SpECTRE  v2025.01.30
Cce::Actions Namespace Reference

The set of actions for use in the CCE evolution system. More...


struct  BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution
 Obtains the CCE boundary data at the specified time, and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData. More...
struct  BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent >
 Calculates the analytic boundary data at the specified time, and sends the resulting Bondi-Sachs boundary data to the EvolutionComponent More...
struct  BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< GhWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent >
 Submits a request for CCE boundary data at the specified time to the Cce::InterfaceManagers::GhInterfaceManager, and sends the data to the EvolutionComponent (template argument) if it is ready. More...
struct  BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< H5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent >
 Obtains the CCE boundary data at the specified time, and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData. More...
struct  BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent >
 Obtains the Klein-Gordon CCE boundary data at the specified time, and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData. More...
struct  CalculateIntegrandInputsForTag
 Prepare the input quantities in the DataBox for the evaluation of the hypersurface integral used to compute BondiTag. More...
struct  CalculatePsi0AndDerivAtInnerBoundary
 Calculate \(\Psi_0\) and its radial derivative \(\partial_\underline{\lambda}\Psi_0\) at the inner boundary of the CCE grid. More...
struct  CalculateScriInputs
 Calculates the Bondi quantities that are required for any of the CalculateScriPlusValue mutators. More...
struct  ExitIfEndTimeReached
 Terminates if the current Tags::TimeStepId has time value later or equal to Tags::EndTime. More...
struct  FilterSwshVolumeQuantity
 Filters the spherical volume data stored in BondiTag according to the filter parameters in the Parallel::GlobalCache. More...
struct  InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionScri
 Initializes the CharacteristicEvolution component with contents needed to perform the interpolation at scri+. More...
struct  InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionTime
 Initializes the contents of the CharacteristicEvolution component for performing the time evolution of the system, which is the singleton that handles the main evolution system for CCE computations. More...
struct  InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionVariables
 Initializes the main data storage for the CharacteristicEvolution component, which is the singleton that handles the main evolution system for CCE computations. More...
struct  InitializeFirstHypersurface
 Given initial boundary data for \(J\) and \(\partial_r J\), computes the initial hypersurface quantities \(J\) and gauge values. More...
struct  InitializeKleinGordonFirstHypersurface
 Given initial boundary data for the Klein-Gordon variable \(\Psi\), computes its initial hypersurface data. More...
struct  InitializeKleinGordonVariables
 Initialize the data storage for the scalar field in the KleinGordonCharacteristicExtract component, which is the singleton that handles the main evolution system for Klein-Gordon CCE computations. More...
struct  InitializeWorldtubeBoundary
 Generic action for initializing various worldtube boundary components. More...
struct  InitializeWorldtubeBoundary< AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > >
 Initializes an AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary. More...
struct  InitializeWorldtubeBoundary< GhWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > >
 Initializes a GhWorldtubeBoundary. More...
struct  InitializeWorldtubeBoundary< H5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > >
 Initializes a H5WorldtubeBoundary. More...
struct  InitializeWorldtubeBoundary< KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > >
 Initializes a KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary. More...
struct  InsertInterpolationScriData
 Places the data from the current hypersurface necessary to compute Tag in the ScriPlusInterpolationManager associated with the Tag. More...
struct  PrecomputeGlobalCceDependencies
 Perform all of the computations for dependencies of the hypersurface equations that do not themselves depend on any hypersurface integrations. More...
struct  PrecomputeKleinGordonSourceVariables
 Compute the set of inputs to ComputeKleinGordonSource. More...
struct  ReceiveGhWorldtubeData
 Stores the boundary data from the GH evolution in the Cce::InterfaceManagers::GhInterfaceManager, and sends to the EvolutionComponent (template argument) if the data fulfills a prior request. More...
struct  ReceiveWorldtubeData
 Takes the boundary data needed to perform the CCE linear solves as arguments and puts them in the DataBox, updating the Cce::Tags::BoundaryTime accordingly. More...
struct  RequestBoundaryData
 Requests boundary data be sent from WorldtubeBoundaryComponent to EvolutionComponent (template parameters). More...
struct  RequestNextBoundaryData
 Requests boundary data be sent from WorldtubeBoundaryComponent to EvolutionComponent. More...
struct  ScriObserveInterpolated
 Checks the interpolation managers and if they are ready, performs the interpolation and sends the data to file. More...
struct  SendGhVarsToCce
 Interpolates and sends points to the CceWorldtubeTarget More...
struct  SendToEvolution
 Computes Bondi boundary data from GH evolution variables and sends the result to the EvolutionComponent (template argument). More...
struct  UpdateGauge
 Updates all of the gauge quantities associated with the additional regularity-preserving gauge transformation on the boundaries for a new set of Cauchy and partially flat Bondi-like coordinates. More...
struct  WriteScriBondiQuantities
 Write a single row of data into an h5::Cce subfile within an H5 file. More...

Detailed Description

The set of actions for use in the CCE evolution system.