Get new orbital parameters for a binary system to control eccentricity. |
CLI options for the 'eccentricity_control_params' function. |
- spectre.Pipelines.EccentricityControl.EccentricityControlParams.eccentricity_control_params(h5_files: str | Path | Sequence[str | Path], id_input_file_path: str | Path, subfile_name_aha_trajectories: str = DEFAULT_AHA_TRAJECTORIES, subfile_name_ahb_trajectories: str = DEFAULT_AHB_TRAJECTORIES, subfile_name_aha_quantities: str = 'ObservationAhA.dat', subfile_name_ahb_quantities: str = 'ObservationAhB.dat', tmin: float | None = None, tmax: float | None = None, target_eccentricity: float = 0.0, target_mean_anomaly_fraction: float | None = None, plot_output_dir: str | Path | None = None) Tuple[float, float, Dict[Literal['Omega0', 'adot0', 'D0'], float]] ¶
Get new orbital parameters for a binary system to control eccentricity.
The eccentricity is estimated from the trajectories of the binary objects and updates to the orbital parameters are suggested to drive the orbit to the target eccentricity, using SpEC’s OmegaDotEccRemoval.py. Currently supports only circular target orbits (target eccentricity = 0).
- Parameters:
h5_files – Paths to the H5 files containing the trajectory data (e.g. BbhReductions.h5). Can also be a glob pattern.
id_input_file_path – Path to the initial data input file from which the evolution started. This file contains the initial data parameters that are being controlled.
subfile_name_aha_trajectories – (Optional) Name of the subfile containing the apparent horizon centers for object A.
subfile_name_ahb_trajectories – (Optional) Name of the subfile containing the apparent horizon centers for object B.
subfile_name_aha_quantities – (Optional) Name of the subfile containing the quantities measured on apparent horizon A (masses and spins).
subfile_name_ahb_quantities – (Optional) Name of the subfile containing the quantities measured on apparent horizon B (masses and spins).
tmin – (Optional) The lower time bound for the eccentricity estimate. Used to remove initial junk and transients in the data.
tmax – (Optional) The upper time bound for the eccentricity estimate. A reasonable value would include 2-3 orbits.
target_eccentricity – (Optional) The target eccentricity to drive the orbit to. Default is 0.0 (circular orbit).
target_mean_anomaly_fraction – (Optional) The target mean anomaly of the orbit divided by 2 pi, so it is a number between 0 and 1. The value 0 corresponds to the pericenter of the orbit (closest approach), the value 0.5 corresponds to the apocenter of the orbit (farthest distance), and the value 1 corresponds to the pericenter again. Currently this is unused because only an eccentricity of 0 is supported.
plot_output_dir – (Optional) Output directory for plots.
- Returns:
Tuple of eccentricity estimate, eccentricity error, and dictionary of new orbital parameters with the keys listed in ‘OrbitalParams’.
- spectre.Pipelines.EccentricityControl.EccentricityControlParams.eccentricity_control_params_options(f)¶
CLI options for the ‘eccentricity_control_params’ function.
These options can be used by CLI commands that call the ‘eccentricity_control_params’ function.