SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - Evolution/Systems/Cce/AnalyticSolutions - GaugeWave.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: f23e75c235cae5144b8ac7ce01280be5b8cd2c8a Lines: 7 49 14.3 %
Date: 2024-09-07 06:21:00
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <complex>
       7             : #include <cstddef>
       8             : #include <memory>
       9             : #include <vector>
      10             : 
      11             : #include "DataStructures/SpinWeighted.hpp"
      12             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/AnalyticSolutions/SphericalMetricData.hpp"
      13             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/AnalyticSolutions/WorldtubeData.hpp"
      14             : #include "Evolution/Systems/Cce/Tags.hpp"
      15             : #include "Options/String.hpp"
      16             : #include "Utilities/Gsl.hpp"
      17             : #include "Utilities/Literals.hpp"
      18             : #include "Utilities/Serialization/CharmPupable.hpp"
      19             : #include "Utilities/TMPL.hpp"
      20             : 
      21             : /// \cond
      22             : class DataVector;
      23             : class ComplexDataVector;
      24             : /// \endcond
      25             : 
      26             : namespace Cce {
      27             : namespace Solutions {
      28             : 
      29             : /*!
      30             :  * \brief Computes the analytic data for a gauge wave solution described in
      31             :  * \cite Barkett2019uae.
      32             :  *
      33             :  * \details This test computes an analytic solution of a pure-gauge perturbation
      34             :  * of the Schwarzschild metric. The gauge perturbation is constructed using the
      35             :  * time-dependent coordinate transformation of the ingoing Eddington-Finklestein
      36             :  * coordinate \f$\nu \rightarrow \nu + F(t - r) / r\f$, where
      37             :  *
      38             :  * \f[
      39             :  * F(u) = A \sin(\omega u) e^{- (u - u_0)^2 / k^2}.
      40             :  * \f]
      41             :  *
      42             :  * \note In the paper \cite Barkett2019uae, a translation map was
      43             :  * applied to the solution to make the test more demanding. For simplicity, we
      44             :  * omit that extra map. The behavior of translation-independence is
      45             :  * tested by the `Cce::Solutions::BouncingBlackHole` solution.
      46             :  */
      47           1 : struct GaugeWave : public SphericalMetricData {
      48           0 :   struct ExtractionRadius {
      49           0 :     using type = double;
      50           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help{
      51             :         "The extraction radius of the spherical solution"};
      52           0 :     static type lower_bound() { return 0.0; }
      53             :   };
      54           0 :   struct Mass {
      55           0 :     using type = double;
      56           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help{
      57             :         "The mass of the Schwarzschild solution."};
      58           0 :     static type lower_bound() { return 0.0; }
      59             :   };
      60           0 :   struct Frequency {
      61           0 :     using type = double;
      62           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help{
      63             :         "The frequency of the oscillation of the gauge wave."};
      64           0 :     static type lower_bound() { return 0.0; }
      65             :   };
      66           0 :   struct Amplitude {
      67           0 :     using type = double;
      68           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help{
      69             :       "The amplitude of the gauge wave."};
      70           0 :     static type lower_bound() { return 0.0; }
      71             :   };
      72           0 :   struct PeakTime {
      73           0 :     using type = double;
      74           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help{
      75             :         "The time of the peak of the Gaussian envelope."};
      76           0 :     static type lower_bound() { return 0.0; }
      77             :   };
      78           0 :   struct Duration {
      79           0 :     using type = double;
      80           0 :     static constexpr Options::String help{
      81             :         "The characteristic duration of the Gaussian envelope."};
      82           0 :     static type lower_bound() { return 0.0; }
      83             :   };
      84             : 
      85           0 :   using options = tmpl::list<ExtractionRadius, Mass, Frequency, Amplitude,
      86             :                              PeakTime, Duration>;
      87             : 
      88           0 :   static constexpr Options::String help = {
      89             :       "Analytic solution representing worldtube data for a pure-gauge "
      90             :       "perturbation near a Schwarzschild metric in spherical coordinates"};
      91             : 
      92           0 :   WRAPPED_PUPable_decl_template(GaugeWave);  // NOLINT
      93             : 
      94           0 :   explicit GaugeWave(CkMigrateMessage* msg) : SphericalMetricData(msg) {}
      95             : 
      96             :   // clang doesn't manage to use = default correctly in this case
      97             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-use-equals-default)
      98           0 :   GaugeWave() {}
      99             : 
     100           0 :   GaugeWave(double extraction_radius, double mass, double frequency,
     101             :             double amplitude, double peak_time, double duration);
     102             : 
     103           0 :   std::unique_ptr<WorldtubeData> get_clone() const override;
     104             : 
     105           0 :   void pup(PUP::er& p) override;
     106             : 
     107             :  private:
     108           0 :   double coordinate_wave_function(double time) const;
     109             : 
     110           0 :   double du_coordinate_wave_function(double time) const;
     111             : 
     112           0 :   double du_du_coordinate_wave_function(double time) const;
     113             : 
     114             :  protected:
     115             :   /// A no-op as the gauge wave solution does not have substantial
     116             :   /// shared computation to prepare before the separate component calculations.
     117           1 :   void prepare_solution(const size_t /*output_l_max*/,
     118             :                         const double /*time*/) const override {}
     119             : 
     120             :   /*!
     121             :    * \brief Compute the spherical coordinate metric from the closed-form gauge
     122             :    * wave metric.
     123             :    *
     124             :    * \details The transformation of the ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinate
     125             :    * produces metric components in spherical coordinates (identical up to minor
     126             :    * manipulations of the metric given in Eq. (149) of \cite Barkett2019uae):
     127             :    *
     128             :    * \f{align*}{
     129             :    * g_{tt} &= \frac{-1}{r^3}\left(r - 2 M\right)
     130             :    * \left[r + \partial_u F(u)\right]^2\\
     131             :    * g_{rt} &= \frac{1}{r^4} \left[r + \partial_u F(u)\right]
     132             :    * \left\{2 M r^2 + \left(r - 2 M\right)
     133             :    * \left[r \partial_u F(u) + F(u)\right]\right\} \\
     134             :    * g_{rr} &= \frac{1}{r^5} \left[r^2 - r \partial_u F(u) - F(u)\right]
     135             :    * \left\{r^3 + 2 M r^2 + \left(r - 2 M\right)
     136             :    * \left[r \partial_u F(u) + F(u)\right]\right\} \\
     137             :    * g_{\theta \theta} &= r^2 \\
     138             :    * g_{\phi \phi} &= r^2 \sin^2(\theta),
     139             :    * \f}
     140             :    *
     141             :    * and all other components vanish. Here, \f$F(u)\f$ is defined as
     142             :    *
     143             :    * \f{align*}{
     144             :    * F(u) &= A \sin(\omega u) e^{-(u - u_0)^2 /k^2},\\
     145             :    * \partial_u F(u) &= A \left[-2 \frac{u - u_0}{k^2} \sin(\omega u)
     146             :    * + \omega \cos(\omega u)\right] e^{-(u - u_0)^2 / k^2}.
     147             :    * \f}
     148             :    *
     149             :    * \warning The \f$\phi\f$ components are returned in a form for which the
     150             :    * \f$\sin(\theta)\f$ factors are omitted, assuming that derivatives and
     151             :    * Jacobians will be applied similarly omitting those factors (and therefore
     152             :    * improving precision of the tensor expression). If you require the
     153             :    * \f$\sin(\theta)\f$ factors, be sure to put them in by hand in the calling
     154             :    * code.
     155             :    */
     156           1 :   void spherical_metric(
     157             :       gsl::not_null<
     158             :           tnsr::aa<DataVector, 3, ::Frame::Spherical<::Frame::Inertial>>*>
     159             :           spherical_metric,
     160             :       size_t l_max, double time) const override;
     161             : 
     162             :   /*!
     163             :    * \brief Compute the radial derivative of the spherical coordinate metric
     164             :    * from the closed-form gauge wave metric.
     165             :    *
     166             :    * \details The transformation of the ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinate
     167             :    * produces the radial derivative of the metric components in spherical
     168             :    * coordinates:
     169             :    *
     170             :    * \f{align*}{
     171             :    * \partial_r g_{tt} + \partial_t g_{tt} =& \frac{2}{r^4}
     172             :    * \left[r + \partial_u F(u)\right]
     173             :    * \left[- M r + (r - 3 M)\partial_u F(u)\right] \\
     174             :    * \partial_r g_{rt} + \partial_t g_{rt} =& - \frac{1}{r^5}
     175             :    * \left\{2 M r^3 + 2 r F(u) (r - 3M) + \partial_u F(u)[r^3 + F(u)(3r - 8 M)]
     176             :    * + 2 r [\partial_u F(u)]^2 (r - 3M)\right\}\\
     177             :    * \partial_r g_{rr} + \partial_t g_{rr} =& \frac{2}{r^6}
     178             :    * \left\{- M r^4 + F(u)^2 (2r - 5M)
     179             :    * + \partial_u F(u) r^2 \left[4 M r + \partial_u F(u) (r - 3 M)\right]
     180             :    * + F(u) r \left[6 M r + \partial_u F(u) (3r - 8 M)\right]\right\} \\
     181             :    * g_{\theta \theta} =& 2 r \\
     182             :    * g_{\phi \phi} =& 2 r \sin^2(\theta),
     183             :    * \f}
     184             :    *
     185             :    * and all other components vanish (these formulae are obtained simply by
     186             :    * applying radial derivatives to those given in
     187             :    * `GaugeWave::spherical_metric()`). Here, \f$F(u)\f$ is defined as
     188             :    *
     189             :    * \f{align*}{
     190             :    * F(u) &= A \sin(\omega u) e^{-(u - u_0)^2 /k^2},\\
     191             :    * \partial_u F(u) &= A \left[-2 \frac{u - u_0}{k^2} \sin(\omega u)
     192             :    * + \omega \cos(\omega u)\right] e^{-(u - u_0)^2 / k^2}.
     193             :    * \f}
     194             :    *
     195             :    * \warning The \f$\phi\f$ components are returned in a form for which the
     196             :    * \f$\sin(\theta)\f$ factors are omitted, assuming that derivatives and
     197             :    * Jacobians will be applied similarly omitting those factors (and therefore
     198             :    * improving precision of the tensor expression). If you require the
     199             :    * \f$\sin(\theta)\f$ factors, be sure to put them in by hand in the calling
     200             :    * code.
     201             :    */
     202           1 :   void dr_spherical_metric(
     203             :       gsl::not_null<
     204             :           tnsr::aa<DataVector, 3, ::Frame::Spherical<::Frame::Inertial>>*>
     205             :           dr_spherical_metric,
     206             :       size_t l_max, double time) const override;
     207             : 
     208             :   /*!
     209             :    * \brief Compute the spherical coordinate metric from the closed-form gauge
     210             :    * wave metric.
     211             :    *
     212             :    * \details The transformation of the ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinate
     213             :    * produces metric components in spherical coordinates:
     214             :    *
     215             :    * \f{align*}{
     216             :    * \partial_t g_{tt} =& \frac{-2 \partial_u^2 F(u)}{r^3}
     217             :    * \left(r - 2 M\right) \left(r + \partial_u F(u)\right) \\
     218             :    * \partial_t g_{rt} =& \frac{1}{r^4} \Bigg\{\partial_u^2 F(u)
     219             :    * \left[2 M r^2 + \left(r - 2 M\right)
     220             :    * (r \partial_u F(u) + F(u))\right] \\
     221             :    * &+ \left[r + \partial_u F(u)\right]
     222             :    * \left(r - 2M\right) \left[r \partial_u^2 F(u) + \partial_u F(u)
     223             :    * \right]\Bigg\} \\
     224             :    * \partial_t g_{rr} =&
     225             :    * \frac{1}{r^5}\Bigg\{-\left[r \partial_u^2 F(u) + \partial_u F(u)\right]
     226             :    * \left[r^3 + 2 M r^2  + \left(r - 2 M\right)
     227             :    * \left(r \partial_u F(u) + F(u)\right)\right]\\
     228             :    * &+ \left[r^2 - r \partial_u F(u) - F(u)\right]
     229             :    * \left(r - 2 M\right)
     230             :    * \left[r \partial_u^2 F(u) + \partial_u F(u)\right]\Bigg\} \\
     231             :    * \partial_t g_{\theta \theta} =& 0 \\
     232             :    * \partial_t g_{\phi \phi} =& 0,
     233             :    * \f}
     234             :    *
     235             :    * and all other components vanish. Here, \f$F(u)\f$ is defined as
     236             :    *
     237             :    * \f{align*}{
     238             :    * F(u) &= A \sin(\omega u) e^{-(u - u_0)^2 /k^2},\\
     239             :    * \partial_u F(u) &= A \left[-2 \frac{u - u_0}{k^2} \sin(\omega u)
     240             :    * + \omega \cos(\omega u)\right] e^{-(u - u_0)^2 / k^2},\\
     241             :    * \partial^2_u F(u) &= \frac{A}{k^4} \left\{-4 k^2 \omega (u - u_0)
     242             :    * \cos(\omega u) + \left[-2 k^2 + 4 (u - u_0)^2 - k^4 \omega^2\right]
     243             :    * \sin(\omega u)\right\}  e^{-(u - u_0) / k^2}
     244             :    * \f}
     245             :    *
     246             :    * \warning The \f$\phi\f$ components are returned in a form for which the
     247             :    * \f$\sin(\theta)\f$ factors are omitted, assuming that derivatives and
     248             :    * Jacobians will be applied similarly omitting those factors (and therefore
     249             :    * improving precision of the tensor expression). If you require the
     250             :    * \f$\sin(\theta)\f$ factors, be sure to put them in by hand in the calling
     251             :    * code.
     252             :    */
     253           1 :   void dt_spherical_metric(
     254             :       gsl::not_null<
     255             :           tnsr::aa<DataVector, 3, ::Frame::Spherical<::Frame::Inertial>>*>
     256             :           dt_spherical_metric,
     257             :       size_t l_max, double time) const override;
     258             : 
     259           0 :   using WorldtubeData::variables_impl;
     260             : 
     261           1 :   using SphericalMetricData::variables_impl;
     262             : 
     263             :   /// The News vanishes, because the wave is pure gauge.
     264           1 :   void variables_impl(
     265             :       gsl::not_null<Scalar<SpinWeighted<ComplexDataVector, -2>>*> News,
     266             :       size_t l_max, double time,
     267             :       tmpl::type_<Tags::News> /*meta*/) const override;
     268             : 
     269           0 :   double mass_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
     270           0 :   double frequency_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
     271           0 :   double amplitude_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
     272           0 :   double peak_time_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
     273           0 :   double duration_ = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
     274             : };
     275             : }  // namespace Solutions
     276             : }  // namespace Cce

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