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Date: 2024-04-23 20:50:18
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          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : \cond NEVER
       2             : Distributed under the MIT License.
       3             : See LICENSE.txt for details.
       4             : \endcond
       5             : # %Running CCE {#tutorial_cce}
       6             : 
       7             : \tableofcontents
       8             : 
       9             : The basic instructions for getting up and running with a stand-alone
      10             : CCE using external data are:
      11             : - Clone spectre and build the CharacteristicExtract target
      12             : - At this point (provided the build succeeds) you should have the
      13             :   executable `bin/CharacteristicExtract` in the build directory; You can now
      14             :   run it using an input file to provide options. The input file
      15             :   `tests/InputFiles/Cce/CharacteristicExtract.yaml` from the spectre
      16             :   source tree can help you get started with writing your input file.
      17             :   There are a few important notes there:
      18             :   - For resolution, the example input file has lmax (`Cce.LMax`) of 20, and
      19             :     filter lmax (`Filtering.FilterLMax`) of 18; that may run a bit slow for
      20             :     basic tests, but this value yields the best precision-to-run-time ratio
      21             :     for a typical BBH system. Note that precision doesn't improve above lmax 24,
      22             :     filter 22 (be sure to update the filter as you update lmax -- it should
      23             :     generally be around 2 lower than the maximum l to reduce possible aliasing).
      24             :   - If you want to just run through the end of the provided worldtube data,
      25             :     you can just omit the `EndTime` option and the executable will figure it
      26             :     out from the worldtube file.
      27             :   - The `ScriOutputDensity` adds extra interpolation points to the output,
      28             :     which is useful for finite-difference derivatives on the output data, but
      29             :     otherwise it'll just unnecessarily inflate the output files, so if you
      30             :     don't need the extra points, best just set it to 1.
      31             :   - If you're extracting at 100M or less (which isn't currently recommended due
      32             :     to the junk radiation being much worse), best to keep the `TargetStepSize`
      33             :     as .5 for 100M and perhaps even lower yet for nearer extraction.
      34             :   - The `InitializeJ` in the example file uses `ConformalFactor` which has been
      35             :     found to perform better than the other schemes implemented so far.
      36             :     Other schemes for `InitializeJ` can be found in namespace
      37             :     \link Cce::InitializeJ \endlink.  Some of these are:
      38             :     - `ZeroNonSmooth`: Make `J` vanish
      39             :     - `NoIncomingRadiation`: Make \f$\Psi_0 = 0\f$; this does not actually lead
      40             :       to no incoming radiation, since \f$\Psi_0\f$ and \f$\Psi_4\f$ both include
      41             :       incoming and outgoing radiation.
      42             :     - `InverseCubic`: Ansatz where \f$J = A/r + B/r^3\f$
      43             :     - `ConformalFactor`: Try to make initial time coordinate as inertial as
      44             :       possible at \f$\mathscr{I}^+\f$.
      45             : 
      46             : - An example of an appropriate submission command for slurm systems is:
      47             :   ```
      48             :   srun -n 1 -c 1 path/to/build/bin/CharacteristicExtract ++ppn 3 \
      49             :   --input-file path/to/input.yaml
      50             :   ```
      51             :   CCE doesn't currently scale to more than 4 cores, so those slurm options are
      52             :   best.
      53             : - CCE will work faster if the input worldtube hdf5 file is chunked in small
      54             :   numbers of complete rows.
      55             :   This is relevant because by default, SpEC writes its worldtube files
      56             :   chunked along full time-series columns, which is efficient for
      57             :   compression, but not for reading in to SpECTRE -- in that case,
      58             :   it is recommended to rechunk the input file before running CCE
      59             :   for maximum performance. This can be done, for instance, using h5py
      60             :   (you will need to fill in filenames appropriate to your case in place
      61             :   of "BondiCceR0050.h5" and "RechunkBondiCceR0050.h5"):
      62             :   ```py
      63             :   import h5py
      64             :   input_file = "BondiCceR0050.h5"
      65             :   output_file = "RechunkBondiCceR0050.h5"
      66             :   with h5py.File(input_file,'r') as input_h5,\
      67             :     h5py.File(output_file, 'w') as output_h5:
      68             :     for dset in input_h5:
      69             :         if("Version" in dset):
      70             :             output_h5[dset] = input_h5[dset][()]
      71             :             continue
      72             :         number_of_columns = input_h5[dset][()].shape[1]
      73             :         output_h5.create_dataset(dset, data=input_h5[dset],
      74             :                                  maxshape=(None, number_of_columns),
      75             :                                  chunks=(4, number_of_columns), dtype='d')
      76             :         for attribute in input_h5[dset].attrs.keys():
      77             :             output_h5[dset].attrs[attribute] = input_h5[dset].attrs[attribute]
      78             :   ```
      79             : - Note, these `*.h5` files required as an `input_file` (and also needed
      80             :   in the `.yaml` file) will need to be obtained from an SXS member who has
      81             :   completed a relevant `SpEC` run.
      82             : - The output data will be written as spin-weighted spherical harmonic
      83             :   modes, one physical quantity per dataset, and each row will
      84             :   have the time value followed by the real and imaginary parts
      85             :   of the complex modes in m-varies-fastest order.
      86             : 
      87             : Once you have the reduction data output file from a successful CCE run, you can
      88             : confirm the integrity of the h5 file and its contents by running
      89             : ```
      90             : h5ls -r CharacteristicExtractReduction.h5/Cce.dir
      91             : ```
      92             : 
      93             : For the reduction file produced by a successful run, the output of the `h5ls`
      94             : should resemble
      95             : ```
      96             : /                        Group
      97             : /Cce                     Group
      98             : /Cce/EthInertialRetardedTime.dat Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
      99             : /Cce/News.dat                 Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
     100             : /Cce/Psi0.dat                 Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
     101             : /Cce/Psi1.dat                 Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
     102             : /Cce/Psi2.dat                 Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
     103             : /Cce/Psi3.dat                 Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
     104             : /Cce/Psi4.dat                 Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
     105             : /Cce/Strain.dat               Dataset {3995/Inf, 163}
     106             : src.tar.gz               Dataset {3750199}
     107             : ```
     108             : 
     109             : The `Strain.dat` represents the asymptotic transverse-traceless contribution
     110             : to the metric scaled by the Bondi radius (to give the asymptotically leading
     111             : part), the `News.dat` represents the first derivative of the strain, and each
     112             : of the `Psi...` datasets represent the Weyl scalars, each scaled by the
     113             : appropriate factor of the Bondi-Sachs radius to retrieve the asymptotically
     114             : leading contribution.
     115             : 
     116             : The `EthInertialRetardedTime.dat` is a diagnostic dataset that represents the
     117             : angular derivative of the inertial retarded time, which determines the
     118             : coordinate transformation that is performed at scri+.
     119             : 
     120             : The following python script will load data from a successful CCE run and
     121             : construct a plot of all of the physical waveform data.
     122             : ```py
     123             : import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     124             : import numpy as np
     125             : import h5py as h5
     126             : 
     127             : 
     128             : def spectre_real_mode_index(l, m):
     129             :     return 2 * (l**2 + l + m) + 1
     130             : 
     131             : 
     132             : def spectre_imag_mode_index(l, m):
     133             :     return 2 * (l**2 + l + m) + 2
     134             : 
     135             : 
     136             : def get_modes_from_block_output(filename, dataset, modes=[[2, 2], [3, 3]]):
     137             :     with h5.File(filename, "r") as h5_file:
     138             :         timeseries_data = (h5_file[dataset + ".dat"][()][:, [0] + list(
     139             :             np.array([[
     140             :                 spectre_real_mode_index(x[0], x[1]),
     141             :                 spectre_imag_mode_index(x[0], x[1])
     142             :             ] for x in modes]).flatten())])
     143             :     return timeseries_data
     144             : 
     145             : 
     146             : plot_quantities = ["Strain", "News", "Psi0", "Psi1", "Psi2", "Psi3", "Psi4"]
     147             : mode_set = [[2, 2], [3, 3]]
     148             : filename = "CharacteristicExtractReduction.h5"
     149             : output_plot_filename = "CCE_plot.pdf"
     150             : 
     151             : legend = []
     152             : for (mode_l, mode_m) in mode_set:
     153             :     legend = np.append(legend, [
     154             :         r"Re $Y_{" + str(mode_l) + r"\," + str(mode_m) + r"}$",
     155             :         r"Im $Y_{" + str(mode_l) + r"\," + str(mode_m) + r"}$"
     156             :     ])
     157             : 
     158             : plt.figure(figsize=(8, 1.9 * len(plot_quantities)))
     159             : for i in range(len(plot_quantities)):
     160             :     ax = plt.subplot(len(plot_quantities), 1, i + 1)
     161             :     timeseries = np.transpose(
     162             :         get_modes_from_block_output(
     163             :             filename, f"/Cce/{plot_quantities[i]}", mode_set
     164             :         )
     165             :     )
     166             :     for j in range(len(mode_set)):
     167             :         plt.plot(timeseries[0], timeseries[j + 1], linestyle='--', marker='')
     168             :     ax.set_xlabel("Simulation time (M)")
     169             :     ax.set_ylabel("Mode coefficient")
     170             :     ax.set_title(plot_quantities[i])
     171             : plt.tight_layout()
     172             : plt.savefig(output_plot_filename, dpi=400)
     173             : plt.clf()
     174             : ```
     175             : 
     176             : ### Input data formats
     177             : 
     178             : The worldtube data must be constructed as spheres of constant coordinate
     179             : radius, and (for the time being) written to a filename of the format
     180             : `...CceRXXXX.h5`, where the `XXXX` is to be replaced by the integer for which
     181             : the extraction radius is equal to `XXXX`M. For instance, a 100M extraction
     182             : should have filename `...CceR0100.h5`. This scheme of labeling files with the
     183             : extraction radius is constructed for compatibility with SpEC worldtube data.
     184             : 
     185             : There are two possible formats of the input data, one based on the Cauchy metric
     186             : at finite radius, and one based on Bondi data. The metric data format must be
     187             : provided as spherical harmonic modes with the following datasets:
     188             : - `gxx.dat`, `gxy.dat`, `gxz.dat`, `gyy.dat`, `gyz.dat`, `gzz.dat`
     189             : - `Drgxx.dat`, `Drgxy.dat`, `Drgxz.dat`, `Drgyy.dat`, `Drgyz.dat`, `Drgzz.dat`
     190             : - `Dtgxx.dat`, `Dtgxy.dat`, `Dtgxz.dat`, `Dtgyy.dat`, `Dtgyz.dat`, `Dtgzz.dat`
     191             : - `Shiftx.dat`, `Shifty.dat`, `Shiftz.dat`
     192             : - `DrShiftx.dat`, `DrShifty.dat`, `DrShiftz.dat`
     193             : - `DtShiftx.dat`, `DtShifty.dat`, `DtShiftz.dat`
     194             : - `Lapse.dat`
     195             : - `DrLapse.dat`
     196             : - `DtLapse.dat`
     197             : 
     198             : In this format, each row must start with the time stamp, and the remaining
     199             : values are the complex modes in m-varies-fastest format. That is,
     200             : ```
     201             : "time", "Lapse_Re(0,0)", "Lapse_Im(0,0)",
     202             : "Lapse_Re(1,1)", "Lapse_Im(1,1)", "Lapse_Re(1,0)", "Lapse_Im(1,0)",
     203             : "Lapse_Re(1,-1)", "Lapse_Im(1,-1)",
     204             : "Lapse_Re(2,2)", "Lapse_Im(2,2)", "Lapse_Re(2,1)", "Lapse_Im(2,1)",
     205             : "Lapse_Re(2,0)", "Lapse_Im(2,0)", "Lapse_Re(2,-1)", "Lapse_Im(2,-1)",
     206             : "Lapse_Re(2,-2)", "Lapse_Im(2,-2)"
     207             : ```
     208             : Each dataset in the file must also have an attribute named "Legend" which
     209             : is an ASCII-encoded null-terminated variable-length string. That is, the HDF5
     210             : type is:
     211             : ```
     212             : DATATYPE  H5T_STRING {
     213             :   STRSIZE H5T_VARIABLE;
     214             :   STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
     215             :   CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
     216             :   CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
     217             : }
     218             : ```
     219             : This can be checked for a dataset by running
     220             : ```
     221             : h5dump -a DrLapse.dat/Legend CceR0150.h5
     222             : ```
     223             : 
     224             : The second format is Bondi-Sachs metric component data.
     225             : This format is far more space-efficient (by around a factor of 4), and SpECTRE
     226             : provides a separate executable for converting to the Bondi-Sachs worldtube
     227             : format, `ReduceCceWorldtube`.
     228             : The `ReduceCceWorldtube` executable should be run on a Cauchy metric worldtube
     229             : file, and will produce a corresponding 'reduced' Bondi-Sachs worldtube file.
     230             : The basic command-line arguments for the executable are:
     231             : ```
     232             : ReduceCceWorldtube --input-file CceR0050.h5 --output-file BondiCceR0050.h5\
     233             :  --lmax_factor 3
     234             : ```
     235             : The argument `--lmax_factor` determines the factor by which the resolution at
     236             : which the boundary computation that is run will exceed the resolution of the
     237             : input and output files.
     238             : Empirically, we have found that `lmax_factor` of 3 is sufficient to achieve
     239             : roundoff precision in all boundary data we have attempted, and an `lmax_factor`
     240             : of 2 is usually sufficient to vastly exceed the precision of the simulation that
     241             : provided the boundary dataset.
     242             : 
     243             : The format is similar to the metric components, except in spin-weighted
     244             : spherical harmonic modes, and the real (spin-weight-0) quantities omit the
     245             : redundant negative-m modes and imaginary parts of m=0 modes.
     246             : The quantities that must be provided by the Bondi-Sachs metric data format are:
     247             : - `Beta.dat`
     248             : - `DrJ.dat`
     249             : - `DuR.dat`
     250             : - `H.dat`
     251             : - `J.dat`
     252             : - `Q.dat`
     253             : - `R.dat`
     254             : - `U.dat`
     255             : - `W.dat`
     256             : 
     257             : The Bondi-Sachs data may also be used directly for CCE input data.
     258             : To specify that the input type is in 'reduced' Bondi-Sachs form, use:
     259             : ```
     260             : ...
     261             : Cce:
     262             :   H5IsBondiData: True
     263             : ...
     264             : ```
     265             : Otherwise, for the Cauchy metric data format, use:
     266             : ```
     267             : ...
     268             : Cce:
     269             :   H5IsBondiData: False
     270             : ...
     271             : ```

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