SpECTRE  v2024.09.29
Writing Good Documentation

Tutorials, Instructions, and Dev Guide

All non-code documentation such as tutorials, installation instructions, and the developer guide is written inside Markdown files such as this one. These files must be placed inside docs/Tutorials, docs/MainSite, or docs/DevGuide according to what they document. Each Markdown file must start with the following line

# The title {#the_tag}

where The title is replaced with your desired title, and the_tag with the tag you want to use to reference the Markdown file and documentation. Each main heading of the file starts with a single octothorpe and can have a tag. For example,

# My Section {#file_name_my_section}

While the file_name portion is not necessary, it is useful for reducing the likelihood of reference collisions. You can add a table of contents using the Doxygen command \tableofcontents. All sections, subsections, subsubsections, etc. are shown in the table of contents if they have a tag, if not they do not appear.

C++ Documentation

We require you to add Doxygen documentation for any of the following you may have added to the public interface in any hpp file:

  • classes
  • structs
  • enums
  • functions
  • namespaces
  • macros
  • type aliases

Documentation begins on the line immediately above the declaration with either a triple slash /// or a /*!.


/// A brief description of the object to be documented
/// Doxygen comments can be made
/// using triple slashes...
class ExampleClass{
  ... rest of code
 * \brief A brief description of the object to be documented
 * Doxygen comments can also be made
 * using the "slash-star, star-slash" pattern, in this way.
class ExampleClass{
  ... rest of code

Build your documentation by running make doc in your build directory. You can then view it by opening BUILD_DIR/docs/html/index.html in a browser and using the file navigator in Doxygen to locate your file.

In addition to providing a file directory of all the source files in SpECTRE, Doxygen also conveniently provides two additional organizations of the files, Modules and Namespaces. To ensure that your documentation is easily found from within Doxygen, we recommend that you add any new objects to Modules and any new namespaces to Namespaces.

The /// Doxygen syntax does not require a \brief, while the C-style /*! does.

Add your object to an existing Module:

Within a Doxygen comment, use the Doxygen keyword


followed by the name of the Module (you can find the list of existing Modules in docs/GroupDefs.hpp).

Add a new Module:

Within docs/GroupDefs.hpp, add the name of your Module (which follows the naming convention "YourNameForModule" followed by "Group") among the rest, taking care to keep the list of Modules in alphabetical order.

Add a new namespace:

In the hpp file in which the namespace is declared for the first time, add a Doxygen comment to the line directly above the namespace. Subsequent files which use this namespace will not need a Doxygen comment.

We also strongly encourage you to:

Put any mathematical expressions in your documentation into LaTeX form:

Within a Doxygen comment, begin and conclude your expression with



\\\ We define \f$ \xi : = \eta^2 \f$

Note that if this expression spans more than one line, your Doxygen comment must of the "slash-star, star-slash" form shown in the previous section. One can also use (within a Doxygen comment) the form

\f[ expression \f]

to put the expression on its own line. We also encourage you to use the latex env align for formatting these multiple-line equations. Please prefer the align environment over the eqnarray environment. See the texfaq for an explanation as to why. When using out-of-line equations it is important to have a blank Doxygen line above and below the equation so that ClangFormat does not merge the equation with other lines. For example,

 * word word word
 * \f{align}{
 *   a &= b \\
 *   c &= d
 * \f}
 * word word word

prevents ClangFormat from changing the code to

word word word \f{align}{ a &= b \\ c &= d \f}

which may not render properly and makes the source code harder to read.

Cite publications in your documentation

When you refer to publications or books in the documentation, add a corresponding entry to docs/References.bib. Follow these guidelines when editing docs/References.bib:

  • Ideally, find the publication on INSPIRE HEP, copy its BibTeX entry, remove the colon : from its key and add the url field (see below). We remove the colon because it can create problems in HTML related to its function as a CSS selector.
  • For publications that are not listed on INSPIRE HEP, make sure to format the new entry's key in the same style, i.e. (<Author>[a-zA-Z]+)(<Year>[0-9]{4})(<ID>[a-z]*). Good keys are, for instance, Einstein1915 or LVC2016a. For books you may omit the year.
  • Sort the list of BibTeX entries in the file alphabetically by their keys.
  • Provide open access or preprint information whenever possible. For publications available on arXiv, for instance, add the following fields (filling in the correct values):
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    eprint = {1609.00098},
    primaryClass = {astro-ph.HE},
  • Provide the url field whenever possible. If a DOI has been issued by the publisher, use https://doi.org/<doi> and also fill the doi field of the entry. Else, use the URL provided by the publisher.
  • Make sure to wrap strings in the BibTeX entries in {} when capitalization is important, or when BibTeX keywords should be ignored (e.g. and in author lists).

To cite an entry from the docs/References.bib file in the documentation, use the Doxygen keyword


followed by the BibTeX key at the place in the documentation where you want the citation to appear. It will render as a numbered link to the bibliography page. It will also show a popover when hovering over the link, which displays the bibliographic information and provides quick access to the publication.

Include any pictures that aid in the understanding of your documentation:

First, please compress your image to be under 130kB. As most images will be diagrammatical in nature this is certainly achievable!

Second, add the directory that will contain your image to the docs/Images/ directory. Create the appropriate directories such that the directory structure in docs/Images matches that of src and tests/Unit.

Finally, include the image by using the Doxygen keyword

\image html NameOfImage.png

in your hpp file.

Python Documentation
