

inspiral_parameters(id_input_file, ...)

Determine inspiral parameters from SpECTRE initial data.

inspiral_parameters_spec(id_params, ...)

Determine inspiral parameters from SpEC initial data.

start_inspiral(id_input_file_path[, ...])

Schedule an inspiral simulation from initial data.

spectre.Pipelines.Bbh.Inspiral.inspiral_parameters(id_input_file: dict, id_run_dir: str | Path, id_horizons_path: str | Path | None, refinement_level: int, polynomial_order: int) dict

Determine inspiral parameters from SpECTRE initial data.

These parameters fill the ‘INSPIRAL_INPUT_FILE_TEMPLATE’.

  • id_input_file – Initial data input file as a dictionary.

  • id_run_dir – Directory of the initial data run. Paths in the input file are relative to this directory.

  • id_horizons_path – Path to H5 file containing information about the horizons in the ID (e.g. mass, spin, spherical harmonic coefficients). If this is ‘None’, the default is the ‘Horizons.h5’ file inside ‘id_run_dir’.

  • refinement_level – h-refinement level.

  • polynomial_order – p-refinement level.

spectre.Pipelines.Bbh.Inspiral.inspiral_parameters_spec(id_params: dict, id_run_dir: str | Path, refinement_level: int, polynomial_order: int) dict

Determine inspiral parameters from SpEC initial data.

These parameters fill the ‘INSPIRAL_INPUT_FILE_TEMPLATE’.

  • id_params – Initial data parameters loaded from ‘ID_Params.perl’.

  • id_run_dir – Directory of the initial data, which contains ‘ID_Params.perl’ and ‘GrDomain.input’.

  • refinement_level – h-refinement level.

  • polynomial_order – p-refinement level.

spectre.Pipelines.Bbh.Inspiral.start_inspiral(id_input_file_path: str | Path, refinement_level: int = 1, polynomial_order: int = 9, id_run_dir: str | Path | None = None, inspiral_input_file_template: str | Path = INSPIRAL_INPUT_FILE_TEMPLATE, id_horizons_path: str | Path | None = None, continue_with_ringdown: bool = False, eccentricity_control: bool = False, pipeline_dir: str | Path | None = None, run_dir: str | Path | None = None, segments_dir: str | Path | None = None, **scheduler_kwargs)

Schedule an inspiral simulation from initial data.

Point the ID_INPUT_FILE_PATH to the input file of your initial data run, or to an ‘ID_Params.perl’ file from SpEC. Also specify ‘id_run_dir’ if the initial data was run in a different directory than where the input file is. Parameters for the inspiral will be determined from the initial data and inserted into the ‘inspiral_input_file_template’. The remaining options are forwarded to the ‘schedule’ command. See ‘schedule’ docs for details.

## Resource allocation

Runs on 4 nodes by default when scheduled on a cluster. Set ‘num_nodes’ to adjust.