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1 0 : \cond NEVER 2 : Distributed under the MIT License. 3 : See LICENSE.txt for details. 4 : \endcond 5 : # Installation on Clusters {#installation_on_clusters} 6 : 7 : \tableofcontents 8 : 9 : The installation instructions are the same for most systems because we use shell 10 : scripts to set up the environment for each supercomputer. We describe the 11 : generic installation instructions once, and only note special instructions if 12 : necessary for the particular system. If you have already built SpECTRE and just 13 : want to load the modules, source the shell file for your system and run 14 : `spectre_load_modules`. 15 : 16 : \note Sample submit scripts for some systems are available in 17 : `support/SubmitScripts`. 18 : 19 : ## General Instructions 20 : 21 : 1. Run `export SPECTRE_HOME=/path/to/where/you/want/to/clone` 22 : 2. Clone SpECTRE using `git clone SPECTRE_URL $SPECTRE_HOME` where the 23 : `SPECTRE_URL` is the GitHub url you want to use to clone the repo. 24 : 3. Run `cd $SPECTRE_HOME && mkdir build && cd build` 25 : 4. Run `. $SPECTRE_HOME/support/Environments/`, where 26 : `SYSTEM_TO_RUN_ON` is replaced by the name of the system as described in the 27 : relevant section below. 28 : 5. If you haven't already installed the dependencies, run 29 : `export SPECTRE_DEPS=/path/to/where/you/want/the/deps` 30 : Then run `spectre_setup_modules $SPECTRE_DEPS`. This 31 : will take a while to finish. Near the end the command will tell you how to 32 : make the modules available by providing a `module use` command. Make 33 : sure you are providing an absolute path to `spectre_setup_modules`. 34 : 6. Run `module use $SPECTRE_DEPS/modules` 35 : 7. Run `spectre_run_cmake`, if you get module loading errors run 36 : `spectre_unload_modules` and try running `spectre_run_cmake` again. CMake 37 : should set up successfully. 38 : 8. Build the targets you are interested in by running, e.g. 39 : `make -j4 test-executables` 40 : 41 : ## Anvil at Purdue University 42 : 43 : You should build and run tests on a compute node. You can get a compute node by 44 : running 45 : ``` 46 : sinteractive -N1 -n 20 -p debug -t 60:00 47 : ``` 48 : Avoid running `module purge` because this also removes various default modules 49 : that are necessary for proper operation. Instead, use `module 50 : restore`. Currently the tests can only be run in serial, e.g. `ctest -j1` 51 : because all the MPI jobs end up being launched on the same core. 52 : 53 : ## Frontera at TACC 54 : 55 : Follow the general instructions, using `frontera` for `SYSTEM_TO_RUN_ON`. 56 : 57 : Processes running on the head nodes have restrictions on memory use 58 : that will prevent linking the main executables. It is better to 59 : compile on an interactive node. Interactive nodes can be requested 60 : with the `idev` command. 61 : 62 : For unknown reasons, incremental builds work poorly on frontera. 63 : Running `make` will often unnecessarily recompile SpECTRE libraries. 64 : 65 : ## CaltechHPC at Caltech 66 : 67 : Cluster documentation: 68 : 69 : Follow the general instructions, using `caltech_hpc` for `SYSTEM_TO_RUN_ON`, 70 : except you don't need to install any dependencies, so you can skip step 5 and 71 : step 6. 72 : 73 : There are multiple types of compute nodes on CaltechHPC, which are listed on 74 : We compile SpECTRE to be compatible with 75 : all of them. 76 : 77 : When you go to build, you will need to get an interactive node (login nodes 78 : limit the amount of memory accessible to individual users, to below the amount 79 : necessary to build SpECTRE). Slurm commands are listed on 80 : For example to ensure 81 : you get an entire node to build on, use the following command: 82 : 83 : ``` 84 : srun [--reservation=sxs_standing] [--constraint=skylake/cascadelake/icelake] \ 85 : -t 02:00:00 -N 1 --exclusive -D . --pty /bin/bash 86 : ``` 87 : 88 : If you are part of the SXS collaboration, you can use our reserved nodes by 89 : specifying `--reservation=sxs_standing`. Our reserved nodes are currently 90 : cascadelake nodes with 56 cores each. If you want to use another type of node 91 : you can specify a `--constraint`. However, note that the reservation flag won't 92 : work for nodes other than cascadelake. 93 : 94 : Be sure to re-source the correct environment files once you get the interactive 95 : node shell. 96 : 97 : ## Ocean at Fullerton 98 : 99 : Follow the general instructions, using `ocean` for `SYSTEM_TO_RUN_ON`, 100 : you do not need to install any dependencies, so you can skip steps 5 and 6. 101 : 102 : ## Mbot at Cornell 103 : 104 : Follow steps 1-3 of the general instructions. 105 : 106 : The only modules you need to load on `mbot` are `gcc/11.4.0 spectre-deps`. 107 : This will load everything you need, including LLVM/Clang. You 108 : can source the environment file by running 109 : `. $SPECTRE_HOME/support/Environments/` and load the modules using 110 : `spectre_load_modules`. This offers two functions, `spectre_run_cmake_gcc` 111 : and `spectre_run_cmake_clang` for the different compilers. 112 : These both default to `Release` mode. If you are developing code, please use 113 : either `spectre_run_cmake_clang -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug` or 114 : `spectre_run_cmake_clang -D SPECTRE_DEBUG=ON` (you can also use gcc). 115 : The second command with `SPECTRE_DEBUG=ON` enables sanity checks and 116 : optimizations. This means it can be used in production-level runs to ensure 117 : there aren't any subtle bugs that might only arise after a decently 118 : long simulation. 119 : 120 : ## Sonic at ICTS-TIFR 121 : 122 : Cluster documentation: 123 : 124 : 1. Clone the spectre source code and set `SPECTRE_HOME` to point it. 125 : 2. Create a directory for building SpECTRE (`SPECTRE_BUILD`). 126 : 3. Setup the software environment 127 : ``` 128 : . /mnt/pfs/vaishak.p/soft/modules-5.2.0/init/bash 129 : ``` 130 : Add these lines to your `.bashrc` and source it 131 : if you would like to make it persistent. 132 : 4. Source the `$SPECTRE_HOME/support/Environments/` script. 133 : 5. Build SpECTRE by changing to `$SPECTRE_BUILD` and using 134 : one of the variants of the `spectre_run_cmake` commands. 135 : This by default compiles SpECTRE in Release mode, 136 : without debug symbols and LTO, and with system malloc. 137 : If you wish to compile in debug mode, with LTO/JEMALLOC, or other options, 138 : simply suffix the additional cmake flags to the command. 139 : 6. Use `make` to build your targets.