Tags for the domain. More...
Classes | |
struct | BoundaryCoordinates |
Computes the coordinates in the frame Frame on the faces defined by Direction . Intended to be prefixed by a Tags::InterfaceCompute to define the directions on which to compute the coordinates. More... | |
struct | BoundaryDirectionsExterior |
The set of directions which correspond to external boundaries. To be used to represent data which exists on the exterior side of the external boundary faces. More... | |
struct | BoundaryDirectionsExteriorCompute |
struct | BoundaryDirectionsInterior |
The set of directions which correspond to external boundaries. Used for representing data on the interior side of the external boundary faces. More... | |
struct | BoundaryDirectionsInteriorCompute |
struct | CharSpeedCompute |
Compute the characteristic speeds on the moving mesh given the characteristic speeds if the mesh were stationary. More... | |
struct | Coordinates |
The coordinates in a given frame. More... | |
struct | CoordinatesMeshVelocityAndJacobians |
The Inertial coordinates, the inverse Jacobian from the Grid to the Inertial frame, the Jacobian from the Grid to the Inertial frame, and the Inertial mesh velocity. More... | |
struct | CoordinatesMeshVelocityAndJacobiansCompute |
Computes the Inertial coordinates, the inverse Jacobian from the Grid to the Inertial frame, the Jacobian from the Grid to the Inertial frame, and the Inertial mesh velocity. More... | |
struct | DetInvJacobian |
The determinant of the inverse Jacobian from the source frame to the target frame. More... | |
struct | DetInvJacobianCompute |
Computes the determinant of the inverse Jacobian. More... | |
struct | DetJacobian |
The determinant of the Jacobian from the source frame to the target frame. More... | |
struct | DetSurfaceJacobian |
The determinant of the induced Jacobian on a surface. More... | |
struct | DetTimesInvJacobian |
The inverse Jacobian times the determinant of the Jacobian. More... | |
struct | Direction |
Direction to an interface More... | |
struct | DivMeshVelocity |
The divergence of the mesh velocity. More... | |
struct | Domain |
The Domain. More... | |
struct | Element |
The Element associated with the DataBox. More... | |
struct | ElementDistribution |
Tag that holds method for how to distribute the elements on the given resources. More... | |
struct | ElementMap |
The coordinate map from the ElementLogical frame to the TargetFrame. More... | |
struct | ElementToInertialInverseJacobian |
Computes the Logical to Inertial inverse Jacobian from CoordinatesVelocityAndJacobians More... | |
struct | ExternalBoundaryConditions |
struct | FaceNormalVector |
The normalized face normal vector, i.e. the FaceNormal raised with the spatial metric. More... | |
struct | Faces |
The Tag on element faces. More... | |
struct | FlatLogicalMetric |
The flat metric in element-logical coordinates. More... | |
struct | FlatLogicalMetricCompute |
Compute the flat metric in element-logical coordinates from the inverse Jacobian. More... | |
struct | FunctionsOfTime |
Tag to retrieve the FunctionsOfTime from the GlobalCache. More... | |
struct | FunctionsOfTimeInitialize |
The FunctionsOfTime initialized from a DomainCreator. More... | |
struct | GridToInertialInverseJacobian |
Computes the Grid to Inertial inverse Jacobian from CoordinatesVelocityAndJacobians . If the mesh is not moving, requesting this tag will throw an error because the Jacobian is just the identity. More... | |
struct | InertialFromGridCoordinatesCompute |
Computes the Inertial coordinates from CoordinatesVelocityAndJacobians More... | |
struct | InertialMeshVelocityCompute |
Computes the Inertial mesh velocity from CoordinatesVelocityAndJacobians More... | |
struct | InitialExtents |
The number of grid points per dimension for all elements in each block of the initial computational domain. More... | |
struct | InitialRefinementLevels |
The initial refinement level per dimension for all elements in each block of the initial computational domain. More... | |
struct | Interface |
Tag which is either a SimpleTag for quantities on an interface, base tag to a compute item which acts on tags on an interface, or base tag to a compute item which slices a tag from the volume to an interface. More... | |
struct | InterfaceCompute |
Compute tag for representing items computed on a set of interfaces. Can be retrieved using Tags::Interface<DirectionsTag, Tag> More... | |
struct | InterfaceCompute< Tags::BoundaryDirectionsExterior< VolumeDim >, UnnormalizedFaceNormalCompute< VolumeDim, Frame > > |
Specialisation of UnnormalizedFaceNormal for the external boundaries which inverts the normals. Since ExternalBoundariesDirections are meant to represent ghost elements, the normals should correspond to the normals in said element, which are inverted with respect to the current element. More... | |
struct | InterfaceCompute< Tags::BoundaryDirectionsExterior< VolumeDim >, UnnormalizedFaceNormalMovingMeshCompute< VolumeDim > > |
struct | InterfaceMesh |
Computes the VolumeDim-1 dimensional mesh on an interface from the volume mesh. Tags::InterfaceCompute<Dirs, InterfaceMesh<VolumeDim>> is retrievable as Tags::Interface<Dirs, Mesh<VolumeDim>> from the DataBox. More... | |
struct | InternalDirections |
The set of directions to neighboring Elements. More... | |
struct | InternalDirectionsCompute |
struct | InverseJacobian |
The inverse Jacobian from the source frame to the target frame. More... | |
struct | InverseJacobianCompute |
Computes the inverse Jacobian of the map held by MapTag at the coordinates held by SourceCoordsTag . The coordinates must be in the source frame of the map. More... | |
struct | Jacobian |
The Jacobian from the source frame to the target frame. More... | |
struct | JacobianCompute |
Computes the Jacobian of the map from the InverseJacobian<Dim, SourceFrame, TargetFrame> tag. More... | |
struct | JacobianDiagnostic |
A diagnostic comparing the analytic and numerical Jacobians for a map. See domain::jacobian_diagnostic for details. More... | |
struct | JacobianDiagnosticCompute |
Computes the Jacobian diagnostic, which compares the analytic Jacobian (provided by some coordinate map) to a numerical Jacobian computed using numerical partial derivatives. The coordinates must be in the target frame of the map. See domain::jacobian_diagnostic for details of the calculation. More... | |
struct | LogicalCoordinates |
The logical coordinates in the Element. More... | |
struct | MappedCoordinates |
The coordinates in the target frame of MapTag . The SourceCoordsTag 's frame must be the source frame of MapTag More... | |
struct | Mesh |
The computational grid of the Element in the DataBox. More... | |
struct | MeshVelocity |
The mesh velocity. More... | |
struct | MinimumGridSpacing |
The minimum coordinate distance between grid points. More... | |
struct | MinimumGridSpacingCompute |
struct | NeighborMesh |
Holds the mesh of each neighboring element. More... | |
struct | ObjectCenter |
The grid frame center of the given object. More... | |
struct | RadiallyCompressedCoordinates |
Coordinates suitable for visualizing large radii by compressing them logarithmically or inversely. More... | |
struct | RadiallyCompressedCoordinatesCompute |
struct | RadiallyCompressedCoordinatesOptions |
Options for radially compressed coordinates, or std::nullopt if none were specified in the input file. More... | |
struct | SizeOfElement |
The inertial-coordinate size of an element along each of its logical directions. More... | |
struct | SizeOfElementCompute |
struct | Slice |
Compute tag for representing a compute item that slices data from the volume to a set of interfaces. More... | |
struct | UnnormalizedFaceNormal |
The unnormalized face normal one form. More... | |
struct | UnnormalizedFaceNormalCompute |
struct | UnnormalizedFaceNormalMovingMeshCompute |
struct | VariablesBoundaryData |
Base tag for boundary data needed for updating the variables. More... | |
Typedefs | |
template<size_t Dim, typename LocalFrame = Frame::Inertial> | |
using | FaceNormal = ::Tags::Normalized< Tags::UnnormalizedFaceNormal< Dim, LocalFrame > > |
The normalized face normal. | |
template<size_t Dim, typename LocalFrame = Frame::Inertial> | |
using | UnnormalizedFaceNormalMagnitude = ::Tags::Magnitude< Tags::UnnormalizedFaceNormal< Dim, LocalFrame > > |
The magnitude of the unnormalized face normal, see unnormalized_face_normal | |
Tags for the domain.