Tags for the generalized harmonic formulation of Einstein equations. More...
Classes | |
struct | CharacteristicFields |
struct | CharacteristicSpeeds |
struct | ComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed |
Computes the largest magnitude of the characteristic speeds. More... | |
struct | ConstraintEnergy |
Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More... | |
struct | ConstraintEnergyCompute |
Compute item to get combined energy in all constraints for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More... | |
struct | DerivLapseCompute |
Compute item to get spatial derivatives of lapse from the generalized harmonic variables and spacetime unit normal one-form. More... | |
struct | DerivShiftCompute |
Compute item to get spatial derivatives of the shift vector from generalized harmonic and geometric variables. More... | |
struct | DerivSpatialMetricCompute |
Compute item to get spatial derivatives of the spatial metric from the generalized harmonic spatial derivative variable. More... | |
struct | EvolvedFieldsFromCharacteristicFields |
struct | ExtrinsicCurvatureCompute |
Compute item to get extrinsic curvature from generalized harmonic variables and the spacetime normal vector. More... | |
struct | FConstraint |
Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More... | |
struct | FConstraintCompute |
Compute item to get the F-constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More... | |
struct | FourIndexConstraint |
Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More... | |
struct | FourIndexConstraintCompute |
Compute item to get the four-index constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More... | |
struct | Gamma1Gamma2 |
struct | Gamma1Plus1 |
struct | GaugeConstraint |
Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More... | |
struct | GaugeConstraintCompute |
Compute item to get the gauge constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More... | |
struct | GaugeH |
Gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system. More... | |
struct | GaugeHImplicitFrom3p1QuantitiesCompute |
Compute item to get the implicit gauge source function from 3 + 1 quantities. More... | |
struct | HalfPhiTwoNormals |
struct | HalfPiTwoNormals |
struct | InitialGaugeH |
Initial value of the gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system. More... | |
struct | LargestCharacteristicSpeed |
struct | MeshVelocityDotThreeIndexConstraint |
struct | NormalDotOneIndexConstraint |
struct | Phi |
Auxiliary variable which is analytically the spatial derivative of the spacetime metric. More... | |
struct | PhiCompute |
Compute item for the auxiliary variable | |
struct | PhiFirstIndexUp |
struct | PhiOneNormal |
struct | PhiThirdIndexUp |
struct | Pi |
Conjugate momentum to the spacetime metric. More... | |
struct | PiCompute |
Compute item the conjugate momentum | |
struct | PiOneNormal |
struct | PiSecondIndexUp |
struct | SecondTimeDerivOfSpacetimeMetricCompute |
Compute item to get second time derivative of the spacetime metric from generalized harmonic and geometric variables. More... | |
struct | ShiftDotThreeIndexConstraint |
struct | SpacetimeChristoffelFirstKindThirdIndexUp |
struct | SpacetimeDerivGaugeH |
Spacetime derivatives of the gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system. More... | |
struct | SpacetimeDerivGaugeHCompute |
Compute item to get spacetime derivative of the gauge source function from its spatial and time derivatives. More... | |
struct | SpacetimeDerivInitialGaugeH |
Initial spacetime derivatives of the gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system. More... | |
struct | ThreeIndexConstraint |
Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More... | |
struct | ThreeIndexConstraintCompute |
Compute item to get the three-index constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More... | |
struct | TimeDerivLapseCompute |
Compute item to get time derivative of lapse ( | |
struct | TimeDerivShiftCompute |
Compute item to get time derivative of the shift vector from the generalized harmonic and geometric variables. More... | |
struct | TimeDerivSpatialMetricCompute |
Compute item to get time derivative of the spatial metric from generalized harmonic and geometric variables. More... | |
struct | TraceExtrinsicCurvatureCompute |
Compute item to get the trace of extrinsic curvature from generalized harmonic variables and the spacetime normal vector. More... | |
struct | TwoIndexConstraint |
Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More... | |
struct | TwoIndexConstraintCompute |
Compute item to get the two-index constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More... | |
struct | VMinus |
struct | VPlus |
struct | VSpacetimeMetric |
Tags corresponding to the characteristic fields of the generalized harmonic system. More... | |
struct | VZero |
Tags for the generalized harmonic formulation of Einstein equations.