SpECTRE is an open-source code that is developed and maintained by the Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes (SXS) collaboration. We ask all authors of scientific publications that make use of SpECTRE's code or data to follow the citation guidelines laid out in the section Citing SpECTRE. An additional set of guidelines, laid out in the section Policies that apply to SXS publications applies to publications by members of the SXS collaboration.
Please cite SpECTRE in any publications that make use of its code or data. Cite the latest version that you use in your publication. The DOI for this version is:
You can cite this BibTeX entry in your publication:
To aid reproducibility of your scientific results with SpECTRE, we recommend you keep track of the version(s) you used and report this information in your publication. We also recommend you supply the YAML input files and, if appropriate, any additional C++ code you wrote to compile SpECTRE executables as supplemental material to the publication.
These policies apply to all "science papers" by members of the SXS collaboration that make use of SpECTRE’s code or data, as defined by the SXS policies.
Our publication policies have the goal that contributions to SpECTRE gain value in academia. For SpECTRE to be successful, it must be worth a junior researcher's time to contribute to the code. Contributions are already partially acknowledged through authorship on the DOI, as laid out in the Metadata.yaml
file. However, authorship on the DOI alone doesn’t hold enough value in academia to make code contributions worthwhile that have no immediate science paper associated with them, but that enable science papers down the line. Therefore, our policies have the purpose to grant authorship rights on science papers to the developers of code that enabled them.
Dear SpECTRE core devs,
I am / we are preparing a paper on [title or topic]. I am / we are using SpECTRE in this way:
- [Describe your use of SpECTRE briefly, e.g. as a bulleted list. Mention which parts of SpECTRE you are using in particular, e.g. the initial data solver, the evolution scheme, the wave extraction, etc.]
Claims of the paper:
- [Summarize the main claims you make in the paper. In particular, does the paper make any claims about physics?]
Please respond with the list of co-authors to include in the paper.
Best regards, [you]
If you already have a draft or outline of your paper available, please feel free to attach it, to give the core developers a better idea of the ways you are using SpECTRE.
The core developers will discuss among themselves, following the guidelines listed below, and will get back to you with a list of co-authors and their contributions. In the spirit of transparency within the collaboration the core developers will also share your description of the paper and the suggested list of co-authors with the spectre-devel@black-holes.org mailing list.