Tags related to the worldtube. More...
Classes | |
struct | AccelerationTerms |
struct | BackgroundQuantities |
A tuple of Tensors evaluated at the charge depending only the background and the particle's position and velocity. These values are effectively cached between different iterations of the worldtube scheme. More... | |
struct | BackgroundQuantitiesCompute |
struct | BlackHoleRadiusParameters |
The parameters controlling the growth of the black holes excision sphere, see smooth_broken_power_law. The parameters here are, in order, the amplitude, the transition radius, the transition width and the exponent. More... | |
struct | Charge |
The value of the scalar charge. More... | |
struct | ConstraintGamma1Compute |
Sets Gamma1 to zero throughout the domain. The equations are given in Initialization::InitializeConstraintDampingGammas. More... | |
struct | ConstraintGamma2Compute |
Sets Gamma2 to a Gaussian that falls off to a constant value centered on the position of the particle. This was found to be necessary for a stable evolution. The equations are given in Initialization::InitializeConstraintDampingGammas. More... | |
struct | CurrentIteration |
The current number of iterations that has been applied to the acceleration of the particle. More... | |
struct | dtPsi0 |
Holds the time derivative of Psi0 which is used as a reduction variable. More... | |
struct | ElementFacesGridCoordinates |
A map that holds the grid coordinates centered on the worldtube of all element faces abutting the worldtube with the corresponding ElementIds. More... | |
struct | EvolvedParticlePositionVelocityCompute |
The position and velocity of the scalar charge particle orbiting a central black hole given in inertial coordinates. This compute tag is meant to be used by the worldtube singleton which evolves the position and velocity according to an ODE along with the DG evolution. More... | |
struct | EvolvedPosition |
The position of the scalar charge evolved by the worldtube singleton. This tag is meant to be used by the worldtube singleton to evolve the orbit. More... | |
struct | EvolvedVelocity |
The velocity of the scalar charge evolved by the worldtube singleton. This tag is meant to be used by the worldtube singleton to evolve the orbit. More... | |
struct | ExcisionSphere |
The excision sphere corresponding to the worldtube. More... | |
struct | ExpansionOrder |
The internal expansion order of the worldtube solution. More... | |
struct | ExpirationTime |
The current expiration time of the functions of time which are controlled by the worldtube singleton. More... | |
struct | FaceCoordinates |
An optional that holds the coordinates of an element face abutting the worldtube excision sphere. If the element does not abut the worldtube, this holds std::nullopt. This tag should be in the databox of element chares. The available frames are Grid and Inertial. The Centered template tag can be turned on to center the coordinates around the position of the scalar charge. More... | |
struct | FaceCoordinatesCompute |
struct | FaceQuantities |
The value of the scalar field and its time derivative on element faces forming the worldtube boundary, as well as the Euclidean area element of the face. More... | |
struct | FaceQuantitiesCompute |
struct | GeodesicAcceleration |
Computes the coordinate geodesic acceleration of the particle in the inertial frame in Kerr-Schild coordinates. More... | |
struct | GeodesicAccelerationCompute |
struct | InitialPositionAndVelocity |
The initial position and velocity of the scalar charge in inertial coordinates. More... | |
struct | IteratedPunctureField |
Holds the current iteration of the puncture field computed with the current iteration of the acceleration which includes the scalar self-force. It is computed in Actions::IteratePunctureField . More... | |
struct | Mass |
The mass of the scalar charge. Only has a value if the scalar self force is applied. More... | |
struct | MaxIterations |
The maximum number of iterations that will be applied to the acceleration of the particle. More... | |
struct | ObserveCoefficientsTrigger |
Triggers at which to write the coefficients of the worldtube's internal Taylor series to file. More... | |
struct | ParticlePositionVelocity |
The position and velocity of the scalar charge particle orbiting a central black hole given in inertial coordinates. This compute tag is meant to be used by the elements. More... | |
struct | ParticlePositionVelocityCompute |
struct | Psi0 |
Holds the constant coefficient of the regular field inside the worldtube. More... | |
struct | PsiWorldtube |
The scalar field inside the worldtube. More... | |
struct | PunctureField |
struct | PunctureFieldCompute |
struct | RegularFieldInbox |
Inbox of the element chares that contains the coefficients of a Taylor Series of the regular field \(\Psi^R\) as well as its time derivative. The elements may evaluate the coefficients at their inertial coordinates. More... | |
struct | SelfForceInbox |
Inbox of the element chares that contains the current iteration of the acceleration of the particle. More... | |
struct | SelfForceTurnOnInterval |
The interval over which the self-force is smoothly turned on. More... | |
struct | SelfForceTurnOnTime |
The time at which the self-force is smoothly turned on. More... | |
struct | SphericalHarmonicsInbox |
Inbox of the worldtube singleton chare which receives quantities projected onto spherical harmonics. More... | |
struct | TimeDilationFactor |
The coordinate time dilation factor of the scalar charge, i.e. the 0th component of its 4-velocity. More... | |
struct | Verbosity |
The verbosity of the worldtube executable. More... | |
struct | WorldtubeRadius |
The current worldtube radius held by the singleton. More... | |
struct | WorldtubeRadiusParameters |
The parameters controlling the growth of the worldtube excision sphere, see smooth_broken_power_law. The parameters here are, in order, the amplitude, the transition radius, the transition width and the exponent. More... | |
struct | WorldtubeSolution |
The solution inside the worldtube, evaluated at the face coordinates of an abutting element. This tag is used to provide boundary conditions to the element in CurvedScalarWave::BoundaryConditions::Worldtube . More... | |
Tags related to the worldtube.