SpECTRE  v2024.12.16

Introduction to IMEX

IMEX (implicit-explicit) integration is a method for stabilizing the numerical evolution of stiff differential equations. While "stiff" is not a precisely defined term, it generally refers to equations where the time step required to achieve numerical stability is much shorter than the timescale of the evolution of the solution, often by orders of magnitude. An example of a stiff equation is

\begin{equation} \label{eq:example-equation} \frac{dy}{dt} = -k (y - f(t)) \end{equation}

with \(k\) very large. After a brief initial transient, the solution is very well-approximated as \(y = f(t) + O(k^{-1})\), but will be unstable if evolved using an explicit time stepper with a step size larger than approximately \(k^{-1}\), even if \(f\) is slowly varying.

To see the source of the stability problem, consider evolving \(\eqref{eq:example-equation}\) using Euler's method. For a step from \(t_0\) to \(t_1 = t_0 + \Delta t\), we find

\begin{equation} \label{eq:example-Euler} y_1 = y_0 + \Delta t \frac{dy}{dt}(y_0, t_0) = y_0 - k \Delta t (y_0 - f(t_0)), \end{equation}

giving the divergence from the known infinite- \(k\) solution of

\begin{equation} y_1 - f(t_1) = y_0 - f(t_1) - k \Delta t (y_0 - f(t_0)). \end{equation}

If \(k \Delta t\), is large, the last term will dominate and the deviation from the approximate solution will increase by roughly that factor every step.

To improve this, we can evolve using an implicit time stepper. Taking the same step as above with the backwards Euler method gives

\begin{equation} \label{eq:example-backwards-Euler} y_1 = y_0 + \Delta t \frac{dy}{dt}(y_1, t_1) = y_0 - k \Delta t (y_1 - f(t_1)), \end{equation}

for a deviation of

\begin{equation} y_1 - f(t_1) = \frac{y_0 - f(t_1)}{1 + k \Delta t}. \end{equation}

This goes to zero as \(k \Delta t\) becomes large, showing convergence to the infinite- \(k\) solution.

The unconditional (linear) stability achievable by implicit integrators allows them to solve problems not feasible with explicit methods, but it comes at a significant price. While the explicit update \(\eqref{eq:example-Euler}\) directly gave \(y_1\), the implicit update \(\eqref{eq:example-backwards-Euler}\) required the equation to be solved for the updated quantity. In this example that was fairly easy, but, in a real application, finding an analytic solution is likely to be difficult, if not impossible. Implicit integrators are therefore usually used with a numerical solve of the update equation. Even for simple systems, this root-finding procedure adds significantly to the computational cost of the method, and for a system like a large PDE evolution it is intractable.

To mitigate this problem, we turn to the hybrid IMEX methods. The idea behind IMEX is to split the derivative into two terms, one without stability problems that will be treated explicitly, and another that will be treated implicitly. Notationally, we will write

\begin{equation} \frac{dy}{dt}(y, t) = E(y, t) + I(y, t). \end{equation}

The simplest IMEX integrator combines the two forms of Euler's method from above:

\begin{equation} y_1 = y_0 + \Delta t (E(y_0, t_0) + I(y_1, t_1)). \end{equation}

(This integrator is not implemented in SpECTRE.) In our example above, we can, as an example, split \(\eqref{eq:example-equation}\) as

\begin{align} E(y, t) &= k f(t) & I(y, t) &= -k y, \end{align}

which gives

\begin{equation} y_1 = y_0 + k \Delta t (f(t_0) - y_1) = \frac{y_0 + k \Delta t\, f(t_0)}{1 + k \Delta t}. \end{equation}

In the limit where \(k \Delta t\) goes to infinity, this gives \(y_1 = f(t_0)\), which is as small a deviation from the infinite- \(k\) solution as possible when \(f\) is treated explicitly.

Again, in this simple case there is no downside to using an IMEX integrator over an explicit one, or an implicit method over IMEX. The gain appears in real cases where the implicit-step equation cannot be solved exactly.

Properties of IMEX time steppers

Any IMEX time stepper can be used as either an implicit or an explicit time stepper by choosing \(E\) or \(I\) to be zero. As such, many significant properties of an IMEX time stepper are actually properties of one or the other part. We won't discuss the standard properties of explicit time steppers here, but most of them, such as error estimation, are used in SpECTRE ignoring the implicit part.

As the entire point of using implicit methods is to increase stability, the most important properties of the implicit part of a time stepper are stability properties. There are many stability classifications, but we will only discuss the most important here, and those only qualitatively. More information can be found in [83] and [104].

The basic desire for an implicit method is that as the equation being evolved becomes increasingly stiff the evolution remains stable. (Linear) stability for an infinitely large step size (or, equivalently, an infinitely stiff equation) is known as A-stability. Adams methods above second order cannot be A-stable, so IMEX work generally focuses on Runge-Kutta schemes. All IMEX time steppers implemented in SpECTRE are A-stable.

A stronger stability condition is known as L-stability. L-stability is similar to A-stability, but instead of merely requiring that an analytically decaying equation does not numerically diverge in the large-step-size limit, we require that the solution reaches zero in a single step. Since IMEX applications can take steps orders of magnitude larger than the decay timescale of stiff terms, this property is often desirable.

In addition to the stability properties, there is one interesting property of the IMEX stepper as a whole. A wide class of time steppers, including all explicit (global time-stepping) methods implementable in the current SpECTRE interface, preserve (linear) conserved quantities. A linear conserved quantity is a linear combination of the evolved variables that is analytically constant under evolution, independent of the initial conditions. In physics, a common example is the integral of the density, i.e., the total mass. Such quantities will be numerically preserved during evolution to the level of roundoff error, even if that is much smaller than the truncation error in the solution.

Both the explicit and implicit portions of all IMEX time steppers that we will consider are conservative in this manner. However, the combination of the two parts into an IMEX scheme does not necessarily preserve this property. In general, both the explicit and implicit parts of the split derivative must individually conserve something for the full IMEX method to conserve it as well. Some IMEX schemes, however, do preserve conserved quantities, independent of how the derivative is split between the explicit and implicit parts. Such methods are termed stiffly accurate. (This property is also useful in deriving and analyzing implicit schemes, but that is not of great importance to users of the methods.)


SpECTRE supports IMEX integration, with restrictions to reduce the cost of the solve of the implicit equation as much as possible. Additionally, not all integration schemes extend to IMEX integration, so the list of available time steppers is limited for IMEX evolutions.

Mathematical restrictions

For problems of interest to us, the evolved variables consist of several fields coupled by the system derivative. The implicit solve is more expensive when performed on more variables, so there is a method to restrict the solve to a subset of the system if only some variables are affected by stiff terms. The system can define one or more implicit sectors, which are subsets of the evolved variables with implicit terms that can be solved independently from one another. (If sectors depend on variables from other sectors, the evolution system defines the order in which the implicit updates are applied.)

As an example, for a fluid coupled to neutrinos, the neutrinos obey stiff equations under some conditions. If we consider neutrino flavors to be non-interacting, they can each be placed in their own implicit sector and solved independently. The fluid equations will usually be non-stiff, so the fluid variables will not be in any sector, even though they will still be used as arguments for computing the stiff sources.

Within each sector, restrictions are placed on the form of the implicit derivative (the \(I\) above). When evolving a hyperbolic PDE, in general, the equation for an implicit step becomes an elliptic PDE. This is far too complex and expensive to solve for every integration substep. We therefore restrict the implicit derivative to only contain source terms, i.e., terms that depend on the sector variables only in a pointwise manner, rather than through derivatives or similar. (The terms may still depend on the derivatives of non-sector variables.) This results in each point in the domain having an independent set of algebraic equations to solve.

There is a small complexity in handling non-autonomous (time-dependent) systems of equations, such as those for evolutions with control systems. Some methods are defined in a way such that the values of time for the explicit and implicit parts of a substep appear to be inconsistent. SpECTRE always uses the time derived from the explicit portion of the method, which is equivalent to treating time as an additional evolved variable with a constant explicit derivative of 1 and implicit derivative of 0.

SpECTRE supports using an analytic solution of the implicit-step equation as well as two modes for numerical root-finding: implicit and semi-implicit. The analytic mode can be chosen in the definition of the implicit sector if the form of the implicit source allows an analytic solution. The numerical methods can be toggled at runtime. The fully implicit method does a numerical root-find, while the semi-implicit one linearizes the equation and solves that. Semi-implicit solves are faster, and, experimentally, they still stabilize the evolution fairly well. Using a semi-implicit solve instead of a fully implicit one does not affect conservation properties of the method. Both numerical solvers require the jacobian of the implicit source to be coded, but an analytic solution does not.

Creation of SpECTRE IMEX executables

The SpECTRE IMEX interface is defined by two protocols: imex::protocols::ImexSystem and imex::protocols::ImplicitSector. The normal evolution-system interface now only contains the explicit portion of the derivative, and the implicit portion is defined by the contents of the implicit_sectors typelist. See those protocols for details.

In order to use an IMEX system, the implicit solver must be explicitly instantiated for each sector. This is done in a separate source file in the system directory. As an example, the instantiation file for the sectors in one of the tests is

// Distributed under the MIT License.
// See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include "Evolution/Imex/SolveImplicitSector.hpp"
#include "Evolution/Imex/SolveImplicitSector.tpp"
#include "Helpers/Evolution/Imex/DoImplicitStepSector.hpp"
namespace helpers = do_implicit_step_helpers;
template struct imex::SolveImplicitSector<helpers::System::variables_tag,
template struct imex::SolveImplicitSector<helpers::System::variables_tag,
template struct imex::SolveImplicitSector<
helpers::NonautonomousSystem::variables_tag, helpers::NonautonomousSector>;
Perform the implicit solve for one implicit sector.
Definition: SolveImplicitSector.hpp:65

In the executable itself, four sets of changes are necessary. First, the time-stepper type, usually defined as a type alias near the start of the metavariables, must be changed from TimeStepper to ImexTimeStepper (IMEX-LTS is not currently supported), and an entry must be added to the factory_creation list:

tmpl::pair<ImexTimeStepper, TimeSteppers::imex_time_steppers>

(The TimeStepper line can be removed, although doing so is not necessary.)

Second, the IMEX actions must be added after the corresponding explicit actions:

Third, the imex::ImplicitDenseOutput<system> dense output postprocessor must be added to the argument of the evolution::Actions::RunEventsAndDenseTriggers action. It must appear before any other preprocessors that use the evolved variables.

Finally, header includes must be added for all these things. The required headers are

#include "Evolution/Imex/Actions/DoImplicitStep.hpp"
#include "Evolution/Imex/Actions/RecordTimeStepperData.hpp"
#include "Evolution/Imex/ImplicitDenseOutput.hpp"
#include "Evolution/Imex/Initialize.hpp"
#include "Time/TimeSteppers/ImexTimeStepper.hpp"