SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - ParallelAlgorithms/Interpolation/Callbacks - ObserveSurfaceData.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: 2b1666de0ae5e27fe0a0cb0c0d54fe4ae87ef1d3 Lines: 1 5 20.0 %
Date: 2024-10-13 19:48:05
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <cstddef>
       7             : #include <string>
       8             : #include <utility>
       9             : #include <vector>
      10             : 
      11             : #include "DataStructures/DataBox/DataBox.hpp"
      12             : #include "DataStructures/DataBox/TagName.hpp"
      13             : #include "IO/H5/TensorData.hpp"
      14             : #include "IO/Observer/ObserverComponent.hpp"
      15             : #include "IO/Observer/ReductionActions.hpp"
      16             : #include "IO/Observer/Tags.hpp"
      17             : #include "IO/Observer/VolumeActions.hpp"
      18             : #include "NumericalAlgorithms/Spectral/Basis.hpp"
      19             : #include "NumericalAlgorithms/Spectral/Quadrature.hpp"
      20             : #include "NumericalAlgorithms/SphericalHarmonics/IO/FillYlmLegendAndData.hpp"
      21             : #include "NumericalAlgorithms/SphericalHarmonics/Spherepack.hpp"
      22             : #include "NumericalAlgorithms/SphericalHarmonics/Strahlkorper.hpp"
      23             : #include "NumericalAlgorithms/SphericalHarmonics/Tags.hpp"
      24             : #include "Parallel/GlobalCache.hpp"
      25             : #include "Parallel/Invoke.hpp"
      26             : #include "Parallel/Local.hpp"
      27             : #include "Parallel/Reduction.hpp"
      28             : #include "ParallelAlgorithms/Interpolation/InterpolationTargetDetail.hpp"
      29             : #include "ParallelAlgorithms/Interpolation/Protocols/PostInterpolationCallback.hpp"
      30             : #include "Utilities/Functional.hpp"
      31             : #include "Utilities/Gsl.hpp"
      32             : #include "Utilities/PrettyType.hpp"
      33             : #include "Utilities/ProtocolHelpers.hpp"
      34             : #include "Utilities/TMPL.hpp"
      35             : 
      36             : namespace intrp {
      37             : namespace callbacks {
      38             : /// \brief post_interpolation_callback that outputs 2D "volume" data on a
      39             : /// surface and the surface's spherical harmonic data
      40             : ///
      41             : /// \details
      42             : /// Uses:
      43             : /// - Metavariables
      44             : ///   - `temporal_id`
      45             : /// - DataBox:
      46             : ///   - `TagsToObserve` (each tag must be a Scalar<DataVector>)
      47             : ///
      48             : /// Conforms to the intrp::protocols::PostInterpolationCallback protocol
      49             : ///
      50             : /// For requirements on InterpolationTargetTag, see
      51             : /// intrp::protocols::InterpolationTargetTag
      52             : ///
      53             : /// The columns of spherical harmonic data written take the form
      54             : ///
      55             : /// \code
      56             : /// [Time, {Frame}ExpansionCenter_x, {Frame}ExpansionCenter_y,
      57             : /// {Frame}ExpansionCenter_z, Lmax, coef(0,0), ... coef(Lmax,Lmax)]
      58             : /// \endcode
      59             : ///
      60             : /// where `coef(l,m)` refers to the strahlkorper coefficients stored and defined
      61             : /// by `ylm::Strahlkorper::coefficients() const`. It is assumed that
      62             : /// \f$l_{max} = m_{max}\f$.
      63             : ///
      64             : /// \note Currently, \f$l_{max}\f$ for a given surface does not change over the
      65             : /// course of the simulation, which means that the total number of columns of
      66             : /// coefficients that we need to write is also constant. The current
      67             : /// implementation of writing the coefficients at one time assumes \f$l_{max}\f$
      68             : /// of a surface remains constant. If and when in the future functionality for
      69             : /// an adaptive \f$l_{max}\f$ is added, the implementation for writing the
      70             : /// coefficients will need to be updated to account for this. One possible way
      71             : /// to address this is to have a known maximum \f$l_{max}\f$ for a given surface
      72             : /// and write all coefficients up to that maximum \f$l_{max}\f$.
      73             : template <typename TagsToObserve, typename InterpolationTargetTag,
      74             :           typename HorizonFrame>
      75           1 : struct ObserveSurfaceData
      76             :     : tt::ConformsTo<intrp::protocols::PostInterpolationCallback> {
      77           0 :   static constexpr double fill_invalid_points_with =
      78             :       std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
      79             : 
      80           0 :   using const_global_cache_tags = tmpl::list<observers::Tags::SurfaceFileName>;
      81             : 
      82             :   template <typename DbTags, typename Metavariables, typename TemporalId>
      83           0 :   static void apply(const db::DataBox<DbTags>& box,
      84             :                     Parallel::GlobalCache<Metavariables>& cache,
      85             :                     const TemporalId& temporal_id) {
      86             :     const auto& strahlkorper = get<ylm::Tags::Strahlkorper<HorizonFrame>>(box);
      87             :     const ylm::Spherepack& ylm = strahlkorper.ylm_spherepack();
      88             : 
      89             :     // Output the inertial-frame coordinates of the Stralhlkorper.
      90             :     // Note that these coordinates are not
      91             :     // Spherepack-evenly-distributed over the inertial-frame sphere
      92             :     // (they are Spherepack-evenly-distributed over the HorizonFrame
      93             :     // sphere).
      94             :     std::vector<TensorComponent> tensor_components;
      95             :     if constexpr (db::tag_is_retrievable_v<
      96             :                       ylm::Tags::CartesianCoords<::Frame::Inertial>,
      97             :                       db::DataBox<DbTags>>) {
      98             :       const auto& inertial_strahlkorper_coords =
      99             :           get<ylm::Tags::CartesianCoords<::Frame::Inertial>>(box);
     100             :       tensor_components.push_back(
     101             :           {"InertialCoordinates_x"s, get<0>(inertial_strahlkorper_coords)});
     102             :       tensor_components.push_back(
     103             :           {"InertialCoordinates_y"s, get<1>(inertial_strahlkorper_coords)});
     104             :       tensor_components.push_back(
     105             :           {"InertialCoordinates_z"s, get<2>(inertial_strahlkorper_coords)});
     106             :     }
     107             : 
     108             :     // Output each tag if it is a scalar. Otherwise, throw a compile-time
     109             :     // error. This could be generalized to handle tensors of nonzero rank by
     110             :     // looping over the components, so each component could be visualized
     111             :     // separately as a scalar. But in practice, this generalization is
     112             :     // probably unnecessary, because Strahlkorpers are typically only
     113             :     // visualized with scalar quantities (used set the color at different
     114             :     // points on the surface).
     115             :     tmpl::for_each<TagsToObserve>([&box, &tensor_components](auto tag_v) {
     116             :       using Tag = tmpl::type_from<decltype(tag_v)>;
     117             :       const auto tag_name = db::tag_name<Tag>();
     118             :       const auto& tensor = get<Tag>(box);
     119             :       for (size_t i = 0; i < tensor.size(); ++i) {
     120             :         tensor_components.emplace_back(tag_name + tensor.component_suffix(i),
     121             :                                        tensor[i]);
     122             :       }
     123             :     });
     124             : 
     125             :     const std::string& surface_name =
     126             :         pretty_type::name<InterpolationTargetTag>();
     127             :     const std::string subfile_path{std::string{"/"} + surface_name};
     128             :     const std::vector<size_t> extents_vector{
     129             :         {ylm.physical_extents()[0], ylm.physical_extents()[1]}};
     130             :     const std::vector<Spectral::Basis> bases_vector{
     131             :         2, Spectral::Basis::SphericalHarmonic};
     132             :     const std::vector<Spectral::Quadrature> quadratures_vector{
     133             :         {Spectral::Quadrature::Gauss, Spectral::Quadrature::Equiangular}};
     134             :     const double time =
     135             :         InterpolationTarget_detail::get_temporal_id_value(temporal_id);
     136             :     const observers::ObservationId observation_id{time, subfile_path + ".vol"};
     137             : 
     138             :     auto& proxy = Parallel::get_parallel_component<
     139             :         observers::ObserverWriter<Metavariables>>(cache);
     140             : 
     141             :     // We call this on proxy[0] because the 0th element of a NodeGroup is
     142             :     // always guaranteed to be present.
     143             :     Parallel::threaded_action<observers::ThreadedActions::WriteVolumeData>(
     144             :         proxy[0], Parallel::get<observers::Tags::SurfaceFileName>(cache),
     145             :         subfile_path, observation_id,
     146             :         std::vector<ElementVolumeData>{{surface_name, tensor_components,
     147             :                                         extents_vector, bases_vector,
     148             :                                         quadratures_vector}});
     149             : 
     150             :     std::vector<std::string> ylm_legend{};
     151             :     std::vector<double> ylm_data{};
     152             :     // The number of coefficients written will be (l_max + 1)^2 where l_max is
     153             :     // the current value of l_max for this surface's strahlkorper. Because l_max
     154             :     // remains constant, the number of coefficient columns written does, too. In
     155             :     // the future when l_max is adaptive, instead of passing in the current
     156             :     // l_max of the strahlkorper, we could pass in the maximum value that l_max
     157             :     // could be to ensure that we (a) have enough columns to write all the
     158             :     // coefficients regardless of the current value of l_max and (b) write a
     159             :     // constant number of columns for each row of data regardless of the current
     160             :     // l_max.
     161             :     ylm::fill_ylm_legend_and_data(make_not_null(&ylm_legend),
     162             :                                   make_not_null(&ylm_data), strahlkorper, time,
     163             :                                   strahlkorper.l_max());
     164             : 
     165             :     const std::string ylm_subfile_name{std::string{"/"} + surface_name +
     166             :                                        "_Ylm"};
     167             : 
     168             :     Parallel::threaded_action<
     169             :         observers::ThreadedActions::WriteReductionDataRow>(
     170             :         proxy[0], ylm_subfile_name, std::move(ylm_legend),
     171             :         std::make_tuple(std::move(ylm_data)));
     172             :   }
     173             : };
     174             : }  // namespace callbacks
     175             : }  // namespace intrp

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