SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - Evolution/Systems/Cce/Components - CharacteristicEvolution.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: a6a8ee404306bec9d92da8ab89f636b037aefc25 Lines: 1 16 6.2 %
Date: 2024-07-26 22:35:59
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <type_traits>
       7             : 
       8             : #include "DataStructures/VariablesTag.hpp"
       9             : #include "Evolution/Actions/RunEventsAndTriggers.hpp"
      10             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/BoundaryComputeAndSendToEvolution.hpp"
      11             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/CalculateScriInputs.hpp"
      12             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/CharacteristicEvolutionBondiCalculations.hpp"
      13             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/FilterSwshVolumeQuantity.hpp"
      14             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionScri.hpp"
      15             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionTime.hpp"
      16             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionVariables.hpp"
      17             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/InitializeFirstHypersurface.hpp"
      18             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/InsertInterpolationScriData.hpp"
      19             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/Psi0Matching.hpp"
      20             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/RequestBoundaryData.hpp"
      21             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/ScriObserveInterpolated.hpp"
      22             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/TimeManagement.hpp"
      23             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Actions/UpdateGauge.hpp"
      24             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/LinearSolve.hpp"
      25             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/PreSwshDerivatives.hpp"
      26             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/PrecomputeCceDependencies.hpp"
      27             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/ScriPlusValues.hpp"
      28             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/SwshDerivatives.hpp"
      29             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/System.hpp"
      30             : #include "IO/Observer/ObserverComponent.hpp"
      31             : #include "Parallel/GlobalCache.hpp"
      32             : #include "Parallel/Local.hpp"
      33             : #include "Parallel/Phase.hpp"
      34             : #include "ParallelAlgorithms/Actions/Goto.hpp"
      35             : #include "ParallelAlgorithms/Actions/MutateApply.hpp"
      36             : #include "ParallelAlgorithms/Actions/TerminatePhase.hpp"
      37             : #include "Time/Actions/AdvanceTime.hpp"
      38             : #include "Time/Actions/ChangeStepSize.hpp"
      39             : #include "Time/Actions/CleanHistory.hpp"
      40             : #include "Time/Actions/RecordTimeStepperData.hpp"
      41             : #include "Time/Actions/SelfStartActions.hpp"
      42             : #include "Time/Actions/UpdateU.hpp"
      43             : #include "Utilities/TMPL.hpp"
      44             : 
      45             : namespace Cce {
      46             : 
      47           0 : struct CceEvolutionLabelTag {};
      48             : 
      49             : /*!
      50             :  * \brief The component for handling the CCE evolution and waveform output.
      51             :  *
      52             :  * \details The \ref DataBoxGroup associated with the CharacteristicEvolution
      53             :  * will contain many spin-weighted volume tags associated with the ongoing CCE
      54             :  * computation, as well as storage for the boundary values and quantities
      55             :  * related to managing the evolution.
      56             :  *
      57             :  * Metavariables requirements:
      58             :  * - Phases:
      59             :  *  - `Initialization`
      60             :  *  - `Evolve`
      61             :  * - Type aliases:
      62             :  *  - `evolved_coordinates_variables_tag`: A `Tags::Variables` with real-valued
      63             :  * tensors associated with coordinates that must be evolved.
      64             :  *  - `evolved_swsh_tags`: The spin-weighted quantities to be evolved (typically
      65             :  * `BondiJ`).
      66             :  *  - `evolved_swsh_dt_tags`: The spin-weighed quantities associated that are to
      67             :  * act as the time derivative to evolve `evolved_swsh_tags` (typically
      68             :  * `BondiH`).
      69             :  *  - `cce_boundary_communication_tags`: A typelist of tags that will be
      70             :  * communicated between the worldtube boundary component and the extraction
      71             :  * component (typically
      72             :  * `Cce::Tags::characteristic_worldtube_boundary_tags<Tags::BoundaryValue>`)
      73             :  *  - `cce_gauge_boundary_tags`: A typelist of tags that will be derived via
      74             :  * `GaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue` and corresponding gauge utilities
      75             :  *  - `cce_integrand_tags`: A typelist of tags needed as inputs to the
      76             :  * linear solve. Obtainable from the metafunction
      77             :  * `Cce::integrand_terms_to_compute_for_bondi_variable`.
      78             :  *  - `cce_integration_independent_tags`: A typelist of tags that are to be
      79             :  * computed and stored for each hypersurface iteration, but have no dependencies
      80             :  * on the intermediate hypersurface steps (typically
      81             :  * `Cce::pre_computation_steps`).
      82             :  *  - `cce_temporary_equations_tags`: A typelist of temporary buffers maintained
      83             :  * for intermediate steps in the integrand equations. Obtainable from the
      84             :  * metafunction `Cce::integrand_terms_to_compute_for_bondi_variable`.
      85             :  *  - `cce_pre_swsh_derivatives_tags`: A typelist of inputs to spin-weighted
      86             :  * derivative calculations to compute and cache for intermediate steps of the
      87             :  * CCE calculation. (typically `Cce::all_pre_swsh_derivative_tags`)
      88             :  *  - `cce_swsh_derivative_tags`: A typelist of spin-weighted derivatives to
      89             :  * compute and cache for intermediate steps of the CCE calculation. (typically
      90             :  * `Cce::all_swsh_derivative_tags`)
      91             :  *  - `cce_transform_buffer_tags`: A typelist of spin-weighted spherical
      92             :  * harmonic transform modes used to compute the spin-weighted derivatives in the
      93             :  * modal representation. (typically `Cce::all_transform_buffer_tags`).
      94             :  *  - `cce_angular_coordinate_tags`: A typelist of real-valued angular
      95             :  * coordinates that are not evolved.
      96             :  *  - `cce_scri_tags`: the tags of quantities to compute at scri+
      97             :  *  - `cce_hypersurface_initialization`: a mutator (for use with
      98             :  * `::Actions::MutateApply`) that is used to compute the initial hypersurface
      99             :  * data from the boundary data.
     100             :  */
     101             : template <class Metavariables>
     102           1 : struct CharacteristicEvolution {
     103           0 :   using chare_type = Parallel::Algorithms::Singleton;
     104           0 :   using metavariables = Metavariables;
     105           0 :   static constexpr bool evolve_ccm = Metavariables::evolve_ccm;
     106           0 :   using cce_system = Cce::System<evolve_ccm>;
     107             : 
     108           0 :   using initialize_action_list = tmpl::list<
     109             :       Actions::InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionVariables<Metavariables>,
     110             :       Actions::InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionTime<
     111             :           typename Metavariables::evolved_coordinates_variables_tag,
     112             :           typename Metavariables::evolved_swsh_tags,
     113             :           Metavariables::local_time_stepping>,
     114             :       Actions::InitializeCharacteristicEvolutionScri<
     115             :           typename Metavariables::scri_values_to_observe,
     116             :           typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_component>,
     117             :       Parallel::Actions::TerminatePhase>;
     118             : 
     119           0 :   using simple_tags_from_options =
     120             :       Parallel::get_simple_tags_from_options<initialize_action_list>;
     121             : 
     122             :   // the list of actions that occur for each of the hypersurface-integrated
     123             :   // Bondi tags
     124             :   template <typename BondiTag>
     125           0 :   using hypersurface_computation = tmpl::list<
     126             :       ::Actions::MutateApply<GaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue<BondiTag>>,
     127             :       Actions::CalculateIntegrandInputsForTag<BondiTag>,
     128             :       tmpl::transform<integrand_terms_to_compute_for_bondi_variable<BondiTag>,
     129             :                       tmpl::bind<::Actions::MutateApply,
     130             :                                  tmpl::bind<ComputeBondiIntegrand, tmpl::_1>>>,
     131             :       ::Actions::MutateApply<
     132             :           RadialIntegrateBondi<Tags::EvolutionGaugeBoundaryValue, BondiTag>>,
     133             :       // Once we finish the U computation, we need to update all the quantities
     134             :       // that depend on the time derivative of the gauge
     135             :       tmpl::conditional_t<
     136             :           std::is_same_v<BondiTag, Tags::BondiU>,
     137             :           tmpl::list<
     138             :               ::Actions::MutateApply<GaugeUpdateTimeDerivatives>,
     139             :               tmpl::conditional_t<
     140             :                   tt::is_a_v<AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary,
     141             :                              typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_component>,
     142             :                   tmpl::list<>,
     143             :                   tmpl::conditional_t<evolve_ccm,
     144             :                                       ::Actions::MutateApply<
     145             :                                           GaugeUpdateInertialTimeDerivatives>,
     146             :                                       tmpl::list<>>>,
     147             :               ::Actions::MutateApply<
     148             :                   GaugeAdjustedBoundaryValue<Tags::DuRDividedByR>>,
     149             :               ::Actions::MutateApply<PrecomputeCceDependencies<
     150             :                   Tags::EvolutionGaugeBoundaryValue, Tags::DuRDividedByR>>>,
     151             :           tmpl::list<>>>;
     152             : 
     153           0 :   using compute_scri_quantities_and_observe = tmpl::list<
     154             :       ::Actions::MutateApply<
     155             :           CalculateScriPlusValue<::Tags::dt<Tags::InertialRetardedTime>>>,
     156             :       Actions::CalculateScriInputs,
     157             :       tmpl::transform<typename metavariables::cce_scri_tags,
     158             :                       tmpl::bind<::Actions::MutateApply,
     159             :                                  tmpl::bind<CalculateScriPlusValue, tmpl::_1>>>,
     160             :       tmpl::transform<
     161             :           typename metavariables::scri_values_to_observe,
     162             :           tmpl::bind<
     163             :               Actions::InsertInterpolationScriData, tmpl::_1,
     164             :               tmpl::pin<typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_component>>>,
     165             :       Actions::ScriObserveInterpolated<
     166             :           observers::ObserverWriter<Metavariables>,
     167             :           typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_component>>;
     168             : 
     169           0 :   using self_start_extract_action_list = tmpl::list<
     170             :       Actions::RequestBoundaryData<
     171             :           typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_component,
     172             :           CharacteristicEvolution<Metavariables>>,
     173             :       Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData<
     174             :           Metavariables,
     175             :           typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_communication_tags>,
     176             :       // note that the initialization will only actually happen on the
     177             :       // iterations immediately following restarts
     178             :       Actions::InitializeFirstHypersurface<
     179             :           evolve_ccm, typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_component>,
     180             :       tmpl::conditional_t<
     181             :           tt::is_a_v<AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary,
     182             :                      typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_component>,
     183             :           Actions::UpdateGauge<false>, Actions::UpdateGauge<evolve_ccm>>,
     184             :       Actions::PrecomputeGlobalCceDependencies,
     185             :       tmpl::conditional_t<evolve_ccm,
     186             :                           Actions::CalculatePsi0AndDerivAtInnerBoundary,
     187             :                           tmpl::list<>>,
     188             :       tmpl::transform<bondi_hypersurface_step_tags,
     189             :                       tmpl::bind<hypersurface_computation, tmpl::_1>>,
     190             :       Actions::FilterSwshVolumeQuantity<Tags::BondiH>,
     191             :       ::Actions::MutateApply<
     192             :           CalculateScriPlusValue<::Tags::dt<Tags::InertialRetardedTime>>>,
     193             :       Actions::CalculateScriInputs,
     194             :       tmpl::transform<typename metavariables::cce_scri_tags,
     195             :                       tmpl::bind<::Actions::MutateApply,
     196             :                                  tmpl::bind<CalculateScriPlusValue, tmpl::_1>>>,
     197             :       ::Actions::RecordTimeStepperData<cce_system>,
     198             :       ::Actions::UpdateU<cce_system>,
     199             :       ::Actions::CleanHistory<cce_system, false>>;
     200             : 
     201           0 :   using extract_action_list = tmpl::list<
     202             :       Actions::RequestBoundaryData<
     203             :           typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_component,
     204             :           CharacteristicEvolution<Metavariables>>,
     205             :       ::Actions::Label<CceEvolutionLabelTag>,
     206             :       tmpl::conditional_t<evolve_ccm, tmpl::list<>,
     207             :                           evolution::Actions::RunEventsAndTriggers>,
     208             :       Actions::ReceiveWorldtubeData<
     209             :           Metavariables,
     210             :           typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_communication_tags>,
     211             :       Actions::InitializeFirstHypersurface<
     212             :           evolve_ccm, typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_component>,
     213             :       tmpl::conditional_t<
     214             :           tt::is_a_v<AnalyticWorldtubeBoundary,
     215             :                      typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_component>,
     216             :           Actions::UpdateGauge<false>, Actions::UpdateGauge<evolve_ccm>>,
     217             :       Actions::PrecomputeGlobalCceDependencies,
     218             :       tmpl::conditional_t<evolve_ccm,
     219             :                           Actions::CalculatePsi0AndDerivAtInnerBoundary,
     220             :                           tmpl::list<>>,
     221             :       tmpl::transform<bondi_hypersurface_step_tags,
     222             :                       tmpl::bind<hypersurface_computation, tmpl::_1>>,
     223             :       Actions::FilterSwshVolumeQuantity<Tags::BondiH>,
     224             :       compute_scri_quantities_and_observe,
     225             :       ::Actions::RecordTimeStepperData<cce_system>,
     226             :       ::Actions::UpdateU<cce_system>,
     227             :       ::Actions::ChangeStepSize<typename Metavariables::cce_step_choosers>,
     228             :       ::Actions::CleanHistory<cce_system, false>,
     229             :       // We cannot know our next step for certain until after we've performed
     230             :       // step size selection, as we may need to reject a step.
     231             :       Actions::RequestNextBoundaryData<
     232             :           typename Metavariables::cce_boundary_component,
     233             :           CharacteristicEvolution<Metavariables>>,
     234             :       ::Actions::AdvanceTime,
     235             :       Actions::ExitIfEndTimeReached, ::Actions::Goto<CceEvolutionLabelTag>>;
     236             : 
     237           0 :   using phase_dependent_action_list = tmpl::list<
     238             :       Parallel::PhaseActions<Parallel::Phase::Initialization,
     239             :                              initialize_action_list>,
     240             :       Parallel::PhaseActions<Parallel::Phase::InitializeTimeStepperHistory,
     241             :                              SelfStart::self_start_procedure<
     242             :                                  self_start_extract_action_list, cce_system>>,
     243             :       Parallel::PhaseActions<Parallel::Phase::Evolve, extract_action_list>>;
     244             : 
     245           0 :   static void initialize(
     246             :       Parallel::CProxy_GlobalCache<Metavariables>& /*global_cache*/) {}
     247             : 
     248           0 :   static void execute_next_phase(
     249             :       const Parallel::Phase next_phase,
     250             :       const Parallel::CProxy_GlobalCache<Metavariables>& global_cache) {
     251             :     auto& local_cache = *Parallel::local_branch(global_cache);
     252             :     Parallel::get_parallel_component<CharacteristicEvolution<Metavariables>>(
     253             :         local_cache)
     254             :         .start_phase(next_phase);
     255             :   }
     256             : };
     257             : }  // namespace Cce

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