SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - DataStructures - VectorImpl.hpp Hit Total Coverage
Commit: a6a8ee404306bec9d92da8ab89f636b037aefc25 Lines: 26 66 39.4 %
Date: 2024-07-26 22:35:59
Legend: Lines: hit not hit

          Line data    Source code
       1           0 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : #pragma once
       5             : 
       6             : #include <algorithm>
       7             : #include <array>
       8             : #include <blaze/math/AlignmentFlag.h>
       9             : #include <blaze/math/CustomVector.h>
      10             : #include <blaze/math/DenseVector.h>
      11             : #include <blaze/math/GroupTag.h>
      12             : #include <blaze/math/PaddingFlag.h>
      13             : #include <blaze/math/TransposeFlag.h>
      14             : #include <cstddef>
      15             : #include <cstring>
      16             : #include <functional>
      17             : #include <initializer_list>
      18             : #include <limits>
      19             : #include <memory>
      20             : #include <ostream>
      21             : #include <pup.h>
      22             : #include <type_traits>
      23             : 
      24             : #include "DataStructures/Blaze/StepFunction.hpp"
      25             : #include "Utilities/ErrorHandling/Assert.hpp"
      26             : #include "Utilities/ForceInline.hpp"
      27             : #include "Utilities/Gsl.hpp"
      28             : #include "Utilities/MakeString.hpp"
      29             : #include "Utilities/MakeWithValue.hpp"
      30             : #include "Utilities/MemoryHelpers.hpp"
      31             : #include "Utilities/PrintHelpers.hpp"
      32             : #include "Utilities/Requires.hpp"
      33             : #include "Utilities/SetNumberOfGridPoints.hpp"
      34             : #include "Utilities/StdArrayHelpers.hpp"
      35             : #include "Utilities/TypeTraits/IsComplexOfFundamental.hpp"
      36             : 
      37             : class ComplexDataVector;
      38             : class ComplexModalVector;
      39             : class DataVector;
      40             : class ModalVector;
      41             : 
      42             : namespace VectorImpl_detail {
      43             : /// \brief Whether or not a given vector type is assignable to another
      44             : ///
      45             : /// \details
      46             : /// This is used to define which types can be assigned to one another. For
      47             : /// example, you can assign a `ComplexDataVector` to a `DataVector`, but not
      48             : /// vice versa.
      49             : ///
      50             : /// To enable assignments between more types, modify a current template
      51             : /// specialization or add a new one.
      52             : ///
      53             : /// \tparam LhsDataType the type being assigned
      54             : /// \tparam RhsDataType the type to convert to `LhsDataType`
      55             : template <typename LhsDataType, typename RhsDataType>
      56             : struct is_assignable;
      57             : 
      58             : /// No template specialization was matched, so LHS is not assignable to RHS
      59             : template <typename LhsDataType, typename RhsDataType>
      60             : struct is_assignable : std::false_type {};
      61             : /// Can assign a type to itself
      62             : template <typename RhsDataType>
      63             : struct is_assignable<RhsDataType, RhsDataType> : std::true_type {};
      64             : /// Can assign a `ComplexDataVector` to a `DataVector`
      65             : template <>
      66             : struct is_assignable<ComplexDataVector, DataVector> : std::true_type {};
      67             : /// Can assign a `ComplexModalVector` to a `ModalVector`
      68             : template <>
      69             : struct is_assignable<ComplexModalVector, ModalVector> : std::true_type {};
      70             : 
      71             : /// \brief Whether or not a given vector type is assignable to another
      72             : ///
      73             : /// \details
      74             : /// See `is_assignable` for which assignments are permitted
      75             : template <typename LhsDataType, typename RhsDataType>
      76             : constexpr bool is_assignable_v = is_assignable<LhsDataType, RhsDataType>::value;
      77             : }  // namespace VectorImpl_detail
      78             : 
      79             : /// \ingroup TensorExpressionsGroup
      80             : /// \brief Marks a class as being a `VectorImpl`
      81             : ///
      82             : /// \details
      83             : /// The empty base class provides a simple means for checking if a type is a
      84             : /// `VectorImpl`
      85           1 : struct MarkAsVectorImpl {};
      86             : 
      87             : /// \ingroup DataStructuresGroup
      88             : /// Default static size for vector impl
      89           1 : constexpr size_t default_vector_impl_static_size = 0;
      90             : 
      91             : /*!
      92             :  * \ingroup DataStructuresGroup
      93             :  * \brief Base class template for various DataVector and related types
      94             :  *
      95             :  * \details The `VectorImpl` class is the generic parent class for vectors
      96             :  * representing collections of related function values, such as `DataVector`s
      97             :  * for contiguous data over a computational domain.
      98             :  *
      99             :  * The `VectorImpl` does not itself define any particular mathematical
     100             :  * operations on the contained values. The `VectorImpl` template class and the
     101             :  * macros defined in `VectorImpl.hpp` assist in the construction of various
     102             :  * derived classes supporting a chosen set of mathematical operations.
     103             :  *
     104             :  * In addition, the equivalence operator `==` is inherited from the underlying
     105             :  * `blaze::CustomVector` type, and returns true if and only if the size and
     106             :  * contents of the two compared vectors are equivalent.
     107             :  *
     108             :  * Template parameters:
     109             :  * - `T` is the underlying stored type, e.g. `double`, `std::complex<double>`,
     110             :  *   `float`, etc.
     111             :  * - `VectorType` is the type that should be associated with the VectorImpl
     112             :  *    during mathematical computations. In most cases, inherited types should
     113             :  *    have themselves as the second template argument, e.g.
     114             :  *  ```
     115             :  *  class DataVector : VectorImpl<double, DataVector> {
     116             :  *  ```
     117             :  * - `StaticSize` is the size for the static part of the vector. If the vector
     118             :  *   is constructed or resized with a size that is less than or equal to this
     119             :  *   StaticSize, no heap allocations will be done. It will instead use the stack
     120             :  *   allocation. Default is `default_vector_impl_static_size`.
     121             :  *
     122             :  *  The second template parameter communicates arithmetic type restrictions to
     123             :  *  the underlying Blaze framework. For example, if `VectorType` is
     124             :  *  `DataVector`, then the underlying architecture will prevent addition with a
     125             :  *  vector type whose `ResultType` (which is aliased to its `VectorType`) is
     126             :  *  `ModalVector`.  Since `DataVector`s and `ModalVector`s represent data in
     127             :  *  different spaces, we wish to forbid several operations between them. This
     128             :  *  vector-type-tracking through an expression prevents accidental mixing of
     129             :  *  vector types in math expressions.
     130             :  *
     131             :  * \note
     132             :  * - If either `SPECTRE_DEBUG` or `SPECTRE_NAN_INIT` are defined, then the
     133             :  *   `VectorImpl` is default initialized to `signaling_NaN()`. Otherwise, the
     134             :  *   vector is filled with uninitialized memory for performance.
     135             :  */
     136             : template <typename T, typename VectorType,
     137             :           size_t StaticSize = default_vector_impl_static_size>
     138           1 : class VectorImpl
     139             :     : public blaze::CustomVector<
     140             :           T, blaze::AlignmentFlag::unaligned, blaze::PaddingFlag::unpadded,
     141             :           blaze::defaultTransposeFlag, blaze::GroupTag<0>, VectorType>,
     142             :       MarkAsVectorImpl {
     143             :  public:
     144           0 :   using value_type = T;
     145           0 :   using size_type = size_t;
     146           0 :   using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
     147           0 :   using BaseType = blaze::CustomVector<
     148             :       T, blaze::AlignmentFlag::unaligned, blaze::PaddingFlag::unpadded,
     149             :       blaze::defaultTransposeFlag, blaze::GroupTag<0>, VectorType>;
     150           0 :   static constexpr bool transpose_flag = blaze::defaultTransposeFlag;
     151           0 :   static constexpr size_t static_size = StaticSize;
     152             : 
     153           0 :   using ElementType = T;
     154           0 :   using TransposeType = VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>;
     155           0 :   using CompositeType = const VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>&;
     156           0 :   using iterator = typename BaseType::Iterator;
     157           0 :   using const_iterator = typename BaseType::ConstIterator;
     158             : 
     159             :   using BaseType::operator[];
     160             :   using BaseType::begin;
     161             :   using BaseType::cbegin;
     162             :   using BaseType::cend;
     163             :   using BaseType::data;
     164             :   using BaseType::end;
     165             :   using BaseType::size;
     166             : 
     167             :   /// @{
     168             :   /// Upcast to `BaseType`
     169             :   /// \attention
     170             :   /// upcast should only be used when implementing a derived vector type, not in
     171             :   /// calling code
     172           1 :   const BaseType& operator*() const {
     173             :     return static_cast<const BaseType&>(*this);
     174             :   }
     175           1 :   BaseType& operator*() { return static_cast<BaseType&>(*this); }
     176             :   /// @}
     177             : 
     178             :   /// Create with the given size. In debug mode, the vector is initialized to
     179             :   /// 'NaN' by default. If not initialized to 'NaN', the memory is allocated but
     180             :   /// not initialized.
     181             :   ///
     182             :   /// - `set_size` number of values
     183           1 :   explicit VectorImpl(size_t set_size)
     184             :       : owned_data_(heap_alloc_if_necessary(set_size)) {
     185             :     reset_pointer_vector(set_size);
     186             : #if defined(SPECTRE_DEBUG) || defined(SPECTRE_NAN_INIT)
     187             :     std::fill(data(), data() + set_size,
     188             :               std::numeric_limits<value_type>::signaling_NaN());
     189             : #endif  // SPECTRE_DEBUG
     190             :   }
     191             : 
     192             :   /// Create with the given size and value.
     193             :   ///
     194             :   /// - `set_size` number of values
     195             :   /// - `value` the value to initialize each element
     196           1 :   VectorImpl(size_t set_size, T value)
     197             :       : owned_data_(heap_alloc_if_necessary(set_size)) {
     198             :     reset_pointer_vector(set_size);
     199             :     std::fill(data(), data() + set_size, value);
     200             :   }
     201             : 
     202             :   /// Create a non-owning VectorImpl that points to `start`
     203           1 :   VectorImpl(T* start, size_t set_size)
     204             :       : BaseType(start, set_size), owning_(false) {}
     205             : 
     206             :   /// Create from an initializer list of `T`.
     207             :   template <class U, Requires<std::is_same_v<U, T>> = nullptr>
     208           1 :   VectorImpl(std::initializer_list<U> list)
     209             :       : owned_data_(heap_alloc_if_necessary(list.size())) {
     210             :     reset_pointer_vector(list.size());
     211             :     // Note: can't use memcpy with an initializer list.
     212             :     std::copy(list.begin(), list.end(), data());
     213             :   }
     214             : 
     215             :   /// Empty VectorImpl
     216           1 :   VectorImpl() = default;
     217             :   /// \cond HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
     218             :   ~VectorImpl() = default;
     219             : 
     220             :   VectorImpl(const VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>& rhs);
     221             :   VectorImpl& operator=(const VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>& rhs);
     222             :   VectorImpl(VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>&& rhs);
     223             :   VectorImpl& operator=(VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>&& rhs);
     224             : 
     225             :   // This is a converting constructor. clang-tidy complains that it's not
     226             :   // explicit, but we want it to allow conversion.
     227             :   // clang-tidy: mark as explicit (we want conversion to VectorImpl type)
     228             :   template <typename VT, bool VF,
     229             :             Requires<VectorImpl_detail::is_assignable_v<
     230             :                 VectorType, typename VT::ResultType>> = nullptr>
     231             :   VectorImpl(const blaze::DenseVector<VT, VF>& expression);  // NOLINT
     232             : 
     233             :   template <typename VT, bool VF>
     234             :   VectorImpl& operator=(const blaze::DenseVector<VT, VF>& expression);
     235             :   /// \endcond
     236             : 
     237           0 :   VectorImpl& operator=(const T& rhs);
     238             : 
     239           0 :   decltype(auto) SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE operator[](const size_t index) {
     240             :     ASSERT(index < size(), "Out-of-range access to element "
     241             :                                << index << " of a size " << size()
     242             :                                << " Blaze vector.");
     243             :     return BaseType::operator[](index);
     244             :   }
     245             : 
     246           0 :   decltype(auto) SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE operator[](const size_t index) const {
     247             :     ASSERT(index < size(), "Out-of-range access to element "
     248             :                                << index << " of a size " << size()
     249             :                                << " Blaze vector.");
     250             :     return BaseType::operator[](index);
     251             :   }
     252             : 
     253             :   /// @{
     254             :   /// Set the VectorImpl to be a reference to another VectorImpl object
     255           1 :   void set_data_ref(gsl::not_null<VectorType*> rhs) {
     256             :     set_data_ref(rhs->data(), rhs->size());
     257             :   }
     258             : 
     259           1 :   void set_data_ref(T* const start, const size_t set_size) {
     260             :     clear();
     261             :     if (start != nullptr) {
     262             :       (**this).reset(start, set_size);
     263             :     }
     264             :     owning_ = false;
     265             :   }
     266             :   /// @}
     267             : 
     268             :   /*!
     269             :    * \brief A common operation for checking the size and resizing a memory
     270             :    * buffer if needed to ensure that it has the desired size. This operation is
     271             :    * not permitted on a non-owning vector.
     272             :    *
     273             :    * \note This utility should NOT be used when it is anticipated that the
     274             :    *   supplied buffer will typically be the wrong size (in that case, suggest
     275             :    *   either manual checking or restructuring so that resizing is less common).
     276             :    *   This uses `UNLIKELY` to perform the check most quickly when the buffer
     277             :    *   needs no resizing, but will be slower when resizing is common.
     278             :    */
     279           1 :   void SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE destructive_resize(const size_t new_size) {
     280             :     if (UNLIKELY(size() != new_size)) {
     281             :       ASSERT(owning_,
     282             :              MakeString{}
     283             :                  << "Attempting to resize a non-owning vector from size: "
     284             :                  << size() << " to size: " << new_size
     285             :                  << " but we may not destructively resize a non-owning vector");
     286             :       owned_data_ = heap_alloc_if_necessary(new_size);
     287             :       reset_pointer_vector(new_size);
     288             :     }
     289             :   }
     290             : 
     291             :   /// Returns true if the class owns the data
     292           1 :   bool is_owning() const { return owning_; }
     293             : 
     294             :   /// Put the class in the default-constructed state.
     295           1 :   void clear();
     296             : 
     297             :   /// Serialization for Charm++
     298             :   // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-runtime-references)
     299           1 :   void pup(PUP::er& p);
     300             : 
     301             :  protected:
     302           0 :   std::unique_ptr<value_type[]> owned_data_{};
     303           0 :   std::array<T, StaticSize> static_owned_data_{};
     304           0 :   bool owning_{true};
     305             : 
     306             :   // This should only be called if we are owning. If we are not owning, then
     307             :   // neither owned_data_ or static_owned_data_ actually has the data we want.
     308           0 :   SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE void reset_pointer_vector(const size_t set_size) {
     309             :     if (set_size == 0) {
     310             :       return;
     311             :     }
     312             :     if (owned_data_ == nullptr and set_size > StaticSize) {
     313             :       ERROR(
     314             :           "VectorImpl::reset_pointer_vector cannot be called when owned_data_ "
     315             :           "is nullptr.");
     316             :     }
     317             : 
     318             :     if (set_size <= StaticSize) {
     319             :       this->reset(static_owned_data_.data(), set_size);
     320             :       // Free memory if downsizing
     321             :       owned_data_ = nullptr;
     322             :     } else {
     323             :       this->reset(owned_data_.get(), set_size);
     324             :     }
     325             :   }
     326             : 
     327           0 :   SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE std::unique_ptr<value_type[]> heap_alloc_if_necessary(
     328             :       const size_t set_size) {
     329             :     return set_size > StaticSize
     330             :                ? cpp20::make_unique_for_overwrite<value_type[]>(set_size)
     331             :                : nullptr;
     332             :   }
     333             : };
     334             : 
     335             : /// \cond HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
     336             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     337             : VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>::VectorImpl(
     338             :     const VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>& rhs)
     339             :     : BaseType{rhs}, owned_data_(heap_alloc_if_necessary(rhs.size())) {
     340             :   reset_pointer_vector(rhs.size());
     341             :   std::memcpy(data(), rhs.data(), size() * sizeof(value_type));
     342             : }
     343             : 
     344             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     345             : VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>&
     346             : VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>::operator=(
     347             :     const VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>& rhs) {
     348             :   if (this != &rhs) {
     349             :     if (owning_) {
     350             :       if (size() != rhs.size()) {
     351             :         owned_data_.reset();
     352             :         owned_data_ = heap_alloc_if_necessary(rhs.size());
     353             :       }
     354             :       reset_pointer_vector(rhs.size());
     355             :     } else {
     356             :       ASSERT(rhs.size() == size(), "Must copy into same size, not "
     357             :                                        << rhs.size() << " into " << size());
     358             :     }
     359             :     if (LIKELY(data() != rhs.data())) {
     360             :       std::memcpy(data(), rhs.data(), size() * sizeof(value_type));
     361             :     }
     362             :   }
     363             :   return *this;
     364             : }
     365             : 
     366             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     367             : VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>::VectorImpl(
     368             :     VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>&& rhs) {
     369             :   owned_data_ = std::move(rhs.owned_data_);
     370             :   static_owned_data_ = std::move(rhs.static_owned_data_);
     371             :   **this = std::move(*rhs);
     372             :   owning_ = rhs.owning_;
     373             :   if (owning_) {
     374             :     reset_pointer_vector(size());
     375             :   } else {
     376             :     this->reset(data(), size());
     377             :   }
     378             :   rhs.clear();
     379             : }
     380             : 
     381             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     382             : VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>&
     383             : VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>::operator=(
     384             :     VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>&& rhs) {
     385             :   ASSERT(rhs.is_owning(),
     386             :          "Cannot move assign from a non-owning vector, because the correct "
     387             :          "behavior is unclear.");
     388             :   if (this != &rhs) {
     389             :     if (owning_) {
     390             :       owned_data_ = std::move(rhs.owned_data_);
     391             :       static_owned_data_ = std::move(rhs.static_owned_data_);
     392             :       **this = std::move(*rhs);
     393             :       reset_pointer_vector(size());
     394             :       rhs.clear();
     395             :     } else {
     396             :       ASSERT(rhs.size() == size(), "Must move into same size, not "
     397             :                                        << rhs.size() << " into " << size());
     398             :       if (LIKELY(data() != rhs.data())) {
     399             :         std::memcpy(data(), rhs.data(), size() * sizeof(value_type));
     400             :         rhs.clear();
     401             :       }
     402             :     }
     403             :   }
     404             :   return *this;
     405             : }
     406             : 
     407             : // This is a converting constructor. clang-tidy complains that it's not
     408             : // explicit, but we want it to allow conversion.
     409             : // clang-tidy: mark as explicit (we want conversion to VectorImpl)
     410             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     411             : template <typename VT, bool VF,
     412             :           Requires<VectorImpl_detail::is_assignable_v<VectorType,
     413             :                                                       typename VT::ResultType>>>
     414             : VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>::VectorImpl(
     415             :     const blaze::DenseVector<VT, VF>& expression)  // NOLINT
     416             :     : owned_data_(heap_alloc_if_necessary((*expression).size())) {
     417             :   static_assert(
     418             :       VectorImpl_detail::is_assignable_v<VectorType, typename VT::ResultType>,
     419             :       "Cannot construct the VectorImpl type from the given expression type.");
     420             :   reset_pointer_vector((*expression).size());
     421             :   **this = expression;
     422             : }
     423             : 
     424             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     425             : template <typename VT, bool VF>
     426             : VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>&
     427             : VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>::operator=(
     428             :     const blaze::DenseVector<VT, VF>& expression) {
     429             :   static_assert(
     430             :       VectorImpl_detail::is_assignable_v<VectorType, typename VT::ResultType>,
     431             :       "Cannot assign to the VectorImpl type from the given expression type.");
     432             :   if (owning_ and (*expression).size() != size()) {
     433             :     owned_data_ = heap_alloc_if_necessary((*expression).size());
     434             :     reset_pointer_vector((*expression).size());
     435             :   } else if (not owning_) {
     436             :     ASSERT((*expression).size() == size(), "Must assign into same size, not "
     437             :                                                << (*expression).size()
     438             :                                                << " into " << size());
     439             :   }
     440             :   **this = expression;
     441             :   return *this;
     442             : }
     443             : /// \endcond
     444             : 
     445             : // The case of assigning a type apart from the same VectorImpl or a
     446             : // `blaze::DenseVector` forwards the assignment to the `blaze::CustomVector`
     447             : // base type. In the case of a single compatible value, this fills the vector
     448             : // with that value.
     449             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     450             : VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>&
     451             : VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>::operator=(const T& rhs) {
     452             :   **this = rhs;
     453             :   return *this;
     454             : }
     455             : 
     456             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     457             : void VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>::clear() {
     458             :   BaseType::clear();
     459             :   owning_ = true;
     460             :   owned_data_.reset();
     461             :   // The state of static_owned_data_ doesn't matter.
     462             : }
     463             : 
     464             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     465             : void VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>::pup(PUP::er& p) {  // NOLINT
     466             :   if (not owning_ and p.isSizing()) {
     467             :     return;
     468             :   }
     469             :   ASSERT(owning_, "Cannot pup a non-owning vector!");
     470             :   auto my_size = size();
     471             :   p | my_size;
     472             :   if (my_size > 0) {
     473             :     if (p.isUnpacking()) {
     474             :       owning_ = true;
     475             :       owned_data_ = heap_alloc_if_necessary(my_size);
     476             :       reset_pointer_vector(my_size);
     477             :     }
     478             :     PUParray(p, data(), size());
     479             :   }
     480             : }
     481             : 
     482             : /// Output operator for VectorImpl
     483             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     484           1 : std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
     485             :                          const VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>& d) {
     486             :   sequence_print_helper(os, d.begin(), d.end());
     487             :   return os;
     488             : }
     489             : 
     490           0 : #define DECLARE_GENERAL_VECTOR_BLAZE_TRAITS(VECTOR_TYPE)         \
     491             :   template <>                                                    \
     492             :   struct IsDenseVector<VECTOR_TYPE> : public blaze::TrueType {}; \
     493             :                                                                  \
     494             :   template <>                                                    \
     495             :   struct IsVector<VECTOR_TYPE> : public blaze::TrueType {};      \
     496             :                                                                  \
     497             :   template <>                                                    \
     498             :   struct CustomTransposeType<VECTOR_TYPE> {                      \
     499             :     using Type = VECTOR_TYPE;                                    \
     500             :   }
     501             : 
     502             : /*!
     503             :  * \ingroup DataStructuresGroup
     504             :  * \brief Instructs Blaze to provide the appropriate vector result type after
     505             :  * math operations. This is accomplished by specializing Blaze's type traits
     506             :  * that are used for handling return type deduction and specifying the `using
     507             :  * Type =` nested type alias in the traits.
     508             :  *
     509             :  * \param VECTOR_TYPE The vector type, which matches the type of the operation
     510             :  * result (e.g. `DataVector`)
     511             :  *
     512             :  * \param BLAZE_MATH_TRAIT The blaze trait/expression for which you want to
     513             :  * specify the return type (e.g. `AddTrait`).
     514             :  */
     516             :   template <>                                                              \
     517             :   struct BLAZE_MATH_TRAIT<VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE> {                      \
     518             :     using Type = VECTOR_TYPE;                                              \
     519             :   };                                                                       \
     520             :   template <>                                                              \
     521             :   struct BLAZE_MATH_TRAIT<VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE::value_type> {          \
     522             :     using Type = VECTOR_TYPE;                                              \
     523             :   };                                                                       \
     524             :   template <>                                                              \
     525             :   struct BLAZE_MATH_TRAIT<VECTOR_TYPE::value_type, VECTOR_TYPE> {          \
     526             :     using Type = VECTOR_TYPE;                                              \
     527             :   }
     528             : 
     529             : /*!
     530             :  * \ingroup DataStructuresGroup
     531             :  * \brief Instructs Blaze to provide the appropriate vector result type of an
     532             :  * operator between `VECTOR_TYPE` and `COMPATIBLE`, where the operation is
     533             :  * represented by `BLAZE_MATH_TRAIT`
     534             :  *
     535             :  * \param VECTOR_TYPE The vector type, which matches the type of the operation
     536             :  * result (e.g. `ComplexDataVector`)
     537             :  *
     538             :  * \param COMPATIBLE the type for which you want math operations to work with
     539             :  * `VECTOR_TYPE` smoothly (e.g. `DataVector`)
     540             :  *
     541             :  * \param BLAZE_MATH_TRAIT The blaze trait for which you want declare the Type
     542             :  * field (e.g. `AddTrait`)
     543             :  *
     544             :  * \param RESULT_TYPE The type which should be used as the 'return' type for the
     545             :  * binary operation
     546             :  */
     547             : #define BLAZE_TRAIT_SPECIALIZE_COMPATIBLE_BINARY_TRAIT(     \
     549             :   template <>                                               \
     550             :   struct BLAZE_MATH_TRAIT<VECTOR_TYPE, COMPATIBLE> {        \
     551             :     using Type = RESULT_TYPE;                               \
     552             :   };                                                        \
     553             :   template <>                                               \
     554             :   struct BLAZE_MATH_TRAIT<COMPATIBLE, VECTOR_TYPE> {        \
     555             :     using Type = RESULT_TYPE;                               \
     556             :   }
     557             : 
     558             : /*!
     559             :  * \ingroup DataStructuresGroup
     560             :  * \brief Instructs Blaze to provide the appropriate vector result type of
     561             :  * arithmetic operations for `VECTOR_TYPE`. This is accomplished by specializing
     562             :  * Blaze's type traits that are used for handling return type deduction.
     563             :  *
     564             :  * \details Type definitions here are suitable for contiguous data
     565             :  * (e.g. `DataVector`), but this macro might need to be tweaked for other types
     566             :  * of data, for instance Fourier coefficients.
     567             :  *
     568             :  * \param VECTOR_TYPE The vector type, which for the arithmetic operations is
     569             :  * the type of the operation result (e.g. `DataVector`)
     570             :  */
     572             :   template <>                                                        \
     573             :   struct TransposeFlag<VECTOR_TYPE>                                  \
     574             :       : BoolConstant<VECTOR_TYPE::transpose_flag> {};                \
     575             :   BLAZE_TRAIT_SPECIALIZE_BINARY_TRAIT(VECTOR_TYPE, AddTrait);        \
     576             :   BLAZE_TRAIT_SPECIALIZE_BINARY_TRAIT(VECTOR_TYPE, SubTrait);        \
     577             :   BLAZE_TRAIT_SPECIALIZE_BINARY_TRAIT(VECTOR_TYPE, MultTrait);       \
     579             : 
     580             : /*!
     581             :  * \ingroup DataStructuresGroup
     582             :  * \brief Instructs Blaze to provide the appropriate vector result type of `Map`
     583             :  * operations (unary and binary) acting on `VECTOR_TYPE`. This is accomplished
     584             :  * by specializing Blaze's type traits that are used for handling return type
     585             :  * deduction.
     586             :  *
     587             :  * \details Type declarations here are suitable for contiguous data (e.g.
     588             :  * `DataVector`), but this macro might need to be tweaked for other types of
     589             :  * data, for instance Fourier coefficients.
     590             :  *
     591             :  * \param VECTOR_TYPE The vector type, which for the `Map` operations is
     592             :  * the type of the operation result (e.g. `DataVector`)
     593             :  */
     595             :   template <typename Operator>                                    \
     596             :   struct MapTrait<VECTOR_TYPE, Operator> {                        \
     597             :     using Type = VECTOR_TYPE;                                     \
     598             :   };                                                              \
     599             :   template <typename Operator>                                    \
     600             :   struct MapTrait<VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE, Operator> {           \
     601             :     using Type = VECTOR_TYPE;                                     \
     602             :   }
     603             : 
     604             : /*!
     605             :  * \ingroup DataStructuresGroup
     606             :  * \brief Defines the set of binary operations often supported for
     607             :  * `std::array<VECTOR_TYPE, size>`, for arbitrary `size`.
     608             :  *
     609             :  *  \param VECTOR_TYPE The vector type (e.g. `DataVector`)
     610             :  */
     611           1 : #define MAKE_STD_ARRAY_VECTOR_BINOPS(VECTOR_TYPE)                            \
     612             :   DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_BINOP(VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE::value_type,               \
     613             :                          VECTOR_TYPE, operator+, std::plus<>())              \
     614             :   DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_BINOP(VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE,                           \
     615             :                          VECTOR_TYPE::value_type, operator+, std::plus<>())  \
     616             :   DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_BINOP(VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE, operator+,   \
     617             :                          std::plus<>())                                      \
     618             :                                                                              \
     619             :   DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_BINOP(VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE::value_type,               \
     620             :                          VECTOR_TYPE, operator-, std::minus<>())             \
     621             :   DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_BINOP(VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE,                           \
     622             :                          VECTOR_TYPE::value_type, operator-, std::minus<>()) \
     623             :   DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_BINOP(VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE, operator-,   \
     624             :                          std::minus<>())                                     \
     625             :                                                                              \
     626             :   DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_INPLACE_BINOP(VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE, operator-=,       \
     627             :                                  std::minus<>())                             \
     628             :   DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_INPLACE_BINOP(                                            \
     629             :       VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE::value_type, operator-=, std::minus<>())      \
     630             :   DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_INPLACE_BINOP(VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE, operator+=,       \
     631             :                                  std::plus<>())                              \
     632             :   DEFINE_STD_ARRAY_INPLACE_BINOP(                                            \
     633             :       VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE::value_type, operator+=, std::plus<>())
     634             : 
     635             : /*!
     636             :  * \ingroup DataStructuresGroup
     637             :  * \brief Defines the `MakeWithValueImpl` `apply` specialization
     638             :  *
     639             :  * \details The `MakeWithValueImpl<VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE>` member
     640             :  * `apply(VECTOR_TYPE, VECTOR_TYPE::value_type)` specialization defined by this
     641             :  * macro produces an object with the same size as the `input` argument,
     642             :  * initialized with the `value` argument in every entry.
     643             :  *
     644             :  * \param VECTOR_TYPE The vector type (e.g. `DataVector`)
     645             :  */
     646           1 : #define MAKE_WITH_VALUE_IMPL_DEFINITION_FOR(VECTOR_TYPE)                      \
     647             :   namespace MakeWithValueImpls {                                              \
     648             :   template <>                                                                 \
     649             :   struct NumberOfPoints<VECTOR_TYPE> {                                        \
     650             :     static SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE size_t apply(const VECTOR_TYPE& input) {     \
     651             :       return input.size();                                                    \
     652             :     }                                                                         \
     653             :   };                                                                          \
     654             :   template <>                                                                 \
     655             :   struct MakeWithSize<VECTOR_TYPE> {                                          \
     656             :     static SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE VECTOR_TYPE                                  \
     657             :     apply(const size_t size, const VECTOR_TYPE::value_type value) {           \
     658             :       return VECTOR_TYPE(size, value);                                        \
     659             :     }                                                                         \
     660             :   };                                                                          \
     661             :   } /* namespace MakeWithValueImpls */                                        \
     662             :   template <>                                                                 \
     663             :   struct SetNumberOfGridPointsImpls::SetNumberOfGridPointsImpl<VECTOR_TYPE> { \
     664             :     static constexpr bool is_trivial = false;                                 \
     665             :     static SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE void apply(                                  \
     666             :         const gsl::not_null<VECTOR_TYPE*> result, const size_t size) {        \
     667             :       result->destructive_resize(size);                                       \
     668             :     }                                                                         \
     669             :   };
     670             : 
     671             : /// @{
     672             : /*!
     673             :  * \ingroup DataStructuresGroup
     674             :  * \ingroup TypeTraitsGroup
     675             :  * \brief Helper struct to determine the element type of a VectorImpl or
     676             :  * container of VectorImpl
     677             :  *
     678             :  * \details Extracts the element type of a `VectorImpl`, a std::array of
     679             :  * `VectorImpl`, or a reference or pointer to a `VectorImpl`. In any of these
     680             :  * cases, the `type` member is defined as the `ElementType` of the `VectorImpl`
     681             :  * in question. If, instead, `get_vector_element_type` is passed an arithmetic
     682             :  * or complex arithemetic type, the `type` member is defined as the passed type.
     683             :  *
     684             :  * \snippet DataStructures/Test_VectorImpl.cpp get_vector_element_type_example
     685             :  */
     686             : // cast to bool needed to avoid the compiler mistaking the type to be determined
     687             : // by T
     688             : template <typename T,
     689             :           bool = static_cast<bool>(tt::is_complex_of_fundamental_v<T> or
     690             :                                    std::is_fundamental_v<T>)>
     691           1 : struct get_vector_element_type;
     692             : template <typename T>
     693           0 : struct get_vector_element_type<T, true> {
     694           0 :   using type = T;
     695             : };
     696             : template <typename T>
     697           0 : struct get_vector_element_type<const T, false> {
     698           0 :   using type = typename get_vector_element_type<T>::type;
     699             : };
     700             : template <typename T>
     701           0 : struct get_vector_element_type<T, false> {
     702           0 :   using type = typename get_vector_element_type<
     703             :       typename T::ResultType::ElementType>::type;
     704             : };
     705             : template <typename T>
     706           0 : struct get_vector_element_type<T*, false> {
     707           0 :   using type = typename get_vector_element_type<T>::type;
     708             : };
     709             : template <typename T>
     710           0 : struct get_vector_element_type<T&, false> {
     711           0 :   using type = typename get_vector_element_type<T>::type;
     712             : };
     713             : template <typename T, size_t S>
     714             : struct get_vector_element_type<std::array<T, S>, false> {
     715             :   using type = typename get_vector_element_type<T>::type;
     716             : };
     717             : /// @}
     718             : 
     719             : template <typename T>
     720           0 : using get_vector_element_type_t = typename get_vector_element_type<T>::type;
     721             : 
     722             : namespace detail {
     723             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     724             : std::true_type is_derived_of_vector_impl_impl(
     725             :     const VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>*);
     726             : 
     727             : std::false_type is_derived_of_vector_impl_impl(...);
     728             : }  // namespace detail
     729             : 
     730             : /// \ingroup TypeTraitsGroup
     731             : /// This is `std::true_type` if the provided type possesses an implicit
     732             : /// conversion to any `VectorImpl`, which is the primary feature of SpECTRE
     733             : /// vectors generally. Otherwise, it is `std::false_type`.
     734             : template <typename T>
     735           1 : using is_derived_of_vector_impl =
     736             :     decltype(detail::is_derived_of_vector_impl_impl(std::declval<T*>()));
     737             : 
     738             : template <typename T>
     739           0 : constexpr bool is_derived_of_vector_impl_v =
     740             :     is_derived_of_vector_impl<T>::value;
     741             : 
     742             : // impose strict equality for derived classes of VectorImpl; note that this
     743             : // overrides intended behavior in blaze for comparison operators to use
     744             : // approximate equality in favor of equality between containers being
     745             : // appropriately recursive. This form primarily works by using templates to
     746             : // ensure that our comparison operator is resolved with higher priority than the
     747             : // blaze form as of blaze 3.8
     748             : template <
     749             :     typename Lhs, typename Rhs,
     750             :     Requires<(is_derived_of_vector_impl_v<Lhs> or
     751             :               is_derived_of_vector_impl_v<
     752             :                   Rhs>)and not(std::is_base_of_v<blaze::Computation, Lhs> or
     753             :                                std::is_base_of_v<blaze::Computation, Rhs>) and
     754             :              not(std::is_same_v<Rhs, typename Lhs::ElementType> or
     755             :                  std::is_same_v<Lhs, typename Rhs::ElementType>)> = nullptr>
     756           0 : bool operator==(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
     757             :   return blaze::equal<blaze::strict>(lhs, rhs);
     758             : }
     759             : 
     760             : template <
     761             :     typename Lhs, typename Rhs,
     762             :     Requires<(is_derived_of_vector_impl_v<Lhs> or
     763             :               is_derived_of_vector_impl_v<
     764             :                   Rhs>)and not(std::is_base_of_v<blaze::Computation, Lhs> or
     765             :                                std::is_base_of_v<blaze::Computation, Rhs>) and
     766             :              not(std::is_same_v<Rhs, typename Lhs::ElementType> or
     767             :                  std::is_same_v<Lhs, typename Lhs::ElementType>)> = nullptr>
     768           0 : bool operator!=(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
     769             :   return not(lhs == rhs);
     770             : }
     771             : 
     772             : // Impose strict equality for any expression templates; note that
     773             : // this overrides intended behavior in blaze for comparison
     774             : // operators to use approximate equality in favor of equality
     775             : // between containers being appropriately recursive. This form
     776             : // primarily works by using templates to ensure that our
     777             : // comparison operator is resolved with higher priority than the
     778             : // blaze form as of blaze 3.8
     779             : template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs,
     780             :           Requires<std::is_base_of_v<blaze::Computation, Lhs> or
     781             :                    std::is_base_of_v<blaze::Computation, Rhs>> = nullptr>
     782             : bool operator==(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
     783             :   return blaze::equal<blaze::strict>(lhs, rhs);
     784             : }
     785             : 
     786             : template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs,
     787             :           Requires<std::is_base_of_v<blaze::Computation, Lhs> or
     788             :                    std::is_base_of_v<blaze::Computation, Rhs>> = nullptr>
     789             : bool operator!=(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
     790             :   return not(lhs == rhs);
     791             : }
     792             : 
     793             : template <typename Lhs, Requires<is_derived_of_vector_impl_v<Lhs>> = nullptr>
     794           0 : bool operator==(const Lhs& lhs, const typename Lhs::ElementType& rhs) {
     795             :   for (const auto& element : lhs) {
     796             :     if (element != rhs) {
     797             :       return false;
     798             :     }
     799             :   }
     800             :   return true;
     801             : }
     802             : 
     803             : template <typename Lhs, Requires<is_derived_of_vector_impl_v<Lhs>> = nullptr>
     804           0 : bool operator!=(const Lhs& lhs, const typename Lhs::ElementType& rhs) {
     805             :   return not(lhs == rhs);
     806             : }
     807             : 
     808             : template <typename Rhs, Requires<is_derived_of_vector_impl_v<Rhs>> = nullptr>
     809           0 : bool operator==(const typename Rhs::ElementType& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
     810             :   return rhs == lhs;
     811             : }
     812             : 
     813             : template <typename Rhs, Requires<is_derived_of_vector_impl_v<Rhs>> = nullptr>
     814           0 : bool operator!=(const typename Rhs::ElementType& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) {
     815             :   return not(lhs == rhs);
     816             : }
     817             : 
     818             : /// \ingroup DataStructuresGroup
     819             : /// Make the input `view` a `const` view of the const data `vector`, at
     820             : /// offset `offset` and length `extent`.
     821             : ///
     822             : /// \warning This DOES modify the (const) input `view`. The reason `view` is
     823             : /// taken by const pointer is to try to insist that the object to be a `const`
     824             : /// view is actually const. Of course, there are ways of subverting this
     825             : /// intended functionality and editing the data pointed into by `view` after
     826             : /// this function is called; doing so is highly discouraged and results in
     827             : /// undefined behavior.
     828             : template <typename VectorType,
     829             :           Requires<is_derived_of_vector_impl_v<VectorType>> = nullptr>
     830           1 : void make_const_view(const gsl::not_null<const VectorType*> view,
     831             :                      const VectorType& vector, const size_t offset,
     832             :                      const size_t extent) {
     833             :   const_cast<VectorType*>(view.get())  // NOLINT
     834             :       ->set_data_ref(
     835             :           const_cast<typename VectorType::value_type*>(vector.data())  // NOLINT
     836             :               + offset,                                                // NOLINT
     837             :           extent);
     838             : }
     839             : 
     840             : template <typename T, typename VectorType, size_t StaticSize>
     841           0 : inline bool contains_allocations(
     842             :     const VectorImpl<T, VectorType, StaticSize>& value) {
     843             :   return value.size() > StaticSize and value.is_owning();
     844             : }

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