SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - Domain/CoordinateMaps - FocallyLiftedEndcap.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: 3c072f0ce967e2e56649d3fa12aa2a0e4fe2a42e Lines: 3 26 11.5 %
Date: 2024-04-23 20:50:18
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <array>
       7             : #include <cstddef>
       8             : #include <limits>
       9             : #include <optional>
      10             : 
      11             : #include "DataStructures/Tensor/TypeAliases.hpp"
      12             : #include "Utilities/Gsl.hpp"
      13             : #include "Utilities/TypeTraits/RemoveReferenceWrapper.hpp"
      14             : 
      15             : /// \cond
      16             : namespace PUP {
      17             : class er;
      18             : }  // namespace PUP
      19             : /// \endcond
      20             : 
      21             : /// Contains FocallyLiftedInnerMaps
      22           1 : namespace domain::CoordinateMaps::FocallyLiftedInnerMaps {
      23             : /*!
      24             :  * \brief A FocallyLiftedInnerMap that maps a 3D unit right cylinder
      25             :  *  to a volume that connects portions of two spherical surfaces.
      26             :  *
      27             :  * Because FocallyLiftedEndcap is a FocallyLiftedInnerMap, it is meant
      28             :  * to be a template parameter of FocallyLiftedMap, and its member functions
      29             :  * are meant to be used by FocallyLiftedMap. See FocallyLiftedMap for further
      30             :  * documentation.
      31             :  *
      32             :  * \image html FocallyLiftedEndcap.svg "Focally Lifted Endcap."
      33             :  *
      34             :  * \details The domain of the map is a 3D unit right cylinder with
      35             :  * coordinates \f$(\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z})\f$ such that
      36             :  * \f$-1\leq\bar{z}\leq 1\f$ and \f$\bar{x}^2+\bar{y}^2 \leq
      37             :  * 1\f$.  The range of the map has coordinates \f$(x,y,z)\f$.
      38             :  *
      39             :  * Consider a sphere with center \f$C^i\f$ and radius \f$R\f$ that is
      40             :  * intersected by a plane normal to the \f$z\f$ axis and located at
      41             :  * \f$z = z_\mathrm{P}\f$.  In the figure above, every point
      42             :  * \f$\bar{x}^i\f$ in the blue region \f$\sigma=0\f$ maps to a point
      43             :  * \f$x_0^i\f$ on a portion of the surface of the sphere.
      44             :  *
      45             :  * `Endcap` provides the following functions:
      46             :  *
      47             :  * ### forward_map
      48             :  * `forward_map` maps \f$(\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z}=-1)\f$ to the portion of
      49             :  * the sphere with \f$z \geq z_\mathrm{P}\f$.  The arguments to `forward_map`
      50             :  * are \f$(\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z})\f$, but \f$\bar{z}\f$ is ignored.
      51             :  * `forward_map` returns \f$x_0^i\f$,
      52             :  * the 3D coordinates on that sphere, which are given by
      53             :  *
      54             :  * \f{align}
      55             :  * x_0^0 &= R \frac{\sin(\bar{\rho} \theta_\mathrm{max})
      56             :  *              \bar{x}}{\bar{\rho}} + C^0,\\
      57             :  * x_0^1 &= R \frac{\sin(\bar{\rho} \theta_\mathrm{max})
      58             :  *              \bar{y}}{\bar{\rho}} + C^1,\\
      59             :  * x_0^2 &= R \cos(\bar{\rho} \theta_\mathrm{max}) + C^2.
      60             :  * \f}
      61             :  *
      62             :  * Here \f$\bar{\rho}^2 \equiv (\bar{x}^2+\bar{y}^2)/\bar{R}^2\f$, where
      63             :  * \f$\bar{R}\f$ is the radius of the cylinder in barred coordinates,
      64             :  * which is always unity,
      65             :  * and where
      66             :  * \f$\theta_\mathrm{max}\f$ is defined by
      67             :  * \f$\cos(\theta_\mathrm{max}) = (z_\mathrm{P}-C^2)/R\f$.
      68             :  * Note that when \f$\bar{\rho}=0\f$, we must evaluate
      69             :  * \f$\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})/\bar{\rho}\f$
      70             :  * as \f$\theta_\mathrm{max}\f$.
      71             :  *
      72             :  * ### sigma
      73             :  *
      74             :  * \f$\sigma\f$ is a function that is zero at \f$\bar{z}=-1\f$
      75             :  * (which maps onto the sphere \f$x^i=x_0^i\f$) and
      76             :  * unity at \f$\bar{z}=+1\f$ (corresponding to the
      77             :  * upper surface of the FocallyLiftedMap). We define
      78             :  *
      79             :  * \f{align}
      80             :  *  \sigma &= \frac{\bar{z}+1}{2}.
      81             :  * \f}
      82             :  *
      83             :  * ### deriv_sigma
      84             :  *
      85             :  * `deriv_sigma` returns
      86             :  *
      87             :  * \f{align}
      88             :  *  \frac{\partial \sigma}{\partial \bar{x}^j} &= (0,0,1/2).
      89             :  * \f}
      90             :  *
      91             :  * ### jacobian
      92             :  *
      93             :  * `jacobian` returns \f$\partial x_0^k/\partial \bar{x}^j\f$.
      94             :  * The arguments to `jacobian`
      95             :  * are \f$(\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z})\f$, but \f$\bar{z}\f$ is ignored.
      96             :  *
      97             :  * Differentiating Eqs.(1--3) above yields
      98             :  *
      99             :  * \f{align*}
     100             :  * \frac{\partial x_0^2}{\partial \bar{x}} &=
     101             :  * - R \theta_\mathrm{max}
     102             :  * \frac{\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})}{\bar{\rho}}\bar{x}\\
     103             :  * \frac{\partial x_0^2}{\partial \bar{y}} &=
     104             :  * - R \theta_\mathrm{max}
     105             :  * \frac{\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})}{\bar{\rho}}\bar{y}\\
     106             :  * \frac{\partial x_0^0}{\partial \bar{x}} &=
     107             :  * R \frac{\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})}{\bar{\rho}} +
     108             :  * R \frac{1}{\bar{\rho}}\frac{d}{d\bar{\rho}}
     109             :  * \left(\frac{\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})}{\bar{\rho}}\right)
     110             :  * \bar{x}^2\\
     111             :  * \frac{\partial x_0^0}{\partial \bar{y}} &=
     112             :  * R \frac{1}{\bar{\rho}}\frac{d}{d\bar{\rho}}
     113             :  * \left(\frac{\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})}{\bar{\rho}}\right)
     114             :  * \bar{x}\bar{y}\\
     115             :  * \frac{\partial x_0^1}{\partial \bar{x}} &=
     116             :  * R \frac{1}{\bar{\rho}}\frac{d}{d\bar{\rho}}
     117             :  * \left(\frac{\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})}{\bar{\rho}}\right)
     118             :  * \bar{x}\bar{y}\\
     119             :  * \frac{\partial x_0^1}{\partial \bar{y}} &=
     120             :  * R \frac{\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})}{\bar{\rho}} +
     121             :  * R \frac{1}{\bar{\rho}}\frac{d}{d\bar{\rho}}
     122             :  * \left(\frac{\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})}{\bar{\rho}}\right)
     123             :  * \bar{y}^2\\
     124             :  * \frac{\partial x_0^i}{\partial \bar{z}} &=0.
     125             :  * \f}
     126             :  *
     127             :  * ### Evaluating sinc functions
     128             :  *
     129             :  * Note that \f$\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})/\bar{\rho}\f$ and
     130             :  * its derivative appear in the above equations.  We evaluate
     131             :  * \f$\sin(ax)/x\f$ in a straightforward way, except we are careful
     132             :  * to evaluate \f$\sin(ax)/x = a\f$ for the special case \f$x=0\f$.
     133             :  *
     134             :  * The derivative of the sync function is more complicated to evaluate
     135             :  * because of roundoff. Note that we can expand
     136             :  *
     137             :  * \f{align*}
     138             :  *  \frac{1}{x}\frac{d}{dx}\left(\frac{\sin(ax)}{x}\right) &=
     139             :  *  \frac{a}{x^2}\left(1 - 1 - \frac{2 (ax)^2}{3!} +
     140             :  *  \frac{4(ax)^4}{5!} - \frac{5(ax)^6}{7!} + \cdots \right),
     141             :  * \f}
     142             :  *
     143             :  * where we kept the "1 - 1" above as a reminder that when evaluating
     144             :  * this function directly as \f$(a \cos(ax)/x^2 - \sin(ax)/x^3)\f$, there
     145             :  * can be significant roundoff because of the "1" in each of the two
     146             :  * terms that are subtracted. The relative error in direct evaluation is
     147             :  * \f$3\epsilon/(ax)^2\f$, where \f$\epsilon\f$ is machine precision
     148             :  * (This expression comes from replacing "1 - 1" with \f$\epsilon\f$
     149             :  * and comparing the lowest-order contribution to the correct answer, i.e.
     150             :  * the \f$2(ax)^2/3!\f$ term, with \f$\epsilon\f$, the error contribution).
     151             :  * This means the error is 100% if \f$(ax)^2=3\epsilon\f$.
     152             :  *
     153             :  * To avoid roundoff, we evaluate the series if \f$ax\f$ is small
     154             :  * enough.  Suppose we keep terms up to and including the \f$(ax)^{2n}\f$
     155             :  * term in the series.  Then we evaluate the series if the
     156             :  * next term, the \f$(ax)^{2n+2}\f$ term, is roundoff,
     157             :  * i.e. if \f$(2n+2)(ax)^{2n+2}/(2n+3)! < \epsilon\f$.  In this case,
     158             :  * the direct evaluation has the maximum error if
     159             :  * \f$(2n+2)(ax)^{2n+2}/(2n+3)! = \epsilon\f$.  We showed above that the
     160             :  * relative error in direct evaluation is \f$3\epsilon/(ax)^2\f$,
     161             :  * which evaluates to \f$(\epsilon^n (2n+2)/(2n+3)!)^{1/(n+1)}\f$.
     162             :  *
     163             :  * \f{align*}
     164             :  *   n=1 \qquad& \mathrm{error}=3(\epsilon/30)^{1/2} &\qquad
     165             :  *               \sim \mathrm{5e-09}\\
     166             :  *   n=2 \qquad& \mathrm{error}=3(\epsilon^2/840)^{1/3} &\qquad
     167             :  *               \sim \mathrm{7e-12}\\
     168             :  *   n=3 \qquad& \mathrm{error}=3(\epsilon^3/45360)^{1/4} &\qquad
     169             :  *               \sim \mathrm{2e-13}\\
     170             :  *   n=4 \qquad& \mathrm{error}=3(\epsilon^4/3991680)^{1/5} &\qquad
     171             :  *               \sim \mathrm{2e-14}\\
     172             :  *   n=5 \qquad& \mathrm{error}=3(\epsilon^5/518918400)^{1/6} &\qquad
     173             :  *               \sim \mathrm{5e-15}\\
     174             :  *   n=6 \qquad& \mathrm{error}=3(\epsilon^6/93405312000)^{1/7} &\qquad
     175             :  *               \sim \mathrm{1e-15}
     176             :  * \f}
     177             :  * We gain less and less with each order, so we choose \f$n=3\f$.
     178             :  * Then the series above can be rewritten to this order in the form
     179             :  * \f{align*}
     180             :  *  \frac{1}{x}\frac{d}{dx}\left(\frac{\sin(ax)}{x}\right) &=
     181             :  *  -\frac{a^3}{3}\left(1 - \frac{3\cdot 4 (ax)^2}{5!} +
     182             :  *  \frac{3 \cdot 6(ax)^4}{7!}\right).
     183             :  * \f}
     184             :  *
     185             :  * ### inverse
     186             :  *
     187             :  * `inverse` takes \f$x_0^i\f$ and \f$\sigma\f$ as arguments, and
     188             :  * returns \f$(\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z})\f$, or boost::none if
     189             :  * \f$x_0^i\f$ or \f$\sigma\f$ are outside the range of the map.
     190             :  * For example, if \f$x_0^i\f$ does not lie on the sphere,
     191             :  * we return boost::none.
     192             :  *
     193             :  * The easiest to compute is \f$\bar{z}\f$, which is given by inverting
     194             :  * Eq. (4):
     195             :  *
     196             :  * \f{align}
     197             :  *  \bar{z} &= 2\sigma - 1.
     198             :  * \f}
     199             :  *
     200             :  * If \f$\bar{z}\f$ is outside the range \f$[-1,1]\f$ then we return
     201             :  * boost::none.
     202             :  *
     203             :  * To get \f$\bar{x}\f$ and \f$\bar{y}\f$,
     204             :  * we invert
     205             :  * Eqs (1--3).  If \f$x_0^0=x_0^1=0\f$, then \f$\bar{x}=\bar{y}=0\f$.
     206             :  * Otherwise, we compute
     207             :  *
     208             :  * \f{align}
     209             :  *   \bar{\rho} = \theta_\mathrm{max}^{-1}
     210             :  *   \tan^{-1}\left(\frac{\rho}{x_0^2-C^2}\right),
     211             :  * \f}
     212             :  *
     213             :  * where \f$\rho^2 = (x_0^0-C^0)^2+(x_0^1-C^1)^2\f$. Then
     214             :  *
     215             :  * \f{align}
     216             :  * \bar{x} &= (x_0^0-C^0)\frac{\bar{\rho}}{\rho},\\
     217             :  * \bar{y} &= (x_0^1-C^1)\frac{\bar{\rho}}{\rho}.
     218             :  * \f}
     219             :  *
     220             :  * Note that if \f$\bar{x}^2+\bar{y}^2 > 1\f$, the original point is outside
     221             :  * the range of the map so we return boost::none.
     222             :  *
     223             :  * ### lambda_tilde
     224             :  *
     225             :  * `lambda_tilde` takes as arguments a point \f$x^i\f$ and a projection point
     226             :  *  \f$P^i\f$, and computes \f$\tilde{\lambda}\f$, the solution to
     227             :  *
     228             :  * \f{align} x_0^i = P^i + (x^i - P^i) \tilde{\lambda}.\f}
     229             :  *
     230             :  * Since \f$x_0^i\f$ must lie on the sphere, \f$\tilde{\lambda}\f$ is the
     231             :  * solution of the quadratic equation
     232             :  *
     233             :  * \f{align}
     234             :  * |P^i + (x^i - P^i) \tilde{\lambda} - C^i |^2 - R^2 = 0.
     235             :  * \f}
     236             :  *
     237             :  * In solving the quadratic, we demand a root that is positive and
     238             :  * less than or equal to unity, since \f$x_0^i\f$ is always between
     239             :  * the projection point and \f$x^i\f$. If there are two suitable
     240             :  * roots, this means that the entire sphere lies between \f$P^i\f$ and
     241             :  * \f$x^i\f$; in this case if \f$x^2 \geq z_\mathrm{P}\f$ we choose the
     242             :  * larger root, otherwise we choose the smaller one: this gives
     243             :  * us the root with \f$x_0^2 \geq z_\mathrm{P}\f$, the portion of the sphere
     244             :  * that is the range of `Endcap`. If there is no suitable root,
     245             :  * this means that the point \f$x^i\f$ is not in the range of the map
     246             :  * so we return a default-constructed std::optional.
     247             :  *
     248             :  * ### deriv_lambda_tilde
     249             :  *
     250             :  * `deriv_lambda_tilde` takes as arguments \f$x_0^i\f$, a projection point
     251             :  *  \f$P^i\f$, and \f$\tilde{\lambda}\f$, and
     252             :  *  returns \f$\partial \tilde{\lambda}/\partial x^i\f$.
     253             :  * By differentiating Eq. (11), we find
     254             :  *
     255             :  * \f{align}
     256             :  * \frac{\partial\tilde{\lambda}}{\partial x^j} &=
     257             :  * \tilde{\lambda}^2 \frac{C^j - x_0^j}{|x_0^i - P^i|^2
     258             :  * + (x_0^i - P^i)(P_i - C_{i})}.
     259             :  * \f}
     260             :  *
     261             :  * ### inv_jacobian
     262             :  *
     263             :  * `inv_jacobian` returns \f$\partial \bar{x}^i/\partial x_0^k\f$,
     264             :  *  where \f$\sigma\f$ is held fixed.
     265             :  *  The arguments to `inv_jacobian`
     266             :  *  are \f$(\bar{x},\bar{y},\bar{z})\f$, but \f$\bar{z}\f$ is ignored.
     267             :  *
     268             :  * Note that \f$\bar{x}\f$ and \f$\bar{y}\f$ can be considered to
     269             :  * depend only on \f$x_0^0\f$ and \f$x_0^1\f$ but not on \f$x_0^2\f$,
     270             :  * because the point \f$x_0^i\f$ is constrained to lie on a sphere of
     271             :  * radius \f$R\f$.  Note that there is an alternative way to compute
     272             :  * Eqs. (8) and (9) using only \f$x_0^0\f$ and \f$x_0^1\f$. To do
     273             :  * this, define
     274             :  *
     275             :  * \f{align}
     276             :  * \upsilon \equiv \sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})
     277             :  *        &= \sqrt{\frac{(x_0^0-C^0)^2+(x_0^1-C^1)^2}{R^2}}.
     278             :  * \f}
     279             :  *
     280             :  * Then we can write
     281             :  *
     282             :  * \f{align}
     283             :  * \frac{1}{\bar{\rho}}\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})
     284             :  * &= \frac{\theta_\mathrm{max}\upsilon}{\arcsin(\upsilon)},
     285             :  * \f}
     286             :  *
     287             :  * so that
     288             :  *
     289             :  * \f{align}
     290             :  * \bar{x} &= \frac{x_0^0-C^0}{R}\left(\frac{1}{\bar{\rho}}
     291             :  *             \sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})\right)^{-1} \\
     292             :  * \bar{y} &= \frac{x_0^1-C^1}{R}\left(\frac{1}{\bar{\rho}}
     293             :  *             \sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})\right)^{-1}.
     294             :  * \f}
     295             :  *
     296             :  * We will compute \f$\partial \bar{x}^i/\partial
     297             :  * x_0^k\f$ by differentiating Eqs. (15) and (16).  Because those equations
     298             :  * involve \f$\bar{\rho}\f$, we first establish some relations
     299             :  * involving derivatives of \f$\bar{\rho}\f$.  For ease of notation, we define
     300             :  *
     301             :  * \f{align}
     302             :  * q \equiv \frac{\sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})}{\bar{\rho}}.
     303             :  * \f}
     304             :  *
     305             :  * First observe that
     306             :  * \f{align}
     307             :  * \frac{dq}{d\upsilon}
     308             :  * = \frac{dq}{d\bar{\rho}}
     309             :  * \left(\bar{\rho} \frac{dq}{d\bar{\rho}} + q\right)^{-1},
     310             :  * \f}
     311             :  *
     312             :  * where \f$\upsilon\f$ is the quantity defined by Eq. (13).  Therefore
     313             :  *
     314             :  * \f{align}
     315             :  * \frac{\partial q}{\partial x_0^0} &=
     316             :  * \frac{\bar{x}}{\bar{\rho}R}\frac{dq}{d\bar{\rho}}
     317             :  * \left(\bar{\rho} \frac{dq}{d\bar{\rho}} + q\right)^{-1},\\
     318             :  * \frac{\partial q}{\partial x_0^1} &=
     319             :  * \frac{\bar{y}}{\bar{\rho}R}\frac{dq}{d\bar{\rho}}
     320             :  * \left(\bar{\rho} \frac{dq}{d\bar{\rho}} + q\right)^{-1},
     321             :  * \f}
     322             :  *
     323             :  * where we have differentiated Eq. (13), and where we have
     324             :  * used Eqs. (15) and (16) to eliminate \f$x_0^0\f$ and
     325             :  * \f$x_0^1\f$ in favor of \f$\bar{x}\f$ and
     326             :  * \f$\bar{y}\f$ in the final result.
     327             :  *
     328             :  * Let
     329             :  * \f{align}
     330             :  * \Sigma \equiv \frac{1}{\bar\rho} \frac{dq}{d\bar{\rho}},
     331             :  * \f}
     332             :  * since that combination will appear frequently in formulas below. Note that
     333             :  * \f$\Sigma\f$ has a finite limit as \f$\bar{\rho}\to 0\f$, and it is evaluated
     334             :  * according to the section on evaluating sinc functions above.
     335             :  *
     336             :  * By differentiating Eqs. (15) and (16), and using Eqs. (19) and (20), we
     337             :  * find
     338             :  *
     339             :  * \f{align}
     340             :  * \frac{\partial \bar{x}}{\partial x_0^0} &=
     341             :  * \frac{1}{R q}
     342             :  * - \frac{\bar{x}^2 \Sigma}{R q}
     343             :  * \left(\bar{\rho}^2 \Sigma + q\right)^{-1},\\
     344             :  * \frac{\partial \bar{x}}{\partial x_0^1} &=
     345             :  * - \frac{\bar{x}\bar{y} \Sigma}{R q}
     346             :  * \left(\bar{\rho}^2 \Sigma + q\right)^{-1},\\
     347             :  * \frac{\partial \bar{x}}{\partial x_0^2} &= 0,\\
     348             :  * \frac{\partial \bar{y}}{\partial x_0^0} &=
     349             :  * \frac{\partial \bar{x}}{\partial x_0^1},\\
     350             :  * \frac{\partial \bar{y}}{\partial x_0^1} &=
     351             :  * \frac{1}{R q}
     352             :  * - \frac{\bar{y}^2 \Sigma}{R q}
     353             :  * \left(\bar{\rho}^2 \Sigma + q\right)^{-1},\\
     354             :  * \frac{\partial \bar{y}}{\partial x_0^2} &= 0,\\
     355             :  * \frac{\partial \bar{z}}{\partial x_0^i} &= 0.
     356             :  * \f}
     357             :  * Note that care must be taken to evaluate
     358             :  * \f$q = \sin(\bar{\rho}\theta_\mathrm{max})/\bar{\rho}\f$ and its
     359             :  * derivative \f$\Sigma\f$ near \f$\bar{\rho}=0\f$; see the discussion above on
     360             :  * evaluating sinc functions.
     361             :  *
     362             :  * ### dxbar_dsigma
     363             :  *
     364             :  * `dxbar_dsigma` returns \f$\partial \bar{x}^i/\partial \sigma\f$,
     365             :  *  where \f$x_0^i\f$ is held fixed.
     366             :  *
     367             :  * From Eq. (6) we have
     368             :  *
     369             :  * \f{align}
     370             :  * \frac{\partial \bar{x}^i}{\partial \sigma} &= (0,0,2).
     371             :  * \f}
     372             :  *
     373             :  */
     374           1 : class Endcap {
     375             :  public:
     376           0 :   Endcap(const std::array<double, 3>& center, double radius, double z_plane);
     377             : 
     378           0 :   Endcap() = default;
     379           0 :   ~Endcap() = default;
     380           0 :   Endcap(Endcap&&) = default;
     381           0 :   Endcap(const Endcap&) = default;
     382           0 :   Endcap& operator=(const Endcap&) = default;
     383           0 :   Endcap& operator=(Endcap&&) = default;
     384             : 
     385             :   template <typename T>
     386           0 :   void forward_map(
     387             :       const gsl::not_null<std::array<tt::remove_cvref_wrap_t<T>, 3>*>
     388             :           target_coords,
     389             :       const std::array<T, 3>& source_coords) const;
     390             : 
     391             :   /// The inverse function is only callable with doubles because the inverse
     392             :   /// might fail if called for a point out of range, and it is unclear
     393             :   /// what should happen if the inverse were to succeed for some points in a
     394             :   /// DataVector but fail for other points.
     395           1 :   std::optional<std::array<double, 3>> inverse(
     396             :       const std::array<double, 3>& target_coords, double sigma_in) const;
     397             : 
     398             :   template <typename T>
     399           0 :   void jacobian(const gsl::not_null<
     400             :                     tnsr::Ij<tt::remove_cvref_wrap_t<T>, 3, Frame::NoFrame>*>
     401             :                     jacobian_out,
     402             :                 const std::array<T, 3>& source_coords) const;
     403             : 
     404             :   template <typename T>
     405           0 :   void inv_jacobian(const gsl::not_null<tnsr::Ij<tt::remove_cvref_wrap_t<T>, 3,
     406             :                                                  Frame::NoFrame>*>
     407             :                         inv_jacobian_out,
     408             :                     const std::array<T, 3>& source_coords) const;
     409             : 
     410             :   template <typename T>
     411           0 :   void sigma(const gsl::not_null<tt::remove_cvref_wrap_t<T>*> sigma_out,
     412             :              const std::array<T, 3>& source_coords) const;
     413             : 
     414             :   template <typename T>
     415           0 :   void deriv_sigma(
     416             :       const gsl::not_null<std::array<tt::remove_cvref_wrap_t<T>, 3>*>
     417             :           deriv_sigma_out,
     418             :       const std::array<T, 3>& source_coords) const;
     419             : 
     420             :   template <typename T>
     421           0 :   void dxbar_dsigma(
     422             :       const gsl::not_null<std::array<tt::remove_cvref_wrap_t<T>, 3>*>
     423             :           dxbar_dsigma_out,
     424             :       const std::array<T, 3>& source_coords) const;
     425             : 
     426           0 :   std::optional<double> lambda_tilde(
     427             :       const std::array<double, 3>& parent_mapped_target_coords,
     428             :       const std::array<double, 3>& projection_point,
     429             :       bool source_is_between_focus_and_target) const;
     430             : 
     431             :   template <typename T>
     432           0 :   void deriv_lambda_tilde(
     433             :       const gsl::not_null<std::array<tt::remove_cvref_wrap_t<T>, 3>*>
     434             :           deriv_lambda_tilde_out,
     435             :       const std::array<T, 3>& target_coords, const T& lambda_tilde,
     436             :       const std::array<double, 3>& projection_point) const;
     437             : 
     438             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-runtime-references)
     439           0 :   void pup(PUP::er& p);
     440             : 
     441           0 :   static bool is_identity() { return false; }
     442             : 
     443             :  private:
     444           0 :   friend bool operator==(const Endcap& lhs, const Endcap& rhs);
     445           0 :   std::array<double, 3> center_{};
     446           0 :   double radius_{std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()};
     447           0 :   double theta_max_{std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()};
     448             : };
     449           0 : bool operator!=(const Endcap& lhs, const Endcap& rhs);
     450             : }  // namespace domain::CoordinateMaps::FocallyLiftedInnerMaps

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