Higher order function objects similar to std::plus
, etc.
Classes | |
struct | Abs |
Functional for computing abs on an object. More... | |
struct | Acos |
Functional for computing acos on an object. More... | |
struct | Acosh |
Functional for computing acosh on an object. More... | |
struct | And |
Functional for computing and of two objects. More... | |
struct | Asin |
Functional for computing asin on an object. More... | |
struct | Asinh |
Functional for computing asinh on an object. More... | |
struct | AssertEqual |
Functional that asserts that the function object C applied to the first and second arguments are equal and returns the function object C applied to the first argument. More... | |
struct | Atan |
Functional for computing atan on an object. More... | |
struct | Atan2 |
Functional for computing atan2 from two objects. More... | |
struct | Atanh |
Functional for computing atanh on an object. More... | |
struct | Cbrt |
Functional for computing cbrt on an object. More... | |
struct | Conj |
Functional for computing conj on an object. More... | |
struct | Cos |
Functional for computing cos on an object. More... | |
struct | Cosh |
Functional for computing cosh on an object. More... | |
struct | DivAssign |
Functional for computing /= of two objects. More... | |
struct | Divides |
Functional for computing / of two objects. More... | |
struct | ElementWise |
Function that applies C to every element of the operands. This function is currently only tested for std::vector operands. Operands other than the first may be a single value, which is applied element-wise to the vector. If needed, this function can be generalized further. More... | |
struct | Erf |
Functional for computing erf on an object. More... | |
struct | Exp |
Functional for computing exp on an object. More... | |
struct | Exp2 |
Functional for computing exp2 on an object. More... | |
struct | Fabs |
Functional for computing fabs on an object. More... | |
struct | GetArgument |
Functional to retrieve the ArgumentIndex th argument. More... | |
struct | Hypot |
Functional for computing hypot from two objects. More... | |
struct | Identity |
The identity higher order function object. More... | |
struct | Imag |
Functional for computing imag on an object. More... | |
struct | InvCbrt |
Functional for computing invcbrt on an object. More... | |
struct | InvSqrt |
Functional for computing invsqrt on an object. More... | |
struct | Literal |
struct | Log |
Functional for computing log on an object. More... | |
struct | Log10 |
Functional for computing log10 on an object. More... | |
struct | Log2 |
Functional for computing log2 on an object. More... | |
struct | Max |
Functional for computing max from two objects. More... | |
struct | Merge |
Function that merges two containers using the merge method of the first container. Can be used to collect data in a std::map in a reduction. More... | |
struct | Min |
Functional for computing min from two objects. More... | |
struct | Minus |
Functional for computing - of two objects. More... | |
struct | MinusAssign |
Functional for computing -= of two objects. More... | |
struct | MultAssign |
Functional for computing *= of two objects. More... | |
struct | Multiplies |
Functional for computing * of two objects. More... | |
struct | Negate |
Functional for computing - on an object. More... | |
struct | Or |
Functional for computing or of two objects. More... | |
struct | Plus |
Functional for computing + of two objects. More... | |
struct | PlusAssign |
Functional for computing += of two objects. More... | |
struct | Pow |
Functional for computing pow from two objects. More... | |
struct | Real |
Functional for computing real on an object. More... | |
struct | Sin |
Functional for computing sin on an object. More... | |
struct | Sinh |
Functional for computing sinh on an object. More... | |
struct | Sqrt |
Functional for computing sqrt on an object. More... | |
struct | Square |
Function for squaring a quantity. More... | |
struct | StepFunction |
Functional for computing step_function on an object. More... | |
struct | Tan |
Functional for computing tan on an object. More... | |
struct | Tanh |
Functional for computing tanh on an object. More... | |
struct | UnaryPow |
Function for computing an integer power, forwards to template pow<N>() More... | |
Functions | |
Higher order function objects similar to std::plus
, etc.
These chaining function objects can be used to represent highly general mathematical operations
As an illustrative example, consider the definition of a general sinusoid function object type :
which then gives a type which when instantiated and evaluated will give the answer \( a\times\sin(b + c \times d)\) from calling Sinusoid{}(a,b,c,d)
As a more creative example, we can take advantage of literals to make, for instance, distributions. Let's make a Gaussian with mean at 5.0 and unity variance
This gives us a function object whose call operator takes one argument that gives the value of the desired Gaussian distribution \( e^{-(x - 5.0)^2} \)