SpECTRE  v2024.09.29
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Binary black hole initial data

In this example we run the elliptic solver to compute initial data for binary black holes.

# Distributed under the MIT License.
# See LICENSE.txt for details.
# Dependencies:
%pip install numpy matplotlib pandas 'h5py>=3.0.0' ruamel.yaml
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
# Clean up output files from previous runs
rm -f Bbh*.h5

First, make sure you have compiled the SolveXcts executable. Put in the path to your build directory below. Make sure you have compiled in Release mode.

SPECTRE_BUILD_DIR = "/Users/nlf/Work/spectre/build-Default-Release"
SPECTRE_HOME = "/Users/nlf/Projects/spectre/develop"

Setup input file

We set up an input file based on the tests/InputFiles/Xcts/BinaryBlackHole.yaml example:

# Load example input file
load_input_file_path = os.path.join(
SPECTRE_HOME, "tests/InputFiles/Xcts/BinaryBlackHole.yaml"
yaml = YAML()
with open(load_input_file_path, "r") as open_input_file:
input_file = yaml.load(open_input_file)
# Modify example input file
# - Set output file names
input_file["Observers"]["VolumeFileName"] = "BbhVolume"
input_file["Observers"]["ReductionFileName"] = "BbhReductions"
# Write modified input file
with open("Bbh.yaml", "w") as open_input_file:
yaml.dump(input_file, open_input_file)

Run executable

We pass the input file to the SolveXcts executable to solve the elliptic problem. It will take a few minutes to complete on ~10 cores. Adapt the command below to your system, or run the SolveXcts executable with the Bbh.yaml input file manually.

NUM_CORES = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
SOLVE_XCTS = os.path.join(SPECTRE_BUILD_DIR, "bin/SolveXcts")
!{SOLVE_XCTS} --input-file Bbh.yaml +p {NUM_CORES}
Charm++: standalone mode (not using charmrun)
Charm++> Running in Multicore mode: 12 threads (PEs)
Converse/Charm++ Commit ID: v6.10.2-0-g7bf00fa
Warning> Randomization of virtual memory (ASLR) is turned on in the kernel, thread migration may not work! Run 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space' as root to disable it, or try running with '+isomalloc_sync'.
CharmLB> Load balancer assumes all CPUs are same.
Charm++> Running on 1 hosts (12 sockets x 1 cores x 1 PUs = 12-way SMP)
Charm++> cpu topology info is gathered in 0.002 seconds.

Executing '/Users/nlf/Work/spectre/build-Default-Release/bin/SolveXcts' using 12 processors.
Charm++ startup time in seconds: 3.621687
Date and time at startup: Tue Feb 22 15:08:18 2022

SpECTRE Build Information:
Version:                      2022.02.17
Compiled on host:             98c21919c2ac
Compiled in directory:        /Users/nlf/Work/spectre/build-Default-Release
Source directory is:          /Users/nlf/Projects/spectre/develop
Compiled on git branch:       xcts_input_files
Compiled on git revision:     db7100f700b
Linked on:                    Thu Jan 27 17:45:20 2022

The following options differ from their suggested values:

Option parsing completed.
Multigrid level 0 has 232 elements in 54 blocks distributed on 12 procs.
Multigrid level 1 has 54 elements in 54 blocks distributed on 12 procs.
NewtonRaphson initialized with residual: 1.058476e+01
Gmres initialized with residual: 1.058476e+01
Gmres(1) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 2.003738e-01
Gmres(2) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.206809e-01
Gmres(3) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 8.694367e-02
Gmres(4) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 7.275577e-02
Gmres(5) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 4.520779e-02
Gmres(6) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.464362e-02
Gmres(7) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 6.754772e-03
Gmres has converged in 7 iterations: RelativeResidual - The residual magnitude has decreased to a fraction of 0.001 of its initial value or below (0.00063816).
NewtonRaphson(1) iteration complete (0 globalization steps, step length 1). Remaining residual: 2.865222e+00
Gmres initialized with residual: 2.865222e+00
Gmres(1) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 4.062729e-02
Gmres(2) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 2.455538e-02
Gmres(3) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.602018e-02
Gmres(4) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.181106e-02
Gmres(5) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 5.591212e-03
Gmres(6) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 2.012421e-03
Gmres has converged in 6 iterations: RelativeResidual - The residual magnitude has decreased to a fraction of 0.001 of its initial value or below (0.000702361).
NewtonRaphson(2) iteration complete (0 globalization steps, step length 1). Remaining residual: 8.164886e-03
Gmres initialized with residual: 8.164886e-03
Gmres(1) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.279278e-03
Gmres(2) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 7.680224e-04
Gmres(3) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 6.026001e-04
Gmres(4) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 5.116235e-04
Gmres(5) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 3.771227e-04
Gmres(6) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.521095e-04
Gmres(7) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 4.029530e-05
Gmres(8) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.632393e-05
Gmres(9) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 5.028700e-06
Gmres has converged in 9 iterations: RelativeResidual - The residual magnitude has decreased to a fraction of 0.001 of its initial value or below (0.000615893).
NewtonRaphson(3) iteration complete (0 globalization steps, step length 1). Remaining residual: 1.690461e-03
Gmres initialized with residual: 1.690461e-03
Gmres(1) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 6.584416e-06
Gmres(2) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 5.651935e-06
Gmres(3) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 5.288583e-06
Gmres(4) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 4.922907e-06
Gmres(5) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 4.250901e-06
Gmres(6) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.596286e-06
Gmres has converged in 6 iterations: RelativeResidual - The residual magnitude has decreased to a fraction of 0.001 of its initial value or below (0.00094429).
NewtonRaphson(4) iteration complete (0 globalization steps, step length 1). Remaining residual: 1.606242e-06
Gmres initialized with residual: 1.606242e-06
Gmres(1) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 7.008839e-07
Gmres(2) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 5.285042e-07
Gmres(3) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 4.919028e-07
Gmres(4) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 3.871318e-07
Gmres(5) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.603757e-07
Gmres(6) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 2.922369e-08
Gmres(7) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.438336e-08
Gmres(8) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 5.271254e-09
Gmres(9) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 2.125873e-09
Gmres(10) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.044162e-09
Gmres has converged in 10 iterations: RelativeResidual - The residual magnitude has decreased to a fraction of 0.001 of its initial value or below (0.000650065).
NewtonRaphson(5) iteration complete (0 globalization steps, step length 1). Remaining residual: 1.066508e-09
Gmres initialized with residual: 1.066508e-09
Gmres(1) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 8.000055e-10
Gmres(2) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 5.991477e-10
Gmres(3) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 4.073811e-10
Gmres(4) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 2.559880e-10
Gmres(5) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 1.242268e-10
Gmres(6) iteration complete. Remaining residual: 3.521815e-11
Gmres has converged in 6 iterations: AbsoluteResidual - The residual magnitude has decreased to 1e-10 or below (3.52181e-11).
NewtonRaphson(6) iteration complete (0 globalization steps, step length 1). Remaining residual: 3.589802e-11
NewtonRaphson has converged in 6 iterations: AbsoluteResidual - The residual magnitude has decreased to 1e-10 or below (3.5898e-11).

Wall time in seconds: 769.172052
Date and time at completion: Tue Feb 22 15:21:03 2022

[Partition 0][Node 0] End of program

Load initial data into evolutions

The executable has created H5 output files with volume data and diagnostics:

!ls *.h5
BbhReductions.h5  BbhVolume0.h5

The volume data in the BbhVolume*.h5 files (one per node) can be imported into evolution executables. It contains the following data:

!h5ls -r BbhVolume*.h5
/                        Group
/VolumeData.vol          Group
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626 Group
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/ConformalFactor Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/ExtrinsicCurvature_xx Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/ExtrinsicCurvature_yx Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/ExtrinsicCurvature_yy Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/ExtrinsicCurvature_zx Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/ExtrinsicCurvature_zy Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/ExtrinsicCurvature_zz Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/HamiltonianConstraint Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/InertialCoordinates_x Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/InertialCoordinates_y Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/InertialCoordinates_z Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/Lapse Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/MomentumConstraint_x Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/MomentumConstraint_y Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/MomentumConstraint_z Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/ShiftExcess_x Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/ShiftExcess_y Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/ShiftExcess_z Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/Shift_x Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/Shift_y Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/Shift_z Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/SpatialMetric_xx Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/SpatialMetric_yx Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/SpatialMetric_yy Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/SpatialMetric_zx Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/SpatialMetric_zy Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/SpatialMetric_zz Dataset {61344}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/bases Dataset {696}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/connectivity Dataset {294400}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/grid_names Dataset {5272}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/quadratures Dataset {696}
/VolumeData.vol/ObservationId1423324405707320626/total_extents Dataset {696}
/src.tar.gz              Dataset {5307433}
  • Lapse ( α), Shift ( βi), SpatialMetric ( γij) and ExtrinsicCurvature ( Kij): These quantities solve the Einstein constraint equations in "corotating" coordinates, such that, e.g., tK=0. The black holes remain approximately at the same coordinate positions when starting to evolve the initial data in these coordinates. Note that βir in these coordinates, which can be large and hence numerically undesireable.
  • ShiftExcess ( βexcessi): This shift vector excludes the rotational part, so it is asymptotically small. Import ShiftExcess instead of Shift in an evolution to obtain coordinates in which the black holes are orbiting. Note that only


    fulfills all coordinate conditions imposed on the initial data, such as tK=0. The background shift is typically


    where Ω is the orbital angular velocity and a˙0 is the expansion parameter. See the Xcts::AnalyticData::Binary class for details.

Plot diagnostics

We plot the diagnostics in BbhReductions.h5 to see what happened during the elliptic solve:

# These routines read the data and process them a bit. You can skip to the plot
# below to see the results.
def split_iteration_sequence(data):
left_bounds = np.where(data.index == 0)[0]
right_bounds = list(left_bounds[1:]) + [-1]
return [data.iloc[i:j] for i, j in zip(left_bounds, right_bounds)]
def load_dataset(subfile):
legend = subfile.attrs["Legend"]
return pd.DataFrame(data=subfile, columns=legend).set_index(legend[0])
with h5py.File("BbhReductions.h5", "r") as h5_file:
nonlinear_residuals = load_dataset(h5_file["NewtonRaphsonResiduals.dat"])
all_linear_residuals = split_iteration_sequence(
# Plot linear residuals
n = 0
lin_label = "Linear residual"
for linear_residuals in all_linear_residuals:
linear_residuals.index + n,
/ all_linear_residuals[0]["Residual"].iloc[0],
n += len(linear_residuals) - 1
lin_label = None
# Plot nonlinear residuals
nonlin_xticks = [0] + list(
np.cumsum([len(l) - 1 for l in all_linear_residuals])
nonlinear_residuals["Residual"] / nonlinear_residuals["Residual"].iloc[0],
label="Nonlinear residual",
xticks = (
if nonlinear_residuals is None
else nonlin_xticks
plt.xlabel("Cumulative linear solver iteration")

The plot shows the convergence of the nonlinear solver (dotted line), along with the convergence of the linear solver that runs in each nonlinear iteration (solid line). A few things to note:

  • The residual converges down to almost machine precision, but that doesn't reflect the discretization error of the solution. It only shows that we have solved the discretized problem very accurately. To get an idea of the discretization error we would have to look at quantities such as constraint norms.
  • The Newton-Raphson nonlinear solver converges slowly at first, and then begins to converge quadratically once we are closer to the solution and hence the linearization is more accurate.
  • The linear solver needs only a few steps to converge, which is a feature of our multigrid-Schwarz preconditioner.

You can read more about the elliptic solver in this paper:

  • N. L. Vu et al., A scalable elliptic solver with task-based parallelism for the SpECTRE numerical relativity code (2022), arXiv:2111.06767