

import_A_and_B(filenames[, ...])

plot_trajectory(AhA, AhB[, fig])

Plot concatenated trajectories in inspiral simulation.

spectre.Visualization.PlotTrajectories.import_A_and_B(filenames, subfile_name_aha='ApparentHorizons/ControlSystemAhA_Centers.dat', subfile_name_ahb='ApparentHorizons/ControlSystemAhB_Centers.dat')
spectre.Visualization.PlotTrajectories.plot_trajectory(AhA: ndarray, AhB: ndarray, fig=None)

Plot concatenated trajectories in inspiral simulation.

Outputs a 2x2 figure with 4 plots: 1st row: A and B trajectories in 3D, coordinate separation in 3D 2nd row: A and B trajectories in 2D xy plane, coordinate separation in 2D xy plane. The 3D plots use a subsampled version of the data, with default value of 15, to speed up the plots and avoid memory error.

Arguments: AhA: Array of shape (num_points, 4) with the time and coordinates of

the first object.

AhB: Array of shape (num_points, 4) with the time and coordinates of

the second object.

fig: Matplotlib figure object used for plotting. Subplots will be added to

this figure. If None, a new figure will be created.