SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - Evolution/Systems/Cce/AnalyticSolutions - RobinsonTrautman.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: f23e75c235cae5144b8ac7ce01280be5b8cd2c8a Lines: 7 55 12.7 %
Date: 2024-09-07 06:21:00
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <complex>
       7             : #include <cstddef>
       8             : #include <memory>
       9             : #include <vector>
      10             : 
      11             : #include "DataStructures/ComplexDataVector.hpp"
      12             : #include "DataStructures/SpinWeighted.hpp"
      13             : #include "DataStructures/Tensor/Tensor.hpp"
      14             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/AnalyticSolutions/SphericalMetricData.hpp"
      15             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/AnalyticSolutions/WorldtubeData.hpp"
      16             : #include "NumericalAlgorithms/OdeIntegration/OdeIntegration.hpp"
      17             : #include "Options/Context.hpp"
      18             : #include "Options/String.hpp"
      19             : #include "Utilities/Gsl.hpp"
      20             : #include "Utilities/Literals.hpp"
      21             : #include "Utilities/Serialization/CharmPupable.hpp"
      22             : #include "Utilities/TMPL.hpp"
      23             : 
      24             : namespace Cce {
      25             : namespace Solutions {
      26             : /*!
      27             :  * \brief An analytic solution representing a specialization of the radiative
      28             :  * Robinson-Trautman solution described in \cite Derry1970fk.
      29             :  *
      30             :  * \details This solution is not quite analytic, in the sense that there is a
      31             :  * single scalar field that must be evolved. Ultimately, it is a partial
      32             :  * specialization of the Characteristic equations such that \f$J = 0\f$ and the
      33             :  * evolution equations have been manipulated to give a time evolution equation
      34             :  * for \f$e^{-2 \beta}\f$, which is equivalent to the Robinson-Trautman scalar
      35             :  * \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$ (denoted \f$W\f$ in \cite Derry1970fk -- we deviate
      36             :  * from their notation because the symbol \f$W\f$ is already used elsewhere in
      37             :  * the CCE system).
      38             :  *
      39             :  * \note The value of \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$ should be real and near 1, which
      40             :  * is imposed by the solution itself, any modes specified in the input file are
      41             :  * treated as perturbations to the leading value of 1.0 for the
      42             :  * Robinson-Trautman scalar \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$.
      43             :  *
      44             :  * \note The use of substep time-steppers in conjunction with `RobinsonTrautman`
      45             :  * analytic data is explictly forbidden by checks in
      46             :  * `Cce::Actions::InitializeWorldtubeBoundary`. The reason is that any time the
      47             :  * `RobinsonTrautman` receives a request for data at a time in the past of its
      48             :  * current state, it must re-start its internal time stepper from the beginning
      49             :  * of the evolution. This is a reasonable cost for multistep methods that only
      50             :  * have non-ordered time steps during self-start, but will lead to
      51             :  * \f$\mathcal O(N^2)\f$ internal steps in the `RobinsonTrautman` solution if a
      52             :  * substep method is used, where \f$N\f$ is the number of steps performed by the
      53             :  * substep method. If you find an unavoidable need to use `RobinsonTrautman`
      54             :  * with a substep method, you will either need to only do so for very short
      55             :  * evolutions, or need to write more sophisticated caching of the internal time
      56             :  * step data.
      57             :  */
      58           1 : struct RobinsonTrautman : public SphericalMetricData {
      59           0 :   struct InitialModes {
      60           0 :     using type = std::vector<std::complex<double>>;
      61           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help{
      62             :         "The initial modes of the Robinson-Trautman scalar, denoted W in "
      63             :         "[Derry 1970] and omega_RT in the rendered documentation. "
      64             :         "These are taken in ascending l and m order, m varies fastest. Note "
      65             :         "that the modes are treated as perturbations to the leading-order "
      66             :         "solution of 1.0 for omega_RT and only the real part of the field is "
      67             :         "used."};
      68             :   };
      69           0 :   struct ExtractionRadius {
      70           0 :     using type = double;
      71           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help{
      72             :         "The extraction radius of the spherical solution"};
      73           0 :     static type lower_bound() { return 0.0; }
      74           0 :     static type suggested_value() { return 20.0; }
      75             :   };
      76           0 :   struct LMax {
      77           0 :     using type = size_t;
      78           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help{
      79             :         "The maximum l value for the internal computation of the analytic "
      80             :         "solution"};
      81           0 :     static type lower_bound() { return 4; }
      82             :   };
      83           0 :   struct Tolerance {
      84           0 :     using type = double;
      85           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help{
      86             :         "The tolerance for the time evolution part of the calculation of the "
      87             :         "semi-analytic Robinson-Trautman solution"};
      88           0 :     static type lower_bound() { return 0.0; }
      89           0 :     static type suggested_value() { return 1.0e-11; }
      90             :   };
      91           0 :   struct StartTime {
      92           0 :     using type = double;
      93           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help{
      94             :         "The starting time for the Robinson-Trautman evolution"};
      95           0 :     static type lower_bound() { return 0.0; }
      96           0 :     static type suggested_value() { return 0.0; }
      97             :   };
      98             : 
      99           0 :   using options =
     100             :       tmpl::list<InitialModes, ExtractionRadius, LMax, Tolerance, StartTime>;
     101             : 
     102           0 :   static constexpr Options::String help = {
     103             :       "Analytic solution representing worldtube data for the nonlinear "
     104             :       "semi-analytic Robinson-Trautman metric, which requires a single "
     105             :       "scalar on the boundary to be evolved to determine the metric"};
     106             : 
     107           0 :   WRAPPED_PUPable_decl_template(RobinsonTrautman);  // NOLINT
     108             : 
     109           0 :   explicit RobinsonTrautman(CkMigrateMessage* msg) : SphericalMetricData(msg) {}
     110             : 
     111           0 :   RobinsonTrautman() = default;
     112             : 
     113           0 :   RobinsonTrautman(std::vector<std::complex<double>> initial_modes,
     114             :                    double extraction_radius, size_t l_max, double tolerance,
     115             :                    double start_time, const Options::Context& context);
     116             : 
     117           0 :   std::unique_ptr<WorldtubeData> get_clone() const override;
     118             : 
     119           0 :   void pup(PUP::er& p) override;
     120             : 
     121           0 :   bool use_noninertial_news() const override { return true; }
     122             : 
     123             :  private:
     124           0 :   void du_rt_scalar(
     125             :       gsl::not_null<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>*> local_du_rt_scalar,
     126             :       const SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>& rt_scalar) const;
     127             : 
     128           0 :   void du_bondi_w(
     129             :       gsl::not_null<Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>>*> du_bondi_w,
     130             :       const Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>>& local_du_rt_scalar,
     131             :       const Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>>& rt_scalar) const;
     132             : 
     133           0 :   void bondi_u(
     134             :       gsl::not_null<Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 1>>*> bondi_u,
     135             :       const Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>>& rt_scalar) const;
     136             : 
     137           0 :   void bondi_w(
     138             :       gsl::not_null<Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>>*> bondi_w,
     139             :       const Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>>& rt_scalar) const;
     140             : 
     141           0 :   void dr_bondi_w(
     142             :       gsl::not_null<Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>>*> dr_bondi_w,
     143             :       const Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>>& rt_scalar) const;
     144             : 
     145           0 :   void initialize_stepper_from_start() const;
     146             : 
     147             :  protected:
     148             :   /*!
     149             :    * \brief The Robinson-Trautman solution performs the time-stepping to advance
     150             :    * the internal member scalar used to generate the metric solution to the
     151             :    * correct state for `time`.
     152             :    *
     153             :    * \details The generating scalar \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$ is evolved
     154             :    * using equation (2.5) from \cite Derry1970fk (manipulated to a form
     155             :    * convenient for our numerical utilities)
     156             :    *
     157             :    * \f[
     158             :    * \partial_u \omega_{\text{RT}} = -
     159             :    * \left(\omega^4_{\text{RT}} \eth^2 \bar \eth^2 \omega_{\text{RT}}
     160             :    *  - \omega_{\text{RT}}^3 (\eth^2 \omega_{\text{RT}})
     161             :    * (\bar \eth^2  \omega_{\text{RT}}) \right)
     162             :    * \f]
     163             :    *
     164             :    * As the scalar \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$ is evolved, it is filtered by
     165             :    * zeroing the highest two angular modes.
     166             :    */
     167           1 :   void prepare_solution(size_t output_l_max, double time) const override;
     168             : 
     169             :   /*!
     170             :    * \brief Compute the spherical coordinate metric of the Robinson-Trautman
     171             :    * solution generated by the time-evolved scalar \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$.
     172             :    *
     173             :    * \details The spacetime metric of the Robinson-Trautman solution can be
     174             :    * expressed as a specialization of the Bondi-Sachs metric (note the metric
     175             :    * signature change as compared to equation (1.2) from \cite Derry1970fk)
     176             :    *
     177             :    * \f[
     178             :    * ds^2 = -((r W + 1) \omega_{\text{RT}} - r^2 U \bar U) (dt - dr)^2
     179             :    * - 2 \omega_{\text{RT}} (dt - dr) dr
     180             :    * - 2 r^2 U^A q_{AB} dx^B (dt - dr) + r^2 q_{A B} dx^A dx^B,
     181             :    * \f]
     182             :    *
     183             :    * where \f$q_{A B}\f$ represents the angular unit sphere metric, and the
     184             :    * remaining Bondi-Sachs scalars and angular tensors are defined in terms of
     185             :    * the Robinson-Trautman scalar \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$
     186             :    *
     187             :    * \f{align*}{
     188             :    * W &= \frac{1}{r}\left(\omega_{\text{RT}} + \eth \bar \eth
     189             :    * \omega_{\text{RT}} - 1\right) - \frac{2}{r^2 \omega_{\text{RT}}^2}\\
     190             :    * U &\equiv U^A q_A = \frac{\eth \omega_{\text{RT}}}{r}.
     191             :    * \f}
     192             :    * and \f$q_A\f$ is the angular dyad on the unit sphere.
     193             :    *
     194             :    * The angular part of the metric can be expressed in terms of the \f$U\f$
     195             :    * scalar as
     196             :    *
     197             :    * \f{align*}{
     198             :    * g_{u \theta} &= r^2 \Re U\\
     199             :    * g_{u \phi} &= r^2 \Im U
     200             :    * \f}
     201             :    */
     202           1 :   void spherical_metric(
     203             :       gsl::not_null<
     204             :           tnsr::aa<DataVector, 3, ::Frame::Spherical<::Frame::Inertial>>*>
     205             :           spherical_metric,
     206             :       size_t l_max, double time) const override;
     207             : 
     208             :   /*!
     209             :    * \brief Compute radial derivative of the spherical coordinate metric of the
     210             :    * Robinson-Trautman solution generated by the time-evolved scalar
     211             :    * \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$.
     212             :    *
     213             :    * \details The radial derivative (at constant time t) of the
     214             :    * Robinson-Trautman solution is obtained by differentiating the expressions
     215             :    * from the documentation for `RobinsonTrautman::spherical_metric()`:
     216             :    *
     217             :    * \f{align*}{
     218             :    * (\partial_r g_{a b} + \partial_t g_{a b}) dx^a dx^b =
     219             :    * - (\omega_{\text{RT}} (r \partial_r W + W) - 2 r U \bar U
     220             :    * - r^2 (\bar U\partial_r U + U \partial_r \bar U)) (dt - dr)^2
     221             :    * - 2 r U^A q_{A B} dx^B (dt - dr) +  2 r q_{A B} dx^A dx^B
     222             :    * \f}
     223             :    *
     224             :    * where \f$q_{A B}\f$ represents the angular unit sphere metric, and the
     225             :    * remaining Bondi-Sachs scalars and angular tensors are defined in terms of
     226             :    * the Robinson-Trautman scalar \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$
     227             :    *
     228             :    * \f{align*}{
     229             :    * W &= \frac{1}{r}\left(\omega_{\text{RT}}
     230             :    * + \eth \bar \eth \omega_{\text{RT}} - 1\right)
     231             :    * - \frac{2}{r^2 \omega_{\text{RT}}^2}\\
     232             :    * \partial_r W &= -\frac{1}{r^2} \left(\omega_{\text{RT}}
     233             :    * + \eth \bar \eth \omega_{\text{RT}} - 1\right)
     234             :    * + \frac{4}{r^3 \omega_{\text{RT}}^2}\\
     235             :    * U &\equiv U^A q_A = \frac{\eth \omega_{\text{RT}}}{r}.
     236             :    * \f}
     237             :    * and \f$q_A\f$ is the angular dyad on the unit sphere. The Robinson-Trautman
     238             :    * scalar \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$ is independent of the Bondi radius \f$r\f$,
     239             :    * so all radial derivatives of \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$ have been dropped
     240             :    */
     241           1 :   void dr_spherical_metric(
     242             :       gsl::not_null<
     243             :           tnsr::aa<DataVector, 3, ::Frame::Spherical<::Frame::Inertial>>*>
     244             :           dr_spherical_metric,
     245             :       size_t l_max, double time) const override;
     246             : 
     247             :   /*!
     248             :    * \brief Compute time derivative of the spherical coordinate metric of the
     249             :    * Robinson-Trautman solution generated by the time-evolved scalar
     250             :    * \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$.
     251             :    *
     252             :    * \details The time derivative of the Robinson-Trautman solution is obtained
     253             :    * by differentiating the expressions from the documentation for
     254             :    * `RobinsonTrautman::spherical_metric()`:
     255             :    *
     256             :    * \f{align*}{
     257             :    * \partial_t g_{a b} dx^a dx^b =  -( \partial_u \omega_{\text{RT}} (r W + 1)
     258             :    *  + \omega_{\text{RT}} \partial_u W
     259             :    * - r^2 (\bar U \partial_u U + U \partial_u \bar U)) (dt - dr)^2
     260             :    * - 2 \partial_u \omega_{\text{RT}} (dt - dr) dr
     261             :    * - 2 r^2 \partial_u U^A q_{AB} dx^B (dt - dr),
     262             :    * \f}
     263             :    *
     264             :    * where \f$q_{A B}\f$ represents the angular unit sphere metric, and the
     265             :    * remaining Bondi-Sachs scalars and angular tensors are defined in terms of
     266             :    * the Robinson-Trautman scalar \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$
     267             :    *
     268             :    * \f{align*}{
     269             :    * W &= \frac{1}{r}\left(\omega_{\text{RT}}
     270             :    * + \eth \bar \eth \omega_{\text{RT}} - 1\right)
     271             :    * - \frac{2}{r^2 \omega_{\text{RT}}^2}\\
     272             :    * \partial_u W &= \frac{1}{r}\left(\partial_u \omega_{\text{RT}}
     273             :    * + \eth \bar \eth \partial_u \omega_{\text{RT}}\right)
     274             :    * + \frac{4 \partial_u \omega_{\text{RT}}}{r^2 \omega_{\text{RT}}^3} \\
     275             :    * \partial_u U &= q_A \partial_u U^A = \frac{\eth \partial_u
     276             :    * \omega_{\text{RT}}}{r}, \f}
     277             :    *
     278             :    * and \f$q_A\f$ is the angular dyad on the unit sphere; and the time
     279             :    * derivative of the Robinson-Trautman scalar \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$ is
     280             :    *
     281             :    * \f[
     282             :    * \partial_u \omega_{\text{RT}} =
     283             :    * \frac{1}{12} \left(-\omega^4_{\text{RT}} \eth^2 \bar \eth^2
     284             :    * \omega_{\text{RT}} + \omega_{\text{RT}}^3 (\eth^2 \omega_{\text{RT}})
     285             :    * (\bar \eth^2  \omega_{\text{RT}}) \right)
     286             :    * \f]
     287             :    */
     288           1 :   void dt_spherical_metric(
     289             :       gsl::not_null<
     290             :           tnsr::aa<DataVector, 3, ::Frame::Spherical<::Frame::Inertial>>*>
     291             :           dt_spherical_metric,
     292             :       size_t l_max, double time) const override;
     293             : 
     294             :   /*!
     295             :    * \brief Compute the news associated with the Robinson-Trautman solution
     296             :    * generated by the time-evolved scalar \f$\omega_{\text{RT}}\f$.
     297             :    *
     298             :    * \details The Bondi-Sachs news in the Robinson-Trautman solution is
     299             :    *
     300             :    * \f{align*}{
     301             :    * N = \frac{\bar \eth \bar \eth \omega_{\text{RT}}}{\omega_{\text{RT}}}
     302             :    * \f}
     303             :    */
     304           1 :   void variables_impl(
     305             :       gsl::not_null<Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, -2>>*> News,
     306             :       size_t l_max, double time,
     307             :       tmpl::type_<Tags::News> /*meta*/) const override;
     308             : 
     309           0 :   using WorldtubeData::variables_impl;
     310             : 
     311           1 :   using SphericalMetricData::variables_impl;
     312             :  private:
     313             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(spectre-mutable)
     314           0 :   mutable std::pair<double, double> step_range_;
     315             : 
     316             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(spectre-mutable)
     317             :   mutable boost::numeric::odeint::dense_output_runge_kutta<
     318             :       boost::numeric::odeint::controlled_runge_kutta<
     319             :           boost::numeric::odeint::runge_kutta_dopri5<ComplexDataVector>>>
     320           0 :       stepper_;
     321             : 
     322             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(spectre-mutable)
     323           0 :   mutable Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>> dense_output_rt_scalar_;
     324             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(spectre-mutable)
     325           0 :   mutable Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, 0>> dense_output_du_rt_scalar_;
     326           0 :   size_t l_max_ = 0;
     327             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(spectre-mutable)
     328           0 :   mutable double prepared_time_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
     329           0 :   double tolerance_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
     330           0 :   double start_time_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
     331           0 :   std::vector<std::complex<double>> initial_modes_;
     332             : };
     333             : }  // namespace Solutions
     334             : }  // namespace Cce

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