SpECTRE  v2024.12.16
control_system Namespace Reference

Control systems and related functionality. More...


namespace  Actions
 All Actions related to the control system.
namespace  ControlErrors
 All control errors that will be used in control systems.
namespace  measurements
 Utilities for doing measurements needed by the control system.
namespace  metafunctions
 Metafunctions associated with the control systems.
namespace  OptionTags
 All option tags related to the control system.
namespace  protocols
 Protocols for control systems.
namespace  QueueTags
 All tags that will be used in the LinkedMessageQueue's within control systems.
namespace  size
 Classes and functions used in implementation of size control.
namespace  Systems
 All control systems.
namespace  Tags
 All DataBox tags related to the control system.


struct  AggregateUpdate
 Simple action that updates the appropriate UpdateAggregator for the templated ControlSystem. More...
class  BNSEvent
 An Event that computes the center of mass for \(x > 0\) and \(x < 0\) where \(x\) is the in the Frame::Grid. More...
class  FutureMeasurements
 Class for computing the upcoming measurement times for a control system measurement. More...
struct  OptionHolder
 Holds all options for a single control system. More...
struct  RunCallbacks
 Apply the process_measurement struct of each of the ControlSystems to the result of the Submeasurement. More...
class  Trigger
 Trigger for control system measurements. More...
struct  UpdateAggregator
 A class for collecting and storing information related to updating functions of time and measurement timescales. More...
struct  UpdateControlSystem
 Functor for updating control systems when they are ready. More...
struct  UpdateMultipleFunctionsOfTime
 Updates several FunctionOfTimes in the global cache at once. Intended to be used in Parallel::mutate. More...
struct  UpdateSingleFunctionOfTime
 Updates a FunctionOfTime in the global cache. Intended to be used in Parallel::mutate. More...


template<typename Metavariables , typename ControlSystems >
using control_components = tmpl::transform< ControlSystems, tmpl::bind< ControlComponent, tmpl::pin< Metavariables >, tmpl::_1 > >
 List of control components to be added to the component list of the metavars.
template<typename ControlSystems >
using inputs = tmpl::transform< ControlSystems, tmpl::bind< OptionTags::ControlSystemInputs, tmpl::_1 > >
 Alias to get all the option holders from a list of control systems. This is useful in the option_tags alias of simple tags for getting all the options from control systems.
template<typename ControlSystems >
using control_system_triggers = tmpl::transform< metafunctions::measurements_t< ControlSystems >, tmpl::bind< Trigger, metafunctions::control_systems_with_measurement< tmpl::pin< ControlSystems >, tmpl::_1 > > >
 The list of triggers needed for measurements for a list of control systems.


template<size_t DerivOrder, bool AllowDecrease>
DataVector calculate_measurement_timescales (const ::Controller< DerivOrder > &controller, const ::TimescaleTuner< AllowDecrease > &tuner, const int measurements_per_update)
 Calculate the measurement timescale based on the damping timescale, update fraction, and DerivOrder of the control system. More...
template<typename ListOfControlSystems >
const std::stringcombined_name ()
 Given a tmpl::list of control systems, returns a string which is a sorted concatenation of all the control systems' names. More...
template<typename ControlSystems >
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::stringsystem_to_combined_names ()
 Given a tmpl::list of control systems, this returns a map between the name of each control system, and the control_system::combined_name of all control systems with the same measurement. More...
double function_of_time_expiration_time (const double time, const DataVector &old_measurement_timescales, const DataVector &new_measurement_timescales, const int measurements_per_update)
 Calculate the next expiration time for the FunctionsOfTime. More...
double measurement_expiration_time (const double time, const DataVector &old_measurement_timescales, const DataVector &new_measurement_timescales, const int measurements_per_update)
 Calculate the next expiration time for the MeasurementTimescales. More...
template<size_t Dim, typename... OptionHolders>
std::unordered_map< std::string, double > initial_expiration_times (const double initial_time, const int measurements_per_update, const std::unique_ptr<::DomainCreator< Dim > > &domain_creator, const OptionHolders &... option_holders)
 Construct the initial expiration times for functions of time that are controlled by a control system. More...
bool operator!= (const FutureMeasurements &lhs, const FutureMeasurements &rhs)
template<typename ControlSystem , typename Metavariables >
void write_components_to_disk (const double time, Parallel::GlobalCache< Metavariables > &cache, const std::unique_ptr< domain::FunctionsOfTime::FunctionOfTime > &function_of_time, const std::array< DataVector, 2 > &q_and_dtq, const DataVector &timescales)
 Writes all components of a function of time to disk at a specific time from a control system after it updates the functions of time. More...

Detailed Description

Control systems and related functionality.

Function Documentation

◆ combined_name()

template<typename ListOfControlSystems >
const std::string & control_system::combined_name ( )

Given a tmpl::list of control systems, returns a string which is a sorted concatenation of all the control systems' names.


As an example, if ListOfControlSystems is tmpl::list<Rotation, Expansion, Translation>, this function would return ExpansionRotationTranslation. Sorting is done using std::sort.

Template Parameters
ListOfControlSystemstmpl::list of control systems

◆ system_to_combined_names()

template<typename ControlSystems >
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > control_system::system_to_combined_names ( )

Given a tmpl::list of control systems, this returns a map between the name of each control system, and the control_system::combined_name of all control systems with the same measurement.


All control systems have a type alias measurement corresponding to a control_system::protocols::Measurement. Some control systems can have the same measurement, while some have different ones. This function splits the template list of control systems into a tmpl::list of tmpl::lists where each inner list holds control systems with the same measurement. Each of these inner lists is used in control_system::combined_name to get the concatenated name for those control systems. This combined name is then used as the value in the resulting map for they key of each control system in the inner list.

Template Parameters
ControlSystemstmpl::list of control systems