SpECTRE  v2024.06.18
ylm::SpherepackIterator Class Reference

Iterates over spectral coefficients stored in SPHEREPACK format. More...

#include <SpherepackIterator.hpp>

Public Types

enum class  CoefficientArray { a , b }
 SPHEREPACK has two coefficient variables, 'a' and 'b', that hold the cos(m*phi) and sin(m*phi) parts of the spectral coefficients.

Public Member Functions

 SpherepackIterator (size_t l_max_input, size_t m_max_input, size_t stride=1)
size_t l_max () const
size_t m_max () const
size_t n_th () const
size_t n_ph () const
size_t stride () const
size_t spherepack_array_size () const
 Size of a SPHEREPACK coefficient array (a and b combined), not counting stride. For non-unit stride, the size of the array should be spherepack_array_size()*stride.
SpherepackIteratoroperator++ ()
 operator bool () const
size_t operator() () const
 Current index into a SPHEREPACK coefficient array.
std::optional< size_t > compact_index (const size_t offset) const
 Given an offset into a SPHEREPACK coefficient array, return the compact index corresponding to that offset. More...
size_t current_compact_index () const
 Returns the current compact index that SpherepackIterator uses internally. This does not index a SPHEREPACK coefficient array. More...
size_t l () const
 Current values of l and m.
size_t m () const
CoefficientArray coefficient_array () const
 Whether the iterator points to an element of 'a' or 'b', i.e. points to the cos(m*phi) or sin(m*phi) part of a spectral coefficient.
SpherepackIteratorreset ()
 Reset iterator back to beginning value. Returns *this.
SpherepackIteratorset (size_t l_input, size_t m_input, CoefficientArray coefficient_array_input)
 Set iterator to specific value of l, m, array. Returns *this.
SpherepackIteratorset (size_t l_input, int m_input)
 Same as 'set' above, but assumes CoefficientArray is 'a' for m>=0 and 'b' for m<0. This is useful when converting between true spherical harmonics (which allow negative values of m) and SPHEREPACK coefficients (which have only positive values of m, but two arrays for sin(m*phi) and cos(m*phi) parts).
SpherepackIteratorset (size_t compact_index)
 Set iterator to a specific compact index. Returns *this.

Detailed Description

Iterates over spectral coefficients stored in SPHEREPACK format.


The internal SPHEREPACK ordering is not intuitive, so SpherepackIterator exists for the purpose of iterating over an array containing SPHEREPACK coefficients and determining the (l,m) of each entry in the array.

SPHEREPACK expands \(f(\theta,\phi)\) as

\[ f(\theta,\phi) = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{l=0}^{l_{max}} \bar{P}_l^0 a(0,l) + \sum_{m=1}^{m_{max}} \sum_{l=m}^{l_{max}} \bar{P}_l^m \left( a(m,l) \cos(m \phi) - b(m,l) \sin(m \phi)\right) \]

where \(a(m,l)\) and \(b(m,l)\) are the SPHEREPACK spectral coefficients, and \(\bar{P}_l^m\) are unit-orthonormal associated Legendre polynomials:

\[ \bar{P}_l^m = (-1)^m \sqrt{\frac{(2l+1)(l-m)!}{2(l+m)!}} P_l^m, \]

where \(P_l^m\) are the associated Legendre polynomials as defined for example in Jackson "Classical Electrodynamics".


const size_t l_max = 4;
const size_t m_max = 2;
const size_t stride = 5;
SpherepackIterator iter(l_max, m_max, stride);
// Allocate space for a SPHEREPACK array
std::vector<double> array(iter.spherepack_array_size() * stride);
// Set each array element equal to l+m for real part
// and l-m for imaginary part.
size_t i = 0;
for (iter.reset(); iter; ++iter, ++i) {
if (iter.coefficient_array() == SpherepackIterator::CoefficientArray::a) {
array[iter()] = iter.l() + iter.m();
} else {
array[iter()] = iter.l() - iter.m();
CHECK(iter.l() == test_l[i]);
CHECK(iter.m() == test_m[i]);
CHECK(iter() == test_index[i]);

Member Function Documentation

◆ compact_index()

std::optional< size_t > ylm::SpherepackIterator::compact_index ( const size_t  offset) const

Given an offset into a SPHEREPACK coefficient array, return the compact index corresponding to that offset.

Essentially the inverse of operator(). If the offset points to an element that SPHEREPACK doesn't actually use (i.e. no compact index can reach the given offset), then a std::nullopt is returned.

◆ current_compact_index()

size_t ylm::SpherepackIterator::current_compact_index ( ) const

Returns the current compact index that SpherepackIterator uses internally. This does not index a SPHEREPACK coefficient array.

See also
operator() for an index into a SPHEREPACK coefficient array

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