SpECTRE  v2025.01.30
Evolution Systems

All available evolution systems and information on how to implement evolution systems. More...


namespace  Burgers
 Items related to evolving the Burgers equation \(0 = \partial_t U + \partial_x\left(U^2/2\right)\).
namespace  Cce
 The set of utilities for performing Cauchy characteristic evolution and Cauchy characteristic matching.
namespace  Ccz4
 Items related to evolving the first-order CCZ4 system.
namespace  CurvedScalarWave
 Items related to evolving a scalar wave on a curved background.
namespace  ForceFree
 Items related to evolving the GRFFE system with divergence cleaning.
namespace  gh
 Items related to evolving the first-order generalized harmonic system.
namespace  grmhd
 Items related to general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD)
namespace  NewtonianEuler
 Items related to evolving the Newtonian Euler system.
namespace  RadiationTransport
 Items related to general relativistic radiation transport.
namespace  ScalarAdvection
 Items related to evolving the scalar advection equation.
namespace  ScalarTensor
 Items related to evolving the first-order scalar tensor system.
namespace  ScalarWave
 Items related to evolving the scalar wave equation.
namespace  hydro
 Items related to hydrodynamic systems.

Detailed Description

All available evolution systems and information on how to implement evolution systems.


Actions and parallel components may require an evolution system to expose the following types:

Actions and parallel components may also require the Metavariables to expose the following types: