SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - Domain/CoordinateMaps - UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap.hpp Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2024-04-27 02:05:51
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          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : /// \file
       5             : /// Defines the class UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap.
       6             : 
       7             : #pragma once
       8             : 
       9             : #include <array>
      10             : #include <cstddef>
      11             : #include <limits>
      12             : #include <optional>
      13             : 
      14             : #include "DataStructures/Tensor/TypeAliases.hpp"
      15             : #include "Utilities/TypeTraits/RemoveReferenceWrapper.hpp"
      16             : 
      17             : /// \cond
      18             : namespace PUP {
      19             : class er;
      20             : }  // namespace PUP
      21             : /// \endcond
      22             : 
      23             : namespace domain::CoordinateMaps {
      24             : 
      25             : /*!
      26             :  * \ingroup CoordinateMapsGroup
      27             :  *
      28             :  * \brief Map from 3D unit right cylinder to a 3D volume that connects
      29             :  *  a portion of a spherical surface with a disk.
      30             :  *
      31             :  * \image html UniCylFlatEndcap.svg "A cylinder maps to the shaded region."
      32             :  *
      33             :  * \details Consider a sphere with center \f$C_1\f$ and radius \f$R_1\f$,
      34             :  * and a disk in the \f$xy\f$
      35             :  * plane with center \f$C_2\f$ and radius \f$R_2\f$.
      36             :  * Let sphere 1 be intersected by a plane normal to the \f$z\f$ axis
      37             :  * and located at \f$z = z_{\mathrm{P}1}\f$,
      38             :  *
      39             :  * UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap maps a 3D unit right cylinder (with coordinates
      40             :  * \f$(\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z})\f$ such that \f$-1\leq\bar{z}\leq 1\f$
      41             :  * and \f$\bar{x}^2+\bar{y}^2 \leq 1\f$) to the shaded area
      42             :  * in the figure above (with coordinates \f$(x,y,z)\f$).  The "bottom"
      43             :  * of the cylinder \f$\bar{z}=-1\f$ is mapped to the portion of sphere
      44             :  * 1 that has \f$z \geq z_{\mathrm{P}1}\f$, and on this portion of the
      45             :  * sphere the angular coordinate \f$\theta_1 = \acos((z-C_1^z)/R_1)\f$
      46             :  * is uniform in \f$\bar{\rho} = \sqrt{\bar{x}^2+\bar{y}^2}\f$ and the angular
      47             :  * coordinate \f$\phi_1 = \atan((y-C_1^y)/(x-C_1^x))\f$ is the same as
      48             :  * \f$\phi = \atan(\bar{y}/\bar{x})\f$.
      49             :  * The "top" of the cylinder
      50             :  * \f$\bar{z}=+1\f$ is mapped to the disk,
      51             :  * and the radial polar coordinate coordinate \f$\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\f$
      52             :  * on this disk is equal to \f$R_2\bar\rho\f$ and the angular
      53             :  * coordinate \f$\phi_2 = \atan((y-C_2^y)/(x-C_2^x))\f$ is the same as
      54             :  * \f$\phi\f$.
      55             :  *
      56             :  * UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap is intended to be composed with
      57             :  * `Wedge<2>` maps to construct a portion of a cylindrical domain for
      58             :  * a binary system.
      59             :  *
      60             :  * UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap can be used to construct a domain that
      61             :  * is similar to, but not identical to, the one described briefly in
      62             :  * the Appendix of \cite Buchman:2012dw.  UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap
      63             :  * is used to construct the Blocks analogous to those labeled 'MA
      64             :  * wedge' and 'MB wedge' in Figure 20 of that paper.
      65             :  *
      66             :  * UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap provides the following functions:
      67             :  *
      68             :  * ### operator()
      69             :  *
      70             :  * `operator()` maps \f$(\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z})\f$ to \f$(x,y,z)\f$
      71             :  * according to
      72             :  *
      73             :  * \f{align}
      74             :  * x &= C_1^x+\lambda(C_2^x-C_1^x) +
      75             :  *        \cos\phi\left(R_1\sin\theta_1 +
      76             :  *        \lambda(R_2\bar\rho-R_1\sin\theta_1)\right), \label{eq:x0} \\
      77             :  * y &= C_1^y+\lambda(C_2^y-C_1^y) +
      78             :  *        \sin\phi\left(R_1\sin\theta_1 +
      79             :  *        \lambda(R_2\bar\rho-R_1\sin\theta_1)\right), \label{eq:x1} \\
      80             :  * z &= C_1^z+\lambda(C_2^z-C_1^z) +
      81             :  *        (1-\lambda)R_1\cos\theta_1 \label{eq:x2}.
      82             :  * \f}
      83             :  *
      84             :  * Here
      85             :  * \f{align}
      86             :  * \lambda  &= \frac{\bar{z}+1}{2},\label{eq:lambdafromzbar}\\
      87             :  * \theta_1 &= \bar{\rho} \theta_{1 \mathrm{max}},\label{eq:deftheta1}\\
      88             :  * \phi     &= \atan(\bar{y}/\bar{x})\label{eq:defphi},
      89             :  * \f}
      90             :  * where \f$\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}\f$
      91             :  * is defined by
      92             :  * \f{align}
      93             :  *   \cos(\theta_{1\mathrm{max}}) &= (z_{\mathrm{P}1}-C_1^z)/R_1,\\
      94             :  * \f}
      95             :  * and
      96             :  * \f{align}
      97             :  * \bar{\rho} &= \sqrt{\bar{x}^2+\bar{y}^2}/\bar{R} \label{eq:defrhobar},
      98             :  * \f}
      99             :  * where \f$\bar{R}\f$ is the radius of the cylinder in barred
     100             :  * coordinates, which is always unity.
     101             :  *
     102             :  * ### inverse
     103             :  *
     104             :  * Given \f$(x,y,z)\f$ we want to find \f$(\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z})\f$.
     105             :  * From Eq. (\f$\ref{eq:x2}\f$) we can write \f$\lambda\f$ as a function
     106             :  * of \f$\bar\rho\f$:
     107             :  *
     108             :  * \f{align}
     109             :  * \lambda &= \frac{z - C_1^z - R_1\cos\theta_1}
     110             :  *                 {C_2^z-C_1^z - R_1\cos\theta_1}
     111             :  *                 \label{eq:lambda_from_rho}.
     112             :  * \f}
     113             :  *
     114             :  * Then by eliminating \f$\phi\f$ from Eqs. (\f$\ref{eq:x0}\f$) and
     115             :  * (\f$\ref{eq:x1}\f$) we find that \f$\bar{\rho}\f$ is the solution
     116             :  * of \f$Q(\bar{\rho})=0\f$, where
     117             :  *
     118             :  * \f{align}
     119             :  * Q(\bar{\rho}) &= \left(x-C_1^x-\lambda(C_2^x-C_1^x)\right)^2+
     120             :  *                  \left(y-C_1^y-\lambda(C_2^y-C_1^y)\right)^2-
     121             :  *                  \left((1-\lambda)R_1\sin\theta_1 +
     122             :  *                  \lambda \bar\rho R_2\right)^2.\label{eq:defQ}
     123             :  * \f}
     124             :  * Here \f$\lambda\f$ and \f$\theta_1\f$, are functions
     125             :  * of \f$\bar{\rho}\f$ through Eqs. (\f$\ref{eq:lambda_from_rho}\f$)
     126             :  * and (\f$\ref{eq:deftheta1}\f$).
     127             :  *
     128             :  * We solve \f$Q(\bar{\rho})=0\f$ numerically; it is a one-dimensional
     129             :  * root-finding problem.
     130             :  *
     131             :  * Once we have determined \f$\bar{\rho}\f$, we then obtain \f$\lambda\f$
     132             :  * from Eq. (\f$\ref{eq:lambda_from_rho}\f$), and we obtain \f$\phi\f$ from
     133             :  *
     134             :  * \f{align}
     135             :  *  \tan\phi &=
     136             :  *  \frac{y-C_1^y-\lambda(C_2^y-C_1^y)}{x-C_1^x-\lambda(C_2^x-C_1^x)}.
     137             :  * \f}
     138             :  *
     139             :  * Then \f$\bar{z}\f$ is obtained from Eq. (\f$\ref{eq:lambdafromzbar}\f$)
     140             :  * and \f$\bar{x}\f$ and \f$\bar{y}\f$ are obtained from
     141             :  *
     142             :  * \f{align}
     143             :  *   \bar{x} &= \bar{\rho}\bar{R}\cos\phi,\\
     144             :  *   \bar{y} &= \bar{\rho}\bar{R}\sin\phi.
     145             :  * \f}
     146             :  *
     147             :  * #### Considerations when root-finding.
     148             :  *
     149             :  * We solve \f$Q(\bar{\rho})=0\f$ numerically for \f$\bar{\rho}\f$,
     150             :  * where \f$Q(\bar{\rho})\f$ is given by Eq. (\f$\ref{eq:defQ}\f$).
     151             :  *
     152             :  * ##### min/max values of \f$\bar{\rho}\f$:
     153             :  *
     154             :  * Note that the root we care about must have
     155             :  * \f$0\leq\lambda\leq 1\f$; therefore from Eq. (\f$\ref{eq:lambda_from_rho}\f$)
     156             :  * we have
     157             :  *
     158             :  * \f{align}
     159             :  *   \bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}} &=
     160             :  *      \left\{\begin{array}{ll}
     161             :  *           0 & \text{for } z-C_1^z \geq R_1, \\
     162             :  *           \displaystyle \frac{1}{\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}}
     163             :  *           \cos^{-1}\left(\frac{z-C_1^z}{R_1}\right) & \text{otherwise}
     164             :  *      \end{array}\right.\label{eq:rhobarmin}\\
     165             :  *   \bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{max}} &= 1. \label{eq:rhobarmax}
     166             :  * \f}
     167             :  *
     168             :  * so we look for a root only between \f$\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}}\f$
     169             :  * and \f$\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{max}}\f$.
     170             :  *
     171             :  * ##### Roots within roundoff of endpoints:
     172             :  *
     173             :  * Sometimes a root is within roundoff of \f$\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}}\f$
     174             :  * This tends to happen at points on the
     175             :  * boundary of the mapped region. In this case, the root might
     176             :  * not be bracketed by
     177             :  * \f$[\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}},\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{max}}]\f$ if the root
     178             :  * is slightly outside that interval.  If we find that
     179             :  * \f$Q(\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}})\f$ is near zero but has the wrong sign,
     180             :  * then we slightly expand the interval as follows:
     181             :  *
     182             :  * \f{align}
     183             :  *    \bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}} \to \bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}}
     184             :  *  - 2 \frac{Q(\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}})}{Q'(\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}})},
     185             :  * \f}
     186             :  *
     187             :  * where \f$Q'(\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}})\f$ is the derivative of the function
     188             :  * in Eq. (\f$\ref{eq:defQ}\f$). Note that without the factor of 2, this is
     189             :  * a Newton-Raphson step; the factor of 2 is there to overcompensate so that
     190             :  * the new \f$\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}}\f$ brackets the root.  Sometimes, if
     191             :  * the derivative is large enough so that the correction above amounts to
     192             :  * a value less than roundoff; in that case, we increase the correction to
     193             :  * a value larger than roundoff.
     194             :  *
     195             :  * Note that by differentiating Eqs. (\f$\ref{eq:defQ}\f$) and
     196             :  * (\f$\ref{eq:lambda_from_rho}\f$), one obtains
     197             :  *
     198             :  * \f{align}
     199             :  * Q'(\bar{\rho}) =& -2 \frac{d\lambda}{d\bar{\rho}}\left[
     200             :  *      \left(x-C_1^x-\lambda(C_2^x-C_1^x)\right)(C_2^x-C_1^x)+
     201             :  *      \left(y-C_1^y-\lambda(C_2^y-C_1^y)\right)(C_2^y-C_1^y)
     202             :  *      \right]\nonumber \\
     203             :  *     &
     204             :  *    -2 \left((1-\lambda)R_1\sin\theta_1 +
     205             :  *                \lambda \bar\rho R_2\right)
     206             :  *    \left[
     207             :  *    \frac{d\lambda}{d\bar{\rho}} (R_2\bar\rho - R_1\sin\theta_1)
     208             :  *    +(1-\lambda)R_1\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}\cos\theta_1
     209             :  *    +\lambda R_2
     210             :  *    \right], \label{eq:defQderiv}
     211             :  * \f}
     212             :  *
     213             :  * where
     214             :  * \f{align}
     215             :  *  \frac{d\lambda}{d\bar{\rho}} &=
     216             :  *  \frac{(1-\lambda)R_1\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}\sin\theta_1}
     217             :  *       {C_2^z-C_1^z -R_1\cos\theta_1}
     218             :  *  \label{eq:dlambda_drhobar}.
     219             :  * \f}
     220             :  *
     221             :  * ##### Roots within roundoff of \f$\bar{\rho}=0\f$ or \f$\bar{\rho}=1\f$:
     222             :  *
     223             :  * For some points on the boundary of the mapped domain, the root will
     224             :  * be within roundoff of \f$\bar{\rho}=0\f$ or \f$\bar{\rho}=1\f$.
     225             :  * Here it does not always make sense to expand the range of the map
     226             :  * if the root fails (by roundoff) to be bracketed, as is done above.
     227             :  * Furthermore, when \f$\bar{\rho}=0\f$ is a root it turns
     228             :  * out that both \f$Q(\bar{\rho})=0\f$ and \f$Q'(\bar{\rho})=0\f$ for
     229             :  * \f$\bar{\rho}=0\f$, so some root-finders (e.g. Newton-Raphson) have
     230             :  * difficulty converging.  Therefore the cases where the root is
     231             :  * within roundoff of \f$\bar{\rho}=0\f$ or \f$\bar{\rho}=1\f$ are
     232             :  * treated separately.
     233             :  *
     234             :  * These cases are detected by comparing terms in the first-order
     235             :  * power series of \f$Q(\bar{\rho})=0\f$ when expanded about
     236             :  * \f$\bar{\rho}=0\f$ or \f$\bar{\rho}=1\f$.  When one of these cases is
     237             :  * recognized, the root is returned as either \f$\bar{\rho}=0\f$ or
     238             :  * \f$\bar{\rho}=1\f$.
     239             :  *
     240             :  * #### Quick rejection of points out of range of the map.
     241             :  *
     242             :  * It is expected that `inverse()` will often be passed points
     243             :  * \f$(x,y,z)\f$ that are out of the range of the map; in this case
     244             :  * `inverse()` returns a `std::nullopt`. To avoid the difficulty and
     245             :  * expense of attempting to solve \f$Q(\bar{\rho})=0\f$ numerically
     246             :  * for such points (and then having this solution fail), it is useful
     247             :  * to quickly reject points \f$(x,y,z)\f$ that are outside the range
     248             :  * of the map.
     249             :  *
     250             :  * Any point in the range of the map must be below the disk
     251             :  * and it must be outside or on sphere 1, so the inverse map
     252             :  * can immediately return a `std::nullopt` for a point that does not
     253             :  * satisfy these conditions.
     254             :  *
     255             :  * Likewise, the inverse map can immediately reject any point with
     256             :  * \f$z < z_{\mathrm{P}1}\f$.
     257             :  *
     258             :  * Finally, consider the circle \f$S_1\f$ defining the intersection of sphere 1
     259             :  * and the plane \f$z = z_{\mathrm{P}1}\f$; this circle has radius
     260             :  * \f$r_1 = R_1 \sin\theta_{1\mathrm{max}}\f$.
     261             :  * Now consider the cone that passes through both \f$S_1\f$ and
     262             :  * the circle \f$S_2\f$ bounding the upper disk.
     263             :  * A point in the range of the map must be inside
     264             :  * or on this cone. The cone can be defined parametrically as
     265             :  *
     266             :  * \f{align}
     267             :  * x_c &= C_1^x + \tilde{\lambda}(C_2^x-C_1^x) +
     268             :  *      \cos\varphi (r_1 + \tilde{\lambda} (R_2 -r_1)),\\
     269             :  * y_c &= C_1^y + \tilde{\lambda}(C_2^y-C_1^y),+
     270             :  *      \sin\varphi (r_1 + \tilde{\lambda} (R_2 -r_1)),\\
     271             :  * z_c &= C_1^z + R_1 \cos\theta_{1\mathrm{max}} +
     272             :  *        \tilde{\lambda}(C_2^z -
     273             :  *        C_1^z - R_1 \cos\theta_{1\mathrm{max}}),
     274             :  * \f}
     275             :  *
     276             :  * where \f$(x_c,y_c,z_c)\f$ is a point on the cone, and the two
     277             :  * parameters defining a point on the cone are the angle \f$\varphi\f$
     278             :  * around the cone and the parameter \f$\tilde{\lambda}\f$, which is
     279             :  * defined to be zero on \f$S_1\f$ and unity on \f$S_2\f$.
     280             :  *
     281             :  * Given an arbitrary point \f$(x, y, z)\f$, we can determine whether
     282             :  * or not that point is inside the cone as follows.  First determine
     283             :  *
     284             :  * \f{align}
     285             :  *  \tilde{\lambda} &= \frac{z - C_1^z - R_1 \cos\theta_{1\mathrm{max}}}
     286             :  *   {C_2^z -
     287             :  *   C_1^z- R_1 \cos\theta_{1\mathrm{max}}}, \\
     288             :  *  \tilde{x} &= x - C_1^x - \tilde{\lambda} (C_2^x-C_1^x),\\
     289             :  *  \tilde{y} &= y - C_1^y - \tilde{\lambda} (C_2^y-C_1^y).\\
     290             :  * \f}
     291             :  *
     292             :  * Then the condition for the point to be inside or on the cone is
     293             :  * \f{align}
     294             :  * \sqrt{\tilde{x}^2+\tilde{y}^2} \le r_1 + (R_2-r_1)\tilde{\lambda}.
     295             :  * \f}
     296             :  *
     297             :  * The inverse map can therefore reject any points that do
     298             :  * not satisfy this criterion.
     299             :  *
     300             :  * ### jacobian
     301             :  *
     302             :  * One can rewrite Eqs.(\f$\ref{eq:x0}\f$) through (\f$\ref{eq:x2}\f$) as
     303             :  *
     304             :  * \f{align}
     305             :  * x &= \frac{1}{2}\left((1-\bar{z})C_1^x+ (1+\bar{z})C_2^x\right) +
     306             :  *        \frac{\bar{x}}{2}\left(
     307             :  * (1-\bar{z}) R_1 S(\bar{\rho},\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}) +
     308             :  * (1+\bar{z}) R_2
     309             :  *     \right), \label{eq:x0alt} \\
     310             :  * y &= \frac{1}{2}\left((1-\bar{z})C_1^y + (1+\bar{z})C_2^y\right) +
     311             :  *        \frac{\bar{y}}{2}\left(
     312             :  * (1-\bar{z})R_1 S(\bar{\rho},\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}) +
     313             :  * (1+\bar{z})R_2
     314             :  *     \right), \label{eq:x1alt} \\
     315             :  * z &= \frac{1}{2}\left((1-\bar{z})C_1^z + (1+\bar{z})C_2^z\right) +
     316             :  * \frac{1}{2} (1-\bar{z})R_1 \cos\theta_1, \label{eq:x2alt} \\
     317             :  * \f}
     318             :  *
     319             :  * where we have used Eq. (\f$\ref{eq:lambdafromzbar}\f$) to eliminate
     320             :  * \f$\lambda\f$ in favor of \f$\bar{z}\f$, and where we have defined the
     321             :  * function
     322             :  *
     323             :  * \f{align}
     324             :  *   S(\bar{\rho},a) = \frac{\sin(\bar{\rho} a)}{\bar{\rho}}. \label{eq:Sdef}
     325             :  * \f}
     326             :  *
     327             :  * Note that \f$S(\bar{\rho},a)\f$ is finite as \f$\bar{\rho}\f$
     328             :  * approaches zero, and in the code we must take care that everything
     329             :  * remains well-behaved in that limit.
     330             :  *
     331             :  * Then differentiating Eqs. (\f$\ref{eq:x0alt}\f$) and (\f$\ref{eq:x1alt}\f$)
     332             :  * with respect to \f$\bar{x}\f$ and \f$\bar{y}\f$, taking into account the
     333             :  * dependence of \f$\bar{\rho}\f$ on \f$\bar{x}\f$ and \f$\bar{y}\f$ from Eq.
     334             :  * (\f$\ref{eq:defrhobar}\f$), we find:
     335             :  *
     336             :  * \f{align}
     337             :  * \frac{\partial x^0}{\partial \bar{x}} &=
     338             :  * \frac{1}{2}\left(
     339             :  *       (1-\bar{z}) R_1 S(\bar{\rho},\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}) +
     340             :  *       (1+\bar{z}) R_2
     341             :  *       \right) +
     342             :  * \frac{\bar{x}^2}{2\bar{\rho}}
     343             :  *           (1-\bar{z}) R_1 S'(\bar{\rho},\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}), \\
     344             :  * \frac{\partial x^1}{\partial \bar{y}} &=
     345             :  * \frac{1}{2}\left(
     346             :  *       (1-\bar{z}) R_1 S(\bar{\rho},\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}) +
     347             :  *       (1+\bar{z}) R_2
     348             :  *       \right) +
     349             :  * \frac{\bar{y}^2}{2\bar{\rho}}
     350             :  *           (1-\bar{z}) R_1 S'(\bar{\rho},\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}), \\
     351             :  * \frac{\partial x^0}{\partial \bar{y}} &=
     352             :  * \frac{\bar{x}\bar{y}}{2\bar{\rho}}
     353             :  *           (1-\bar{z}) R_1 S'(\bar{\rho},\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}), \\
     354             :  * \frac{\partial x^1}{\partial \bar{x}} &=
     355             :  * \frac{\partial x^0}{\partial \bar{y}},
     356             :  * \f}
     357             :  *
     358             :  * where \f$S'(\bar{\rho},a)\f$ means the derivative of \f$S(\bar{\rho},a)\f$
     359             :  * with respect to \f$\bar\rho\f$.  Note that \f$S'(\bar{\rho},a)/\bar{\rho}\f$
     360             :  * approaches a constant value as \f$\bar{\rho}\f$ approaches zero.
     361             :  *
     362             :  * Differentiating Eq. (\f$\ref{eq:x2alt}\f$) with respect to
     363             :  * \f$\bar{x}\f$ and \f$\bar{y}\f$ we find
     364             :  *
     365             :  * \f{align}
     366             :  * \frac{\partial z}{\partial \bar{x}} &=
     367             :  * - \frac{\bar{x}}{2}
     368             :  *        (1-\bar{z}) R_1 \theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}
     369             :  *                S(\bar{\rho},\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}),\\
     370             :  * \frac{\partial z}{\partial \bar{y}} &=
     371             :  * - \frac{\bar{y}}{2}
     372             :  *        (1-\bar{z}) R_1 \theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}
     373             :  *                S(\bar{\rho},\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}).
     374             :  * \f}
     375             :  *
     376             :  * Differentiating Eqs. (\f$\ref{eq:x0alt}\f$) through (\f$\ref{eq:x2alt}\f$)
     377             :  * with respect to \f$\bar{z}\f$ yields
     378             :  *
     379             :  * \f{align}
     380             :  * \frac{\partial x}{\partial \bar{z}} &=
     381             :  * \frac{1}{2}\left[
     382             :  *  C_2^x-C_1^x +
     383             :  *        \bar{x}\left(R_2 -
     384             :  *        R_1 S(\bar{\rho},\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}})\right)
     385             :  * \right],\\
     386             :  * \frac{\partial y}{\partial \bar{z}} &=
     387             :  * \frac{1}{2}\left[
     388             :  *  C_2^y-C_1^y +
     389             :  *        \bar{y}\left(R_2 -
     390             :  *        R_1 S(\bar{\rho},\theta_{1 \mathrm{max}})\right)
     391             :  * \right],\\
     392             :  * \frac{\partial z}{\partial \bar{z}} &=
     393             :  * \frac{1}{2}\left(
     394             :  *  C_2^z-C_1^z - R_1\cos\theta_1
     395             :  * \right).
     396             :  * \f}
     397             :  *
     398             :  * ### inv_jacobian
     399             :  *
     400             :  * The inverse Jacobian is computed by numerically inverting the
     401             :  * Jacobian.
     402             :  *
     403             :  * ### Restrictions on map parameters
     404             :  *
     405             :  * We demand that \f$C^2_1 + 1.05 R_1 \leq C^2_2 \leq C^2_1 + 5 R_1\f$.
     406             :  * It is possible to construct a valid
     407             :  * map without this assumption, but the assumption simplifies the
     408             :  * code, and the expected use cases obey this restriction.
     409             :  *
     410             :  * We also demand that the z plane in the above figure lies
     411             :  * above the center of the sphere and is not too close to the center
     412             :  * or edge of the sphere; specifically, we demand that
     413             :  * - \f$ 0.075\pi < \theta_{1 \mathrm{max}} < 0.35\pi\f$
     414             :  *
     415             :  * Here 0.075 and 0.35 are safety factors. These restrictions are not
     416             :  * strictly necessary but are made for simplicity and to ensure the
     417             :  * accuracy of the inverse map (the inverse map becomes less accurate if
     418             :  * the map parameters are extreme).
     419             :  *
     420             :  * Consider the line segment \f$L\f$ that connects a point on the
     421             :  * circle \f$S_1\f$ (the circle formed by the intersection of sphere 1
     422             :  * and the plane \f$z=z_{\mathrm{P}1}\f$) with the center of the
     423             :  * circle \f$S_1\f$.  Consider another line segment \f$L'\f$ that
     424             :  * connects the same point on the circle \f$S_1\f$ with the
     425             :  * corresponding point on the circle \f$S_2\f$ (the circle bounding
     426             :  * the disk with center \f$C_2\f$ and radius \f$R_2\f$).
     427             :  * Now consider the angle between \f$L\f$
     428             :  * and \f$L'\f$, as measured from the interior of sphere 1, and Let
     429             :  * \f$\alpha\f$ be the minimum value of this angle over the circle.
     430             :  * \f$\alpha\f$ is shown in the figure above. If
     431             :  * \f$\alpha < \theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}\f$, then the line segment \f$L'\f$
     432             :  * intersects the mapped portion of sphere 1 twice, so the map is
     433             :  * multi-valued. Therefore we demand that the map parameters are such that
     434             :  * - \f$\alpha > 1.1 \theta_{1 \mathrm{max}}\f$
     435             :  *
     436             :  * where 1.1 is a safety factor.
     437             :  *
     438             :  * The condition on \f$\alpha\f$ is guaranteed to provide an
     439             :  * invertible map if \f$C_1^x=C_2^x\f$ and \f$C_1^y=C_2^y\f$.
     440             :  * However, for \f$C_1^x \neq C_2^x\f$ or \f$C_1^y\neq C_2^y\f$, even
     441             :  * if the \f$\alpha\f$ condition is satisfied, it is possible for two
     442             :  * lines of constant \f$(\bar{x},\bar{y})\f$ (each line has different
     443             :  * values of \f$(\bar{x},\bar{y})\f$) to pass through the same point
     444             :  * \f$(x,y,z)\f$ if those lines are not coplanar.  This condition is
     445             :  * difficult to check analytically, so we check it numerically.  We
     446             :  * have found empirically that if \f$Q(\bar{\rho})\f$ from
     447             :  * Eq. (\f$\ref{eq:defQ}\f$) has only a single root between
     448             :  * \f$\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{min}}\f$ and \f$\bar{\rho}_{\mathrm{max}}\f$
     449             :  * for all points \f$(x,y,z)\f$ on the surface of sphere 1 with
     450             :  * \f$z\geq z_{\mathrm{P}1}\f$ and with \f$(x-C_1^x)/(y-C_1^y) =
     451             :  * (C_1^x-C_2^x)/(C_1^y-C_2^y)\f$, then the map is single-valued
     452             :  * everywhere.  We cannot numerically check every point in this
     453             :  * one-parameter family of points, but we demand that this condition
     454             :  * is satisfied for a reasonably large number of points (currently 1000)
     455             :  * in this family.  This check is not very expensive since it is done only
     456             :  * once, in the constructor.
     457             :  *
     458             :  */
     459           1 : class UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap {
     460             :  public:
     461           0 :   static constexpr size_t dim = 3;
     462           0 :   UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap(const std::array<double, 3>& center_one,
     463             :                                const std::array<double, 3>& center_two,
     464             :                                double radius_one, double radius_two,
     465             :                                double z_plane_one);
     466           0 :   UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap() = default;
     467           0 :   ~UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap() = default;
     468           0 :   UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap(UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap&&) = default;
     469           0 :   UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap(const UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap&) = default;
     470           0 :   UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap& operator=(const UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap&) =
     471             :       default;
     472           0 :   UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap& operator=(UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap&&) =
     473             :       default;
     474             : 
     475             :   template <typename T>
     476           0 :   std::array<tt::remove_cvref_wrap_t<T>, 3> operator()(
     477             :       const std::array<T, 3>& source_coords) const;
     478             : 
     479             :   /// The inverse function is only callable with doubles because the inverse
     480             :   /// might fail if called for a point out of range, and it is unclear
     481             :   /// what should happen if the inverse were to succeed for some points in a
     482             :   /// DataVector but fail for other points.
     483           1 :   std::optional<std::array<double, 3>> inverse(
     484             :       const std::array<double, 3>& target_coords) const;
     485             : 
     486             :   template <typename T>
     487           0 :   tnsr::Ij<tt::remove_cvref_wrap_t<T>, 3, Frame::NoFrame> jacobian(
     488             :       const std::array<T, 3>& source_coords) const;
     489             : 
     490             :   template <typename T>
     491           0 :   tnsr::Ij<tt::remove_cvref_wrap_t<T>, 3, Frame::NoFrame> inv_jacobian(
     492             :       const std::array<T, 3>& source_coords) const;
     493             : 
     494             :   // clang-tidy: google runtime references
     495           0 :   void pup(PUP::er& p);  // NOLINT
     496             : 
     497           0 :   static bool is_identity() { return false; }
     498             : 
     499             :  private:
     500           0 :   friend bool operator==(const UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap& lhs,
     501             :                          const UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap& rhs);
     502           0 :   std::array<double, 3> center_one_{};
     503           0 :   std::array<double, 3> center_two_{};
     504           0 :   double radius_one_{std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()};
     505           0 :   double radius_two_{std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()};
     506           0 :   double z_plane_one_{std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()};
     507           0 :   double theta_max_one_{std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()};
     508             : };
     509             : 
     510           0 : bool operator!=(const UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap& lhs,
     511             :                 const UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap& rhs);
     512             : 
     513             : /// Given parameters for UniformCylindricalFlatEndcap, returns whether
     514             : /// the map is invertible for target points on sphere_one.
     515             : ///
     516             : /// `is_uniform_cylindrical_flat_endcap_invertible_on_sphere_one` is
     517             : /// publicly visible because it is useful for unit tests that need to
     518             : /// choose valid parameters to pass into the map.
     519           1 : bool is_uniform_cylindrical_flat_endcap_invertible_on_sphere_one(
     520             :     const std::array<double, 3>& center_one,
     521             :     const std::array<double, 3>& center_two, const double radius_one,
     522             :     const double radius_two, const double theta_max_one);
     523             : 
     524             : }  // namespace domain::CoordinateMaps

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