SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - NumericalAlgorithms/SpinWeightedSphericalHarmonics - SwshInterpolation.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: bcc6763cee2b3f1593fb35e61fb83412a3313e95 Lines: 13 37 35.1 %
Date: 2024-09-16 17:23:19
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <complex>
       7             : #include <cstddef>
       8             : #include <vector>
       9             : 
      10             : #include "DataStructures/ComplexModalVector.hpp"
      11             : #include "DataStructures/DataVector.hpp"
      12             : #include "DataStructures/SpinWeighted.hpp"
      13             : #include "Utilities/Gsl.hpp"
      14             : 
      15             : /// \cond
      16             : class ComplexDataVector;
      17             : namespace PUP {
      18             : class er;
      19             : }  // namespace PUP
      20             : /// \endcond
      21             : 
      22             : namespace Spectral {
      23             : namespace Swsh {
      24             : 
      25             : /// \ingroup SwshGroup
      26             : /// A utility for evaluating a particular spin-weighted spherical harmonic
      27             : /// function at arbitrary points.
      28             : ///
      29             : /// \warning This should NOT be used for interpolation; such an evaluation
      30             : /// strategy is hopelessly slow compared to Clenshaw recurrence strategies.
      31             : /// Instead use `SwshInterpolator`.
      32           1 : class SpinWeightedSphericalHarmonic {
      33             :  public:
      34             :   // charm needs an empty constructor
      35           0 :   SpinWeightedSphericalHarmonic() = default;
      36             : 
      37           0 :   SpinWeightedSphericalHarmonic(int spin, size_t l, int m);
      38             : 
      39             :   /*!
      40             :    *  Return by pointer the values of the spin-weighted spherical harmonic
      41             :    *  evaluated at `theta` and `phi`.
      42             :    *
      43             :    *  \details The additional values `sin_theta_over_2` and `cos_theta_over_2`,
      44             :    *  representing \f$\sin(\theta/2)\f$ and \f$\cos(\theta/2)\f$ are taken as
      45             :    *  required input to improve the speed of evaluation when called more than
      46             :    *  once.
      47             :    *
      48             :    *  The formula we evaluate (with various prefactors precomputed, cached, and
      49             :    *  optimized from the factorials) is \cite Goldberg1966uu
      50             :    *
      51             :    *  \f{align*}{
      52             :    *  {}_s Y_{l m} = (-1)^m \sqrt{\frac{(l + m)! (l-m)! (2l + 1)}
      53             :    *  {4 \pi (l + s)! (l - s)!}} \sin^{2 l}(\theta / 2)
      54             :    *   \sum_{r = 0}^{l - s} {l - s \choose r} {l + s \choose r + s - m}
      55             :    *  (-1)^{l - r - s} e^{i m \phi} \cot^{2 r + s - m}(\theta / 2).
      56             :    *  \f}
      57             :    */
      58           1 :   void evaluate(gsl::not_null<ComplexDataVector*> result,
      59             :                 const DataVector& theta, const DataVector& phi,
      60             :                 const DataVector& sin_theta_over_2,
      61             :                 const DataVector& cos_theta_over_2) const;
      62             : 
      63             :   /// Return by value the spin-weighted spherical harmonic evaluated at `theta`
      64             :   /// and `phi`.
      65             :   ///
      66             :   /// \details The additional values `sin_theta_over_2` and `cos_theta_over_2`,
      67             :   /// representing \f$\sin(\theta/2)\f$ and \f$\cos(\theta/2)\f$ are taken as
      68             :   /// required input to improve the speed of evaluation when called more than
      69             :   /// once.
      70           1 :   ComplexDataVector evaluate(const DataVector& theta, const DataVector& phi,
      71             :                              const DataVector& sin_theta_over_2,
      72             :                              const DataVector& cos_theta_over_2) const;
      73             : 
      74             :   /// Return by value the spin-weighted spherical harmonic evaluated at `theta`
      75             :   /// and `phi`.
      76           1 :   std::complex<double> evaluate(double theta, double phi) const;
      77             : 
      78             :   /// Serialization for Charm++.
      79             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-runtime-references)
      80           1 :   void pup(PUP::er& p);
      81             : 
      82             :  private:
      83           0 :   int spin_ = 0;
      84           0 :   size_t l_ = 0;
      85           0 :   int m_ = 0;
      86           0 :   double overall_prefactor_ = 0.0;
      87           0 :   std::vector<double> r_prefactors_;
      88             : };
      89             : 
      90             : /*!
      91             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
      92             :  * \brief Performs interpolation for spin-weighted spherical harmonics by
      93             :  * taking advantage of the Clenshaw method of expanding recurrence relations.
      94             :  *
      95             :  * \details During construction, we cache several functions of the target
      96             :  * interpolation points that will be used during the Clenshaw evaluation.
      97             :  * A new `SwshInterpolator` object must be created for each new set of target
      98             :  * points, but the member function `SwshInterpolator::interpolate()` may be
      99             :  * called on several different coefficients or collocation sets, and of
     100             :  * different spin-weights.
     101             :  *
     102             :  * Recurrence constants
     103             :  * --------------------
     104             :  * This utility obtains the Clenshaw interpolation constants from a
     105             :  * `StaticCache`, so that 'universal' quantities can be calculated only once per
     106             :  * execution and re-used on each interpolation.
     107             :  *
     108             :  * We evaluate the recurrence coefficients \f$\alpha_l^{(a,b)}\f$ and
     109             :  * \f$\beta_l^{(a,b)}\f$, where \f$a = |s + m|\f$, \f$b = |s - m|\f$, and
     110             :  *
     111             :  * \f[
     112             :  * {}_sY_{l, m}(\theta, \phi) = \alpha_l^{(a,b)}(\theta) {}_s Y_{l-1, m}
     113             :  * +  \beta_l^{(a, b)} {}_s Y_{l - 2, m}(\theta, \phi)
     114             :  * \f]
     115             :  *
     116             :  * The core Clenshaw recurrence is in the\f$l\f$ modes of the
     117             :  * spin-weighted spherical harmonic. For a set of modes \f$a_l^{(a,b)}\f$ at
     118             :  * fixed \f$m\f$, the function value is evaluated by the recurrence:
     119             :  *
     120             :  * \f{align*}{
     121             :  * y^{(a, b)}_{l_\text{max} + 2} &= y^{(a, b)}_{l_\text{max} + 1} = 0 \\
     122             :  * y^{(a, b)}_{l}(\theta) &= \alpha_{l + 1}^{(a, b)} y^{(a, b)}_{l +
     123             :  * 1}(\theta)
     124             :  * + \beta_{l + 2}^{(a,b)} y^{(a, b)}_{l + 2}(\theta) + a_l^{(a, b)} \\
     125             :  * f_m(\theta, \phi) &= \beta_{l_{\text{min}} + 2}
     126             :  * {}_s Y_{l_{\text{min}}, m}(\theta, \phi) y^{(a, b)}_2(\theta) +
     127             :  * {}_s Y_{l_{\text{min}} + 1, m}(\theta, \phi) y^{(a, b)}_1(\theta) +
     128             :  * a_0^{(a, b)} {}_s Y_{l_{\text{min}}, m}(\theta, \phi),
     129             :  * \f}
     130             :  *
     131             :  * where \f$l_{\text{min}} = \max(|m|, |s|)\f$ is the lowest nonvanishing
     132             :  * \f$l\f$ mode for a given \f$m\f$ and \f$s\f$.
     133             :  *
     134             :  * The coefficients to cache are inferred from a mechanical but lengthy
     135             :  * calculation involving the recurrence relation for the Jacobi polynomials.
     136             :  * The result is:
     137             :  *
     138             :  * \f{align*}{
     139             :  * \alpha_l^{(a, b)} &= \frac{\sqrt{(2l + 1)(2l - 1)}}
     140             :  * {2\sqrt{(l + k)(l + k + a + b)(l + k + a)(l + k + b)}}
     141             :  * \left[2 l \cos(\theta) +
     142             :  * \frac{a^2 - b^2}{2 l - 2}\right] \\
     143             :  * \beta_l^{(a, b)} & = - \sqrt{\frac{(2 l + 1)(l + k + a - 1)(l + k + b - 1)
     144             :  * (l + k - 1)(l + k + a + b - 1)}
     145             :  * {(2l - 3)(l + k)(l + k + a + b)(l + k + a)(l + k + b)}}
     146             :  * \frac{2 l}{2 l - 2},
     147             :  * \f}
     148             :  * where \f$k = - (a + b)/2\f$ (which is always integral due to the properties
     149             :  * of \f$a\f$ and \f$b\f$). Note that because the values of \f$\alpha\f$ and
     150             :  * \f$\beta\f$ in the recurrence relation are not needed for any value below
     151             :  * \f$l_{\text{min}} + 2\f$, so none of the values in the square-roots or
     152             :  * denominators take pathological values for any of the coefficients we require.
     153             :  *
     154             :  * The \f$\beta\f$ constants are filled in member variable `beta_constant`. The
     155             :  * \f$\alpha\f$ values are separately stored as the prefactor for the
     156             :  * \f$\cos(\theta)\f$ term and the constant term in `alpha_prefactor` and
     157             :  * `alpha_constant` member variables.
     158             :  *
     159             :  * In addition, it is efficient to cache recurrence coefficients necessary for
     160             :  * generating the first couple of spin-weighted spherical harmonic functions for
     161             :  * each \f$m\f$ used in the Clenshaw sum.
     162             :  *
     163             :  * The member variable `harmonic_at_l_min_prefactors` holds the prefactors for
     164             :  * directly evaluating the harmonics at \f$s >= m\f$,
     165             :  *
     166             :  * \f{align*}{
     167             :  * {}_s Y_{|s| m}  = {}_s C_{m} e^{i m \phi} \sin^a(\theta/2) \cos^b(\theta/2),
     168             :  * \f}
     169             :  *
     170             :  * where \f${}_s C_m\f$ are the cached prefactors that take the values
     171             :  *
     172             :  * \f{align*}{
     173             :  * {}_s C_m = (-1)^{m + \lambda(m)} \sqrt{\frac{(2 |s| + 1) (|s| + k)!}
     174             :  * {4 \pi (|s| + k + a)! (|s| + k + b)!}}
     175             :  * \f}
     176             :  *
     177             :  * and
     178             :  *
     179             :  * \f{align*}{
     180             :  * \lambda(m) =
     181             :  * \left\{
     182             :  * \begin{array}{ll}
     183             :  * 0 &\text{ for } s \ge -m\\
     184             :  * s + m &\text{ for } s < -m
     185             :  * \end{array} \right..
     186             :  * \f}
     187             :  *
     188             :  * The member variable `harmonic_m_recurrence_prefactors` holds the prefactors
     189             :  * necessary to evaluate the lowest harmonics for each \f$m\f$ from the next
     190             :  * lowest-in-magnitude \f$m\f$, allowing most leading harmonics to recursively
     191             :  * derived.
     192             :  *
     193             :  * \f{align*}{
     194             :  * {}_s Y_{|m|, m} = {}_s D_m  \sin(\theta / 2) \cos(\theta / 2)
     195             :  * \left\{
     196             :  * \begin{array}{ll}
     197             :  * e^{i \phi} {}_s Y_{|m| - 1, m - 1} &\text{ for } m > 0\\
     198             :  * e^{-i \phi} {}_s Y_{|m| - 1, m + 1} &\text{ for } m < 0
     199             :  * \end{array}\right.,
     200             :  * \f}
     201             :  *
     202             :  * where \f${}_s D_m\f$ are the cached prefactors that take the values
     203             :  *
     204             :  * \f{align*}{
     205             :  * {}_s D_m = -(-1)^{\Delta \lambda(m)} \sqrt{
     206             :  * \frac{(2 |m| + 1)(k + |m| + a + b - 1)(k + |m| + a + b)}
     207             :  * {(2 |m| - 1)(k + |m| + a)(k + |m| + b)}},
     208             :  * \f}
     209             :  * and \f$\Delta \lambda(m)\f$ is the difference in \f$\lambda(m)\f$ between
     210             :  * the harmonic on the left-hand side and right-hand side of the above
     211             :  * recurrence relation, that is \f$\lambda(m) - \lambda(m - 1)\f$ for positive
     212             :  * \f$m\f$ and \f$\lambda(m) - \lambda(m + 1)\f$ for negative \f$m\f$.
     213             :  *
     214             :  * Finally, the member variable
     215             :  * `harmonic_at_l_min_plus_one_recurrence_prefactors` holds the prefactors
     216             :  * necessary to evaluate parts of the recurrence relations from the lowest
     217             :  * \f$l\f$ for a given \f$m\f$ to the next-to-lowest \f$l\f$.
     218             :  *
     219             :  * \f{align*}{
     220             :  *   {}_s Y_{l_{\min} + 1, m} = {}_s E_m
     221             :  * \left[(a + 1) + (a + b + 2) \frac{(\cos(\theta) - 1)}{2}\right]
     222             :  * {}_s Y_{l_{\min}, m}.
     223             :  * \f}
     224             :  *
     225             :  * where \f${}_s E_m\f$ are the cached prefactors that take the values
     226             :  *
     227             :  * \f{align*}{
     228             :  * {}_s E_{m} = \sqrt{\frac{2 l_{\min} + 3}{ 2 l_{\min} + 1}}
     229             :  * \sqrt{\frac{(l_{\min} + k + 1)(l_{\min} + k + a + b + 1)}
     230             :  * {(l_{\min} + k + a + 1)(l_{\min} + k + b + 1)}}
     231             :  * \f}
     232             :  */
     233           1 : class SwshInterpolator {
     234             :  public:
     235             :   // charm needs the empty constructor
     236           0 :   SwshInterpolator() = default;
     237             : 
     238           0 :   SwshInterpolator(const SwshInterpolator&) = default;
     239           0 :   SwshInterpolator(SwshInterpolator&&) = default;
     240           0 :   SwshInterpolator& operator=(const SwshInterpolator&) = default;
     241           0 :   SwshInterpolator& operator=(SwshInterpolator&&) = default;
     242           0 :   ~SwshInterpolator() = default;
     243             : 
     244           0 :   SwshInterpolator(const DataVector& theta, const DataVector& phi,
     245             :                    size_t l_max);
     246             : 
     247             :   /*!
     248             :    * \brief Perform the Clenshaw recurrence sum, returning by pointer
     249             :    * `interpolated` of interpolating the `goldberg_modes` at the collocation
     250             :    * points passed to the constructor.
     251             :    *
     252             :    * \details The core Clenshaw recurrence is in the\f$l\f$ modes of the
     253             :    * spin-weighted spherical harmonic. For a set of modes \f$a_l^{(a,b)}\f$ at
     254             :    * fixed \f$m\f$, the function value is evaluated by the recurrence:
     255             :    *
     256             :    * \f{align*}{
     257             :    * y^{(a, b)}_{l_\text{max} + 2} &= y^{(a, b)}_{l_\text{max} + 1} = 0 \\
     258             :    * y^{(a, b)}_{l}(\theta) &= \alpha_{l + 1}^{(a, b)} y^{(a, b)}_{l +
     259             :    * 1}(\theta)
     260             :    * + \beta_{l + 2}^{(a,b)} y^{(a, b)}_{l + 2}(\theta) + a_l^{(a, b)} \\
     261             :    * f_m(\theta, \phi) &= \beta_{l_{\text{min}} + 2}
     262             :    * {}_s Y_{l_{\text{min}}, m}(\theta, \phi) y^{(a, b)}_2(\theta) +
     263             :    * {}_s Y_{l_{\text{min}} + 1, m}(\theta, \phi) y^{(a, b)}_1(\theta) +
     264             :    * a_0^{(a, b)} {}_s Y_{l_{\text{min}}, m}(\theta, \phi)
     265             :    * \f}
     266             :    *
     267             :    * The recurrence in \f$l\f$ accomplishes much of the work, but for full
     268             :    * efficiency, we also recursively evaluate the lowest handful of \f$l\f$s for
     269             :    * each \f$m\f$. The details of those additional recurrence tricks can be
     270             :    * found in the documentation for `ClenshawRecurrenceConstants`.
     271             :    */
     272             :   template <int Spin>
     273           1 :   void interpolate(
     274             :       gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>*> interpolated,
     275             :       const SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>& goldberg_modes) const;
     276             : 
     277             :   /*!
     278             :    * \brief Perform the Clenshaw recurrence sum, returning by pointer
     279             :    * `interpolated` of interpolating function represented by
     280             :    * `libsharp_collocation` at the target points passed to the constructor.
     281             :    *
     282             :    * \details The core Clenshaw recurrence is in the\f$l\f$ modes of the
     283             :    * spin-weighted spherical harmonic. For a set of modes \f$a_l^{(a,b)}\f$ at
     284             :    * fixed \f$m\f$, the function value is evaluated by the recurrence:
     285             :    *
     286             :    * \f{align*}{
     287             :    * y^{(a, b)}_{l_\text{max} + 2} &= y^{(a, b)}_{l_\text{max} + 1} = 0 \\
     288             :    * y^{(a, b)}_{l}(\theta) &= \alpha_{l + 1}^{(a, b)} y^{(a, b)}_{l +
     289             :    * 1}(\theta)
     290             :    * + \beta_{l + 2}^{(a,b)} y^{(a, b)}_{l + 2}(\theta) + a_l^{(a, b)} \\
     291             :    * f_m(\theta, \phi) &= \beta_{l_{\text{min}} + 2}
     292             :    * {}_s Y_{l_{\text{min}}, m}(\theta, \phi) y^{(a, b)}_2(\theta) +
     293             :    * {}_s Y_{l_{\text{min}} + 1, m}(\theta, \phi) y^{(a, b)}_1(\theta) +
     294             :    * a_0^{(a, b)} {}_s Y_{l_{\text{min}}, m}(\theta, \phi)
     295             :    * \f}
     296             :    *
     297             :    * The recurrence in \f$l\f$ accomplishes much of the work, but for full
     298             :    * efficiency, we also recursively evaluate the lowest handful of \f$l\f$s for
     299             :    * each \f$m\f$. The details of those additional recurrence tricks can be
     300             :    * found in the documentation for `ClenshawRecurrenceConstants`.
     301             :    */
     302             :   template <int Spin>
     303           1 :   void interpolate(
     304             :       gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>*> interpolated,
     305             :       const SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>& libsharp_collocation) const;
     306             : 
     307             :   /// \brief Evaluate the SWSH function at the lowest \f$l\f$ value for a given
     308             :   /// \f$m\f$ at the target interpolation points.
     309             :   ///
     310             :   /// \details Included in the public interface for thorough testing, most use
     311             :   /// cases should just use the `SwshInterpolator::interpolate()` member
     312             :   /// function.
     313             :   template <int Spin>
     314           1 :   void direct_evaluation_swsh_at_l_min(
     315             :       gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>*> harmonic,
     316             :       int m) const;
     317             : 
     318             :   /// \brief Evaluate the SWSH function at the next-to-lowest \f$l\f$ value for
     319             :   /// a given \f$m\f$ at the target interpolation points, given input harmonic
     320             :   /// values for the lowest \f$l\f$ value.
     321             :   ///
     322             :   /// \details Included in the public interface for thorough testing, most use
     323             :   /// cases should just use the `SwshInterpolator::interpolate()` member
     324             :   /// function.
     325             :   template <int Spin>
     326           1 :   void evaluate_swsh_at_l_min_plus_one(
     327             :       gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>*> harmonic,
     328             :       const SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>& harmonic_at_l_min,
     329             :       int m) const;
     330             : 
     331             :   /// \brief Evaluate the SWSH function at the lowest \f$l\f$ value for a given
     332             :   /// \f$m\f$ at the target interpolation points, given harmonic data at the
     333             :   /// next lower \f$m\f$ (by magnitude), passed in by the same pointer used for
     334             :   /// the return.
     335             :   ///
     336             :   /// \details Included in the public interface for thorough testing, most use
     337             :   /// cases should just use the `SwshInterpolator::interpolate()` member
     338             :   /// function.
     339             :   template <int Spin>
     340           1 :   void evaluate_swsh_m_recurrence_at_l_min(
     341             :       gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>*> harmonic,
     342             :       int m) const;
     343             : 
     344             :   /// \brief Perform the core Clenshaw interpolation at fixed \f$m\f$,
     345             :   /// accumulating the result in `interpolation`.
     346             :   ///
     347             :   /// \details Included in the public interface for thorough testing, most use
     348             :   /// cases should just use the `interpolate` member function.
     349             :   template <int Spin>
     350           1 :   void clenshaw_sum(
     351             :       gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>*> interpolation,
     352             :       const SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>& l_min_harmonic,
     353             :       const SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, Spin>& l_min_plus_one_harmonic,
     354             :       const SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>& goldberg_modes,
     355             :       int m) const;
     356             : 
     357             :   /// Serialization for Charm++.
     358             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-runtime-references)
     359           1 :   void pup(PUP::er& p);
     360             : 
     361             :  private:
     362           0 :   size_t l_max_ = 0;
     363           0 :   DataVector cos_theta_;
     364           0 :   DataVector sin_theta_;
     365           0 :   DataVector cos_theta_over_two_;
     366           0 :   DataVector sin_theta_over_two_;
     367           0 :   std::vector<DataVector> sin_m_phi_;
     368           0 :   std::vector<DataVector> cos_m_phi_;
     369             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(spectre-mutable)
     370           0 :   mutable ComplexModalVector raw_libsharp_coefficient_buffer_;
     371             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(spectre-mutable)
     372           0 :   mutable ComplexModalVector raw_goldberg_coefficient_buffer_;
     373             : };
     374             : }  // namespace Swsh
     375             : }  // namespace Spectral

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