SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - Evolution/Systems/GrMhd/GhValenciaDivClean - TimeDerivativeTerms.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: e2d014ad3971b6249c51f7c66e5c5edd9c36c123 Lines: 1 19 5.3 %
Date: 2024-04-18 20:10:13
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <cstddef>
       7             : #include <utility>
       8             : 
       9             : #include "DataStructures/DataBox/PrefixHelpers.hpp"
      10             : #include "DataStructures/DataBox/Prefixes.hpp"
      11             : #include "DataStructures/DataVector.hpp"
      12             : #include "DataStructures/TaggedContainers.hpp"
      13             : #include "DataStructures/Tensor/Tensor.hpp"
      14             : #include "Evolution/PassVariables.hpp"
      15             : #include "Evolution/Systems/GeneralizedHarmonic/GaugeSourceFunctions/Harmonic.hpp"
      16             : #include "Evolution/Systems/GeneralizedHarmonic/System.hpp"
      17             : #include "Evolution/Systems/GeneralizedHarmonic/TimeDerivative.hpp"
      18             : #include "Evolution/Systems/GrMhd/GhValenciaDivClean/StressEnergy.hpp"
      19             : #include "Evolution/Systems/GrMhd/GhValenciaDivClean/System.hpp"
      20             : #include "Evolution/Systems/GrMhd/GhValenciaDivClean/Tags.hpp"
      21             : #include "Evolution/Systems/GrMhd/ValenciaDivClean/System.hpp"
      22             : #include "Evolution/Systems/GrMhd/ValenciaDivClean/TimeDerivativeTerms.hpp"
      23             : #include "PointwiseFunctions/GeneralRelativity/Tags.hpp"
      24             : // Tag obtained from gh::TimeDerivative needs to be complete here to
      25             : // be used in TemporaryReference.
      26             : #include "PointwiseFunctions/Hydro/Tags.hpp"
      27             : #include "Time/Tags/Time.hpp"
      28             : #include "Utilities/Gsl.hpp"
      29             : #include "Utilities/Literals.hpp"
      30             : #include "Utilities/TMPL.hpp"
      31             : #include "Utilities/TaggedTuple.hpp"
      32             : 
      33             : namespace grmhd::GhValenciaDivClean {
      34             : namespace detail {
      35             : // Some temporary tags appear both in the GRMHD temporary list and the
      36             : // GeneralizedHarmonic temporary list, so we wrap the GRMHD temporaries in this
      37             : // prefix tag to avoid collisions in data structures used to store the
      38             : // temporaries.
      39             : template <typename Tag>
      40             : struct ValenciaTempTag : db::SimpleTag, db::PrefixTag {
      41             :   using tag = Tag;
      42             :   using type = typename Tag::type;
      43             : };
      44             : 
      45             : template <typename GhDtTagList, typename ValenciaDtTagList,
      46             :           typename ValenciaFluxTagList, typename GhTempTagList,
      47             :           typename ValenciaTempTagList, typename GhGradientTagList,
      48             :           typename GhArgTagList, typename ValenciaArgTagList,
      49             :           typename ValenciaTimeDerivativeArgTagList,
      50             :           typename TraceReversedStressResultTagsList,
      51             :           typename TraceReversedStressArgumentTagsList>
      52             : struct TimeDerivativeTermsImpl;
      53             : 
      54             : template <typename... GhDtTags, typename... ValenciaDtTags,
      55             :           typename... ValenciaFluxTags, typename... GhTempTags,
      56             :           typename... ValenciaTempTags, typename... GhGradientTags,
      57             :           typename... GhArgTags, typename... ValenciaArgTags,
      58             :           typename... ValenciaTimeDerivativeArgTags,
      59             :           typename... TraceReversedStressResultTags,
      60             :           typename... TraceReversedStressArgumentTags>
      61             : struct TimeDerivativeTermsImpl<
      62             :     tmpl::list<GhDtTags...>, tmpl::list<ValenciaDtTags...>,
      63             :     tmpl::list<ValenciaFluxTags...>, tmpl::list<GhTempTags...>,
      64             :     tmpl::list<ValenciaTempTags...>, tmpl::list<GhGradientTags...>,
      65             :     tmpl::list<GhArgTags...>, tmpl::list<ValenciaArgTags...>,
      66             :     tmpl::list<ValenciaTimeDerivativeArgTags...>,
      67             :     tmpl::list<TraceReversedStressResultTags...>,
      68             :     tmpl::list<TraceReversedStressArgumentTags...>> {
      69             :   template <typename TemporaryTagsList, typename... ExtraTags>
      70             :   static void apply(
      71             :       const gsl::not_null<
      72             :           Variables<tmpl::list<GhDtTags..., ValenciaDtTags...>>*>
      73             :           dt_vars_ptr,
      74             :       const gsl::not_null<Variables<db::wrap_tags_in<
      75             :           ::Tags::Flux, typename ValenciaDivClean::System::flux_variables,
      76             :           tmpl::size_t<3>, Frame::Inertial>>*>
      77             :           fluxes_ptr,
      78             :       const gsl::not_null<Variables<TemporaryTagsList>*> temps_ptr,
      79             : 
      80             :       const tnsr::iaa<DataVector, 3>& d_spacetime_metric,
      81             :       const tnsr::iaa<DataVector, 3>& d_pi,
      82             :       const tnsr::ijaa<DataVector, 3>& d_phi,
      83             : 
      84             :       const tuples::TaggedTuple<ExtraTags...>& arguments) {
      85             :     gh::TimeDerivative<3_st>::apply(
      86             :         get<GhDtTags>(dt_vars_ptr)..., get<GhTempTags>(temps_ptr)...,
      87             :         d_spacetime_metric, d_pi, d_phi,
      88             :         get<Tags::detail::TemporaryReference<GhArgTags>>(arguments)...);
      89             : 
      90             :     if (get<Tags::detail::TemporaryReference<gh::gauges::Tags::GaugeCondition>>(
      91             :             arguments)
      92             :             .is_harmonic()) {
      93             :       get(get<gr::Tags::SqrtDetSpatialMetric<DataVector>>(*temps_ptr)) =
      94             :           sqrt(get(get<gr::Tags::DetSpatialMetric<DataVector>>(*temps_ptr)));
      95             :     }
      96             : 
      97             :     for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
      98             :       get<::Tags::deriv<gr::Tags::Lapse<DataVector>, tmpl::size_t<3>,
      99             :                         Frame::Inertial>>(*temps_ptr)
     100             :           .get(i) = -get(get<gr::Tags::Lapse<DataVector>>(*temps_ptr)) *
     101             :                     get<gh::Tags::HalfPhiTwoNormals<3>>(*temps_ptr).get(i);
     102             :     }
     103             :     const auto& phi =
     104             :         get<Tags::detail::TemporaryReference<gh::Tags::Phi<DataVector, 3>>>(
     105             :             arguments);
     106             :     const auto& inv_spatial_metric =
     107             :         get<gr::Tags::InverseSpatialMetric<DataVector, 3>>(*temps_ptr);
     108             :     const auto& shift = get<gr::Tags::Shift<DataVector, 3>>(*temps_ptr);
     109             :     for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
     110             :       for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
     111             :         get<::Tags::deriv<gr::Tags::Shift<DataVector, 3>, tmpl::size_t<3>,
     112             :                           Frame::Inertial>>(*temps_ptr)
     113             :             .get(i, j) = inv_spatial_metric.get(j, 0) * phi.get(i, 0, 1);
     114             :         for (size_t k = 1; k < 3; ++k) {
     115             :           get<::Tags::deriv<gr::Tags::Shift<DataVector, 3>, tmpl::size_t<3>,
     116             :                             Frame::Inertial>>(*temps_ptr)
     117             :               .get(i, j) += inv_spatial_metric.get(j, k) * phi.get(i, 0, k + 1);
     118             :         }
     119             :         for (size_t k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
     120             :           for (size_t l = 0; l < 3; ++l) {
     121             :             get<::Tags::deriv<gr::Tags::Shift<DataVector, 3>, tmpl::size_t<3>,
     122             :                               Frame::Inertial>>(*temps_ptr)
     123             :                 .get(i, j) -= shift.get(k) * inv_spatial_metric.get(j, l) *
     124             :                               phi.get(i, l + 1, k + 1);
     125             :           }
     126             :         }
     127             :       }
     128             :     }
     129             : 
     130             :     const auto& pi =
     131             :         get<Tags::detail::TemporaryReference<gh::Tags::Pi<DataVector, 3>>>(
     132             :             arguments);
     133             :     for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
     134             :       for (size_t j = i; j < 3; ++j) {
     135             :         get<gr::Tags::ExtrinsicCurvature<DataVector, 3>>(*temps_ptr).get(i, j) =
     136             :             0.5 * (pi.get(i + 1, j + 1) +
     137             :                    get<gh::Tags::PhiOneNormal<3>>(*temps_ptr).get(i, j + 1) +
     138             :                    get<gh::Tags::PhiOneNormal<3>>(*temps_ptr).get(j, i + 1));
     139             :       }
     140             :     }
     141             : 
     142             :     using extra_tags_list = tmpl::list<ExtraTags...>;
     143             : 
     144             :     grmhd::ValenciaDivClean::TimeDerivativeTerms::apply(
     145             :         get<ValenciaDtTags>(dt_vars_ptr)...,
     146             :         get<ValenciaFluxTags>(fluxes_ptr)...,
     147             :         get<ValenciaTempTags>(temps_ptr)...,
     148             : 
     149             :         get<tmpl::conditional_t<
     150             :             tmpl::list_contains_v<extra_tags_list,
     151             :                                   Tags::detail::TemporaryReference<
     152             :                                       ValenciaTimeDerivativeArgTags>>,
     153             :             Tags::detail::TemporaryReference<ValenciaTimeDerivativeArgTags>,
     154             :             ValenciaTimeDerivativeArgTags>>(arguments, *temps_ptr)...);
     155             : 
     156             :     trace_reversed_stress_energy(
     157             :         get<TraceReversedStressResultTags>(temps_ptr)...,
     158             :         get<tmpl::conditional_t<
     159             :             tmpl::list_contains_v<extra_tags_list,
     160             :                                   Tags::detail::TemporaryReference<
     161             :                                       TraceReversedStressArgumentTags>>,
     162             :             Tags::detail::TemporaryReference<TraceReversedStressArgumentTags>,
     163             :             TraceReversedStressArgumentTags>>(*temps_ptr, arguments)...);
     164             : 
     165             :     // The addition to dt Pi is independent of the specific form of the stress
     166             :     // tensor.
     167             :     add_stress_energy_term_to_dt_pi(
     168             :         get<::Tags::dt<gh::Tags::Pi<DataVector, 3>>>(dt_vars_ptr),
     169             :         get<grmhd::GhValenciaDivClean::Tags::TraceReversedStressEnergy>(
     170             :             *temps_ptr),
     171             :         get<gr::Tags::Lapse<DataVector>>(*temps_ptr));
     172             :   }
     173             : };
     174             : }  // namespace detail
     175             : 
     176             : /*!
     177             :  * \brief Compute the RHS terms and flux values for both the Generalized
     178             :  * Harmonic formulation of Einstein's equations and the Valencia formulation of
     179             :  * the GRMHD equations with divergence cleaning.
     180             :  *
     181             :  * \details The bulk of the computations in this class dispatch to
     182             :  * `gh::TimeDerivative` and
     183             :  * `grmhd::ValenciaDivClean::TimeDerivativeTerms` as a 'product system' -- each
     184             :  * independently operating on its own subset of the supplied variable
     185             :  * collections.
     186             :  * The additional step is taken to compute the trace-reversed stress energy
     187             :  * tensor associated with the GRMHD part of the system and add its contribution
     188             :  * to the \f$\partial_t \Pi_{a b}\f$ variable in the Generalized Harmonic
     189             :  * system, which is the only explicit coupling required to back-react the effect
     190             :  * of matter on the spacetime solution.
     191             :  *
     192             :  * \note The MHD calculation reuses any spacetime quantities in its
     193             :  * argument_tags that are computed by the GH time derivative. However, other
     194             :  * quantities that aren't computed by the GH time derivative like the extrinsic
     195             :  * curvature are currently still retrieved from the DataBox. Those calculations
     196             :  * can be explicitly inlined here to reduce memory pressure and the number of
     197             :  * compute tags.
     198             :  */
     199           1 : struct TimeDerivativeTerms : evolution::PassVariables {
     200           0 :   using gh_dt_tags =
     201             :       db::wrap_tags_in<::Tags::dt,
     202             :                        typename gh::System<3_st>::variables_tag::tags_list>;
     203           0 :   using valencia_dt_tags = db::wrap_tags_in<
     204             :       ::Tags::dt,
     205             :       typename grmhd::ValenciaDivClean::System::variables_tag::tags_list>;
     206             : 
     207           0 :   using dt_tags = tmpl::append<gh_dt_tags, valencia_dt_tags>;
     208             : 
     209           0 :   using d_spatial_metric = ::Tags::deriv<gr::Tags::SpatialMetric<DataVector, 3>,
     210             :                                          tmpl::size_t<3>, Frame::Inertial>;
     211             : 
     212           0 :   using valencia_flux_tags = tmpl::transform<
     213             :       typename grmhd::ValenciaDivClean::System::flux_variables,
     214             :       tmpl::bind<::Tags::Flux, tmpl::_1, tmpl::pin<tmpl::size_t<3_st>>,
     215             :                  tmpl::pin<Frame::Inertial>>>;
     216             : 
     217           0 :   using gh_temp_tags = typename gh::TimeDerivative<3_st>::temporary_tags;
     218           0 :   using gh_gradient_tags = typename gh::System<3_st>::gradients_tags;
     219           0 :   using gh_arg_tags = typename gh::TimeDerivative<3_st>::argument_tags;
     220             : 
     221           0 :   using valencia_temp_tags =
     222             :       typename grmhd::ValenciaDivClean::TimeDerivativeTerms::temporary_tags;
     223             :   // Additional temp tags are the derivatives of the metric since GH doesn't
     224             :   // explicitly calculate those.
     225           0 :   using valencia_extra_temp_tags =
     226             :       tmpl::list<::Tags::deriv<gr::Tags::Lapse<DataVector>, tmpl::size_t<3>,
     227             :                                Frame::Inertial>,
     228             :                  ::Tags::deriv<gr::Tags::Shift<DataVector, 3>, tmpl::size_t<3>,
     229             :                                Frame::Inertial>,
     230             :                  gr::Tags::ExtrinsicCurvature<DataVector, 3>>;
     231           0 :   using valencia_arg_tags = tmpl::list_difference<
     232             :       typename grmhd::ValenciaDivClean::TimeDerivativeTerms::argument_tags,
     233             :       tmpl::append<gh_temp_tags, valencia_extra_temp_tags>>;
     234             : 
     235           0 :   using trace_reversed_stress_result_tags =
     236             :       tmpl::list<Tags::TraceReversedStressEnergy, Tags::FourVelocityOneForm,
     237             :                  Tags::ComovingMagneticFieldOneForm>;
     238           0 :   using trace_reversed_stress_argument_tags = tmpl::list<
     239             :       hydro::Tags::RestMassDensity<DataVector>,
     240             :       hydro::Tags::SpatialVelocityOneForm<DataVector, 3_st, Frame::Inertial>,
     241             :       hydro::Tags::MagneticFieldOneForm<DataVector, 3_st, Frame::Inertial>,
     242             :       hydro::Tags::MagneticFieldSquared<DataVector>,
     243             :       hydro::Tags::MagneticFieldDotSpatialVelocity<DataVector>,
     244             :       hydro::Tags::LorentzFactor<DataVector>,
     245             :       grmhd::ValenciaDivClean::TimeDerivativeTerms::OneOverLorentzFactorSquared,
     246             :       hydro::Tags::Pressure<DataVector>,
     247             :       hydro::Tags::SpecificInternalEnergy<DataVector>,
     248             :       gr::Tags::SpacetimeMetric<DataVector, 3>,
     249             :       gr::Tags::Shift<DataVector, 3_st>, gr::Tags::Lapse<DataVector>>;
     250           0 :   using extra_temp_tags = tmpl::list<gr::Tags::SpatialMetric<DataVector, 3>>;
     251             : 
     252           0 :   using temporary_tags = tmpl::remove<
     253             :       tmpl::remove_duplicates<tmpl::append<
     254             :           gh_temp_tags, valencia_temp_tags, valencia_extra_temp_tags,
     255             :           trace_reversed_stress_result_tags, extra_temp_tags>>,
     256             :       gr::Tags::SpatialMetric<DataVector, 3>>;
     257           0 :   using argument_tags =
     258             :       tmpl::remove<tmpl::remove<tmpl::append<gh_arg_tags,
     259             : 
     260             :                                              valencia_arg_tags>,
     261             :                                 gr::Tags::SpatialMetric<DataVector, 3>>,
     262             :                    d_spatial_metric>;
     263             : 
     264             :   template <typename... Args>
     265           0 :   static void apply(
     266             :       const gsl::not_null<Variables<dt_tags>*> dt_vars_ptr,
     267             :       const gsl::not_null<Variables<db::wrap_tags_in<
     268             :           ::Tags::Flux, typename ValenciaDivClean::System::flux_variables,
     269             :           tmpl::size_t<3>, Frame::Inertial>>*>
     270             :           fluxes_ptr,
     271             :       const gsl::not_null<Variables<temporary_tags>*> temps_ptr,
     272             :       const tnsr::iaa<DataVector, 3>& d_spacetime_metric,
     273             :       const tnsr::iaa<DataVector, 3>& d_pi,
     274             :       const tnsr::ijaa<DataVector, 3>& d_phi, const Args&... args) {
     275             :     using args_list = tmpl::push_back<
     276             :         db::wrap_tags_in<Tags::detail::TemporaryReference, argument_tags>,
     277             :         gr::Tags::SpatialMetric<DataVector, 3>, d_spatial_metric>;
     278             :     tuples::tagged_tuple_from_typelist<args_list> arguments{
     279             :         args..., typename gr::Tags::SpatialMetric<DataVector, 3>::type{},
     280             :         typename d_spatial_metric::type{}};
     281             :     const size_t number_of_points = get<Tags::detail::TemporaryReference<
     282             :         gr::Tags::SpacetimeMetric<DataVector, 3>>>(arguments)[0]
     283             :                                         .size();
     284             :     for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
     285             :       for (size_t j = i; j < 3; ++j) {
     286             :         make_const_view(
     287             :             make_not_null(
     288             :                 &std::as_const(
     289             :                      get<gr::Tags::SpatialMetric<DataVector, 3>>(arguments))
     290             :                      .get(i, j)),
     291             :             get<Tags::detail::TemporaryReference<
     292             :                 gr::Tags::SpacetimeMetric<DataVector, 3>>>(arguments)
     293             :                 .get(i + 1, j + 1),
     294             :             0, number_of_points);
     295             :       }
     296             :     }
     297             :     for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
     298             :       for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
     299             :         for (size_t k = j; k < 3; ++k) {
     300             :           make_const_view(
     301             :               make_not_null(&std::as_const(get<d_spatial_metric>(arguments))
     302             :                                  .get(i, j, k)),
     303             :               get<Tags::detail::TemporaryReference<
     304             :                   gh::Tags::Phi<DataVector, 3>>>(arguments)
     305             :                   .get(i, j + 1, k + 1),
     306             :               0, number_of_points);
     307             :         }
     308             :       }
     309             :     }
     310             : 
     311             :     detail::TimeDerivativeTermsImpl<
     312             :         gh_dt_tags, valencia_dt_tags, valencia_flux_tags, gh_temp_tags,
     313             :         valencia_temp_tags, gh_gradient_tags, gh_arg_tags, valencia_arg_tags,
     314             :         typename grmhd::ValenciaDivClean::TimeDerivativeTerms::argument_tags,
     315             :         trace_reversed_stress_result_tags,
     316             :         trace_reversed_stress_argument_tags>::apply(dt_vars_ptr, fluxes_ptr,
     317             :                                                     temps_ptr,
     318             :                                                     d_spacetime_metric, d_pi,
     319             :                                                     d_phi, arguments);
     320             :   }
     321             : };
     322             : }  // namespace grmhd::GhValenciaDivClean

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