction |
►NActions | |
CReadNumericInitialData | Dispatch loading numeric initial data from files |
CSetNumericInitialData | Receive numeric initial data loaded by grmhd::ValenciaDivClean::Actions::ReadNumericInitialData |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for the GRMHD Valencia Divergence Cleaning system |
CBoundaryCondition | The base class off of which all boundary conditions must inherit |
CDemandOutgoingCharSpeeds | A BoundaryCondition that only verifies that all characteristic speeds are directed out of the domain; no boundary data is altered by this boundary condition |
►CDirichletAnalytic | Sets Dirichlet boundary conditions using the analytic solution or analytic data |
CAnalyticPrescription | What analytic solution/data to prescribe |
CHydroFreeOutflow | Apply hydrodynamic free outflow and no inflow boundary condition to GRMHD primitive variables |
►CReflective | Apply "soft" reflective boundary condition as described in [179] |
CReflectBoth | |
►NBoundaryCorrections | Boundary corrections/numerical fluxes |
CBoundaryCorrection | The base class used to make boundary corrections factory createable so they can be specified in the input file |
►CHll | An HLL Riemann solver |
CLargestIngoingCharSpeed | |
CLargestOutgoingCharSpeed | |
CLightSpeedDensityCutoff | |
CMagneticFieldMagnitudeForHydro | |
CRusanov | A Rusanov/local Lax-Friedrichs Riemann solver |
►Nfd | Finite difference functionality for the ValenciaDivClean form of the GRMHD equations |
►NOptionTags | Option tags for reconstruction |
CReconstructor | Option tag for the reconstructor |
►NTags | Tags for reconstruction |
CReconstructor | Tag for the reconstructor |
CBoundaryConditionGhostData | Computes finite difference ghost data for external boundary conditions |
►CMonotonicityPreserving5Prim | Fifth order monotonicity-preserving (MP5) reconstruction. See fd::reconstruction::monotonicity_preserving_5() for details |
CAlpha | |
CEpsilon | |
CMonotonisedCentralPrim | Monotonised central reconstruction. See fd::reconstruction::monotonised_central() for details |
►CPositivityPreservingAdaptiveOrderPrim | Positivity-preserving adaptive order reconstruction. See fd::reconstruction::positivity_preserving_adaptive_order() for details |
CAlpha5 | |
CAlpha7 | |
CAlpha9 | |
CLowOrderReconstructor | |
CReconstructor | The base class from which all reconstruction schemes must inherit |
►CWcns5zPrim | Fifth order weighted nonlinear compact scheme reconstruction using the Z oscillation indicator. See fd::reconstruction::wcns5z() for details |
CEpsilon | |
CFallbackReconstructor | |
CMaxNumberOfExtrema | |
CNonlinearWeightExponent | |
►NOptionTags | |
CDampingParameter | The constraint damping parameter |
CPrimitiveFromConservativeOptions | |
CValenciaDivCleanGroup | Groups option tags related to the ValenciaDivClean evolution system |
►NPrimitiveRecoverySchemes | Schemes for recovering primitive variables from conservative variables |
CKastaunEtAl | Compute the primitive variables from the conservative variables using the scheme of [106] |
CKastaunEtAlHydro | Compute the primitive variables from the conservative variables using the scheme of [79] |
CNewmanHamlin | Compute the primitive variables from the conservative variables using the scheme of Newman and Hamlin, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 36(4) B661-B683 (2014) |
CPalenzuelaEtAl | Compute the primitive variables from the conservative variables using the scheme of Palenzuela et al, Phys. Rev. D 92, 044045 (2015) |
CPrimitiveRecoveryData | Data determined by PrimitiveRecoverySchemes at a single grid point |
►Nsubcell | Code required by the DG-subcell/FD hybrid solver |
►NOptionTags | |
CTciOptions | |
►NTags | |
CTciOptions | |
CFixConservativesAndComputePrims | Fix the conservative variables and compute the primitive variables |
CNeighborPackagedData | On elements using DG, reconstructs the interface data from a neighboring element doing subcell |
CPrimitiveGhostVariables | Computes the rest mass density , electron fraction , temperature , Lorentz factor times the spatial velocity , magnetic field , and the divergence cleaning field so they can be used for reconstruction |
CPrimsAfterRollback | Mutator that resizes the primitive variables to the subcell mesh and computes the primitives, but only if evolution::dg::subcell::Tags::DidRollback is true |
CResizeAndComputePrims | Mutator that, if the active mesh is subcell, resizes the primitive variables to have the size of the subcell and then computes the primitive variables |
CSetInitialRdmpData | Sets the initial RDMP data |
CSwapGrTags | Swaps the inactive and active GR variables |
CTciOnDgGrid | The troubled-cell indicator run on the DG grid to check if the solution is admissible |
CTciOnFdGrid | The troubled-cell indicator run on the FD grid to check if the corresponding DG solution is admissible |
►CTciOptions | Class holding options using by the GRMHD-specific parts of the troubled-cell indicator |
CAtmosphereDensity | The density cutoff where if the maximum value of the density in the DG element is below this value we skip primitive recovery and treat the cell as atmosphere |
CMagneticFieldCutoff | The cutoff where if the maximum of the magnetic field in an element is below this value we do not apply the Persson TCI to the magnetic field |
CMinimumValueOfD | Minimum value of rest-mass density times Lorentz factor before we switch to subcell. Used to identify places where the density has suddenly become negative |
CMinimumValueOfTildeTau | Minimum value of before we switch to subcell. Used to identify places where the energy has suddenly become negative |
CMinimumValueOfYe | Minimum value of before we switch to subcell. Used to identify places where the electron fraction has suddenly become |
CSafetyFactorForB | Safety factor |
CTimeDerivative | Compute the time derivative on the subcell grid using FD reconstruction |
►NTags | Tags for the Valencia formulation of the ideal GRMHD equations with divergence cleaning |
CCharacteristicSpeeds | The characteristic speeds |
CCharacteristicSpeedsCompute | Compute the characteristic speeds for the Valencia formulation of GRMHD with divergence cleaning |
CComovingMagneticFieldMagnitudeCompute | Compute the magnitude of the comoving magnetic field |
CComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
CConstraintDampingParameter | The constraint damping parameter for divergence cleaning |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
CPrimitiveFromConservativeOptions | |
CQuadrupoleMomentCompute | Compute tag for the quadrupole moment |
CQuadrupoleMomentDerivativeCompute | Compute tag for the first time derivative of the quadrupole moment |
CTildeB | The densitized magnetic field |
CTildeD | The densitized rest-mass density |
CTildePhi | The densitized divergence-cleaning field |
CTildeS | The densitized momentum density |
CTildeTau | The densitized energy density |
CTildeYe | The densitized electron number density times the baryon mass |
CVariablesNeededFixing | Set to true if the variables needed fixing |
CComputeFluxes | The fluxes of the conservative variables |
CComputeSources | Compute the source terms for the flux-conservative Valencia formulation of GRMHD with divergence cleaning, coupled with electron fraction |
CConservativeFromPrimitive | Compute the conservative variables from primitive variables |
►CFixConservatives | Fix conservative variables using method developed by Foucart |
CCutoffD | Cutoff below which is set to MinimumValueOfD |
CCutoffYe | Cutoff below which is set to MinimumValueOfYe |
CEnable | Whether or not the limiting is enabled |
CMagneticField | How to treat the magnetic field |
CMinimumValueOfD | Minimum value of rest-mass density times lorentz factor |
CMinimumValueOfYe | Minimum value of electron fraction |
CSafetyFactorForB | Safety factor |
CSafetyFactorForS | Safety factor |
CSafetyFactorForSCutoffD | Cutoff in below which we use a stricter safety factor for the magnitude of S |
CSafetyFactorForSSlope | Below SafetyFactorForSCutoffD, reduce by SafetyFactorForSSlope times |
►CFlattener | Reduces oscillations inside an element in an attempt to guarantee a physical solution of the conserved variables for which the primitive variables can be recovered |
CRecoverPrimitives | If true, then the primitive variables are updated at the end of the function |
CRequirePhysicalMeanTildeTau | Require that the mean of TildeTau is physical, otherwise terminate the simulation |
CRequirePositiveMeanTildeD | Require that the mean of TildeD is positive, otherwise terminate the simulation |
CRequirePositiveMeanTildeYe | Require that the mean of TildeYe is positive, otherwise terminate the simulation |
►CNumericInitialData | Numeric initial data loaded from volume data files |
CDensityCutoff | |
CPrimitiveVars | |
CVariables | |
CVarName | Name of a variable in the volume data file. Can be optional, in which case a constant value can be supplied instead of a dataset name |
CPrimitiveFromConservative | Compute the primitive variables from the conservative variables |
►CPrimitiveFromConservativeOptions | Options to be passed to the Con2Prim algorithm. Currently, we simply set a threshold for tildeD below which the inversion is not performed and the density is set to atmosphere values |
CCutoffDForInversion | |
CDensityWhenSkippingInversion | |
CKastaunMaxLorentzFactor | |
CSetVariablesNeededFixingToFalse | Mutator used with Initialization::Actions::AddSimpleTags to initialize the VariablesNeededFixing to false |
CSystem | Ideal general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) system with divergence cleaning coupled with electron fraction |
►CTimeDerivativeTerms | Compute the time derivative of the conserved variables for the Valencia formulation of the GRMHD equations with divergence cleaning |
CDensitizedStress | |
CEnthalpyTimesDensityWSquaredPlusBSquared | |
CLapseTimesbOverW | |
CMagneticFieldOneForm | |
COneOverLorentzFactorSquared | |
CPressureStar | |
CPressureStarLapseSqrtDetSpatialMetric | |
CTildeSUp | |
CAnalyticDataBase | Base struct for properties common to all GRMHD analytic data classes |
CAnalyticSolution | Base struct for properties common to all GRMHD analytic solutions |
►Ngsl | Implementations from the Guideline Support Library |
Cnot_null | Require a pointer to not be a nullptr |
Cspan | Create a span/view on a range, which is cheap to copy (one pointer) |
►Nh5 | Contains functions and classes for manipulating HDF5 files |
CCce | Represents Cauchy-Characteristic Extraction (CCE) bondi variables inside of an HDF5 file |
CDat | Represents a multicolumn dat file inside an HDF5 file |
CEosTable | An equation of state table subfile written inside an H5 file |
CH5File | Opens an HDF5 file for access and allows manipulation of data |
CHeader | Writes header info about the build, git commit, branch, etc |
CObject | Abstract base class representing an object in an HDF5 file |
CSourceArchive | Writes an archive of the source tree into a dataset |
CStellarCollapseEos | Reads in tabulated equation of state file from stellarcollapse.org |
CVersion | Used to store the version of the file |
CVolumeData | A volume data subfile written inside an H5 file |
►Nhydro | Items related to hydrodynamic systems |
►Ninitial_data | |
Nirrotational_bns | Items related to solving for irrotational bns initial data See e.g. [14] Ch. 15 (P. 523) |
►NOptionTags | Tags for options of hydrodynamic systems |
►CEquationOfState | The equation of state of the fluid |
CFromInitialData | |
►CGrmhdEquationOfState | |
CFromInitialData | |
CInitialDataEquationOfState | The equation of state of the fluid |
►NSolutions | Holds classes implementing common portions of solutions to various different (magneto)hydrodynamical systems |
►CSmoothFlow | Smooth sinusoidal density wave |
CAdiabaticIndex | The adiabatic index for the ideal fluid |
CMeanVelocity | The mean flow velocity |
CPerturbationSize | The perturbation amplitude of the rest mass density of the fluid |
CPressure | The constant pressure throughout the fluid |
CWaveVector | The wave vector of the profile |
►NTags | Tag containing TildeD * SpecificInternalEnergy Useful as a diagnostics tool, as input to volume integral |
CAlfvenSpeedSquared | The Alfvén speed squared |
CComovingMagneticField | The magnetic field measured by an observer comoving with the fluid with 4-velocity where is the dual of the Faraday tensor. Note that has a time component (that is, , where is the normal to the spacelike hypersurface) |
CComovingMagneticFieldMagnitude | The magnitude of the comoving magnetic field, |
CComovingMagneticFieldSquared | The square of the comoving magnetic field, |
CDivergenceCleaningField | The divergence-cleaning field |
CElectronFraction | The electron fraction |
CEquationOfState | The equation of state retrieved from the analytic solution / data in the input file |
CEquationOfStateBase | Base tag for the equation of state |
CEquationOfStateFromOptions | The equation of state constructed from options in the input file |
CGrmhdEquationOfState | The equation of state retrieved from the analytic solution / data in the input file |
CInversePlasmaBeta | The inverse plasma beta , where // is the square of the comoving magnetic field amplitude // and is the fluid pressure |
CInversePlasmaBetaCompute | Can be retrieved using hydro::Tags::InversePlasmaBeta |
CLorentzFactor | The Lorentz factor , where is the spatial velocity of the fluid |
CLorentzFactorCompute | Compute item for Lorentz factor |
CLorentzFactorSquared | The square of the Lorentz factor |
CLorentzFactorTimesSpatialVelocity | The Lorentz factor times the spatial velocity |
CLowerSpatialFourVelocity | The spatial components of the four-velocity one-form |
CLowerSpatialFourVelocityCompute | Computes , where is the Lorentz factor, is the spatial metric, and is the spatial velocity |
CMagneticField | The magnetic field measured by an Eulerian observer, where is the normal to the spatial hypersurface and is the dual of the Faraday tensor. Note that is purely spatial, and it can be lowered using the spatial metric |
CMagneticFieldDotSpatialVelocity | The magnetic field dotted into the spatial velocity, where is the spatial velocity one-form |
CMagneticFieldOneForm | The one-form of the magnetic field. Note that is raised and lowered with the spatial metric |
CMagneticFieldSquared | The square of the magnetic field, |
CMagneticPressure | The magnetic pressure |
CMassFlux | The vector in , representing the mass flux through a surface with normal |
CMassFluxCompute | Compute item for mass flux vector |
CMassWeightedCoords | Contains TildeD * (coordinates in frame Fr). IntegralMask allows us to restrict the data to the x>0 or x<0 plane in grid coordinates (useful for NSNS) |
CMassWeightedCoordsCompute | Compute item for TildeD * (coordinates in frame Fr). IntegralMask allows us to restrict the data to the x>0 or x<0 plane in grid coordinates (useful for NSNS) |
CMassWeightedInternalEnergy | |
CMassWeightedInternalEnergyCompute | Compute item for mass-weighted internal energy |
CMassWeightedKineticEnergy | Tag containing TildeD * (LorentzFactor - 1.0) Useful as a diagnostics tool, as input to volume integral |
CMassWeightedKineticEnergyCompute | Compute item for mass-weighted internal energy |
CPressure | The fluid pressure |
CQuadrupoleMoment | Tag containing the quadrupole moment |
CQuadrupoleMomentDerivative | Tag containing the first time derivative of the quadrupole moment |
CRestMassDensity | The rest-mass density |
CSoundSpeedSquared | The sound speed squared |
CSoundSpeedSquaredCompute | Compute item for the sound speed squared |
CSpatialVelocity | The spatial velocity of the fluid, where . Here is the spatial part of the 4-velocity of the fluid, is the Lorentz factor, is the shift vector, and is the lapse function. Note that is raised and lowered with the spatial metric |
CSpatialVelocityOneForm | The spatial velocity one-form , where is raised and lowered with the spatial metric |
CSpatialVelocitySquared | The spatial velocity squared |
CSpecificEnthalpy | The relativistic specific enthalpy |
CSpecificEnthalpyCompute | Compute item for the relativistic specific enthalpy |
CSpecificInternalEnergy | The specific internal energy |
CTemperature | The temperature of the fluid |
CTildeDInHalfPlane | Contains TildeD restricted to x>0 or x<0. This provides the normalization factor for integrals over the half plane weighted by tildeD |
CTildeDInHalfPlaneCompute | Compute tag for TildeD limited to the x>0 or x<0 half plane |
CTildeDUnboundUtCriterion | Contains TildeD restricted to regions marked as unbound, using the u_t < -1 criterion |
CTildeDUnboundUtCriterionCompute | Compute item for TildeD limited to unbound material (u_t<-1 criteria) |
CTransportVelocity | Tag containing the transport velocity |
CTransportVelocityCompute | Compute tag for the transport velocity |
►Nunits | Functions, constants, and classes for converting between different units |
Ncgs | Entities for converting between geometric units where and CGS units |
Ngeometric | Quantities given in terms of geometric units G = c = M_odot = 1 |
Nnuclear | The defining quantities of the nuclear fm-MeV/c^2-fm/c unit system |
CTemperatureInitialization | Wrapper to add temperature variable to initial data providing only density and or energy_density initialization |
►Nimex | Code related to evolution using implicit-explicit time stepping |
►NActions | Actions related to evolution using implicit-explicit time stepping |
CDoImplicitStep | Perform implicit variable updates for one substep |
CRecordTimeStepperData | Records the implicit sources in the implicit time stepper history |
►NOptionTags | Input-file options for IMEX |
CGroup | Option group for IMEX options |
CMode | Tag for IMEX implementation to use |
CSolveTolerance | |
►Nprotocols | Protocols for imex |
►CImexSystem | Protocol for an IMEX evolution system |
►Ctest | |
Csector_tensors | |
►CImplicitSector | Protocol for an implicit sector of an IMEX system |
►Ctest | |
►Ctest_solve_attempt | |
Cis_a_tensor_of_data_vector | |
Cis_a_tensor_of_data_vector< Tensor< DataVector, Symm, IndexList > > | |
►CImplicitSource | Protocol for implicit source terms |
Ctest | |
►CImplicitSourceJacobian | Protocol for the Jacobian of implicit source terms |
►Ctest | |
Cget_dependent | |
►NTags | Tags for IMEX |
CImplicitHistory | Tag for the history of one of the implicit sectors of an IMEX system |
CJacobian | |
CMode | Tag for IMEX implementation to use |
CSolveFailures | |
CSolveTolerance | |
CGuessExplicitResult | Mutator for the initial_guess of an implicit sector that does not modify the variables. The initial guess is therefore the result of the explicit step |
CImplicitDenseOutput | Mutator to apply the implicit portion of dense output, intended for use in RunEventsAndDenseTriggers |
CInitialize | Create the IMEX structures and options |
CNoJacobianBecauseSolutionIsAnalytic | Mutator for the jacobian of an implicit sector that has an analytic solution. Such a sector never does numerical solves, and so does not need an available jacobian |
CSolveImplicitSector | Perform the implicit solve for one implicit sector |
►Nimporters | Items related to loading data from files |
►NActions | |
CReadAllVolumeDataAndDistribute | Read a volume data file and distribute the data to all registered elements, interpolating to the target points if needed |
CReadVolumeData | Read a volume data file and distribute the data to all registered elements, interpolating to the target points if needed |
CReceiveVolumeData | Wait for data from a volume data file to arrive and directly move it into the DataBox |
CRegisterElementWithSelf | Invoked on the importers::ElementDataReader component to store the registered data |
CRegisterWithElementDataReader | Register an element with the volume data reader component |
►NOptionTags | The input file options associated with the data importer |
CElementsAreIdentical | Toggle interpolation of numeric data to the target domain |
CFileGlob | The file to read data from |
CObservationValue | The observation value at which to read data from the file |
CObservationValueEpsilon | |
CSubgroup | The subgroup within the file to read data from |
►NTags | The DataBox tags associated with the data importer |
CElementDataAlreadyRead | Indicates which volume data files have already been read |
CImporterOptions | Options that specify the volume data to load. See the option tags for details |
CRegisteredElements | The elements that will receive data from the importer |
CSelected | Indicates an available tensor field is selected for importing, along with the name of the dataset in the volume data file |
CVolumeData | Inbox tag that carries the data read from a volume data file |
CElementDataReader | A nodegroup parallel component that reads in a volume data file and distributes its data to elements of an array parallel component |
CImporterOptions | Options that specify the volume data to load. See the option tags for details |
►NInitialization | |
►NActions | |
CAddComputeTags | Initialize the list of compute tags in ComputeTagsList |
CAddSimpleTags | Initialize the list of simple tags in Mutators::return_tags by calling each mutator in the order they are specified |
CConservativeSystem | Allocate variables needed for evolution of conservative systems |
CInitializeItems | Mutate DataBox items by calling db::mutate_apply on each Mutator in the order they are specified |
CInitializeMCTags | Allocate variables needed for evolution of Monte Carlo transport |
CMinmod | Allocate items for minmod limiter |
CNonconservativeSystem | Allocate variables needed for evolution of nonconservative systems |
►NTags | Tags used during initialization of parallel components |
CInitialSlabSize | |
CInitialSlabSize< false > | |
CInitialTimeDelta | |
CProjectTimeStepperHistory | Initialize/update items related to time stepper history after an AMR change |
CProjectTimeStepping | Initialize/update items related to time stepping after an AMR change |
CTimeStepperHistory | Initialize time-stepper items |
CTimeStepping | Initialize items related to time stepping |
►Nintegration | Numerical integration algorithms |
CGslQuadAdaptive | A wrapper around the GSL adaptive integration procedures |
CGslQuadAdaptive< GslIntegralType::InfiniteInterval > | Integrates a 1D-function over the interval |
CGslQuadAdaptive< GslIntegralType::IntegrableSingularitiesKnown > | Integrates a 1D-function where singularities are known |
CGslQuadAdaptive< GslIntegralType::IntegrableSingularitiesPresent > | Integrates a 1D-function with singularities |
CGslQuadAdaptive< GslIntegralType::LowerBoundaryInfinite > | Integrates a 1D-function over the interval |
CGslQuadAdaptive< GslIntegralType::StandardGaussKronrod > | Use Gauss-Kronrod rule to integrate a 1D-function |
CGslQuadAdaptive< GslIntegralType::UpperBoundaryInfinite > | Integrates a 1D-function over the interval |
►NInterpolateOnElementTestHelpers | Holds code that is shared between multiple tests. Currently used by |
►NTags | |
CMultiplyByTwo | |
CMultiplyByTwoCompute | |
CTestSolution | |
CTestTargetPoints | |
CComputeMultiplyByTwo | |
Cmock_interpolation_target | |
CMockInterpolationTargetVarsFromElement | |
►NInterpTargetTestHelpers | |
Cmock_interpolation_target | |
Cmock_interpolator | |
CMockMetavars | |
CMockReceivePoints | |
►Nintrp | Contains classes and functions for interpolation |
►NActions | Holds Actions for Interpolator and InterpolationTarget |
CAddTemporalIdsToInterpolationTarget | Adds a temporal_id on which this InterpolationTarget should be triggered |
CCleanUpInterpolator | Cleans up stored volume data that is no longer needed |
CDeregisterElement | Invoked on the Interpolator ParallelComponent to deregister an element with the Interpolator |
CDumpInterpolatorVolumeData | Dump all volume data at all temporal IDs stored in the interpolator |
CElementInitInterpPoints | Adds interpolation point holders to the Element's DataBox |
CElementReceiveInterpPoints | Receives interpolation points from an InterpolationTarget |
CInitializeInterpolationTarget | Initializes an InterpolationTarget |
CInitializeInterpolator | Initializes an Interpolator |
CInterpolationTargetReceiveVars | Receives interpolated variables from an Interpolator on a subset of the target points |
CInterpolationTargetSendTimeIndepPointsToElements | Sends interpolation points to all the Elements |
CInterpolationTargetVarsFromElement | Receives interpolated variables from an Element on a subset of the target points |
CInterpolatorReceiveVolumeData | Adds volume data from an Element |
CReceivePoints | Receives target points from an InterpolationTarget |
CRegisterElement | Invoked on the Interpolator ParallelComponent to register an element with the Interpolator |
CRegisterElementWithInterpolator | Invoked on DgElementArray to register all its elements with the Interpolator |
CRegisterWithObserverWriter | |
CSendPointsToInterpolator | Sets up points on an InterpolationTarget at a new temporal_id and sends these points to an Interpolator |
CVerifyTemporalIdsAndSendPoints | Sends points to an Interpolator for verified temporal_ids |
►Ncallbacks | Contains callback functions called by InterpolationTarget s |
CDumpBondiSachsOnWorldtube | Post interpolation callback that dumps metric data in Bondi-Sachs form on a number of extraction radii given by the intrp::TargetPoints::Sphere target |
CErrorOnFailedApparentHorizon | Callback for a failed apparent horizon find that simply errors |
CFindApparentHorizon | Post interpolation callback (see intrp::protocols::PostInterpolationCallback) that does a FastFlow iteration and triggers another one until convergence |
CIgnoreFailedApparentHorizon | Callback for a failed apparent horizon find that prints a message (if sufficient Verbosity is enabled) but does not terminate the executable |
CObserveLineSegment | |
CObserveSurfaceData | Post_interpolation_callback that outputs 2D "volume" data on a surface and the surface's spherical harmonic data |
CObserveTimeSeriesOnSurface | Post_interpolation_callback that outputs a time series on a surface |
CSendGhWorldtubeData | Post_interpolation_callback that calls Cce::ReceiveGhWorldTubeData |
►NEvents | |
CInterpolate | Does an interpolation onto InterpolationTargetTag by calling Actions on the Interpolator and InterpolationTarget components |
CInterpolate< VolumeDim, InterpolationTargetTag, tmpl::list< InterpolatorSourceVarTags... > > | |
CInterpolateWithoutInterpComponent< VolumeDim, InterpolationTargetTag, tmpl::list< SourceVarTags... > > | Does an interpolation onto an InterpolationTargetTag by calling Actions on the InterpolationTarget component |
►NOptionHolders | |
►CApparentHorizon | Options for finding an apparent horizon |
CFastFlow | See FastFlow for suboptions |
CInitialGuess | See Strahlkorper for suboptions |
CVerbosity | |
►CKerrHorizon | A surface that conforms to the horizon of a Kerr black hole in Kerr-Schild coordinates |
CAngularOrdering | |
CCenter | |
CDimensionlessSpin | |
CLMax | |
CMass | |
►CLineSegment | A line segment extending from Begin to End , containing NumberOfPoints uniformly-spaced points including the endpoints |
CBegin | |
CEnd | |
CNumberOfPoints | |
►CSpecifiedPoints | A list of specified points to interpolate to |
CPoints | |
►CSphere | A series of concentric spherical surfaces |
CAngularOrdering | |
CCenter | |
CLMax | |
CRadius | |
►CWedgeSectionTorus | A solid torus of points, useful, e.g., when measuring data from an accretion disc |
CMaxRadius | |
CMaxTheta | |
CMinRadius | |
CMinTheta | |
CNumberPhiPoints | |
CNumberRadialPoints | |
CNumberThetaPoints | |
CUniformRadialGrid | |
CUniformThetaGrid | |
►NOptionTags | |
CApparentHorizon | |
CApparentHorizons | |
CDumpVolumeDataOnFailure | Option tag that determines if volume data will be dumped from the Interpolator upon a failure |
CInterpolationTargets | Groups option tags for InterpolationTargets |
CInterpolator | Groups option tags for the Interpolator |
CKerrHorizon | |
CLineSegment | |
CSpecifiedPoints | |
CSphere | |
CWedgeSectionTorus | |
►Nprotocols | Contains all protocols used in the interpolation framework |
►CComputeTargetPoints | A protocol for the type alias compute_target_points found in an InterpolationTargetTag |
►Ctest | |
CDummyTag | |
►CComputeVarsToInterpolate | A protocol for the type alias compute_vars_to_interpolate that can potentially be found in an InterpolationTargetTag (potentially because an InterpolationTargetTag does not require this type alias) |
►Ctest | |
CDummyTag | |
Chas_signature_1 | |
Chas_signature_2 | |
►CInterpolationTargetTag | A protocol for InterpolationTargetTag s that are used in the intrp::InterpolationTarget parallel component |
Ctest | |
►CPostInterpolationCallback | A protocol for the type alias post_interpolation_callbacks found in an InterpolationTargetTag |
Ctest | |
►NTags | Tags for items held in the DataBox of InterpolationTarget or Interpolator |
CAllCoords | |
CApparentHorizon | |
CCompletedTemporalIds | temporal_id s that we have already interpolated onto. This is used to prevent problems with multiple late calls to AddTemporalIdsToInterpolationTarget |
CCurrentTemporalId | temporal_id on which to interpolate |
CDumpVolumeDataOnFailure | Tag that determines if volume data will be dumped form the Interpolator upon failure |
CIndicesOfFilledInterpPoints | Keeps track of which points have been filled with interpolated data |
CIndicesOfInvalidInterpPoints | Keeps track of points that cannot be filled with interpolated data |
CInterpolatedVars | Holds interpolated variables on an InterpolationTarget |
CInterpolatedVarsHolders | TaggedTuple containing all local Vars::Holder s for all InterpolationTarget s |
CInterpPointInfo | The following tag is for the case in which interpolation bypasses the Interpolator ParallelComponent. In that case, the Element must hold interpolation information in its DataBox |
CInterpPointInfoBase | Base tag for InterpPointInfo so we don't have to have the metavariables in order to retrieve the tag |
CKerrHorizon | |
CLineSegment | |
CNumberOfElements | Unordered set of element ids on each interpolator core |
CPendingTemporalIds | temporal_id s that have been flagged to interpolate on, but that have not yet been added to Tags::CurrentTemporalId. A temporal_id is pending if the FunctionOfTime s are not up to date for the time associated with the temporal_id |
CSpecifiedPoints | |
CSphere | |
CTemporalIds | temporal_id s on which to interpolate |
CVarsToInterpolateToTarget | |
CVerbosity | Tag that determines the verbosity of output from the interpolator |
►CVolumeVarsInfo | Volume variables at all temporal_id s for all local Element s. Held by the Interpolator |
CInfo | |
CWedgeSectionTorus | |
►NTargetPoints | |
CApparentHorizon | Computes points on a trial apparent horizon` |
CKerrHorizon | Computes points on a Kerr horizon |
CLineSegment | Computes points on a line segment |
CSpecifiedPoints | Returns list of points as specified in input file |
CSphere | Computes points on spherical surfaces |
CWedgeSectionTorus | Computes points in a wedge-sectioned torus |
►NTestHelpers | |
CExampleComputeTargetPoints | [ComputeTargetPoints] |
CExampleComputeVarsToInterpolate | [ComputeTargetPoints] |
CExampleInterpolationTargetTag | [PostInterpolationCallback] |
CExamplePostInterpolationCallback | [ComputeVarsToInterpolate] |
CFakeCacheTag | |
CFakeComputeTag | |
CFakeSimpleTag | |
►NVars | Data structures holding quantities that are interpolated by Interpolator for use by InterpolationTarget s |
CHolder | Holds Info s at all temporal_id s for a given InterpolationTargetTag . Also holds temporal_id s when data has been interpolated; this is used for cleanup purposes. All Holder s for all InterpolationTargetTags are held in a single TaggedTuple that is in the Interpolator 's DataBox with the tag Tags::InterpolatedVarsHolders |
CHolderTag | Indexes a particular Holder in the TaggedTuple that is accessed from the Interpolator 's DataBox with tag Tags::InterpolatedVarsHolders |
CInfo | Holds a Variables interpolated onto a list of points, and information about those points, for a local Interpolator |
CPointInfoTag | PointInfoTag holds the points to be interpolated onto, in whatever frame those points are to be held constant. PointInfoTag is used only for interpolation points that are time-independent in some frame, so that there is no Interpolator ParallelComponent |
CBarycentricRational | A barycentric rational interpolation class |
►CBarycentricRationalSpanInterpolator | Performs a barycentric interpolation with an order in a range fixed at construction; this class can be chosen via the options factory mechanism as a possible SpanInterpolator |
CMaxOrder | |
CMinOrder | |
CCardinal | Interpolates by doing partial summation in each dimension using one-dimensional interpolation |
CCubicSpanInterpolator | Performs a cubic interpolation; this class can be chosen via the options factory mechanism as a possible SpanInterpolator |
CCubicSpline | A natural cubic spline interpolation class |
CInterpolationTarget | ParallelComponent representing a set of points to be interpolated to and a function to call upon interpolation to those points |
CInterpolator | ParallelComponent responsible for collecting data from Element s and interpolating it onto InterpolationTarget s |
CIrregular | Interpolates a Variables onto an arbitrary set of points |
CLinearRegressionResult | |
CLinearSpanInterpolator | Performs a linear interpolation; this class can be chosen via the options factory mechanism as a possible SpanInterpolator |
►CMultiLinearSpanInterpolation | Performs linear interpolation in arbitrary dimensions. The class is non-owning and expects a C-ordered array, (n, x, y, z). The variable index, n, varies fastest in memory. Note that this class is intentionally non-pupable |
CWeight | |
CRegularGrid | Interpolate data from a Mesh onto a regular grid of points |
CSpanInterpolator | Base class for interpolators so that the factory options mechanism can be used |
CZeroCrossingPredictor | A class that predicts when a function crosses zero |
►Nio | |
CComposeTable | Reader for the CompOSE (https://compose.obspm.fr/home) ASCII tabulated equations of state |
Nlapack | LAPACK wrappers |
►NLimiters | Things relating to limiting |
►NActions | |
CLimit | Receive limiter data from neighbors, then apply limiter |
CSendData | Send local data needed for limiting |
►NTags | |
CLimiterCommunicationTag | The inbox tag for limiter communication |
NTci | Troubled Cell Indicators that identify when limiting is needed |
►CKrivodonova< VolumeDim, tmpl::list< Tags... > > | An implementation of the Krivodonova limiter |
CAlphas | The values in the Krivodonova algorithm |
CDisableForDebugging | Turn the limiter off |
CPackagedData | |
CMinmod | A minmod-based generalized slope limiter |
►CMinmod< VolumeDim, tmpl::list< Tags... > > | |
CDisableForDebugging | Turn the limiter off |
CPackagedData | Data to send to neighbor elements |
CTvbConstant | The TVB constant |
CType | The MinmodType |
CWeno | A compact-stencil WENO limiter for DG |
►CWeno< VolumeDim, tmpl::list< Tags... > > | |
CDisableForDebugging | Turn the limiter off |
CNeighborWeight | The linear weight given to each neighbor |
CPackagedData | Data to send to neighbor elements |
CTvbConstant | The TVB constant for the minmod TCI |
CType | The WenoType |
►NLinearSolver | Functionality for solving linear systems of equations |
►NActions | Actions applicable to any parallel linear solver |
CAssembleFullMatrix | |
CBuildMatrix | Build the explicit matrix representation of the linear operator and optionally invert it directly to solve the problem |
CBuildMatrixSingleton | |
CCollectTotalNumPoints | Dispatch global reduction to get the size of the matrix |
CInvertMatrix | |
CMakeIdentityIfSkipped | Make the iterative linear solve the identity operation on the source vector if no iterations were performed at all. Useful for disabling a preconditioner by setting its number of iterations to zero |
CPrepareBuildMatrix | Receive the reduction and initialize the algorithm |
CProjectBuildMatrix | |
CSetUnitVector | Set the operand to a unit vector with a '1' at the current grid point. Applying the operator to this operand gives a column of the matrix. We jump back to this until we have iterated over all grid points |
CStoreMatrixColumn | Write result out to disk, reset operand back to zero, and keep iterating |
CStoreSolution | |
►Nasync_solvers | Functionality shared between parallel linear solvers that have no global synchronization points |
CCompleteStep | Complete a step of the asynchronous linear solver |
CInitializeElement | |
CPrepareSolve | Prepare the asynchronous linear solver for a solve |
CRegisterObservers | |
CResidualReductionFormatter | |
►Ncg | Items related to the conjugate gradient linear solver |
CConjugateGradient | A conjugate gradient solver for linear systems of equations where the operator is symmetric |
►Ngmres | Items related to the GMRES linear solver |
CGmres | A GMRES solver for nonsymmetric linear systems of equations |
►NInnerProductImpls | Implementations of LinearSolver::inner_product |
CInnerProductImpl | The inner product between any types that have a dot product |
CInnerProductImpl< Schwarz::ElementCenteredSubdomainData< Dim, LhsTagsList >, Schwarz::ElementCenteredSubdomainData< Dim, RhsTagsList > > | |
CInnerProductImpl< Variables< LhsTagsList >, Variables< RhsTagsList > > | The inner product between Variables |
►Nmultigrid | Items related to the multigrid linear solver |
►NActions | Actions related to the Multigrid linear solver |
CReceiveFieldsFromFinerGrid | Receive the FieldsTags communicated from the finer grid in the multigrid hierarchy |
CSendFieldsToCoarserGrid | Communicate and project the FieldsTags to the next-coarser grid in the multigrid hierarchy |
►NOptionTags | |
CEnablePostSmoothingAtBottom | |
CEnablePreSmoothing | |
CMaxLevels | |
COutputVolumeData | |
►NTags | DataBox tags for the LinearSolver::multigrid::Multigrid linear solver |
CAllElementIds | |
CChildIds | The IDs of the elements that cover the same region on the finer (child) grid |
CChildrenRefinementLevels | Initial refinement of the next-finer (child) grid |
CEnablePostSmoothingAtBottom | Enable post-smoothing on the coarsest grid. A value of false means that post-smoothing is skipped on the coarsest grid, so it runs only pre-smoothing |
CEnablePreSmoothing | Enable pre-smoothing. A value of false means that pre-smoothing is skipped altogether ("cascading multigrid") |
CIsFinestGrid | Indicates the root of the multigrid hierarchy, i.e. level 0 |
CMaxLevels | Maximum number of multigrid levels that will be created. A value of '1' effectively disables the multigrid, and std::nullopt means the number of multigrid levels is not capped |
CMultigridLevel | The multigrid level. The finest grid is always level 0 and the coarsest grid has the highest level |
CObservationId | Continuously incrementing ID for volume observations |
COutputVolumeData | Whether or not volume data should be recorded for debugging purposes |
CParentId | The ID of the element that covers the same region or more on the coarser (parent) grid |
CParentMesh | The mesh of the parent element. Needed for projections between grids |
CParentRefinementLevels | Initial refinement of the next-coarser (parent) grid |
CPostSmoothingInitial | |
CPostSmoothingResidual | |
CPostSmoothingResult | |
CPostSmoothingSource | |
CPreSmoothingInitial | Prefix tag for recording volume data in LinearSolver::multigrid::Tags::VolumeDataForOutput |
CPreSmoothingResidual | |
CPreSmoothingResult | |
CPreSmoothingSource | |
CVolumeDataForOutput | Buffer for recording volume data |
CDataFromChildrenInboxTag | |
CElementsAllocator | A Parallel::protocols::ArrayElementsAllocator that creates array elements to cover the initial computational domain multiple times at different refinement levels, suitable for the LinearSolver::multigrid::Multigrid algorithm |
CMultigrid | A V-cycle geometric multgrid solver for linear equations |
CVcycleDownLabel | A label indicating the pre-smoothing step in a V-cycle multigrid algorithm, i.e. the smoothing step before sending the residual to the coarser (parent) grid |
CVcycleUpLabel | A label indicating the post-smoothing step in a V-cycle multigrid algorithm, i.e. the smoothing step before sending the correction to the finer (child) grid |
►NOptionTags | |
CBuildMatrixOptionsGroup | |
CEnableDirectSolve | |
CMatrixSubfileName | |
►NRichardson | Items related to the Richardson linear solver |
►NOptionTags | |
CRelaxationParameter | |
►NTags | |
CRelaxationParameter | The Richardson relaxation parameter |
CRichardson | A simple Richardson scheme for solving a system of linear equations |
►NSchwarz | Items related to the Schwarz linear solver |
►NActions | Actions related to the Schwarz solver |
CReceiveOverlapFields | Receive data from regions of this element's subdomain that overlap with other elements |
CResetSubdomainSolver | Reset the subdomain solver, clearing its caches related to the linear operator it has solved so far |
CSendOverlapFields | Send data on regions that overlap with other subdomains to their corresponding elements |
►NOptionTags | Option tags related to the Schwarz solver |
CMaxOverlap | |
CObservePerCoreReductions | |
CSkipSubdomainSolverResets | |
CSubdomainSolver | |
►NTags | Tags related to the Schwarz solver |
CIntrudingExtents | The number of points a neighbor's subdomain extends into the element |
CIntrudingOverlapWidths | The width in element-logical coordinates that a neighbor's subdomain extends into the element |
CMaxOverlap | Number of points a subdomain can overlap with its neighbor |
CObservePerCoreReductions | Enable per-core reduction observations |
COverlaps | The Tag on the overlap region with each neighbor, i.e. on a region extruding from the central element |
CSkipSubdomainSolverResets | Skip resets of the subdomain solver |
CSubdomainSolver | The serial linear solver of type SolverType used to solve subdomain operators |
CSubdomainSolverBase | The serial linear solver used to solve subdomain operators |
CSummedIntrudingOverlapWeights | A diagnostic quantity to check that weights are conserved |
CSummedIntrudingOverlapWeightsCompute | A diagnostic quantity to check that weights are conserved |
CWeight | Weighting field for combining data from multiple overlapping subdomains |
CElementCenteredSubdomainData | Data on an element-centered subdomain |
CElementCenteredSubdomainDataIterator | Iterate over LinearSolver::Schwarz::ElementCenteredSubdomainData |
COverlapIterator | Iterate over grid points in a region that extends partially into the volume |
CSchwarz | An additive Schwarz subdomain solver for linear systems of equations |
CSubdomainOperator | Abstract base class for the subdomain operator, i.e. the linear operator restricted to an element-centered Schwarz subdomain |
►NSerial | |
►NRegistrars | Registrars for linear solvers |
CExplicitInverse | Registers the LinearSolver::Serial::ExplicitInverse linear solver |
CGmres | Registers the LinearSolver::Serial::Gmres linear solver |
►CExplicitInverse | Linear solver that builds a matrix representation of the linear operator and inverts it directly |
CWriteMatrixToFile | |
CGmres | A serial GMRES iterative solver for nonsymmetric linear systems of equations |
CLinearSolver | Base class for serial linear solvers that supports factory-creation |
CNoIterationCallback | Disables the iteration callback at compile-time |
CNoPreconditioner | Indicates the linear solver uses no preconditioner. It may perform compile-time optimization for this case |
►CPreconditionedLinearSolver | Base class for serial linear solvers that supports factory-creation and nested preconditioning |
CPreconditionerOption | |
►NTags | The DataBox tags associated with the linear solver |
CEnableDirectSolve | |
CKrylovSubspaceBasis | A set of vectors that form a basis of the -th Krylov subspace |
CLocalFirstIndex | Index of the first point in this element |
CMagnitude | The magnitude w.r.t. the LinearSolver::inner_product |
CMagnitudeSquare | The magnitude square w.r.t. the LinearSolver::inner_product |
CMatrix | Matrix representation of the linear operator. Stored as sparse matrix. The full matrix has size total_num_points by total_num_points . Each element only stores the rows corresponding to its grid points (starting at local_first_index ), but all columns |
CMatrixSubfileName | Subfile name in the volume data H5 files where the matrix will be stored |
COperand | The operand that the local linear operator is applied to |
COperatorAppliedTo | The linear operator applied to the data in Tag |
COrthogonalization | The prefix for tags related to an orthogonalization procedure |
COrthogonalizationHistory | A Hessenberg matrix built up during an orthogonalization procedure |
CPreconditioned | Indicates the Tag is related to preconditioning of the linear solve |
CResidual | The residual |
CResidualCompute | Compute the residual from the SourceTag and the db::add_tag_prefix<LinearSolver::Tags::OperatorAppliedTo, FieldsTag> |
CTotalNumPoints | Size of the matrix: number of grid points times number of variables |
►NLinearSolverAlgorithmTestHelpers | |
►NOptionTags | |
CExpectedConvergenceReason | |
CExpectedResult | |
CInitialGuess | |
CLinearOperator | |
CSource | |
CCleanOutput | |
CComputeOperatorAction | |
CElementArray | |
CExpectedConvergenceReason | |
CExpectedResult | |
CInitialGuess | |
CInitializeElement | |
CLinearOperator | |
COutputCleaner | |
CSource | |
CTestResult | |
CVectorTag | |
►Nlogging | Items related to logging |
►NOptionTags | |
CVerbosity | |
►NTags | |
CVerbosity | Tag for putting Verbosity in a DataBox |
►NMakeWithValueImpls | Implementations of make_with_value |
CMakeWithSize | Defines a method for producing an object representing a given number of points |
CMakeWithSize< blaze::DynamicVector< T, TF, Tag > > | |
CMakeWithSize< blaze::StaticVector< T, N, TF, AF, PF, Tag > > | |
CMakeWithSize< SpinWeighted< SpinWeightedType, Spin > > | |
CMakeWithSize< Tensor< T, Structure... > > | |
CMakeWithSize< Variables< TagList > > | |
CMakeWithValueImpl | |
CMakeWithValueImpl< double, T > | Returns a double initialized to value (input is ignored) |
CMakeWithValueImpl< LinearSolver::Schwarz::ElementCenteredSubdomainData< Dim, TagsListOut >, LinearSolver::Schwarz::ElementCenteredSubdomainData< Dim, TagsListIn > > | |
CMakeWithValueImpl< Rational, T > | |
CMakeWithValueImpl< Tensor< double, Structure... >, T > | |
CMakeWithValueImpl< tuples::TaggedTuple< Tags... >, T > | Makes a TaggedTuple ; each element of the TaggedTuple must be make_with_value -creatable from a T |
CNumberOfPoints | Defines a method for determining the number of points represented by an object. This allows the object to appear as the input to make_with_value |
CNumberOfPoints< blaze::DynamicVector< T, TF, Tag > > | |
CNumberOfPoints< blaze::StaticVector< T, N, TF, AF, PF, Tag > > | |
CNumberOfPoints< size_t > | |
CNumberOfPoints< SpinWeighted< SpinWeightedType, Spin > > | |
CNumberOfPoints< Tensor< T, Structure... > > | |
CNumberOfPoints< tuples::TaggedTuple< Tag, Tags... > > | |
CNumberOfPoints< Variables< TagList > > | |
►NMathFunctions | Holds classes implementing MathFunction (functions ) |
►CGaussian | Gaussian |
CAmplitude | |
CCenter | |
CWidth | |
►CGaussian< 1, Fr > | 1D Gaussian |
CAmplitude | |
CCenter | |
CWidth | |
CPowX | |
►CPowX< 1, Fr > | Power of X |
CPower | |
CSinusoid | |
►CSinusoid< 1, Fr > | Sinusoid |
CAmplitude | |
CPhase | |
CWavenumber | |
CTensorProduct | Tensor product of one-dimensional MathFunctions |
►Nmem_monitor | |
►NTags | |
CMemoryHolder | Tag to hold memory usage of parallel components before it is written to disk |
CContributeMemoryData | Simple action meant to be run on the MemoryMonitor component that collects sizes from Groups and Nodegroups |
CMemoryMonitor | Singleton parallel component used for monitoring memory usage of other parallel components |
CProcessArray | Simple action meant to be used as a callback for Parallel::contribute_to_reduction that writes the size of an Array parallel component to disk |
CProcessGroups | Simple action meant to be run on every branch of a Group or NodeGroup that computes the size of the local branch and reports that size to the MemoryMonitor using the ContributeMemoryData simple action |
CProcessSingleton | Simple action meant to be run on a Singleton that writes the size of the Singleton component to disk |
►Nneutrinos | Namespace for neutrino physics |
CElectronAntiNeutrinos | |
CElectronNeutrinos | |
CHeavyLeptonNeutrinos | |
►NNewtonianEuler | Items related to evolving the Newtonian Euler system |
►NAnalyticData | Holds classes implementing analytic data for the NewtonianEuler system |
►CKhInstability | Initial data to simulate the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability |
CAdiabaticIndex | The adiabatic index of the fluid |
CBackgroundDensity | The mass density outside of the strip |
CBackgroundVelocity | The velocity along outside of the strip |
CPerturbAmplitude | The amplitude of the perturbation |
CPerturbWidth | The characteristic length for the width of the perturbation |
CPressure | The initial (constant) pressure of the fluid |
CStripBimedianHeight | The vertical coordinate of the horizontal bimedian of the strip |
CStripDensity | The mass density in the strip |
CStripThickness | The thickness of the strip |
CStripVelocity | The velocity along in the strip |
►CShuOsherTube | Initial data for the Shu-Osher oscillatory shock tube [180] |
CEpsilon | |
CJumpPosition | Initial postition of the discontinuity |
CLambda | |
CLeftMassDensity | |
CLeftPressure | |
CLeftVelocity | |
CRightPressure | |
CRightVelocity | |
►CSodExplosion | A cylindrical or spherical Sod explosion [197] [181] |
CInitialRadius | Initial radius of the discontinuity |
CInnerMassDensity | |
CInnerPressure | |
COuterMassDensity | |
COuterPressure | |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for the Newtonian Euler hydrodynamics system |
CBoundaryCondition | The base class off of which all boundary conditions must inherit |
CDemandOutgoingCharSpeeds | A boundary condition that only verifies that all characteristic speeds are directed out of the domain; no boundary data is altered by this boundary condition |
►CDirichletAnalytic | Sets Dirichlet boundary conditions using the analytic solution or analytic data |
CAnalyticPrescription | What analytic solution/data to prescribe |
CReflection | Reflecting boundary conditions for Newtonian hydrodynamics |
►NBoundaryCorrections | Boundary corrections/numerical fluxes |
CBoundaryCorrection | The base class used to create boundary corrections from input files and store them in the global cache |
►CHll | An HLL (Harten-Lax-van Leer) Riemann solver for NewtonianEuler system |
CLargestIngoingCharSpeed | |
CLargestOutgoingCharSpeed | |
►CHllc | The HLLC (Harten-Lax-van Leer-Contact) Riemann solver for the NewtonianEuler system |
CLargestIngoingCharSpeed | |
CLargestOutgoingCharSpeed | |
CRusanov | A Rusanov/local Lax-Friedrichs Riemann solver |
►Nfd | Finite difference functionality for Newtonian Euler |
►NOptionTags | Option tags for reconstruction |
CReconstructor | Option tag for the reconstructor |
►NTags | Tags for reconstruction |
CReconstructor | Tag for the reconstructor |
►CAoWeno53Prim | Adaptive-order WENO reconstruction hybridizing orders 5 and 3. See fd::reconstruction::aoweno_53() for details |
CEpsilon | |
CGammaHi | |
CGammaLo | |
CNonlinearWeightExponent | |
CMonotonisedCentralPrim | Monotonised central reconstruction. See fd::reconstruction::monotonised_central() for details |
CReconstructor | The base class from which all reconstruction schemes must inherit |
►NLimiters | |
NTci | |
►CMinmod | A minmod-based generalized slope limiter for the NewtonianEuler system |
CApplyFlattener | |
CVariablesToLimit | |
►CWeno | A compact-stencil WENO limiter for the NewtonianEuler system |
CApplyFlattener | |
CKxrcfConstant | |
CTvbConstant | |
CVariablesToLimit | |
►NOptionTags | OptionTags for the conservative formulation of the Newtonian Euler system |
CSourceTerm | |
►NSolutions | Holds classes implementing a solution to the Newtonian Euler system |
►CIsentropicVortex | Newtonian isentropic vortex in Cartesian coordinates |
CAdiabaticIndex | The adiabatic index of the fluid |
CCenter | The position of the center of the vortex at |
CMeanVelocity | The mean flow velocity |
CPerturbAmplitude | The amplitude of the perturbation generating a source term |
CStrength | The strength of the vortex |
►CLaneEmdenStar | A static spherically symmetric star in Newtonian gravity |
CCentralMassDensity | The central mass density of the star |
CPolytropicConstant | The polytropic constant of the polytropic fluid |
►CRiemannProblem | Analytic solution to the Riemann Problem |
CAdiabaticIndex | The adiabatic index of the fluid |
CInitialData | Holds initial data on a side of the discontinuity and related quantities |
CInitialPosition | Initial position of the discontinuity |
CLeftMassDensity | The mass density on the left of the initial discontinuity |
CLeftPressure | The pressure on the left of the initial discontinuity |
CLeftVelocity | The velocity on the left of the initial discontinuity |
CPressureStarTol | The tolerance for solving for |
CRightMassDensity | The mass density on the right of the initial discontinuity |
CRightPressure | The pressure on the right of the initial discontinuity |
CRightVelocity | The velocity on the right of the initial discontinuity |
CSmoothFlow | Smooth density wave advecting across the domain |
►NSources | |
►CLaneEmdenGravitationalField | Source giving the acceleration due to gravity in the spherical, Newtonian Lane-Emden star solution |
CCentralMassDensity | The central mass density of the star |
CPolytropicConstant | The polytropic constant of the polytropic fluid |
CNoSource | Used to mark that the initial data do not require source terms in the evolution equations |
CSource | Source terms base class |
►CUniformAcceleration | Source generated from an external uniform acceleration |
CAcceleration | The applied acceleration |
►CVortexPerturbation | Source generating a modified isentropic vortex |
CPerturbationAmplitude | The perturbation amplitude |
►Nsubcell | Code required by the DG-subcell/FD hybrid solver |
CNeighborPackagedData | On elements using DG, reconstructs the interface data from a neighboring element doing subcell |
CPrimitiveGhostVariables | Computes the mass density, velocity, and pressure on the subcells so they can be sent to the neighbors for their reconstructions |
CPrimsAfterRollback | Mutator that resizes the primitive variables to the subcell mesh and computes the primitives, but only if evolution::dg::subcell::Tags::DidRollback is true |
CResizeAndComputePrims | Mutator that resizes the primitive variables to have the size of the active mesh and then computes the primitive variables on the active mesh |
CSetInitialRdmpData | Sets the initial RDMP data |
CTciOnDgGrid | Troubled-cell indicator applied to the DG solution |
CTciOnFdGrid | Troubled-cell indicator applied to the finite difference subcell solution to check if the corresponding DG solution is admissible |
CTimeDerivative | Compute the time derivative on the subcell grid using FD reconstruction |
►NTags | Tags for the conservative formulation of the Newtonian Euler system |
CCharacteristicSpeeds | The characteristic speeds |
CCharacteristicSpeedsCompute | |
CComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
CEnergyDensity | The energy density of the fluid |
CInternalEnergyDensity | The internal energy density |
CInternalEnergyDensityCompute | Compute item for the internal energy density, |
CKineticEnergyDensity | The kinetic energy density |
CKineticEnergyDensityCompute | Compute item for the kinetic energy density, |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
CMachNumber | The local Mach number of the flow |
CMachNumberCompute | Compute item for the local Mach number, |
CMassDensityCons | The mass density of the fluid (as a conservative variable) |
CMomentumDensity | The momentum density of the fluid |
CRamPressure | The ram pressure of the fluid |
CRamPressureCompute | Compute item for the ram pressure, |
CSoundSpeed | The sound speed |
CSoundSpeedCompute | Compute item for the sound speed |
CSoundSpeedSquaredCompute | Compute item for the sound speed squared |
CSourceTerm | The source term in the evolution equations |
CSpecificKineticEnergy | The specific kinetic energy |
CSpecificKineticEnergyCompute | Compute item for the specific kinetic energy, |
CVMinus | The characteristic fields of the NewtonianEuler system |
CVMomentum | |
CVPlus | |
CComputeFluxes | Compute the fluxes of the conservative variables of the Newtonian Euler system |
CConservativeFromPrimitive | Compute the conservative variables from the primitive variables |
CPrimitiveFromConservative | Compute the primitive variables from the conservative variables |
CSystem | |
CTimeDerivativeTerms | Compute the time derivative of the conserved variables for the Newtonian Euler system |
►NNonlinearSolver | Functionality for solving nonlinear systems of equations |
►Nnewton_raphson | Items related to the NewtonRaphson nonlinear solver |
CNewtonRaphson | A Newton-Raphson correction scheme for nonlinear systems of equations |
►NOptionTags | Options related to nonlinear solvers |
CDampingFactor | Nonlinear solver steps are damped by this factor |
CMaxGlobalizationSteps | The maximum number of allowed globalization steps |
CSufficientDecrease | Sufficient decrease parameter of the line search globalization |
►NTags | |
CCorrection | The correction to improve a solution |
CDampingFactor | Nonlinear solver steps are damped by this factor |
CGlobalization | Prefix indicating the Tag is related to the globalization procedure |
CMaxGlobalizationSteps | The maximum number of allowed globalization steps |
COperatorAppliedTo | The nonlinear operator applied to the data in Tag |
CResidual | The nonlinear residual |
CResidualCompute | Compute the residual from the SourceTag and the db::add_tag_prefix<NonlinearSolver::Tags::OperatorAppliedTo, FieldsTag> |
CStepLength | The length of nonlinear solver steps |
CSufficientDecrease | Sufficient decrease parameter of the line search globalization |
►Nobservers | |
►NActions | Actions used by the observer parallel component |
CContributeReductionData | Send reduction data to the observer group |
CContributeVolumeData | Send volume tensor data to the observer |
CDeregisterContributorWithObserver | Deregister the ArrayComponentId that will no longer send the data to the observer for the given ObservationIdRegistrationKey |
CDeregisterReductionContributorWithObserverWriter | Deregister an ArrayComponentId that will no longer call observers::ThreadedActions::WriteReductionData or observers::ThreadedActions::ContributeReductionData for a specific ObservationIdRegistrationKey |
CDeregisterReductionNodeWithWritingNode | Deregister a node with the node that writes the reduction data to disk |
CDeregisterVolumeContributorWithObserverWriter | Deregister an ArrayComponentId with a specific ObservationIdRegistrationKey that will no longer call observers::ThreadedActions::ContributeVolumeData |
CGetLockPointer | Local synchronous action for retrieving a pointer to the NodeLock with tag LockTag on the component |
CInitialize | Initializes the DataBox on the observer parallel component |
CInitializeWriter | Initializes the DataBox of the observer parallel component that writes to disk |
CRegisterContributorWithObserver | Register the ArrayComponentId that will send the data to the observer for the given ObservationIdRegistrationKey |
CRegisterEventsWithObservers | Registers this element of a parallel component with the local Observer parallel component for each triggered observation |
CRegisterReductionContributorWithObserverWriter | Register an ArrayComponentId that will call observers::ThreadedActions::WriteReductionData or observers::ThreadedActions::ContributeReductionData for a specific ObservationIdRegistrationKey |
CRegisterReductionNodeWithWritingNode | Register a node with the node that writes the reduction data to disk |
CRegisterSingletonWithObserverWriter | Registers a singleton with the ObserverWriter |
CRegisterVolumeContributorWithObserverWriter | Register an ArrayComponentId with a specific ObservationIdRegistrationKey that will call observers::ThreadedActions::ContributeVolumeData |
CRegisterWithObservers | Register an observation ID with the observers |
►NOptionTags | Option tags related to recording data |
CGroup | Groups option tags related to recording data, e.g. file names |
CReductionFileName | The name of the H5 file on disk to which all reduction data is written |
CSurfaceFileName | The name of the H5 file on disk to which all surface data is written |
CVolumeFileName | The name of the H5 file on disk to which all volume data is written |
►Nprotocols | Protocols related to observers |
►CReductionDataFormatter | Conforming classes can create an informative message from reduction data. The message will be printed to screen when the formatter is passed to a reduction action such as observers::Actions::ContributeReductionData |
Ctest | |
►NTags | Tags used on the observer parallel component |
CContributorsOfReductionData | The set of ArrayComponentId that have contributed to each ObservationId for reductions |
CContributorsOfTensorData | The set of ArrayComponentId that have contributed to each ObservationId for volume observation |
CExpectedContributorsForObservations | The set of ArrayComponentId s that will contribute to each ObservationId for reduction |
CH5FileLock | Node lock used when needing to read/write to H5 files on disk |
CInterpolatorTensorData | Volume tensor data to be written to disk from the Interpolator |
CNodesExpectedToContributeReductions | The set of nodes that are registered with each ObservationIdRegistrationKey for writing reduction data |
CNodesThatContributedReductions | The set of nodes that have contributed to each ObservationId for writing reduction data |
CObservationKey | A string identifying observations related to the Tag |
CReductionData | Reduction data to be written to disk |
CReductionDataLock | Lock used when contributing reduction data |
CReductionDataNames | Names of the reduction data to be written to disk |
CReductionFileName | The name of the HDF5 file on disk into which reduction data is written |
CSurfaceFileName | The name of the HDF5 file on disk into which surface data is written |
CTensorData | Volume tensor data to be written to disk |
CVolumeDataLock | Lock used when contributing volume data |
CVolumeFileName | The name of the HDF5 file on disk into which volume data is written |
►NThreadedActions | |
CCollectReductionDataOnNode | Gathers all the reduction data from all processing elements/cores on a node |
CContributeVolumeDataToWriter | Move data to the observer writer for writing to disk |
CWriteReductionData | Write reduction data to disk from node 0 |
CWriteReductionDataRow | Write a single row of data to the reductions file without the need to register or reduce anything, e.g. from a singleton component or from a specific chare |
CWriteSimpleData | Append data to an h5::Dat subfile of Tags::VolumeFileName |
CWriteVolumeData | Write volume data (such as surface data) at a given time (specified by an ObservationId ) without the need to register or reduce anything, e.g. from a singleton component or from a specific chare |
Chas_register_with_observer | Inherits off of std::true_type if T has a member variable RegisterWithObserver |
CNoFormatter | Indicates no formatter is selected |
CObservationId | A unique identifier for an observation representing the type of observation and the instance (e.g. time) at which the observation occurs |
CObservationKey | Used as a key in maps to keep track of how many elements have registered |
CObserver | The group parallel component that is responsible for reducing data to be observed |
CObserverWriter | The nodegroup parallel component that is responsible for writing data to disk |
NOdeIntegration | For ODE integration, we suggest using the boost libraries whenever possible |
►NOptions | Utilities for parsing input files |
►NAutoLabel | The label representing the absence of a value for Options::Auto |
CAll | 'All' label |
CAuto | 'Auto' label |
CNone | 'None' label |
►Nprotocols | |
►CFactoryCreation | Compile-time information for factory-creation |
►Ctest | |
Cfactory_class_is_derived_from_base_class | |
►NTags | |
CInputSource | Option parser tag to retrieve the YAML source and all applied overlays. This tag can be requested without providing it as a template parameter to the Parser |
CAlternatives | Provide multiple ways to construct a class |
CAuto | A class indicating that a parsed value can be automatically computed instead of specified |
CComparator | An option-creatable mathematical comparison |
CContext | Information about the nested operations being performed by the parser, for use in printing errors. A default-constructed Context is printed as an empty string. This struct is primarily used as an argument to PARSE_ERROR for reporting input file parsing errors. Users outside of the core option parsing code should not need to manipulate the contents |
Ccreate_from_yaml | Used by the parser to create an object. The default action is to parse options using T::options . This struct may be specialized to change that behavior for specific types |
Ccreate_from_yaml< amr::Flag > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< amr::Isotropy > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Auto< T, Label > > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< blaze::CompressedMatrix< Type, SO, Tag > > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< blaze::CompressedVector< T, TF, Tag > > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< blaze::DynamicMatrix< Type, SO, Alloc, Tag > > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< blaze::DynamicVector< T, TF, Tag > > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< blaze::StaticMatrix< Type, M, N, SO, AF, PF, Tag > > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< blaze::StaticVector< T, N, TF, AF, PF, Tag > > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Cce::InitializeJ::ConformalFactorIterationHeuristic > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Comparator > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Convergence::Reason > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< DenseTriggers::Or > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< DenseTriggers::Times > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< domain::CoordinateMaps::Distribution > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< domain::CoordinateMaps::DistributionAndSingularityPosition > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< domain::ElementWeight > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< EventsAndDenseTriggers > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< EventsAndTriggers > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< evolution::dg::subcell::ActiveGrid > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< FastFlow::FlowType > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< fd::DerivativeOrder > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< fd::reconstruction::FallbackReconstructorType > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< FloatingPointType > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< imex::Mode > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< importers::ObservationSelector > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Limiters::MinmodType > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Limiters::WenoType > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< NewtonianEuler::Limiters::VariablesToLimit > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Parallel::Phase > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< RelativisticEuler::Solutions::TovCoordinates > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< ShellWedges > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Spectral::Basis > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Spectral::Quadrature > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< StepChoosers::Constant > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< StepChoosers::Maximum > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Triggers::And > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Triggers::NearTimes_enums::Unit > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Triggers::Not > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Triggers::OnSubsteps > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Triggers::Or > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Triggers::Slabs > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Triggers::StepsWithinSlab > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Triggers::Times > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< typename Triggers::NearTimes_enums::Direction > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< VariableFixing::FixReconstructedStateToAtmosphere > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Verbosity > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< Xcts::Solutions::SchwarzschildCoordinates > | |
Ccreate_from_yaml< ylm::AngularOrdering > | |
COption | The type that options are passed around as. Contains YAML node data and an Context |
CParser | Class that handles parsing an input file |
►NOptionTags | |
►NEventsRunAtCleanup | |
CEvents | A list of events to run at cleanup |
CGroup | |
CObservationValue | Observation value for Actions::RunEventsOnFailure |
CAnalyticData | The analytic data, with the type of the analytic data set as the template parameter |
CAnalyticDataGroup | Holds the OptionTags::AnalyticData option in the input file |
CAnalyticSolution | The analytic solution, with the type of the analytic solution set as the template parameter |
CAnalyticSolutionGroup | Holds the OptionTags::AnalyticSolution option in the input file |
CEventsAndDenseTriggers | The Events to run based on DenseTriggers, similar to OptionTags::EventsAndTriggers |
CEventsAndTriggers | Contains the events and triggers |
CFilter | The option tag that retrieves the parameters for the filter from the input file |
CFilteringGroup | Groups the filtering configurations in the input file |
CInitialSlabSize | The initial slab size |
CInitialTime | The time at which to start the simulation |
CInitialTimeStep | The initial time step taken by the time stepper. This may be overridden by an adaptive stepper |
CLimiter | The global cache tag that retrieves the parameters for the limiter from the input file |
CLimiterGroup | Holds the OptionTags::Limiter option in the input file |
CMinimumTimeStep | The minimum step size without triggering an error |
CNumericalFlux | The option tag that retrieves the parameters for the numerical flux from the input file |
CNumericalFluxGroup | Holds the OptionTags::NumericalFlux option in the input file |
CStepChoosers | |
CTimeStepper | |
CVariableFixer | The global cache tag that retrieves the parameters for the variable fixer from the input file |
CVariableFixingGroup | Groups the variable fixer configurations in the input file |
►NParallel | Functionality for parallelization |
►NActions | |
CCreateElementCollection | Creates the DgElementArrayMember s on the (node)group component |
CGetItemFromDistributedOject | A local synchronous action that returns a pointer to the item specified by the tag |
CPerformAlgorithmOnElement | A threaded action that calls perform_algorithm() for a specified element on the nodegroup |
CReceiveDataForElement | Receive data for a specific element on the nodegroup |
CSendDataToElement | A local synchronous action where data is communicated to neighbor elements |
CSetTerminateOnElement | Set the element with ID my_element_id to be terminated. This is always invoked on the local component via Parallel::local_synchronous_action |
CSimpleActionOnElement | A threaded action that calls the simple action SimpleActionToCall on either the specified element or broadcasts to the nodegroup |
CSpawnInitializeElementsInCollection | Reduction target that is called after all nodes have successfully initialized the nodegroup portion of the DgElementCollection . This spawns the messages that initialize the DgElementArrayMember s |
CStartPhaseOnNodegroup | Starts the next phase on the nodegroup and calls ReceiveDataForElement for each element on the node |
CTerminatePhase | Terminate the algorithm to proceed to the next phase |
►NAlgorithms | |
CArray | A struct that stores the charm++ types relevant for a particular array component |
CGroup | A struct that stores the charm++ types relevant for a particular group component |
CNodegroup | A struct that stores the charm++ types relevant for a particular nodegroup component |
CSingleton | A struct that stores the charm++ types relevant for a particular singleton component |
►Ncharmxx | |
CMainChareRegistrationConstructor | Class to mark a constructor as a constructor for the main chare |
CRegisterChare | Derived class for registering chares |
CRegisterCharmMessage | Class used for automatic registration of Charm++ messages |
CRegisterGlobalCacheMutate | Derived class for registering GlobalCache::mutate |
CRegisterInvokeIterableAction | Derived class for registering the invoke_iterable_action entry method. This is a local entry method that is only used for tracing the code with Charm++'s Projections |
CRegisterParallelComponent | Derived class for registering parallel components |
CRegisterPhaseChangeReduction | |
CRegisterReceiveData | Derived class for registering receive_data functions |
CRegisterReducerFunction | Class used for registering custom reduction function |
CRegisterReductionAction | Derived class for registering reduction actions |
CRegisterSimpleAction | Derived class for registering simple actions |
CRegisterThreadedAction | Derived class for registering threaded actions |
CRegistrationHelper | The base class used for automatic registration of entry methods |
►NInboxInserters | Structs that have insert_into_inbox methods for commonly used cases |
CMap | Inserter for inserting data that is received as the value_type (with non-const key_type ) of a map data structure |
CMemberInsert | Inserter for inserting data that is received as the value_type of a data structure that has an insert(value_type&&) member function |
CPushback | Inserter for inserting data that is received as the value_type of a data structure that has an push_back(value_type&&) member function |
CValue | Inserter for data that is inserted by copy/move |
►NOptionTags | |
CParallelization | Option group for all things related to parallelization |
CResourceInfo | Options group for resource allocation |
►Nprotocols | |
►CArrayElementsAllocator | Conforming types implement a strategy to create elements for array parallel components |
Ctest | |
►CElementRegistrar | Conforming types register and deregister array elements with other parallel components |
Ctest | |
►CRegistrationMetavariables | Conforming types provide compile-time information for registering and deregistering array elements with other parallel components |
Ctest | |
►NTags | |
CArrayIndex | Tag to retrieve the ArrayIndex from the DataBox |
CArrayIndexImpl | |
CElementCollection | Holds all of the DgElementArrayMember on a node |
CElementLocations | The node (location) where different elements are |
CElementLocationsReference | The node (location) where different elements are |
CExitCode | Exit code of an executable |
CFromGlobalCache | Tag used to retrieve data from the Parallel::GlobalCache . This is the recommended way for compute tags to retrieve data out of the global cache |
CGlobalCache | Tag to retrieve the Parallel::GlobalCache from the DataBox |
CGlobalCacheImpl | |
CGlobalCacheImplCompute | |
CGlobalCacheProxy | |
CInputSource | A tag storing the input file yaml input source passed in at runtime, so that it can be accessed and written to files |
CMetavariables | Tag to retrieve the Metavariables from the DataBox |
CMetavariablesImpl | |
CNumberOfElementsTerminated | A counter of the number of elements on the node that have marked themselves as having terminated their current phase |
CResourceInfo | Tag to retrieve the ResourceInfo |
CResourceInfoReference | |
CSection | The Parallel::Section<ParallelComponent, SectionIdTag> that this element belongs to |
CArrayComponentId | An ID type that identifies both the parallel component and the index in the parallel component |
CArrayIndex | The array index used for indexing Chare Arrays, mostly an implementation detail |
CCallback | An abstract base class, whose derived class holds a function that can be invoked at a later time. The function is intended to be invoked only once |
CDgElementArrayMember | An element or multiple elements stored contiguously on a group or nodegroup |
CDgElementArrayMember< Dim, Metavariables, tmpl::list< PhaseDepActionListsPack... >, SimpleTagsFromOptions > | |
CDgElementArrayMemberBase | The base class of a member of an DG element array/map on a nodegroup |
CDgElementCollection | A collection of DG elements on a node |
CDistributedObject< ParallelComponent, tmpl::list< PhaseDepActionListsPack... > > | A distributed object (Charm++ Chare) that executes a series of Actions and is capable of sending and receiving data. Acts as an interface to Charm++ |
Cget_action_list_from_phase_dep_action_list | (Lazy) metafunction to get the action list from a PhaseActions |
Cget_mutable_cache_tag | |
Cget_parallel_component_from_proxy | Retrieve a parallel component from its proxy |
Cget_parallel_component_from_proxy< Proxy< ParallelComponent, Ts... > > | |
CGlobalCache | A Charm++ chare that caches global data once per Charm++ node |
Chas_pup_member | Check if T has a pup member function |
Cis_array | Check if T is a SpECTRE Array |
Cis_array_element_proxy | Check if T is a Charm++ proxy for an array chare element (from indexing into the array chare) |
Cis_array_proxy | Check if T is a Charm++ proxy for an array chare (the entire array) |
Cis_bound_array | Check if T is a ParallelComponent for a Charm++ bound array |
Cis_dg_element_array_member | Is std::true_type if T is a Parallel::DgElementArrayMember or Parallel::DgElementArrayMemberBase , else is std::false_type |
Cis_dg_element_collection | Is std::true_type if T is a Parallel::DgElementCollection , else is std::false_type |
Cis_group | Check if T is a SpECTRE Group |
Cis_group_proxy | Check if T is a Charm++ proxy for a group chare |
Cis_node_group_proxy | Check if T is a Charm++ proxy for a node group chare |
Cis_nodegroup | Check if T is a SpECTRE Nodegroup |
Cis_pupable | Check if type T has operator| defined for Charm++ serialization |
Cis_singleton | Check if T is a SpECTRE Singleton |
CMain | The main function of a Charm++ executable. See the Parallelization documentation for an overview of Metavariables, Phases, and parallel components |
CMutableCacheTag | |
CMutexTag | |
CNodeLock | A typesafe wrapper for a lock for synchronization of shared resources on a given node, with safe creation, destruction, and serialization |
CNoSection | Can be used instead of a Parallel::Section when no section is desired |
CPerformAlgorithmCallback | Wraps a call to perform_algorithm |
CPhaseActions | List of all the actions to be executed in the specified phase |
CPrinterChare | Chare outputting all Parallel::printf results |
CReductionData< ReductionDatum< Ts, InvokeCombines, InvokeFinals, InvokeFinalExtraArgsIndices >... > | Used for reducing a possibly heterogeneous collection of types in a single reduction call |
CReductionDatum | The data to be reduced, and invokables to be called whenever two reduction messages are combined and after the reduction has been completed |
►CResourceInfo | Holds resource info for all singletons and for avoiding placing array elements/singletons on the global proc 0 |
CAvoidGlobalProc0 | |
CSingletons | |
CSection | A subset of chares in a parallel component |
CSimpleActionCallback | Wraps a call to a simple action and its arguments. Can be invoked only once |
CSimpleActionCallback< SimpleAction, Proxy > | Wraps a call to a simple action without arguments |
►CSingletonInfoHolder | Holds resource info for a single singleton component |
CExclusive | |
CProc | |
CSingletonPack | |
►CSingletonPack< tmpl::list< ParallelComponents... > > | Holds options for a group of singleton components |
CSingletonOption | |
CSpinlock | A simple spinlock implemented in std::atomic s |
CStaticSpscQueue | A static capacity runtime-sized single-producer single-consumer lockfree queue |
CThreadedActionCallback | Wraps a call to a threaded action and its arguments. Can be invoked only once |
CThreadedActionCallback< ThreadedAction, Proxy > | Wraps a call to a threaded action without arguments |
►NParticles | |
►NMonteCarlo | Items related to the evolution of particles Items related to Monte-Carlo radiation transport |
►NActions | |
►NLabels | Labels used to navigate the action list when using MC |
CBeginMonteCarlo | Beginning of the MC algorithm |
CEndMonteCarlo | End of the MC algorithm |
CGhostDataMcPackets | Mutator that returns packets currently in ghost zones in a DirectionMap<Dim,std::vector<Particles::MonteCarlo::Packet>> and remove them from the list of packets of the current element |
CGhostDataMutatorPreStep | Mutator to get required volume data for communication before a MC step; i.e. data sent from live points to ghost points in neighbors |
CReceiveDataForMcCommunication | Action responsible for the Receive operation of ghost zone communication for Monte-Carlo transport. If CommStep == PreStep, this gets the fluid and metric variables needed for evolution of MC packets. If CommStep == PostStep, this gets packets that have moved into the current element. The current code does not yet deal with data required to calculate the backreaction on the fluid |
CSendDataForMcCommunication | Action responsible for the Send operation of ghost zone communication for Monte-Carlo transport. If CommStep == PreStep, this sends the fluid and metric variables needed for evolution of MC packets. If CommStep == PostStep, this sends packets that have moved from one element to another. The current code does not yet deal with data required to calculate the backreaction on the fluid |
CTakeTimeStep | Action taking a single time step of the Monte-Carlo evolution algorithm, assuming that the fluid and metric data in the ghost zones have been communicated and that packets are on the elements that owns them |
CTriggerMonteCarloEvolution | Goes to Labels::BeginMonteCarlo or Labels::EndMonteCarlo depending on whether we are at the end of a full time step or at an intermediate step of the timestepping algorithm |
►NTags | Items related to the evolution of particles Items related to Monte-Carlo radiation transport Tags for MC |
CCellLightCrossingTime | Simple tag containing an approximation of the light crossing time for each cell (the shortest time among all coordinate axis directions) |
CDesiredPacketEnergyAtEmission | Simple tag containing the desired energy of packets in low-density regions. The energy can be different for each neutrino species |
CInertialFrameEnergyDensity | Simple tag containing the inertial frame energy density on the grid for Monte Carlo packets |
CInteractionRatesTable | Simple tag for the table of neutrino-matter interaction rates (emission, absorption and scattering for each energy bin and neutrino species) |
CMcGhostZoneDataTag | Simple tag for the structure containing ghost zone data for Monte Carlo radiation transport |
CMonteCarloOptions | |
CMortarDataTag | Simple tag containing the fluid and metric data in the ghost zones for Monte-Carlo packets evolution |
CPacketsOnElement | Simple tag containing the vector of Monte-Carlo packets belonging to an element |
CRandomNumberGenerator | Simple tag storing the random number generator used by Monte-Carlo |
CCellLightCrossingTimeCompute | |
CDiffusionMonteCarloParameters | Precomputed quantities useful for the diffusion approximation in high-scattering opacity regions. We follow [77] Note that r_d in that manuscript should be (distance diffused)/(time elapsed) i.e. the paper is missing a normalization of r_d by delta_t. The upper bound of the integral in Eq (30) should just be sqrt(3*tau/4) All quantities in this struct are fixed; we could also just hard-code them to save us the on-the-fly calculation, or have a single instance of this struct in the global cache |
CInertialFrameEnergyDensityCompute | |
CInverseJacobianInertialToFluidCompute | Inverse Jacobian of the map from inertial coordinate to an orthonormal frame comoving with the fluid. That frame uses the 4-velocity as its time axis, and constructs the other members of the tetrads using Gram-Schmidt's algorithm |
CMcGhostZoneData | The container for ghost zone data to be communicated in the Monte-Carlo algorithm |
CMcGhostZoneDataInboxTag | Inbox tag to be used before MC step |
►CMonteCarloOptions | |
CInitialPacketEnergy | |
CMortarData | Structure used to gather ghost zone data for Monte-Carlo evolution. We need the rest mass density, electron fraction, temperature, and an estimate of the light-crossing time one cell deep within each neighboring element |
►CNeutrinoInteractionTable | Class responsible for reading neutrino-matter interaction tables |
CTableFilename | |
CPacket | Struct representing a single Monte Carlo packet of neutrinos |
CSystem | |
CTemplatedLocalFunctions | Structure containing Monte-Carlo function templated on EnergyBins and/or NeutrinoSpecies |
CTimeStepMutator | Mutator advancing neutrinos by a single step |
►NPhaseControl | Contains utilities for determining control-flow among phases |
►NActions | |
CExecutePhaseChange | Check if any triggers are activated, and perform phase changes as needed |
►NOptionTags | |
CPhaseChangeAndTriggers | Option tag for the collection of triggers that indicate synchronization points at which phase changes should be considered, and the associated PhaseChange objects for making the phase change decisions |
►NTags | |
CCheckpointAndExitRequested | Stores whether the checkpoint and exit has been requested |
CPhaseChangeAndTriggers | Tag for the collection of triggers that indicate synchronization points at which phase changes should be considered, and the associated PhaseChange objects for making the phase change decisions |
►CRestartPhase | Storage in the phase change decision tuple so that the Main chare can record the phase to go to when restarting the run from a checkpoint file |
Ccombine_method | |
►CReturnPhase | Storage in the phase change decision tuple so that the Main chare can record the phase to return to after a temporary phase |
Ccombine_method | |
CTemporaryPhaseRequested | Stores whether the phase in question has been requested |
►NTagsAndCombines | |
CUsePhaseChangeArbitration | A tag for indicating that a halt was called by a trigger associated with PhaseChange s |
►CCheckpointAndExitAfterWallclock | Phase control object that runs the WriteCheckpoint and Exit phases after a specified amount of wallclock time has elapsed |
CWallclockHours | |
CTagAndCombine | A type for denoting a piece of data for deciding a phase change |
CTaggedTupleCombine | A flexible combine invokable that combines into a tuples::TaggedTuple a new tuples::TaggedTuple , and combines according to type aliases combination_method s that are required to be defined in each tag |
CTaggedTupleMainCombine | A flexible combine invokable that combines into a tuples::TaggedTuple a new tuples::TaggedTuple with a subset of the original tags, and combines according to type aliases main_combine_method s that are required to be defined in each tag |
►CTriggerAndPhaseChanges | Option-creatable pair of a trigger and associated phase change objects |
CPhaseChanges | |
CTrigger | |
CVisitAndReturn | Phase control object for temporarily visiting TargetPhase , until the algorithm halts again, then returning to the original phase |
►NPoisson | Items related to solving a Poisson equation |
►NBoundaryConditions | |
►CRobin | Impose Robin boundary conditions . The boundary condition is imposed as Neumann-type (i.e. on ) if and as Dirichlet-type (i.e. on ) if |
CConstant | |
CDirichletWeight | |
CNeumannWeight | |
►NSolutions | |
►CLorentzian | A Lorentzian solution to the Poisson equation |
CComplexPhase | |
CPlusConstant | |
►CMathFunction | |
CFunction | |
CMoustache | A solution to the Poisson equation with a discontinuous first derivative |
►CProductOfSinusoids | A product of sinusoids |
CComplexPhase | |
CWaveNumbers | |
CZero | The trivial solution of a Poisson equation. Useful as initial guess |
►NTags | |
CField | The scalar field to solve for |
CFirstOrderSystem | The Poisson equation formulated as a set of coupled first-order PDEs |
CFluxes< Dim, Geometry::Curved, DataType > | Compute the fluxes for the curved-space Poisson equation on a spatial metric |
CFluxes< Dim, Geometry::FlatCartesian, DataType > | Compute the fluxes for the Poisson equation on a flat metric in Cartesian coordinates |
CSources< Dim, Geometry::Curved, DataType > | Add the sources for the curved-space Poisson equation on a spatial metric |
NPowerMonitors | Items for assessing truncation error in spectral methods |
►Npretty_type | Contains all functions that are part of PrettyType, used for printing types in a pretty manner |
Cstl_templates | A list of type traits to check if something is an STL member |
►Nprotocols | |
►CStaticReturnApplyable | Protocol for a struct with a static apply function returning and taking arguments based on tags in return_tags and argument_tags type aliases |
Ctest | |
►NPunctures | Items related to solving the puncture equation |
►NAmrCriteria | |
CRefineAtPunctures | H-refine (split) elements containing a puncture |
►NAnalyticData | |
►CMultiplePunctures | Superposition of multiple punctures |
CPunctures | |
►CPuncture | A puncture representing a black hole |
CMass | |
CMomentum | |
CPosition | |
CSpin | |
►NBoundaryConditions | |
CFlatness | Impose asymptotic flatness boundary conditions |
►NSolutions | |
CFlatness | Flat spacetime. Useful as initial guess |
►NTags | Tags related to the puncture equation |
CAdmMassIntegrand | |
CAdmMassIntegrandCompute | The volume integrand for the ADM mass |
CAlpha | The source field |
CBeta | The source field |
CField | The puncture field to solve for |
CTracelessConformalExtrinsicCurvature | The traceless conformal extrinsic curvature |
CFirstOrderSystem | The puncture equation, formulated as a set of coupled first-order partial differential equations |
CLinearizedSources | The linearization of the sources for the first-order formulation of the puncture equation |
CSources | The sources for the first-order formulation of the puncture equation |
Npy_bindings | |
►Npypp | Contains all functions for calling python from C++ |
CSetupLocalPythonEnvironment | Enable calling of python in the local scope, and add directory(ies) to the front of the search path for modules. The directory which is appended to the path is relative to the tests/Unit directory |
►NRadiationTransport | Items related to general relativistic radiation transport |
►NM1Grey | The M1 scheme for radiation transport |
►NActions | |
CInitializeM1Tags | |
►NAnalyticData | Holds classes implementing analytic data for the M1Grey system |
►CHomogeneousSphere | Construct a homogeneous sphere of neutrino radiation |
CBoundaryRoundness | BoundaryRoundness |
CEmissivityAndOpacity | The emissivity and absorption opacity |
COuterOpacity | The absorption opacity of the exterior |
CRadius | The sphere radius |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for the M1Grey radiation transport system |
CBoundaryCondition | The base class off of which all boundary conditions must inherit |
►CDirichletAnalytic< tmpl::list< NeutrinoSpecies... > > | Sets Dirichlet boundary conditions using the analytic solution or analytic data |
CAnalyticPrescription | What analytic solution/data to prescribe |
►NBoundaryCorrections | Boundary corrections/numerical fluxes |
CBoundaryCorrection | The base class used to create boundary corrections from input files and store them in the global cache |
CRusanov< tmpl::list< NeutrinoSpecies... > > | A Rusanov/local Lax-Friedrichs Riemann solver |
►NSolutions | Holds classes implementing a solution to the M1 system |
►CConstantM1 | Constant solution to M1 equations in Minkowski spacetime |
CComovingEnergyDensity | The radiation comoving energy density |
CMeanVelocity | The mean flow velocity |
►NTags | Tags for the evolution of neutrinos using a grey M1 scheme |
CCharacteristicSpeeds | The characteristic speeds |
CCharacteristicSpeedsCompute | Compute the characteristic speeds for the M1 system |
CClosureFactor | The M1 closure factor of neutrinos of a given species |
CGreyAbsorptionOpacity | The absorption opacity of the fluid for neutrinos of a given species |
CGreyEmissivity | The emissivity of the fluid for neutrinos of a given species |
CGreyScatteringOpacity | The scattering opacity of the fluid for neutrinos of a given species |
CM1HydroCouplingNormal | The normal component of the source term coupling the M1 and hydro equations |
CM1HydroCouplingSpatial | The spatial components of source term coupling the M1 and hydro equations |
CTildeE | The densitized energy density of neutrinos of a given species |
CTildeHNormal | The normal component of the fluid-frame momentum density of neutrinos of a given species |
CTildeHSpatial | The spatial components of the fluid-frame momentum density of neutrinos of a given species |
CTildeJ | The fluid-frame densitized energy density of neutrinos of a given species |
CTildeP | The densitized pressure tensor of neutrinos of a given species computed from , using the M1 closure |
CTildeS | The densitized momentum density of neutrinos of a given species |
CTildeSVector | The upper index momentum density of a neutrino species |
CComputeFluxes | The fluxes of the conservative variables in the M1 scheme |
CComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
CComputeM1Closure | |
CComputeM1Closure< tmpl::list< NeutrinoSpecies... > > | |
CComputeM1HydroCoupling | |
CComputeM1HydroCoupling< tmpl::list< NeutrinoSpecies... > > | |
CComputeM1HydroCouplingJacobian | |
CComputeSources | Compute the curvature source terms for the flux-balanced grey M1 radiation transport |
CSystem | |
►CSystem< tmpl::list< NeutrinoSpecies... > > | |
►CImplicitSector | |
CM1Solve | |
►CTimeDerivativeTerms | |
CTildeSUp | |
►NMonteCarlo | |
►NSolutions | Holds classes providing background fluid/metric for MC |
►CHomogeneousSphere | Homogeneous sphere as fluid background to MC run |
CDensities | The density inside and outside the sphere |
CElectronFractions | The electron fraction inside and outside the sphere |
CRadius | The radius of the sphere |
CTemperatures | The temperature inside and outside the sphere |
►NRegistration | Helpers for derived class registration |
CRegistrar | A template for defining a registrar |
►NRelativisticEuler | |
►NSolutions | Holds classes implementing a solution to the relativistic Euler system |
►CFishboneMoncriefDisk | Fluid disk orbiting a Kerr black hole |
CBhDimlessSpin | The dimensionless black hole spin, |
CBhMass | The mass of the black hole, |
CInnerEdgeRadius | The radial coordinate of the inner edge of the disk, in units of |
CIntermediateVariables | |
CMaxPressureRadius | The radial coordinate of the maximum pressure, in units of |
CNoise | The magnitude of noise added to pressure/energy of the Disk to drive MRI |
CPolytropicConstant | The polytropic constant of the fluid |
CPolytropicExponent | The polytropic exponent of the fluid |
►CRotatingStar | A solution obtained by reading in rotating neutron star initial data from the RotNS code based on [43] and [44] |
CPolytropicConstant | The polytropic constant of the fluid |
CRotNsFilename | The path to the RotNS data file |
CSmoothFlow | Smooth wave propagating in Minkowski spacetime |
CTovSolution | TOV solver based on Lindblom's method |
►CTovStar | A static spherically symmetric star |
CCentralDensity | The central density of the star |
CCoordinates | Areal (Schwarzschild) or isotropic coordinates |
CAnalyticSolution | Base struct for properties common to all Relativistic Euler analytic solutions |
►NResidualMonitorActionsTestHelpers | |
CCheckObservationIdTag | |
CCheckReductionDataTag | |
CCheckReductionNamesTag | |
CCheckSubfileNameTag | |
CMockObserverWriter | |
CMockWriteReductionData | |
CMockWriteReductionDataRow | |
►NRootFinder | |
►NStoppingConditions | The different options for the convergence criterion of gsl_multiroot |
CConvergence | Terminate when the result converges to a value. See GSL documentation for gsl_multiroot_test_delta |
CResidual | Terminate when the residual is small. See GSL documentation for gsl_multiroot_test_residual |
CStoppingCondition | |
►NScalarAdvection | Items related to evolving the scalar advection equation |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for the ScalarAdvection system |
CBoundaryCondition | The base class off of which all boundary conditions must inherit |
►NBoundaryCorrections | Boundary corrections/numerical fluxes |
CBoundaryCorrection | The base class used to create boundary corrections from input files and store them in the global cache |
CRusanov | A Rusanov/local Lax-Friedrichs Riemann solver |
►Nfd | Finite difference functionality for ScalarAdvection system |
►NOptionTags | |
CReconstructor | Holds the subcell reconstructor in the input file |
►NTags | |
CReconstructor | Tag for the reconstructor |
►CAoWeno53 | Adaptive-order WENO reconstruction hybridizing orders 5 and 3. See fd::reconstruction::aoweno_53() for details |
CEpsilon | |
CGammaHi | |
CGammaLo | |
CNonlinearWeightExponent | |
CMonotonisedCentral | Monotonised central reconstruction. See fd::reconstruction::monotonised_central() for details |
CReconstructor | The base class from which all reconstruction schemes must inherit |
►NSolutions | Holds classes implementing a solution to the ScalarAdvection equation |
CKrivodonova | Initial data for the 1D scalar advection problem adopted from [121] and its analytic solution |
CKuzmin | Initial data for the 2D scalar advection problem adopted from [123] and its analytic solution |
CSinusoid | An 1D sinusoidal wave advecting with speed 1.0, periodic over the interval |
►Nsubcell | Code required by the DG-subcell/FD hybrid solver for ScalarAdvection system |
►NOptionTags | |
CTciOptions | |
►NTags | |
CTciOptions | |
CGhostVariables | Returns , the variables needed for reconstruction |
CNeighborPackagedData | On elements using DG, reconstructs the interface data from a neighboring element doing subcell |
CSetInitialRdmpData | Sets the initial RDMP data |
CTciOnDgGrid | The troubled-cell indicator run on the DG grid to check if the solution is admissible |
CTciOnFdGrid | Troubled-cell indicator applied to the finite difference subcell solution to check if the corresponding DG solution is admissible |
►CTciOptions | |
CUCutoff | The cutoff of the absolute value of the scalar field in an element to use the Persson TCI. Below this value the Persson TCI is not applied |
CTimeDerivative | Compute the time derivative on the subcell grid using FD reconstruction |
CVelocityAtFace | Allocate and set the velocity field needed for evolving ScalarAdvection system when using a DG-subcell hybrid scheme |
►NTags | Tags for the ScalarAdvection system |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeed | The largest characteristic speed |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeedCompute | Compute the largest characteristic speed of the ScalarAdvection system |
CU | The scalar field to evolve |
CVelocityField | The advection velocity field |
CVelocityFieldCompute | Compute the advection velocity field of the ScalarAdvection system |
CFluxes | Compute the fluxes of the ScalarAdvection system where is the velocity field |
CSystem | |
CTimeDerivativeTerms | Computes the time derivative terms needed for the ScalarAdvection system, which are just the fluxes |
►NScalarTensor | Items related to evolving the first-order scalar tensor system |
►NAnalyticData | Holds classes implementing analytic data for the ScalarTensor system |
►CKerrSphericalHarmonic | Analytic initial data for a pure spherical harmonic in three dimensions in a KerrSchild background |
CAmplitude | The amplitude of the scalar field |
CMass | The mass of the black hole |
CMode | The spherical harmonic mode of the scalar field |
CRadius | The location of the scalar field |
CSpin | The spin of the black hole |
CWidth | The width of the scalar field |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for the combined Generalized Harmonic and CurvedScalarWave systems |
CBoundaryCondition | The base class for Generalized Harmonic and scalar field combined boundary conditions; all boundary conditions for this system must inherit from this base class |
CConstraintPreserving | Sets constraint-preserving boundary conditions on the variables of the ScalarTensor system |
CDemandOutgoingCharSpeeds | A BoundaryCondition that only verifies that all characteristic speeds are directed out of the domain; no boundary data is altered by this boundary condition |
►CDirichletAnalytic | Sets Dirichlet boundary conditions using the analytic solution or analytic data |
CAmplitude | |
CAnalyticPrescription | What analytic solution/data to prescribe |
►NBoundaryCorrections | Boundary corrections/numerical fluxes |
CBoundaryCorrection | The base class used to make boundary corrections factory creatable so they can be specified in the input file |
►CProductOfCorrections | Apply a boundary condition to the combined Generalized Harmonic (gh) and scalar field (CurvedScalarWave) system using boundary corrections defined separately |
CGhCorrection | |
CScalarCorrection | |
►NOptionTags | |
CScalarMass | Scalar mass parameter |
►NStrahlkorperScalar | |
►NTags | |
CScalarChargeIntegrand | The scalar charge per unit area |
CScalarChargeIntegrandCompute | Compute tag for the scalar charge per unit area |
►NTags | |
CComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed | Computes the largest magnitude of the characteristic speeds |
CCsw | Prefix tag to avoid ambiguities when observing variables with the same name in both parent systems |
CCswCompute | Compute tag to retrieve the values of CurvedScalarWave variables with the same name as in the gh systems |
CCswOneIndexConstraintCompute | Computes the scalar-wave one-index constraint |
CCswTwoIndexConstraintCompute | Computes the scalar-wave two-index constraint |
CFConstraintCompute | Compute item to get the F-constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system with an scalar field stress-energy source |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
CScalarMass | |
CScalarSource | Tag holding the source term of the scalar equation |
CScalarSourceCompute | Compute tag for the scalar source |
CTraceReversedStressEnergy | Represents the trace-reversed stress-energy tensor of the scalar field |
CTraceReversedStressEnergyCompute | Compute tag for the trace reversed stress energy tensor |
CAnalyticDataBase | Base struct for properties common to all Scalar Tensor analytic initial data |
CSystem | Scalar Tensor system obtained from combining the CurvedScalarWave and gh systems |
CTimeDerivative | Compute the RHS terms of the evolution equations for the scalar tensor system |
►NScalarWave | Items related to evolving the scalar wave equation |
►NActions | |
CInitializeConstraints | Initialize items related to constraints of the ScalarWave system |
►NBoundaryConditions | Boundary conditions for the scalar wave system |
CBoundaryCondition | The base class off of which all boundary conditions must inherit |
►CConstraintPreservingSphericalRadiation | Constraint-preserving spherical radiation boundary condition that seeks to avoid ingoing constraint violations and radiation |
CTypeOptionTag | |
►CDirichletAnalytic | Sets Dirichlet boundary conditions using the analytic solution or analytic data |
CAnalyticPrescription | What analytic solution/data to prescribe |
►CSphericalRadiation | Impose spherical radiation boundary conditions |
CTypeOptionTag | |
►NBoundaryCorrections | Boundary corrections/numerical fluxes |
CBoundaryCorrection | The base class used to make boundary corrections factory createable so they can be specified in the input file |
CUpwindPenalty | Computes the scalar wave upwind multipenalty boundary correction |
►NSolutions | Holds classes implementing a solution to the Euclidean wave equation |
►CPlaneWave | A plane wave solution to the Euclidean wave equation |
CCenter | |
CProfile | |
CWaveVector | |
►CRegularSphericalWave | A 3D spherical wave solution to the Euclidean wave equation that is regular at the origin |
CProfile | |
►CSemidiscretizedDg | An exact solution to the semidiscretized DG ScalarWave system with an upwind flux |
CAmplitudes | |
CHarmonic | |
►NTags | Tags for the ScalarWave evolution system |
CCharacteristicFields | |
CCharacteristicFieldsCompute | |
CCharacteristicSpeeds | |
CCharacteristicSpeedsCompute | |
CComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed | Compute the maximum magnitude of the characteristic speeds |
CConstraintGamma2 | |
CEnergyDensity | The energy density of the scalar wave |
CEnergyDensityCompute | Computes the energy density using ScalarWave::energy_density() |
CEvolvedFieldsFromCharacteristicFields | |
CEvolvedFieldsFromCharacteristicFieldsCompute | |
CLargestCharacteristicSpeed | |
CMomentumDensity | The momentum density of the scalar wave |
CMomentumDensityCompute | Computes the momentum density using ScalarWave::momentum_density() |
COneIndexConstraint | Tag for the one-index constraint of the ScalarWave system |
COneIndexConstraintCompute | Compute item to get the one-index constraint for the scalar-wave evolution system |
CPhi | Auxiliary variable which is analytically the spatial derivative of the scalar field |
CPi | Auxiliary variable which is analytically the negative time derivative of the scalar field |
CPsi | The scalar field |
CTwoIndexConstraint | Tag for the two-index constraint of the ScalarWave system |
CTwoIndexConstraintCompute | Compute item to get the two-index constraint for the scalar-wave evolution system |
CVMinus | |
CVPlus | |
CVPsi | Tags corresponding to the characteristic fields of the flat-spacetime scalar-wave system |
CVZero | |
CComputeNormalDotFluxes | A relic of an old incorrect way of handling boundaries for non-conservative systems |
CSystem | |
CTimeDerivative | Compute the time derivatives for scalar wave system |
►NSelfStart | Definition of the integrator self-starting procedure |
►NActions | Self-start actions |
CCheckForCompletion | Resets the state for the next iteration if the current order is complete, and exits the self-start loop if the required order has been reached |
CCheckForOrderIncrease | If we have taken enough steps for this order, set the next time to the start time and increment the slab number |
CCleanup | Cleans up after the self-start procedure |
CInitialize | Prepares the evolution for time-stepper self-starting |
►NTags | Self-start tags |
CInitialValue | The initial value of a quantity. The contents are stored in a tuple to avoid putting duplicate tensors into the DataBox |
►NSetNumberOfGridPointsImpls | Implementations of set_number_of_grid_points |
CSetNumberOfGridPointsImpl | Default implementation is not defined |
CSetNumberOfGridPointsImpl< blaze::DynamicVector< T, TF, Tag > > | |
CSetNumberOfGridPointsImpl< blaze::StaticVector< T, N, TF, AF, PF, Tag > > | |
CSetNumberOfGridPointsImpl< double > | |
CSetNumberOfGridPointsImpl< SpinWeighted< SpinWeightedType, Spin > > | |
CSetNumberOfGridPointsImpl< Tensor< T, Structure... > > | |
CSetNumberOfGridPointsImpl< tuples::TaggedTuple< Tags... > > | |
CSetNumberOfGridPointsImpl< Variables< TagList > > | |
►Nsgb | Items related to solving the sGB scalar equation |
►NBoundaryConditions | |
CDoNothing | Do not apply a boundary condition, used exclusively for singular boundary value problems |
►NOptionTags | Tags related to solving the scalar equation in sGB gravity |
CEpsilon2 | |
CEpsilon4 | |
COptionGroup | |
CRolloffLocation | |
CRolloffRate | |
►NTags | |
CEpsilon2 | Epsilon2 (quadratic term) for the coupling function |
CEpsilon4 | Epsilon4 (quartic term) for the coupling function |
CPiCompute | Re-compute the momentum Pi, assuming quasi-stationarity |
CPiWithRolledOffShift | Pi computed using the rolled-off shift |
CPsi | The scalar field |
CRolledOffShift | Rolled-off shift (i.e. the shift used in computing the fluxes) |
CRolloffLocation | Location of center of tanh function for rolling off the shift |
CRolloffRate | Rate of roll off for rolling off the shift |
CFirstOrderSystem | The scalar equation in sGB theories of gravity in the decoupled limit, assuming quasi-stationarity. See sgb for details on the explicit equation |
CFluxes | Compute the fluxes for the scalar equation in sGB gravity on a spatial metric |
CLinearizedSources | Add the linearised sources for the scalar equation in sGB gravity on a spatial metric |
CSources | Add the sources for the scalar equation in sGB gravity on a spatial metric |
►Nsimd | |
Cbatch | |
Cbatch_bool | |
Cis_batch | |
Cis_batch< batch< T, A > > | |
Cmask_type | |
Cscalar_type | |
►NSpatialDiscretization | |
►NOptionTags | |
CSpatialDiscretizationGroup | Group holding all the options for the spatial discretization of the PDE system |
►NSpectral | Functionality associated with a particular choice of basis functions and quadrature for spectral operations |
Nfiltering | Matrices for filtering spectral coefficients |
►NSwsh | Namespace for spin-weighted spherical harmonic utilities |
►NTags | |
CDerivative | Prefix tag representing the spin-weighted derivative of a spin-weighted scalar |
CEth | Struct for labeling the spin-weighted derivative in tags |
CEthbar | Struct for labeling the spin-weighted derivative in tags |
CEthbarEth | Struct for labeling the spin-weighted derivative in tags |
CEthbarEthbar | Struct for labeling the spin-weighted derivative in tags |
CEthEth | Struct for labeling the spin-weighted derivative in tags |
CEthEthbar | Struct for labeling the spin-weighted derivative in tags |
CInverseEth | Struct for labeling the inverse spin-weighted derivative in tags |
CInverseEthbar | Struct for labeling the inverse spin-weighted derivative in tags |
CLMax | Tag for the maximum spin-weighted spherical harmonic l; sets angular resolution |
CLMaxBase | Base Tag for the maximum spin-weighted spherical harmonic l; sets angular resolution |
CNoDerivative | Struct which acts as a placeholder for a spin-weighted derivative label in the spin-weighted derivative utilities, but represents a 'no-op': no derivative is taken |
CNumberOfRadialPoints | Tag for the number of radial grid points in the three-dimensional representation of radially concentric spherical shells |
CNumberOfRadialPointsBase | Base Tag for the number of radial grid points in the three-dimensional representation of radially concentric spherical shells |
CSwshInterpolator | Tag for a SwshInterpolator associated with a particular set of angular coordinates |
CSwshTransform | Prefix tag representing the spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform of a spin-weighted scalar |
►CCoefficientsMetadata | A container for libsharp metadata for the spin-weighted spherical harmonics modal representation |
CCoefficientsIndexIterator | An iterator for easily traversing a libsharp-compatible spin-weighted spherical harmonic modal representation. The operator*() returns a LibsharpCoefficientInfo , which contains two offsets, transform_of_real_part_offset and transform_of_imag_part_offset , and the l_max , l and m associated with the values at those offsets |
►CCollocationMetadata | A wrapper class for the spherical harmonic library collocation data |
CCollocationConstIterator | |
CInverseSwshTransform | A DataBox mutate-compatible computational struct for performing several spin-weighted inverse spherical harmonic transforms. Internally dispatches to libsharp |
CLibsharpCoefficientInfo | Points to a single pair of modes in a libsharp-compatible spin-weighted spherical harmonic modal representation |
CLibsharpCollocationPoint | A container for reporting a single collocation point for libsharp compatible data structures |
CSpinWeightedSphericalHarmonic | A utility for evaluating a particular spin-weighted spherical harmonic function at arbitrary points |
CSwshInterpolator | Performs interpolation for spin-weighted spherical harmonics by taking advantage of the Clenshaw method of expanding recurrence relations |
CSwshTransform | A DataBox mutate-compatible computational struct for performing several spin-weighted spherical harmonic transforms. Internally dispatches to libsharp |
CMortarSizeHash | |
►Nspectre | |
►NExporter | Functions that are intended to be used by external programs, e.g. to interpolate data in volume files to target points |
CObservationId | Identifies an observation by its ID in the volume data file |
CObservationStep | Identifies an observation by its index in the ordered list of observations. Negative indices are counted from the end of the list |
Nsr | Holds functions related to special relativity |
►NStepChoosers | Holds all the StepChoosers |
►CByBlock | Sets a goal specified per-block |
CSizes | |
►CCfl | Sets a goal based on the CFL stability criterion |
CSafetyFactor | |
CConstant | Sets a constant goal |
►CElementSizeCfl | Sets a goal based on the CFL stability criterion, but uses the full size of the element as the length scale in question |
CSafetyFactor | |
►CErrorControl | Sets a goal based on time-stepper truncation error |
CAbsoluteTolerance | |
CMaxFactor | |
CMinFactor | |
CRelativeTolerance | |
CSafetyFactor | |
►CFixedLtsRatio | Requests a slab size based on the desired step in regions with a fixed slab fraction |
CStepChoosers | |
►CLimitIncrease | Limits step increase to a constant ratio |
CFactor | |
CMaximum | Limits the step size to a constant |
CPreventRapidIncrease | Limits the time step to prevent multistep integrator instabilities |
►CRandom | Changes the step size pseudo-randomly. Values are distributed uniformly in . The current step is always accepted |
CMaximum | |
CMinimum | |
CSeed | |
►CStepToTimes | Suggests step sizes to place steps at specific times |
CTimes | |
NStepChooserUse | The intended use for a step chooser. This is used to control the classes via factories |
►NStf | |
►NTags | Tags related to symmetric trace-free tensors |
CStfTensor | Tag used to hold a symmetric trace-free tensor of a certain rank |
►Nstl_boilerplate | Classes to generate repetitive code needed for STL compatibility |
CRandomAccessIterator | Base class to generate methods for a random-access iterator. This class takes the derived class and the (optionally const ) value_type of the iterator. The exposed value_type alias will always be non-const, as required by the standard, but the template parameter's constness will affect the reference and pointer aliases |
►CRandomAccessSequence | Base class to generate methods for a random-access sequence, similar to a std::array |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
NSurfaceFinder | Contains functions that are used to find contour levels |
Nsys | Utilities for hardware and system interop |
►NTags | |
►NChangeSlabSize | |
CNewSlabSize | Sizes requested for each slab by ChangeSlabSize events |
CNumberOfExpectedMessages | Number of ChangeSlabSize events changing the size at each slab |
CSlabSizeGoal | Long-term desired slab size. Used as the default size if nothing chooses a smaller one |
CAdaptiveSteppingDiagnostics | |
CAnalytic | Prefix indicating the analytic solution value for a quantity |
CAnalyticData | The analytic data, with the type of the analytic data set as the template parameter |
CAnalyticDataBase | Can be used to retrieve the analytic solution from the cache without having to know the template parameters of AnalyticData |
CAnalyticSolution | The analytic solution, with the type of the analytic solution set as the template parameter |
CAnalyticSolutionBase | Can be used to retrieve the analytic solution from the cache without having to know the template parameters of AnalyticSolution |
CAnalyticSolutionOrData | |
CAnalyticSolutions | The analytic solution of the FieldTags |
CAnalyticSolutionsBase | Base tag for the analytic solution tensors |
CConcreteTimeStepper | The evolution TimeStepper. The template parameter should be one of the time stepper base classes, such as TimeStepper or LtsTimeStepper |
CDataBox | Tag used to retrieve the DataBox from the db::get function |
Cderiv | Prefix indicating spatial derivatives |
CDerivCompute | Compute the spatial derivatives of tags in a Variables |
CDerivTensorCompute | Computes the spatial derivative of a single tensor tag not in a Variables |
Cdiv | Prefix indicating the divergence |
CDivVariablesCompute | Compute the divergence of a Variables |
CDivVectorCompute | Compute the divergence of a tnsr::I (vector) |
Cdt | Prefix indicating a time derivative |
CError | The error of the Tag defined as numerical - analytic |
CErrors | The error of the FieldTags , defined as numerical - analytic |
CErrorsCompute< tmpl::list< FieldTags... > > | Compute tag for computing the error from the Tags::Analytic of the FieldTags |
CEuclideanMagnitude | The Euclidean magnitude of a (co)vector |
CEventsAndDenseTriggers | The Events to run based on DenseTriggers |
CEventsAndTriggers | Contains the events and triggers |
CEventsRunAtCleanup | Events to be run on elements during the Parallel::Phase::PostFailureCleanup phase |
CEventsRunAtCleanupObservationValue | Observation value for Actions::RunEventsOnFailure |
CFixedLtsRatio | Tag forcing a constant step size over a region in an LTS evolution |
CFixedSource | Prefix indicating a source term that is independent of dynamic variables |
CFlux | Prefix indicating a flux |
CHistoryEvolvedVariables | Tag for the TimeStepper history |
CInitial | Prefix indicating the initial value of a quantity |
CIsUsingTimeSteppingErrorControl | Tag for reporting whether the ErrorControl step chooser is in use |
CIsUsingTimeSteppingErrorControlCompute | A tag that is true if the ErrorControl step chooser is one of the option-created Event s |
CL2Norm | |
CL2NormCompute | |
CLimiter | The global cache tag for the limiter |
CMagnitude | The magnitude of a (co)vector |
CMean | Given the Tag holding a Tensor<DataVector, ...> , swap the DataVector with a double |
CMinimumTimeStep | The minimum step size without triggering an error |
CModal | Given the NodalTag holding a Tensor<DataVector, ...> , swap the DataVector with a ModalVector |
CMortars | Data on mortars, indexed by a DirectionalId |
CMortarSize | Size of a mortar, relative to the element face. That is, the part of the face that it covers |
CMultiplies | A prefix tag representing the product of two other tags. Note that if non-spin-weighted types are needed in this tag, the type alias detail::product_t should be generalized to give a reasonable type for those cases, or template specializations should be constructed for this tag |
CNext | Prefix indicating the value a quantity will take on the next iteration of the algorithm |
CNonEuclideanMagnitude | The magnitude of a (co)vector with respect to a specific metric |
CNormalDotFlux | Prefix indicating a boundary unit normal vector dotted into the flux |
CNormalDotNumericalFlux | Prefix indicating a boundary unit normal vector dotted into the numerical flux |
CNormalized | The normalized (co)vector represented by Tag |
CNormalizedCompute | Normalizes the (co)vector represented by Tag |
CNumericalFlux | The global cache tag for the numerical flux |
CObservationBox | Tag used to retrieve the ObservationBox from the get() function |
CPointwiseL2Norm | |
CPointwiseL2NormCompute | |
CPrevious | Prefix indicating the value a quantity took in the previous iteration of the algorithm |
CPreviousTriggerTime | Previous time at which the trigger activated |
CSource | Prefix indicating a source term |
Cspacetime_deriv | Prefix indicating spacetime derivatives |
CSpinWeighted | Given a Tag with a type of Tensor<VectorType, ...> , acts as a new version of the tag with type of Tensor<SpinWeighted<VectorType, SpinConstant::value>, ...> , which is the preferred tensor type associated with spin-weighted quantities. Here, SpinConstant must be a std::integral_constant or similar type wrapper for a compile-time constant, in order to work properly with DataBox utilities |
CStepChoosers | Tag for a vector of StepChoosers |
CStepNumberWithinSlab | Number of time step taken within a Slab |
CStepperErrors | Tag for the stepper error measures |
CStepperErrorTolerances | Tag for the stepper error tolerances |
CStepperErrorTolerancesCompute | A tag that contains the error tolerances if the ErrorControl step chooser is one of the option-created Event s |
CSubitem | Reference tag that refers to a particular Tag that is a subitem of an item tagged with ParentTag |
CSubitem<::domain::Tags::Interface< DirectionsTag, TensorTag >, ::domain::Tags::InterfaceCompute< DirectionsTag, VariablesTag > > | Specialization of a subitem tag for an interface compute tag of a Variables |
CSubitem<::domain::Tags::Interface< DirectionsTag, TensorTag >, ::domain::Tags::Slice< DirectionsTag, VariablesTag > > | Specialization of a subitem tag for an interface compute tag of a sliced Variables |
CTempTensor | |
CTime | Tag for the current time as a double |
CTimeAndPrevious | Tag for the current and previous time as doubles |
CTimeAndPreviousCompute | |
CTimeStep | Tag for step size |
CTimeStepId | Tag for TimeStepId for the algorithm state |
CTimeStepper | Access to a time stepper through the StepperInterface interface (such as TimeStepper or LtsTimeStepper ) |
CTimeStepperRef | Reference tag to provide access to the time stepper through its provided interfaces, such as Tags::TimeStepper<TimeStepper> and Tags::TimeStepper<LtsTimeStepper> . Usually added through the time_stepper_ref_tags alias |
CVariableFixer | The global cache tag for the variable fixer |
CVariables | |
►Ntenex | |
CAddSub | Defines the tensor expression representing the addition or subtraction of two tensor expressions |
CAddSub< T1, T2, ArgsList1< Args1... >, ArgsList2< Args2... >, Sign > | |
CDivide | Defines the tensor expression representing the quotient of one tensor expression divided by another tensor expression that evaluates to a rank 0 tensor |
CLhsTensorSymmAndIndices | Determines and stores a LHS tensor's symmetry and index list from a RHS tensor expression and desired LHS index order |
CMarkAsNumberAsExpression | Marks a class as being a NumberAsExpression<DataType> |
CNegate | Defines the tensor expression representing the negation of a tensor expression |
CNumberAsExpression | Defines an expression representing a number |
COuterProduct | Defines the tensor expression representing the outer product of two tensor expressions |
COuterProduct< T1, T2, IndexList1< Indices1... >, IndexList2< Indices2... >, ArgsList1< Args1... >, ArgsList2< Args2... > > | |
CSquareRoot | Defines the tensor expression representing the square root of a tensor expression that evaluates to a rank 0 tensor |
CTensorAsExpression | Defines an expression representing a Tensor |
CTensorAsExpression< Tensor< X, Symm< SymmValues... >, IndexList< Indices... > >, ArgsList< Args... > > | |
CTensorContract | |
Ctensorindex_list_is_valid | Determine whether or not a given list of TensorIndexs is valid to be used with a tensor |
Ctensorindex_list_is_valid< tmpl::list< TensorIndices... > > | |
►NTensorMetafunctions | Contains all metafunctions related to Tensor manipulations |
Creplace_frame_in_tag | Replaces Tag with an equivalent Tag but in frame NewFrame |
Creplace_frame_in_tag< ::Tags::deriv< Tag< DataType, Dim, Frame >, tmpl::size_t< Dim >, Frame >, NewFrame > | |
Creplace_frame_in_tag< Tag< DataType >, NewFrame > | |
Creplace_frame_in_tag< Tag< DataType, Dim, Frame >, NewFrame > | |
►NTestHelpers | Collection of classes and functions useful for testing |
►Namr | |
CDeregisterWithRegistrant | |
CRegisteredElements | |
CRegisterElement | |
CRegisterWithRegistrant | |
CRegistrar | |
NAnalyticData | Functions for testing analytic data |
NAnalyticSolutions | Functions for testing analytic solutions |
►NBurgers | |
Nfd | Defines functions useful for testing Burgers subcell |
►NCurvedScalarWave | |
►NWorldtube | |
►CMetavariables | |
Cfactory_creation | |
►Ndb | |
►NTags | |
CBad | |
CBase | |
CLabel | |
CParentTag | |
CSimple | |
CSimpleCompute | |
CSimpleReference | |
CSimpleWithBase | |
CSimpleWithBaseCompute | |
CSimpleWithBaseReference | |
►NDenseTriggers | |
►CBoxTrigger | |
CIsTriggered | |
CNextCheck | |
►CTestTrigger | |
CIsTriggered | |
CNextCheck | |
CNotReady | |
►Ndg | |
►NEvents | |
►NObserveFields | |
►NTags | |
CScalarVarTimesThree | |
CScalarVarTimesThreeCompute | |
CScalarVarTimesTwo | |
CScalarVarTimesTwoCompute | |
►CComplicatedSystem | |
CScalarVar | |
Csolution_for_test | |
CTensorVar | |
CTensorVar2 | |
CUnobservedVar | |
CUnobservedVar2 | |
CVectorVar | |
CElementComponent | |
►CMetavariables | |
Cfactory_creation | |
►CMockContributeVolumeData | |
CResults | |
CMockObserverComponent | |
►CScalarSystem | |
CScalarVar | |
Csolution_for_test | |
CTestSectionIdTag | |
►Ndomain | |
►NBoundaryConditions | Helpers for boundary conditions |
CBoundaryConditionBase | A system-specific boundary condition base class |
►CMetavariablesWithBoundaryConditions | Metavariables with a system that has boundary conditions |
Cfactory_creation | |
►CMetavariablesWithoutBoundaryConditions | Metavariables with a system that doesn't have boundary conditions |
Cfactory_creation | |
CSystemWithBoundaryConditions | Empty system that has boundary conditions |
CSystemWithoutBoundaryConditions | Empty system that doesn't have boundary conditions |
►CTestBoundaryCondition | Concrete boundary condition |
CBlockIdOptionTag | |
CDirectionOptionTag | |
Nelliptic | Helper functions to test elliptic first-order systems |
NEquationsOfState | |
►Nevolution | |
►Ndg | |
►NTags | Tags for testing DG code |
CPythonFunctionForErrorMessage | The name of the python function that returns the error message |
CPythonFunctionName | Tag for a TaggedTuple that holds the name of the python function that gives the result for computing what Tag should be |
CRange | Tag for a TaggedTuple that holds the range of validity for the variable associated with Tag |
►NForceFree | |
Nfd | Defines functions useful for testing subcell in ForceFree evolution system |
Ngr | Make random GR variables which correct physical behavior, e.g. spatial metric will be positive definite |
Nhydro | Make random hydro variables which correct physical behavior, e.g. Lorentz factor will be greater or equal than one |
►Nio | |
NVolumeData | Functions for testing volume data output |
NKerr | |
►NLinearSolver | |
►Nmultigrid | |
►NOptionTags | |
CLinearOperator | |
COperatorIsMassive | |
CCollectOperatorAction | |
CComputeOperatorAction | |
CInitializeElement | |
CLinearOperator | |
COperatorIsMassive | |
CTestResult | |
CApplyMatrix | |
CExactInversePreconditioner | |
CJacobiPreconditioner | |
CRichardsonPreconditioner | |
NMathFunctions | |
NMinkowski | |
►NNewtonianEuler | |
CFirstArg | |
CFourthArg | |
CSecondArg | |
CSomeOtherSourceType | |
CSomeSourceType | |
CTestInitialData | |
CThirdArg | |
►NNonlinearSolver | |
CElementArray | |
CExpectedResult | |
CInitialGuess | |
CInitializeElement | |
CSource | |
CTestResult | |
CVectorTag | |
►NNumericalFluxes | |
►NTags | |
CCharacteristicSpeeds | |
CVariable1 | |
CVariable2 | |
CVariable3 | |
CVariable4 | |
CSystem | |
►Nobservers | |
CMockDat | Class meant to mock h5::Dat in the testing framework |
CMockH5File | Class meant to mock h5::H5File in the testing framework |
CMockObserverWriter | Component that mocks the ObserverWriter |
CMockReductionFileTag | |
CMockWriteReductionDataRow | Action meant to mock WriteReductionDataRow |
►NScalarAdvection | |
Nfd | Defines functions useful for testing advection subcell |
NSchwarzschild | |
Nserialization | Collection of classes and functions for testing serialization |
►NTags | |
CDerivOfVector | |
COneForm | [simple_variables_tag] |
CPrefix0 | [prefix_variables_tag] |
CPrefix1 | [prefix_variables_tag] |
CPrefix2 | |
CPrefix3 | |
CScalar | |
CScalar2 | |
CVector | [simple_variables_tag] |
►Ntenex | |
Ccomponent_placeholder_value | |
Ccomponent_placeholder_value< ComplexDataVector > | |
Ccomponent_placeholder_value< DataVector > | |
Ccomponent_placeholder_value< double > | |
NVectorImpl | |
NVerifyGrSolution | Functions for testing GR analytic solutions |
Nti | Contains definitions for the available TensorIndex s to use in a TensorExpression |
►NTimeSequences | Holds all the TimeSequences |
►CEvenlySpaced | A sequence of evenly spaced times |
CInterval | |
COffset | |
►CSpecified | An explicitly specified sequence of times |
CValues | |
►NTimeSteppers | Holds classes that take time steps |
Nadams_coefficients | Helpers for calculating Adams coefficients |
►Nadams_lts | Shared LTS implementation for the two Adams-based methods |
CAdamsScheme | |
CLtsCoefficients | Storage for LTS coefficients that should not allocate in typical cases. Each entry is a tuple of (local id, remote id, coefficient). The contents should be kept sorted, as some functions assume that |
►CAdamsBashforth | |
COrder | |
►CAdamsMoultonPc | |
COrder | |
►CBoundaryHistory | History data used by a TimeStepper for boundary integration |
CConstSideAccess | |
CMutableSideAccess | |
CSideAccessCommon | |
CBoundaryHistoryEvaluator | Type erased base class for evaluating BoundaryHistory couplings |
CClassicalRungeKutta4 | |
CConstBoundaryHistoryTimes | Access to the list of TimeStepId s in a BoundaryHistory |
CConstUntypedHistory | Access to the history data used by a TimeStepper in type-erased form. Obtain an instance with History::untyped() |
CDormandPrince5 | |
CHeun2 | A second order continuous-extension RK method that provides 2nd-order dense output |
►CHistory | The past-time data used by TimeStepper classes to update the evolved variables |
CNoValue | Type and value used to indicate that a record is to be created without the value field set |
►CImexRungeKutta | |
CImplicitButcherTableau | Implicit part of the Butcher tableau. Most parts of the tableau must be the same as the explicit part, and so are omitted |
CMutableBoundaryHistoryTimes | |
CMutableUntypedHistory | Mutable access to the history data used by a TimeStepper in type-erased form. Obtain an instance with History::untyped() |
CRk3HesthavenSsp | A "strong stability-preserving" 3rd-order Runge-Kutta time-stepper, as described in [95] section 5.7 |
CRk3Kennedy | A third-order Runge-Kutta method with IMEX support |
CRk3Owren | A third order continuous-extension RK method that provides 3rd-order dense output |
CRk3Pareschi | A third-order Runge-Kutta method with IMEX support |
CRk4Kennedy | A fourth-order Runge-Kutta method with IMEX support |
CRk4Owren | A fourth order continuous-extension RK method that provides 4th-order dense output |
CRk5Owren | A fifth order continuous-extension RK method that provides 5th-order dense output |
CRk5Tsitouras | A fifth order RK method constructed with fewer restrictions on its coefficients than is common. On a standard test suite, it was found to be roughly 10% more efficient than DormandPrince5.[198] |
►CRungeKutta | |
CButcherTableau | |
CStepRecord | Data in an entry of the time-stepper history |
CUntypedStepRecord | Entry in the time-stepper history, in type-erased form |
►Ntmpl2 | Metaprogramming things that are not planned to be submitted to Brigand |
Cvalue_list | A compile-time list of values of the same type |
Ntnsr | Type aliases to construct common Tensors |
►Ntransform | Holds functions related to transforming between frames |
►NTags | Tags to represent the result of frame-transforming Variables |
CTransformedFirstIndex | The Tag with the first index transformed to a different frame |
►NTriggers | Contains the available triggers |
CAlways | Always triggers |
CAnd | Short-circuiting logical AND of other triggers |
CInsideHorizon | This trigger is true when the worldtube is entirely within a coordinate sphere of radius 1.99 M centered on the origin in the inertial frame. This assumes a black hole mass of 1M |
►CNearTimes | Trigger in intervals surrounding particular times |
►COptionTags | |
CDirection | |
CRange | |
CTimes | |
CUnit | |
CNot | Negates another trigger |
COnSubsteps | |
COr | Short-circuiting logical OR of other triggers |
►COrbitRadius | This trigger returns true when the scalar charge is about to cross one of the specified areal radii |
CRadii | |
►CSeparationLessThan | A standard trigger that monitors the separation between domain::Tags::ObjectCenter<A> and domain::Tags::ObjectCenter<B> in the inertial frame. Once the separation is smaller than (or equal to) the input separation, then the operator() returns true |
CValue | |
►CSlabCompares | Trigger based on a comparison with the slab number |
CComparison | |
CValue | |
CSlabs | Trigger at specified numbers of slabs after the simulation start |
CStepsWithinSlab | Trigger at specified numbers of slabs after the simulation start |
►CTimeCompares | Trigger based on a comparison with the time |
CComparison | |
CValue | |
CTimes | Trigger at particular times |
►Ntt | A collection of useful type traits |
Cassert_conforms_to | Assert that the ConformingType conforms to the Protocol |
Ccan_be_copy_constructed | Check if T is copy constructible |
Cconforms_to | Checks if the ConformingType conforms to the Protocol |
CConformsTo | Indicate a class conforms to the Protocol |
Cget_complex_or_fundamental_type | |
Cget_fundamental_type | Extracts the fundamental type for a container |
Chas_equivalence | Check if type T has operator== defined |
Chas_inequivalence | Check if type T has operator!= defined |
Cis_callable | Check if a type T is callable, i.e. T(Args...) is evaluable |
Cis_complex_of_fundamental | Determines if a type T is a std::complex of a fundamental type, is a std::true_type if so, and otherwise is a std::false_type |
Cis_integer | Check if I is an integer type (non-bool, non-character), unlike std::is_integral |
Cis_iterable | Check if type T has a begin() and end() function |
Cis_maplike | Check if type T is like a std::map or std::unordored_map |
Cis_std_array | Check if type T is a std::array |
Cis_std_array_of_size | Check if type T is a std::array of a given size |
Cis_streamable | Check if type T has operator<<(S , T ) defined |
Cis_tensor_index | Check if a type T is a TensorIndex used in TensorExpressions |
Cis_tensor_index< TensorIndex< I > > | |
Cis_tensor_index_type | Inherits from std::true_type if T is a TensorIndexType |
Cis_time_index | Check if a type T is a TensorIndex representing a concrete time index |
Cremove_cvref_wrap | Removes std::reference_wrapper, references, and cv qualifiers |
Cremove_reference_wrapper | Gets the underlying type if the type is a std::reference_wrapper, otherwise returns the type itself |
►Ntuples | Contains utilities for working with tuples |
CTaggedTuple | An associative container that is indexed by structs |
CTaggedTuple<> | |
Ctuple_size | |
Ctuple_size< const TaggedTuple< Tags... > > | |
Ctuple_size< const volatile TaggedTuple< Tags... > > | |
Ctuple_size< TaggedTuple< Tags... > > | |
Ctuple_size< volatile TaggedTuple< Tags... > > | |
►NVariableFixing | Contains all variable fixers |
►NActions | |
CFixVariables | Adjust variables with a variable fixer |
►CFixToAtmosphere | Fix the primitive variables to an atmosphere in low density regions |
CDensityCutoff | Rest mass density at which to impose the atmosphere. Should be greater than or equal to the density of the atmosphere |
CDensityOfAtmosphere | Rest mass density of the atmosphere |
CKappaLimiting | If set then we apply a limiting precodure on the temperature near the atmosphere based on essentially limiting the polytropic constant in a Gamma-law equation of state |
►CKappaLimitingOptions | Options for limiting the temperature in the atmosphere by effectively limiting the polytropic constant, with a generalization for finite temperature equations of state |
CDensityLowerBound | |
CDensityUpperBound | |
CEplisonKappaMinus | |
CEpsilonKappaMax | |
CLimitAboveDensityUpperBound | |
CMinTemperature | |
CVelocityLimiting | |
►CVelocityLimitingOptions | Limit the velocity in and near the atmosphere |
CAtmosphereDensityCutoff | |
CAtmosphereMaxVelocity | |
CNearAtmosphereMaxVelocity | |
CTransitionDensityBound | |
►CLimitLorentzFactor | Limit the maximum Lorentz factor to LorentzFactorCap in regions where the density is below MaxDensityCutoff |
CEnable | Whether or not the limiting is enabled |
CLorentzFactorCap | Largest Lorentz factor allowed. If a larger one is found, normalize velocity to have the Lorentz factor be this value |
CMaxDensityCutoff | Do not apply the Lorentz factor cap above this density |
►CParameterizedDeleptonization | Adjust the electron fraction (Ye) based on rest mass density (rho) |
CElectronFractionAtHighDensity | Electron fraction of material when the rest mass density is above HighDensityScale |
CElectronFractionAtLowDensity | Electron fraction of material when the rest mass density is below LowDensityScale |
CElectronFractionCorrectionScale | Electron fraction correction term. The larger this value, the higher the Ye of matter at densities between LowDensityScale and HighDensityScale |
CEnable | Use an analytic expression vs rest mass density profile |
CHighDensityScale | Density near the center of the supernova at bounce, above which the central Ye is assumed |
CLowDensityScale | Density near the Silicon-Oxygen interface, below which the lower Ye is assumed |
►CRadiallyFallingFloor | Applies a pressure and density floor dependent on the distance to the origin |
CMinimumRadius | The minimum radius at which to begin applying the floors on the density and pressure |
CPowerDensityFloor | The power of the radius of the floor of the rest mass density |
CPowerPressureFloor | The power of the radius of the floor of the pressure |
CScaleDensityFloor | The scale of the floor of the rest mass density |
CScalePressureFloor | The scale of the floor of the pressure |
►Nvariants | TaggedVariant and related functionality |
CTaggedVariant | A class similar to std::variant , but indexed by tag structs |
Nvis | Holds functions needed for visualizing data |
►NXcts | Items related to solving the Extended Conformal Thin Sandwich (XCTS) decomposition of the Einstein constraint equations |
►NAnalyticData | Analytic data for the XCTS equations, i.e. field configurations that do not solve the equations but are used as background or initial guess |
►CBinary | Binary compact-object data in general relativity, constructed from superpositions of two isolated objects |
CAngularVelocity | |
CCenterOfMassOffset | |
CExpansion | |
CFalloffWidths | |
CLinearVelocity | |
CObjectLeft | |
CObjectRight | |
CXCoords | |
CCommonVariables | Implementations for variables that analytic-data classes can share |
►NBoundaryConditions | |
►CApparentHorizon | Impose the surface is a quasi-equilibrium apparent horizon |
CCenter | |
CLapse | |
CNegativeExpansion | |
CRotation | |
CFlatness | Impose flat spacetime at this boundary |
CRobin | Impose Robin boundary conditions at the outer boundary |
►NSolutions | Analytic solutions of the XCTS equations |
CCommonVariables | Implementations for variables that solutions can share |
►CConstantDensityStar | A constant density star in general relativity |
CDensity | |
CRadius | |
CFlatness | Flat spacetime in general relativity. Useful as initial guess |
CSchwarzschild | Schwarzschild spacetime in general relativity |
CTovStar | TOV solution to the XCTS equations |
CWrappedGr | XCTS quantities for a solution of the Einstein equations |
►NTags | Tags related to the XCTS equations |
CConformalChristoffelContracted | The Christoffel symbols of the second kind (related to the conformal metric ) contracted in their first two indices: |
CConformalChristoffelFirstKind | The Christoffel symbols of the first kind related to the conformal metric |
CConformalChristoffelSecondKind | The Christoffel symbols of the second kind related to the conformal metric |
CConformalFactor | The conformal factor that rescales the spatial metric |
CConformalFactorMinusOne | The conformal factor minus one . Useful as dynamic variable in formulations of the XCTS equations because it approaches zero at spatial infinity rather than one, hence derivatives may be more accurate |
CConformalRicciScalar | The Ricci scalar related to the conformal metric |
CConformalRicciTensor | The Ricci tensor related to the conformal metric |
CHydroQuantitiesCompute | MHD quantities retrieved from the background solution/data |
CLapseTimesConformalFactor | The product of lapse and conformal factor |
CLapseTimesConformalFactorMinusOne | The lapse times the conformal factor minus one |
CLongitudinalShiftBackgroundMinusDtConformalMetric | The conformal longitudinal operator applied to the background shift vector minus the time derivative of the conformal metric |
CLongitudinalShiftExcess | The conformal longitudinal operator applied to the shift excess |
CLongitudinalShiftMinusDtConformalMetricOverLapseSquare | The conformal longitudinal operator applied to the shift vector minus the time derivative of the conformal metric, squared and divided by the square of the lapse: |
CLongitudinalShiftMinusDtConformalMetricSquare | The conformal longitudinal operator applied to the shift vector minus the time derivative of the conformal metric, squared: |
CShiftBackground | The constant part of the shift |
CShiftDotDerivExtrinsicCurvatureTrace | The shift vector contracted with the gradient of the trace of the extrinsic curvature: |
CShiftExcess | The dynamic part of the shift |
CShiftStrain | The symmetric "strain" of the shift vector |
CSpacetimeQuantitiesCompute | Compute tag for the 3+1 quantities Tags from XCTS variables. The Tags can be any subset of the tags supported by Xcts::SpacetimeQuantities |
CFirstOrderSystem | The Extended Conformal Thin Sandwich (XCTS) decomposition of the Einstein constraint equations, formulated as a set of coupled first-order partial differential equations |
CFluxes | The fluxes for the first-order formulation of the XCTS equations |
CLinearizedSources | The linearization of the sources for the first-order formulation of the XCTS equations |
CSources | The sources for the first-order formulation of the XCTS equations |
CSpacetimeQuantitiesComputer | CachedTempBuffer computer class for 3+1 quantities from XCTS variables. See Xcts::SpacetimeQuantities |
►Nylm | Items related to spherical harmonics |
►NOptionTags | |
CStrahlkorper | The input file tag for a Strahlkorper |
►NTags | Holds tags and ComputeItems associated with a ylm::Strahlkorper |
Naliases | Defines type aliases used in Strahlkorper-related Tags |
CCartesianCoords | CartesianCoords(i) is , the vector of coordinates of each point on the surface |
CCartesianCoordsCompute | |
CD2xRadius | D2xRadius(i,j) is . Here is the function describing the surface, which is considered a function of Cartesian coordinates for this operation |
CD2xRadiusCompute | |
CDxRadius | DxRadius(i) is . Here is the function describing the surface, which is considered a function of Cartesian coordinates for this operation |
CDxRadiusCompute | |
CEuclideanAreaElement | Computes the Euclidean area element on a Strahlkorper. Useful for flat space integrals |
CEuclideanAreaElementCompute | |
CEuclideanSurfaceIntegral | Computes the flat-space integral of a scalar over a Strahlkorper |
CEuclideanSurfaceIntegralCompute | |
CEuclideanSurfaceIntegralVector | Computes the Euclidean-space integral of a vector over a Strahlkorper, , where is the Strahlkorper surface unit normal and is the Kronecker delta. Note that is not assumed to be normalized; the denominator of the integrand effectively normalizes it using the Euclidean metric |
CEuclideanSurfaceIntegralVectorCompute | |
CExtrinsicCurvature | Extrinsic curvature of a 2D Strahlkorper embedded in a 3D space |
CExtrinsicCurvatureCompute | Calculates the Extrinsic curvature of a 2D Strahlkorper embedded in a 3D space |
CGradUnitNormalOneForm | The 3-covariant gradient of a Strahlkorper's normal |
CGradUnitNormalOneFormCompute | Computes 3-covariant gradient of a Strahlkorper's normal |
CInvHessian | InvHessian(k,i,j) is , where is the inverse Jacobian. InvHessian is not symmetric because the Jacobians are Pfaffian. InvHessian doesn't depend on the shape of the surface |
CInvHessianCompute | |
CInvJacobian | InvJacobian(0,i) is , and InvJacobian(1,i) is . Here means . InvJacobian doesn't depend on the shape of the surface |
CInvJacobianCompute | |
CJacobian | Jacobian(i,0) is , and Jacobian(i,1) is . Here means . Jacobian doesn't depend on the shape of the surface |
CJacobianCompute | |
CLaplacianRadius | , the flat Laplacian of the surface. This is , where |
CLaplacianRadiusCompute | |
CMaxRicciScalar | The pointwise maximum of the Strahlkorper's intrinsic Ricci scalar curvature |
CMaxRicciScalarCompute | Computes the pointwise maximum of the Strahlkorper's intrinsic Ricci scalar curvature |
CMinRicciScalar | The pointwise minimum of the Strahlkorper’s intrinsic Ricci scalar curvature |
CMinRicciScalarCompute | Computes the pointwise minimum of the Strahlkorper’s intrinsic Ricci scalar curvature |
CNormalOneForm | NormalOneForm(i) is , the (unnormalized) normal one-form to the surface, expressed in Cartesian components. This is computed by , where is Rhat and is DxRadius . See Eq. (8) of [15]. Note on the word "normal": points in the correct direction (it is "normal" to the surface), but it does not have unit length (it is not "normalized"; normalization requires a metric) |
CNormalOneFormCompute | |
COneOverOneFormMagnitude | The OneOverOneFormMagnitude is the reciprocal of the magnitude of the one-form perpendicular to the horizon |
COneOverOneFormMagnitudeCompute | Computes the reciprocal of the magnitude of the one form perpendicular to the horizon |
CPhysicalCenter | The geometrical center of the surface. Uses ylm::Strahlkorper::physical_center |
CPhysicalCenterCompute | |
CPreviousStrahlkorpers | Tag for holding the previously-found values of a Strahlkorper, which are saved for extrapolation for future initial guesses and for computing the time deriv of a Strahlkorper |
CRadius | (Euclidean) distance from the center to each point of the surface |
CRadiusCompute | |
CRhat | Rhat(i) is on the grid. Doesn't depend on the shape of the surface |
CRhatCompute | |
CRicciScalar | Ricci scalar is the two-dimensional intrinsic Ricci scalar curvature of a Strahlkorper |
CRicciScalarCompute | Computes the two-dimensional intrinsic Ricci scalar of a Strahlkorper |
CStrahlkorper | Tag referring to a ylm::Strahlkorper |
CTangents | Tangents(i,j) is , where are the Cartesian coordinates of the surface (i.e. CartesianCoords ) and are considered functions of |
CTangentsCompute | |
CThetaPhi | on the grid. Doesn't depend on the shape of the surface |
CThetaPhiCompute | |
CTimeDerivStrahlkorper | Tag to compute the time derivative of the coefficients of a Strahlkorper from a number of previous Strahlkorpers |
CTimeDerivStrahlkorperCompute | |
CUnitNormalOneForm | The unit normal one-form to the horizon |
CUnitNormalOneFormCompute | Computes the unit one-form perpendicular to the horizon |
CUnitNormalVector | UnitNormalVector is defined as , where is the unit normal one form and is the inverse spatial metric |
CUnitNormalVectorCompute | Computes the UnitNormalVector perpendicular to the horizon |
►CSpherepack | Defines the C++ interface to SPHEREPACK |
CInterpolationInfo | Struct to hold cached information at a set of target interpolation points |
CSpherepackIterator | Iterates over spectral coefficients stored in SPHEREPACK format |
►CStrahlkorper | A star-shaped surface expanded in spherical harmonics |
CCenter | |
CLMax | |
CRadius | |
►NYlmTestFunctions | |
CFuncA | |
CFuncB | |
CFuncC | |
CProductOfPolynomials | Product of polynomials regular on the surface of a sphere |
CScalarFunctionWithDerivs | |
CSimpleScalarFunction | |
CY00 | |
CY10 | |
CY11 | |
CYlm | |