SpECTRE  v2024.06.18
Cce::Actions::BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< H5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent > Struct Template Reference

Obtains the CCE boundary data at the specified time, and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData. More...

#include <BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution.hpp>

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename ParallelComponent , typename... DbTags, typename ArrayIndex >
static void apply (db::DataBox< tmpl::list< DbTags... > > &box, Parallel::GlobalCache< Metavariables > &cache, const ArrayIndex &, const TimeStepId &time)

Detailed Description

template<typename Metavariables, typename EvolutionComponent>
struct Cce::Actions::BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution< H5WorldtubeBoundary< Metavariables >, EvolutionComponent >

Obtains the CCE boundary data at the specified time, and reports it to the EvolutionComponent via Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData.


This uses the WorldtubeDataManager to perform all of the work of managing the file buffer, interpolating to the desired time point, and compute the Bondi quantities on the boundary. Once readied, it sends each tensor from the the full Variables<typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_communication_tags> back to the EvolutionComponent


DataBox changes:

  • Adds: nothing
  • Removes: nothing
  • Modifies:
    • Tags::Variables<typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_communication_tags> (every tensor)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: