SpECTRE  v2025.01.30
Cce::Tags Namespace Reference

Tags for Cauchy Characteristic Extraction routines. More...


struct  AnalyticBoundaryDataManager
 A tag that constructs a AnalyticBoundaryDataManager from options. More...
struct  AnalyticInitializeJ
struct  BondiBeta
 Bondi parameter \(\beta\). More...
struct  BondiJ
 Bondi parameter \(J\). More...
struct  BondiJbar
 Bondi parameter \(\bar{J}\). More...
struct  BondiJCauchyView
 Bondi parameter \(\bar{J}\) in the Cauchy frame. More...
struct  BondiK
 Bondi parameter \(K = \sqrt{1 + J \bar{J}}\). More...
struct  BondiQ
 Bondi parameter \(Q\). More...
struct  BondiQbar
 Bondi parameter \(\bar{Q}\). More...
struct  BondiR
 The Bondi radius \(R(u, \theta, \phi)\) is of the worldtube. More...
struct  BondiU
 Bondi parameter \(U\). More...
struct  BondiUAtScri
 The surface quantity of Bondi \(U\) evaluated at the null spacetime boundary \(\mathcal I^+\). More...
struct  BondiUbar
 Bondi parameter \(\bar{U}\). More...
struct  BondiW
 Bondi parameter \(W\). More...
struct  BoundaryValue
 A prefix tag representing the boundary data for a quantity on the extraction surface. More...
struct  CauchyAngularCoords
struct  CauchyCartesianCoords
struct  CauchyGaugeC
 The spin-weight 2 angular Jacobian factor in the Cauchy coordinates, similar to Eq. (31a) of [144], but without hat. More...
struct  CauchyGaugeD
 The spin-weight 0 angular Jacobian factor in the Cauchy coordinates, similar to Eq. (31b) of [144], but without hat. More...
struct  CauchyGaugeOmega
 The conformal factor in the Cauchy coordinates, similar to Eq. (32) of [144], but without hat. More...
struct  CceEvolutionPrefix
 Tag for duplicating functionality of another tag, but allows creation from options in the Cce::Evolution option group. More...
struct  ComplexInertialRetardedTime
 Complex storage form for the asymptotically inertial retarded time, for taking spin-weighted derivatives. More...
struct  Dlambda
 The derivative with respect to \(\lambda\), where \(\lambda\) is an affine parameter along \(l\), see Eq. (19a) of [144]. More...
struct  Dr
 The derivative with respect to Bondi \(r\). More...
struct  Du
 The derivative with respect to Bondi retarded time \(u\). More...
struct  DuR
 A tag for the first time derivative of the worldtube parameter \(\partial_u R\), where \(R(u, \theta, \phi)\) is Bondi radius of the worldtube. More...
struct  DuRDividedByR
 The value \(\partial_u R / R\), where \(R(u, \theta, \phi)\) is Bondi radius of the worldtube. More...
struct  Dy
 The derivative with respect to the numerical coordinate \(y = 1 - 2R/r\), where \(R(u, \theta, \phi)\) is Bondi radius of the worldtube. More...
struct  EndTime
struct  EndTimeFromFile
 Represents the final time of a bounded CCE evolution, determined either from option specification or from the file. More...
struct  EthEthbarRDividedByR
 The value \(\eth \bar{\eth} R / R\), where \(R(u, \theta, \phi)\) is Bondi radius of the worldtube. More...
struct  EthEthRDividedByR
 The value \(\eth \eth R / R\), where \(R(u, \theta, \phi)\) is Bondi radius of the worldtube. More...
struct  EthInertialRetardedTime
 Represents \(\eth u_{\rm inertial}\), which is a useful quantity for asymptotic coordinate transformations. More...
struct  EthRDividedByR
 The value \(\eth R / R\), where \(R(u, \theta, \phi)\) is Bondi radius of the worldtube. More...
struct  EvolutionGaugeBoundaryValue
 A prefix tag representing the gauge-transformed boundary data for a quantity on the extraction surface. More...
struct  Exp2Beta
 The value \(\exp(2\beta)\). More...
struct  ExtractionRadius
struct  ExtractionRadiusFromH5
struct  ExtractionRadiusSimple
struct  FilePrefix
struct  FilterLMax
struct  GhInterfaceManager
struct  H5WorldtubeBoundaryDataManager
 A tag that constructs a MetricWorldtubeDataManager or BondiWorldtubeDataManager from options. More...
struct  InertialRetardedTime
 The asymptotically inertial retarded time in terms of the evolution time variable. More...
struct  InitializeJ
 Tag for first-hypersurface initialization procedure specified by input options. More...
struct  InitializeJBase
 Base tag for first-hypersurface initialization procedure. More...
struct  Integrand
 A prefix tag representing a quantity that will appear on the right-hand side of an explicitly regular differential equation. More...
struct  InterpolationManager
struct  JbarQMinus2EthBeta
 The value \( \bar{J} (Q - 2 \eth \beta ) \). More...
struct  KleinGordonH5WorldtubeBoundaryDataManager
 A tag that constructs a KleinGordonWorldtubeDataManager from options. More...
struct  KleinGordonPsi
struct  KleinGordonSource
 A prefix tag representing Klein-Gordon sources in Cce hypersurface equations. More...
struct  LinearFactor
 A prefix tag representing a linear factor that acts on Tag. To determine the spin weight, It is assumed that the linear factor plays the role of \(L\) in an equation of the form, \( (y - 1) \partial_y H + L H + L^\prime \bar{H} = A + (1 - y) B \). More...
struct  LinearFactorForConjugate
 A prefix tag representing a linear factor that acts on Tag. To determine the spin weight, it is assumed that the linear factor plays the role of \(L^\prime\) in an equation of the form, \( (y - 1) \partial_y H + L H + L^\prime \bar{H} = A + (1 - y) B \). More...
struct  LMax
struct  News
struct  NoEndTime
 Represents the final time of a CCE evolution that should just proceed until it receives no more boundary data and becomes quiescent. More...
struct  NumberOfRadialPoints
struct  ObservationLMax
struct  OneMinusY
 Coordinate value \((1 - y)\), which will be cached and sent to the implementing functions. More...
struct  OutputNoninertialNews
 Represents whether the news should be provided at noninertial times. More...
struct  PartiallyFlatAngularCoords
 The angular coordinates for the partially flat Bondi-like coordinates. More...
struct  PartiallyFlatCartesianCoords
 The partially flat Bondi-like coordinates. More...
struct  PartiallyFlatGaugeC
 The spin-weight 2 angular Jacobian factor in the partially flat Bondi-like coordinates, see Eq. (31a) of [144]. More...
struct  PartiallyFlatGaugeD
 The spin-weight 0 angular Jacobian factor in the partially flat Bondi-like coordinates, see Eq. (31b) of [144]. More...
struct  PartiallyFlatGaugeOmega
 The conformal factor in the partially flat Bondi-like coordinates, associated with an angular transformation, see Eq. (32) of [144]. More...
struct  PoleOfIntegrand
 A prefix tag representing the coefficient of a pole part of the right-hand side of a singular differential equation. More...
struct  Psi0
 The Weyl scalar \(\Psi_0\). More...
struct  Psi0Match
 The Weyl scalar \(\Psi_0\) for matching (in the Cauchy frame) More...
struct  Psi1
 The Weyl scalar \(\Psi_1\). More...
struct  Psi2
 The Weyl scalar \(\Psi_2\). More...
struct  Psi3
 The Weyl scalar \(\Psi_3\). More...
struct  Psi4
 The Weyl scalar \(\Psi_4\). More...
struct  RadialFilterAlpha
struct  RadialFilterHalfPower
struct  RegularIntegrand
 A prefix tag representing the regular part of the right-hand side of a regular differential equation. More...
struct  ScriPlus
 A prefix tag representing the value at \(\mathcal I^+\). More...
struct  ScriPlusFactor
 A prefix tag representing an additional correction factor necessary to compute the quantity at \(\mathcal I^+\). More...
struct  SelfStartGhInterfaceManager
 During self-start, we must be in lockstep with the GH system (if running concurrently), because the step size is unchangable during self-start. More...
struct  SpecifiedEndTime
 Represents the final time of a bounded CCE evolution that must be supplied in the input file (for e.g. analytic tests). More...
struct  SpecifiedStartTime
 Represents the start time of a bounded CCE evolution that must be supplied in the input file (for e.g. analytic tests). More...
struct  StartTime
struct  StartTimeFromFile
 Represents the start time of a bounded CCE evolution, determined either from option specification or from the file. More...
struct  Strain
 The gravitational wave strain \(h\). More...
struct  TimeIntegral
 A prefix tag representing the time integral of the value it prefixes. More...


template<template< typename > class BoundaryPrefix>
using characteristic_worldtube_boundary_tags = db::wrap_tags_in< BoundaryPrefix, tmpl::list< Tags::BondiBeta, Tags::BondiU, Tags::Dr< Tags::BondiU >, Tags::BondiQ, Tags::BondiW, Tags::BondiJ, Tags::Dr< Tags::BondiJ >, Tags::BondiH, Tags::Du< Tags::BondiJ >, Tags::BondiR, Tags::Du< Tags::BondiR >, Tags::DuRDividedByR > >
 The collection of tags mutated by create_bondi_boundary_data More...
template<template< typename > class BoundaryPrefix = Cce::Tags::BoundaryValue>
using worldtube_boundary_tags_for_writing = db::wrap_tags_in< BoundaryPrefix, tmpl::list< Cce::Tags::BondiBeta, Cce::Tags::Dr< Cce::Tags::BondiJ >, Cce::Tags::Du< Cce::Tags::BondiR >, Cce::Tags::BondiJ, Cce::Tags::Du< Cce::Tags::BondiJ >, Cce::Tags::BondiQ, Cce::Tags::BondiR, Cce::Tags::BondiU, Cce::Tags::BondiW > >
 The collection of tags for worldtube quantities that need to be written to disk during the Cauchy evolution that the CharacateristicExtract need. More...
using klein_gordon_worldtube_boundary_tags = tmpl::list< Tags::BoundaryValue< Tags::KleinGordonPsi >, Tags::BoundaryValue< Tags::KleinGordonPi > >
using BondiH = ::Tags::dt< BondiJ >
 Bondi parameter \(H = \partial_u J\). More...
using KleinGordonPi = ::Tags::dt< KleinGordonPsi >
 Klein-Gordon variable \(\Pi = \partial_u \psi\).

Detailed Description

Tags for Cauchy Characteristic Extraction routines.

Typedef Documentation

◆ BondiH

Bondi parameter \(H = \partial_u J\).

The notation in the literature is not consistent regarding this quantity, or whether it is denoted by an \(H\) at all. The SpECTRE CCE module consistently uses it to describe the (retarded) partial time derivative of \(J\) at fixed compactified radius \(y\) (to be contrasted with the physical Bondi radius, which is not directly used for numerical grids).

◆ characteristic_worldtube_boundary_tags

The collection of tags mutated by create_bondi_boundary_data


This list is used in the evolution of CharacteristicExtract

◆ worldtube_boundary_tags_for_writing

The collection of tags for worldtube quantities that need to be written to disk during the Cauchy evolution that the CharacateristicExtract need.


This list is used when writing Bondi quantities to disk.