The observers infrastructure works with two parallel components: a group and a nodegroup. We have two types of observations: Reduction
and Volume
(see the enum observers::TypeOfObservation
). Reduction
data is anything that is written once per time/integral identifier per simulation. Some examples of reduction data are integrals or L2 norms over the entire domain, integrals or L2 norms over part of the domain, and integrals over lower-dimensional surfaces such as apparent horizons or slices through the domain. Volume data is anything that has physical extent, such as any of the evolved variables (or derived quantities thereof) across all or part of the domain, or quantities on lower-dimensional surfaces in the domain (e.g. the rest mass density in the xy-plane). Reduction and volume data both use the group and nodegroup for actually getting the data to disk, but do so in a slightly different manner.
Reduction data requires combining information from many or all cores of a supercomputer to get a single value. Reductions are tagged by some temporal value, which for hyperbolic systems is the time and for elliptic systems some combination of linear and non-linear iteration count. The reduction data is stored in an object of type Parallel::ReductionData
, which takes as template parameters a series of Parallel::ReductionDatum
. A Parallel::ReductionDatum
takes as template parameters the type of the data and operators that define how data from the different cores are to be combined to a single value. See the paragraphs below for more detail, and the documentation of Parallel::ReductionDatum
for examples.
At the start of a simulation, every component and event that wants to perform a reduction for observation, or will be part of a reduction observation, must register with the observers::Observer
component. The observers::Observer
is a group, which means there is one per core. The registration is used so that the Observer
knows once all data for a specific reduction (both in time and by name/ID) has been contributed. Reduction data is combined on each core as it is contributed by using the binary operator from Parallel::ReductionDatum
's second template parameter. Once all the data is collected on the core, it is copied to the local observers::ObserverWriter
nodegroup, which keeps track of how many of the cores on the node will be contributing to a specific observation, and again combines all the data as it is being contributed. Once all the node's data is collected to the nodegroup, the data is sent to node 0
which combines the reduction data as it arrives using the binary operator from Parallel::ReductionDatum
's second template parameter. Using node 0
for collecting the final reduction data is an arbitrary choice, but we are always guaranteed to have a node 0
Once all the reductions are received on node 0
, the ObserverWriter
invokes the InvokeFinal
(third) template parameter on each Parallel::ReductionDatum
(this is the n-ary) in order to finalize the data before writing. This is used, for example, for dividing by the total number of grid points in an L1 or L2 norm. The reduction data is then written to an HDF5 file whose name is set in the input file using the option observers::Tags::ReductionFileName
. Specifically, the data is written into an h5::Dat
subfile since, along with the data, the subfile name must be passed through the reductions.
The actions used for registering reductions are observers::Actions::RegisterEventsWithObservers
and observers::Actions::RegisterWithObservers
. There is a separate Registration
phase at the beginning of all simulations where everything must register with the observers. The action observers::Actions::ContributeReductionData
is used to send data to the observers::Observer
component in the case where there is a reduction done across an array or subset of an array. If a singleton parallel component or a specific chare needs to write data directly to disk it should use the observers::ThreadedActions::WriteReductionDataRow
action called on the zeroth element of the observers::ObserverWriter
Volume data is vaguely defined as anything that has some extent. For example, in a 3d simulation, data on 2d surfaces is still considered volume data for the purposes of observing data. The spectral coefficients can also be written as volume data, though some care must be taken in that case to correctly identify which mode is associated with which terms in the basis function expansion. Whatever component will contribute volume data to be written must register with the observers::Observer
component (there currently isn't tested support for directly registering with the observers::ObserverWriter
). This registration is the same as in the reduction data case.
Once the observers are registered, data is contributed to the observers::Observer
component using the observers::Actions::ContributeVolumeData
action. The data is packed into an ElementVolumeData
object that carries TensorComponent
s on a grid. Information on the grid, such as its extents, basis and quadrature, are stored alongside the TensorComponent
s. Once all the elements on a single core have contributed their volume data to the observers::Observer
group, the observers::Observer
group moves its data to the observers::ObserverWriter
component to be written. We write one file per node, appending the node ID to the HDF5 file name to distinguish between files written by different nodes. The HDF5 file name is specified in the input file using the observers::Tags::VolumeFileName
option. The data is written into a subfile of the HDF5 file using the h5::VolumeFile
If a singleton parallel component or a specific chare needs to write volume data directly to disk, such as surface data from an apparent horizon, it should use the observers::ThreadedActions::WriteVolumeData
action called on the zeroth element of the observers::ObserverWriter
component. For surface data (such as output from horizon finds), this data should be written to a file specified by the observers::Tags::SurfaceFileName
Since the observers::ObserverWriter
class is a nodegroup, its entry methods can be invoked simultaneously on different cores of the node. However, this can lead to race conditions if care isn't taken. The biggest caution is that the DataBox
cannot be mutated on one core and simultaneously accessed on another. This is because in order to guarantee a reasonable state for data in the DataBox
, it must be impossible to perform a db::get
on a DataBox
from inside or while a db::mutate
is being done. What this means in practice is that all entry methods on a nodegroup must put their DataBox
accesses inside of a node_lock.lock()
and node_lock.unlock()
block. To achieve better parallel performance and threading, the amount of work done while the entire node is locked should be minimized. To this end, we have additional locks. One for the HDF5 files because we do not require a threadsafe HDF5 (observers::Tags::H5FileLock
). We also have locks for the objects mutated when contributing reduction data (observers::Tags::ReductionDataLock
) and the objects mutated when contributing volume data (observers::Tags::VolumeDataLock
and ObserverWriter
parallel components more general and have them act as the core (node)group. Since any simple actions can be run on them, it should be possible to use them for most, if not all cases where we need a (node)group.