SpECTRE  v2025.01.30
LinearSolver::Tags Namespace Reference

The DataBox tags associated with the linear solver. More...


struct  KrylovSubspaceBasis
 A set of \(n\) vectors that form a basis of the \(n\)-th Krylov subspace \(K_n(A,b)\). More...
struct  LocalFirstIndex
 Index of the first point in this element. More...
struct  Magnitude
 The magnitude \(\sqrt{\langle \cdot,\cdot\rangle}\) w.r.t. the LinearSolver::inner_product More...
struct  MagnitudeSquare
 The magnitude square \(\langle \cdot,\cdot\rangle\) w.r.t. the LinearSolver::inner_product More...
struct  MatrixSubfileName
 Subfile name in the volume data H5 files where the matrix will be stored. More...
struct  Operand
 The operand that the local linear operator \(A\) is applied to. More...
struct  OperatorAppliedTo
 The linear operator \(A\) applied to the data in Tag More...
struct  Orthogonalization
 The prefix for tags related to an orthogonalization procedure. More...
struct  OrthogonalizationHistory
 A Hessenberg matrix built up during an orthogonalization procedure. More...
struct  Preconditioned
 Indicates the Tag is related to preconditioning of the linear solve. More...
struct  Residual
 The residual \(r=b - Ax\). More...
struct  ResidualCompute
 Compute the residual \(r=b - Ax\) from the SourceTag \(b\) and the db::add_tag_prefix<LinearSolver::Tags::OperatorAppliedTo, FieldsTag> \(Ax\). More...
struct  TotalNumPoints
 Size of the matrix: number of grid points times number of variables. More...

Detailed Description

The DataBox tags associated with the linear solver.