SpECTRE  v2024.08.03
Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR)


SpECTRE implements a block-based anisotropic h-p adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) algorithm. Currently AMR can only occur at global synchronization points, but it is planned to remove this restriction in the future.

AMR is still under active development. The elliptic executables fully support AMR. The evolution executables currently only support p-adaptivity, and only when using a global time stepper, and only when using a DG method. The executable will abort with an ERROR if local time stepping or h-refinement is done.

Here is an overview of what is described in detail in the sections below:

  • AMR Algorithm: An overview of the parallel phases, actions, and components that are used to do adaptive mesh refinement.
  • AMR Criteria: Describes the expectations and restrictions on concrete classes implementing adaptive mesh refinement criteria.
  • AMR Policies: Describes restrictions and assumptions of the current algorithm, and what would be required to relax them.
  • AMR Projectors: Describes the requirements on concrete classes which project data to the new or modified elements after mesh refinement.
  • AMR Metavariables: Describes the code that needs to be added to the metavariables of an executable in order to enable adaptive mesh refinement.
  • Controlling AMR: Describes the options in the input file that control the behavior of adaptive mesh refinement.

AMR Algorithm

The AMR algorithm requires communication via simple actions between the elements of the array component that are responsible for the Elements of the Domain and a singleton amr::Component. See Parallelization and Core Concepts for an overview of phases, actions, metavariables, and other SpECTRE parallelization concepts.

Currently the AMR algorithm is run over several phases when a phase change is triggered by an executable. See Controlling AMR for how to control when the AMR phases are triggered.

Evaluating refinement criteria

When AMR is triggered, the executable should enter Parallel::Phase::EvaluateAmrCriteria. In this phase, the amr::Component triggers the simple action amr::Actions::EvaluateRefinementCriteria on each element of the array component (specified by metavariables::amr::element_array). Each element evaluates (in order) the user-specified refinement criteria, each of which returns a refinement decision in each logical dimension of the element represented as an amr::Flag. The overall refinement decision in each logical dimension is obtained by taking the highest priority decision in the dimension over all criteria, where amr::Flag::Split has the highest priority and amr::Flag::Join has the lowest. See AMR Criteria for more details on implementing criteria. Once the overall refinement decision based on the refinement criteria is made, the decision may be modified to satisfy the AMR Policies. Finally, the element sends its decision (and other information in amr::Info) to its neighbors by calling the simple action amr::Actions::UpdateAmrDecision.

In amr::Actions::UpdateAmrDecision, an element decides whether or not it needs to update its own refinement decision (or other information in amr::Info) based on decisions (or other information in amr::Info) sent by its neighbor. Possible reasons to update the refinement decision are, e.g., if a sibling neighbor does not want to join an element that had initially decided to join, or if any of the amr::Policies would be violated. If the refinement decision (or other information in amr::Info) of the element changes, the element will send its updated amr::Info to its neighbors.

Note that simple actions are executed asynchronusly, so both amr::Actions::EvaluateRefinementCriteria and amr::Actions::UpdateAmrDecision have to handle the possibility that they are executed out of order. For example, amr::Actions::UpdateAmrDecision could be executed before amr::Actions::EvaluateRefinementCriteria. Eventually all elements will reach a state where they do not need to send new information to their neighbors, thus reaching a state of quiescence. When this happens Parallel::Phase::EvaluateAmrCriteria ends. At this point all elements have reached a consensus on how the domain should be adapted, but no changes have been made to the domain. In order to adjust the domain, the executable should next start Parallel::Phase::AdjustDomain.

Adjusting the domain

At the beginning of Parallel::Phase::AdjustDomain, the amr::Component calls amr::Actions::AdjustDomain on each element of the array component (specified by metavariables::amr::element_array). If the element wants to split in any dimension, it will call the simple action amr::Actions::CreateChild on the amr::Component in order to create new refined elements that will replace the existing element. If the element wants to join in any dimension, it will either call amr::Actions::CreateParent on the amr::Component (if it is the joining sibling with the lowest SegmentId in each dimension being joined) or do nothing in order to create a single new coarsened element that will replace multiple existing elements. If the element neither wants to split nor join in any dimension, then the element mutates items in its db::DataBox. First the Element, Mesh and neighbor Mesh are updated. Then the element calls the AMR Projectors that will update all the mutable items in the db::DataBox. Finally the amr::Info of the element and its neighbors are reset and cleared so they are ready for a future invocation of AMR.

When amr::Actions::CreateChild is executed by the amr::Component, it creates a new element in the metavariables::amr::element_array passing a Parallel::SimpleActionCallback that will be executed after the new element is created. The callback will be either to call amr::Actions::CreateChild again for the next child to be created, or amr::Actions::SendDataToChildren which will be invoked on the element that is being split. amr::Actions::SendDataToChildren will then invoke amr::Actions::InitializeChild on each new child element, passing along all of the mutable items in its db::DataBox. amr::Actions::SendDataToChildren will then deregister and delete the element being split. amr::Actions::InitializeChild will create its Element, Mesh, and neighbor Mesh, and then call the AMR Projectors that will update all the mutable items in its db::DataBox.

When amr::Actions::CreateParent is executed by the amr::Component, it creates a new element in the metavariables::amr::element_array passing a Parallel::SimpleActionCallback that will be executed after the new element is created. The callback will be amr::Actions::CollectDataFromChildren which will be invoked on one of the elements that are joining. amr::Actions::CollectDataFromChildren will then invoke either itself on another element that is joining or amr::Actions::InitializeParent on the new parent element, collecting all of the mutable items in each joining element's db::DataBox. amr::Actions::CollectDataFromChildren will then deregister and delete the element that is joining. amr::Actions::InitializeParent will create its Element, Mesh, and neighbor Mesh, and then call the AMR Projectors that will update all the mutable items in its db::DataBox.

When all of the actions finish, a state of quiescence is reached. When this happens Parallel::Phase::AdjustDomain ends. The executable should now either return to the phase which triggered AMR, or enter Parallel::Phase::CheckDomain.

AMR Criteria

When amr::Actions::EvaluateRefinementCriteria is executed, for each element, it loops over a list of criteria that is specified in the input file options (See Controling AMR). Each criterion must be an option-creatable class derived from amr::Criterion (see its documentation for a list of requirements for the derived classes). In particular, each criterion should compute an array of amr::Flags that represent the recommended refinemenent choice in each logical dimension. These choices can be computed from any items in the db::DataBox of the element or additional compute items specified by the criterion. It is expected that a criterion will compute something and then either choose to recommend refinement, no change, or coarsening the element either in size (h-refinement) or polynomial order (p-refinement). A criterion does not need to handle anything that is enforced by the amr::Policies such as worry about bounds on the refinement level or number of grid points.

AMR Policies

The current AMR algorithm has a set of rules that are enforced after the overall refinement choice is determined from the AMR criteria.

The following rules simplify the code:

  • An Element cannot join if it is splitting in any dimension. Instead any amr::Flag::Join is changed to amr::Flag::DoNothing. Relaxing this restriction would be a non-trivial change that would require more complicated logic in determining if neighboring elements can join, as well as an additional code path to handle the creation and initialization of the new elements. This should not be a significant restriction as in most cases when this would occur it is unlikely that the siblings of the Element would agree to a valid join.
  • In two or three spatial dimensions, there must be a 2:1 balance (i.e. within one refinement level) between neighbors in the dimension(s) parallel to the face of the element. Relaxing this restriction would be a significant change to the code as the code for communicating boundary corrections assumes 2:1 balance. In order to maintain 2:1 balance with neighboring elements, a choice of amr::Flag::Join may be changed to amr::Flag::DoNothing, and amr::Flag::DoNothing may be changed to amr::Flag::Split.

The following policies are among those controlled by input file options (see Controlling AMR and the documentation for amr::Policies):

  • Whether to do isotropic or anisotropic refinement. If isotropic refinement is done, the AMR decision in each dimension are changed to the decision of the dimension with the highest priority amr::Flag (i.e. amr::Flag::Split has the highest priority).
  • Whether or not to enforce 2:1 balance for the refinement level in the direction perpendicular to the face.
  • The minimum and maximum of the refinement level and the number of grid points. The actual bounds on these will be the stricter of those specified by the input file and those set by the code. For the number of grid points, the code bounds are set by Spectral::minimum_number_of_points and Spectral::maximum_number_of_points for the Spectral::Basis and Spectral::Quadrature of the Mesh. For the refinement level, the minimum is zero, and the maximum is set by ElementId::max_refinement_level.

AMR Projectors

After the grid adapts, the mutable items in the DataBox of new or existing elements must be updated. The Element, Mesh, neighbor Mesh, amr::Info, and neighbor amr::Info along with the items in Parallel::Tags::distributed_object_tags are automatically updated by the AMR actions, but all other items must be explicitly updated via projectors that conform to amr::protocols::Projector. If any mutable item has not been explicitly handled by any of the projectors, a static_assert will be triggered listing the tags for the items that have not been projected.

When a new element is created, the items in its DataBox are default constructed. Their Element, Mesh, and neighbor Mesh are mutated to their desired state. Then the AMR projectors are called, passing along the items in the DataBox(es) from their splitting parent element or joining children elements. Existing elements first mutate their Element, Mesh, and neighbor Mesh, and then call the AMR projectors, passing along the old Element and Mesh.

The return_tags of each projector lists the tags for the items that the projector mutates. From the pre-AMR state, the projector must compute the post-AMR state of these items. Typically during Parallel::Phase::Initialization, a group of items will be initialized by a specific action or mutator in the action Initialization::Actions::InitializeItems. Therefore it makes sense to create a projector that will handle the same group of items. However some items are initialized from input file options, while others are left default initialized and not mutated by any initialization action. These items will still need to be handled by some projector. Two convenience projectors are provided: amr::projectors::DefaultInitialize which value initializes the items corresponding to the listed tags; and amr::projectors::CopyFromCreatorOrLeaveAsIs that will either copy the item from the parent (or children, asserting that all children agree) of a newly created element, or leave the item unmodified for an existing element for the items corresponding to the listed tags.

The list of projectors is specified in metavariables::amr::projectors in the executable, and the projectors are evaluated in the order in which they are specified.

Enabling AMR for an executable

In order to enable AMR for an executable, the following changes need to be made in the metavariables:

  • The addition of a struct named amr such as the following example:

    struct amr : tt::ConformsTo<::amr::protocols::AmrMetavariables> {
    using element_array = dg_element_array;
    using projectors = tmpl::list<::amr::projectors::DefaultInitialize<

    where element_array specifies the array component on which AMR will operate and projectors is a type list of amr::projectors that govern how the items in the DataBox for the element_array are updated after refinement.

  • The addition of amr::Component to the component_list of the metavariables
  • The addition (or modification) of the following tmpl::pairs in factory_creation::factory_classes:
    where LIST_OF_CRITERIA should be a list of amr::Criteria.
  • The addition of the following item in the list of PhaseActions for the component specified in amr::element_array:

Controlling AMR

There are two places in the input file that control how and when AMR happens.

The "how" is controlled by the option group Amr. Here you list the amr::Criteria being used, the available options for the amr::Policies, and the Verbosity of diagnostic messages that are printed. Here is an example:

- TruncationError:
VariablesToMonitor: [Psi]
AbsoluteTarget: 1.e-6
RelativeTarget: 1.0
EnforceTwoToOneBalanceInNormalDirection: true
Isotropy: Anisotropic
RefinementLevel: Auto
NumGridPoints: Auto
Verbosity: Verbose

Note that the values Auto for the Limits options choose the default limits set by the code.

"When" AMR happens is contolled by specifying a Trigger and a list of PhaseChanges in the top-level option PhaseChangesAndTriggers. For example:

- Trigger:
Interval: 10
Offset: 0
- VisitAndReturn(EvaluateAmrCriteria)
- VisitAndReturn(AdjustDomain)
- VisitAndReturn(CheckDomain)

Both EvaluateAmrCriteria and AdjustDomain are required in order for AMR to work. VisitAndReturn(CheckDomain) performs diagnostics and can be omitted. To turn off AMR, omit the three phase changes above.