SpECTRE  v2024.06.18
CurvedScalarWave::Tags Namespace Reference

Tags for the curved scalar wave system. More...


struct  BackgroundSpacetime
 The background spacetime on which the scalar wave propagates. More...
struct  CharacteristicFields
struct  CharacteristicSpeeds
struct  ComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed
 Computes the largest magnitude of the characteristic speeds. More...
struct  ConstraintGamma1
struct  ConstraintGamma2
struct  EvolvedFieldsFromCharacteristicFields
struct  LargestCharacteristicSpeed
struct  OneIndexConstraint
 Tag for the one-index constraint of the scalar wave system in curved spacetime. More...
struct  OneIndexConstraintCompute
 Compute item to get the one-index constraint for the scalar-wave evolution system. More...
struct  Phi
 Auxiliary variable which is analytically the spatial derivative of the scalar field. More...
struct  Pi
 The conjugate momentum of the scalar field. More...
struct  Psi
 The scalar field. More...
struct  PsiSquared
 The square of the scalar field \(\Psi\). More...
struct  PsiSquaredCompute
 Compute tag that calculates the square of the scalar field \(\Psi\). More...
struct  TwoIndexConstraint
 Tag for the two-index constraint of the scalar wave system in curved spacetime. More...
struct  TwoIndexConstraintCompute
 Compute item to get the two-index constraint for the scalar-wave evolution system. More...
struct  VMinus
struct  VPlus
struct  VPsi
 Tags corresponding to the characteristic fields of the scalar-wave system in curved spacetime. More...
struct  VZero

Detailed Description

Tags for the curved scalar wave system.