SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - NumericalAlgorithms/SpinWeightedSphericalHarmonics - SwshCoefficients.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: bcc6763cee2b3f1593fb35e61fb83412a3313e95 Lines: 28 50 56.0 %
Date: 2024-09-16 17:23:19
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          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <complex>
       7             : #include <memory>
       8             : #include <sharp_cxx.h>
       9             : 
      10             : #include "DataStructures/ComplexModalVector.hpp"
      11             : #include "DataStructures/SpinWeighted.hpp"
      12             : #include "NumericalAlgorithms/SpinWeightedSphericalHarmonics/SwshCollocation.hpp"
      13             : #include "NumericalAlgorithms/SpinWeightedSphericalHarmonics/SwshSettings.hpp"
      14             : #include "Utilities/ConstantExpressions.hpp"
      15             : #include "Utilities/ForceInline.hpp"
      16             : #include "Utilities/Gsl.hpp"
      17             : 
      18             : namespace Spectral {
      19             : namespace Swsh {
      20             : 
      21             : /// \ingroup SwshGroup
      22             : /// \brief Convenience function for determining the number of spin-weighted
      23             : /// spherical harmonics coefficients that are stored for a given `l_max`
      24             : ///
      25             : /// \details This includes the factor of 2 associated with needing
      26             : /// to store both the transform of the real and imaginary parts, so is the
      27             : /// full size of the result of a libsharp swsh transform.
      28             : ///
      29             : /// \note Assumes the triangular libsharp representation is used.
      30             : constexpr SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t
      31           1 : size_of_libsharp_coefficient_vector(const size_t l_max) {
      32             :   return (l_max + 1) * (l_max + 2);  // "triangular" representation
      33             : }
      34             : 
      35             : /*!
      36             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
      37             :  * \brief Compute the relative sign change necessary to convert between the
      38             :  * libsharp basis for spin weight `from_spin_weight` to the basis for spin
      39             :  * weight `to_spin_weight`, for the real component coefficients if `real` is
      40             :  * true, otherwise for the imaginary component coefficients. The sign change for
      41             :  * a given coefficient is equivalent to the product of
      42             :  * `sharp_swsh_sign(from_spin, m, real) * sharp_swsh_sign(to_spin, m,
      43             :  * real)`. Due to the form of the signs, it does not end up depending on m (the
      44             :  * m's in the power of \f$-1\f$'s cancel).
      45             :  * For full details of the libsharp sign conventions, see the documentation for
      46             :  * TransformJob.
      47             :  *
      48             :  * \details The sign change is obtained by the
      49             :  * difference between the libsharp convention and the convention which uses:
      50             :  *
      51             :  * \f[
      52             :  * {}_s Y_{\ell m} (\theta, \phi) = (-1)^m \sqrt{\frac{2 l + 1}{4 \pi}}
      53             :  * D^{\ell}{}_{-m s}(\phi, \theta, 0).
      54             :  * \f]
      55             :  *
      56             :  * See \cite Goldberg1966uu
      57             :  */
      58           1 : constexpr SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE double sharp_swsh_sign_change(
      59             :     const int from_spin_weight, const int to_spin_weight, const bool real) {
      60             :   if (real) {
      61             :     return (from_spin_weight == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
      62             :            (from_spin_weight >= 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
      63             :            ((from_spin_weight < 0 and (from_spin_weight % 2 == 0)) ? -1.0
      64             :                                                                    : 1.0) *
      65             :            (to_spin_weight == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
      66             :            (to_spin_weight >= 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
      67             :            ((to_spin_weight < 0 and (to_spin_weight % 2 == 0)) ? -1.0 : 1.0);
      68             :   }
      69             :   return (from_spin_weight == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
      70             :          ((from_spin_weight < 0 and (from_spin_weight % 2 == 0)) ? 1.0 : -1.0) *
      71             :          (to_spin_weight == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
      72             :          ((to_spin_weight < 0 and (to_spin_weight % 2 == 0)) ? 1.0 : -1.0);
      73             : }
      74             : 
      75             : /*!
      76             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
      77             :  * \brief Compute the sign change between the libsharp convention and the set
      78             :  * of spin-weighted spherical harmonics given by the relation to the Wigner
      79             :  * rotation matrices.
      80             :  *
      81             :  * \details The sign change is obtained via the difference between the libsharp
      82             :  * convention and the convention which uses:
      83             :  *
      84             :  * \f[
      85             :  * {}_s Y_{\ell m} (\theta, \phi) = (-1)^m \sqrt{\frac{2 l + 1}{4 \pi}}
      86             :  * D^{\ell}{}_{-m s}(\phi, \theta, 0).
      87             :  * \f]
      88             :  *
      89             :  * See \cite Goldberg1966uu.
      90             :  * The sign change is computed for the real component coefficients if `real` is
      91             :  * true, otherwise for the imaginary component coefficients. For full details on
      92             :  * the sign convention used in libsharp, see the documentation for TransformJob.
      93             :  * This function outputs the \f$\mathrm{sign}(m, s, \mathrm{real})\f$ necessary
      94             :  * to produce the conversion between Goldberg moments and libsharp moments:
      95             :  *
      96             :  * \f{align*}{
      97             :  * {}_s Y_{\ell m}^{\mathrm{real}, \mathrm{sharp}}  =& \mathrm{sign}(m, s,
      98             :  * \mathrm{real=true}) {}_s Y_{\ell m}^{\mathrm{Goldberg}}\\
      99             :  * {}_s Y_{\ell m}^{\mathrm{imag}, \mathrm{sharp}}  =&
     100             :  * \mathrm{sign}(m, s, \mathrm{real=false}) {}_s Y_{\ell
     101             :  * m}^{\mathrm{Goldberg}}.
     102             :  * \f}
     103             :  *
     104             :  * Note that in this equation, the "real" and "imag" superscripts refer to the
     105             :  * set of basis functions used for the decomposition of the real and imaginary
     106             :  * part of the spin-weighted collocation points, not real or imaginary parts of
     107             :  * the basis functions themselves.
     108             :  */
     109           1 : constexpr SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE double sharp_swsh_sign(const int spin_weight,
     110             :                                                        const int m,
     111             :                                                        const bool real) {
     112             :   if (real) {
     113             :     if (m >= 0) {
     114             :       return (spin_weight > 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
     115             :              ((spin_weight < 0 and (spin_weight % 2 == 0)) ? -1.0 : 1.0);
     116             :     }
     117             :     return (spin_weight == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
     118             :            ((spin_weight >= 0 and (m % 2 == 0)) ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
     119             :            (spin_weight < 0 and (m + spin_weight) % 2 == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0);
     120             :   }
     121             :   if (m >= 0) {
     122             :     return (spin_weight == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
     123             :            ((spin_weight < 0 and (spin_weight % 2 == 0)) ? 1.0 : -1.0);
     124             :   }
     125             :   return (spin_weight == 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
     126             :          ((spin_weight >= 0 and (m % 2 == 0)) ? -1.0 : 1.0) *
     127             :          ((spin_weight < 0 and (m + spin_weight) % 2 != 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0);
     128             : }
     129             : 
     130             : namespace detail {
     131             : struct DestroySharpAlm {
     132             :   void operator()(sharp_alm_info* to_delete) {
     133             :     sharp_destroy_alm_info(to_delete);
     134             :   }
     135             : };
     136             : }  // namespace detail
     137             : 
     138             : /// Points to a single pair of modes in a libsharp-compatible
     139             : /// spin-weighted spherical harmonic modal representation.
     140           1 : struct LibsharpCoefficientInfo {
     141           0 :   size_t transform_of_real_part_offset;
     142           0 :   size_t transform_of_imag_part_offset;
     143           0 :   size_t l_max;
     144           0 :   size_t l;
     145           0 :   size_t m;
     146             : };
     147             : 
     148             : /*!
     149             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
     150             :  * \brief A container for libsharp metadata for the spin-weighted spherical
     151             :  * harmonics modal representation.
     152             :  *
     153             :  * \details
     154             :  * The CoefficientsMetadata class acts as a memory-safe container for a
     155             :  * `sharp_alm_info*`, required for use of libsharp transform utilities.
     156             :  * The libsharp utilities are currently constructed to only provide user
     157             :  * functions with collocation data for spin-weighted functions and
     158             :  * derivatives.  This class also provides an iterator for
     159             :  * easily traversing a libsharp-compatible modal representation.
     160             :  *
     161             :  * \note The libsharp representation of coefficients is altered from the
     162             :  * standard mathematical definitions in a nontrivial way. There are a number of
     163             :  * important features to the data storage of the coefficients.
     164             :  * - they are stored as a set of complex values, but each vector of complex
     165             :  *   values is the transform of only the real or imaginary part of the
     166             :  *   collocation data
     167             :  * - because each vector of complex coefficients is related to the transform of
     168             :  *   a set of doubles, only (about) half of the m's are stored (m >= 0), because
     169             :  *   the remaining m modes are determinable by conjugation from the positive m
     170             :  *   modes, given that they represent the transform of a purely real or purely
     171             :  *   imaginary collocation quantity
     172             :  * - they are stored in an l-varies-fastest, triangular representation. To be
     173             :  *   concrete, for an l_max=2, the order of coefficient storage is (l, m):
     174             :  *   [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
     175             :  * - due to the restriction of representing only the transform of real
     176             :  *   quantities, the m=0 modes always have vanishing imaginary component.
     177             :  */
     178           1 : class CoefficientsMetadata {
     179             :  public:
     180             :   /// An iterator for easily traversing a libsharp-compatible spin-weighted
     181             :   /// spherical harmonic modal representation.
     182             :   /// The `operator*()` returns a `LibsharpCoefficientInfo`, which  contains two
     183             :   /// offsets, `transform_of_real_part_offset` and
     184             :   /// `transform_of_imag_part_offset`, and the `l_max`, `l` and `m` associated
     185             :   /// with the values at those offsets.
     186             :   ///
     187             :   /// \note this currently assumes, as do many of the utilities in this file,
     188             :   /// that the libsharp representation is chosen to be the triangular
     189             :   /// coefficient representation. If alternative representations are desired,
     190             :   /// alterations will be needed.
     191           1 :   class CoefficientsIndexIterator {
     192             :    public:
     193           0 :     explicit CoefficientsIndexIterator(const size_t l_max,
     194             :                                        const size_t start_l = 0,
     195             :                                        const size_t start_m = 0)
     196             :         : m_{start_m}, l_{start_l}, l_max_{l_max} {}
     197             : 
     198           0 :     LibsharpCoefficientInfo operator*() const {
     199             :       // permit dereferencing the iterator only if the return represents a
     200             :       // viable location in the coefficient vector
     201             :       ASSERT(l_ <= l_max_ && m_ <= l_max_, "coefficients iterator overflow");
     202             :       size_t offset = ((3 + 2 * l_max_ - m_) * m_) / 2 + l_ - m_;
     203             :       return LibsharpCoefficientInfo{
     204             :           offset,
     205             :           offset +
     206             :               Spectral::Swsh::size_of_libsharp_coefficient_vector(l_max_) / 2,
     207             :           l_max_, l_, m_};
     208             :     }
     209             : 
     210             :     /// advance the iterator by one position (prefix)
     211           1 :     CoefficientsIndexIterator& operator++() {
     212             :       // permit altering the iterator only if the new value is between the
     213             :       // anticipated begin and end, inclusive
     214             :       ASSERT(l_ <= l_max_ && m_ <= l_max_, "coefficients iterator overflow");
     215             :       if (l_ == l_max_) {
     216             :         ++m_;
     217             :         l_ = m_;
     218             :       } else {
     219             :         ++l_;
     220             :       }
     221             :       return *this;
     222             :     };
     223             : 
     224             :     /// advance the iterator by one position (postfix)
     225             :     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-const-return-type)
     226           1 :     const CoefficientsIndexIterator operator++(int) {
     227             :       auto pre_increment = *this;
     228             :       ++*this;
     229             :       return pre_increment;
     230             :     }
     231             : 
     232             :     /// retreat the iterator by one position (prefix)
     233           1 :     CoefficientsIndexIterator& operator--() {
     234             :       // permit altering the iterator only if the new value is between the
     235             :       // anticipated begin and end, inclusive
     236             :       ASSERT(l_ <= l_max_ + 1 && m_ <= l_max_ + 1,
     237             :              "coefficients iterator overflow");
     238             :       if (l_ == m_) {
     239             :         --m_;
     240             :         l_ = l_max_;
     241             :       } else {
     242             :         --l_;
     243             :       }
     244             :       return *this;
     245             :     }
     246             : 
     247             :     /// retreat the iterator by one position (postfix)
     248             :     // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-const-return-type)
     249           1 :     const CoefficientsIndexIterator operator--(int) {
     250             :       auto pre_decrement = *this;
     251             :       --*this;
     252             :       return pre_decrement;
     253             :     }
     254             : 
     255             :     /// @{
     256             :     /// (In)Equivalence checks the object as well as the l and m current
     257             :     /// position.
     258           1 :     bool operator==(const CoefficientsIndexIterator& rhs) const {
     259             :       return m_ == rhs.m_ and l_ == rhs.l_ and l_max_ == rhs.l_max_;
     260             :     }
     261           1 :     bool operator!=(const CoefficientsIndexIterator& rhs) const {
     262             :       return not(*this == rhs);
     263             :     }
     264             :     /// @}
     265             : 
     266             :    private:
     267           0 :     size_t m_;
     268           0 :     size_t l_;
     269           0 :     size_t l_max_;
     270             :   };
     271             : 
     272           0 :   explicit CoefficientsMetadata(size_t l_max);
     273             : 
     274           0 :   ~CoefficientsMetadata() = default;
     275           0 :   CoefficientsMetadata() = default;
     276           0 :   CoefficientsMetadata(const CoefficientsMetadata&) = delete;
     277           0 :   CoefficientsMetadata(CoefficientsMetadata&&) = default;
     278           0 :   CoefficientsMetadata& operator=(const CoefficientsMetadata&) = delete;
     279           0 :   CoefficientsMetadata& operator=(CoefficientsMetadata&&) = default;
     280           0 :   sharp_alm_info* get_sharp_alm_info() const { return alm_info_.get(); }
     281             : 
     282           0 :   size_t l_max() const { return l_max_; }
     283             : 
     284             :   /// returns the number of (complex) entries in a libsharp-compatible
     285             :   /// coefficients vector. This includes the factor of 2 associated with needing
     286             :   /// to store both the transform of the real and imaginary parts, so is the
     287             :   /// full size of the result of a libsharp swsh transform.
     288           1 :   size_t size() const { return size_of_libsharp_coefficient_vector(l_max_); }
     289             : 
     290             :   /// @{
     291             :   /// \brief Get a bidirectional iterator to the start of the series of modes.
     292           1 :   CoefficientsMetadata::CoefficientsIndexIterator begin() const {
     293             :     return CoefficientsIndexIterator(l_max_, 0, 0);
     294             :   }
     295           1 :   CoefficientsMetadata::CoefficientsIndexIterator cbegin() const {
     296             :     return begin();
     297             :   }
     298             :   /// @}
     299             : 
     300             :   /// @{
     301             :   /// \brief Get a bidirectional iterator to the end of the series of modes.
     302           1 :   CoefficientsMetadata::CoefficientsIndexIterator end() const {
     303             :     return CoefficientsIndexIterator(l_max_, l_max_ + 1, l_max_ + 1);
     304             :   }
     305           1 :   CoefficientsMetadata::CoefficientsIndexIterator cend() const { return end(); }
     306             :   /// @}
     307             : 
     308             :  private:
     309           0 :   std::unique_ptr<sharp_alm_info, detail::DestroySharpAlm> alm_info_;
     310           0 :   size_t l_max_ = 0;
     311             : };
     312             : 
     313             : /*!
     314             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
     315             :  * \brief Generation function for obtaining a `CoefficientsMetadata` object
     316             :  * which is computed by the libsharp calls only once, then lazily cached as a
     317             :  * singleton via a static member of a function template. This is the preferred
     318             :  * method for obtaining a `CoefficientsMetadata` when the `l_max` is not very
     319             :  * large
     320             :  *
     321             :  * See the comments in the similar implementation found in `SwshCollocation.hpp`
     322             :  * for more details on the lazy cache.
     323             :  */
     324           1 : const CoefficientsMetadata& cached_coefficients_metadata(size_t l_max);
     325             : 
     326             : /// @{
     327             : /*!
     328             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
     329             :  * \brief Compute the mode coefficient for the convention of
     330             :  * \cite Goldberg1966uu.
     331             :  *
     332             :  * \details  See the documentation for `TransformJob` for complete
     333             :  * details on the libsharp and Goldberg coefficient representations.
     334             :  * This interface takes a `LibsharpCoefficientInfo`, so that iterating over the
     335             :  * libsharp data structure and performing computations based on the
     336             :  * corresponding Goldberg modes is convenient. Two functions are provided, one
     337             :  * for the positive m modes in the Goldberg representation, and one for the
     338             :  * negative m modes, as the distinction is not made by the coefficient iterator.
     339             :  *
     340             :  * \param coefficient_info An iterator which stores an \f$l\f$ and \f$|m|\f$
     341             :  * for the mode to be converted to the Goldberg form.
     342             :  * \param libsharp_modes The libsharp-compatible modal storage to be accessed
     343             :  * \param radial_offset The index of which angular slice is desired. Modes for
     344             :  * concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular
     345             :  * modes.
     346             :  */
     347             : template <int Spin>
     348           1 : std::complex<double> libsharp_mode_to_goldberg_plus_m(
     349             :     const LibsharpCoefficientInfo& coefficient_info,
     350             :     const SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>& libsharp_modes,
     351             :     size_t radial_offset);
     352             : 
     353             : template <int Spin>
     354           1 : std::complex<double> libsharp_mode_to_goldberg_minus_m(
     355             :     const LibsharpCoefficientInfo& coefficient_info,
     356             :     const SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>& libsharp_modes,
     357             :     size_t radial_offset);
     358             : /// @}
     359             : 
     360             : /*!
     361             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
     362             :  * \brief Compute the mode coefficient for the convention of
     363             :  * \cite Goldberg1966uu. See the documentation for `TransformJob` for complete
     364             :  * details on the libsharp and Goldberg coefficient representations.
     365             :  *
     366             :  * \details This interface extracts the (`l`, `m`) Goldberg mode from the
     367             :  * provided libsharp-compatible `libsharp_modes`, at angular slice
     368             :  * `radial_offset` (Modes for concentric spherical shells are stored as
     369             :  * consecutive blocks of angular modes). `l_max` must also be specified to
     370             :  * determine the representation details.
     371             :  */
     372             : template <int Spin>
     373           1 : std::complex<double> libsharp_mode_to_goldberg(
     374             :     size_t l, int m, size_t l_max,
     375             :     const SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>& libsharp_modes,
     376             :     size_t radial_offset);
     377             : 
     378             : /*!
     379             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
     380             :  * \brief Set modes of a libsharp-compatible data structure by specifying the
     381             :  * modes in the \cite Goldberg1966uu representation.
     382             :  *
     383             :  * \details This interface takes a `LibsharpCoefficientInfo`, so that iterating
     384             :  * over the libsharp data structure and performing edits based on the
     385             :  * corresponding Goldberg modes is convenient.
     386             :  *
     387             :  * \param coefficient_info An iterator which stores an \f$l\f$ and \f$|m|\f$
     388             :  * for the mode to be written by the input Goldberg modes. Note that both the
     389             :  * \f$+m\f$ and \f$-m\f$ modes must be simultaneously changed, due to the
     390             :  * representation details. See discussion in `TransformJob` for details.
     391             :  * \param libsharp_modes The libsharp-compatible modal storage to be altered.
     392             :  * \param radial_offset The index of which angular slice is desired. Modes for
     393             :  * concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular
     394             :  * modes.
     395             :  * \param goldberg_plus_m_mode_value The coefficient in the Goldberg
     396             :  * representation (\f$l\f$, \f$m\f$)
     397             :  * \param goldberg_minus_m_mode_value The coefficient in the Goldberg
     398             :  * representation (\f$l\f$, \f$-m\f$)
     399             :  */
     400             : template <int Spin>
     401           1 : void goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair(
     402             :     const LibsharpCoefficientInfo& coefficient_info,
     403             :     gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>*> libsharp_modes,
     404             :     size_t radial_offset, std::complex<double> goldberg_plus_m_mode_value,
     405             :     std::complex<double> goldberg_minus_m_mode_value);
     406             : 
     407             : /*!
     408             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
     409             :  * \brief Set modes of a libsharp-compatible data structure by specifying the
     410             :  * modes in the \cite Goldberg1966uu representation.
     411             :  *
     412             :  * \details This interface sets the (\f$l\f$, \f$\pm m\f$), modes in a
     413             :  * libsharp-compatible representation from modes specified in the Goldberg
     414             :  * representation. Note that both the \f$+m\f$ and \f$-m\f$ modes must be
     415             :  * simultaneously changed, due to the representation details. See discussion in
     416             :  * `TransformJob` for details.
     417             :  * \param libsharp_modes The libsharp-compatible modal storage to be altered.
     418             :  * \param radial_offset The index of which angular slice is desired. Modes for
     419             :  * concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular
     420             :  * modes.
     421             :  * \param goldberg_plus_m_mode_value The coefficient in the Goldberg
     422             :  * representation (\f$l\f$, \f$m\f$)
     423             :  * \param goldberg_minus_m_mode_value The coefficient in the Goldberg
     424             :  * representation (\f$l\f$, \f$-m\f$)
     425             :  * \param l the spherical harmonic \f$l\f$ mode requested
     426             :  * \param m the spherical harmonic \f$m\f$ mode requested
     427             :  * \param l_max the `l_max` for the provided coefficient set
     428             :  */
     429             : template <int Spin>
     430           1 : void goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair(
     431             :     size_t l, int m, size_t l_max,
     432             :     gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>*> libsharp_modes,
     433             :     size_t radial_offset, std::complex<double> goldberg_plus_m_mode_value,
     434             :     std::complex<double> goldberg_minus_m_mode_value);
     435             : 
     436             : /// @{
     437             : /*!
     438             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
     439             :  * \brief Compute the set of Goldberg Spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes (in
     440             :  * the convention of  \cite Goldberg1966uu) from a libsharp-compatible series of
     441             :  * modes.
     442             :  *
     443             :  * \details Modes for concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive
     444             :  * blocks of angular modes in both representations.
     445             :  */
     446             : template <int Spin>
     447           1 : void libsharp_to_goldberg_modes(
     448             :     gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>*> goldberg_modes,
     449             :     const SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>& libsharp_modes, size_t l_max);
     450             : 
     451             : template <int Spin>
     452           1 : SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin> libsharp_to_goldberg_modes(
     453             :     const SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>& libsharp_modes, size_t l_max);
     454             : /// @}
     455             : 
     456             : /// @{
     457             : /*!
     458             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
     459             :  * \brief Compute the set of libsharp-compatible spin-weighted spherical
     460             :  * harmonic modes  from a set of Goldberg modes (following the convention of
     461             :  * \cite Goldberg1966uu)
     462             :  *
     463             :  * \details Internally iterates and uses the
     464             :  * `goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair()`. In many applications where
     465             :  * it is not necessary to store the full Goldberg representation, memory
     466             :  * allocation can be saved by manually performing the iteration and calls to
     467             :  * `goldberg_modes_to_libsharp_modes_single_pair()`.
     468             :  */
     469             : template <int Spin>
     470           1 : void goldberg_to_libsharp_modes(
     471             :     gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>*> libsharp_modes,
     472             :     const SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>& goldberg_modes, size_t l_max);
     473             : 
     474             : template <int Spin>
     475           1 : SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin> goldberg_to_libsharp_modes(
     476             :     const SpinWeighted<ComplexModalVector, Spin>& goldberg_modes, size_t l_max);
     477             : /// @}
     478             : 
     479             : /*!
     480             :  * \ingroup SwshGroup
     481             :  * \brief Returns the index into a vector of modes consistent with
     482             :  * \cite Goldberg1966uu.
     483             :  *
     484             :  * \details `radial_offset` is used to index into three-dimensional data in
     485             :  * which concentric spherical shells are stored as consecutive blocks of angular
     486             :  * modes. Goldberg modes are stored in an m varies fastest, and ascending
     487             :  * \f$m\f$ and \f$l\f$ values. So, the first several modes are (l, m):
     488             :  *
     489             :  * [(0, 0), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, -2), ...]
     490             :  */
     491             : constexpr SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t
     492           1 : goldberg_mode_index(const size_t l_max, const size_t l, const int m,
     493             :                     const size_t radial_offset = 0) {
     494             :   return static_cast<size_t>(
     495             :       static_cast<int>(square(l_max + 1) * radial_offset + square(l) + l) + m);
     496             : }
     497             : 
     498             : }  // namespace Swsh
     499             : }  // namespace Spectral

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