SpECTRE  v2024.04.12
The minimal SpECTRE executable

This tutorial will illustrate what is needed to compile the minimal SpECTRE executable that will simply print some useful information about the executable and then exit.

Specifically, this tutorial will introduce:

  • A user-provided Metavariables, a C++ struct that is used to specify the metaprogram that is converted into a C++ executable.
  • how to build a SpECTRE executable
  • how to run a SpECTRE executable
  • useful information that can be extracted from all SpECTRE executables
  • Main, the main parallel component that acts as the main function of a C++ executable.

In this tutorial, SPECTRE_ROOT refers to the directory in which SpECTRE was cloned, and SPECTRE_BUILD_DIR refers to the directory in which you built SpECTRE.

Creating a build target for a parallel executable

The first step is to select (or create) a directory (within SPECTRE_ROOT/src) that will hold the files from which the executable will be created. For this tutorial we created the directory ParallelTutorial in src/Executables/Examples. If you create a new directory for the executable, you will need to edit the CMakeLists.txt file in its parent directory and add (replacing ParallelTutorial with the appropriate directory name)


The second step is to edit (or create) the CMakeLists.txt file in the executable directory and add a call to add_spectre_executable such as:

set(EXECUTABLE MinimalExample)
The Informer manages textual output regarding the status of a simulation.
Definition: Informer.hpp:15
Utilities for parsing input files.
Definition: MinmodType.hpp:8
Functionality for parallelization.
Definition: AlgorithmExecution.hpp:10

The add_spectre_executable just forwards its arguments to CMake's add_executable. It works just like add_executable in that you pass it a source file that defines your executable.

Your source file needs a CkRegisterMainModule() function. This is the "main" function of the Charm++ program:

extern "C" void CkRegisterMainModule() {

It just calls Parallel::charmxx::register_main_module<Metavariables>(). This is where SpECTRE code takes over. SpECTRE programs are defined by the Metavariables class that is passed to this function.

Writing the metavariables files

The metavariables can be thought of as a compile-time input file that defines what the executable will do:

struct Metavariables {
using component_list = tmpl::list<>;
static constexpr std::array<Parallel::Phase, 2> default_phase_order{
static constexpr Options::String help{"A minimal executable"};
@ Initialization
initial phase of an executable
@ Exit
final phase of an executable
const char *const String
The string used in option structs.
Definition: String.hpp:8

The metavariables struct must define a static constexpr std::array<Parallel::Phase, N> default_phase_order that is used to define the default order in which phases are executed. In this example the executable will execute the Initialization phase followed by the Exit phase.

The metavariables struct must define a type alias component_list that is a tmpl::list (a typelist defined in Utilities/TMPL.hpp) of the parallel components used by the executable. In this example no parallel components are used.

The metavariables struct must define help, a static constexpr Options::String that will be printed as part of the help message of the executable. (Options::String is defined in Options/Options.hpp.)

Building a SpECTRE executable

Let $EXECUTABLE be the name of the executable (the first argument passed to the add_spectre_executable CMake function, so in this example MinimalExample). Then the executable can be built by running the following command in $SPECTRE_BUILD_DIR:


which will produce the executable of the same name in $SPECTRE_BUILD_DIR/bin.

Running a SpECTRE executable

To run a SpECTRE executable, run the command:


where <options> must include any required command-line options. In the simple example for this tutorial, no command-line options are required.

On a laptop, we get the following output:

Charm++: standalone mode (not using charmrun)
Charm++> Running in Multicore mode: 1 threads
Converse/Charm++ Commit ID: v6.8.0-0-ga36028edb
CharmLB> Load balancer assumes all CPUs are same.
Charm++> Running on 1 unique compute nodes (4-way SMP).
Charm++> cpu topology info is gathered in 0.000 seconds.
Executing 'some_path/MinimalExample' using 1 processors.
Date and time at startup: Fri Oct 25 15:03:05 2019
SpECTRE Build Information:
Version: 0.0.0
Compiled on host: kosh-3.local
Compiled in directory: some_path/build
Source directory is: some_path/parallel_tutorial
Compiled on git branch: feature/parallel_tutorial
Compiled with git hash: 1f4ab20cbda9ae8072a17df69de9731c43687468
Linked on: Fri Oct 25 13:26:06 2019
Wall time in seconds: 0.004185
Date and time at completion: Fri Oct 25 15:03:05 2019
[Partition 0][Node 0] End of program

which includes information that will be printed by every SpECTRE executable on startup and exit. First, there is information provided by Charm++ that will depend upon how Charm++ was built. Next you will see information provided by SpECTRE which includes:

  • the name of the executable
  • how many processes the executable was run on
  • the date and time at startup
  • the version of SpECTRE that was used to compile the executable
  • where the executable was compiled
  • which git branch and hash was used to compile the executable
  • when the executable was linked

On exit, the executable will print that it is Done!, followed by how the long the executable took to run as timed by the Charm++ wall-clock timer, and the date and time at completion, followed by any information the Charm++ provides upon exiting the program.

Extracting useful information from a SpECTRE executable

Every SpECTRE executable comes with a set of command-line options that can be used to obtain useful information about the executable (and for executables expecting an input file, whether or not the input file can be parsed successfully).

Getting a list of available options

To get a list of available options for a SpECTRE executable, run either of the following commands:


In the middle of the Charm++ startup information will now appear a long list of Charm++ related command-line options which we will ignore for this tutorial. After the SpECTRE startup information, there is now a list of available command-line options:

-h [ --help ] Describe program options
--check-options Check input file options
--dump-source-tree-as arg If specified, then a gzip archive of the source
tree is dumped with the specified name. The archive
can be expanded using 'tar -xzf ARCHIVE.tar.gz'
--dump-paths Dump the PATH, CPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
--dump-environment Dump the result of printenv at compile time.
--dump-build-info Dump the contents of SpECTRE's BuildInfo.txt
--dump-only Exit after dumping requested information.

which we will describe in detail below. This is followed by a description of the expected input-file options, which in this example will simply print the help string from the metavariables struct, and the statement that there are no options expected:

==== Description of expected options:
A minimal executable
<No options>

We will cover input file options in a future tutorial.

Checking options

As the minimal executable in this tutorial expects no input-file options, running the command:

./$SPECTRE_BUILD_DIR/bin/$EXECUTABLE --check-options

will print out No options to check! and exit the program. See a future tutorial for an example of checking input-file options.

Dumping the source tree

In order to aid in reproducibility, all SpECTRE executables contain a copy of $SPECTRE_ROOT. To obtain the source tree as an archive file, run the command:

./$SPECTRE_BUILD_DIR/bin/$EXECUTABLE --dump-source-tree-as SpECTRE

which will produce the archive file SpECTRE.tar.gz which can be expanded with the command:

tar -xzf SpECTRE.tar.gz

Dumping other information about a SpECTRE executable

In addition to dumping the entire source tree there are the following options:

  • --dump-paths will print out various paths from when the executable was compiled
  • --dump-environment will print the results of printenv (i.e. all of the environment variables) from when the executable was compiled
  • --dump-build-info will print the contents of SpECTRE's BuildInfo.txt which will contain the versions of libraries that SpECTRE linked against, as well as various CMake variables

Also note that the option --dump-only can be used to have the SpECTRE executable terminate immediately after dumping the information.

Behind the scenes: the main parallel component

Every Charm++ executable needs a mainchare. All SpECTRE executables use Main (found in src/Parallel/Main.hpp) as the mainchare. When a SpECTRE executable is run, the constructor of Main that is executed takes the command line options as an argument (as type CkArgMsg*). This constructor performs the following operations:

  • Prints useful startup information
  • Parses the command line options, performing any requested operations
  • Parses the input file options, populating a tagged tuple with their values. (This is discussed in more detail in a future tutorial on input file options.)
  • Creates the GlobalCache (a nodegroup chare) that holds objects created from input file options that are stored once per Charm++ node, as well as proxies to all other parallel components.
  • Creates user-requested non-array parallel components, passing them the proxy to the GlobalCache as well as any items they request that can be created from input file options.
  • Creates empty array user-requested parallel components
  • Sends the complete list of parallel components to the GlobalCache.

Once the list of parallel components is sent to the GlobalCache on each node, the Main member function allocate_array_components_and_execute_initial_phase will be executed. This will allocate the elements of the array parallel components by calling the allocate_array member function of each component. Then the start_phase member function is called on each component, which will execute the phase action list for the Initialization phase for each component. Charm++ will execute each phase until it detects that nothing is happening (quiescence detection). As this represents a global synchronization point, the number of phases should be minimized in order to exploit the power of SpECTRE. After each phase, the execute_next_phase member function of Main will be called. This member function first determines what the next phase is. If the next phase is Exit, then some useful information is printed and the program exits gracefully. Otherwise the execute_next_phase member function of each parallel component is called.