The set of actions for use in the CCE evolution system. More...
Classes | |
struct | BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution |
Obtains the CCE boundary data at the specified time , and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData . More... | |
struct | BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent > |
Calculates the analytic boundary data at the specified time , and sends the resulting Bondi-Sachs boundary data to the EvolutionComponent More... | |
struct | BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< GhWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent > |
Submits a request for CCE boundary data at the specified time to the Cce::InterfaceManagers::GhInterfaceManager , and sends the data to the EvolutionComponent (template argument) if it is ready. More... | |
struct | BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< H5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent > |
Obtains the CCE boundary data at the specified time , and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData . More... | |
struct | BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent > |
Obtains the Klein-Gordon CCE boundary data at the specified time , and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData . More... | |
struct | CalculateIntegrandInputsForTag |
Prepare the input quantities in the DataBox for the evaluation of the hypersurface integral used to compute BondiTag . More... | |
struct | CalculatePsi0AndDerivAtInnerBoundary |
Calculate \(\Psi_0\) and its radial derivative \(\partial_\underline{\lambda}\Psi_0\) at the inner boundary of the CCE grid. More... | |
struct | CalculateScriInputs |
Calculates the Bondi quantities that are required for any of the CalculateScriPlusValue mutators. More... | |
struct | ExitIfEndTimeReached |
Terminates if the current Tags::TimeStepId has time value later or equal to Tags::EndTime . More... | |
struct | FilterSwshVolumeQuantity |
Filters the spherical volume data stored in BondiTag according to the filter parameters in the Parallel::GlobalCache . More... | |
struct | InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionScri |
Initializes the CharacteristicEvolution component with contents needed to perform the interpolation at scri+. More... | |
struct | InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionTime |
Initializes the contents of the CharacteristicEvolution component for performing the time evolution of the system, which is the singleton that handles the main evolution system for CCE computations. More... | |
struct | InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionVariables |
Initializes the main data storage for the CharacteristicEvolution component, which is the singleton that handles the main evolution system for CCE computations. More... | |
struct | InitializeFirstHypersurface |
Given initial boundary data for \(J\) and \(\partial_r J\), computes the initial hypersurface quantities \(J\) and gauge values. More... | |
struct | InitializeKleinGordonFirstHypersurface |
Given initial boundary data for the Klein-Gordon variable \(\Psi\), computes its initial hypersurface data. More... | |
struct | InitializeKleinGordonVariables |
Initialize the data storage for the scalar field in the KleinGordonCharacteristicExtract component, which is the singleton that handles the main evolution system for Klein-Gordon CCE computations. More... | |
struct | InitializeWorldtubeBoundary |
Generic action for initializing various worldtube boundary components. More... | |
struct | InitializeWorldtubeBoundary< AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > > |
Initializes an AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary. More... | |
struct | InitializeWorldtubeBoundary< GhWorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > > |
Initializes a GhWorldtubeBoundary. More... | |
struct | InitializeWorldtubeBoundary< H5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > > |
Initializes a H5WorldtubeBoundary. More... | |
struct | InitializeWorldtubeBoundary< KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables > > |
Initializes a KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundary. More... | |
struct | InsertInterpolationScriData |
Places the data from the current hypersurface necessary to compute Tag in the ScriPlusInterpolationManager associated with the Tag . More... | |
struct | PrecomputeGlobalCceDependencies |
Perform all of the computations for dependencies of the hypersurface equations that do not themselves depend on any hypersurface integrations. More... | |
struct | PrecomputeKleinGordonSourceVariables |
Compute the set of inputs to ComputeKleinGordonSource . More... | |
struct | ReceiveGhWorldtubeData |
Stores the boundary data from the GH evolution in the Cce::InterfaceManagers::GhInterfaceManager , and sends to the EvolutionComponent (template argument) if the data fulfills a prior request. More... | |
struct | ReceiveWorldtubeData |
Takes the boundary data needed to perform the CCE linear solves as arguments and puts them in the DataBox, updating the Cce::Tags::BoundaryTime accordingly. More... | |
struct | RequestBoundaryData |
Requests boundary data be sent from WorldtubeBoundaryComponent to EvolutionComponent (template parameters). More... | |
struct | RequestNextBoundaryData |
Requests boundary data be sent from WorldtubeBoundaryComponent to EvolutionComponent . More... | |
struct | ScriObserveInterpolated |
Checks the interpolation managers and if they are ready, performs the interpolation and sends the data to file. More... | |
struct | SendGhVarsToCce |
Interpolates and sends points to the CceWorldtubeTarget More... | |
struct | SendToEvolution |
Computes Bondi boundary data from GH evolution variables and sends the result to the EvolutionComponent (template argument). More... | |
struct | UpdateGauge |
Updates all of the gauge quantities associated with the additional regularity-preserving gauge transformation on the boundaries for a new set of Cauchy and partially flat Bondi-like coordinates. More... | |
struct | WriteScriBondiQuantities |
Write a single row of data into an h5::Cce subfile within an H5 file. More... | |
The set of actions for use in the CCE evolution system.