SpECTRE  v2024.08.03
domain::creators::time_dependence::TimeDependence< MeshDim > Struct Template Referenceabstract

The abstract base class off of which specific classes for adding time dependence into a domain creator must inherit off of. More...

#include <TimeDependence.hpp>

Public Types

using creatable_classes = tmpl::append< creatable_classes_any_dim, tmpl::conditional_t< MeshDim==1, creatable_classes_1d, tmpl::conditional_t< MeshDim==2, creatable_classes_2d, creatable_classes_3d > > >

Public Member Functions

 TimeDependence (const TimeDependence &)=default
TimeDependenceoperator= (const TimeDependence &)=default
 TimeDependence (TimeDependence &&)=default
TimeDependenceoperator= (TimeDependence &&)=default
virtual auto get_clone () const -> std::unique_ptr< TimeDependence >=0
 Returns a std::unique_ptr pointing to a copy of the TimeDependence. More...
virtual auto block_maps_grid_to_inertial (size_t number_of_blocks) const -> std::vector< std::unique_ptr< domain::CoordinateMapBase< Frame::Grid, Frame::Inertial, MeshDim > > >=0
 Returns the coordinate maps from the Frame::Grid to the Frame::Inertial frame for each block. More...
virtual auto block_maps_grid_to_distorted (size_t number_of_blocks) const -> std::vector< std::unique_ptr< domain::CoordinateMapBase< Frame::Grid, Frame::Distorted, MeshDim > > >=0
 Returns the coordinate maps from the Frame::Grid to the Frame::Distorted frame for each block. Returns vector of nullptr if there is no distorted frame. More...
virtual auto block_maps_distorted_to_inertial (size_t number_of_blocks) const -> std::vector< std::unique_ptr< domain::CoordinateMapBase< Frame::Distorted, Frame::Inertial, MeshDim > > >=0
 Returns the coordinate maps from the Frame::Distorted to the Frame::Inertial frame for each block. Returns vector of nullptr if is no distorted frame. More...
virtual auto functions_of_time (const std::unordered_map< std::string, double > &initial_expiration_times={}) const -> std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< domain::FunctionsOfTime::FunctionOfTime > >=0
 Returns the functions of time for the domain. More...
bool is_none () const
 Returns true if the instance is None, meaning no time dependence.

Detailed Description

template<size_t MeshDim>
struct domain::creators::time_dependence::TimeDependence< MeshDim >

The abstract base class off of which specific classes for adding time dependence into a domain creator must inherit off of.

The simplest examples of a TimeDependence are None and UniformTranslation. The None class is treated in a special manner to communicate to the code that the domain is time-independent. The UniformTranslation takes an extra template parameter Index so that its name is unique from other UniformTranslations.

Member Function Documentation

◆ block_maps_distorted_to_inertial()

◆ block_maps_grid_to_distorted()

◆ block_maps_grid_to_inertial()

◆ functions_of_time()

◆ get_clone()

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: