SpECTRE  v2025.01.30
gh::Tags Namespace Reference

Tags for the generalized harmonic formulation of Einstein equations. More...


struct  CharacteristicFields
struct  CharacteristicSpeeds
struct  ComputeLargestCharacteristicSpeed
 Computes the largest magnitude of the characteristic speeds. More...
struct  ConstraintEnergy
 Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More...
struct  ConstraintEnergyCompute
 Compute item to get combined energy in all constraints for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More...
struct  DerivLapseCompute
 Compute item to get spatial derivatives of lapse from the generalized harmonic variables and spacetime unit normal one-form. More...
struct  DerivShiftCompute
 Compute item to get spatial derivatives of the shift vector from generalized harmonic and geometric variables. More...
struct  DerivSpatialMetricCompute
 Compute item to get spatial derivatives of the spatial metric from the generalized harmonic spatial derivative variable. More...
struct  EvolvedFieldsFromCharacteristicFields
struct  ExtrinsicCurvatureCompute
 Compute item to get extrinsic curvature from generalized harmonic variables and the spacetime normal vector. More...
struct  FConstraint
 Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More...
struct  FConstraintCompute
 Compute item to get the F-constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More...
struct  FourIndexConstraint
 Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More...
struct  FourIndexConstraintCompute
 Compute item to get the four-index constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More...
struct  Gamma1Gamma2
 \(\gamma_1 \gamma_2\) constraint damping product More...
struct  Gamma1Plus1
 \(\gamma_1 + 1\) More...
struct  GaugeConstraint
 Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More...
struct  GaugeConstraintCompute
 Compute item to get the gauge constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More...
struct  GaugeH
 Gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system. More...
struct  GaugeHImplicitFrom3p1QuantitiesCompute
 Compute item to get the implicit gauge source function from 3 + 1 quantities. More...
struct  HalfPhiTwoNormals
 \(0.5\Phi_{iab}n^an^b\) More...
struct  HalfPiTwoNormals
 \(0.5\Pi_{ab}n^an^b\) More...
struct  InitialGaugeH
 Initial value of the gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system. More...
struct  LargestCharacteristicSpeed
struct  MeshVelocityDotThreeIndexConstraint
 \(\v^i_g \mathcal{C}_{iab}\) More...
struct  NormalDotOneIndexConstraint
 \(n^a \mathcal{C}_a\) More...
struct  Phi
 Auxiliary variable which is analytically the spatial derivative of the spacetime metric. More...
struct  PhiCompute
 Compute item for the auxiliary variable \(\Phi_{iab}\) used by the generalized harmonic formulation of Einstein's equations. More...
struct  PhiFirstIndexUp
 \(\Phi^i{}_{ab}\) More...
struct  PhiOneNormal
 \(\Phi_{iab}n^a\) More...
struct  PhiThirdIndexUp
 \(\Phi_{ia}{}^b\) More...
struct  Pi
 Conjugate momentum to the spacetime metric. More...
struct  PiCompute
 Compute item the conjugate momentum \(\Pi_{ab}\) of the spacetime metric \( g_{ab} \). More...
struct  PiOneNormal
 \(\Pi_{ab}n^a\) More...
struct  PiSecondIndexUp
 \(\Pi_a{}^b\) More...
struct  SecondTimeDerivOfSpacetimeMetricCompute
 Compute item to get second time derivative of the spacetime metric from generalized harmonic and geometric variables. More...
struct  SetPiAndPhiFromConstraints
 DataBox tag for holding whether or not to set GH variables \(\Pi\) and \(\Phi\) from constraints. More...
struct  ShiftDotThreeIndexConstraint
 \(\beta^i \mathcal{C}_{iab}\) More...
struct  SpacetimeChristoffelFirstKindThirdIndexUp
 \(\Gamma_{ab}{}^c\) More...
struct  SpacetimeDerivGaugeH
 Spacetime derivatives of the gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system. More...
struct  SpacetimeDerivGaugeHCompute
 Compute item to get spacetime derivative of the gauge source function from its spatial and time derivatives. More...
struct  SpacetimeDerivInitialGaugeH
 Initial spacetime derivatives of the gauge source function for the generalized harmonic system. More...
struct  ThreeIndexConstraint
 Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More...
struct  ThreeIndexConstraintCompute
 Compute item to get the three-index constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More...
struct  TimeDerivLapseCompute
 Compute item to get time derivative of lapse ( \(\alpha\)) from the generalized harmonic variables, lapse, shift and the spacetime unit normal 1-form. More...
struct  TimeDerivShiftCompute
 Compute item to get time derivative of the shift vector from the generalized harmonic and geometric variables. More...
struct  TimeDerivSpatialMetricCompute
 Compute item to get time derivative of the spatial metric from generalized harmonic and geometric variables. More...
struct  TraceExtrinsicCurvatureCompute
 Compute item to get the trace of extrinsic curvature from generalized harmonic variables and the spacetime normal vector. More...
struct  TwoIndexConstraint
 Tags corresponding to various constraints of the generalized harmonic system, and their diagnostically useful combinations. More...
struct  TwoIndexConstraintCompute
 Compute item to get the two-index constraint for the generalized harmonic evolution system. More...
struct  VMinus
struct  VPlus
struct  VSpacetimeMetric
 Tags corresponding to the characteristic fields of the generalized harmonic system. More...
struct  VZero

Detailed Description

Tags for the generalized harmonic formulation of Einstein equations.