SpECTRE  v2024.05.11
StepChoosers Namespace Reference

Holds all the StepChoosers. More...


class  ByBlock
 Suggests specified step sizes in each block. More...
class  Cfl
 Suggests a step size based on the CFL stability criterion. More...
class  Constant
 Suggests a constant step size. More...
class  ElementSizeCfl
 Suggests a step size based on the CFL stability criterion, but uses the full size of the element as the length scale in question. More...
class  ErrorControl
 Suggests a step size based on a target absolute and/or relative error measure. More...
class  Increase
 Suggests increasing the step size by a constant ratio. More...
class  PreventRapidIncrease
 Avoids instabilities due to rapid increases in the step size by preventing the step size from increasing unless all steps in the time-stepper history are the same size. If there have been recent step size changes the new size bound is the size of the most recent step, otherwise it is infinite (no restriction is imposed). More...
class  Random
 Changes the step size pseudo-randomly. Values are distributed uniformly in \(\log(dt)\). The current step is always accepted. More...
class  StepToTimes
 Suggests step sizes to place steps at specific times. More...


template<typename System , bool HasCharSpeedFunctions = true>
using standard_step_choosers = tmpl::append< Factory_detail::common_step_choosers< StepChooserUse::LtsStep, System, HasCharSpeedFunctions >, Factory_detail::step_choosers_for_step_only< StepChooserUse::LtsStep, System > >
template<typename System , bool LocalTimeStepping, bool HasCharSpeedFunctions = true>
using standard_slab_choosers = tmpl::conditional_t< LocalTimeStepping, Factory_detail::lts_slab_choosers< System, HasCharSpeedFunctions >, tmpl::append< Factory_detail::lts_slab_choosers< System, HasCharSpeedFunctions >, Factory_detail::step_choosers_for_step_only< StepChooserUse::Slab, System > > >
template<typename Metavariables , bool UsingLts>
using step_chooser_compute_tags = tmpl::remove_duplicates< tmpl::join< tmpl::transform< detail::all_step_choosers< Metavariables, UsingLts >, detail::get_compute_tags_or_default< tmpl::_1, tmpl::pin< tmpl::list<> > > > > >
template<typename Metavariables , bool UsingLts>
using step_chooser_simple_tags = tmpl::remove_duplicates< tmpl::join< tmpl::transform< detail::all_step_choosers< Metavariables, UsingLts >, detail::get_simple_tags_or_default< tmpl::_1, tmpl::pin< tmpl::list<> > > > > >

Detailed Description

Holds all the StepChoosers.