SpECTRE Documentation Coverage Report
Current view: top level - DataStructures/Tensor/Expressions - TensorExpression.hpp Hit Total Coverage
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Date: 2024-04-19 16:28:01
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          Line data    Source code
       1           1 : // Distributed under the MIT License.
       2             : // See LICENSE.txt for details.
       3             : 
       4             : /// \file
       5             : /// Defines base class for all tensor expressions
       6             : 
       7             : #pragma once
       8             : 
       9             : #include <limits>
      10             : 
      11             : #include "Utilities/ForceInline.hpp"
      12             : #include "Utilities/TMPL.hpp"
      13             : 
      14             : /// \ingroup TensorExpressionsGroup
      15             : /// \brief Marks a class as being a TensorExpression
      16             : ///
      17             : /// \details
      18             : /// The empty base class provides a simple means for checking if a type is a
      19             : /// TensorExpression.
      20           1 : struct Expression {};
      21             : 
      22             : /// @{
      23             : /// \ingroup TensorExpressionsGroup
      24             : /// \brief The base class all tensor expression implementations derive from
      25             : ///
      26             : /// \details
      27             : /// ## Tensor equation construction
      28             : /// Each derived `TensorExpression` class should be thought of as an expression
      29             : /// tree that represents some operation done on or between tensor expressions.
      30             : /// Arithmetic operators and other mathematical functions of interest
      31             : /// (e.g. `sqrt`) have overloads defined that accept `TensorExpression`s and
      32             : /// return a new `TensorExpression` representing the result tensor of such an
      33             : /// operation. In this way, an equation written with `TensorExpression`s will
      34             : /// generate an expression tree where the internal and leaf nodes are instances
      35             : /// of the derived `TensorExpression` classes. For example, `tenex::AddSub`
      36             : /// defines an internal node for handling the addition and subtraction
      37             : /// operations between tensors expressions, while `tenex::TensorAsExpression`
      38             : /// defines a leaf node that represents a single `Tensor` that appears in the
      39             : /// equation.
      40             : ///
      41             : /// ## Tensor equation evaluation
      42             : /// The overall tree for an equation and the order in which we traverse the tree
      43             : /// define the order of operations done to compute the resulting LHS `Tensor`.
      44             : /// The evaluation is done by `tenex::evaluate`, which traverses the whole tree
      45             : /// once for each unique LHS component in order to evaluate the full LHS
      46             : /// `Tensor`. There are two different traversals currently implemented that are
      47             : /// chosen from, depending on the tensor equation being evaluated:
      48             : /// 1. **Evaluate the whole tree as one expression** using in-order traversal.
      49             : /// This is like generating and solving a one-liner of the whole equation.
      50             : /// 2. **Split up the tree into subexpressions** that are each evaluated with
      51             : /// in-order traversal to successively "accumulate" a LHS result component of
      52             : /// the equation. This is like splitting the equation up and solving pieces of
      53             : /// it at a time with multiple lines of assignments/updates (see details below).
      54             : ///
      55             : /// ## Equation splitting details
      56             : /// Splitting up the tree and evaluating subexpressions is beneficial when we
      57             : /// believe it to lead to a better runtime than if we were to compute the whole
      58             : /// expression as a one-liner. One important use case is when the `Tensor`s in
      59             : /// the equation hold components whose data type is `DataVector`. From
      60             : /// benchmarking, it was found that the runtime of `DataVector` expressions
      61             : /// scales poorly as we increase the number of operations. For example, for an
      62             : /// inner product with 256 sums of products, instead of adding 256 `DataVector`
      63             : /// products in one line (e.g. `result = A*B + C*D + E*F + ...;`), it's much
      64             : /// faster to, say, set the result to be the sum of the first 8 products, then
      65             : /// `+=` the next 8, and so forth. This is what is meant by "accumulating" the
      66             : /// LHS result tensor, and what the `TensorExpression` splitting emulates. Note
      67             : /// that while 8 is the number used in this example, the exact optimal number of
      68             : /// operations will be hardware-dependent, but probably not something we need to
      69             : /// really worry about fine-tuning. However, a ballpark estimate for a "good"
      70             : /// number of operations may vary greatly depending on the data type of the
      71             : /// components (e.g. `double` vs. `DataVector`), which is something important
      72             : /// to at least coarsely tune.
      73             : ///
      74             : /// ### How the tree is split up
      75             : /// Let's define the **primary path** to be the path in the tree going from the
      76             : /// root node to the leftmost leaf. The overall tree contains subtrees
      77             : /// represented by different `TensorExpression`s in the equation. Certain
      78             : /// subtrees are marked as the starting and/or ending points of these "pieces"
      79             : /// of the equation. Let's define a **leg** to be a "segment" along the primary
      80             : /// path delineated by a starting and ending expression subtree. These
      81             : /// delineations are made where we decide there are enough operations in a
      82             : /// subtree that it would be wise to split at that point. What is considered to
      83             : /// be "enough" operations is specialized based on the data type held by the
      84             : /// `Tensor`s in the expression (see `tenex::max_num_ops_in_sub_expression`).
      85             : ///
      86             : /// ### How a split tree is traversed and evaluated
      87             : /// We recurse down the primary path, visiting each expression subtree until we
      88             : /// reach the start of the lowest leg, then initialize the LHS result component
      89             : /// we're wanting to compute to be the result of this lowest expression. Then,
      90             : /// we recurse back up to the expression subtree that is starting point of the
      91             : /// leg "above" it and compute that subtree. This time, however, when
      92             : /// recursively evaluating this higher subtree, we substitute in the current LHS
      93             : /// result for that lower subtree that we have already computed. This is
      94             : /// repeated as we "climb up" the primary path to successively accumulate the
      95             : /// result component.
      96             : ///
      97             : /// **Note:** The primary path is currently implemented as the path specified
      98             : /// above, but there's no reason it couldn't be reimplemented to be a different
      99             : /// path. The idea with the current implementation is to select a path from root
     100             : /// to leaf that is long so we have more flexibility in splitting, should we
     101             : /// want to. When evaluating, we *could* implement the traversal to take a
     102             : /// different path, but currently, derived `TensorExpression`s that represent
     103             : /// commutative binary operations are instantiated with the larger subtree being
     104             : /// the left child and the smaller subtree being the right child. By
     105             : /// constructing it this way, we elongate the leftmost path, which will allow
     106             : /// for increased splitting.
     107             : ///
     108             : /// ## Requirements for derived `TensorExpression` classes
     109             : /// Each derived `TensorExpression` class must define the following aliases and
     110             : /// members:
     111             : /// - `private` variables that store its operands' derived `TensorExpression`s.
     112             : /// We make these non-`const` to allow for move construction.
     113             : /// - Constructor that initializes the above `private` operand members
     114             : /// - alias `type`: The data type of the data being stored in the result of the
     115             : /// expression, e.g. `double`, `DataVector`
     116             : /// - alias `symmetry`: The ::Symmetry of the result of the expression
     117             : /// - alias `index_list`: The list of \ref SpacetimeIndex "TensorIndexType"s of
     118             : /// the result of the expression
     119             : /// - alias `args_list`: The list of generic `TensorIndex`s of the result of the
     120             : /// expression
     121             : /// - variable `static constexpr size_t num_tensor_indices`: The number of
     122             : /// tensor indices in the result of the expression
     123             : /// - variable `static constexpr size_t num_ops_left_child`: The number of
     124             : /// arithmetic tensor operations done in the subtree for the expression's left
     125             : /// operand. If the expression represents a unary operation, their only child is
     126             : /// considered the left child. If the expression is a leaf node, then this value
     127             : /// should be set to 0 since retrieving a value at the leaf involves 0
     128             : /// arithmetic tensor operations.
     129             : /// - variable `static constexpr size_t num_ops_right_child`: The number of
     130             : /// arithmetic tensor operations done in the expression's right operand. If the
     131             : /// expression represents a unary operation or is leaf node, this should be set
     132             : /// to 0 because there is no right child.
     133             : /// - variable `static constexpr size_t num_ops_subtree`: The number of
     134             : /// arithmetic tensor operations done in the subtree represented by the
     135             : /// expression. For `AddSub`, for example, this is
     136             : /// `num_ops_left_child + num_ops_right_child + 1`, the sum of the number of
     137             : /// operations in each operand's subtrees plus one for the operation done for
     138             : /// the expression, itself.
     139             : /// - variable `static constexpr size_t
     140             : /// height_relative_to_closest_tensor_leaf_in_subtree` : The height of an
     141             : /// expression's node in the overall expression tree relative to the closest
     142             : /// `TensorAsExpression` leaf in its subtree. This is stored so that we can
     143             : /// traverse from the root along the shortest path to a `Tensor` when
     144             : /// retrieving the size of a component from the RHS expression (see
     145             : /// `get_rhs_tensor_component_size()` below). Non-`Tensor` leaves (e.g.
     146             : /// `NumberAsExpression`) are defined to have maximum height
     147             : /// `std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()` to encode that they are maximally
     148             : /// far away from their nearest `Tensor` descendant, since the expression's
     149             : /// subtree (a leaf) can never have a `TensorAsExpression` descedant from it.
     150             : /// This maximal height is leveraged by `get_rhs_tensor_component_size()` so
     151             : /// that in traversing the expression tree to find a `Tensor`, it will never
     152             : /// take the path that ends in a non-`Tensor` leaf because it is the worst path
     153             : /// option.
     154             : /// - function `decltype(auto) get(const std::array<size_t, num_tensor_indices>&
     155             : /// result_multi_index) const`: Accepts a multi-index for the result tensor
     156             : /// represented by the expression and returns the computed result of the
     157             : /// expression at that multi-index. This should call the operands' `get`
     158             : /// functions in order to recursively compute the result of the expression.
     159             : /// - function template
     160             : /// `template <typename LhsTensor> void assert_lhs_tensor_not_in_rhs_expression(
     161             : /// const gsl::not_null<LhsTensor*> lhs_tensor) const`: Asserts that the LHS
     162             : /// `Tensor` we're computing does not also appear in the RHS `TensorExpression`.
     163             : /// We define this because if a tree is split up, then the LHS `Tensor` will
     164             : /// generally not be computed correctly because the LHS components will be
     165             : /// updated as we traverse the split tree.
     166             : /// - function template
     167             : /// \code
     168             : /// template <typename LhsTensorIndices, typename LhsTensor>
     169             : /// void assert_lhs_tensorindices_same_in_rhs(
     170             : ///     const gsl::not_null<LhsTensor*> lhs_tensor) const;
     171             : /// \endcode
     172             : /// Asserts that any instance of the LHS `Tensor` in the RHS `TensorExpression`
     173             : /// uses the same generic index order that the LHS uses. We define this because
     174             : /// if a tree is not split up, it's safe to use the LHS `Tensor` on the RHS if
     175             : /// the generic index order is the same. In these cases, `tenex::update` should
     176             : /// be used instead of `tenex::evaluate`. See the documentation for
     177             : /// `tenex::update` for more details and `tenex::detail::evaluate_impl` for why
     178             : /// this is safe to do.
     179             : /// - function `size_t get_rhs_tensor_component_size() const`: Gets the size of
     180             : /// a component from a `Tensor` in an expression's subtree of the RHS
     181             : /// expression. This is used to size LHS components, if needed. Utilizes
     182             : /// `height_relative_to_closest_tensor_leaf_in_subtree` to recursively find the
     183             : /// nearest `TensorAsExpression` descendant leaf.
     184             : ///
     185             : /// Each derived `TensorExpression` class must also define the following
     186             : /// members, which have real meaning for the expression *only* if it ends up
     187             : /// belonging to the primary path of the tree that is traversed:
     188             : /// - variable `static constexpr bool is_primary_start`: If on the primary path,
     189             : /// whether or not the expression is a starting point of a leg. This is true
     190             : /// when there are enough operations to warrant splitting (see
     191             : /// `tenex::max_num_ops_in_sub_expression`).
     192             : /// - variable `static constexpr bool is_primary_end`: If on the primary path,
     193             : /// whether or not the expression is an ending point of a leg. This is true when
     194             : /// the expression's child along the primary path is a starting point of a leg.
     195             : /// - variable `static constexpr size_t num_ops_to_evaluate_primary_left_child`:
     196             : /// If on the primary path, this is the remaining number of arithmetic tensor
     197             : /// operations that need to be done in the subtree of the child along the
     198             : /// primary path, given that we will have already computed the whole subtree at
     199             : /// the next lowest leg's starting point.
     200             : /// - variable
     201             : /// `static constexpr size_t num_ops_to_evaluate_primary_right_child`:
     202             : /// If on the primary path, this is the remaining number of arithmetic tensor
     203             : /// operations that need to be done in the right operand's subtree. Because
     204             : /// the branches off of the primary path currently are not split up in any way,
     205             : /// this currently should simply be equal to `num_ops_right_child`. If logic is
     206             : /// added to split up these branches, logic will need to be added to compute
     207             : /// this remaining number of operations in the right subtree.
     208             : /// - variable `static constexpr size_t num_ops_to_evaluate_primary_subtree`:
     209             : /// If on the primary path, this is the remaining number of arithmetic tensor
     210             : /// operations that need to be done for this expression's subtree, given that we
     211             : /// will have already computed the subtree at the next lowest leg's starting
     212             : /// point. For example, for `tenex::AddSub`, this is just
     213             : /// `num_ops_to_evaluate_primary_left_child +
     214             : /// num_ops_to_evaluate_primary_right_child + 1` (the extra 1 for the `+` or `-`
     215             : /// operation itself).
     216             : /// - variable
     217             : /// `static constexpr bool primary_child_subtree_contains_primary_start`:
     218             : /// If on the primary path, whether or not the expression's child along the
     219             : /// primary path is a subtree that contains a starting point of a leg along the
     220             : /// primary path. In other words, whether or not there is a split on the primary
     221             : /// path lower than this expression. When evaluating a split tree, this is
     222             : /// useful because it tells us we need to keep recursing down to a lower leg and
     223             : /// evaluate that lower subtree first before evaluating the current subtree.
     224             : /// - variable `static constexpr bool primary_subtree_contains_primary_start`:
     225             : /// If on the primary path, whether or not this subtree contains a starting
     226             : /// point of a leg along the primary path. In other words, whether or not there
     227             : /// is a split on the primary path at this expression or beneath it.
     228             : /// - function template
     229             : /// \code
     230             : /// template <typename ResultType>
     231             : /// decltype(auto) get_primary(
     232             : ///     ResultType& result_component,
     233             : ///     const std::array<size_t, num_tensor_indices>& result_multi_index) const
     234             : /// \endcode
     235             : /// This is similar to the required `get` function described above, but this
     236             : /// should be used when the tree is split up. The main difference with this
     237             : /// function is that it takes the current result component (that we're
     238             : /// computing) as an argument, and when we hit the starting point of the next
     239             : /// lowest leg on the primary path when recursively evaluating the current leg,
     240             : /// we substitute in the current LHS result for the subtree that we have already
     241             : /// computed. This function should call `get_primary` on the child on the
     242             : /// primary path and `get` on the other child, if one exists.
     243             : /// - function template
     244             : /// \code
     245             : /// template <typename ResultType>
     246             : /// void evaluate_primary_subtree(
     247             : ///     ResultType& result_component,
     248             : ///     const std::array<size_t, num_tensor_indices>& result_multi_index) const
     249             : /// \endcode
     250             : /// This should first recursively evaluate the legs beneath it on the primary
     251             : /// path, then if the expression itself is the start of a leg, it should
     252             : /// evaluate this leg by calling the expression's own `get_primary` to compute
     253             : /// it and update the result component being accumulated. `tenex::evaluate`
     254             : /// should call this function on the root node for the whole tree if there is
     255             : /// determined to be any splits in the tree.
     256             : ///
     257             : /// ## Data type support
     258             : /// Which types can be used, which operations with which types can be performed,
     259             : /// and other type-specific support and configuration can be found in
     260             : /// `DataStructures/Tensor/Expressions/DataTypeSupport.hpp`. To add support for
     261             : /// equation terms with a certain type or to modify the configuration for a
     262             : /// type that is already supported, see the contents of that file and modify
     263             : /// settings as necessary.
     264             : ///
     265             : /// ## Current advice for improving and extending `TensorExpression`s
     266             : /// - Derived `TensorExpression` classes (or the overloads that produce them)
     267             : /// should include `static_assert`s for ensuring mathematical correctness
     268             : /// wherever reasonable
     269             : /// - Minimize breadth in the tree where possible because benchmarking inner
     270             : /// products has shown that increased tree breadth can cause slower runtimes.
     271             : /// In addition, more breadth means a decreased ability to split up the tree
     272             : /// along the primary path.
     273             : /// - Minimize the number of multi-index transformations that need to be done
     274             : /// when evaluating the tree. For some operations like addition, the associated
     275             : /// multi-indices of the two operands needs to be computed from the multi-index
     276             : /// of the result, which may involve reordering and/or shifting the values of
     277             : /// the result index. It's good to minimize the number of these kinds of
     278             : /// transformations from result to operand multi-index where we can.
     279             : /// - Unless the implementation of Tensor_detail::Structure changes, it's not
     280             : /// advised for the derived `TensorExpression` classes to have anything that
     281             : /// would instantiate the Tensor_detail::Structure of the tensor that would
     282             : /// result from the expression. This is really only a problem when the result of
     283             : /// the expression would be a tensor with many components, because the compile
     284             : /// time of the mapping between storage indices and multi-indices within
     285             : /// Tensor_detail::Structure scales very poorly with the number of components.
     286             : /// It's important to keep in mind that while SpECTRE currently only supports
     287             : /// creating `Tensor`s up to rank 4, there is nothing preventing the represented
     288             : /// result tensor of a expression being higher rank, e.g.
     289             : /// `R(ti_j, ti_b, ti_A) * (S(ti_d, ti_a, ti_B, ti_C) * T(ti_J, ti_k, ti_l))`
     290             : /// contains an intermediate outer product expression
     291             : /// `S(ti_d, ti_a, ti_B, ti_C) * T(ti_J, ti_k, ti_l)` that represents a rank 7
     292             : /// tensor, even though a rank 7 `Tensor` is never instantiated. Having the
     293             : /// outer product expression instantiate the Tensor_detail::Structure of this
     294             : /// intermediate result currently leads to an unreasonable compile time.
     295             : ///
     296             : /// \tparam Derived the derived class needed for
     297             : /// [CRTP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiously_recurring_template_pattern)
     298             : /// \tparam DataType the type of the data being stored in the `Tensor`s
     299             : /// \tparam Symm the ::Symmetry of the Derived class
     300             : /// \tparam IndexList the list of \ref SpacetimeIndex "TensorIndexType"s
     301             : /// \tparam Args typelist of the tensor indices, e.g. types of `ti::a` and
     302             : /// `ti::b` in `F(ti::a, ti::b)`
     303             : /// \cond HIDDEN_SYMBOLS
     304             : template <typename Derived, typename DataType, typename Symm,
     305             :           typename IndexList, typename Args = tmpl::list<>,
     306             :           typename ReducedArgs = tmpl::list<>>
     307             : struct TensorExpression;
     308             : /// \endcond
     309             : 
     310             : template <typename Derived, typename DataType, typename Symm,
     311             :           typename... Indices, template <typename...> class ArgsList,
     312             :           typename... Args>
     313           1 : struct TensorExpression<Derived, DataType, Symm, tmpl::list<Indices...>,
     314             :                         ArgsList<Args...>> : public Expression {
     315             :   static_assert(sizeof...(Args) == 0 or sizeof...(Args) == sizeof...(Indices),
     316             :                 "the number of Tensor indices must match the number of "
     317             :                 "components specified in an expression.");
     318             :   /// The type of the data being stored in the `Tensor`s
     319           1 :   using type = DataType;
     320             :   /// The ::Symmetry of the `Derived` class
     321           1 :   using symmetry = Symm;
     322             :   /// The list of \ref SpacetimeIndex "TensorIndexType"s
     323           1 :   using index_list = tmpl::list<Indices...>;
     324             :   /// Typelist of the tensor indices, e.g. types of `ti_a` and `ti_b`
     325             :   /// in `F(ti_a, ti_b)`
     326           1 :   using args_list = ArgsList<Args...>;
     327             :   /// The number of tensor indices of the `Derived` class
     328           1 :   static constexpr auto num_tensor_indices = tmpl::size<index_list>::value;
     329             : 
     330           0 :   virtual ~TensorExpression() = 0;
     331             : 
     332             :   /// @{
     333             :   /// Derived is casted down to the derived class. This is enabled by the
     334             :   /// [CRTP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiously_recurring_template_pattern)
     335             :   ///
     336             :   /// \returns const TensorExpression<Derived, DataType, Symm, IndexList,
     337             :   /// ArgsList<Args...>>&
     338           1 :   SPECTRE_ALWAYS_INLINE const auto& operator~() const {
     339             :     return static_cast<const Derived&>(*this);
     340             :   }
     341             :   /// @}
     342             : };
     343             : 
     344             : template <typename Derived, typename DataType, typename Symm,
     345             :           typename... Indices, template <typename...> class ArgsList,
     346             :           typename... Args>
     347             : TensorExpression<Derived, DataType, Symm, tmpl::list<Indices...>,
     348             :                  ArgsList<Args...>>::~TensorExpression() = default;
     349             : /// @}

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