SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - Time/TimeSteppers - AdamsBashforth.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: 9478b377b8678e85031859810205323c5f2fef1d Lines: 12 43 27.9 %
Date: 2024-05-08 02:31:17
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <cstddef>
       7             : #include <cstdint>
       8             : 
       9             : #include "Options/String.hpp"
      10             : #include "Time/TimeStepId.hpp"
      11             : #include "Time/TimeSteppers/LtsTimeStepper.hpp"
      12             : #include "Utilities/Serialization/CharmPupable.hpp"
      13             : #include "Utilities/TMPL.hpp"
      14             : 
      15             : /// \cond
      16             : class TimeDelta;
      17             : namespace PUP {
      18             : class er;
      19             : }  // namespace PUP
      20             : namespace TimeSteppers {
      21             : template <typename T>
      22             : class BoundaryHistoryEvaluator;
      23             : class ConstBoundaryHistoryTimes;
      24             : template <typename T>
      25             : class ConstUntypedHistory;
      26             : class MutableBoundaryHistoryTimes;
      27             : template <typename T>
      28             : class MutableUntypedHistory;
      29             : }  // namespace TimeSteppers
      30             : namespace gsl {
      31             : template <class T>
      32             : class not_null;
      33             : }  // namespace gsl
      34             : /// \endcond
      35             : 
      36             : namespace TimeSteppers {
      37             : 
      38             : /*!
      39             :  * \ingroup TimeSteppersGroup
      40             :  *
      41             :  * An Nth order Adams-Bashforth time stepper.
      42             :  *
      43             :  * The stable step size factors for different orders are given by:
      44             :  *
      45             :  * <table class="doxtable">
      46             :  *  <tr>
      47             :  *    <th> %Order </th>
      48             :  *    <th> CFL Factor </th>
      49             :  *  </tr>
      50             :  *  <tr>
      51             :  *    <td> 1 </td>
      52             :  *    <td> 1 </td>
      53             :  *  </tr>
      54             :  *  <tr>
      55             :  *    <td> 2 </td>
      56             :  *    <td> 1 / 2 </td>
      57             :  *  </tr>
      58             :  *  <tr>
      59             :  *    <td> 3 </td>
      60             :  *    <td> 3 / 11 </td>
      61             :  *  </tr>
      62             :  *  <tr>
      63             :  *    <td> 4 </td>
      64             :  *    <td> 3 / 20 </td>
      65             :  *  </tr>
      66             :  *  <tr>
      67             :  *    <td> 5 </td>
      68             :  *    <td> 45 / 551 </td>
      69             :  *  </tr>
      70             :  *  <tr>
      71             :  *    <td> 6 </td>
      72             :  *    <td> 5 / 114 </td>
      73             :  *  </tr>
      74             :  *  <tr>
      75             :  *    <td> 7 </td>
      76             :  *    <td> 945 / 40663 </td>
      77             :  *  </tr>
      78             :  *  <tr>
      79             :  *    <td> 8 </td>
      80             :  *    <td> 945 / 77432 </td>
      81             :  *  </tr>
      82             :  * </table>
      83             :  *
      84             :  * \section lts Local time stepping calculation
      85             :  *
      86             :  * \f$\newcommand\tL{t^L}\newcommand\tR{t^R}\newcommand\tU{\tilde{t}\!}
      87             :  * \newcommand\mat{\mathbf}\f$
      88             :  *
      89             :  * Suppose the local and remote sides of the interface are evaluated
      90             :  * at times \f$\ldots, \tL_{-1}, \tL_0, \tL_1, \ldots\f$ and
      91             :  * \f$\ldots, \tR_{-1}, \tR_0, \tR_1, \ldots\f$, respectively, with
      92             :  * the starting location of the numbering arbitrary in each case.
      93             :  * Let the step we wish to calculate the effect of be the step from
      94             :  * \f$\tL_{m_S}\f$ to \f$\tL_{m_S+1}\f$.  We call the sequence
      95             :  * produced from the union of the local and remote time sequences
      96             :  * \f$\ldots, \tU_{-1}, \tU_0, \tU_1, \ldots\f$.  For example, one
      97             :  * possible sequence of times is:
      98             :  * \f{equation}
      99             :  *   \begin{aligned}
     100             :  *     \text{Local side:} \\ \text{Union times:} \\ \text{Remote side:}
     101             :  *   \end{aligned}
     102             :  *   \cdots
     103             :  *   \begin{gathered}
     104             :  *     \, \\ \tU_1 \\ \tR_5
     105             :  *   \end{gathered}
     106             :  *   \leftarrow \Delta \tU_1 \rightarrow
     107             :  *   \begin{gathered}
     108             :  *     \tL_4 \\ \tU_2 \\ \,
     109             :  *   \end{gathered}
     110             :  *   \leftarrow \Delta \tU_2 \rightarrow
     111             :  *   \begin{gathered}
     112             :  *     \, \\ \tU_3 \\ \tR_6
     113             :  *   \end{gathered}
     114             :  *   \leftarrow \Delta \tU_3 \rightarrow
     115             :  *   \begin{gathered}
     116             :  *    \, \\ \tU_4 \\ \tR_7
     117             :  *   \end{gathered}
     118             :  *   \leftarrow \Delta \tU_4 \rightarrow
     119             :  *   \begin{gathered}
     120             :  *     \tL_5 \\ \tU_5 \\ \,
     121             :  *   \end{gathered}
     122             :  *   \cdots
     123             :  * \f}
     124             :  * We call the indices of the step's start and end times in the
     125             :  * union time sequence \f$n_S\f$ and \f$n_E\f$, respectively.  We
     126             :  * define \f$n^L_m\f$ to be the union-time index corresponding to
     127             :  * \f$\tL_m\f$ and \f$m^L_n\f$ to be the index of the last local
     128             :  * time not later than \f$\tU_n\f$ and similarly for the remote
     129             :  * side.  So for the above example, \f$n^L_4 = 2\f$ and \f$m^R_2 =
     130             :  * 5\f$, and if we wish to compute the step from \f$\tL_4\f$ to
     131             :  * \f$\tL_5\f$ we would have \f$m_S = 4\f$, \f$n_S = 2\f$, and
     132             :  * \f$n_E = 5\f$.
     133             :  *
     134             :  * If we wish to evaluate the change over this step to \f$k\f$th
     135             :  * order, we can write the change in the value as a linear
     136             :  * combination of the values of the coupling between the elements at
     137             :  * unequal times:
     138             :  * \f{equation}
     139             :  *   \mat{F}_{m_S} =
     140             :  *   \mspace{-10mu}
     141             :  *   \sum_{q^L = m_S-(k-1)}^{m_S}
     142             :  *   \,
     143             :  *   \sum_{q^R = m^R_{n_S}-(k-1)}^{m^R_{n_E-1}}
     144             :  *   \mspace{-10mu}
     145             :  *   \mat{D}_{q^Lq^R}
     146             :  *   I_{q^Lq^R},
     147             :  * \f}
     148             :  * where \f$\mat{D}_{q^Lq^R}\f$ is the coupling function evaluated
     149             :  * between data from \f$\tL_{q^L}\f$ and \f$\tR_{q^R}\f$.  The
     150             :  * coefficients can be written as the sum of three terms,
     151             :  * \f{equation}
     152             :  *   I_{q^Lq^R} = I^E_{q^Lq^R} + I^R_{q^Lq^R} + I^L_{q^Lq^R},
     153             :  * \f}
     154             :  * which can be interpreted as a contribution from equal-time
     155             :  * evaluations and contributions related to the remote and local
     156             :  * evaluation times.  These are given by
     157             :  * \f{align}
     158             :  *   I^E_{q^Lq^R} &=
     159             :  *   \mspace{-10mu}
     160             :  *   \sum_{n=n_S}^{\min\left\{n_E, n^L+k\right\}-1}
     161             :  *   \mspace{-10mu}
     162             :  *   \tilde{\alpha}_{n,n-n^L} \Delta \tU_n
     163             :  *   &&\text{if $\tL_{q^L} = \tR_{q^R}$, otherwise 0}
     164             :  *   \\
     165             :  *   I^R_{q^Lq^R} &=
     166             :  *   \ell_{q^L - m_S + k}\!\left(
     167             :  *     \tU_{n^R}; \tL_{m_S - (k-1)}, \ldots, \tL_{m_S}\right)
     168             :  *   \mspace{-10mu}
     169             :  *   \sum_{n=\max\left\{n_S, n^R\right\}}
     170             :  *       ^{\min\left\{n_E, n^R+k\right\}-1}
     171             :  *   \mspace{-10mu}
     172             :  *   \tilde{\alpha}_{n,n-n^R} \Delta \tU_n
     173             :  *   &&\text{if $\tR_{q^R}$ is not in $\{\tL_{\vphantom{|}\cdots}\}$,
     174             :  *     otherwise 0}
     175             :  *   \\
     176             :  *   I^L_{q^Lq^R} &=
     177             :  *   \mspace{-10mu}
     178             :  *   \sum_{n=\max\left\{n_S, n^R\right\}}
     179             :  *       ^{\min\left\{n_E, n^L+k, n^R_{q^R+k}\right\}-1}
     180             :  *   \mspace{-10mu}
     181             :  *   \ell_{q^R - m^R_n + k}\!\left(\tU_{n^L};
     182             :  *     \tR_{m^R_n - (k-1)}, \ldots, \tR_{m^R_n}\right)
     183             :  *   \tilde{\alpha}_{n,n-n^L} \Delta \tU_n
     184             :  *   &&\text{if $\tL_{q^L}$ is not in $\{\tR_{\vphantom{|}\cdots}\}$,
     185             :  *     otherwise 0,}
     186             :  * \f}
     187             :  * where for brevity we write \f$n^L = n^L_{q^L}\f$ and \f$n^R =
     188             :  * n^R_{q^R}\f$, and where \f$\ell_a(t; x_1, \ldots, x_k)\f$ a
     189             :  * Lagrange interpolating polynomial and \f$\tilde{\alpha}_{nj}\f$
     190             :  * is the \f$j\f$th coefficient for an Adams-Bashforth step over the
     191             :  * union times from step \f$n\f$ to step \f$n+1\f$.
     192             :  */
     193           1 : class AdamsBashforth : public LtsTimeStepper {
     194             :  public:
     195           0 :   static constexpr const size_t minimum_order = 1;
     196           0 :   static constexpr const size_t maximum_order = 8;
     197             : 
     198           0 :   struct Order {
     199           0 :     using type = size_t;
     200           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help = {"Convergence order"};
     201           0 :     static type lower_bound() { return 1; }
     202           0 :     static type upper_bound() { return maximum_order; }
     203             :   };
     204           0 :   using options = tmpl::list<Order>;
     205           0 :   static constexpr Options::String help = {
     206             :       "An Adams-Bashforth Nth order time-stepper."};
     207             : 
     208           0 :   AdamsBashforth() = default;
     209           0 :   explicit AdamsBashforth(size_t order);
     210           0 :   AdamsBashforth(const AdamsBashforth&) = default;
     211           0 :   AdamsBashforth& operator=(const AdamsBashforth&) = default;
     212           0 :   AdamsBashforth(AdamsBashforth&&) = default;
     213           0 :   AdamsBashforth& operator=(AdamsBashforth&&) = default;
     214           0 :   ~AdamsBashforth() override = default;
     215             : 
     216           1 :   size_t order() const override;
     217             : 
     218           1 :   size_t error_estimate_order() const override;
     219             : 
     220           1 :   uint64_t number_of_substeps() const override;
     221             : 
     222           1 :   uint64_t number_of_substeps_for_error() const override;
     223             : 
     224           1 :   size_t number_of_past_steps() const override;
     225             : 
     226           1 :   double stable_step() const override;
     227             : 
     228           1 :   bool monotonic() const override;
     229             : 
     230           1 :   TimeStepId next_time_id(const TimeStepId& current_id,
     231             :                           const TimeDelta& time_step) const override;
     232             : 
     233           1 :   TimeStepId next_time_id_for_error(const TimeStepId& current_id,
     234             :                                     const TimeDelta& time_step) const override;
     235             : 
     236           1 :   bool neighbor_data_required(
     237             :       const TimeStepId& next_substep_id,
     238             :       const TimeStepId& neighbor_data_id) const override;
     239             : 
     240           1 :   bool neighbor_data_required(
     241             :       double dense_output_time,
     242             :       const TimeStepId& neighbor_data_id) const override;
     243             : 
     244           0 :   WRAPPED_PUPable_decl_template(AdamsBashforth);  // NOLINT
     245             : 
     246           0 :   explicit AdamsBashforth(CkMigrateMessage* /*unused*/) {}
     247             : 
     248             :   // clang-tidy: do not pass by non-const reference
     249           0 :   void pup(PUP::er& p) override;  // NOLINT
     250             : 
     251             :  private:
     252           0 :   friend bool operator==(const AdamsBashforth& lhs, const AdamsBashforth& rhs);
     253             : 
     254             :   // Some of the private methods take a parameter of type "Delta" or
     255             :   // "TimeType".  Delta is expected to be a TimeDelta or an
     256             :   // ApproximateTimeDelta, and TimeType is expected to be a Time or an
     257             :   // ApproximateTime.  The former cases will detect and optimize the
     258             :   // constant-time-step case, while the latter are necessary for dense
     259             :   // output.
     260             :   template <typename T>
     261           0 :   void update_u_impl(gsl::not_null<T*> u,
     262             :                      const MutableUntypedHistory<T>& history,
     263             :                      const TimeDelta& time_step) const;
     264             : 
     265             :   template <typename T>
     266           0 :   bool update_u_impl(gsl::not_null<T*> u, gsl::not_null<T*> u_error,
     267             :                      const MutableUntypedHistory<T>& history,
     268             :                      const TimeDelta& time_step) const;
     269             : 
     270             :   template <typename T>
     271           0 :   bool dense_update_u_impl(gsl::not_null<T*> u,
     272             :                            const ConstUntypedHistory<T>& history,
     273             :                            double time) const;
     274             : 
     275             :   template <typename T, typename Delta>
     276           0 :   void update_u_common(gsl::not_null<T*> u,
     277             :                        const ConstUntypedHistory<T>& history,
     278             :                        const Delta& time_step, size_t order) const;
     279             : 
     280             :   template <typename T>
     281           0 :   bool can_change_step_size_impl(const TimeStepId& time_id,
     282             :                                  const ConstUntypedHistory<T>& history) const;
     283             : 
     284             :   template <typename T>
     285           0 :   void add_boundary_delta_impl(
     286             :       gsl::not_null<T*> result,
     287             :       const TimeSteppers::MutableBoundaryHistoryTimes& local_times,
     288             :       const TimeSteppers::MutableBoundaryHistoryTimes& remote_times,
     289             :       const TimeSteppers::BoundaryHistoryEvaluator<T>& coupling,
     290             :       const TimeDelta& time_step) const;
     291             : 
     292             :   template <typename T>
     293           0 :   void boundary_dense_output_impl(
     294             :       gsl::not_null<T*> result,
     295             :       const TimeSteppers::ConstBoundaryHistoryTimes& local_times,
     296             :       const TimeSteppers::ConstBoundaryHistoryTimes& remote_times,
     297             :       const TimeSteppers::BoundaryHistoryEvaluator<T>& coupling,
     298             :       const double time) const;
     299             : 
     300             :   template <typename T, typename TimeType>
     301           0 :   void boundary_impl(gsl::not_null<T*> result,
     302             :                      const ConstBoundaryHistoryTimes& local_times,
     303             :                      const ConstBoundaryHistoryTimes& remote_times,
     304             :                      const BoundaryHistoryEvaluator<T>& coupling,
     305             :                      const TimeType& end_time) const;
     306             : 
     307             :   TIME_STEPPER_DECLARE_OVERLOADS
     309             : 
     310           0 :   size_t order_ = 3;
     311             : };
     312             : 
     313           0 : bool operator!=(const AdamsBashforth& lhs, const AdamsBashforth& rhs);
     314             : }  // namespace TimeSteppers

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