SpECTRE  v2024.09.29
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NActionTestingStructures used for mocking the parallel components framework in order to test actions
 NaderNamespace containing functions and classes for ADER
 NalgUtility functions wrapping STL algorithms and additional algorithms
 NamrItems for adaptive mesh refinement
 NBnsInitialDataItems related to solving for irrotational Binary Neutron Star initial data
 NBurgersItems related to evolving the Burgers equation \(0 = \partial_t U + \partial_x\left(U^2/2\right)\)
 NCceThe set of utilities for performing Cauchy characteristic evolution and Cauchy characteristic matching
 NCcz4Items related to evolving the first-order CCZ4 system
 Ncontrol_systemControl systems and related functionality
 NConvergenceItems related to checking the convergence of numerical algorithms
 Ncpp20C++ STL code present in C++20
 Ncpp2bC++ STL code present in C++2b
 NCurvedScalarWaveItems related to evolving a scalar wave on a curved background
 Ncylindrical_endcap_helpersFunctions used in more than one cylindrical_endcap map
 NdbNamespace for DataBox related things
 NdeadlockNamespace for actions related to debugging deadlocks in communication
 NdgFunctionality related to discontinuous Galerkin schemes
 NDistributedLinearSolverAlgorithmTestHelpersFunctionality to test parallel linear solvers on multiple elements
 NdomainHolds entities related to the computational domain
 NElasticityItems related to solving elasticity problems
 NellipticItems related to composing nonlinear elliptic solver executables
 NEqualWithinRoundoffImplsSpecializations of EqualWithinRoundoffImpl for custom types, to add support for the equal_within_roundoff function
 NEquationsOfStateContains all equations of state, including base class
 NevolutionFunctionality for evolving hyperbolic partial differential equations
 NfdFunctions and classes for finite difference methods
 Nfile_systemA light-weight file system library based on POSIX
 NForceFreeItems related to evolving the GRFFE system with divergence cleaning
 NformalineFunctions for retrieving system and source tree information
 NFrameIndicates the Frame that a TensorIndexType is in
 NfunclHigher order function objects similar to std::plus, etc
 NghItems related to evolving the first-order generalized harmonic system
 NgrHolds functions related to general relativity
 NgrmhdItems related to general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD)
 NgslImplementations from the Guideline Support Library
 Nh5Contains functions and classes for manipulating HDF5 files
 NhydroItems related to hydrodynamic systems
 NimexCode related to evolution using implicit-explicit time stepping
 NimportersItems related to loading data from files
 NintegrationNumerical integration algorithms
 NInterpolateOnElementTestHelpersHolds code that is shared between multiple tests. Currently used by
 NintrpContains classes and functions for interpolation
 NlapackLAPACK wrappers
 NLimitersThings relating to limiting
 NLinearSolverFunctionality for solving linear systems of equations
 NloggingItems related to logging
 NMakeWithValueImplsImplementations of make_with_value
 NMathFunctionsHolds classes implementing MathFunction (functions \(R^n \to R\))
 NneutrinosNamespace for neutrino physics
 NNewtonianEulerItems related to evolving the Newtonian Euler system
 NNonlinearSolverFunctionality for solving nonlinear systems of equations
 NOdeIntegrationFor ODE integration, we suggest using the boost libraries whenever possible
 NOptionsUtilities for parsing input files
 NParallelFunctionality for parallelization
 NPhaseControlContains utilities for determining control-flow among phases
 NPoissonItems related to solving a Poisson equation \(-\Delta u(x)=f(x)\)
 NPowerMonitorsItems for assessing truncation error in spectral methods
 Npretty_typeContains all functions that are part of PrettyType, used for printing types in a pretty manner
 NPuncturesItems related to solving the puncture equation
 NpyppContains all functions for calling python from C++
 NRadiationTransportItems related to general relativistic radiation transport
 NRegistrationHelpers for derived class registration
 NRelativisticEulerItems related to evolving the relativistic Euler system
 NScalarAdvectionItems related to evolving the scalar advection equation
 NScalarTensorItems related to evolving the first-order scalar tensor system
 NScalarWaveItems related to evolving the scalar wave equation
 NSelfStartDefinition of the integrator self-starting procedure
 NSetNumberOfGridPointsImplsImplementations of set_number_of_grid_points
 NsgbItems related to solving the sGB scalar equation
 NSpectralFunctionality associated with a particular choice of basis functions and quadrature for spectral operations
 NsrHolds functions related to special relativity
 NStepChoosersHolds all the StepChoosers
 NStepChooserUseThe intended use for a step chooser. This is used to control the classes via factories
 Nstl_boilerplateClasses to generate repetitive code needed for STL compatibility
 NSurfaceFinderContains functions that are used to find contour levels
 NTensorMetafunctionsContains all metafunctions related to Tensor manipulations
 NTestHelpersCollection of classes and functions useful for testing
 NtiContains definitions for the available TensorIndexs to use in a TensorExpression
 NTimeSequencesHolds all the TimeSequences
 NTimeSteppersHolds classes that take time steps
 Ntmpl2Metaprogramming things that are not planned to be submitted to Brigand
 NtnsrType aliases to construct common Tensors
 NtransformHolds functions related to transforming between frames
 NttA collection of useful type traits
 NVariableFixingContains all variable fixers
 NvariantsTaggedVariant and related functionality
 NvisHolds functions needed for visualizing data
 NXctsItems related to solving the Extended Conformal Thin Sandwich (XCTS) decomposition of the Einstein constraint equations
 NylmItems related to spherical harmonics