
Tools for parsing YAML input files

To simply read an input file as a dictionary, use a standard YAML parser like PyYAML or ruaml.yaml:

import yaml
with open(input_file_path) as open_input_file:
    metadata, input_file = yaml.safe_load_all(open_input_file)

It’s also possible to load just the metadata without the overhead of parsing the full input file:

with open(input_file_path) as open_input_file:
    metadata = next(yaml.safe_load_all(open_input_file))

The functions in this module provide additional functionality to work with input files.


find_event(event_name, input_file)

Find a particular event in the "EventsAndTriggers" of the input file.

find_phase_change(phase_change_name, input_file)

Find a particular phase change in the "PhaseChangeAndTriggers"

spectre.Visualization.ReadInputFile.find_event(event_name: str, input_file: dict) dict

Find a particular event in the “EventsAndTriggers” of the input file.

  • event_name – The name of an event like “ObserveTimeSteps”.

  • input_file – The input file read in as a dictionary.

Returns: The event as a dictionary, or None if the event wasn’t found.

spectre.Visualization.ReadInputFile.find_phase_change(phase_change_name: str, input_file: dict) dict

Find a particular phase change in the “PhaseChangeAndTriggers”

  • phase_change_name – The name of a phase change like “CheckpointAndExitAfterWallclock”.

  • input_file – The input file read in as a dictionary.

Returns: The phase change as a dictionary, or None if the phase change

wasn’t found.