SpECTRE  v2024.09.29

This page details how to install SpECTRE on personal machines and on clusters that have no official support (yet).

Running containerized releases

A quick way to run the code without installing anything at all is with our containerized releases:

docker run sxscollaboration/spectre --help

You can also use Apptainer/Singularity instead of Docker, which works better on computing clusters and is more convenient because it shares the host's file system:

apptainer run docker://sxscollaboration/spectre --help

The entrypoint to this container is the SpECTRE command-line interface (CLI). For example, you can generate initial data for a simulation of merging black holes and plot the result like this:

apptainer run docker://sxscollaboration/spectre bbh generate-id \
-q 1 --chi-A 0 0 0 --chi-B 0 0 0 -D 16 -w 0.015 -a 0 -o ./bbh_id
apptainer run docker://sxscollaboration/spectre plot slice \
bbh_id/BbhVolume*.h5 -C 0,0,0 -n 0,0,1 -u 0,1,0 -X 24 24 \
-y ConformalFactor -o plot.pdf

The containers currently have precompiled code only for Linux x86_64 platforms, and only have a limited set of executables precompiled. The supported features available in the precompiled containers are:

Running static binaries

Another way of running the code without installing anything is with our precompiled static binaries, which are published on GitHub:

These are currently compiled only for Linux x86_64 platforms and for Intel Haswell architecture, so they should be compatible with machines newer than mid 2013.

We only publish a limited set of precompiled static binaries that are useful as stand-alone tools, such as the CCE executables (see Running CCE).

Quick-start guide for code development with Docker and Visual Studio Code

If you're new to writing code for SpECTRE and would like to jump right into a working development environment, a good place to start is our Code development quick-start with Docker and Visual Studio Code.

Quick-start installation

The easiest way of installing SpECTRE natively on a new machine is this:

  1. Collect dependencies. You need a C++ compiler (GCC or Clang), CMake, BLAS/LAPACK, Boost, GSL, HDF5, and Python installed. For details on these required dependencies see Dependencies. On many computing clusters they are available as modules. On personal machines you can install them with a package manager.
  2. Clone the SpECTRE repository:

    git clone git@github.com:sxs-collaboration/spectre.git
    export SPECTRE_HOME=$PWD/spectre
  3. Install Charm++:

    git clone https://github.com/UIUC-PPL/charm
    cd charm
    git checkout v7.0.0
    git apply $SPECTRE_HOME/support/Charm/v7.0.0.patch
    ./build charm++ <version> --with-production --build-shared
    export CHARM_ROOT=$PWD/<version>

    Choose the <version> from this list in the Charm++ documentation. For example, choose multicore-linux-x86_64 on a Linux laptop, multicore-darwin-arm8 on an Apple Silicon laptop, and mpi-linux-x86_64 on a standard computing cluster (you will also need MPI for this). See Building Charm++ for details.

  4. Configure and build SpECTRE:

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake \
    -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=<clang or gcc> \
    -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<clang++ or g++> \
    -D CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran \
    -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<Debug or Release> \

    See Building SpECTRE for details and Commonly Used CMake flags for a list of possible configuration options. For example, set -D ENABLE_OPENMP=ON to enable OpenMP-parallelization for the exporter library.

    Now you can compile executables (again, see Building SpECTRE for details). For example:

    make -j12 cli
    make -j12 BundledExporter

Installation with Spack

You can also install SpECTRE with the Spack package manager:

git clone https://github.com/spack/spack
source ./spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
spack compiler find
spack external find
spack install spectre executables=ExportCoordinates3D \
^charmpp backend=multicore

You probably want to customize your installation, e.g., to select a particular version of SpECTRE, the executables you want to install, additional options such as Python bindings, or the Charm++ backend. You can display all possible options with:

spack info spectre # or charmpp, etc.

Refer to the Spack documentation for more information.

We have not found the Spack installation particularly stable since the Spack package manager is still in development.

Detailed installation instructions

This remainder of this page details the installation procedure for SpECTRE.


You don't need to install any of these dependencies by hand if you use a container or follow the Quick-start installation.


The following dependencies will be fetched automatically if you set SPECTRE_FETCH_MISSING_DEPS=ON:

  • Blaze v3.8. When installing manually, it can be beneficial to install Blaze with CMake so some configuration options are determined automatically, such as cache sizes. [96] [95]
  • Catch2 3.4.0 or later. You can also install Catch2 from your package manager or do a standard CMake build and installation (as detailed in the Catch2 docs). Compile with CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON.
  • LIBXSMM version 1.16.1 or later. [90]
  • yaml-cpp version 0.7.0 or later. Building with shared library support is recommended when installing from source. [18]
  • Python dependencies listed in support/Python/requirements.txt. Install with pip3 install -r support/Python/requirements.txt. Make sure you are working in a Python venv before installing packages. Alternatively, you can set BOOTSTRAP_PY_DEPS=ON when configuring a build with CMake to install missing Python packages into the build directory automatically.
    # Distributed under the MIT License.
    # See LICENSE.txt for details.
    # Python packages needed to run the Python bindings.
    # Make sure that you are working in a Python venv. You can set one up like this
    # in a directory of your choice:
    # $ python3 -m venv path/to/env
    # $ . path/to/env/bin/activate
    # Then, install the Python dependencies into the environment like this:
    # $ pip3 install -r support/Python/requirements.txt
    # Click: to compose our Python CLI, load subcommands lazily, and for
    # autocompletion
    h5py >= 3.5.0
    # Humanize: For human-readable output like "2 hours ago"
    # Jinja2: To work with placeholders in input files and submit scripts
    # Newer version on macOS causes slow down in plotting utilities
    matplotlib <= 3.8.4
    # Pandas: To work with columns of data. Need a sufficiently recent version
    # to do some fancy indexing in Status CLI
    pandas >= 1.5
    pybind11 >= 2.7.0
    # Rich: to format CLI output and tracebacks
    rich >= 12.0.0


  • Pybind11 2.7.0 or later for SpECTRE Python bindings. Included in support/Python/requirements.txt. [97]
  • jemalloc
  • Doxygen 1.9.1 to 1.9.6 — to generate documentation
  • Python dev dependencies listed in support/Python/dev_requirements.txt — for documentation pre- and post-processing, formatting code, etc. Install with pip3 install -r support/Python/dev_requirements.txt. Make sure you are working in a Python venv before installing packages.
    # Distributed under the MIT License.
    # See LICENSE.txt for details.
    # Optional Python packages used for development, but not for running the code.
    # Make sure that you are working in a Python venv. You can set one up like this
    # in a directory of your choice:
    # $ python3 -m venv path/to/env
    # $ . path/to/env/bin/activate
    # Then, install the Python dependencies into the environment like this:
    # $ pip3 install -r support/Python/dev_requirements.txt
    # Building and postprocessing documentation
    # Code formatting. The required version is locked in the pyproject.toml config.
    black == 23.3.0
    isort ~= 5.12
  • Google Benchmark - to do microbenchmarking inside the SpECTRE framework. v1.2 or newer is required
  • LCOV and gcov — to check code test coverage
  • PAPI — to access hardware performance counters
  • ClangFormat — to format C++ code in a clear and consistent fashion
  • Clang-Tidy — to "lint" C++ code
  • Scotch - to build the ScotchLB graph partition based load balancer in charm++.
  • ffmpeg - for animating 1d simulations with matplotlib
  • xsimd 11.0.1 or newer - for manual vectorization
  • libbacktrace - to show source files and line numbers in backtraces of errors and asserts. Available by default on many systems, so you may not have to install it at all. The CMake configuration will tell you if you have libbacktrace installed.
  • ParaView - for visualization [6] [1] . Make sure your ParaView installation uses the same (major and minor) version of Python as the rest of the build.
  • SpEC - to load SpEC data. Compile the exporter in SpEC's Support/ApplyObservers/Exporter/ directory (see the Makefile in that directory). Also make sure to compile SpEC with the same compiler and MPI as SpECTRE to avoid compatibility issues.


Clone the SpECTRE repository

First, clone the SpECTRE repository to a directory of your choice. In the following we will refer to it as SPECTRE_ROOT. You may git clone from GitHub, in which case SPECTRE_ROOT will be <your_current_directory>/spectre. That is, inside SPECTRE_ROOT are docs, src, support, tests etc. You can also download the source and extract them to your desired working directory, making sure not to leave out hidden files when you cp or mv the source files.

Using Docker to obtain a SpECTRE environment

A Docker image is available from DockerHub and can be used to build SpECTRE on a personal machine.

Note: If you have SELinux active on your system you must figure out how to enable sharing files with the host OS. If you receive errors that you do not have permission to access a shared directory it is likely that your system has SELinux enabled. One option is to disable SELinux at the expense of reducing the security of your system.

To build with the Docker image:

  1. Install Docker-Desktop. For Linux, if you want to be able to run the following steps without sudo, follow the post-installation-guide to add a non-root user.
  2. Retrieve the Docker image (you may need sudo in front of this command)
    docker pull sxscollaboration/spectre:dev
  3. Start the Docker container (you may need sudo)

    docker run -v $SPECTRE_ROOT/:$SPECTRE_ROOT/ --name spectre_dev \
    -i -t sxscollaboration/spectre:dev /bin/bash
    • -v $SPECTRE_ROOT/:$SPECTRE_ROOT/ binds the directory $SPECTRE_ROOT (which is an environment variable you must set up or just use the actual path) outside the container to $SPECTRE_ROOT inside the container. In this way, files in the $SPECTRE_ROOT on your host system (outside the container) become accessible within the container through the directory SPECTRE_ROOT inside the container. If you wonder why the same SPECTRE_ROOT needs to be used for both inside and outside the container, which is why $SPECTRE_ROOT is repeated in the command above with separated by a colon, please see one of the notes below regarding -v flag.
    • The --name spectre_dev is optional. If you don't name your container, docker will generate an arbitrary name.
    • On macOS you can significantly increase the performance of file system operations by appending the flag :delegated to -v, e.g. -v $SPECTRE_ROOT/:$SPECTRE_ROOT/:delegated (see https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/osxfs-caching/).
    • The -i flag is for interactive mode, which will drop you into the container.
    • It can be useful to expose a port to the host so you can run servers such as Jupyter for accessing the Python bindings (see Using SpECTRE's Python modules) or a Python web server to view the documentation. To do so, append the -p option, e.g. -p 8000:8000.

    You will end up in a bash shell in the docker container, as root (you need to be root). Within the container, the files in $SPECTRE_ROOT are available and Charm++ is installed in /work/charm_7_0_0. For the following steps, stay inside the docker container as root.

  4. Proceed with building SpECTRE.


  • Everything in your build directory is owned by root, and is accessible only within the container.
  • You should edit source files in SPECTRE_ROOT in a separate terminal outside the container, and use the container only for compiling and running the code.
  • If you exit the container (e.g. ctrl-d), your compilation directories are still saved, as are any other changes to the container that you have made. To restart the container, try the following commands (you may need sudo):
    1. docker ps -a, to list all containers with their CONTAINER_IDs and CONTAINER_NAMEs,
    2. docker start -i CONTAINER_NAME or docker start -i CONTAINER_ID, to restart your container (above, the CONTAINER_NAME was spectre_dev).
  • When the Docker container gets updated, you can stop it with docker stop CONTAINER_NAME, remove it with docker rm CONTAINER_NAME and then start at step 2 above to run it again.
  • You can run more than one shell in the same container, for instance one shell for compiling with gcc and another for compiling with clang. To add a new shell, run docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash (or docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash) from a terminal outside the container.
  • In step 4 above, technically docker allows you to say -v $SPECTRE_ROOT/:/my/new/path to map $SPECTRE_ROOT outside the container to any path you want inside the container, but do not do this. Compiling inside the container sets up git hooks in SPECTRE_ROOT that contain hardcoded pathnames to SPECTRE_ROOT as seen from inside the container. So if your source paths inside and outside the container are different, commands like git commit run from outside the container will die with No such file or directory.
  • If you want to use Docker within VSCode, take a look at our quick start guide for using Docker with VSCode.

Using Singularity to obtain a SpECTRE environment

Singularity is a container alternative to Docker with better security and nicer integration.

To build SpECTRE with Singularity you must:

  1. Build Singularity and add it to your $PATH
  2. cd to the directory where you want to store the SpECTRE Singularity image, source, and build directories, let's call it WORKDIR. The WORKDIR must be somewhere in your home directory. If this does not work for you, follow the Singularity instructions on setting up additional bind points (version 3.7. For other versions, see the docs). Once inside the WORKDIR, clone SpECTRE into WORKDIR/SPECTRE_ROOT.
  3. Run sudo singularity build spectre.img docker://sxscollaboration/spectre:dev. You can also use spectre:ci instead of spectre:dev if you want more compilers installed.

    If you get the error message that makesquashfs did not have enough space to create the image you need to set a different SINGULARITY_TMPDIR. This can be done by running: sudo SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=/path/to/new/tmp singularity build spectre.img docker://sxscollaboration/spectre:dev. Normally SINGULARITY_TMPDIR is /tmp, but building the image will temporarily need almost 8GB of space.

    You can control where Singularity stores the downloaded image files from DockerHub by specifying the SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR environment variable. The default is $HOME/.singularity/. Note that $HOME is /root when running using sudo.

  4. To start the container run singularity shell spectre.img and you will be dropped into a bash shell.
  5. Proceed with building SpECTRE.


  • You should edit source files in SPECTRE_ROOT in a separate terminal outside the container, and use the container only for compiling and running the code.
  • If you don't have the same Python version in your environment outside the container as the version inside the container, this will create problems with git hooks. The Singularity container uses python3.8 by default. Thus, it is up to the user to ensure that they are using the same Python version inside and outside the container. To use a different Python version in the container add -D Python_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/python to the cmake command where /path/to/python is usually /usr/bin/pythonX and X is the version you want.
  • Unlike Docker, Singularity does not keep the state between runs. However, it shares the home directory with the host OS so you should do all your work somewhere in your home directory.
  • To run more than one container just do singularity shell spectre.img in another terminal.
  • Since the data you modify lives on the host OS there is no need to worry about losing any data, needing to clean up old containers, or sharing data between containers and the host.

Using Spack to set up a SpECTRE environment

SpECTRE's dependencies can be installed with Spack, a package manager tailored for HPC use. Install Spack by cloning it into SPACK_DIR (a directory of your choice). Then, enable Spack's shell support with source SPACK_DIR/share/spack/setup-env.sh. Consider adding this line to your .bash_profile, .bashrc, or similar. Refer to Spack's getting started guide for more information.

Once you have Spack installed, one way to install the SpECTRE dependencies is with a Spack environment:

# Distributed under the MIT License.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.
# SpECTRE development environment that can be installed with the Spack package
# manager, both on clusters and personal machines.
# To install this environment, first clone
# [Spack](https://github.com/spack/spack) and refer to the
# [docs](https://spack.readthedocs.io/) for an introduction to Spack. Then:
# $ spack env create YOUR_ENV_NAME support/DevEnvironments/spack.yaml
# $ spack env activate YOUR_ENV_NAME -p
# Now you can adjust the environment for your system. You may want to `spack
# remove` and `spack add` some packages, e.g., to customize the Charm++
# installation or to omit packages provided by your system or installed via
# another package manager. To generate the list of packages that will be
# installed, run:
# $ spack concretize -f [--reuse]
# You may want to run `spack external find` and concretize with `--reuse` to
# avoid reinstalling a bunch of system-provided packages. When you are happy
# with the concretized environment, run:
# $ spack install
# All dependencies will be installed in the Spack build tree and linked into the
# environment. Now you can run CMake, build SpECTRE, etc. To pass options like
# `CHARM_ROOT` to CMake, if necessary, you can find the location of installed
# packages with `spack location --install-dir`.
# Since the `spack` command is quite slow, you can also generate a module file
# that is much faster to source:
# $ spack env loads -r
# Now you can activate the environment by sourcing the generated module file.
# See the [Spack docs on environments](https://spack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/environments.html)
# for more information.
- 'blaze@3.8:3.8'
- 'boost@1.60:+math+program_options'
- 'catch2@3.4.0:3'
# Charm++:
# - The 'multicore' backend runs with shared memory on a single node. On
# clusters you should choose one of the multi-node backends instead.
- 'charmpp@7.0.0: backend=multicore'
- 'cmake@3.18:'
- doxygen
- gsl
- hdf5 -mpi
- jemalloc
- 'libxsmm@1.16.1:'
- openblas
- 'python@3.8:'
- 'yaml-cpp@0.6.3:'
unify: true
view: true

You can also install the Spack packages listed in the environment file above with a plain spack install if you prefer.


  • Spack allows very flexible configurations and we recommended you read the documentation if you require features such as packages installed with different compilers.
  • For security, it is good practice to make Spack use the system's OpenSSL rather than allow it to install a new copy.
  • To avoid reinstalling lots of system-provided packages with Spack, use the spack external find feature and the --reuse flag to spack concretize (or spack install). You can also install some of the dependencies with your system's package manager in advance, e.g., with apt or brew. If they are not picked up by spack external find automatically, register them with Spack manually. See the Spack documentation on external packages for details.
  • Spack works well with a module environment, such as LMod. See the Spack documentation on modules for details.

Building Charm++

If you are not using a container, haven't installed Charm++ with Spack, or want to install Charm++ manually for other reasons, follow the installation instructions in the Charm++ repository and in their documentation. Here are a few notes:

  • Once you cloned the Charm++ repository, run git checkout v7.0.0 to switch to a supported, stable release of Charm++.
  • Apply the appropriate patch (if there is one) for the version from ${SPECTRE_ROOT}/support/Charm. For example, if you have Charm++ v7.0.0 then the patch will be v7.0.0.patch.
  • Choose the LIBS target to compile. This is needed so that we can support the more sophisticated load balancers in SpECTRE executables.
  • On a personal machine the correct target architecture is likely multicore-linux-x86_64, or multicore-darwin-x86_64 on macOS. On an HPC system the correct Charm++ target architecture depends on the machine's inter-node communication architecture. It might take some experimenting to figure out which Charm++ configuration provides the best performance.
  • Compile Charm++ with support for shared libraries by appending the option --build-shared to the ./build command or pass BUILD_SHARED=ON to the CMake configuration (see the Charm++ installation instructions).
  • When compiling Charm++ you can specify the compiler using, for example,
    ./build LIBS ARCH clang

Building SpECTRE

Once you have set up your development environment you can compile SpECTRE. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a build directory where you would like to compile SpECTRE. In the Docker container you could create, e.g., /work/spectre-build. It can be useful to add a descriptive label to the name of the build directory since you may create more later, e.g., build-clang-Debug. Then, cd into the build directory.
  2. Determine the location of your Charm++ installation. In the Docker container it is /work/charm_7_0_0/multicore-linux-x86_64-gcc for GCC builds and /work/charm_7_0_0/mpi-linux-x86_64-smp-clang for clang builds. For Spack installations you can determine it with spack location --install-dir charmpp. We refer to the install directory as CHARM_ROOT below.
  3. In your new SpECTRE build directory, configure the build with CMake:
    Add options to the cmake command to configure the build, select compilers, etc. For instance, to build with clang you may run:
    cmake -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ \
    -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang \
    -D CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran \
    See Commonly Used CMake flags for documentation on possible configuration options.
  4. When cmake configuration is done, you are ready to build target executables.
    • You can see the list of available targets by running make list (or ninja list if you are using the Ninja generator) or by using tab completion. Compile targets with make -jN TARGET (or ninja -jN TARGET), where N is the number of cores to build on in parallel (e.g. -j4). Note that the Ninja generator allows you to compile individual source files too.
    • Compile the unit-tests target and run ctest -L unit to run unit tests. Compile test-executables and run ctest to run all tests, including executables. To compile test-executables you may have to reduce the number of cores you build on in parallel to avoid running out of memory.
    • To use the command-line interface (CLI), compile the cli target (see Command-line interface (CLI)).
    • To use the Python bindings, compile the all-pybindings target (see Using SpECTRE's Python modules).

Code Coverage Analysis

For any coverage analysis you will need to have LCOV installed on the system. For documentation coverage analysis you will also need to install coverxygen and for test coverage analysis gcov.

If you have these installed (which is already done if you are using the docker container), you can look at code coverage as follows:

  1. On a gcc build, pass -D COVERAGE=ON to cmake
  2. make unit-test-coverage
  3. The output is in docs/html/unit-test-coverage.