SpECTRE  v2024.08.03
domain::Tags::CharSpeedCompute< CharSpeedsComputeTag, Dim > Struct Template Reference

Compute the characteristic speeds on the moving mesh given the characteristic speeds if the mesh were stationary. More...

#include <TagsCharacteristicSpeeds.hpp>

Public Types

using base = typename CharSpeedsComputeTag::base
using return_type = typename CharSpeedsComputeTag::return_type
using argument_tags = tmpl::push_front< typename CharSpeedsComputeTag::argument_tags, MeshVelocity< Dim, Frame::Inertial >, ::Tags::Normalized< UnnormalizedFaceNormal< Dim > > >
using volume_tags = get_volume_tags< CharSpeedsComputeTag >

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename... Ts, typename T , size_t NumberOfCharSpeeds>
static void function (const gsl::not_null< std::array< T, NumberOfCharSpeeds > * > result, const std::optional< tnsr::I< DataVector, Dim, Frame::Inertial > > &grid_velocity, const tnsr::i< DataVector, Dim, Frame::Inertial > &unit_normal_covector, const Ts &... ts)

Detailed Description

template<typename CharSpeedsComputeTag, size_t Dim>
struct domain::Tags::CharSpeedCompute< CharSpeedsComputeTag, Dim >

Compute the characteristic speeds on the moving mesh given the characteristic speeds if the mesh were stationary.

Assumes that typename CharSpeedsComputeTag::return_type is a std::array<DataVector, NumberOfCharSpeeds>

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: