SpECTRE  v2024.09.29
Spin-weighted spherical harmonics


class  Spectral::Swsh::CoefficientsMetadata
 A container for libsharp metadata for the spin-weighted spherical harmonics modal representation. More...
class  Spectral::Swsh::SpinWeightedSphericalHarmonic
 A utility for evaluating a particular spin-weighted spherical harmonic function at arbitrary points. More...
class  Spectral::Swsh::SwshInterpolator
 Performs interpolation for spin-weighted spherical harmonics by taking advantage of the Clenshaw method of expanding recurrence relations. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Eth
 Struct for labeling the \(\eth\) spin-weighted derivative in tags. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Ethbar
 Struct for labeling the \(\bar{\eth}\) spin-weighted derivative in tags. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::EthEth
 Struct for labeling the \(\eth^2\) spin-weighted derivative in tags. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::EthbarEth
 Struct for labeling the \(\bar{\eth} \eth\) spin-weighted derivative in tags. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::EthEthbar
 Struct for labeling the \(\eth \bar{\eth}\) spin-weighted derivative in tags. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::EthbarEthbar
 Struct for labeling the \(\bar{\eth}^2\) spin-weighted derivative in tags. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::InverseEth
 Struct for labeling the inverse \(\eth^{-1}\) spin-weighted derivative in tags. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::InverseEthbar
 Struct for labeling the inverse \(\bar{\eth}^{-1}\) spin-weighted derivative in tags. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative< Tag, DerivativeKind >
 Prefix tag representing the spin-weighted derivative of a spin-weighted scalar. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::SwshTransform< Tag >
 Prefix tag representing the spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform of a spin-weighted scalar. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::LMaxBase
 Base Tag for the maximum spin-weighted spherical harmonic l; sets angular resolution. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::LMax
 Tag for the maximum spin-weighted spherical harmonic l; sets angular resolution. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::NumberOfRadialPointsBase
 Base Tag for the number of radial grid points in the three-dimensional representation of radially concentric spherical shells. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::NumberOfRadialPoints
 Tag for the number of radial grid points in the three-dimensional representation of radially concentric spherical shells. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::Tags::SwshInterpolator< Tag >
 Tag for a SwshInterpolator associated with a particular set of angular coordinates. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::SwshTransform< TagList, Representation >
 A DataBox mutate-compatible computational struct for performing several spin-weighted spherical harmonic transforms. Internally dispatches to libsharp. More...
struct  Spectral::Swsh::InverseSwshTransform< TagList, Representation >
 A DataBox mutate-compatible computational struct for performing several spin-weighted inverse spherical harmonic transforms. Internally dispatches to libsharp. More...


template<typename DerivativeTag >
using Spectral::Swsh::coefficient_buffer_tags_for_derivative_tag = tmpl::list< Spectral::Swsh::Tags::SwshTransform< typename DerivativeTag::derivative_of >, Spectral::Swsh::Tags::SwshTransform< DerivativeTag > >
 A metafunction for determining the coefficient buffers needed by angular_derivatives() to avoid repeatedly allocating space for modal data each time a derivative is taken. More...
template<int Spin, typename TagList >
using Spectral::Swsh::get_tags_with_spin = tmpl::remove_duplicates< tmpl::filter< TagList, detail::has_spin< tmpl::_1, std::integral_constant< int, Spin > > > >
 Extract from TagList the subset of those tags that have a static int member spin equal to the template parameter Spin. More...
template<int Spin, typename TagList >
using Spectral::Swsh::get_prefix_tags_that_wrap_tags_with_spin = tmpl::filter< TagList, tmpl::bind< detail::wrapped_has_spin, tmpl::_1, std::integral_constant< int, Spin > > >
 Extract from TagList the subset of those tags that wrap a tag that has a static int member spin equal to the template parameter Spin. More...
template<ComplexRepresentation Representation, typename DerivativeTagList >
using Spectral::Swsh::make_transform_list_from_derivative_tags = typename detail::make_transform_list_impl< -2, Representation, tmpl::transform< DerivativeTagList, tmpl::bind< db::remove_tag_prefix, tmpl::_1 > >, decltype(std::make_integer_sequence< int, 5 >{})>::type
 Assemble a tmpl::list of SwshTransforms given a list of Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative<Tag, Derivative> that need to be computed. The SwshTransforms constructed by this type alias correspond to the Tags in the list. More...


constexpr size_t Spectral::Swsh::size_of_libsharp_coefficient_vector (const size_t l_max)
 Convenience function for determining the number of spin-weighted spherical harmonics coefficients that are stored for a given l_max More...
constexpr double Spectral::Swsh::sharp_swsh_sign_change (const int from_spin_weight, const int to_spin_weight, const bool real)
 Compute the relative sign change necessary to convert between the libsharp basis for spin weight from_spin_weight to the basis for spin weight to_spin_weight, for the real component coefficients if real is true, otherwise for the imaginary component coefficients. The sign change for a given coefficient is equivalent to the product of sharp_swsh_sign(from_spin, m, real) * sharp_swsh_sign(to_spin, m, real). Due to the form of the signs, it does not end up depending on m (the m's in the power of \(-1\)'s cancel). For full details of the libsharp sign conventions, see the documentation for TransformJob. More...
constexpr double Spectral::Swsh::sharp_swsh_sign (const int spin_weight, const int m, const bool real)
 Compute the sign change between the libsharp convention and the set of spin-weighted spherical harmonics given by the relation to the Wigner rotation matrices. More...
const CoefficientsMetadataSpectral::Swsh::cached_coefficients_metadata (size_t l_max)
 Generation function for obtaining a CoefficientsMetadata object which is computed by the libsharp calls only once, then lazily cached as a singleton via a static member of a function template. This is the preferred method for obtaining a CoefficientsMetadata when the l_max is not very large. More...
template<int Spin>
std::complex< double > Spectral::Swsh::libsharp_mode_to_goldberg (size_t l, int m, size_t l_max, const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &libsharp_modes, size_t radial_offset)
 Compute the mode coefficient for the convention of [81]. See the documentation for TransformJob for complete details on the libsharp and Goldberg coefficient representations. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair (const LibsharpCoefficientInfo &coefficient_info, gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * > libsharp_modes, size_t radial_offset, std::complex< double > goldberg_plus_m_mode_value, std::complex< double > goldberg_minus_m_mode_value)
 Set modes of a libsharp-compatible data structure by specifying the modes in the [81] representation. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair (size_t l, int m, size_t l_max, gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * > libsharp_modes, size_t radial_offset, std::complex< double > goldberg_plus_m_mode_value, std::complex< double > goldberg_minus_m_mode_value)
 Set modes of a libsharp-compatible data structure by specifying the modes in the [81] representation. More...
constexpr size_t Spectral::Swsh::goldberg_mode_index (const size_t l_max, const size_t l, const int m, const size_t radial_offset=0)
 Returns the index into a vector of modes consistent with [81]. More...
constexpr size_t Spectral::Swsh::number_of_swsh_collocation_points (const size_t l_max)
 Convenience function for determining the number of spin-weighted spherical harmonic collocation values that are stored for a given l_max for a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points.
constexpr size_t Spectral::Swsh::number_of_swsh_theta_collocation_points (const size_t l_max)
 Returns the number of spin-weighted spherical harmonic collocation values in \(\theta\) for a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points. More...
constexpr size_t Spectral::Swsh::number_of_swsh_phi_collocation_points (const size_t l_max)
 Returns the number of spin-weighted spherical harmonic collocation values in \(\phi\) for a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points. More...
Mesh< 3 > Spectral::Swsh::swsh_volume_mesh_for_radial_operations (const size_t l_max, const size_t number_of_radial_points)
 Obtain the three-dimensional mesh associated with a libsharp-compatible sequence of spherical nodal shells. More...
template<ComplexRepresentation Representation = ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved, int Spin, typename... ModalThenNodalTypes>
void Spectral::Swsh::swsh_transform (const size_t l_max, const size_t number_of_radial_points, const gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * > first_coefficient, const ModalThenNodalTypes &... coefficients_then_collocations)
 Perform a forward libsharp spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform on any number of supplied SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>. More...
template<ComplexRepresentation Representation = ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved, int Spin>
SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > Spectral::Swsh::swsh_transform (size_t l_max, size_t number_of_radial_points, const SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > &collocation)
 Perform a forward libsharp spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform on a single supplied SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>. More...
template<ComplexRepresentation Representation = ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved, int Spin, typename... NodalThenModalTypes>
void Spectral::Swsh::inverse_swsh_transform (const size_t l_max, const size_t number_of_radial_points, const gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * > first_collocation, const NodalThenModalTypes &... collocations_then_coefficients)
 Perform an inverse libsharp spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform on any number of supplied SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>. More...
template<ComplexRepresentation Representation = ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved, int Spin>
SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > Spectral::Swsh::inverse_swsh_transform (size_t l_max, size_t number_of_radial_points, const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &libsharp_coefficients)
 Perform an inverse libsharp spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform on a single supplied SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::interpolate_to_collocation (gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * > target, const SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > &source, size_t target_l_max, size_t source_l_max, size_t number_of_radial_points)
 Convert spin-weighted spherical harmonic data to a new set of collocation points (either downsampling or upsampling)
template<ComplexRepresentation Representation, typename TagList >
using Spectral::Swsh::make_transform_list = typename detail::make_transform_list_impl< -2, Representation, TagList, decltype(std::make_integer_sequence< int, 5 >{})>::type
 Assemble a tmpl::list of SwshTransforms or InverseSwshTransforms given a list of tags TagList that need to be transformed. The Representation is the Spectral::Swsh::ComplexRepresentation to use for the transformations. More...
template<ComplexRepresentation Representation, typename TagList >
using Spectral::Swsh::make_inverse_transform_list = typename detail::make_inverse_transform_list_impl< -2, Representation, TagList, decltype(std::make_integer_sequence< int, 5 >{})>::type
 Assemble a tmpl::list of SwshTransforms or InverseSwshTransforms given a list of tags TagList that need to be transformed. The Representation is the Spectral::Swsh::ComplexRepresentation to use for the transformations. More...
template<int Spin>
std::complex< double > Spectral::Swsh::libsharp_mode_to_goldberg_plus_m (const LibsharpCoefficientInfo &coefficient_info, const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &libsharp_modes, size_t radial_offset)
 Compute the mode coefficient for the convention of [81]. More...
template<int Spin>
std::complex< double > Spectral::Swsh::libsharp_mode_to_goldberg_minus_m (const LibsharpCoefficientInfo &coefficient_info, const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &libsharp_modes, size_t radial_offset)
 Compute the mode coefficient for the convention of [81]. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::libsharp_to_goldberg_modes (gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * > goldberg_modes, const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &libsharp_modes, size_t l_max)
 Compute the set of Goldberg Spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes (in the convention of [81]) from a libsharp-compatible series of modes. More...
template<int Spin>
SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > Spectral::Swsh::libsharp_to_goldberg_modes (const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &libsharp_modes, size_t l_max)
 Compute the set of Goldberg Spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes (in the convention of [81]) from a libsharp-compatible series of modes. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::goldberg_to_libsharp_modes (gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * > libsharp_modes, const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &goldberg_modes, size_t l_max)
 Compute the set of libsharp-compatible spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes from a set of Goldberg modes (following the convention of [81]) More...
template<int Spin>
SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > Spectral::Swsh::goldberg_to_libsharp_modes (const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &goldberg_modes, size_t l_max)
 Compute the set of libsharp-compatible spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes from a set of Goldberg modes (following the convention of [81]) More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_volume_quantity (gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * > to_filter, size_t l_max, size_t filter_max_l, double exponential_alpha, size_t exponential_half_power, gsl::not_null< ComplexDataVector * > buffer, gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * > transform_buffer)
 Filter a volume collocation set in the form of consecutive libsharp-compatible spherical shells. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_volume_quantity (gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * > to_filter, size_t l_max, size_t filter_max_l, double exponential_alpha, size_t exponential_half_power)
 Filter a volume collocation set in the form of consecutive libsharp-compatible spherical shells. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_volume_quantity (gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * > to_filter, size_t l_max, size_t filter_min_l, size_t filter_max_l, double exponential_alpha, size_t exponential_half_power, gsl::not_null< ComplexDataVector * > buffer, gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * > transform_buffer)
 Filter a volume collocation set in the form of consecutive libsharp-compatible spherical shells. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_volume_quantity (gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * > to_filter, size_t l_max, size_t filter_min_l, size_t filter_max_l, double exponential_alpha, size_t exponential_half_power)
 Filter a volume collocation set in the form of consecutive libsharp-compatible spherical shells. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_boundary_quantity (gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * > to_filter, size_t l_max, size_t filter_max_l, gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * > transform_buffer)
 Filter a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points on a spherical surface. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_boundary_quantity (gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * > to_filter, size_t l_max, size_t filter_max_l)
 Filter a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points on a spherical surface. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_boundary_quantity (gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * > to_filter, size_t l_max, size_t filter_min_l, size_t filter_max_l, gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * > transform_buffer)
 Filter a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points on a spherical surface. More...
template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_boundary_quantity (gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * > to_filter, size_t l_max, size_t filter_min_l, size_t filter_max_l)
 Filter a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points on a spherical surface. More...

Detailed Description

Utilities, tags, and metafunctions for using and manipulating spin-weighted spherical harmonics

Typedef Documentation

◆ coefficient_buffer_tags_for_derivative_tag

template<typename DerivativeTag >
using Spectral::Swsh::coefficient_buffer_tags_for_derivative_tag = typedef tmpl::list< Spectral::Swsh::Tags::SwshTransform<typename DerivativeTag::derivative_of>, Spectral::Swsh::Tags::SwshTransform<DerivativeTag> >

A metafunction for determining the coefficient buffers needed by angular_derivatives() to avoid repeatedly allocating space for modal data each time a derivative is taken.

Using these buffers is required to use the batch angular_derivatives() rather than the individual angular_derivative().

◆ get_prefix_tags_that_wrap_tags_with_spin

template<int Spin, typename TagList >
using Spectral::Swsh::get_prefix_tags_that_wrap_tags_with_spin = typedef tmpl::filter<TagList, tmpl::bind<detail::wrapped_has_spin, tmpl::_1, std::integral_constant<int, Spin> >>

Extract from TagList the subset of those tags that wrap a tag that has a static int member spin equal to the template parameter Spin.

using WrappedTagList = tmpl::list<Derivative<SpinMinus1TestTag, Eth>,
Derivative<SpinMinus1TestTag, EthEthbar>,
Derivative<AnotherSpinMinus1TestTag, EthEth>,
Derivative<Spin2TestTag, Ethbar>>;
std::is_same_v<get_prefix_tags_that_wrap_tags_with_spin<-1, WrappedTagList>,
tmpl::list<Derivative<SpinMinus1TestTag, Eth>,
Derivative<SpinMinus1TestTag, EthEthbar>,
Derivative<AnotherSpinMinus1TestTag, EthEth>>>,
"failed testing get_wrapped_tags_with_spin_from_prefix_tag_list");
tmpl::filter< TagList, tmpl::bind< detail::wrapped_has_spin, tmpl::_1, std::integral_constant< int, Spin > > > get_prefix_tags_that_wrap_tags_with_spin
Extract from TagList the subset of those tags that wrap a tag that has a static int member spin equal...
Definition: SwshTags.hpp:269

◆ get_tags_with_spin

template<int Spin, typename TagList >
using Spectral::Swsh::get_tags_with_spin = typedef tmpl::remove_duplicates<tmpl::filter< TagList, detail::has_spin<tmpl::_1, std::integral_constant<int, Spin> >> >

Extract from TagList the subset of those tags that have a static int member spin equal to the template parameter Spin.

using TestVarTagList = tmpl::list<SpinMinus1TestTag, SpinMinus1TestTag,
AnotherSpinMinus1TestTag, Spin2TestTag>;
std::is_same_v<get_tags_with_spin<-1, TestVarTagList>,
tmpl::list<SpinMinus1TestTag, AnotherSpinMinus1TestTag>>,
"failed testing get_tags_with_spin");
using TestDerivativeTagList =
tmpl::list<Derivative<SpinMinus1TestTag, Eth>,
Derivative<SpinMinus1TestTag, EthEthbar>,
Derivative<AnotherSpinMinus1TestTag, EthEth>,
Derivative<Spin2TestTag, Ethbar>>;
std::is_same_v<get_tags_with_spin<1, TestDerivativeTagList>,
tmpl::list<Derivative<AnotherSpinMinus1TestTag, EthEth>,
Derivative<Spin2TestTag, Ethbar>>>,
"failed testing get_tags_with_spin");
tmpl::remove_duplicates< tmpl::filter< TagList, detail::has_spin< tmpl::_1, std::integral_constant< int, Spin > > > > get_tags_with_spin
Extract from TagList the subset of those tags that have a static int member spin equal to the templat...
Definition: SwshTags.hpp:259

◆ make_inverse_transform_list

template<ComplexRepresentation Representation, typename TagList >
using Spectral::Swsh::make_inverse_transform_list = typedef typename detail::make_inverse_transform_list_impl< -2, Representation, TagList, decltype(std::make_integer_sequence<int, 5>{})>::type

Assemble a tmpl::list of SwshTransforms or InverseSwshTransforms given a list of tags TagList that need to be transformed. The Representation is the Spectral::Swsh::ComplexRepresentation to use for the transformations.


Up to five SwshTransforms or InverseSwshTransforms will be returned, corresponding to the possible spin values. Any number of transformations are aggregated into that set of SwshTransforms (or InverseSwshTransforms). The number of transforms is up to five because the libsharp utility only has capability to perform spin-weighted spherical harmonic transforms for integer spin-weights from -2 to 2.

using ExpectedInverseTransforms = tmpl::list<
SwshTransform<tmpl::list<Tags::Derivative<TestTag<0, -1>, Tags::EthEthbar>,
Tags::Derivative<TestTag<1, -1>, Tags::EthEthbar>>,
tmpl::list<Tags::Derivative<TestTag<0, -1>, Tags::Eth>,
"failed testing make_transform_list");
typename detail::make_transform_list_impl< -2, Representation, TagList, decltype(std::make_integer_sequence< int, 5 >{})>::type make_transform_list
Assemble a tmpl::list of SwshTransforms or InverseSwshTransforms given a list of tags TagList that ne...
Definition: SwshTransform.hpp:742
A DataBox mutate-compatible computational struct for performing several spin-weighted spherical harmo...
Definition: SwshTransform.hpp:413
Prefix tag representing the spin-weighted derivative of a spin-weighted scalar.
Definition: SwshTags.hpp:149
Struct for labeling the spin-weighted derivative in tags.
Definition: SwshTags.hpp:43
Struct for labeling the spin-weighted derivative in tags.
Definition: SwshTags.hpp:28
Struct for labeling the spin-weighted derivative in tags.
Definition: SwshTags.hpp:47

◆ make_transform_list

template<ComplexRepresentation Representation, typename TagList >
using Spectral::Swsh::make_transform_list = typedef typename detail::make_transform_list_impl< -2, Representation, TagList, decltype(std::make_integer_sequence<int, 5>{})>::type

Assemble a tmpl::list of SwshTransforms or InverseSwshTransforms given a list of tags TagList that need to be transformed. The Representation is the Spectral::Swsh::ComplexRepresentation to use for the transformations.


Up to five SwshTransforms or InverseSwshTransforms will be returned, corresponding to the possible spin values. Any number of transformations are aggregated into that set of SwshTransforms (or InverseSwshTransforms). The number of transforms is up to five because the libsharp utility only has capability to perform spin-weighted spherical harmonic transforms for integer spin-weights from -2 to 2.

using ExpectedInverseTransforms = tmpl::list<
SwshTransform<tmpl::list<Tags::Derivative<TestTag<0, -1>, Tags::EthEthbar>,
Tags::Derivative<TestTag<1, -1>, Tags::EthEthbar>>,
tmpl::list<Tags::Derivative<TestTag<0, -1>, Tags::Eth>,
"failed testing make_transform_list");

◆ make_transform_list_from_derivative_tags

template<ComplexRepresentation Representation, typename DerivativeTagList >
using Spectral::Swsh::make_transform_list_from_derivative_tags = typedef typename detail::make_transform_list_impl< -2, Representation, tmpl::transform<DerivativeTagList, tmpl::bind<db::remove_tag_prefix, tmpl::_1> >, decltype(std::make_integer_sequence<int, 5>{})>::type

Assemble a tmpl::list of SwshTransforms given a list of Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative<Tag, Derivative> that need to be computed. The SwshTransforms constructed by this type alias correspond to the Tags in the list.


This is intended as a convenience utility for the first step of a derivative routine, where one transforms the set of fields for which derivatives are required.

using ExpectedTransforms =
tmpl::list<SwshTransform<tmpl::list<TestTag<0, -1>, TestTag<1, -1>>,
"failed testing make_transform_list_from_derivative_tags");
typename detail::make_transform_list_impl< -2, Representation, tmpl::transform< DerivativeTagList, tmpl::bind< db::remove_tag_prefix, tmpl::_1 > >, decltype(std::make_integer_sequence< int, 5 >{})>::type make_transform_list_from_derivative_tags
Assemble a tmpl::list of SwshTransforms given a list of Spectral::Swsh::Tags::Derivative<Tag,...
Definition: SwshTransform.hpp:768

Function Documentation

◆ cached_coefficients_metadata()

const CoefficientsMetadata & Spectral::Swsh::cached_coefficients_metadata ( size_t  l_max)

Generation function for obtaining a CoefficientsMetadata object which is computed by the libsharp calls only once, then lazily cached as a singleton via a static member of a function template. This is the preferred method for obtaining a CoefficientsMetadata when the l_max is not very large.

See the comments in the similar implementation found in SwshCollocation.hpp for more details on the lazy cache.

◆ filter_swsh_boundary_quantity() [1/4]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_boundary_quantity ( gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * >  to_filter,
size_t  l_max,
size_t  filter_max_l 

Filter a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points on a spherical surface.


A modal Heaviside angular filter is applied which simply sets to zero all l > filter_max_l modes.

For comparisons with SpEC CCE, filter_max_l of l_max - 3 should be used.

◆ filter_swsh_boundary_quantity() [2/4]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_boundary_quantity ( gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * >  to_filter,
size_t  l_max,
size_t  filter_max_l,
gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * >  transform_buffer 

Filter a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points on a spherical surface.


A modal Heaviside angular filter is applied which simply sets to zero all l > filter_max_l modes.

For comparisons with SpEC CCE, filter_max_l of l_max - 3 should be used.

◆ filter_swsh_boundary_quantity() [3/4]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_boundary_quantity ( gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * >  to_filter,
size_t  l_max,
size_t  filter_min_l,
size_t  filter_max_l 

Filter a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points on a spherical surface.


A modal Heaviside angular filter is applied which simply sets to zero all l > max_l and l < min_l modes.

◆ filter_swsh_boundary_quantity() [4/4]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_boundary_quantity ( gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * >  to_filter,
size_t  l_max,
size_t  filter_min_l,
size_t  filter_max_l,
gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * >  transform_buffer 

Filter a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points on a spherical surface.


A modal Heaviside angular filter is applied which simply sets to zero all l > max_l and l < min_l modes.

◆ filter_swsh_volume_quantity() [1/4]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_volume_quantity ( gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * >  to_filter,
size_t  l_max,
size_t  filter_max_l,
double  exponential_alpha,
size_t  exponential_half_power 

Filter a volume collocation set in the form of consecutive libsharp-compatible spherical shells.


Two separate filters are applied. First, an exponential radial filter is applied to each radial ray, with parameters exponential_alpha and exponential_half_power (see Spectral::filtering::exponential_filter for details on these parameters). Next, a modal Heaviside angular filter is applied which simply sets to zero all l > filter_max_l modes.

It is assumed that Gauss-Lobatto points are used for the radial direction (as that is the representation for CCE evolution). If that is too restrictive, this function will need generalization.
In principle, the radial filter in this function could cache the matrix used, but currently does not. If such a cache becomes desirable for performance, care must be taken regarding the exponential parameters. An implementation similar to dg::Actions::ExponentialFilter may be necessary.
For comparisons with SpEC CCE, exponential_half_power of 8, exponential_alpha of 108, and filter_max_l of l_max - 3 should be used. This gives a highly aggressive radial filter, though, and for runs not attempting to compare with SpEC it is recommended to use smaller parameters to preserve more of the radial modes.

◆ filter_swsh_volume_quantity() [2/4]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_volume_quantity ( gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * >  to_filter,
size_t  l_max,
size_t  filter_max_l,
double  exponential_alpha,
size_t  exponential_half_power,
gsl::not_null< ComplexDataVector * >  buffer,
gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * >  transform_buffer 

Filter a volume collocation set in the form of consecutive libsharp-compatible spherical shells.


Two separate filters are applied. First, an exponential radial filter is applied to each radial ray, with parameters exponential_alpha and exponential_half_power (see Spectral::filtering::exponential_filter for details on these parameters). Next, a modal Heaviside angular filter is applied which simply sets to zero all l > filter_max_l modes.

It is assumed that Gauss-Lobatto points are used for the radial direction (as that is the representation for CCE evolution). If that is too restrictive, this function will need generalization.
In principle, the radial filter in this function could cache the matrix used, but currently does not. If such a cache becomes desirable for performance, care must be taken regarding the exponential parameters. An implementation similar to dg::Actions::ExponentialFilter may be necessary.
For comparisons with SpEC CCE, exponential_half_power of 8, exponential_alpha of 108, and filter_max_l of l_max - 3 should be used. This gives a highly aggressive radial filter, though, and for runs not attempting to compare with SpEC it is recommended to use smaller parameters to preserve more of the radial modes.

◆ filter_swsh_volume_quantity() [3/4]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_volume_quantity ( gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * >  to_filter,
size_t  l_max,
size_t  filter_min_l,
size_t  filter_max_l,
double  exponential_alpha,
size_t  exponential_half_power 

Filter a volume collocation set in the form of consecutive libsharp-compatible spherical shells.


Two separate filters are applied. First, an exponential radial filter is applied to each radial ray, with parameters exponential_alpha and exponential_half_power (see Spectral::filtering::exponential_filter for details on these parameters). Next, a modal Heaviside angular filter is applied which simply sets to zero all l > max_l or l < min_l modes.

It is assumed that Gauss-Lobatto points are used for the radial direction (as that is the representation for CCE evolution). If that is too restrictive, this function will need generalization.
In principle, the radial filter in this function could cache the matrix used, but currently does not. If such a cache becomes desirable for performance, care must be taken regarding the exponential parameters. An implementation similar to dg::Actions::ExponentialFilter may be necessary.

◆ filter_swsh_volume_quantity() [4/4]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::filter_swsh_volume_quantity ( gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * >  to_filter,
size_t  l_max,
size_t  filter_min_l,
size_t  filter_max_l,
double  exponential_alpha,
size_t  exponential_half_power,
gsl::not_null< ComplexDataVector * >  buffer,
gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * >  transform_buffer 

Filter a volume collocation set in the form of consecutive libsharp-compatible spherical shells.


Two separate filters are applied. First, an exponential radial filter is applied to each radial ray, with parameters exponential_alpha and exponential_half_power (see Spectral::filtering::exponential_filter for details on these parameters). Next, a modal Heaviside angular filter is applied which simply sets to zero all l > max_l or l < min_l modes.

It is assumed that Gauss-Lobatto points are used for the radial direction (as that is the representation for CCE evolution). If that is too restrictive, this function will need generalization.
In principle, the radial filter in this function could cache the matrix used, but currently does not. If such a cache becomes desirable for performance, care must be taken regarding the exponential parameters. An implementation similar to dg::Actions::ExponentialFilter may be necessary.

◆ goldberg_mode_index()

constexpr size_t Spectral::Swsh::goldberg_mode_index ( const size_t  l_max,
const size_t  l,
const int  m,
const size_t  radial_offset = 0 

Returns the index into a vector of modes consistent with [81].


radial_offset is used to index into three-dimensional data in which concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular modes. Goldberg modes are stored in an m varies fastest, and ascending \(m\) and \(l\) values. So, the first several modes are (l, m):

[(0, 0), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, -2), ...]

◆ goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair() [1/2]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair ( const LibsharpCoefficientInfo coefficient_info,
gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * >  libsharp_modes,
size_t  radial_offset,
std::complex< double >  goldberg_plus_m_mode_value,
std::complex< double >  goldberg_minus_m_mode_value 

Set modes of a libsharp-compatible data structure by specifying the modes in the [81] representation.


This interface takes a LibsharpCoefficientInfo, so that iterating over the libsharp data structure and performing edits based on the corresponding Goldberg modes is convenient.

coefficient_infoAn iterator which stores an \(l\) and \(|m|\) for the mode to be written by the input Goldberg modes. Note that both the \(+m\) and \(-m\) modes must be simultaneously changed, due to the representation details. See discussion in TransformJob for details.
libsharp_modesThe libsharp-compatible modal storage to be altered.
radial_offsetThe index of which angular slice is desired. Modes for concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular modes.
goldberg_plus_m_mode_valueThe coefficient in the Goldberg representation ( \(l\), \(m\))
goldberg_minus_m_mode_valueThe coefficient in the Goldberg representation ( \(l\), \(-m\))

◆ goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair() [2/2]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair ( size_t  l,
int  m,
size_t  l_max,
gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * >  libsharp_modes,
size_t  radial_offset,
std::complex< double >  goldberg_plus_m_mode_value,
std::complex< double >  goldberg_minus_m_mode_value 

Set modes of a libsharp-compatible data structure by specifying the modes in the [81] representation.


This interface sets the ( \(l\), \(\pm m\)), modes in a libsharp-compatible representation from modes specified in the Goldberg representation. Note that both the \(+m\) and \(-m\) modes must be simultaneously changed, due to the representation details. See discussion in TransformJob for details.

libsharp_modesThe libsharp-compatible modal storage to be altered.
radial_offsetThe index of which angular slice is desired. Modes for concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular modes.
goldberg_plus_m_mode_valueThe coefficient in the Goldberg representation ( \(l\), \(m\))
goldberg_minus_m_mode_valueThe coefficient in the Goldberg representation ( \(l\), \(-m\))
lthe spherical harmonic \(l\) mode requested
mthe spherical harmonic \(m\) mode requested
l_maxthe l_max for the provided coefficient set

◆ goldberg_to_libsharp_modes() [1/2]

template<int Spin>
SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > Spectral::Swsh::goldberg_to_libsharp_modes ( const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &  goldberg_modes,
size_t  l_max 

Compute the set of libsharp-compatible spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes from a set of Goldberg modes (following the convention of [81])


Internally iterates and uses the goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair(). In many applications where it is not necessary to store the full Goldberg representation, memory allocation can be saved by manually performing the iteration and calls to goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair().

◆ goldberg_to_libsharp_modes() [2/2]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::goldberg_to_libsharp_modes ( gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * >  libsharp_modes,
const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &  goldberg_modes,
size_t  l_max 

Compute the set of libsharp-compatible spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes from a set of Goldberg modes (following the convention of [81])


Internally iterates and uses the goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair(). In many applications where it is not necessary to store the full Goldberg representation, memory allocation can be saved by manually performing the iteration and calls to goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair().

◆ inverse_swsh_transform() [1/2]

template<ComplexRepresentation Representation = ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved, int Spin, typename... NodalThenModalTypes>
void Spectral::Swsh::inverse_swsh_transform ( const size_t  l_max,
const size_t  number_of_radial_points,
const gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > * >  first_collocation,
const NodalThenModalTypes &...  collocations_then_coefficients 

Perform an inverse libsharp spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform on any number of supplied SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>.


This function places the result in one or more SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin> returned via provided pointer. This is a simpler interface to the same functionality as the DataBox mutation compatible InverseSwshTransform.

The following parameter ordering for the multiple input interface is enforced by the interior function calls, but is not obvious from the explicit parameter packs in this function signature:

  • size_t l_max : angular resolution for the transform
  • size_t number_of_radial_points : radial resolution (number of consecutive transforms in each of the vectors)
  • any number of gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>*>, all sharing the same Spin : The return-by-pointer containers for the transformed nodal quantities
  • the same number of const SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>&, with the same Spin as the previous function argument set : The input containers of modal spin-weighted spherical harmonic data.

template parameters:

  • Representation: Either ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved or ComplexRepresentation::RealsThenImags, indicating the representation for intermediate steps of the transformation. The two representations will give identical results but may help or hurt performance depending on the task. If unspecified, defaults to ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved.

The input is a set of libsharp-compatible coefficients.

See also
SwshTransform for more details on the mathematics of the libsharp data structures.

◆ inverse_swsh_transform() [2/2]

template<ComplexRepresentation Representation = ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved, int Spin>
SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > Spectral::Swsh::inverse_swsh_transform ( size_t  l_max,
size_t  number_of_radial_points,
const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &  libsharp_coefficients 

Perform an inverse libsharp spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform on a single supplied SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>.


This function returns a SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin> by value (causing an allocation). This is a simpler interface to the same functionality as the DataBox mutation compatible InverseSwshTransform. If you have two or more vectors to transform at once, consider the pass-by-pointer version of Spectral::Swsh::inverse_swsh_transform or the DataBox interface SwshTransform, as they are more efficient for performing several transforms at once.

The input is a set of libsharp-compatible coefficients.

See also
SwshTransform for more details on the mathematics of the libsharp data structures.

◆ libsharp_mode_to_goldberg()

template<int Spin>
std::complex< double > Spectral::Swsh::libsharp_mode_to_goldberg ( size_t  l,
int  m,
size_t  l_max,
const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &  libsharp_modes,
size_t  radial_offset 

Compute the mode coefficient for the convention of [81]. See the documentation for TransformJob for complete details on the libsharp and Goldberg coefficient representations.


This interface extracts the (l, m) Goldberg mode from the provided libsharp-compatible libsharp_modes, at angular slice radial_offset (Modes for concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular modes). l_max must also be specified to determine the representation details.

◆ libsharp_mode_to_goldberg_minus_m()

template<int Spin>
std::complex< double > Spectral::Swsh::libsharp_mode_to_goldberg_minus_m ( const LibsharpCoefficientInfo coefficient_info,
const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &  libsharp_modes,
size_t  radial_offset 

Compute the mode coefficient for the convention of [81].


See the documentation for TransformJob for complete details on the libsharp and Goldberg coefficient representations. This interface takes a LibsharpCoefficientInfo, so that iterating over the libsharp data structure and performing computations based on the corresponding Goldberg modes is convenient. Two functions are provided, one for the positive m modes in the Goldberg representation, and one for the negative m modes, as the distinction is not made by the coefficient iterator.

coefficient_infoAn iterator which stores an \(l\) and \(|m|\) for the mode to be converted to the Goldberg form.
libsharp_modesThe libsharp-compatible modal storage to be accessed
radial_offsetThe index of which angular slice is desired. Modes for concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular modes.

◆ libsharp_mode_to_goldberg_plus_m()

template<int Spin>
std::complex< double > Spectral::Swsh::libsharp_mode_to_goldberg_plus_m ( const LibsharpCoefficientInfo coefficient_info,
const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &  libsharp_modes,
size_t  radial_offset 

Compute the mode coefficient for the convention of [81].


See the documentation for TransformJob for complete details on the libsharp and Goldberg coefficient representations. This interface takes a LibsharpCoefficientInfo, so that iterating over the libsharp data structure and performing computations based on the corresponding Goldberg modes is convenient. Two functions are provided, one for the positive m modes in the Goldberg representation, and one for the negative m modes, as the distinction is not made by the coefficient iterator.

coefficient_infoAn iterator which stores an \(l\) and \(|m|\) for the mode to be converted to the Goldberg form.
libsharp_modesThe libsharp-compatible modal storage to be accessed
radial_offsetThe index of which angular slice is desired. Modes for concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular modes.

◆ libsharp_to_goldberg_modes() [1/2]

template<int Spin>
SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > Spectral::Swsh::libsharp_to_goldberg_modes ( const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &  libsharp_modes,
size_t  l_max 

Compute the set of Goldberg Spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes (in the convention of [81]) from a libsharp-compatible series of modes.


Modes for concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular modes in both representations.

◆ libsharp_to_goldberg_modes() [2/2]

template<int Spin>
void Spectral::Swsh::libsharp_to_goldberg_modes ( gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * >  goldberg_modes,
const SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > &  libsharp_modes,
size_t  l_max 

Compute the set of Goldberg Spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes (in the convention of [81]) from a libsharp-compatible series of modes.


Modes for concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular modes in both representations.

◆ number_of_swsh_phi_collocation_points()

constexpr size_t Spectral::Swsh::number_of_swsh_phi_collocation_points ( const size_t  l_max)

Returns the number of spin-weighted spherical harmonic collocation values in \(\phi\) for a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points.


The full number of collocation points is the product of the number of \(\theta\) points and the number of \(\phi\) points (a 'rectangular' grid).

◆ number_of_swsh_theta_collocation_points()

constexpr size_t Spectral::Swsh::number_of_swsh_theta_collocation_points ( const size_t  l_max)

Returns the number of spin-weighted spherical harmonic collocation values in \(\theta\) for a libsharp-compatible set of collocation points.


The full number of collocation points is the product of the number of \(\theta\) points and the number of \(\phi\) points (a 'rectangular' grid).

◆ sharp_swsh_sign()

constexpr double Spectral::Swsh::sharp_swsh_sign ( const int  spin_weight,
const int  m,
const bool  real 

Compute the sign change between the libsharp convention and the set of spin-weighted spherical harmonics given by the relation to the Wigner rotation matrices.


The sign change is obtained via the difference between the libsharp convention and the convention which uses:

\[ {}_s Y_{\ell m} (\theta, \phi) = (-1)^m \sqrt{\frac{2 l + 1}{4 \pi}} D^{\ell}{}_{-m s}(\phi, \theta, 0). \]

See [81]. The sign change is computed for the real component coefficients if real is true, otherwise for the imaginary component coefficients. For full details on the sign convention used in libsharp, see the documentation for TransformJob. This function outputs the \(\mathrm{sign}(m, s, \mathrm{real})\) necessary to produce the conversion between Goldberg moments and libsharp moments:

\begin{align*} {}_s Y_{\ell m}^{\mathrm{real}, \mathrm{sharp}} =& \mathrm{sign}(m, s, \mathrm{real=true}) {}_s Y_{\ell m}^{\mathrm{Goldberg}}\\ {}_s Y_{\ell m}^{\mathrm{imag}, \mathrm{sharp}} =& \mathrm{sign}(m, s, \mathrm{real=false}) {}_s Y_{\ell m}^{\mathrm{Goldberg}}. \end{align*}

Note that in this equation, the "real" and "imag" superscripts refer to the set of basis functions used for the decomposition of the real and imaginary part of the spin-weighted collocation points, not real or imaginary parts of the basis functions themselves.

◆ sharp_swsh_sign_change()

constexpr double Spectral::Swsh::sharp_swsh_sign_change ( const int  from_spin_weight,
const int  to_spin_weight,
const bool  real 

Compute the relative sign change necessary to convert between the libsharp basis for spin weight from_spin_weight to the basis for spin weight to_spin_weight, for the real component coefficients if real is true, otherwise for the imaginary component coefficients. The sign change for a given coefficient is equivalent to the product of sharp_swsh_sign(from_spin, m, real) * sharp_swsh_sign(to_spin, m, real). Due to the form of the signs, it does not end up depending on m (the m's in the power of \(-1\)'s cancel). For full details of the libsharp sign conventions, see the documentation for TransformJob.


The sign change is obtained by the difference between the libsharp convention and the convention which uses:

\[ {}_s Y_{\ell m} (\theta, \phi) = (-1)^m \sqrt{\frac{2 l + 1}{4 \pi}} D^{\ell}{}_{-m s}(\phi, \theta, 0). \]

See [81]

◆ size_of_libsharp_coefficient_vector()

constexpr size_t Spectral::Swsh::size_of_libsharp_coefficient_vector ( const size_t  l_max)

Convenience function for determining the number of spin-weighted spherical harmonics coefficients that are stored for a given l_max


This includes the factor of 2 associated with needing to store both the transform of the real and imaginary parts, so is the full size of the result of a libsharp swsh transform.

Assumes the triangular libsharp representation is used.

◆ swsh_transform() [1/2]

template<ComplexRepresentation Representation = ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved, int Spin, typename... ModalThenNodalTypes>
void Spectral::Swsh::swsh_transform ( const size_t  l_max,
const size_t  number_of_radial_points,
const gsl::not_null< SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > * >  first_coefficient,
const ModalThenNodalTypes &...  coefficients_then_collocations 

Perform a forward libsharp spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform on any number of supplied SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>.


This function places the result in one or more SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin> returned via provided pointer. This is a simpler interface to the same functionality as the DataBox mutation compatible SwshTransform.

The following parameter ordering for the multiple input interface is enforced by the interior function calls, but is not obvious from the explicit parameter packs in this function signature:

  • size_t l_max : angular resolution for the transform
  • size_t number_of_radial_points : radial resolution (number of consecutive transforms in each of the vectors)
  • any number of gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>*>, all sharing the same Spin : The return-by-pointer containers for the transformed modal quantities
  • the same number of const SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>&, with the same Spin as the previous function argument set : The input containers of nodal spin-weighted spherical harmonic data.

template parameters:

  • Representation: Either ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved or ComplexRepresentation::RealsThenImags, indicating the representation for intermediate steps of the transformation. The two representations will give identical results but may help or hurt performance depending on the task. If unspecified, defaults to ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved.

The result is a set of libsharp-compatible coefficients.

See also
SwshTransform for more details on the mathematics of the libsharp data structures.
The collocation data is taken by const reference, but can be temporarily altered in-place during intermediate parts of the computation. The input data is guaranteed to return to its original state by the end of the function. In a setting in which multiple threads access the same data passed as input to this function, a lock must be used to prevent access during the execution of the transform.

◆ swsh_transform() [2/2]

template<ComplexRepresentation Representation = ComplexRepresentation::Interleaved, int Spin>
SpinWeighted< ComplexModalVector, Spin > Spectral::Swsh::swsh_transform ( size_t  l_max,
size_t  number_of_radial_points,
const SpinWeighted< ComplexDataVector, Spin > &  collocation 

Perform a forward libsharp spin-weighted spherical harmonic transform on a single supplied SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>.


This function returns a SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin> by value (causing an allocation). This is a simpler interface to the same functionality as the DataBox mutation compatible SwshTransform. If you have two or more vectors to transform at once, consider the pass-by-pointer version of Spectral::Swsh::swsh_transform or the DataBox interface InverseSwshTransform, as they are more efficient for performing several transforms at once.

The result is a set of libsharp-compatible coefficients.

See also
SwshTransform for more details on the mathematics of the libsharp data structures.
The collocation data is taken by const reference, but can be temporarily altered in-place during intermediate parts of the computation. The input data is guaranteed to return to its original state by the end of the function. In a setting in which multiple threads access the same data passed as input to this function, a lock must be used to prevent access during the execution of the transform.

◆ swsh_volume_mesh_for_radial_operations()

Mesh< 3 > Spectral::Swsh::swsh_volume_mesh_for_radial_operations ( const size_t  l_max,
const size_t  number_of_radial_points 

Obtain the three-dimensional mesh associated with a libsharp-compatible sequence of spherical nodal shells.

This is to be used only for operations in the radial direction! The angular collocation points should not be regarded as having a useful product representation for e.g. taking derivatives in just the theta direction. Instead, use spin-weighted utilities for all angular operations.