SpECTRE  v2024.12.16
CurvedScalarWave::Worldtube::Tags::SphericalHarmonicsInbox< Dim > Struct Template Reference

Inbox of the worldtube singleton chare which receives quantities projected onto spherical harmonics. More...

#include <Inboxes.hpp>

Public Types

using temporal_id = TimeStepId
using tags_list = tmpl::list< CurvedScalarWave::Tags::Psi, ::Tags::dt< CurvedScalarWave::Tags::Psi > >
using type = std::map< temporal_id, std::unordered_map< ElementId< Dim >, Variables< tags_list > > >

Static Public Member Functions

static std::string output_inbox (const type &inbox, const size_t padding_size)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Parallel::InboxInserters::Map< SphericalHarmonicsInbox< Dim > >
static void insert_into_inbox (const gsl::not_null< Inbox * > inbox, const TemporalId &temporal_id, ReceiveDataType &&data)

Detailed Description

template<size_t Dim>
struct CurvedScalarWave::Worldtube::Tags::SphericalHarmonicsInbox< Dim >

Inbox of the worldtube singleton chare which receives quantities projected onto spherical harmonics.


Each element abutting the worldtube projects both \(\Psi\) and the time derivative of \(\partial_t Psi\) onto spherical harmonics by integrating it over the worldtube surface/boundary it is touching. These coefficients are sent to this inbox.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: