SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - PointwiseFunctions/GeneralRelativity/Surfaces - Spin.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: 965048f86d23c819715b3af1ca3f880c8145d4bb Lines: 7 9 77.8 %
Date: 2024-05-16 17:00:40
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <array>
       7             : 
       8             : #include "DataStructures/Tensor/TypeAliases.hpp"
       9             : #include "NumericalAlgorithms/SphericalHarmonics/TagsTypeAliases.hpp"
      10             : 
      11             : /// \cond
      12             : class DataVector;
      13             : namespace ylm {
      14             : template <typename Frame>
      15             : class Strahlkorper;
      16             : }  // namespace ylm
      17             : namespace gsl {
      18             : template <typename>
      19             : struct not_null;
      20             : }  // namespace gsl
      21             : /// \endcond
      22             : 
      23             : namespace gr::surfaces {
      24             : /// @{
      25             : /*!
      26             :  * \ingroup SurfacesGroup
      27             :  * \brief Spin function of a 2D `Strahlkorper`.
      28             :  *
      29             :  * \details See Eqs. (2) and (10)
      30             :  * of \cite Owen2017yaj. This function computes the
      31             :  * "spin function," which is an ingredient for horizon surface integrals that
      32             :  * measure quasilocal spin. This function is proportional to the imaginary part
      33             :  * of the horizon's complex scalar curvature. For Kerr black holes, the spin
      34             :  * function is proportional to the horizon vorticity. It is also useful for
      35             :  * visualizing the direction of a black hole's spin.
      36             :  * Specifically, this function computes
      37             :  * \f$\Omega = \epsilon^{AB}\nabla_A\omega_B\f$,
      38             :  * where capital indices index the tangent bundle of the surface and
      39             :  * where \f$\omega_\mu=(K_{\rho\nu}-K g_{\rho\nu})h_\mu^\rho s^\nu\f$ is
      40             :  * the curl of the angular momentum density of the surface,
      41             :  * \f$h^\rho_\mu = \delta_\mu^\rho + u_\mu u^\rho - s_\mu s^\rho\f$
      42             :  * is the projector tangent to the 2-surface,
      43             :  * \f$g_{\rho\nu} = \psi_{\rho\nu} + u_\rho u_\nu\f$ is the spatial
      44             :  * metric of the spatial slice, \f$u^\rho\f$ is the unit normal to the
      45             :  * spatial slice, and \f$s^\nu\f$ is the unit normal vector to the surface.
      46             :  * Because the tangent basis vectors \f$e_A^\mu\f$ are
      47             :  * orthogonal to both \f$u^\mu\f$ and \f$s^\mu\f$, it is straightforward
      48             :  * to show that \f$\Omega = \epsilon^{AB} \nabla_A K_{B\mu}s^\mu\f$.
      49             :  * This function uses the tangent vectors of the `Strahlkorper` to
      50             :  * compute \f$K_{B\mu}s^\mu\f$ and then numerically computes the
      51             :  * components of its gradient. The argument `area_element`
      52             :  * can be computed via `gr::surfaces::area_element`.
      53             :  * The argument `unit_normal_vector` can be found by raising the
      54             :  * index of the one-form returned by `gr::surfaces::unit_normal_oneform`.
      55             :  * The argument `tangents` is a Tangents that can be obtained from the
      56             :  * StrahlkorperDataBox using the `ylm::Tags::Tangents` tag.
      57             :  */
      58             : template <typename Frame>
      59           1 : void spin_function(gsl::not_null<Scalar<DataVector>*> result,
      60             :                    const ylm::Tags::aliases::Jacobian<Frame>& tangents,
      61             :                    const ylm::Strahlkorper<Frame>& strahlkorper,
      62             :                    const tnsr::I<DataVector, 3, Frame>& unit_normal_vector,
      63             :                    const Scalar<DataVector>& area_element,
      64             :                    const tnsr::ii<DataVector, 3, Frame>& extrinsic_curvature);
      65             : 
      66             : template <typename Frame>
      67           1 : Scalar<DataVector> spin_function(
      68             :     const ylm::Tags::aliases::Jacobian<Frame>& tangents,
      69             :     const ylm::Strahlkorper<Frame>& strahlkorper,
      70             :     const tnsr::I<DataVector, 3, Frame>& unit_normal_vector,
      71             :     const Scalar<DataVector>& area_element,
      72             :     const tnsr::ii<DataVector, 3, Frame>& extrinsic_curvature);
      73             : /// @}
      74             : 
      75             : /// @{
      76             : /*!
      77             :  * \ingroup SurfacesGroup
      78             :  * \brief Spin magnitude measured on a 2D `Strahlkorper`.
      79             :  *
      80             :  * \details Measures the quasilocal spin magnitude of a Strahlkorper, by
      81             :  * inserting \f$\alpha=1\f$ into Eq. (10) of \cite Owen2009sb
      82             :  * and dividing by \f$8\pi\f$ to yield the spin magnitude. The
      83             :  * spin magnitude is a Euclidean norm of surface integrals over the horizon
      84             :  * \f$S = \frac{1}{8\pi}\oint z \Omega dA\f$,
      85             :  * where \f$\Omega\f$ is obtained via `gr::surfaces::spin_function()`,
      86             :  * \f$dA\f$ is the area element, and \f$z\f$ (the "spin potential") is a
      87             :  * solution of a generalized eigenproblem given by Eq. (9) of
      88             :  * \cite Owen2009sb. Specifically,
      89             :  * \f$\nabla^4 z + \nabla \cdot (R\nabla z) = \lambda \nabla^2 z\f$, where
      90             :  * \f$R\f$ is obtained via `gr::surfaces::ricci_scalar()`. The spin
      91             :  * magnitude is the Euclidean norm of the three values of \f$S\f$ obtained from
      92             :  * the eigenvectors \f$z\f$ with the 3 smallest-magnitude
      93             :  * eigenvalues \f$\lambda\f$. Note that this formulation of the eigenproblem
      94             :  * uses the "Owen" normalization, Eq. (A9) and surrounding discussion in
      95             :  * \cite Lovelace2008tw.
      96             :  * The eigenvectors are normalized  with the "Kerr normalization",
      97             :  * Eq. (A22) of \cite Lovelace2008tw.
      98             :  * The argument `spatial_metric` is the metric of the 3D spatial slice
      99             :  * evaluated on the `Strahlkorper`.
     100             :  * The argument `tangents` can be obtained from the StrahlkorperDataBox
     101             :  * using the `ylm::Tags::Tangents` tag, and the argument
     102             :  * `unit_normal_vector` can
     103             :  * be found by raising the index of the one-form returned by
     104             :  * `gr::surfaces::unit_normal_one_form`.
     105             :  * The argument `strahlkorper` is the surface on which the spin magnitude is
     106             :  * computed.
     107             :  * The argument `area_element`
     108             :  * can be computed via `gr::surfaces::area_element`.
     109             :  */
     110             : template <typename Frame>
     111           1 : void dimensionful_spin_magnitude(
     112             :     gsl::not_null<double*> result, const Scalar<DataVector>& ricci_scalar,
     113             :     const Scalar<DataVector>& spin_function,
     114             :     const tnsr::ii<DataVector, 3, Frame>& spatial_metric,
     115             :     const ylm::Tags::aliases::Jacobian<Frame>& tangents,
     116             :     const ylm::Strahlkorper<Frame>& strahlkorper,
     117             :     const Scalar<DataVector>& area_element);
     118             : 
     119             : template <typename Frame>
     120           1 : double dimensionful_spin_magnitude(
     121             :     const Scalar<DataVector>& ricci_scalar,
     122             :     const Scalar<DataVector>& spin_function,
     123             :     const tnsr::ii<DataVector, 3, Frame>& spatial_metric,
     124             :     const ylm::Tags::aliases::Jacobian<Frame>& tangents,
     125             :     const ylm::Strahlkorper<Frame>& strahlkorper,
     126             :     const Scalar<DataVector>& area_element);
     127             : /// @}
     128             : 
     129             : /// @{
     130             : /*!
     131             :  * \ingroup SurfacesGroup
     132             :  * \brief Dimensionless spin magnitude of a `Strahlkorper`.
     133             :  *
     134             :  * \details
     135             :  * This function computes the dimensionless spin magnitude \f$\chi\f$
     136             :  * from the dimensionful spin magnitude \f$S\f$ and the christodoulou
     137             :  * mass \f$M\f$ of a black hole. Specifically, computes
     138             :  * \f$\chi = \frac{S}{M^2}\f$.
     139             :  */
     140             : 
     141           1 : void dimensionless_spin_magnitude(const gsl::not_null<double*> result,
     142             :                                   const double dimensionful_spin_magnitude,
     143             :                                   const double christodoulou_mass);
     144             : 
     145           1 : double dimensionless_spin_magnitude(const double dimensionful_spin_magnitude,
     146             :                                     const double christodoulou_mass);
     147             : /// @}
     148             : 
     149             : /*!
     150             :  * \ingroup SurfacesGroup
     151             :  * \brief Spin vector of a 2D `Strahlkorper`.
     152             :  *
     153             :  * \details Computes the spin vector of a `Strahlkorper` in a
     154             :  * `MeasurementFrame`, such as `Frame::Inertial`. The result is a
     155             :  * `std::array<double, 3>` containing the Cartesian components (in
     156             :  * `MeasurementFrame`) of the spin vector whose magnitude is
     157             :  * `spin_magnitude`. `spin_vector` will return the dimensionless spin
     158             :  * components if `spin_magnitude` is the dimensionless spin magnitude,
     159             :  * and it will return the dimensionful spin components if
     160             :  * `spin_magnitude` is the dimensionful spin magnitude. The spin
     161             :  * vector is given by
     162             :  * a surface integral over the horizon \f$\mathcal{H}\f$ [Eq. (25) of
     163             :  * \cite Owen2017yaj]:
     164             :  * \f$S^i = \frac{S}{N} \oint_\mathcal{H} dA \Omega (x^i - x^i_0 - x^i_R) \f$,
     165             :  * where \f$S\f$ is the spin magnitude,
     166             :  * \f$N\f$ is a normalization factor enforcing \f$\delta_{ij}S^iS^j = S\f$,
     167             :  * \f$dA\f$ is the area element (via `gr::surfaces::area_element`),
     168             :  * \f$\Omega\f$ is the "spin function" (via `gr::surfaces::spin_function`),
     169             :  * \f$x^i\f$ are the `MeasurementFrame` coordinates of points on
     170             :  * the `Strahlkorper`,
     171             :  * \f$x^i_0\f$ are the `MeasurementFrame` coordinates of the center
     172             :  * of the Strahlkorper,
     173             :  * \f$x^i_R = \frac{1}{8\pi}\oint_\mathcal{H} dA (x^i - x^i_0) R \f$,
     174             :  * and \f$R\f$ is the intrinsic Ricci scalar of the `Strahlkorper`
     175             :  * (via `gr::surfaces::ricci_scalar`).
     176             :  * Note that measuring positions on the horizon relative to
     177             :  * \f$x^i_0 + x^i_R\f$ instead of \f$x^i_0\f$ ensures that the mass dipole
     178             :  * moment vanishes.
     179             :  *
     180             :  * \param result The computed spin vector in `MeasurementFrame`.
     181             :  * \param spin_magnitude The spin magnitude.
     182             :  * \param area_element The area element on `strahlkorper`'s
     183             :  *        collocation points.
     184             :  * \param ricci_scalar The intrinsic ricci scalar on `strahlkorper`'s
     185             :  *        collocation points.
     186             :  * \param spin_function The spin function on `strahlkorper`'s
     187             :  *        collocation points.
     188             :  * \param strahlkorper The Strahlkorper in the `MetricDataFrame` frame.
     189             :  * \param measurement_frame_coords The Cartesian coordinates of `strahlkorper`'s
     190             :  * collocation points, mapped to `MeasurementFrame`.
     191             :  *
     192             :  * Note that `spin_vector` uses two frames: the Strahlkorper and all of the
     193             :  * metric quantities are in `MetricDataFrame` and are used for doing integrals,
     194             :  * but the `measurement_frame_coordinates` are in `MeasurementFrame` and are
     195             :  * used for making sure the result is in the appropriate frame.  The two frames
     196             :  * `MeasurementFrame` and `MetricDataFrame` may or may not be the same.
     197             :  * In principle, spin_vector could be written using only a single frame
     198             :  * (`MeasurementFrame`) but that would require that the metric quantities
     199             :  * are known on the collocation points of a Strahlkorper in `MeasurementFrame`,
     200             :  * which would involve more interpolation.
     201             :  */
     202             : template <typename MetricDataFrame, typename MeasurementFrame>
     203           1 : void spin_vector(
     204             :     const gsl::not_null<std::array<double, 3>*> result, double spin_magnitude,
     205             :     const Scalar<DataVector>& area_element,
     206             :     const Scalar<DataVector>& ricci_scalar,
     207             :     const Scalar<DataVector>& spin_function,
     208             :     const ylm::Strahlkorper<MetricDataFrame>& strahlkorper,
     209             :     const tnsr::I<DataVector, 3, MeasurementFrame>& measurement_frame_coords);
     210             : 
     211             : template <typename MetricDataFrame, typename MeasurementFrame>
     212           0 : std::array<double, 3> spin_vector(
     213             :     double spin_magnitude, const Scalar<DataVector>& area_element,
     214             :     const Scalar<DataVector>& ricci_scalar,
     215             :     const Scalar<DataVector>& spin_function,
     216             :     const ylm::Strahlkorper<MetricDataFrame>& strahlkorper,
     217             :     const tnsr::I<DataVector, 3, MeasurementFrame>& measurement_frame_coords);
     218             : }  // namespace gr::surfaces

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