SpECTRE  v2024.06.18
Elasticity::ConstitutiveRelations Namespace Reference

Constitutive (stress-strain) relations that characterize the elastic properties of a material. More...


class  ConstitutiveRelation
 Base class for constitutive (stress-strain) relations that characterize the elastic properties of a material. More...
class  CubicCrystal
 A cubic crystalline material. More...
class  IsotropicHomogeneous
 An isotropic and homogeneous material. More...


template<size_t Dim>
using standard_constitutive_relations = tmpl::append< tmpl::list< IsotropicHomogeneous< Dim > >, tmpl::conditional_t< Dim==3, tmpl::list< CubicCrystal >, tmpl::list<> > >


bool operator== (const CubicCrystal &lhs, const CubicCrystal &rhs)
bool operator!= (const CubicCrystal &lhs, const CubicCrystal &rhs)
template<size_t Dim>
bool operator== (const IsotropicHomogeneous< Dim > &lhs, const IsotropicHomogeneous< Dim > &rhs)
template<size_t Dim>
bool operator!= (const IsotropicHomogeneous< Dim > &lhs, const IsotropicHomogeneous< Dim > &rhs)

Detailed Description

Constitutive (stress-strain) relations that characterize the elastic properties of a material.