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ylm::Spherepack Class Reference

Defines the C++ interface to SPHEREPACK. More...

#include <Spherepack.hpp>


struct  InterpolationInfo
 Struct to hold cached information at a set of target interpolation points. More...

Public Types

using FirstDeriv = tnsr::i< DataVector, 2, Frame::ElementLogical >
 Type returned by gradient function.
using SecondDeriv = tnsr::ij< DataVector, 2, Frame::ElementLogical >
 Type returned by second derivative function.

Public Member Functions

 Spherepack (size_t l_max, size_t m_max)
 Here l_max and m_max are the largest fully-represented l and m in the Ylm expansion.
std::array< size_t, 2 > physical_extents () const
void gradient (const std::array< double *, 2 > &df, gsl::not_null< const double * > collocation_values, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0) const
 Computes Pfaffian derivative (df/dtheta, csc(theta) df/dphi) at the collocation values. To act on a slice of the input and output arrays, specify stride and offset (assumed to be the same for input and output).
void gradient_from_coefs (const std::array< double *, 2 > &df, gsl::not_null< const double * > spectral_coefs, size_t spectral_stride=1, size_t spectral_offset=0, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0) const
 Same as gradient, but takes the spectral coefficients (rather than collocation values) of the function. This is more efficient if one happens to already have the spectral coefficients. To act on a slice of the input and output arrays, specify strides and offsets.
void scalar_laplacian (gsl::not_null< double * > scalar_laplacian, gsl::not_null< const double * > collocation_values, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0) const
 Computes Laplacian in physical space. To act on a slice of the input and output arrays, specify stride and offset (assumed to be the same for input and output).
void scalar_laplacian_from_coefs (gsl::not_null< double * > scalar_laplacian, gsl::not_null< const double * > spectral_coefs, size_t spectral_stride=1, size_t spectral_offset=0, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0) const
 Same as scalar_laplacian above, but the input is the spectral coefficients (rather than collocation values) of the function. This is more efficient if one happens to already have the spectral coefficients. To act on a slice of the input and output arrays, specify strides and offsets.
void second_derivative (const std::array< double *, 2 > &df, gsl::not_null< SecondDeriv * > ddf, gsl::not_null< const double * > collocation_values, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0) const
 Computes Pfaffian first and second derivative in physical space. The first derivative is df(i)=dif, and the second derivative is ddf(i,j)=di(djf), where d0=d/dθ and d1=csc(θ)d/dϕ. ddf is not symmetric. To act on a slice of the input and output arrays, specify stride and offset (assumed to be the same for input and output).
std::pair< FirstDeriv, SecondDerivfirst_and_second_derivative (const DataVector &collocation_values) const
 Simpler, less general interface to second_derivative.
double definite_integral (gsl::not_null< const double * > collocation_values, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0) const
 Computes the integral over the sphere.
const std::vector< double > & integration_weights () const
 Returns weights wi such that sumi(ciwi) is the definite integral, where ci are collocation values at point i.
template<typename T >
InterpolationInfo< T > set_up_interpolation_info (const std::array< T, 2 > &target_points) const
 Sets up the InterpolationInfo structure for interpolating onto a set of target (θ,ϕ) points. Does not depend on the function being interpolated.
template<typename T >
void interpolate (gsl::not_null< T * > result, gsl::not_null< const double * > collocation_values, const InterpolationInfo< T > &interpolation_info, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0) const
 Interpolates from collocation_values onto the points that have been passed into the set_up_interpolation_info function. To interpolate a different function on the same spectral grid, there is no need to recompute interpolation_info. If you specify stride and offset, acts on a slice of the input values. The output has unit stride.
template<typename T , typename R >
void interpolate_from_coefs (gsl::not_null< T * > result, const R &spectral_coefs, const InterpolationInfo< T > &interpolation_info, size_t spectral_stride=1, size_t spectral_offset=0) const
 Same as interpolate, but assumes you have spectral coefficients. This is more efficient if you already have the spectral coefficients available. If you specify stride and offset, acts on a slice of the input coefs. The output has unit stride.
template<typename T >
interpolate (const DataVector &collocation_values, const std::array< T, 2 > &target_points) const
 Simpler interface to interpolate. If you need to call this repeatedly on different spectral_coefs or collocation_values for the same target points, this is inefficient; instead use set_up_interpolation_info and the functions that use InterpolationInfo.
template<typename T >
interpolate_from_coefs (const DataVector &spectral_coefs, const std::array< T, 2 > &target_points) const
DataVector prolong_or_restrict (const DataVector &spectral_coefs, const Spherepack &target) const
 Takes spectral coefficients compatible with *this, and either prolongs them or restricts them to be compatible with target. This is done by truncation (restriction) or padding with zeros (prolongation).
size_t l_max () const
 Sizes in physical and spectral space for this instance.
size_t m_max () const
 Sizes in physical and spectral space for this instance.
size_t physical_size () const
 Sizes in physical and spectral space for this instance.
size_t spectral_size () const
 Sizes in physical and spectral space for this instance.
const std::vector< double > & theta_points () const
 Collocation points theta and phi. More...
const std::vector< double > & phi_points () const
 Collocation points theta and phi. More...
std::array< DataVector, 2 > theta_phi_points () const
 Collocation points theta and phi. More...
void phys_to_spec (gsl::not_null< double * > spectral_coefs, gsl::not_null< const double * > collocation_values, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0, size_t spectral_stride=1, size_t spectral_offset=0) const
 Spectral transformations. To act on a slice of the input and output arrays, specify strides and offsets.
void spec_to_phys (gsl::not_null< double * > collocation_values, gsl::not_null< const double * > spectral_coefs, size_t spectral_stride=1, size_t spectral_offset=0, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0) const
 Spectral transformations. To act on a slice of the input and output arrays, specify strides and offsets.
void phys_to_spec_all_offsets (gsl::not_null< double * > spectral_coefs, gsl::not_null< const double * > collocation_values, size_t stride) const
 Spectral transformations where collocation_values and spectral_coefs are assumed to point to 3-dimensional arrays (I1 x S2 topology), and the transformations are done for all 'radial' points at once by internally looping over all values of the offset from zero to stride-1 (the physical and spectral strides are equal and are called stride).
void spec_to_phys_all_offsets (gsl::not_null< double * > collocation_values, gsl::not_null< const double * > spectral_coefs, size_t stride) const
 Spectral transformations where collocation_values and spectral_coefs are assumed to point to 3-dimensional arrays (I1 x S2 topology), and the transformations are done for all 'radial' points at once by internally looping over all values of the offset from zero to stride-1 (the physical and spectral strides are equal and are called stride).
DataVector phys_to_spec (const DataVector &collocation_values, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0) const
 Simpler, less general interfaces to phys_to_spec and spec_to_phys. Acts on a slice of the input and returns a unit-stride result.
DataVector spec_to_phys (const DataVector &spectral_coefs, size_t spectral_stride=1, size_t spectral_offset=0) const
 Simpler, less general interfaces to phys_to_spec and spec_to_phys. Acts on a slice of the input and returns a unit-stride result.
DataVector phys_to_spec_all_offsets (const DataVector &collocation_values, size_t stride) const
 Simpler, less general interfaces to phys_to_spec_all_offsets and spec_to_phys_all_offsets. Result has the same stride as the input.
DataVector spec_to_phys_all_offsets (const DataVector &spectral_coefs, size_t stride) const
 Simpler, less general interfaces to phys_to_spec_all_offsets and spec_to_phys_all_offsets. Result has the same stride as the input.
void gradient_all_offsets (const std::array< double *, 2 > &df, gsl::not_null< const double * > collocation_values, size_t stride=1) const
 Same as gradient but pointers are assumed to point to 3-dimensional arrays (I1 x S2 topology), and the gradient is done for all 'radial' points at once by internally looping over all values of the offset from zero to stride-1.
void gradient_from_coefs_all_offsets (const std::array< double *, 2 > &df, gsl::not_null< const double * > spectral_coefs, size_t stride=1) const
 Same as gradient but pointers are assumed to point to 3-dimensional arrays (I1 x S2 topology), and the gradient is done for all 'radial' points at once by internally looping over all values of the offset from zero to stride-1.
FirstDeriv gradient (const DataVector &collocation_values, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0) const
 Simpler, less general interfaces to gradient. Acts on a slice of the input and returns a unit-stride result.
FirstDeriv gradient_from_coefs (const DataVector &spectral_coefs, size_t spectral_stride=1, size_t spectral_offset=0) const
 Simpler, less general interfaces to gradient. Acts on a slice of the input and returns a unit-stride result.
FirstDeriv gradient_all_offsets (const DataVector &collocation_values, size_t stride=1) const
 Simpler, less general interfaces to gradient_all_offsets. Result has the same stride as the input.
FirstDeriv gradient_from_coefs_all_offsets (const DataVector &spectral_coefs, size_t stride=1) const
 Simpler, less general interfaces to gradient_all_offsets. Result has the same stride as the input.
DataVector scalar_laplacian (const DataVector &collocation_values, size_t physical_stride=1, size_t physical_offset=0) const
 Simpler, less general interfaces to scalar_laplacian. Acts on a slice of the input and returns a unit-stride result.
DataVector scalar_laplacian_from_coefs (const DataVector &spectral_coefs, size_t spectral_stride=1, size_t spectral_offset=0) const
 Simpler, less general interfaces to scalar_laplacian. Acts on a slice of the input and returns a unit-stride result.

Static Public Member Functions

static void add_constant (const gsl::not_null< DataVector * > spectral_coefs, const double c)
 Adds a constant (i.e. f(θ,ϕ) += c) to the function given by the spectral coefficients, by modifying the coefficients.
static double average (const DataVector &spectral_coefs)
 Returns the average of f(θ,ϕ) over (θ,ϕ).
static constexpr size_t physical_size (const size_t l_max, const size_t m_max)
 Static functions to return the correct sizes of vectors of collocation points and spectral coefficients for a given l_max and m_max. Useful for allocating space without having to create a Spherepack.
static constexpr size_t spectral_size (const size_t l_max, const size_t m_max)

Detailed Description

Defines the C++ interface to SPHEREPACK.


The class Spherepack defines the C++ interface to the fortran library SPHEREPACK used for computations on the surface of a sphere.

Given a real-valued, scalar function g(θ,ϕ), SPHEREPACK expands it as:


where alm and blm are real-valued spectral coefficient arrays used by SPHEREPACK, Plm(x) are defined as


and Pnm(x) are the associated Legendre polynomials as defined, for example, in Jackson's "Classical Electrodynamics".

Relationship to standard spherical harmonics

The standard expansion of g(θ,ϕ) in terms of scalar spherical harmonics is


where Ylm(θ,ϕ) are the usual complex-valued scalar spherical harmonics (as defined, for example, in Jackson's "Classical Electrodynamics") and Alm are complex coefficients.

The relationship between the complex coefficients Alm and SPHEREPACK's real-valued alm and blm is


If g is real, Alm=(1)mAlm (where means a complex conjugate); this is why we don't need to consider m<0 in the previous formulas or in SPHEREPACK's expansion.

Relationship to real-valued spherical harmonics

Sometimes it is useful to expand a real-valued function in the form


The coefficients here are therefore


Modal and nodal representations

Internally, SPHEREPACK can represent its expansion in two ways which we will refer to as modal and nodal representations:

  1. modal: The spectral coefficient arrays alm and blm, referred to as spectral_coefs in the methods below. For this C++ interface, they are saved in a single DataVector. To help you index the coefficients as expected by this interface, use the class SpherepackIterator.
  2. nodal: The values at certain collocation points, referred to as collocation_values in the methods below. This is an array of the expanded function g(θ,ϕ) evaluated at collocation values (θi,ϕj), where θi are Gauss-Legendre quadrature nodes in the interval (0,π) with i=0,...,lmax, and ϕj is distributed uniformly in (0,2π) with i=0,...,2mmax. The angles of the collocation points can be computed with the method theta_phi_points.

To convert between the two representations the methods spec_to_phys and phys_to_spec can be used. For internal calculations SPHEREPACK will usually convert to spectral coefficients first, so it is in general more efficient to use these directly.

Most methods of SPHEREPACK will compute the requested values of e.g. gradient or scalar_laplacian at the collocation points, effectively returning an expansion in nodal form as defined above. To evaluate the function at arbitrary angles θ, ϕ, these values have to be "interpolated" (i.e. the new expansion evaluated) using interpolate.

Spherepack stores two types of quantities:

  1. storage_, which is filled in the constructor and is always const.
  2. memory_pool_, which is dynamic and thread_local, and is overwritten by various member functions that need temporary storage.

Member Function Documentation

◆ phi_points()

const std::vector< double > & ylm::Spherepack::phi_points ( ) const

Collocation points theta and phi.

The phi points are uniform in phi, with the first point at phi=0.

The theta points are Gauss-Legendre in cos(θ), so there are no points at the poles.

◆ spectral_size()

static constexpr size_t ylm::Spherepack::spectral_size ( const size_t  l_max,
const size_t  m_max 
spectral_size is the size of the buffer that holds the coefficients; it is not the number of coefficients (which is mmax2+(lmaxmmax)(2mmax+1)). To simplify its internal indexing, SPHEREPACK uses a buffer with more space than necessary. See SpherepackIterator for how to index the coefficients in the buffer.

◆ theta_phi_points()

std::array< DataVector, 2 > ylm::Spherepack::theta_phi_points ( ) const

Collocation points theta and phi.

The phi points are uniform in phi, with the first point at phi=0.

The theta points are Gauss-Legendre in cos(θ), so there are no points at the poles.

◆ theta_points()

const std::vector< double > & ylm::Spherepack::theta_points ( ) const

Collocation points theta and phi.

The phi points are uniform in phi, with the first point at phi=0.

The theta points are Gauss-Legendre in cos(θ), so there are no points at the poles.

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