Abstract base class for storage and retrieval of generalized harmonic quantities communicated from a Cauchy simulation to the Cce system.
Abstract base class for storage and retrieval of generalized harmonic quantities communicated from a Cauchy simulation to the Cce system.
The functions that are required to be overriden in the derived classes are:
: should return a std::unique_ptr<GhInterfaceManager>
with cloned state.
: should store the portions of the provided generalized harmonic data that are required to provide useful boundary values for the CCE evolution at requested timesteps.
: should register requests from the CCE evolution for boundary data.
: should return a std::optional<std::tuple<TimeStepId, tnsr::aa<DataVector, 3>, tnsr::iaa<DataVector, 3>, tnsr::aa<DataVector, 3>>>
containing the boundary data associated with the oldest requested timestep if enough data has been supplied via insert_gh_data()
to determine the boundary data. Otherwise, return a std::nullopt
to indicate that the CCE system must continue waiting for generalized harmonic input.
: should return the number of requests that have been registered to the class that do not yet been retrieved via retrieve_and_remove_first_ready_gh_data()
: should return the number of time steps sent to insert_gh_data()
that have not yet been retrieved via retrieve_and_remove_first_ready_gh_data()