SpECTRE  v2025.01.30
Cce::Actions::BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent > Struct Template Reference

Obtains the Klein-Gordon CCE boundary data at the specified time, and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData. More...

#include <BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution.hpp>

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename ParallelComponent , typename... DbTags, typename ArrayIndex >
static void apply (db::DataBox< tmpl::list< DbTags... > > &box, Parallel::GlobalCache< Metavariables > &cache, const ArrayIndex &, const TimeStepId &time)

Detailed Description

template<typename Metavariables, typename EvolutionComponent>
struct Cce::Actions::BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent >

Obtains the Klein-Gordon CCE boundary data at the specified time, and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData.


This uses the WorldtubeDataManager to perform all of the work of managing the file buffer, interpolating to the desired time point, and compute the Bondi and Klein-Gordon quantities on the boundary. Once readied, it sends each tensor or scalar from the the full Variables<typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_communication_tags> or Variables<typename Metavariables::klein_gordon_boundary_communication_tags> back to the EvolutionComponent


DataBox changes:

  • Adds: nothing
  • Removes: nothing
  • Modifies:
    • Tags::Variables<typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_communication_tags> (every tensor)
    • Tags::Variables<typename Metavariables::klein_gordon_boundary_communication_tags> (every scalar)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: