Find an apparent horizon in volume data. |
Convert a vector to a (readable) string. |
- spectre.Pipelines.Bbh.FindHorizon.find_horizon(h5_files: str | Sequence[str], subfile_name: str, obs_id: int, obs_time: float, initial_guess: Strahlkorper, fast_flow: FastFlow | None = None, output_surfaces_file: str | Path | None = None, output_coeffs_subfile: str | None = None, output_coords_subfile: str | None = None, output_reductions_file: str | Path | None = None, output_quantities_subfile: str | None = None, output_l_max: int | None = None, tensor_names: Sequence[str] | None = None)¶
Find an apparent horizon in volume data.
The volume data must contain the spatial metric, inverse spatial metric, extrinsic curvature, spatial Christoffel symbols, and spatial Ricci tensor. The data is assumed to be in the “inertial” frame.
- Parameters:
h5_files – List of H5 files containing volume data or glob pattern.
subfile_name – Name of the volume data subfile in the ‘h5_files’.
obs_id – Observation ID in the volume data.
obs_time – Time of the observation.
initial_guess – Initial guess for the horizon. Specify a ‘spectre.SphericalHarmonics.Strahlkorper’.
fast_flow – Optional. FastFlow object that controls the horizon finder. If not specified, a FastFlow object with default parameters is used.
output_surfaces_file – Optional. H5 output file where the horizon Ylm coefficients will be written. Can be a new or existing file. Requires either ‘output_coeffs_subfile’ or ‘output_coords_subfile’ is also specified, or both.
output_coeffs_subfile – Optional. Name of the subfile in the ‘output_surfaces_file’ where the horizon Ylm coefficients will be written. These can be used to reconstruct the horizon, e.g. to initialize excisions in domains.
output_coords_subfile – Optional. Name of the subfile in the ‘output_surfaces_file’ where the horizon coordinates will be written. These can be used for visualization.
output_reductions_file – Optional. H5 output file where the reduction quantities on the horizon will be written, e.g. masses and spins. Can be a new or existing file. Requires ‘output_quantities_subfile’ is also specified.
output_quantities_subfile – Optional. Name of the subfile in the ‘output_reductions_file’ where the horizon quantities will be written, e.g. masses and spins.
output_l_max – Optional. Maximum l-mode for the horizon Ylm coefficients written to the output file. Defaults to the l_max of the initial guess. Only used if ‘output_coeffs_subfile’ is specified.
tensor_names – Optional. List of tensor names in the volume data that represent the spatial metric, inverse spatial metric, extrinsic curvature, spatial Christoffel symbols, and spatial Ricci tensor, in this order. Defaults to [“SpatialMetric”, “InverseSpatialMetric”, “ExtrinsicCurvature”, “SpatialChristoffelSecondKind”, “SpatialRicci”].
- Returns: The Strahlkorper representing the horizon, and a dictionary of
horizon quantities (e.g. area, mass, spin, etc.).
- spectre.Pipelines.Bbh.FindHorizon.vec_to_string(vec)¶
Convert a vector to a (readable) string.